Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bryan Klochack Out??

We are hearing that Bryan Klochack will be out as MHS Principal at the end of this school year. Word on the street - - - He is resigning - Told his staff Monday (3/22) & School Board approved on Monday (3/22)


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Supt. Davis contract extended said...

From the BC Enquirer:


It says his pay will not go up next year but it is well known the Superintendent position received hefty pay increases in recent years, over 20%!

Anonymous said...

The MHS staff are pleased to see Mr. Klochack departing!

Track fixed? said...

From the BC Enquirer 3-23.2010:


The track should get fixed- finally!

Anonymous said...

Good move Dr. Davis if it is true Klochack is being replaced at MHS.

Anonymous said...

Really? That's great news! Will Ms. Nessel get promoted?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that Ms. Nessel is the correct choice for Principal. Not sure she is ready for head principal position.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope not. She's turned out to be just as bad as Mr. Klochak.

Check out Marshall SmartClick said...

Check out Marshall news and information at:


Bookmark it today!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools do have many problems that need to be addressed. Some are at the leadership level and some are at the teacher level. I think the "staff vs board" wars of the last few years have left many student needs unmet.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the focus has been too much on egos and personal agendas. Let's get back to focusing on what is truly best for the kids, the schools and the community!

Anonymous said...

Its great to see Coach Hendershot getting the football head coach position. If there are good candidates on staff who are interested, it would be nice to promote from within for the two Principal openings and tech director job.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any great sympathy for Bryan Klochack but he came in, did the board's dirty work, and now they pulled the rug out from under him! Do they think we will blame him for many of the controversies (like Ms. Petruch's persecution) when he was just carrying out orders? We know who the real culprits are, and most of them are still on the school board!

Anonymous said...

They did the same to Metcalf and Jones too! Not that they did not deserve it! Klochack could have been his own man and served the best interests of MHS. Nessel would not be a good replacement. They need a good experienced leader who gets along well with the staff and the community. Someone with some roots in the area would be good.

Anonymous said...

We also need to check the backround a little better of candidates personal lives and also their dirty little secrets before we hire them this time. We have been stung by these classless, immoral people before. Marshall is not what it used to be.

Anonymous said...

New thread, same old BS.


What happened? said...

What is not true about what was said above? Didn't Beardslee, Darling, Potter, Webb and Stulberg force out Ron Behrenwald (for not following bad directives) and replace him with Bryan Klochack? After that did not they, Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf order Bryan Klochack to persecute MHS staff they did not like including Kathy Petrich? After the you know what hit the fan, did they not pressure out Brian Metcalf and perhaps Amy Jones? Are they now not forcing out Bryan Klochack?

What's not true? Be specific? This is all well known to MHS staff!

Anonymous said...

New thread, same old negative BS from the school board supporters.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that it (3 above) is from one of the school board members themselves, or perhaps a former board member like Paul Beardslee.

Anonymous said...

You will never hear the school board majority/ruling clique defend themselves based on facts because they cannot!

Also Marshall is too small and too many people know people who are on the inside to keep things covered up very long. Their extreme and foolish tactics backfired and the truth gets out no matter what they say!

Anonymous said...

Their new PR is that everything else in in the past, we have a new superintendent, that they promoted two of their most vocal critics (Tom Duffey and Saunda Hainline) to administrative jobs, and that it is time to "move on."

Replacing Klochack is a good move and not everything they have done has been bad. But I agree they have not come clean on many of the worst things that were done. It seems like justice has eluded us, especially as Joyce Phillips enjoys her second Michigan retirement at our expense thanks to her board supporters! If they had done their jobs correctly Phillips would never have gotten the 3 year contract extensions that guaranteed her 2nd retirement from Marshall taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

Always PR and spin. How about honesty and good leadership for a change!

Anonymous said...

I know the staff didn't like him, but what caused Mr. Klochack to lose favor with the school board?

Anonymous said...

My guess is they are scapegoating him for carrying out their orders.

Anonymous said...

I think they wanted to remove a major obstacle before the bond vote. People saw Klochack as part of the Joyce Phillips legacy. The board is trying, at least publicly to distance themselves from, well, themselves and the Joyce Phillips regime. It won't work, the damage is done and the bond is in big trouble because of it.

Anonymous said...

So even when the board does something everyone seems to want done, they get criticized!

Anonymous said...

Did you expect anything else from these 'tweedle dumbs'?

Justice requires an investigation said...

I say lets launch an investigation and give Bryan Klochack immunity. I bet he could share enough about the illegal behind the scenes actions of the Kathy Petrich case, not to mention other scandals, to hopefully bring down JKP and her 2nd retirement and at least a few others.

Is it legal to go after a union rep over a staff survey? Were the actions of Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf, Amy Jones, Bryan Klochack and at least some school board members legal?

We need an investigation! We need justice!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the recent past is coming back to haunt the Marshall school board. This will not help passing the bond. But they were warned about their actions by many staff members and they chose not to listen.

Anonymous said...

I know all of the Marshall school board members and they are mostly nice people who have worked very hard for our schools! But they have made some big mistakes and I think they were lead astray by Joyce Phillips and others with personal agendas. They should have treated Ron Behrenwald good and listened to him. His departure was a big loss to MHS. They should have phased in the privatization of the custodians, I think that controversy cost us the last bond. And they should have never kept Joyce Phillips around for five years! What were they thinking?

Anonymous said...

I am still worried about the budget cuts this year. I keep hearing that the arts will be hit hard. We could lose the orchestra and other great programs and staff.

Anonymous said...

Let them cut the teacher pay 5-10% to offset cuts in state aid. It is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

The school board is considering all options.

Anonymous said...

As i understand things the teachers And students ran the high school, no wonder they didnt want a new principle. Bryan was not perfect but any body who followed Ron and tried to take control would have had problems with all the babies.

Anonymous said...

The school board members get upset if information they consider unfair or exagerated gets out about them. But I know form talking with some of them that they based THEIR opinions and decisions about people like Ron Behrenwald on very limited information (perhaps an angry parent) that most likely was inaccurate or grossly exaggerated. Was it bad at MHS under Ron Behrenwald? No! Ask around. Now are they firing Bryan Klochack based on accurate information or did he do something right, such as fairly enforce school rules for all kids, and get in trouble with the school board like Ron did?

The board is the main problem said...

To two above, did you actually work at MHS? How do you know what went on there? When I visited I often for my kids event, conferences, etc I did not see anything out of the ordinary. If anything it was better run than when I went there in the 1970s. Ron Behrenwald I am sure was not perfect but he was a class act that I always found to be very caring of the school, the kids and the community. I also saw Ron at school many evenings and weekends too. He was a very dedicated professional that I believe was forced out because of his integrity. When the bad Phillips directives started (yes, I know about them too!) the board should have investigated and removed Phillips. When a superintendent asks a building Principal to unfairly target teachers for political reasons they have crossed a line and should be fired! Instead the school board backed Phillips and forced Ron out. Paul Beardslee set him up when he told Ron to address the board at a board meeting and then stabbed him in the back, along with the rest of the board. And they wonder why we are so angry and distrustful of them. Why would any good Principal want to work in Marshall under these people?

Anonymous said...

The board seems schizophrenic! They do bad and then try to do good and act like they have no idea why they are accused of doing bad?

At least they split the bond into two bonds. The auditorium bond has zero chance of passing. The other bond will be a tough sell. Dumping Klochack will help. Randy Davis has been ok this first year, not great but better than Joyce. The school budget cuts will be painful, even if it is only a few hundred thousand.

Anonymous said...

The board has been largely out of touch. Until they rebuild ties with parents, staff and the community, they will lack accurate information about what is really going on. If most people do not trust them, they will just hear from a tiny few. And this tiny few have their own agenda that may be against the best interests of the Marshall PUblic Schools.

Anonymous said...

If the board is so out of touch then why no compitition for board seats. You can take 2 seats at a time. 2 years you have a majority, opps probably cant get elected because you have no facts. Why dont the 10 of you get your head out of the sand and be objective and see what is really going on or put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

We can all have, and speak opinions without having to validate them through board participation.

The put up or shut up criticism is being used because the writer has no real counter to the opinions expressed here.

It's the rhetorical equivalent to "yo mama."

Anonymous said...

In response, I agree that apathy has been a huge part of the problem in both school and city politics. There are some small organized political groups who dominate Marshall politics, right or wrong! But that does not excuse the board for some of their very bad decisions over the years that have hurt the Marshall schools. And it was not good long before the current board or even Joyce Phillips came on the scene. We have had some good board members but we have had way to many fools who were looking out for the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

Too little, too late- to pass the bond! said...

Only one month before the bond vote. I am surprised the board has not done much to try to rebuild trust and broken relationships across the board. I sense they really do not care if it passes or not! Now talk about more privatization (secretaries and bus drivers) and big cuts are not helping things. Replacing Klochack is too little too late! They should have kept Ron Behrenwald and dumped Joyce Phillips 3-4 years ago!

Anonymous said...

Everyone against the bond should walk through MHS and then go walk through Harper Creek and Lakeview. It's embarrassing how bad things have gotten, its a dump by comparison. Maybe they can put it on the home tour to see what high schools were like in the last century.

Get ready for higher school taxes - due to low voter turn out said...

Prediction: Due to the Board - staying extremely quiet on the upcoming bond issue = very low voter turn out = passage.

You had better get moving and educate friends on how this will affect their personal home incomes. Can't really care how the schools are looking when I can't afford to keep my own home looking how I want.

Finances are tight. No talk about the May vote will bring a very low turnout - and in the voter turnout will be All the bond supporters. That is how this Board will pass this bond....last time - all the brochures, all the meetings, all the PR articles - backfired. This time - NO TALK NO REMINDER TO VOTE WILL EQUAL PASSAGE AND HIGHER TAXES FOR ALL.

Anonymous said...

Suck it up! Remember, its "FOR THE KIDS".

Anonymous said...

The high school, track, and pool wouldn't have fallen into such disrepair if they had been properly maintained. Now, I am supposed to vote for an increase in my tax dollars to give more money to the people who haven't been maintaining it?

Why the bond is needed? said...

You people need to understand that more important things than pool, track or science lab maintenance needed to be addressed over the years!

First there was a need for consultants, many many of them! They charge a lot, often $100/hr or more. Of course you get better advice when you hire a consultant rather than ask your own staff or experts in your community. What do you think, that the Superintendent, the last two DOCTORS, are supposed to know how to do their job? Or the business manager? Or the school board?

Then there is legal fees. Lawyers charge a lot! We are fortunate to have fine lawyers to battle our whiny and greedy teachers and protect our leaders when they get themselves into a pickle!. Well these fine lawyers charge what? $200, $300, $400 an hour or more? And that starts when they leave their office to drive to Marshall from Lansing, and the drive home too! Imagine those bills for the last ten years!

Then there are raises. Check the history of raises and payouts to our fine leaders! Lou G. and Brad H. took $30,000 each when they retired. Bob Currie topped them with over $70,000. Joyce Phillips and associates only got about 10-20% raises while they were in charge, except the Tech Director got 40%. Was this all justified? Ask our school board and you be the judge.

Also equipment was purchased so the new temp-custodians could have good equipment to make their jobs far easier. The list goes on and on. This adds up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe million$!

Now do you see why we need a bond to fix all that lesser important stuff like pools, tracks, technology, band rooms, parking lots and science labs?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Sad but true!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget we are all paying for Joyce Phillips' 2nd Michigan retirement.

Thanks Dan, Paul, Janice, Vick and Ali for working so hard for- Joyce!

Anonymous said...

It is very bad timing to try to pass a school bond now. There is still lingering anger and mistrust, the economy is still bad and student enrollment is declining. It will take a miracle to pass it this time around. Then what?

Anonymous said...

Wondering why my comment about Holbrook and Turner needing to go was deleted???

Anonymous said...

That's my point about maintaining what we have. If they hadn't wasted and misused funds, we wouldn't need to be passing a bond. I vote NO.

Anonymous said...

To two above, I doubt it was deleted unless you are sure it was posted. I noticed recently that when I click to post it sometimes does not post and I have to scroll down and click to post it again. So re-post your comments. As far as I know none have ever been deleted on this web site.

Anonymous said...

What is being done about losing students to the academy?

Anonymous said...

That was Lou G's fault! He ignored the elementary parents who wanted improvements and when they gave up on him and his school board that helped build support for a charter school. Yes, the drama and mistakes have gone back many many years!

VOTE NO ON BOND ISSUE!!!!! pass the word --- said...

To several posts above: "suck it up it's for the kids". Thanks again to Board members who read and post here.

We, the taxpayers, who voted in board members, who in return have ignored our voices, HAVE BEEN SUCKING IT UP FOR 6 YEARS NOW. And it continues to appear - we are the only ones sucking it up as we are not privy to votes for raises = etc.

So, when will be stop being the only ones having to suck it up. Didn't 24 custodians and their families already 'suck it up' for everyone???!!! What are your projected cuts and why are we not hearing about it? Is it possible we are waiting for the bond vote to announce the cuts.

To Mr. Klochak. Sir - you were used by Joyce and this Board. I personally know, Kathy Petrich made ammends with you. She did not hold you accountable for what Joyce and the Board directed you to do. Kathy told me this personally. She gave you her forgiveness. I hope you find a district that will treat you respectfully. MPS Supt and Board have not. Good luck to you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Most of the kids we are losing to the academy are middle and high school level. At least 7 middle school students went to the academy at semester break....Maybe it is cause the middle school is so messed up.

Anonymous said...

When will they start "fixing" the middle school? It is "broken" again!

Anonymous said...

Asking around town I can hardly find any bond supporters. I think it may go down by even a larger margin this time. The auditorium for sure is a goner. Where is the "anonymous donor" when you need him to offer a $1.5 mil studio again? I guess he even gave up on the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

If they truly reach out and somehow rebuild support I think the main bond could have a chance to pass. We all know how bad the updates are needed! The auditorium will be a longshot. There is a perception that a lot of money in the past has been wasted. I can't disagree.

Anonymous said...

I think Supt. Davis is doing an excellent job in reaching out to the community concerning this bond. He is willing to answer questions or at least find the answers if he does not know them. All three proposals - - - the renewal, the "main" bond and the auditorium proposal is much needed. The Marshall community has supported many bonds and projects when the need is there - - - - even during economic down turns. I'm supporting all three proposals.

Anonymous said...

The bond vote is "make or break" for the Marshall schools. I agree they all need to pass for Marshall to even partly catch up with other area schools. If they fail it will be a huge blow to the schools and the community.

Anonymous said...

The board bamboozled itself by splitting the auditorium off. If you read the bond site FAQs you'll see that if both bond proposals don't pass we can't use the state's revolving fund to smooth out the millage rate.

So, if both proposals pass the rate is 2.6 mills.

If the auditorium fails and the main bond passes the millage rate will actually be higher than if both pass.

There's been no publicity about that.

But, if the revolving fund is used, the term of the bond will exceed 30 years. State law allows it to exceed the bond term by 72 months.

So, if we use the revolving fund we end up paying for longer than 30 years.

It may be good to use the fund because it lowers the millage now. but, it increases the term as a result.

No one's explained that either.

Anonymous said...

Good comments! I think the forum is a good place to share ideas, raise questions, share opinions and if you think something is not accurate, the be specific with your videos and points of clarification!

If the board or Supt. Davis thinks the above is not correct, then let them explain their views here! We are reading and listening! I know of no other Marshall schools interactive forum like this!

Anonymous said...

TYPO- "the be specific with your videos and points of clarification!"

should be "then be specific with your ideas and points of clarification."

Anonymous said...

BTW - I pointed out the issues with the revolving fund....but the entire bond needs to pass.

I just think this is another example of inept management.

Different board, and super, but same .....we'll you know.

Anonymous said...

If the only people who step up to the plate are out of touch, ill informed or have their own negative agenda then we have no choice. We need more people to get involved or try to educate those in power to see if perhaps they can do the right thing. I know all attempts failed miserably under Joyce Phillips. Back then board was in the midst of battles with the teachers and most everyone else. I hope things have changed.

Anonymous said...

I sense the school board has given up. Notice there is not even as big of a push as before. Its like they are going through some motions but doubt themselves the bond can pass. That is not helpful!

Anonymous said...

I think the committee is working very hard on passing the bond. The information is available - - - we all need to take the time to get it. As a parent, I am impressed with the number of teachers supporting the proposals. We, the parents, need to step up for the kids as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above, and I totally detest JKP and some of the board members who allowed her the free leash to cut other's throats. At this point however, I think that Dr. Davis has done a superb job of getting out and mingling with the people(not just the select group) and staff to answer ANY questions. I still have children in the district and am certainly going to support all of the bond.

We all benefit from better schools said...

If this bond goes down it may be years before we get another chance. For those who can afford it, I hope they vote for it no matter what they think of the school board. If it goes down the school board doesn't lose, the kids and the community loses. Marshall cannot afford to fall further behind. We have suffered many problems and setbacks. I think we need to pass this bond for many many reasons!

Anonymous said...

At this point, I don't think that we cannot afford to not pass this bond. I'm pinching the copper right out of my pennies, but I can squeeze a little more if it means that our kids are provided the best opportunity possible. I will be voting yes.

Free spaghetti dinner/bond information said...

FREE Spaghetti Dinner for everyone in the MPS District
Thursday, April 22, 2010 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the high school cafeteria.

Please come to learn about the upcoming School Bond Proposal, and get your questions answered. RSVP by 4/18/10 with George Seifert at 781-4006.

Sponsored by the MPS Facilities Bond Committee.

Anonymous said...

I hope they do not show broken toilets and other examples of bad management this time around. Last year that backfired and showed poor maintenance rather than real need!

Anonymous said...

I remember that! It was like "we can spend thousands on administrative raises but we can't fix a broken toilette." The community knows the difference between real needs and phony baloney!

Anonymous said...

If you have questions about what is going on, go to the spaghetti dinner, I know that I'm going to be heading up there. Voice your concerns and get your answers. I'm not going to punish the kids because of our last Supt. and poor excuse for a board.

Anonymous said...

Since we cannot undo the past, its time to look to the future. We will not punish them by not passing the bond. They may not care if it passes anyway!

We all lost said...

There were no winners, except maybe Joyce Phillips, during the battles of the last 5-6 years.

Look at those in power and think about all they have lost from this mess (reputations, finances)! Also several of them have experienced personal tragedies which some attribute to karma or "what goes around comes around."

Either way we all need to treat each other better. Marshall needs to break down its harmful cliques and divisions! Even Joyce Phillips has lost, even if she got a lot of money out of this. Imagine retiring knowing you did a terrible job and the places you worked were all celebrating when you left? Imagine trying to sleep at night knowing all of the people and families you have hurt severally, including at least one who passed away in part due to your unjust persecution? She has to take responsibility and live with all of this everyday!

Her supporters do too!

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that someday I'll have the chance to help one of the perpetrators.....and I won't.

Anonymous said...

To the above - - - -really?
I'm voting yes on the bond!

Anonymous said...

I'm on the fence on the bond. I know I should support it but we still have too many bad apples on the board. They make it very hard to vote yes!

Anonymous said...

I can't agree with you more about having too many bad apples on our board, but I'm not going to punish my own 2 children nor any others because of the board. My youngest will graduate in 2017 and I can't justify punishing her because of a few idiots. I have to vote yes, but that's just me.

BC Enquirer bond article 4-22-10 said...


No anonymous donor $1.5 million recording studio this time around? J. Phillips and her board buddies cost us the last $35 mil bond. It looks like they cost us the $1.5 million recording studio too!

Anonymous said...

The MPS is not what it used to be. Though a few areas have improved overall there has been a gradual decline in overall quality of programs and in many cases staff.

Passing the bond will not solve all of these problems but it would help turn things around. Morale is still not what it should be.

Community support and trust is nowhere near what it should be. Many mistakes, lies and dumb decisions got us into this mess. Now it is time to start turning things around.

Reluctantly I am voting for the bond betting that hopefully better leaders will someday emerge and hopefully get the Marshall schools back in a much better direction!

Anonymous said...

i dont think klochack did a good job as the high school principal but why is he leaving, does anyone know the truth? i have children in the high school and just wondering if it is due to the fact he finally started stepping up and suspending kids who have been caught smoking, have been caught with drugs, blah blah blah which is something you just dont do in marshall the kids do no wrong they are perfect angels and if they do wrong then we as parents who can afford to do so will just support bond passing, hand out alittle extra cash laying around rotting, whatever it is the rich who can afford that does. the damage to the riverwalk, skate park, ketchum park is all being done by yes children of marshall talk thru school points that out but yet if your rich or have a family name nothing will be done so why push to have the problems solved.

Anonymous said...

All in one sentence- amazing!

Klochack was a pawn and sometimes pawns are sacrificed as part of the game.

Anonymous said...

My unscientific survey says the bond will go down in flames. There is too much lingering mistrust and anger from the last few years and now the economy is much worse. They really blew it last time and the effects will hurt this one too.

Anonymous said...

I'm supporting the bond and am relatively optimistic about it passing.

Anonymous said...

We need to vote for the bond! Do we want to sink further behind like Albion and Athens? Or move forward like Lakeview, Harper Creek and Pennfield?

Show your Redhawk/Marshall pride!

Beardslee against the bond? said...

Is Paul Beardslee against the school bond and is he trying to sink it?

By putting a letter to the editor in support of the bond in the Chronicle he is in fact helping turn people against it.

We have not forgotten that he was a key supporter of Joyce Phillips and all of the terrible things that were done under his board leadership. He helped give her undeserved raises, protect her during her many scandals, and make sure she got an undeserved 3 year contract extension! We have not forgotten!

Paul also played a key role in setting up Ron Behrenwald and stabbing him in the back, which lead to forcing out a very good MHS Principal who had refused to carry out immoral, stupid and maybe illegal directives by Joyce Phillips. Paul played a major role in firing the Marshall custodians which also was timed to sink the last bond. The list goes on and on, and most of these things have been covered on this blog before.

Paul Beardslee's pubic support for the bonds will damage efforts to pass it. He, Janice Darling, Vic Potter, Dan Stulberg and Ali Webb should all stay quiet if they want them to pass. They cost us the last MPS bond already! I hope they do not help sink this bond too!

Enough damage has been done by this group! The MPS are still suffering form their bad leadership and foolish decisions of the past!

Anonymous said...

I agree and I feel the same way, but I am supporting the bond anyway! We need to move forward and start fixing things after all of the mistakes of the past. Declining schools are bad for all of us!


Please vote for the schools, the kids and the community!!!

Anonymous said...

Ask Ron Behrenwald if anyone should trust Paul Beardslee? Ask Kathy Petrich? Ask Rich Hulkow? Ask the teachers? They were all betrayed one way or another.

I thought he was a good guy before he went on the school board. I knew he was against the "Redskin" name but when he ran he claimed publicly to be neutral, which was not true. I guess I should have seen the writing on the wall back then about his honesty and integrity. No wonder he got along so well with JKP, they were a lot alike in these ways!

Anonymous said...

Paul should have been smart enough to know that writing that letter would do more harm than good! But I still think we should pass at least the first two bonds and if you can afford it lets support the third one (auditorium) too! The MMS auditorium is getting too old and outdated for many modern events. It will be good for the entire community.

Anonymous said...

My family and I are voting yes on all three. It will be at least be a step in the right direction to move MPS into the 21st century!

Win-Win to pass the bond said...

This opportunity will likely not take place again for at least 2-3 years if these bonds do not pass now. Can we afford to wait another 2-3 years? It may take a year of design work before the actual construction begins and two years until completion. Now imagine we had to wait another 2-3 years and then two more years for completion. That could be five years and at much higher costs! I was also very angry at Joyce Phillips and the school board. Voting against this bond because of those idiots will only allow them to do more damage to our schools. In my view a vote for the bond is a vote for Marshall, the Marshall schools and the kids! The reputation of the entire community is at stake, which will affect house values too! Trying to save money by voting against the bond may cost more in the long run with lower property values. In my view it is win-win to pass the bond!

Anonymous said...

The first proposal is not a bond. It is the annual renewal of the non-homestead millage.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of the above. Proposal #1 HAS to pass because it our operational funds. Without it, we can't turn the lights on. As far as the other 2, this house is going to vote for both 2 and 3. We couldn't stand JKP nor her stooges on the board, but she is gone and we can't afford to punish our children because of them. We're voting for #3 because we are getting an auditorium for much less than if we'd tried to get one at a later date. The current auditoriums that we have are not sufficient for what we need not only for school purposes, but also as a community. Vote yes on all 3 please?

Anonymous said...

People who post on here,no matter what their views, mostly care about the Marshall schools. What about the majority that do not have kids and may just care about lowering taxes? I think it will be a close call. So go vote!

Anonymous said...

I will vote yes, but:

1. The proposal looks backward not forward. We're spending on the past configuration, not the future. Since we are spending money on both Gordon and Hughes, I assume both will be kept open. Somehow that seems unlikely.

2. We've heard nothing about operating cuts to balance the budget. That's disengenuous. If we voters can't be told the truth prior to May 4 what is our incentive to believe anything else?

3. I'm confused about the millage rates. The bond web site said 2.5 and .10 for #2 and #3. Then the Enquirer story last week said 2.0 and .60. Now, without explanation, the bond site says the same thing.

4. How will the revolving fund actually affect bond rates and bond term. I think it could extend the millage levey beyond 30 years, but no one seems to be able to tell me.

5. By breaking #3 off we could miss the use of the revolving fund if it doesn't pass. Also, it's unlikely, but 3 could pass and 2 could fail. What then?

The commmunity needs this, but it has been bungled.

Anonymous said...

why don't you pass these questions on to Dr. Davis - - - I'll bet others have these same concerns

Anonymous said...

I agree, if the answers are not clear for you, stop down to his office or give him a call. I'm sure that you'll be much more well received than JKP would have treated you.

Changing custodial services said...

Right or wrong the MPS is changing custodial services:


Anonymous said...

Good move, I never trusted that GR company!

I am also sensing some people I know coming around on the bonds. They are seeing some nice improvements and changes so I think they all have a chance of passing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with those who think there is more sympathy to vote for the bonds this time around after the terrible Joyce Phillips regime years. But now the economy is very bad so that will hurt too. Is Marshall cursed or what?

Anonymous said...

I am sensing better economic news and a more positive attitudes across the board in Marshall. If you asked me a few months ago if a school bond proposal could pass I would have said never. Now I think it has a good chance as long as things continue to improve. Yes, some painful cuts may happen this year, not much can be done about that right now! But I feel there is better leadership in place, some positive changes taking place, and people are tired of the fights and problems of the past.

Anonymous said...

Just keep Paul Beardslee's letters out of the paper. I would hide Potter, Darling, Webb and Stulberg too! We have not forgotten all that they did bad to our schools and staff! They cost us the last bond and may still cost us this one too!

Joyce Phillips appreciates the boards efforts said...

i bet Joyce Phillips appreciates their efforts on her behalf! They protected her, gave her raises and extended her contract when they should have fired her! Joyce is enjoying a lucrative 2nd Michigan retirement thanks to them. We know what happened to many of their victims.

Anonymous said...

You can be sure that Joyce had dirt on them and they felt they had to prop her up or the whole house of cards may collapse.

Anonymous said...

3 post up. If they are so bad why didnt you run big mouth. I see harper creek is now outsourcing. Must be board was smart after all, maybe saw into future.Joyce and the board and Paul must have been smart enough to build a fund balance, before Joyce arrived we had no fund balance. I wish i was as dumb as that board.

Anonymous said...

Once again - - -I am looking forward to voting yes on all 3 proposals on May 4! There have been some great letters to the editor with very specific reasons to vote yes.

Vote for the MPS on May 4th! said...

I have come around to voting for all three too! I wasn't sure about the auditorium, but now would be the best time to build a new one. The MHS one is too small and the MMS one is getting outdated.

Can someone contact the "anonymous donor" and see if he would offer the $1.5 million recording studio again? I bet it would help pass the bonds!

Anonymous said...

Joyce's fund balance was a charade. She pushed expenses into the future. She cut programs that would now attract students.

She was a manipulator on several levels.

Anonymous said...

Despite joyce, I am voting yes, yes, yes on May 4

Stupid school board decisions? said...

What made Marshall school board support for Joyce Phillips so bad, for FIVE YEARS, is that they were told over and over by the best staff all the many reasons why she needed to go!

Instead of listening to the wisest, most caring and smartest MPS professionals, they went on an ego-driven powertrip and backstabbed those who came forward to warn them. We should be a team and a family! I don't care if Joyce was friends with some rich people, she needed to go! Keeping her around another three years after the staff survey and early scandals was the stupidest thing a school board has ever done in the history of the Marshall schools! Firing the custodians (after 2,000 signatures were turned in opposing this decision) just before the last bond vote was the 2nd stupidest thing ever done. The timing guaranteed the $35 million bond (plus $1.5 mil donated studio offer) would fail! Duh!

Don't forget they almost forced out Rich Hulkow a year ago- strike three- almost!

Any other nominations for stupid MPS school board decisions? Can any top these?

Anonymous said...

Not having strategic plan

Anonymous said...

They do, its just a secret.

Bree S said...

As always - - - it would be great to move forward - - -not forgetting the BAGGAGE - - - just don't let it keep weighing us down.
Despite the baggage, I'm voting yes on all 3 proposals.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for all three too! It will be nice when the rest of the "baggage" is off the school board!

Anonymous said...

why was it so important for the board members and their rich friends to all send letters to advisor for people to support/vote for the bond. they are the ones who caused the last bond to fail and now they are encouraging people to vote for the bond so they can do foolish things again that they have up their sleeves. i wouldnt be afraid to bet that something bad will come out of a passing bond. i do feel marshall needs the bond to pass but to what extent do we trust the board to do what is right and what they say they will use it for.

Anonymous said...


Please vote May 4th for all three proposals!

Do it for the kids, the community and for your own property values.

Don't let some fools still on the school board "'win" by voting against it. I doubt they care if it passes anyway!

Anonymous said...

The election will hinge on who actually turns out to vote. There will be those who vote only to save a little on their taxes, "no" votes of course. There will be those who vote only for the millage renewal and against the two regular bond proposals. Then there are those who vote for the first bond proposal and not the auditorium one. And of course those who vote for all three!

The millage renewal should pass for sure. The first regular bond has about a 50-50 chance. The auditorium is a longer shot BUT if lots of pro-bond people turn out and not many "no" voters, then it certainly can pass. Also maybe some will change their minds when they think not of what the Marshall schools are now or have been, but what they could be in the future!

Vote YES on all three! :-)


Lots of changes in the MPS! said...

For those angry about the past leadership, here is a few changes that have happened since a few years ago...

- Joyce Phillips, Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf are all gone!

- Charlie MacDonald, the controversial tech director, was in a bad car accident and is retiring this year.

- Paul Beardslee is gone from the school board and his reputation has suffered immensely in Marshall.

- Janice Darling closed/lost "Darling and Daughter," possibly in part to lost sales for her controversial support for Joyce Phillips.

- Vic Potter was in a bad accident and has mellowed out in the last year. Some of his friends says he regrets some of his choices and decisions in the past. Dan Stulberg has backed off from his hardline positions in the past, as has Ali Webb. Georgia Marsh has kept a lower profile since Joyce left and she lost her run for the school board. Marsha Haring-Franke is struggling with cancer and is not much involved in school politics anymore.

- Bryan Klochack is not returning next year.

- Two strong critics of Joyce Phillips and the school board from a few years back, Tom Duffy and Saundra Hainline, have both been promoted to administrative positions.

Many changes have taken place and it is time to move forward!


Please vote for all three proposals this Tuesday May 4th!

Vote for positive change! said...

It appears that everyone lost from the battles of the last 5-10 years!

I hope they are finally over! The price has been very high for all, especially the MPS and our kids

Vote May 4th for positive change! Vote for as many of the bonds as you can, hopefully all three!

Anonymous said...

Can Dan, Vic, Paul, Ali, Chris V. and Janice get the money back from Joyce Phillips' second Michigan retirement? Do we want our tax dollars going to JKP for the rest of her life after all of the terrible things she did to the MPS? What were her legal bills alone, a few hundred thousand? I still think an investigation is needed into the JKP, Bob C. and Lou G. years! All three of our last superintendents walked away with large undeserved payouts!

Vote May 4th for the kids! said...

Please vote May 4th for the kids!

Election results said...

Election results here:


Anonymous said...

I voted yes. But, as a protest, voted for neither candidate.

Even unopposed, don't you think a statement of plans or principles would be proper?

The board president, especially. Where will she lead us?

Anonymous said...

Excellent point

Cautiously optimistic said...

From the letters to the editor and the signs around town you would think the school bonds would pass easily.

I used to think the two main school bonds didn't have a chance, but now many people angry with the school board are coming around to vote for them knowing how a loss will hurt all of Marshall.

We either have to unite and compete or stay divided and fall further and further behind! I think the vote will be tight but I also am optimistic the bonds will pass this time around.

Its 6:35 pm May 4th, we will know in a few hours the outcome!

So far passing said...

10 pm update...


Marshall Bonds Pass! :-) said...

Great news- All the bonds passed!


Its amazing what can be accomplished when people work together in Marshall rather than fight!

Hopefully the bad old days are behind us now! I hope the superintendent and the school board recognize that us longtime critics on this blog largely pulled for the bond too! We care about the Marshall schools, the kids and our community!

We had no choice but to go "underground" during the dark years of the Phillips regime when teachers were persecuted and harmed for speaking up about mismanagement, corruption and injustice.

Its nice to know that many of the leaders have listened and made positive changes. We have seen that and you probably have notice a much more positive tone on the blog. Things are not perfect and more changes are needed. Passing these bonds is a big step in the right direction. Now we still need good, honest and cooperative leadership at the top to complement facility improvements too!

Anonymous said...

I agree and we have made progress. There is still much more to do across the board!

Anonymous said...

We still have some major problems on the school board and there is still low staff morale, mistrust and anger over past injustice and mismanagement. There should have been a recall of some of the school board members after they failed to hold former Supt. Joyce Phillips accountable for her dishonesty and scandals.

How much is spent on outside consultants and legal fees each year? Way too much! How much is spent on maintenance and programs for the kids, far too little!

BC Enquirer May 5, 2010 said...


Anonymous said...

I must have been the only one concerned that voters might not know that using the revolving fund will probably extend the debt millage beyond the original term of the bonds.

Meaning, we'll pay beyond 30 years in order to keep the millage low early on.

Was this well understood?

Anonymous said...

WOHOO, ALL THREE PROPOSALS PASSED! I feel so good about our district's future. We can move on. That means we all have to get past prior administrators and deeds of the board's gone past. Time to start fresh. No more blame game. WE ARE MARSHALL. Our district is getting better and we have better opportunities and achieved a victory for our teachers, students and staff last night. Hooray!!!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that Joyce Phillips retirement will now be diverted to help pay for the new auditorium which will be named the "Kathy Petrich Auditorium." Now that would be justice!

Anonymous said...

Joyce has to feel like a super-shmuck today. Randy and his hard work has done in 9 months what she failed to do in twice as much time. Rich and his staff won a state title after she and a few board weenies tried to get rid of him. Marshall is and always has been "The place to be". Congrats to everyone involved!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Present success is the best proof of her failure.

Anonymous said...

"Kathy Petrich Auditorium."

Give me a break. There have been many, many excellent music teachers over the years. An auditorium doesn't need to be named after her because she died. She quit Marshall anyway.

Anonymous said...

What a nice and sensitive comment! Joyce? Paul? Janice? Vic? Ali? Dan? Bryan?

Anonymous said...

Can someone call the "anonymous donor" and see if he will still fund a $1.5 million recording studio at MHS if we passed the school bonds? Remind him that we did and we hope he will still follow through with his offer. That would be icing on the cake! :-)

Anonymous said...

Its probably too late, Joyce Phillips and the school board probably cost us the $1.5 mil studio donation.

Anonymous said...

Oh, do ya'll really believe that there was someone that was going to donate a $1.5 million studio? That was all junk to bribe the community, just more of JKP's lies. I didn't nor will ever believe that this was in the works.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you see the video at the time featuring Tony Bennet? Yes, I am serious, Tony Bennet was pushing the Marshall bond last time around and is supposedly personal friends with the anonymous donor. I would not have believed it unless I saw it myself. He talked about the donated stdio offer.

Anonymous said...

I am sure we lost that opportunity. Add the $1.5 mil to the list of costs and losses caused by the Joyce Phillips regime and her school board buddies.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember the video, I smelled a fish then too. I wouldn't be surprised if he was paid out of one of Joyce's hidden coffers just to say that. There were so many lies during her tenure here that I don't believe much of anything that came from her or her supporters.

Anonymous said...

Now lets see how good they plan and implement the bond renovations. I hope they listen to the right people, THEIR OWN STAFF, who work in these buildings day after day and can offer many great ideas about how best to do things.

Anonymous said...

Will any construction start this summer?

Anonymous said...

It will probably take them 6 months to a year to get their plans together before construction.

BC Enquirer May 11, 2010 said...

Budget cuts:


What should be cut?

Anonymous said...

bonds passed so now its time to screw everyone over. i am sure plans were already on paper with what will happen but board just had to wait it out until the bonds passed.

Anonymous said...

Chop, chop, chop!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

The mentality of those who enjoy making cuts is beyond me!

Anonymous said...

The bonds help with building improvements and some funding but the budget is still very tight. It is true Joyce Phillips inherited a bad budget situation and left it a little better.

But overall Phillips did far more damage than good for the MPS. Also she was the main cause, along with her school board backers, for the failure of the last school bond and the $1.5 mil donated studio!

Anonymous said...

People who enjoy this blog is beyond me. Grow up, get a life.

Anonymous said...

I can bet that there is a ton that is beyond you. I noticed that you had to come on "this blog" to post your comment. Must be that you need to get a life too.

Anonymous said...

After passing the auditorium, they better not cut music!

Bond oversight? said...

I like the idea that someone wrote to the editor of the Chronicle to have an independent oversight panel for bond spending. It would also be good for the school board as it would build trust and create transparency.

There is still a huge amount of mistrust, especially since most of the school board are the same people that were in charge during the Phillips regime. Also they can make sure none of the leaders get "personally involved" with any of the contractors like happened a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

We know these same people helped cover up a lot of bad things when JKP was in charge. I wouldn't trust most of them either.

Anonymous said...

Unless you are willing to "stick your neck out" and run for the school board yourself - - - you will NEVER trust "them". It is so easy to be critical - - -it's a whole other thing to move forward and make a positive impact on our schools.

Where oh Where is that rebuttal article? said...

Still waiting to read that article from dr. Davis = "Where is the Savings?" You know - the rebuttal to the MEA article last summer 2009. Davis, new on staff, promised transparency - in his promised article of rebuttal to the MEA article showing NO SAVINGS IN THE OUTSOURCING OF OUR LOCAL CUSTODIANS! Where and when is that promised article going to be published?

Anonymous said...

I still have concerns about Randy Davis. He left a huge mess at the Athens schools. I talked to several people form Athens and they all said he made things worse. At minimum I hope he learned what NOT to do when leading a school district. It is good for him to follow the worst superintendent in MPS history! Actually he followed three bad superintendents in a row. There hasn't been a good one since before Lou G.

Anonymous said...

Look at those hired at the top positions in the last five or more years and you will notice the quality of recruits has dropped dramatically. I think Marshall's bad reputation for petty politics has hurt the MPS ability to recruit top people. Or if the top people are not very good (Phillips), do they make sure they do not hire very competent people underneath them? Either way the Marshall schools have not been recruiting the caliber of people it should be recruiting.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know for sure what happened with Klochack? Was he forced out or is he just leaving to look for a place closer to home?

Marsha Franke passes away said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It has been quieter here lately. I think it is a good time for all to reflect and try to learn from the mistakes of the past.

Anonymous said...

About Klochak, I have heard Potter was out to get him. Behind the lines he helped force him out, anybody else hear anything.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Potter got him. That's right the local tow guy pulled the trigger on the HS principal and is the puppetmaster of all. LOL. Yeah right. Is it possible Randy knew he wasn't doing a stellar job and there wasn't any big subplot to overthrow a man doing a sh^^ty job? You guys have got to get out of the conspiracy politics.

Anonymous said...

We certainly need a good Principal back at MHS. Has anyone seen if JKP is in town this week paying her respects?

Anonymous said...

hoping the school board tucks their heads and hides for all what they have done to destroy the marshall schools and not putting kids first can see now it dont take a school board to make marshall schools great it takes 2 brave girls to come forward to try to educate other students on bullying and put a stop to it in our schools. bravo to these girls and hope many other students follow their lead and bring the good name back to marshall schools that the school board tried to ruin.

Anonymous said...

Klochack is never in the building anyway. My two came home from the high school today and told me that he wasn't even there for the seniors last day at school. I certainly hope that what they said about what Ms. Nessel had said over the intercom isn't true. If so, I certainly have lost what shred of respect I had for her. Someone needs to be in that high school that has half of a brain.

Anonymous said...

They had such a person in Rich Hulkow and another in Ron Behrenwald and forced one out and pressured the other to move on too!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Dr. Davis is aware of the "gong show" going on up at MHS? It seems that either one of them are gone on any given day. I didn't see Ms. Nessel at Classnight or hardly any other events this year. Coach Hulkow, Daz and Mr. B were at almost all of the events.

Anonymous said...

Is the MMS auditorium getting fixed up too under the current bonds that were passed? It sure needs it!

Anonymous said...

I am quite sure they will do at least some work on it.

Anonymous said...

Who all is retiring this year?

Thank the retirees! said...

These MPS staff are retiring... Carol Simmons, Jerry Triece, Maggie Petroff, Chris McLain, Tom Hanson, Lynn Hulkow, Charlie MacDonald, Barb Bonte, Carol Edwards, Truusje Edwards Jan Elyea and Betty Steele. Did I miss anyone?

I wish them all the best! Thanks for your efforts during your many years with the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

Andrea Nessel is going to be the new principal at Hughes!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Hughes!!!

Anonymous said...

She needs someplace where there are few expectations to be on site after 3:30 pm or on weekends.

Anonymous said...

We need someone locally known and trusted at MHS if possible. Someone with a real love and commitment to Marshall!

Anonymous said...

She needs to find a place where one only has to work 3 days a week with no responsibilities at all.

Anonymous said...

She could have followed Metcalf and if she worked 3 days a week she would have done much better than him! ;)

Anonymous said...

The worst part is that Saundra Hainline followed him, she probably does 10x the work and gets paid less!

Anonymous said...

when i dropped my child off at high school i seen a teacher going into school with a puppy, i said wonder why she has a puppy and was told she brings it to school everyday with her cuz it is a puppy and no one is home with it. since when did the high school becoming allow teachers to bring pets to school to keep them from chewing and potting on floor at their home? maybe they should offer a babysitting clinic as well then parents wouldnt have to pay for day care they could just allow the high school child to tend to the baby during school hours.

Anonymous said...

Huh, please reread your comment, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I doubt that someone brings their puppy to school everyday, but if you have a concern about it, call the administration and find out. What does that have to do with a babysitting clinic?

Anonymous said...

there is a teacher that brings her puppy to school she has every day since she has gotten it because no one is home to take care of it. as far as the babysitting clinic, i was stating how many families with younger children would like to send them to school with an older child to care for during school hours instead of paying daycare. if a teacher can do it with her pet instead of paying someone to tend to it why cant parents with young children

Anonymous said...

Maybe some pets in a school would be good. They have done wonders for nursing homes, prisons and hospitals!

Anonymous said...

Caring for animals is a great idea! Maybe having student-assisted day care to learn about parenting would be good too. Senior citizens can maybe come into schools and share their wisdom and get to know students who need mentors.

Anonymous said...

Any MHS Principal news?

Anonymous said...

Dan Luciani

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons he left was because he thought those in charge were a bunch of idiots. I think he could be very good! I know he was staunchly anti-Phillips!

Anonymous said...

Its great to see the track getting replaced and repaired. It has needed this for many years. Its good it is finally a priority!

Anonymous said...

Luciani? I have never seen him as leadership material. Maybe give him a shot at assistant Principal but we need a good experienced Principal at the top.

Anonymous said...

I think Luciani will do an excellent job. Great integrity - - - great leader!

Anonymous said...

I agree with both above, give Dan L. the assistant job to start and get experience. We need someone with Principal experience at the top. Someone with integrity, a commitment to Marshall and strong enough to speak up when they do not agree with the Superintendent or a school board member.

Anonymous said...

MHS has a lot of problems that were made much worse in the last 5-6 years. Good luck to whoever gets the job. Things are a mess and Mr. Hulkow will be gone, a huge loss!

Anonymous said...

Is that why they are replacing Klochack and Nessel?

Anonymous said...

Dan Luciani should work out well as the MHS Principal. He has a strong teaching and curriculum background. He is respected by staff and should be strong enough to speak up if he thinks the superintendent or the board is not working in the best interest of MHS. He was strongly opposed to Joyce Phillips and was very critical of the school board back then. He will be his own man. He should also be a strong presence at MHS all day and many evenings and weekends. Dan is an excellent choice!

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