Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gooooooo TEAM!

So what did ALI WEBB say during the last board meeting. Did she slam the cheerleaders? Fill us in here!


Anonymous said...

I am anxious to see the board meeting. I was told that: during D. Turner's statement of how many students had all As, how many had all Bs, how many served on student council, and how many were in the gifted and talented program....(exact numbers not remembered) Stulberg asked to explain more about the gifted which point Ali said something like: "well at least we know they weren't cheerleaders....". Like I said - I am very anxious to watch the board meeting to see for myself. Is it possible to post that clip? I don't approve of those types of statements especially regarding our students - and by elected board members. Please fill us in here.

Anonymous said...

I’m Ali Webb’s husband, and I was at the meeting, heard the discussion, and, frankly, I’m puzzled by this sort of bizarre ‘take’ on what was an innocuous comment by her. Her comment was about the Midwest Talent search being about academic talent and not talents like cheerleading or singing. Simple as that. In the High Road postings elsewhere on this blog, “Anonymous” completely misinterpreted her comments, and to put a spin on it such as was suggested (“cheerleaders are stupid”) says more about the commentator than it does about Ali, who, by the way, was a cheerleader and drill team member in high school, if memory serves. Although she’s only been on the Board a short while, has already demonstrated a broad and responsible grasp of the dynamics, issues and challenges facing this community and our schools. Disdain for any segment of our community or school is certainly not on her agenda…except, perhaps for folks who continue to look to fabricate negative issues to divide us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Keith for your comments! If the board video supports this, then all of us should understand the context.

Anonymous said...

Part of taking the "high road" is to give EVERYONE an opportunity to share their views. A comment was made, some interpretted perhaps wrongly, and now we have heard another side to that story. That is how we are supposed to work together! Even if it were a slip of the tongue, a sincere apology should be accepted. We all make mistakes!

We all should feel free to communicate openly and honestly without retribution for well-intentioned comments and actions. That level of trust, respect and cooperation is the biggest thing that has been missing under Supt. Phillips leadership and needs to be returned to the Marshall Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

Kieth, I'm glad that you came on here to clear up the air and give light to comment that was made. I too was at the board meeting and was quite shocked at the comment. I thought, oh boy, here we go. Now I do understand that it was an off-handed remark meant to be in good humor, but others will not see it that way. I can see some of the the cheerleading parents being upset. I agree with the poster above that maybe an apology would be in order prior to the taping hitting the cable access channel. I certainly hope that Ali has been on this blog and has taken some of the advice offered and is talking to staff members of the Marshall Public Schools. Just my twobits.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I watched the library's copy of the tape from beginning to end the other night and before the comments about Ali ever showed up here, I had simply taken it the same way Keith has confirmed that she meant it. I was quite surprised to see here that anyone had gotten any other implication from her question. Again, for what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

I have heard very nice things about Ali as a person and I will gladly give her the benefit of any doubt about the comment mentioned above. But I am concerned that, unlike a few other school board members, she has been publicly silent (like Janice and Paul) about the staff surveys and the major problems caused by Dr. Phillips. If Ali truly cares about what is best for the kids and the Marshall schools then I hope she takes a strong stand on these topics, comes out publicly as concerned and taking action, and proceeds to hold Dr. Phillips accountable for her problems.

Anonymous said...

I am certainly willing to let bygones be bygones with Ali Webb....everyone can be misunderstood, unless you are Joyce Phillips, then the message is clear, "I am the only important person in this district!" We have much bigger fish to fry, like the fact that Joyce is trying to sneak her pay raise through by adding an extra evaluation before the scheduled eval in March. Why is this woman allowed to run roughshod over the community and Marshall Public Schools? Ali, if your reading this, step up to the plate and say "Wait a minute, Joyce...the board needs to reconsider your request. It is unprecidented and the community needs to be heard on this". If healing and moving forward is to be accomplished, then school board members need to do the job they were ELECTED to do by the community. Ali, John, Chris....the days of the rubberstamp committee must come to an end! The people need you! Please,use the backbones that you possess and put a stop to Joyce Phillips tyranny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ali and the other school board members will enjoy tremendous staff and community support if they do the right thing and hold Phillips accountable for her failures and damage to the Marshall schools when they evaluate her on Monday Dec. 18th in a closed session. If they truly put the "kids first" they will do this. Anything less than a harsh evaluation will be interpretted by the staff and the community as the loss of a golden opportunity to start resolving this crisis.

Anonymous said...

Ali also needs to get to know the MPS staff and building Principals better. Most have no idea who she is. John is an MHS grad and well-known in the community.

Anonymous said...

The Board approved the Superintendent’s request for a periodic evaluation to be held on December 21 at 6:00 p.m. Please contact Ali and the other board members. They need to hear from each of us. I have already contacted a few.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle said the board meeting and evaluation, which is closed, is scheduled for Monday December 18th. I also first heard it was on Dec. 21st. Either way let's plan that it is Monday and everyone who cares call or e-mail a board member before Monday night. If it is on another day then we have a few more days to act. I think it is now on Monday the 18th.

Anonymous said...

It was originally scheduled for Dec. 21 but was changed to Monday, Dec. 18 late last week.

Anonymous said...

What did JKP change things midstream again??? If so, it is so typical. The last I knew, the board of education approved a motion to do a periodic evaluation on the 21st of December. Does it require board action to change the date?

Anonymous said...

Last minute community calls to the board are helpful but not necessary. The school board by now should be very aware of the long list of problems and controversies caused by Supt. Phillips leadership failures. Let's hope that the board can unite and take action to hold Phillips accountable. I am sure the MPS staff and most parents would like ot see her replaced soon so we can all move the Marshall schools forward together. Come on Vic, Janice, Ali and Paul, we are counting on you too to hold Joyce accountable!

Anonymous said...

What can the school board do? BY extending Phillips contract through 2009 and giving her a big pay raise last spring (pushed by Paul, Janice and Vic), would they have to pay her no matter what? Can they fire her if she lied or covered things up, as likely has happened in many cases? Is a demotion an option like Bellevue did? What if they do little or nothing tonight (Monday 12/18), will there be a recall by outraged citizens?

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that something positive happens tonight 12/18. I am cautiously optimistic that the school board now understands the magnitude of the problems and may start holding Phillips responsible and accountable.

Anonymous said...

The fact that this impromptu evaluation is occurring in the first place is rather worrisome.....rather than cautiously optomistic I think "I'll believe it when I see it". I hope we will be pleasantly surprised. If not, it's time for the no confidence vote!

Anonymous said...

It is too late to "fix" Joyce, they simply need to remove her and find an interim until summer and then a new much-imporved Superintendent. That is the best option. They can demote Joyce until she quits or just ask for her resignation. If she resists I am sure it would be easy to prove that she did something wrong to justify voiding her contract and dismissing her. She has dragged the school board into a battle with the MPS staff and much of the community. I am sure the board does not like this situation. Now is there chance to do what needs to be done, there is no other good solution.

Anonymous said...

No board member has made an effort to contact me nor any of my coworkers to see what our take was. Has anyone been contacted by any board members? I really wonder if they know what is going on. I guess we'll know better by tomorrow. I'll wait keeping my fingers crossed, what a wonderful Christmas gift it would be to see Joyce on the run instead of good people she chases around.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you the board members are aware of the staff's dissatisfaction. I'm not sure if they realize the full scope of the lies she has told directly to staff and board members alike. Joyce is very good at limiting public comments to the board members to items only on the agenda ....Joyce's request for an extra eval was not on the agenda. The rules apparently do not apply to her and never will unless the board or the people take action!

Anonymous said...

Any news from the closed school board meeting where Phillips was evaluated?

Anonymous said...

She was given the highest rating available because she does a great job!

Anonymous said...

How is your foot healing?

Anonymous said...

I want to know how MHS Vice Principal is allowed to issue a student a suspension for being intoxicated at a school sponsered event, and this student did not receive a citation from the police? What kind of message is this sending the other students?

Anonymous said...

She does a great job according to a bunch of spineless individuals who hang out with her at social events and in service organizations. I have yet to hear of any board members contacting employees prior to this facade of an evaluation(please correct me if I'm wrong). I guess this board lends no credence to those who work for the trio. Another sad day in Marshall...thanks board. I'll still do my job despite you not doing yours.

Anonymous said...

Before we jump to conclusions I am suspicious of the posting above that said she got a great evaluation. Since the meeting was closed I am guessing that posting has no validity. Of course that is possible that the board gave her a good evaluation. If they did I would gladly support a recall! But let's first wait and try to get some accurate information about what really happened.

Anonymous said...

I agree... I doubt either the Marshall school board or Phillips would come out publicly any time soon with whatever they discussed. If the school board praised her, which I doubt, they would look like fools. If they criticized her, then they may want to keep it quiet until they decide what to do next. I am guessing she was criticized, but not sure if it was a soft critique or the harsh one she would deserve and is long overdue (basically telling her that her reign is almost over).

Can the results be obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request?

Anonymous said...

I hope the board consulted their labor attorney so as to get smart before they evaluated Joyce. If they did not they’ve fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Any employee who feels under fire will immediately request a review. Here’s why.

1. If you give her a bad review you will undoubtedly list areas of improvement. Should you leave out any areas, but then mention them in her regular review she will accuse you of springing new, previously unmentioned areas and claim unfairness. She will assert it unreasonable for her performance to suddenly fall.
2. After this unscheduled review she now knows what you may have on her. She knows what you are confident enough of to bring up, and what you are still wavering on. She knows she’s safe to proceed in those areas. She will know who may have ratted and then proceed against them.
3. If you give her a good review, but then a poorer one at the regular review she will ask why you didn’t bring up such issues before. This unscheduled review MUST list ALL areas needing specific improvement. She will later claim unfairness otherwise.

This is a classic ploy to allow the board to paint themselves into a corner. They fell for it.

Anonymous said...

The review should be simple. Tell Phillips that she appears to have lost the trust, support and respect of the MPS staff which means it is impossible for her to be an effective leader. Follow this up with a survey by the board of the MPS staff to find out for sure if they have lost trust, support adn respect for her. If this is confirmed by at least 70 percent of the staff that it is true, then she should be able to be promptly fired.

Anonymous said...

The rumor I am hearing is that the evaluation did not go well for JP, though I am sure she would spin another way ("we had some differences of opinion"). I think there is friction between her and the MPS board now. She has definately lost support among at least some board members. How much is still unknown, but it seems to be in decline overall.

Anonymous said...

At least several school board members definately have become quite dissatisfied with Mrs. Phillips. I am sure they did not run for the school board expecting to defend a bad Superintendent against the entire staff and the community. Now their dilemma is when and how to remove Joyce before the spring, the best time to look for a replacement. Marshall truly needs a new and much better Superintendent soon!

Anonymous said...

Here at MMS the good doctor has been more stressed and agitated than usual this past month. She seems very frustrated abvout the entire mess she has created and now that it is widely publicized and well-known in the community and the schools there is not much she can do about it. Maybe she thinks it will all just somehow go away. She hardly knows anybody on staff and absolutely no one trusts or likes her. I have no idea who she can talk to for advice. Brian and Amy are just as clueless! I can't think of anything she can do to reverse her rapid decline in the schools and the community. Things keep getting worse each week that nothing happens.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing, if the board gave her an evaluation of "meets expectations", we are going to be in for a heck of a ride. That will give her even more power and embolden her to be even more rude, crass, and vindictive. She'll go after more people than the ones she's currently after, with even more zest. IMHO of course.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you that she DID get a "met expectations" eval. Remembering from past evals the categories are:
Met expectations
Needs Improvement

Now it's up to the teachers and the public!

Anonymous said...

A likely scenario is that maybe a few board members wanted to be highly critical of Joyce but were blocked by the Joyce loyalists. If JP did not get the very bad evaluation that she surely deserves (goal: eventual removal), then their is no hope to turn things around with the current school board. A recall may be needed at least for the JP loyalists. The Marshall schools have suffered enough under "the good doctor."

Anonymous said...

As a concerned parent I am waiting for accurate information about what occurred on Monday night. I am hoping that the Marshall School Board has started taking measures towards a new Superintendent. I think there are way too many problems and it is too late to fix the current situation.

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank the Marshall teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication to our children.They give their all to our kids despite the working conditions and that's what's important. Let's hope we can find some rational people to run for the school board when the terms end.

Anonymous said...

Ditto... thank you MPS staff and Principals for your hard work and dedication. If there are school board members working for real school improvement (eg against JP), a special thanks to you too! We need your efforts now more than ever!

Happy Holidays!!!

Anonymous said...

I walked by Joyce's office today. She was in the the holiday spirit singing... (to the tune of Santa Claus is coming to town)

"I'm making my hit list, and checking it twice, gonna find out whose been loyal or nice... Dr. J is coming around"

'I'll see you when your shopping, and know when your in town, I'll know what the Internet says you did bad, whether its true or not, so"

"You better watch out, you better not shout, you better look out, cuz I'm telling you why, Dr. J. is coming around"

"I'll visit your classroom during finals, and ignore you in the hall, I'll target your building prin-ci-pal, for being too comp-e-tent, so.."

"You better watch out, you better not shout, you better look out, cuz I'm telling you why, Dr. J. is coming around"

She also asked me to post a holiday greeting from her:

Stay off this blog, don't talk to a board member, happy lawsuit, ... oops, I meant holidays! I like flowers... hint, hint! Go Hoosiers!


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! But sadly quite true!

Anonymous said...

Now that's funny! I'm certainly glad that someone has a good sense of humor this time of year, in light of current circumstances.

Anonymous said...

More verses...

"Accounting screws up often, Metcalfs at some class, the teachers are stressed daily, and the board always listens to me, so"

"You better watch out, you better not shout, you better look out, cuz I'm telling you why, Dr. J. is coming around"

"You'll find me at Win Schulers, and avoiding MPS staff, you'll find me in in-di-an-a, and thank you for my 9-percent raise, so"

"You better watch out, you better not shout, you better look out, cuz I'm telling you why, Dr. J. is coming around"

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! Add your own verses! Dr. BM

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy "The Funnies" however, do you really think Dr. Julius Irving ( The Real DR. J. ) wants to be associated with Joyce Phillips?

Anonymous said...

Even if the Teachers Vote a 'no confidence' vote, who will be responsible for accepting the decision? The current "in her back pocket" Board of education, what will be done from there. Absolutely nothing. Just like the evaluation, all grand for the GrandMaster Joyce

Anonymous said...

This should be in Joyce's reading:

Backstabbers Beware: Trust is Most Important Way to Get Ahead
Friday , December 22, 2006
By Marshall Loeb

NEW YORK — Winning friends may not be the way to influence people — at least not at work. A new national survey concludes that employees aren't looking for fun and friends in the workplace. What they really want is trust.
Terry Bacon, CEO of the human-resources consulting firm Lore International, conducted the survey with more than 500 employees across various industries. Bacon says that in order to succeed in the workplace, it's important for workers to demonstrate trustworthiness, honesty and the ability to collaborate. Those were the top traits sought among successful employees.
What's not important? Companionship and friendship — only 18 percent of those surveyed said that's what they were seeking from their co-workers.
"If you want to get ahead, you have to do great work," says Bacon. "But you have to be honest and trustworthy. Be a good teammate. Keep people informed. If you want to advance, you have to create demand for yourself. It's the only way to do it. But you also have to do it in a way that people see as collaborative."
Bacon adds that those who get derailed in their careers are the people who have poor interpersonal skills and are not good team members.
So how do you build trustworthiness on the job? By not being what Bacon dubs a "trust killer":
Credit hogs: You do the work, they claim they did it. Lone rangers: The ones who don't want to work with others. Ego-maniacs: They think they're better than everyone else. Mules: They are excessively stubborn.
Copyright (c) 2006 MarketWatch, Inc.

Anonymous said...

Trust Killer, intimidator, back stabber,master manipulator....all these traits come to mind, and are regularly demonstrated by Joyce, every day!I hope she gets some better skills on her vacation in St. Maartin, Virgin Isl.
What's that? can't afford to go to the Virgin Islands?...Joyce sure can, now that she'll be getting yet more money from her latest positive eval.I think everyone might have been appeased with a "needs improvement" comment. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Do you know for sure that she got a good evaluation? If it is confirmed I know hundreds of Marshall parents, staff and other citizens who will gladly sign recall petitions against those responsible. It would be outrageous for Joyce to get any marks above "needs improvement." The article above, Joyce is very bad at trust, collaborative working and honesty. She fails miserably in these important areas.

Anonymous said...

I agree that every week these problems are ignored and fester that things are getting worse for the Marshall Schools. Community support, staff morale and ultimately our childrens education are being harmed by the bad leadership of Mrs. Phillips. Some sort of action is needed soon if we are to solve these problems for our kids.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle reported today (12-23) that the school board had "candid" discussions (I think that was the term) with Phillips about the problems, scandals and controversies that plague her administration. Ken Leche from the teacher's union said some positive things are happening. It did not give much more detail than that. Also in a separate article the filing deadline for those running for the school board is Feb. 13, 2007. Vic says he will run again and Janice is still thinking about it. Does anyone know anything else, good or bad? Any guesses?

Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

My guess is that the school board has started overt criticism of Supt. Phillips, but probably not nearly as tough as is needed. But at least its a start. The board may be hoping that Phillips can suddenly turn into a warm, caring honest, cooperative and humble Superintendent. Her columns in the Chronicle are a clear diversion from the real issues. She still has no support among the MPS staff and is a viewed as a major obstacle blocking future needed improvements. Is the board trying to patch a sinking ship to get it by a few more months until they can take further action?

Anonymous said...

what happen to the bus ????
there is allways trouble with bus
and no one there to fix them????
the bus will not get 100% this
year thank to Mike Walbeck.ant his
to two lady boss ..

Anonymous said...

If the school board "forgives" Joyce and works with her to make at least surface level improvements, what about all of the Marshall teachers and support staff who have been severely harmed by her? Are they just planning to forget about it? What about all of the damage to the schools and the community by her actions? Will she be held accountable for all of the suffering and harm she has caused to so many good people in Marshall?

Anonymous said...

I know good Marshall teachers and other staff who have suffered, and are suffering, unjustly under Joyce while she vacations in the Virgin Islands this holiday season. Their children adn families are suffering too. While hardworking Principals got no raise, Joyce got an undeserved 9%! Careers and lives were harmed or ruined over false or greatly exagerated allegations (aggressively pursued by Joyce in an incompetant and less-than-fair manner). True allegations of wrongdoing by Joyce and her top loyalists Brian and Amy were ignored or defended by the school board. Now we are supposed to trust Joyce and the current school board to "make things better" and lead a $51 million school building campaign?

I think that 2006 was a very bad year for the Marshall Public Schools. Some big changes are needed very soon or we will repeat another bad year for the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Any "changes" by Dr. Phil will be superficial. She has backed her admin "favorites" like Dave Turner and Linda Bennink, no matter how inept they are, and she has persecuted good people like Ron Behrenwald, Sue Townsend and Bob Vaught, in order to further her own agenda and climate of fear. Let's not forget the others she has "bent over" and intimidated like Diane Long, the award winning yearbook director at MHS, Sue Boley, the award winning school nurse, Cathie Vaught in the tech department (she should get an award for her patience with us), the transportation department, and Karla Bivens in the central office. All these people have been kicked to the curb by Joyce and there are many others that could be identified....let's hear from you about any others you folks know about. What will be done to rectify the damage done?...I'll bet nothing!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard just prior to xmas break from a retiree who ran into Vic this month. He asked what was going on at MPS...been reading the papers and talking to people. Vic replied with something like: Just alot of disgruntled people who are lucky to have jobs. Thanks Vic - you really are as out of touch as the Spin Doctor! Forget who works for who again huh?

Anonymous said...

For some unknown reason there is a strong hostility towards virtually the entire Marshall schools staff... teachers, administrators not hired by Phillips, and support staff. One theory is that a powerful but very small clique thinks that the schools are "broken" and that Joyce is their savior. The vast majority of Marshall staff and parents would think this is an insane idea. Only a fool would believe that the schools are broken and Joyce is the one who can fix them (the opposite is true!) Is there a conspiracy between Joyce, her board supporters and a few wealthy supporters? It seems there is some truth to it when the dots are connected between Joyce's strongest supporters on the school board and those rumored to be part of this clique. If true, Joyce has them all conned quite well!

Anonymous said...

Whatever support that JP has left are people who are likely good people who have been fooled by Joyce. Only someone with a vendetta against the Marshall schools would knowingly support Joyce AND understand what her true motives are. Joyce needs to be held accountable for all of the problems she has caused, embarrassment she has brought to the Marshall schools and for all those good people that she has hurt so badly for no valid reason.

Anonymous said...

To the above posting regarding busing at Marshall Schools. What do you know? I have heard of many problems with the new supervisor. I am very alarmed at hearing that he is not making the drivers do their bus inspections before they start their pick ups each day. According to the Sec of State - this is a requirement. Brakes, belts, tires are all checked at this time. Is this true? If so, there is a very grave safety violation happening that people in this district should be aware of. I heard the mechanic has been trying to make the supervisor check on these inspections and write the drivers up that are not doing their bus inspections each day. Is this what you are hearing also? I also heard Amy Jones, Operations Manager, is very aware of this problem and has been aware of it for over two years and does nothing to ensure our kids safety. If this is true how can jp keep saying "our kids first". I would hope our kids safety would be first and foremost on anyones agenda. Hey jp - did you know about this problem? Paul - how about you? Who is liable in the event of an accident? The driver? The Mechanic? The Supervisor? Amy Jones?

Anonymous said...

This web sit and all efforts to remove Dr. Phillips from power will fail. Nobody is willing to lead the fight to change the school board. She has very solid support from the Marshall School Board. The school board president Vic Potter is a very strong supporter of Dr. Phillips and always defends her in every instance I know of. She is not only protected but her contract has been extended until 2009 against all reason and logic. Dr. Phillips supporters on the school board care little to nothing about what the MPS staff think or anyone else for that matter. There will be no accountability until there is new leadership. Expect another bad year for the Marshall schools in 2007.

Anonymous said...

I know of no one who supports Dr. Phillips or thinks she is doing a good job. I know at least two school board members also have "seen the light" about Dr. Phillips and are likely frustrated by their options as long as most board members still support her for whatever strange reasons. The PR campaign is going nowhere as everybody already knows the truth. Until she is out one way or another, Dr. Phillips is little more than a lame duck leader.

Anonymous said...

Joyce is a mean and vindictive lame duck leader. You can be sure she is plotting her revenge against anyone she considers against her (just about everyone!). To add insult to injury she will likely delegate many of her nasty "directives" to the building principals to put them between doing the right thing or supporting her. Joyce knows she still has "carte blanche" from the school board and can do anything she wants to. She is probably doing more "research" on another raise and contract extension. If she reaches five years and the school buys her five years and lives to be in her 90s, how many hundreds of thousands of dollars will that cost the Marshall schools over the next 30+ years in retirement costs? She should not be allowed a Michigan retirement in addition to her Indiana retirement. She has burned all bridges to staff and the community so she has no option but to be a combination of "PR friendly" in the newspaper and to wreak revenge behind the scenes in the schools. I agree, 2007 so far is not looking good for the Marshall schools. Things can only truly turn around for the better when Joyce is gone, one way or another. There is little hope the current school board will do anything significant to stop this. Any suggestions about what can be done other than to allow this "worst case" scenario to play out?

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from the US Virgin Islands. I am enjoying my stay down here and thank you for an absolutely wonderful 2006, I couldn't have been happier.

Anonymous said...

No guesses yet, here is another hint. I dabble in writing fiction and as a PI. Have you seen my columns?

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Back to school! What needs to be done to turn things around and solve the problems of the Marshall Public Schools?

Anonymous said...

Does this sound familiar:

Bad Bosses Abound in U.S.

Tuesday , January 02, 2007

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — For most people, it's back to work Tuesday after a holiday weekend with family and friends. And for many, a new study shows, it will be under a bad boss. Nearly two of five bosses don't keep their word and more than a fourth bad mouth those they supervise to co-workers, the Florida State University study shows.

And those all-too-common poor managers create plenty of problems for companies as well, leading to poor morale, less production and higher turnover.

"They say that employees don't leave their job or company, they leave their boss," said Wayne Hochwarter, an associate professor of management in the College of Business at Florida State University, who joined with two doctoral students at the school to survey more than 700 people working in a variety of jobs about how their bosses treat them.

"No abuse should be taken lightly, especially in situations where it becomes a criminal act," said Hochwarter.

Employees stuck in an abusive relationship experienced more exhaustion, job tension, nervousness, depressed moods and mistrust, the researchers found. They found that a good working environment is often more important than pay, and that it's no coincidence that poor morale leads to lower production.

"They (employees) were less likely to take on additional tasks, such as working longer or on weekends, and were generally less satisfied with their job," the study found. "Also, employees were more likely to leave if involved in an abusive relationship than if dissatisfied with pay."

The results of the study are scheduled for publication in the Fall 2007 issue of The Leadership Quarterly, a journal read by consultants, managers and executives.

The findings include:

• 39 percent of workers said their supervisor failed to keep promises.

• 37 percent said their supervisor failed to give credit when due.

• 31 percent said their supervisor gave them the "silent treatment" in the past year.

• 27 percent said their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers.

• 24 percent said their supervisor invaded their privacy.

• 23 percent said their supervisor blamed others to cover up mistakes or to minimize embarrassment.

Workers in bad situations should remain optimistic, Hochwarter said.

"It is important to stay positive, even when you get irritated or discouraged, because few subordinate-supervisor relationships last forever," he said. "You want the next boss to know what you can do for the company."

And workers should know where to turn if they feel threatened, harassed or discriminated against, whether it is the company's grievance committee or finding formal representation outside the employer.

"Others know who the bullies are at work," Hochwarter said. "They likely have a history of mistreating others."

Hochwarter also recommended some methods to minimize the harm caused by an abusive supervisor.

"The first is to stay visible at work," he said. "Hiding can be detrimental to your career, especially when it keeps others in the company from noticing your talent and contributions."

The survey was conducted by mail. Workers surveyed included men and women of various ages and races in the service industry and manufacturing, from companies large and small, Hochwarter said.

Anonymous said...

At this time it is of the utmost importance to find strong, grounded candidates for the school board. There are probably quite a few good people who have never considered running....find them and encourage them to run....that is what we must do!! By the way, the above article was right on the money (or lack of money)!

Anonymous said...

According to the Chronicle this week in their "Year in Review" apparently Joyce will get ANOTHER 9 percent raise in the spring which was approved as part of her contract extension LAST spring. Someone who is clearly a very bad leader (see Bad Boss article above) is being rewarded far greater than any previous Superintendent. If the school board remains the same, expect another good review for her and all of her raises and other generous perks to continue, while the Marshall school problems grow and expand.

Anonymous said...

I thought that she was going to get 3% for each year, for three consecutive years,which adds up to 9% total.In any case it is ironic that she states that Marshall Public Schools are in financial crisis, yet still has no problem taking her raise. The teachers and staff, who are dedicated professionals, took a hit this year. Phillips is only dedicated to her own gain, usually at other's expense. Threatening people monetarily is one of her favorite methods of harassment. As I stated above, we need to find good, solid people to run for the school board. No doubt Phillips will try to get another positive review in March (that is when her original eval was scheduled) before the changing of the guard...another favorite tactic of hers.

Anonymous said...

Unless something has changed, Phillips has very solid support from Potter, Darling, Beardslee, Webb and even Varvatos (despite some criticism). Coulter is not necessarily an oppenent of hers but will listen to criticism and is well-connected in the community to the reality of what is going on. Stulberg had been a strong supporter of Phillips in the past, but may be wavering a somewhat now. Either way without a recall, or an unlikely change of perceptions, Phillips will likely get a very good review and another big pay raise no matter how bad she is for the Marshall Schools.

Anonymous said...

The "Bad Boss" article above describes Joyce's leadership style and the resulting problems it causes. Please contact the Marshall School Board and lets keep up pressure for positive changes (aka Joyce's demotion or departure).

Anonymous said...

A Superintendent Joyce Phillips comparison from the "Bad Boss" article above:

The findings include:

• 39 percent of workers said their supervisor failed to keep promises.

- Does she even make them, let alone keep them?

• 37 percent said their supervisor failed to give credit when due.

- Credit to the MPS staff? For what reason? she may add.

• 31 percent said their supervisor gave them the "silent treatment" in the past year.

- Silence, ignoring, scowls, arrogance, contempt, disdain, hostility... am I missing any of her looks or attitudes towards staff, students and parents?

• 27 percent said their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers.

And to students too! She has criticized and humiliated building Principals, teachers, support staff and even school board members to other staff, parents, board members and students.

• 24 percent said their supervisor invaded their privacy.

One of her areas of pride and pleasure!

• 23 percent said their supervisor blamed others to cover up mistakes or to minimize embarrassment.

Her top specialty! She is very skillful at this, along with taking credit for the accomplishments of others.

Does this qualify her for an "Exceptionally Bad Boss of the Year" Award? Can the Marshall schools do better?

Anonymous said...

There are some on our current school board who care NOTHING about how jp treats MPS employees. In fact, they have been quoted as saying things like "just a bunch of disgruntled employees who should be happy they have jobs". They actually believe there are a COUPLE employees that have accomplished rousing the entire staff. The mind set is this: The Board is lavishing thanks on jp for a sound equity balance...which was not in place before she arrived. Does she deserve the thanks? What will the fund equity be if jp costs this district huge amounts of money in the Foreman tenure charges? Outside of that...they could care less what the actual problems are. Remember when using the word 'confidentiality' that some of the current board members will not keep it or your name confidential. Vic is best known for running directly to jp. Get your proof if you don't believe it. We must find a couple dedicated citizens to run that truly care about the people as well as the fund equity.

Anonymous said...

If the school board were truly interested in building the fund equity THEY would control spending and not lavish soooooo much on JP. If the Marshall schools have to pay her Michigan retirement for say the next 30 years for 5 years of service, that can easily cost tens of thousands in addition to her lavish salary and perks. This can only happen if JP works 5 years in Marshall and gets 5 years purchased, which would allow her to double dip. What an outrage! Marshall taxpayers will pay every year she is "retired." Why would the Marshall school board vote for such a bad deal for the Marshall Public Schools? If you thought Bob Currie's $100,000 walkaway for a poorly written contract was bad, this could be ten times worse!

Anonymous said...

What were they thinking when they gave such a big raise, contract extension and good performance review last spring? As a parent and taxpayer I am very angry about this.

Anonymous said...

Is there any news about what is up between the Marshall Shool Board and Supt. Phillips since their closed-door performance review? The Chronicle reported that the teacher union rep Ken Leche said that positive things were happening. Any comments?

Anonymous said...

JP has been allowed to use tactics like: forcing teachers of 46 years of service out to retire...this does save the district in wages. Some employees have been forced out that do not want to go. JP prefers to edge out all experienced workers and replace them with inexperience. There is quite a cost savings to her plan...but there is also quite a cost to our students. People in this town are not aware of this tactic. With 3-4 employees per year as well as all employees, with the exception of joyce, amy and brian getting 1.5% raises, and paying more towards their insurance (which does not affect our top three) ...this does show a positive equity. It is these types of management that impresses our board as they see positive dollar signs. No one should believe the board nor joyce cares at all about the people teaching, administering or supporting these staffs. MPS has become a business being run like a business...there is no people element left. Is this how we want our community's next generation to be raised? I would say, talk to a board member, but obviously, there is no one that cares enough to question the good doctor and her tactics. This is a sad time for MPS and people will believe it when the spin doctor runs with the money and leaves us in yet a worse monetary situation. But this time, unlike the Bob Currie take the money and run....many, many professional spirits could be broken. Fund equities, balanced budgets, will change on a rotation of 5 years - this is a fact. I will hope and pray the spirits of our hard working professionals will remain strong throughout this terrible 'hoosier run reign of terror'. Is it possible the board feels it necessary to cater to her until they see for themselves what she alone is going to cost MPS through the foreman tenure charges. Remember: the case that the prosecutor said there is not enough evidence to press charges in! Pray for the Foreman family but pray for the employees of MPS also.

Anonymous said...

Well said above! Not only does JP replace experienced workers, she changes the process for hiring, arbitrarily, to suit her own needs; like appointing Dave Turner to the middle school principalship after being told by numerous people, and the exiting administrator, that he was not ready for the job. She needed a "stooge" and she got him!!! He now does nothing without her say so and , quite frankly, he couldn't think of many of the things on his own that he brings up at meetings !His "second in command" who was hired by Turner directly and approved by JP, holds outright distain for anyone who "tries to make decisions or give input without getting the masters degree first". I guess, when he made that comment at a staff meeting, he didn't realize that quite a few teachers at the middle school already have their masters degrees and have alot more experience to make many decisions better than he does. Keep up the good hiring, Joyce....morale couldn't be lower!!!

Anonymous said...

Again, I will tell you that JP DID get a "met expectations" eval from the board!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Behrenwald and the hiring debacle that took place at MHS, thanks to JP. He was blackmailed into hiring his present hire for Ass. Principal and got a slap in the face when he questioned the process at a board meeting. Another legacy of deceit and lies for Joyce. Her pathetic attempts to look more "user friendly" are just smoke and mirrors. She is still the same conniving manipulator she always has been.

Anonymous said...

If it is true that the Marshall School Board gave Joyce a "met expectations" after they knew for at least a year about her awful leadership and many problems then it is time for a recall! My guess is that at least two board members were not supportive of this but the hardline radical Pro-Joyce majority are doing great harm to the Marshall schools. They have no excuses, they know exactly what they are doing. As a parent I think we cannot wait for elections and I hope a recall campaign gets started soon if the board in fact did this!

Anonymous said...

Remember, also, that the deadline for people who wish to run for school board positions is February 13, 2007. It would make JP's day if no one new ran for school board. Get the word out there!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about the special education position that became open last summer at the high school. JP as a personal vendetta against everyone at the high school blocked the hiring of a very qualified person. A highly qualified individual was interviewed in August. This person had (i may have this wrong - about 13 years experience). JP would not hire them in at step 3. (fund equity...more $$$ for the board to give to her). What teacher with incredible experience, especially in this field, would want a teaching job at starting teacher wages. MPS did not get this fact...MPS got no one. The building principal tried extremely hard to work this problem out - the good doctor didn't "make the main thing the main thing". In fact, she didn't "put kids first". A temporary long term sub is in that position, without credentials in special education. This person is absolutely wonderful but not qualified in that particular field. JP does anything she can to cause obstacles for the high school. The three administrators at the high school are wonderful. JP - should take her agenda and stay out of the buildings...there is no need for her to be managing these buildings. (maybe the middle school but the rest were and are doing fine without her). Administrators are in place (before JP) because they are qualified to do the job they have been hired to do. In fact, they have been doing extraordinary jobs before she rode into Marshall. Her job running her own PR campaign should keep her busy enough to be leaving others to the jobs they were hired for. News flash for the board: There were not problems with these building administrations to be fixed quite contrary to what the good doctor has tried to convinced you of. Let her mess up the Foreman issue and cost the district tens of thousands of dollars...isn't that going to be enough damage. Especially when she will not be here to stand up and admit she made a mistake. That is what Hulk did when the elgibility error happened. What an incredible example that wonderful man set for our kids. Kids are constantly asked "why the current supt. does what she does". Can we really afford to have her create any more messes. Now she is wanting employee input for her PR Chronicle articles...we are quite appalled at this request. Why would we want to help an inadequate superintendent to deceive the community and board on her FAILED LEADERSHIP. Employees know her articles are pretty words she wants the community to believe. Who cares what the employees actually see and know. Stay tuned to her upcoming lawsuit against the Chronicle and perhaps the MEA. Many people want to see the survey results go to press. Perhaps she can spend more of the districts funds to invalidate 152 employee opinions. MPS NEEDS HONEST CITIZENS TO RUN FOR SCHOOL BOARD...DEADLINE 2/13/07. Wait to turn in petitions on 2/12/07 - JP likes surprises...she thrives on them.

Anonymous said...

Hey - is this similar to the building administrators now MUST bring positive happenings to phillips prior to the board meeting so she can put on a positive show for the community who watches the board meeting video? How about we let the people doing the positive things present them in their own news letters! Why must everyone now be directed to help her paint a pretty picture. Looks alittle like sweeping the problems that the board does not want to address under the rug and throwing her pretty new rug over it! Marshall has always wanted to paint a pretty picture but how about we show our kids we do 'put them first' and replace the painter!

Anonymous said...

How stupid does Joye and the shool board think the people of Marshall are? Or are we stupid for letting this continue?

Anonymous said...

I think the community needed to get educated about the school problems which took last summer and all fall. Now there is wide knowledge of the major problems in the Marshall schools. Hopefully some further action will result towards gettting a new Superintendent soon. There seems to be no other good options after JP burned so many bridges, caused so many problems and hurt so many good people.

Anonymous said...

Only in Marshall would such an incompetent Superintedent be tolerated and given a big raise! I think this still has something to do with the Anti-Giannunzio and anti-Redskin extemists who support Joyce as a way to carry out revenge against administrators, teachers, coaches and parents they do not like! Nothing else makes sense! Joyce's strongest board supporters are suspected of being in one or both of these cliques. Notice how they are rarely seen in the buildings or talking with staff. They seem to be focused on other agendas that have little or nothing to do with what is best for the kids.

Anonymous said...

That is more reason for everyone that really does want KIDS FIRST (that would be those that don't have to keep saying it - they just have been and will continue to put kids first) get involved and be proactive in getting candidates to run for board. The changes really must start at the top...the top is not the good doctor this time of year...she can wait...the top change would be Out Vic and Out Janice and In with 2 that really care about kids before they care about their status as a board member. Bob and Sam are still my heros...they were not afraid of losing business - their priority was keeping JP accountable for her actions and decisions. Guess what: That is the job of an elected board member! GREAT JOB BOB AND SAM....READY TO RUN AGAIN?