Friday, October 02, 2009

Where are the savings?

Interesting find on the MEA webpage - It's from their online magazine "MEA Voice"

Look at page 15 - Feature column on privatization of the Marshall custodians.



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Anonymous said...

I think the board needs to somehow guarantee that no bus garage will be built in the woods near MHS if there is any chance for the main bond to pass.

As for the auditorium, I am not sure how this will pass in this economy. I would normally be for it, but I still do not trust most of the school board so I am on the fence.

I think if the board started making some positive changes that would help a lot! Maybe start by reinstating some of the Marshall custodians, perhaps 1 or 2 per building. They can still contract out lower level cleaning jobs, night shifts, etc. Just bring back the best and most experienced ones. It would not cost much and it would help rebuild some support that is crucial to passing the bond.

Something also needs to be done about those few who got big raises during the past five years. Especially if the board wants to even consider any concessions from anyone else.

Maybe the board needs to host a big gathering honoring Rich Hulkow. Now that would be great to see!

Not a need - just a wish! said...

It is ludicris no matter what the excuses given that we need to foot the bill for a new bus facility. There are many vacant buildings that could be rented just like we have been renting from the City Street Department building for years. Is this how we are going to repay Walbeck for all the evil he has pulled for Metcalf, Jones and Phillips? He does not even deserve a job. Has anyone made him start having emergency bus evacuation drills? Or does he consider this a waste of his valuable time - (you know time he could be spending in Central Office - trying to better his position).

I will support maintaining our current facilities and their roofing, paving, electrical and mechanical needs. I know we need to update the Science Lab area at the HS - but I do not support anything frivilous. What is the percentage of students that use the school bus system? I believe it is under 23%. They sign up to ride the bus and lots of families never put their kids on the bus. Ask any driver how their route changes after the first couple weeks. Why has this been slid into 'stewardship' on the bond issue?

The Trapp property was donated and Jones & Phillips have always planned a bus barn on that site. This has been a dream for over 7 years. This will cost money that the taxpayers do not need to spend. SPEND WISELY...NO WISH LISTS....ONLY NEED LISTS

Anonymous said...

Once again A lot of wild non true rumors. If you know it alls would attend meetings you would know that the bus garage is proposed to stay where it is and update.

Which is more accurate? This blog or Supt/board statements? said...

Then the board needs to clearly communicate this to the public, because it has come out several times in the last few years that they wanted to move the bus facility to the Trapp property. But the problem is the board has said one thing and done another time and time again (see below)

We should not have to attend every meeting to know the entire plan for the bond. This needs to be clearly shared in the media, on the school web site, and yes on this blog too!

Also there are a number of things the board denied that later turned out to be true. When rumors first started they were targeting Ron Behrenwald it was denied. Same for Kathy Petrich, Susan Townsend, Rich Hulkow and several others. All denied and all turned out to be true. When rumors started they planned to fire all of the custodians they were also denied, and of course they quickly moved forward and it was of course true. Many other examples can be shared but in the last five years the "rumor mill" of insiders sharing what they know has proved to be far more honest and accurate than what the superintendent or board members have said. This blog has proven far more accurate than our school leaders when comparing what is said and what later turns out to be true.

Anonymous said...

That's part of the problem, the previous Superintendent and her board supporters lied so often nobody believes them anymore. Most of those same people are still on the board.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that after much opposition from the Marshall school board and superintendent, that Coach Hulkow will leave next year to coach football at Olivet? Why would then ever want to force out such a great coach while giving big raises to people who do squat?

Anonymous said...

Yup, Hulk is gone! Was offered the job today. Best of luck coach, thank you so much for ALL that you have done in this community, despite the past couple of years with JKP and the board. You have impacted so many of us in so many ways, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Another huge loss for MHS said...

If Hulk is leaving this is a very sad day for MPS. Only those of us who have worked with Rich day after day would really know what an impact he has had on all students. My kids were not football players but were highly impacted by his persona during their years at the high school. MHS will have a huge void. Best of all to you Rich - you are top notch! I wish you only the best for your future.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Hulk

Anonymous said...

good luck at olivet hulk. now the school board won't have to try to force you out this spring!

Sad news- BC Enquirer 12-23-09 said...

I am very sad to see Coach Hulkow leaving! You can be sure that Vic Potter, Dan Stulberg, Ali Webb, Janice Darling, Paul Beardslee, Georgia Marsh and Marsha Franke are all celebrating- probably at Schulers! They gave Coach Hulkow a ton of undeserved crap for years! These idiots have harmed the Marshall schools severely! Their buddies Joyce Phillips and Amy Jones played a big role too!

Is it finally time for a recall to get some good board members? Thats the only way the school bonds can pass!

Thanks for all you have done Coach Hulkow! You will be missed!

Anonymous said...

The "leaders" mentioned above have been working hard to take the Marshall schools in the same direction as the Athens schools- down, down, down!

Anonymous said...

Those school leaders have given countless hours of volunteer time to serving the Marshall schools. When they took over there was a lot of problems that needed fixing. Hulkow should have been out long ago. Privatizing the custodians saves money. Joyce Phillips only went after people who needed to go to. Do you know how many people do not do their jobs? A lot and much more needs to be done. You should be thanking these people who have done so much for the Marshall schools. Look at the Success Fund, the test scores and how the budget is not as bad as it would have been! Bob Currie and Louis Giannunzio are the ones to blame for much of the neglect and misdirection of the Marshall schools.

Thank you Marshall school board, Randy Davis and Joyce Phillips for a job well done!

Anonymous said...

If one assumes JP solved problems she created more to replace them.

She was poisonous and the effects linger.

She knew nothing about management and hid that with an an offensive bluster. She was an insecure bully.

When her contract was extended the board should have made bond passage her main priority. Instead, they had to hide her in the closet because she was so divisive.

In the end, all she was, was incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and none of that excuses Lou and Curry. They were a different kind of animal, but just as ineffective.

The sad fact is... said...

Do you actually live in Marshall? They did the opposite! In most cases they targeted the wrong people, I think they were set up by people trying to seek revenge. Their management was like a "bull in a china shop" where many things got broken. It is a well-documented mess!

Joyce Phillips was paid handsomely and guaranteed a 2nd Michigan retirement, which we will pay for the rest of her life for about $20,000/year. She was clearly the worst and most incompetent superintendent in the history of the Marshall schools, but the board protected her anyway!

MHS and MMS are a mess under bad leadership, but the good teachers still move forward. They tried hard to remove Coach Hulkow and fortunately they failed. Only a fool would think they did a good job. Now another bond will fail because they are still in control and nobody trusts them! Also we lost Coach Hulkow, but hopefully it is a good move for him!

Anonymous said...

What part of Joyce was incompetent did you misundersand, douchebag.

Marshall schools cheated, kids lose! said...

I posted the two above you are referring to. But when I posted someone else snuck another post in there. So I really referred to two above, and yes I agree with you as you can now figure out.

Either way I would avoid swear words when addressing people you disagree with or you will sound like some of our board members we all criticize.

But I have no great love for Lou and Bob Currie was a disaster. When he screwed the Marshall Schools for an unjust $70,000+ payment (sick day contract payment scandal) when he left he lost his entire reputation as far as I am concerned. For that he should be fired form his current job. I would never trust him again. He is a sleazeball just like Joyce. Lou G. was 50-50, half ok and half sleazeball. Lou and Brad Haines gave themselves a $30,000 buyout each when they were leaving anyway, but combined less than what Bob Currie gave himself and way less than Joyce Phillips $20,000/year for life!

All are self-serving and corrupt!

Anonymous said...

Not true, Nick Timmer was a good guy back in the 70s and early 80s. Honest, cooperative, friendly, an overall class act! After that things started going downhill at the top.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments from Vic Potter in Enquirer article on 12/24/09 about what a loss Coach Hulkow will be.

Anonymous said...

Vic Potter has wanted Coach Hulkow out for years. WHy? I have no idea! He is part of that clique that runs things.

Anonymous said...

I have talked to many people around town and not once has anyone heard Vic say he wanted Hulk gone. In fact he has donated many dollars to Hulk's program over the years. I am sure you 10 know it alls know something different right? Looks like another bunch of wild rumors.

Anonymous said...

So now Vic is back pedaling. I remember hearing his wife at the Middle School going off on how Hulkow should be fired. I can't imagine his views differ from hers.

The views of "the group" of Vic, Dan, Paul and Janice are well known as anti-Hulkow.

Anonymous said...

Hulkow is known as being anti-Joyce Phillips, as was everyone else who cared about the Marshall schools. Vic probably just backs the others who had various feuds with Lou G., and they see Coach Hulkow as part of that group.

Anonymous said...

Either way Mr. Hulkow is leaving and it is a sad day for the Marshall schools.

Go Coach Hulkow! said...

Coach Hulkow definately got the last laugh on Beardslee, Potter, Stulberg, Darling, Webb, Phillips, Marsh, Mardha F. and the gang. They wanted him gone, gave him grief and finally moved to oust him last spring. It backfired, the community protested and he was allowed to stay another year. Then he went on to a state championship!!! WOW!!!

Go Hulkow! The rest should resign and leave the Marshall schools alone. They have done enough damage already.

Thanks John Coulter for playing a big role to help Coach Hulkow!

Good luck at Olivet!

Anonymous said...


Chronicle news story last spring said...

For those who may not know, here is what the Marshall Chronicle reported last spring when about 100 community members came out to support Coach Hulkow:

The comment above is likely from one of the board members who wanted Coach Hulkow gone, or a close associate of theirs. Remember these people are still in control of our schools.

Left MPS for a happier place said...

Congratulations Rich on both your State title and the awesome opportunity at Olivet. Although you will be missed greatly - and I do associate Marshall football and the Hulk....I know you will love your new opportunity. Those of us who have left the MPS system have found happiness, respect and many rewards in our new positions. You will soon learn the controversy in your career is due in total to the Board at MPS. Your health and happpiness are about to take a turn for the best! Very happy for you!

Anonymous said...

How true and how sad! The best get forced out or leave because things are so bad while the worst get raises and promotions. Until those responsible are replaced on the school board, the Marshall schools will suffer and lose good people. I am sure these fools are celebrating Rich Hulkow's departure as a "victory."

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Rich Hulkow is joining the long list of excellent people who have either left the Marshall schools or chose not to apply here because of the bad leadership and related problems. Why stay where you are not wanted? Our kids and schools lose again.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye 'Bulk' and don't let the door hitcha!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the scoop on the bond information regarding monies being asked for to upgrade the bus garage?

I am a bit confused here. First I heard they want to build a whole new bus facility just north of the high school. Then I heard they want to spend bond money to upgrade the city property where the bus garage (rents space) is currently located. Why heck would we spend bond money that we are going to pay on for 30 years on a city owned property. What kind of investment is it for Marshall School taxpayers to upgrade a city owned property?????? Maybe we should first cut the useless fat at the bus garage - remember how many employees work all summer long - while you can NEVER get Mike Walbeck to answer a phone nor can you find him. In fact - if you do find his secretary she does not EVER know where he is. Watch out Vic - Wally sure likes to bad mouth you behind your can only imagine the names he calls you to his employees....I guess you and Wally go way back huh?

Anonymous said...

who doesn't badmouth vic behind his back?

Anonymous said...

Once again you 10 people should go to meetings and learn the truth. I understand Randy has met with city manager to find a way for marshall schools to own the section of the city property and upgrade that building. The governer has asked schools and cities to work together to save money. Also i agree it was hard to let go of the janitors but comments about the district buying new equipment for cleaning company is another wild rumor. Part of the savings was in part having not to by equipment, company supplied all tools. I am ttrying to get figure of savings before i print rumors but appears district is saving the money projected as many more districts are now doing.

Anonymous said...

Amy Jones herself told me about the equipment that was being purchased as part of the deal to replace the custodians. What gives?

Anonymous said...

So now you believe Amy. Many prior post say Amy was bad and not believeable. So when you lie like happens moof the time on this blog amy is okay.

Custodian temps and new equipment? said...

I heard about it from a board member and if I remember it was in the paper. Are you saying that NO new equipment was purchased before or after the new custodial company was hired? Also what about the new custodian company charging for what they call "extras" which as far as I have heard were all things the previous custodians did. I would like to know what their bill was for the entire year and combine that with a survey of the staff to compare if the service is better and if the costs are in fact lower. I am also waiting for Supt. Davis item by item rebuttal to the MEA article which said there was not much savings.

Are the dumb leaading the dumber? said...

OK - I saw with my own eyes the new equipment that was purchased in the summer of 2007. In fact, working at MHS I spoke, in person, to the school custodians that were being outsourced.....I watched them HAVE TO ASSEMBLY the new equipment for the GRBS. Enough of the games and lies. Not only were these 24 custodians put out of their liveihoods...within 3 months...but they had to unload and assemble the new equipment for the outsourced custodial responsiblities. People should know first hand what they are talking about before posting. That was like salt in the wounds of the 24 local school custodians that had begged this district for proper equipment to assist them in delivering the best services possible. BUT NO....AMY COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT AFFORD THE EQUIPMENT FOR OUR LOCAL CUSTODIANS. IN FACT, THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS BILL ARMSTRONG, CUSTODIAN SUPERVISOR, RESIGNED. How dare any board member to pretend not to know the facts. August 2007 the board members professed to know all the facts therefore were able, within 3 months, to make the decision to outsource. THERE ARE NO SAVINGS. THERE WILL BE NO SAVINGS. THERE HAVE BEEN FELONS IN THE BUILDINGS WORKING. THERE IS A HUGE TURNOVER IN THE GRBS WORKERS. THERE IS DISFUNCTION WITHIN THE GRBS ORGANIZATION. That is why PCS is stealing alot of GRBS contracts away from them.

Bottom line....if there were actual savings - WE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THAT REBUTTAL FROM DAVIS MONTHS AGO.

More smoke screens, more lies....more asking for bond money. NOTHING HAS REALLY CHANGED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF FACES.

There has been no clear vision at MPS in 6 years. Every new superintendent sets new goals for the district when in fact - the Lou/Brad years were always working within a five year plan.

Where is the ole "change is good" logo now. Because I have not personally seen any good change. Talk is still talk. Actions still speak louder than words.

To the poster above, who appears to sound like Ms. have not been very accurate in past posts. With over 44,000 hits on this site....if it was that inaccurate someone, somewhere, would have published - ie BC Enquirer...a rebuttal to the MEA article. Have you FOIAd the financials. We have them. Have you seen the facts as gathered at the MEA? We have seen them. Where do you get your information....

Now would be a great time so see that rebuttal. You know - Mr. Davis should reveals his 'facts' about the savings....prior to asking the taxpayers to repair a building that belongs to the City of That one is too funny for me to absorb. That would be like me financing a remodeling job at my neighbors house. How insane is that. So when we upgrade the City Department of Public Works realizes a property value increase? The taxpayers financing the remodeling? No....the City of Marshall.

Who to heck would consider paying for a 30 year bond that is upgrading someone elses facility? I would like to know who had this brainstorm. Sounds like someone that does not have a brain to me!!!!!!

Thanks for the update....I will now be voting NO ON THE BOND. I CANNOT AFFORD TO INCREASE MY SCHOOL TAXES - TO UPGRADE A CITY FACILITY. Let's get this fact into the newspaper...I do believe more people are going to see this the way I do. Let's show some financial soundness....spending money to upgrade someone elses facility is NOT GOOD STEWARDSHIP.

Lost Custodians = Lost Safety to our Kids said...

In short, talk to Reading Schools, talk to Coldwater schools....there were no savings for them in outsourcing. In fact, GRBS is constanting trying to recruit employees to clean the Coldwater School facilities because there is such a turnover. Have you not watched the job ads? GRBS is constanting trying to recruit custodians for the MPS system also. This turnover is huge. The background checks are not in place like promised. There have been issues with GRBS employees regarding students. Our schools are not as safe as they were when our neighbors and friends, our local taxpayer custodians, were in our buildings. Remember the 'No Strangers in our Buildings'? Guess what - we have strangers working amongst our kids everyday now. When you see the information about these 'strangers' you will also wonder why our School Board has allowed this situation to stay in place.

Curious how this could be possible! said...

So even if I was in favor of upgrading the city property I still have to wonder how this could possibly be done. As a local Realtor I would like to see that deed to the City Property. How is it possible for one structure to be owned by two different public entities? How would that property split appear on the tax rolls? This is a nightmare waiting to crap on our schools. Who in there great wisdom would support this kind of 'stewardship' to our schools?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see every one has not got a new attitude for christmas. I hope you 10 people arnt married, that would make 20miserable people.
I am going to fla for 2 mos. When I get back Iwill check for new lies and wild rumors.Sounds like ex employees, No wonder you are ex employees. See ya in march.

Anonymous said...

Other than insults I have seen no good arguments, solid facts or logic behind those like you who defend the Phillips' years and the board clique (Potter, Stulberg, Darling, Webb and former Beardslee) who run things.

Whether you agree with the critics or not, I have read many reasoned arguments, ideas and specific facts they question or share about. Is their no good defense for the actions of those who have been in power the last six years?

Anonymous said...

What can they defend? We know more than they do about what is really going on. I am not so sure if these fools are all bad or just repeatedly duped into bad decisions? They seem to have an uncanny ability to listen to and follow bad advice time and time again. I used to try talking to them but gave up after they fired all the custodians. I knew it was a bad idea on many levels, especially the way and speed they did it. I knew it would cost us a crucial bond. My kids can understand this better than most of our school board. Now the custodial mess turned out even much worse than even I predicted.

More coverups and lies, the problems keep getting worse.

Anonymous said...

good this true? the school bond will upgrade CITY FACILITIES?? this has got to be the absolute dumbest thing i've heard of yet. i didn't think my opinion of the school board could get any lower, but CONGRATULATIONS!! you pulled it off!! bye bye bond, and when the school board members accuse the community of punishing the children, again, for not passing their bond, i hope they realize THEY THEMSELVES are blowing it for our kids, our community, and our future. i seriously don't know how any of you can run a business when you mismanage funds the way you do, and make such stupid decisions. oh wait, that's YOUR MONEY you are dealing with in that situation. there's the difference.

Anonymous said...

maybe vic should slip in the bond funds to pay his employees more who go out on ice covered roads to tow damaged vehicles and risk their lives. i thought with their job they would get paid pretty good and was shocked to see employees of his having to charge for a bottle of soda, pack of cigs., etc until pay day, to then pay what they owe and have to turn around end of week to charge again.

Anonymous said...

wow what will happen in the school system now since hulkow is taking trirce, burger, and dryer with him to olivet. article is in the marshall advisor/chronicle.

Anonymous said...

i really hope coach hulkow has something to say in regards to his opinion of the school board and how they operate after he is no longer employed with MPS. i am curious to know what he really thinks about this whole situation, and would love to hear his opinion.

Anonymous said...

He told me point blank that Joyce Phillips had to go and was a disaster to the schools. He also said what happened to Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich and others was wrong and very bad for our schools. Of course just about everyone else I talked to on staff said the same thing. So there should be no surprises as to what he thinks of the way Darling, Stulberg, Beardslee, Potter, Georgia Marsh, Marsha Franke, Joyce Phillips and Ali Webb have run things (into the ground)!

Just talk to any staff member who trusts you enough to tell the truth. Talk to former board members like Chris Varvatos, Bob Lyng and Sam Ramon. Lies, scandals and incompetence can best describe the last 5-10 years.

Anonymous said...

New Year...SAME OLD DRECK!!!

The group in charge- change needed! said...

In response to two above, that group formed during their anti-Lou G. and anti-Redskin crusades. I like most of them personally (I do not know them all) but they seem to have gone nuts once they got power. They have certainly done more harm than good. I hope they reflect on this and either change their ways or get out of school politics.

Anonymous said...

Hey two above, don't you mean the "same old unfortunate sad truth"?

Anonymous said...

Hey one above, don't you ever get tired of being a schlep?

One more positive move - out of MPS said...

Only best wishes to Rich Hulkow from me. I worked with Rich for 11 years at MHS and can tell you there is going to be a huge void. I know for a fact the impact he has had on students in this community. He strongly influenced both of my kids. Rich has been beat up for NOTHING since the beginning of the horrible Joyce Phillips years. Since it has continued I can only think that perhaps it was generated by Board members as some have indicated. I am beginning to believe the Stulberg grudge over being fired as Basketball coach. No matter what - Rich has been treated exactly like Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich, and many many other employees at MHS. Rich was fortunate to have some very strong personalities to watch his back. Thankfully though, Rich has always watched the backs of many a co-worker. There have been attacks, targeting and harrassment. I am so very glad Rich has chosen the perfect time to make his move to better things. Marshall had the chance to continue to employ these types of awesome personalities. Marshall has chosen to 'try to move forward - or continue to move backward' - We have all seen this Boards direction.

Rich will take a huge following to Olivet with him. He is just that type of person/man.

Best of all to him. This is one going away party I would not miss for a million dollars. Glad to see another MPS employee move on to a better position/employer. Yes Rich!!!

Anonymous said...

At least one board member told me after the bond defeat that Hulk could have delivered several hundred votes had he chosen to do so.

It will be fascinating to watch this now.

Sut. Davis MEA rebuttal? said...

When will Supt. Davis give his item by item rebuttal to the MEA article that said Marshall did not save much money by firing all of the custodians and hiring low paid temps (but paying big fees to the temp agency) to replace them?

Will he factor in the cost of the lost bond last year and how much could have been saved contracting in this economic downtown? We could have saved a few million dollars right there!

Anonymous said...

Apparently he is not going to do what he claimed he would do. It would likely stir up more controversy and solve nothing. There are way too many problems in the schools already.

Anonymous said...

if mr. davis does not publish his rebuttal...people will assume that the outsourcing is NOT saving money, and he will look foolish for going back on his word. i think it would be in his best interest to do what he says he will do, or he is going to look like he won't follow through with anything! plus, i know alot of people in the community who want to see if it is really saving monmey or not, which i highly doubt it is, or the rebuttal would have been published by now.

Where is the MEA rebuttal Supt Davis????????? It's been six months and still waiting for rebuttal! said...

I have asked to see/read the supposed rebuttal to the MEA article regarding custodian outsourcing on several occasions. I agree if Supt. Davis does not produce his promised document many will lose faith in his leadership. This is his chance to stand by his word. Will he or won't he put some action behind his words. I am still distressed by the 24 families that lost their jobs, obviously, without much consideration. I am tired of the pat answers produced by Board Members. After the resounding audience comments regarding the lose to the district if the Board were to outsource these 24 local employees I still wait for this rebuttal.

Other note: I wish Rich Hulkow only the absolute best at Olivet. Rich leaving MHS will have far more impact on this district that the babooms on the Board will have ever imagined. Rich deserves to be respected. Many who have left Marshall Schools during the Phillips reign of terror truly know that Rich is about to totally enjoy his working experience again. Once an employee leaves Marshall they immediately realize what respect on the job is all about. The staff at Marshall Schools have been severely hurt in the new leadership. Without respect - what is there?

Anonymous said...

Are they still thinking about "privatizing" the bus drivers, secretaries, teacher aides and other support staff? Supposedly some of the big raises given out last year were in part to reward those (Joyce, Amy, Charlie) who come up with such ideas to "save" money.

Anonymous said...

The board has a track record of calling such claims a lie and then they are later proved true. Remember when there were rumors they were targeting certain people, which they denied, and are now gone? Remember the rumors they were going to fire the custodians which some of them denied, and now they are gone? But a few examples. I don't trust most of them anymore.

Has there even been $$$ saved? or has this district again lost $$$ with privatization said...

But if Davis is wanting to gain respect - don't you think he should be following through on his claim that the MEA article was not accurate.

The Phillips way was to talk on thing and do another thing. I would just love to see this new supt. follow through when he says he is going to do something. This would be helpful in a bond passage. This community is very tired of the talk with no action to back it up - or the Joyce way - Say one thing while quietly doing the opposite (while hoping you are not still paying attention).

Where are the facts? I need to see the cost savings as professed this summer by the new superintendent and business manager.


Anonymous said...

Randy Davis is proving to be just what many suspected, a PR guy who looks out for himself but is of little real substance. The board views him as a puppet. He has almost no education experience besides his problem-plagued reign in the Athens schools. He can schmooze the powers-that-be and is mostly likely nicer than Joyce (who isn't?) but don't expect much real leadership from him.

Anonymous said...

Even if they spend less money they are also getting less services now. Just ask around in the school buildings. All special requests cost more. Only the bare basics are covered in the contract. It was a bad idea that was rushed and poorly considered from the get go. That's bad leadership for you!

Anonymous said...

The board did carefully consider the ramifications of privatizing custodial services and we knew tight budgets were coming. It was either that or cut more teachers and programs. We understand the displeasure of those affected. We regret such decisions need to be made with the economic realities schools are facing. Until more funding can be found at the state level, school boards will need to make unpopular cuts.

Anonymous said...

to the above comment: your statement may be true if in fact there was a savings in the budget by privatizing custodial services but where is the proof showing these savings? until proof is shown as promised we who are displeased continue to believe just exactly what it is a lie as every thing else that has been told to us.

Anonymous said...

Schoolsmust change the way they function. That should and will include the number and configuration of schools. Anyone with a low skill position in any business should be getting training or education to prepare for the future.

Anyone in middle management (principals) should also expect consolidation.

School administrators and the MEA don't want to change, but the state and feds will insist because there isn't more money.

We will insist because we can't pay more in taxes.

Did you know that disctircts in a county can jointly ask the voters for up to 3 mills for operating? Proposal A allows it. Washtenaw voters defeated it last fall.

I don't know if we saved from custodians or not, but wringing your hands over it is foolish.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'.

Look to the future: What can YOU do? said...

Even if we had better leadership, there will be financial problems for at least a few more years in the Marshall schools.

The board chose to protect, cover up or force out Joyce phillips depending whom you believe. She did fail but she is fortunately gone.

Time for everyone on all sides to think about what they can do to undo past damage (if possible) and look to the future.

If the bond fails again, MHS will fall even much further behind as far as facilities go compared to BC area schools.

We have mostly very good teachers, students and parents.

We have some very good administrators.

We have some people who need to be replaced at all levels.

If you want change register (soon) and run for the school board in May. Ali Webb and John Coulter's terms expire. John already said he has no plans to run again, unless he changes his mind. Many critics want Ali Webb gone, now is your chance to run against her or for her seat if she chooses not to run. You probably need to register in February, look into it.

What else can be done to improve things in the future?

Good luck Coach Hulkow, thanks for your outstanding service to our kids, community and schools!

Anonymous said...

But why do the wrong people keep leaving?

Anonymous said...

Is Marshall trying to get in on the money the state might get for education? I read Pennfield, Athens and some other schools are applying.

Anonymous said...

So far no word about this. I hope our wise leaders know about this and pursue all possible sources of money.

Anonymous said...

Can they move Klochack to AD and get a new MHS Principal?

Anonymous said...

New leadership is needed in several of the schools. Bob Voight would be excellent at MHS. He does a great job at the Alternative school.

Anonymous said...

mr. bob vaught is the bomb if it werent for him i would not have graduated. he would make a great high school principal but not to be greedy we want him at the alternative, so many students in a situation out of their control who would not have made it in the high school and went to the alternative now or will be getting their diploma. BOB VAUGHT gave me and will be givng many students a future. THANK YOU MR. VAUGHT!

Bad leaders hurt our schools said...

That is why he will not get the MHS job. They had a highly competent Principal in Ron Behrenwald. He embarrassed Joyce Phillips by challenging her nonsensical directives and refusing to cooperate in the unjust abuse of good employees. Joyce had never been a Principal and was clueless as to how to properly run a school.

For this Mr. Behrenwald was not trusted (by the corrupt leaders) and was forced out. Then they had to find some idiot who would carry out her directives and help abuse good employees. That person is Mr. Klochack and one of the unjustly targeted employees was Kathy Petrich. Most of you know the rest of the story.

Now why is morale so bad? Why are so many parents and community members upset?

I wonder!

Anonymous said...

Its wishful thinking if anyone thinks the bad principals will be replaced. As long as they carry out the board's orders and help cover up the mess that was made, they will be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

I see that Supt. Davis former district Athens is closing a school building. Things are a big mess there. Is that the best Marshall could do, hire the leader of a failing class D school district? Then he was given a big pay increase to almost $120,000/year (more with perks) and he was NEVER a teacher or Principal. What gives?

Marshall can and should do much better!

Anonymous said...

All they do is pretend the past never happened or simply blame Joyce for everything they asked her to do. The guilty are still guilty. There has been no justice.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how Joyce, Amy, Vic, Janice, Paul and Dan sleep at night knowing how many people they hurt on purpose.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the problems at MHS are being kept quiet. I miss the days when the Chronicle used to cover the schools and use the FOIA to get records and investigate what is going on.

Leaving chairs broken in the MHS auditorium while lavishing big raises on the fools who made things a mess is not a good way to build public support for the bond. Do they think we are stupid?

Anonymous said...

Now here is the plan...

Lets leave some seats broken in the MHS auditorium, a few toilets broken too, and show the areas where everything has been allowed to fall apart and give tours.

That should build support for the bond- NOT!

Anonymous said...

Can we get a new thread started about the bond?

Anonymous said...

I agree, this thread has gone on for months!

Now the bond? I am still waiting for the board and Supt. Davis to launch a serious effort to pass it.

What about upcoming pay cuts, will Supt. Davis volunteer to take cuts first, as he has benefitted from one of the largest pay increases.

New game plan for bond passage - what if it is kept quiet? said...

Do you suppose this could be happening?

Is it possible the Board wants to keep very quiet and low profile regarding the upcoming bond request? Possibly if it is kept quiet - there will be a small voter turnout....consisting of mostly 'bond supporters'. Historically school bond votes are already very low turn outs. If it is kept quiet and people do not have to go out and vote down something they cannot afford with today's economy - the bond will pass - it will be too late for those who cannot afford any increases at this time - and the Board will have their 'feather in the cap BOND'.

I for one cannot afford ANY increase in my household expenses - as we continue to worry about our plant closure.

Last time the Board advertised, 'educated', paid for brochures (that were at best - misleading) and the bond did not pass. What if the game plan now is to do the opposite and keep things quiet and hope they SLIDE through?

Just some thoughts - one never knows what the MPS school board is up to - so just possibly - this is the game plan for the upcoming bond vote!

Anonymous said...

Plus they do not want publicity of widely despised board members that will surely sink the bond. That's most of the board.

Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder if they have any idea as to what they are doing or how they are perceived by everyone else?

Anonymous said...

What are the school leaders doing about the big drug problem at MMS and MHS? I think they should do a surprise visit with the dogs. Or would this rock the boat and upset "prominent" parents who do not want their kids busted with drugs?

This is Marshall! said...

Hey, that is not part of the PR plan. You are not supposed to talk about the drug problem. What if they brought in dogs and actually found drugs? Can you imagine the bad press?

Ron Behrenwald tried to address such issues and was shot down. Ron also tried to fairly enforce school rules for ALL students. Big mistake! Bob DuBois made the same mistake! He should have known that some kids deserve special treatment because of who their families are and their friends on the school board. Some people just don't get it!!!

This is Marshall!

Anonymous said...

drugs are very bad in marshall period not only just the school system. and as mentioned above it is who you are what treatment you receive. just from overhearing kids talk at ball games, out in public i could name names that would more than fill up site. there is marital affairs going on within the police department, druggies in our business owners - who have been busted but not charged evidence came up missing, park used to make drug deals. i am sure i am not the only one who knows all this but marshall isnt the goody goody town it seems or want to seem like it is.

Anonymous said...

did you kniw that the little park with the little fountain down by the shell station is refered to by the high school kids as "stoner park"? i just found that out. what a discgrace that our city has a park like that and the cops dont bust it.

Anonymous said...

Johnnie, give it up!!! Go back to school, learn just a little spelling and grammar...please.

Anonymous said...

Ketchum Park has long had a major drug problem for decades. So does downtown in certain places and at certain times of the day and night. The affairs, scandals, drugs and other problems could make Marshall into one interesting crime-reality show.

Anonymous said...

I saw the December board meeting on cable access. The board had the enthusiasm of a rock to boost the bond. Hardly anyone spoke on this topic. I remember when board meetings were well-attended and had a lively exchange of ideas. Then that was all brought to a halt a few years ago. The feeling was that the board and the superintendent did not really care what anyone else had to say unless they were being praised. The lack of interest and enthusiasm is not encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Job cuts coming! Teachers will be asked for big concessions but not those who have received big raises in recent years.

Anonymous said...

LOL, that's a good one, teachers who have received "big raises". That means all teachers will be asked for wage cuts?

Why such a lack of humility and effort to rebuild support? said...

The latest is the board will get at least a 5% cut via teacher benefits, one way or another. The teachers may pay more, get less, or both. That way it will not be announced as a 5% (or more) cut.

Why the lackluster campaign to pass the bond? Good question! You would think the school board and Supt. Davis would be bending over backwards to rebuild all the broken bridges and try to unite a majority behind the bond.

I guess their pride and ego is too big to exert such efforts.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect?

Anonymous said...

Nobody trusts the leadership and that is why the bond is in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

I think that Dr. Davis has been doing a lot of good things to repair the damage that Joyce had done and despite the board and their previous actions, it would be a good idea to support the current bond issue. I know that I will vote for it as well as the other members of my family who vote.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard of who might be applying for the Athletic Director's job and who might be the favorites to get the job. No one could replace Coach Hulkow, but I hope that they hire someone decent.

Anonymous said...

I heard Dave Turner or Andrea Nessel may be interested.

Anonymous said...

Either might be ok for the AD job, but not for the football coach job of course.

Anonymous said...

I think they should hold the AD job for a top football coach. Marshall has a great football program and I would hate to see it screwed up. But I would not put it past the board majority to screw it up somehow.

Still waiting: Where are the Savings? said...

This is becoming really old but: WHERE ARE THE SAVINGS AND HOW MUCH WERE/ARE THE SAVINGS FROM OUTSOURCING OUR LOCAL CUSTODIANS AND HIRING THE GRBS TO DO OUR CUSTODIAL WORK. I mean Janitor work. Our local workers knew our students and their families - Custodian: watches out and cares for. Janitor: cleans

Dr. Davis promised a rebuttal last summer - STILL WAITING. I guess we can assume one of two things
1) there were no savings so he cannot prove the MEA wrong in the article or
2) he is going to talk without action to back up his talk

Anonymous said...

Good point - we are still waiting to hear the truth from Davis. Without his true facts about the school custodians how are we to believe the talk about the upcoming bond. Until his rebuttal my vote will be NO. School board/supt. you must start acting on your talk. This is one way to rebuild trust or not.

Anonymous said...

Supt. Davis is preoccupied with the financial scandal in his previous district Athens. About $400,000 is missing and the district may go under. How did we pick this winner?

Anonymous said...

It's not missing, they have a deficit. You have a right to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.

Anonymous said...

The auditorium project bothers me. I guess I don't mind it being nice, but I checked the 2000 census figures and there is a decline of 10,000 students statewide for the next seven years. That doesn't count outmigration, or the fact that Calhoun County is probably worse than the state as a whole.

We will never fill a larger space.

Mismanagement in Athens said...

To two above. I also have talked to people in Athens who work in the schools. Nobody is saying it was stolen but they cannot account for most of it. Apparently he was Superintendent AND the Business Manager, so there were no checks and balances. Had Randy Davis stayed there he would have likely been fired by now.

Go check the facts yourself! They are well known in Athens.

As I suspected when we hired him, he was a poor choice at best.

Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly won't defend him, but I doubt the money is unaccounted for. Did he manage well? I doubt it. Did the district get surprised that expenses exceed revenue? Certainly.

Be very careful about asserting things that people say are true when they know nothing about the details.

If the money was unaccounted for the auditors and the state would be there, including the State Police.

I repeat, one's own opinions...not one's own facts.

Anonymous said...

I have heard the same thing, it is a scandal in Athens.

Anonymous said...

Did the Marshall Teachers Union and sign on and endorse the Race for the Top? If not, then why not... and if not, then quit spewing that drek about being "For The Kids"!!!

Anonymous said...

Would someone care to answer this? Obviously they don't know what they are talking about. Quit pointing fingers unless you understand the implications of what you want the Teachers Union to sign. You sound bitter and I can almost pinpoint some of your other posts..."drek".

What were they (the school board) thinking? said...

Let's see...

Randy Davis was never a teacher.

Randy Davis was never a Principal.

He obviously is not much of an education leader, as most teachers are far better qualified than he is.

Now we learn he was not good at managing the Athens' schools budget (at best). About $400,000 is unaccounted for (most likely gross mismanagement).

The entire Athens school district is at a high risk of going under.

What can he do besides smile, shake hands and take orders from the likes of Potter and Darling?

Or make bluster how he will provide an item by item rebuttal to the MEA article of last summer claiming Marshall did not gain my by firing the custodians (still waiting many months later).

Is someone like this worth $120,000/year plus?

Can the Marshall schools do better?

What about "excellence"?

Anonymous said...

What did you expect us to do, hire a strong educational leader with many years of experience as a teacher and building Principal? Such a person could be a strong charismatic leader. Someone highly respected by the staff! The type of leader that may be telling the school board what needs to be done, and not the other way around. Who would think this was a good idea?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they can move Randy Davis to run the Alternative School, which is closer to his experience, and promote Bob Vaught to be the Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

the remark the above person made is exactly the reason we need the alternative school in marshall. the children in the alternative program are no different than students in the high school except they may have made mistakes and didnt have a rich parent/parents to bail them out like snobby others do or they dealt with bullying. these students at the alternative have far learned more than any student at the high school due to mr. bob vaught giving them a chance and showing them he is different than others at the high school and wont tolerate poor behavior. they are treated with respect and give respect.

Change needed said...

In defense of Mr. Klochack, he treats everyone the same- crappy!

I can understand how the Alternative schools doesn't want to lose a great leader like Bob Vaught. We also need great leaders at MHS, MMS, Walters, Gordon and in the Superintendent job. Its hard to move forward to promote excellence with such weak links in our schools. Don't even get me going on some of the school board members. Marshall needs big changes or the bond has no chance.

Fire Klochack! said...

Klochack should be fired for his role in unjustly abusing and persecuting Kathy Petrich. As many know this likely played a big role in her untimely passing. Most of the school board is responsible too. They knew exactly what they were doing. This has not been forgotten!

Anonymous said...

In response to the previous poster:
We assume none of those you mention are listed as the CAUSE on the death certificate...your postings border on being defamatory, so knock it off!!!

The staff know the facts! said...

As a former Marshall teacher I know for a fact that Kathy Petrich was treated horribly and extreme measures were used because Joyce Phillips and the school board (most at least) did not like her for her union activities and her speaking up about problems in the school district. These extreme and unjust actions did in fact cause her extreme stress which certainly contributed to her physical problems. This is very well-known amongst the MPS staff. Did they shoot her with a gun? No. Did Klochack, Phillips, Metcalf and at least some board members contribute to her untimely passing? I would say for sure they did!

Glad to be retired!

Anonymous said...

Is this true? Where did he come from besides athens? How did he get hired?

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot the reference from a few above posting-

"Randy Davis was never a teacher.

Randy Davis was never a Principal."

How can someone be a superintendent without at least teacher and Principal experience?

Anonymous said...

Apparently the standards have been lowered. I am also concerned with the brewing financial scandal in Athens involving Randy Davis and how it might sink the entire school district.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Kathy Petrich would likely still be alive if she had not been mistreated the way she was. So many awful things have happened. I blame Joyce K. Phillips, the nasty clique (like JD, PB, DS, VP) running the school board the last five years, the useless and clueless "Mr. Turtleneck" (lucky he is gone) and the idiot running MHS now.

I have no strong opinion of Randy Davis but things are not looking too good so far this year.

Congratulations Coach Hulkow on your great victory and your departure! You deserve much better than mistreatment and disrespect by these fools too!

Yes the guilty parties know who they are. We know who they are too.

Waiting for Dr. Davis said...

When will Superintendent Davis issue his "item by item" rebuttal he promised to the MEA article that claiming Marshall did not get big savings by firing all of the custodians?

His reputation is on the line if he fails to follow through with the biggest promise he has made so far since he was hired.

Anonymous said...

Can we also get an item by item report of the unaccounted for $400,000 in the Athens school district?

Anonymous said...

From the above posts about some school board members and our new superintendent it sounds like many past mistakes and dirty deeds are coming back to haunt some people.

Anonymous said...

how can people not want to put the blame for her death on the school board? no, they didn't kill her, but the actions they took caused her to change her life and she probably would be alive today if she had stayed in marshall. that being said, i am not blaming the school board personally, but if it was me that did that to someone, it would weigh VERY heavily on me for the rest of my life. then again, if i were a school board member, i would be upset at how the majority of citizens in this town think of me. obviously, they don't care about anyones opinions but their own, as they have demonstrated this again and again with all their foolish decisions. i am hoping some people in our community who want to move forward and have the best interests of our children run for the school board.

Anonymous said...

you would think if any one of the school board members who would actually think of karma would be vic and his accident was it actually an accident or karma showing him what it is like to be in pain that he has given to many others in different ways. how bad did it hurt vic? apparently not enough for you to stop and think.

Anonymous said...

Vic let us all down last year when we stepped up for him with prayers, good thoughts and concerns and he went back to his nasty old ways in return. If he changed, I did not see it.

Anonymous said...

People keep leaving Ali Webb off the bad school board members list, but what has she done good? She has sided with the other bad ones and helped protect and reward JKP over and over. She is just as bad as the rest. Annette too! Both are rubber stamps for the rest of the board clique.

Anonymous said...

i am so surprised to see the article thanking our fine school board for all they do in the paper. wow. yeah, thanks. for the community embarrassement.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the members of the MPS Board of Education for all your time and everything you do for our staff, students and
district...know that the majority of the Marshall community appreciate and support your efforts.

Anonymous said...

i would like to thank the teachers who are the ones who actually do the work. and have to work in an environment where you are viewed as "whiney losers" by your superiors. i am assuming the above post is a relation of sorts to some board member, or maybe they don't really know anyone in the community, because i, personally, know no one who doesn't think the school board is a joke. and i know alot of people. i appreciate the fact that these people are willing to sit on the school board, but i don't appreciate the fact that they make costly and foolish decisions time and time again.

Anonymous said...

To the members of the Board of Education, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

the board needs to stop patting itself on it's back, that's half the people actually THINK you are doing a good job, if you were doing such a good job, i wouldn't be typing on this blog page (set up to express the community's true views and opinions of the school board) at this very instant because it wouldn't be here!

Anonymous said...

If 'YOU PEOPLE' think you can do any better, then step forward and run for the board, otherwise shut your mouths!!!

Anonymous said...

In reply to three above, how is retirement going Joyce? Are you down in Haiti serving mankind? Or living it up on the extra Michigan retirement and undeserved money you made in Marshall several years after you should have been fired?

The the post above claiming the majority support the school board, where are they? I must talk to hundreds of people around town each year and I can count board supporters on my fingers. But those who say if no one runs against them or recalls them, then it doesn't mean a thing, you are correct also!

I keep hearing stories about how the Franke's are the money and organizers (and the Marsh's) behind the board, JKP, etc. There are also some controversies about their business practices in town and how they do not even return phone calls when places they have built run into major problems due to shoddy construction. If they truly care about Marshall maybe they should start treating the people of Marshall better. Maybe they should quit ignoring phone calls from those they have wronged in business deals. For these two reasons their once good reputation has taken a dive.

Anonymous said...

In reply to above, the only thing shoddy, are your are one sick puppy.

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Anonymous said...

To the one 2 above, why is the previous poster a sick puppy? What is not accurate about that post?

I think everyone is happy to see Mrs. Phillips gone.

The school board is very unpopular in town and many are mad at them for a wide variety of reasons.

As far as the Franke's business interests I am familiar with what I think they are referring to. Jim Franke is embroiled in a dispute with the Brewer condos that he built. There are many problems due to bad construction that have required expensive repairs and upgrades. How do I know this? My mother lives in the condos and her assessments have gone way up since she moved in some years ago to pay for the fixes. This is a big problem for fixed-income seniors! I asked a condo board member about this and he said that Jim Franke does not even return phone calls. For example the roofs were improperly ventilated so they are falling apart in as little as 8-10 years, instead of 20-25 years. It seems any building/businessman of good reputation and honor would step in, investigate and fix such mistakes if they made them. This has angered hundreds of Marshall residents and reflects poorly on the Franke family who normally seem interested in helping the community. Hopefully Tom Franke, who I have heard is a nice man, will step in and get his son to return calls and fix the problems.

Anonymous said...

I saw the list of possible candidates to replace Hulkow. It made me miss Coach Hulkow even more. Those are big shoes to fill. We need to be very careful who we pick for this crucial leadership position. A lot is at stake here.

Anonymous said...

For two above:

Yup, every father or mother should step right in and take responsibility for their son or daughter. Happens all the time, doesn't it? That would mean your mother would be responsible for your moronic postings!

Anonymous said...

Will the school board pick either Mr. Coddens or Mr. Duffey to replace Mr. Hulkow knowing both were big defenders of him and outspoken critics of Joyce Phillips and her school board supporters?

Anonymous said...

I am concerned the board and Supt. Davis are not doing enough to build staff and community support for the bond. Rebuilding lost trust is crucial.

Fix the schools said...

Unless Marshall truly unites for change and gets better people on the school board, better educational leaders in charge, and rebuilds community trust and support, things will keep getting worse. Look at Athens and Albion and imagine with the problems we have combined with economic problems that we could slowly follow in the same direction. Passing this bond is crucial, but likely will fail with bad leadership still in power. Too much damage has been done already. Staff morale is at rock bottom. We are losing a legend in Coach Hulkow that will not likely be replaced with anyone as good. Ongoing problems plague the board and most of the buildings, including MHS, MMS and Walters. I thank those who struggle to do their best in such difficult circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Based on the emails I get, the bond will be promoted in the same way as in the past. Ads, speakers at clubs, phone calls, etc...

I sense no attempt to address the objections of the community.

I have a $100,000 house and the millage increase would add a little less than 9% to my total tax bill. That's huge.

I also am stunned that they propose hundreds of thousands to redo bus access and parking in the name of safety.

I can't see how they can propose this with a straight face. In the case of Gordon it's $574,000 for driveways and parking, plus a similar amount for air handling improvements. It's just stunning.

I can't see how I can support this even though I agree a sound school system is crucial to economic recovery.

Anonymous said...

Should we all just give up! The powers-that-be will do whatever they please and care less how it hurts other people. They ran some great staff out of town. They replaced them with fools and scammers. Against almost all input they hired the failed leader of a local failing school district to be our superintendent. Now we are losing the excellent football coach/AD/assistant Principal at the high school. What leadership do we have left there besides Klochack (who should be fired!) and Nessel who is never around. Too many things are going wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hey teachers, ready for a 10% pay cut?

Anonymous said...

i always love the witty retorts to valid points and concerns from the community members. they are always so insightful...

Anonymous said...

The anti-MPS staff mentality unfortunately dominates our school board.

Anonymous said...

to the above, ya know, that's a really sad and telling statement.

Anonymous said...

The staff need to work with the parents and the community to run good candidates for the school board. I think the registration deadline for the May election is coming up soon in February.

Anonymous said...

Big big cuts coming very soon!

Anonymous said...

Chop! Chop! Chop!

Anonymous said...

hurry may, hurry! i can't take it much longer...

Asking for bond support while cutting staff wages and personnel....what to heck! said...

How can a school board, with any conscience talk cutting staff while asking our already financially strapped and scared taxpayers for bond money????? The school buildings do not teach the children - the teachers and support personnel do. What are buildings without GOOD staff members working with our next generation.

I will not support any bond issue until there is stability in the Marshall district. I don't care if it costs me $200 a year or $2 a year....cutting credible staff while asking for more tax dollars does not cut it in my household!

Anonymous said...

If you ask some of our board members, I have, they will say that everyone is replaceable and the teachers should be lucky they still have a job. There is much disdain for the staff. In return the staff are very angry at many of the stupid and mean things the board has done. There is a strong sense the board has no idea what is really going on and have been duped into many bad decisions. Others think some of our board members are simply bad apples on a maniacal power trip. Probably both are at least partly true.

Anonymous said...

i know the school could really use the bond. even thought i can't afford any increase in anything right now, i would vote yes on a bond if we had a decent board. but, i have to vote no b/c i will not turn over millions of dollars so these people can squander it!

Roll back big raises first said...

The big raises handed out to the superintendent position and other people loyal to former superintendent Joyce Phillips need to be rolled back first, before any other cuts are considered.

Its a simple formula, go back 7 years, add the same raise to each position that the teachers got, and if it is less than what some positions make now then cut it to that level. Simple! Its a start! Most of these raises were undeserved anyway. Some of these people should be fired, more savings.

Anonymous said...

Take a hike!!! Overpaid, pampered, and whining teachers take the hit first. You don't like it, then there are thousands of openings at other districts in the area where you can go. And thousands waiting to take your place!

Anonymous said...

Its nice to hear from our MPS leaders on school issues and building staff morale.

Anonymous said...

"Overpaid and pampered" teachers? Wow! Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

If they want to pass the bond, then Vic, Janice, Dan and Ali need to resign.

Anonymous said...

A recall could solve these problems too.

Anonymous said...

the way the board supporters on this site react to comments, makes me think it's board members themselves. i guess they don't realize how their angry, childish responses reflect on them...or maybe they just don't care b/c "nobody can do anything about it". are you seriously on that big of an ego trip b/c you are on a small town school board? or is it the sense of self satisfaction from personally having a hand in the destruction of one of the best local school systems?? either way, i am sure through your twisted perception, you are proud of the "fine" job you've been doing. i am not. i find it embarrassing as a community that the former president of our school board, who still sits on this board, didn't graduate high school. i was told that he did earn his GED. (board supporters, if this is wrong, don't just call names, show some proof, as this is something i've heard repeatedly). citizens of marshall, be aware this is what happens when you let people run for the school board unopposed. and the ensuing hilarity (or is it tragedy?) continues...

Anonymous said...

The people of Marshall must share the blame because of their apathy. If not enough get involved to make things better, then those who want to make things worse, or do so for whatever reason, end up in charge.

Does Marshall want "excellence"? We have had bad self-serving leaders at the top for many many years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thank you for proving my point.

Anonymous said...

and directed at you and yours.

Anonymous said...

yes, i know it's directed towards me and anyone else that shares the same sentiment. that's b/c you don't care what the community thinks. may i remind you, you were elected BY THE COMMUNITY to represent THE COMMUNITY'S interests, not just your own. and by elected, i mean run unopposed for a position. and for not caring what the community thinks, you sure check this blog quite a bit to post your bitterness and contempt for the people you are supposed to be representing. take some of the community's concerns and opinions to heart for a change. i would love to hear any board member speak to the public like that at a board meeting. i can't believe any of them are smart enough to save it all for anonymous blogging.

Anonymous said...

for above anonymous:
and we would love to hear you spew your venom at a board meeting, but you won't!

Anonymous said...

I really don't think it would matter what anyone says at a board meeting, b/c the board doesn't take anyone else's opinions or conerns when considering decisions. i mean, over 2000 signatures in a town of less than 8,000 is over a quarter of the people you are supposed to represent. their opinion didn't matter when it came to the custodians, now did it? why would i want to waste my time "spewing my venom" when it will just fall on def ears anyways? i see no way to heal this wound in the community with the current school board. it is pointless at this point. why don't you ever answer any question asked on this blog? all you do is give nasty retorts. no explanations, no solutions. just get ready for cuts you winey losers. very effective managament and people skills you are displaying. i really hope you are not a board member, or it's way worse than i imagined. i feel bad for any teacher that has to work in a hostile environment where they are viewed as pathetic, winey losers that are oh so disposible.

Anonymous said...

People used to speak up at board meetings but they moved public comment until the end, often past 10 pm. I liked watching Joyce Phillips doing a crossword puzzle or something as she ignored one speaker after another. No they do not care and they think they have all the power and they can therefore do as they please. In that sense they are correct, they can do as they please! Unless they are recalled there is no way to get them to change their ways. All other attempts at working together, teamwork, open communication, honest discussions, etc have failed. Look at how they targeted MTA union leaders who tried to work with them like Kathy Petrich? Look at how they betrayed people like Ron Behrenwald who tried to warn the board about Joyce Phillips total incompetence?

This blog should be shut down so people are forced to take action beyond posting here. In that sense I also agree with our school board.

Anonymous said...

that's a great idea..."shut her down Newt"!

Anonymous said...

What are ya'll complainin' bout?

The MPS are doing just dandy! Just ask around the MPS staff and just see if you can find anyone who who got the cajones to go on the record and criticize their highly steamed, oops "esteemed," school board? I bet you will not find one rascal to do this! Because they know what'll happen if they dare, oops, I meant "They are all happy and we are all workin' together for exclense the Marshall schools."

So there! You should be happy you have a job. Oops, cuts soon, so that may not be true much longer. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

This must be the type of experience posters here were looking for in a new superintendant...good news, he is available and looking for a job!
WYOMING — A former alternative high school principal was arraigned Thursday on fraud and misconduct in office charges related to his alleged falsification of attendance records.
Jerry Emde, 47, of Plainwell, allegedly doctored student attendance records and created phony classrooms in an effort to boost attendance at the Godwin Heights School District.
Attorney General Mike Cox said the fraud resulted in $1.8 million in excess state aid to Godwin Heights. Emde faces up to 10 years in prison.
Confucius says: "Wish in one hand and dump in the other, then see which one fills up first".

Anonymous said...

I Called colhoun county election office and olny 2 people took out packets for next election, Ali and some lawyer they have in their pocket. Come on whiners, get some one running, or are you afraid whole community is not as unhappy as you say. Put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

I have talked to our fine school board members and both the current and previous superintendents. I want to say I am impressed with their dedication and hard work on behalf of the Marshall schools. I had no idea how bad things were five years ago. They have been working diligently fixing the problems of the schools. Those that were let go, or chose to leave, have lead to improved programs and schools. Fine new leaders have replaced the old guard that did not want to do their jobs. If you only knew what Rich Hulkow has been up to you would support the board wanting him out too. The board and the superintendent knows best what to do and what is going on. The teachers union and the other unions are the problem. People just do not want to do their jobs. Georgia Marsh and Marsha Haring-Franke have filled me in too. They are also dedicated and working hard to improve our schools. They have been cleaning up the Middle School and the high school. Now they are proposing a bond to make things even better. What more can you ask for? I don't see anyone complaining at board meetings? I don't see anyone complaining in the newspapers? I don't see anyone else running for the school board? Therefore they must all be doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

i am hoping that is sarcasm. why does mrs. marsh have anything to do with the school board when she was recalled from her position, then later put up for election again with the backing of the school board (and that says alot for the mentality of our current board, backing an already recalled former member) and then beaten 2 to 1 when the votes are tallied? i would say that means the majority of the community does not think she would be the best for the job. she was a mean counsler when i was in school, and i have interacted with her outside since and do not care for her "air of superiority". again, i am really hoping that was sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Confucius also say:
"Hope in one hand and"...

Pieces of the puzzle of the MPS power struggle said...

It is no secret that former MPS employees Marsha (Haring) Franke and Georgia Marsh both play a key role in running the Marshall schools. Both have axes to grind and are part of the secretive group that runs the school board. One of their first targets was Jeff Cable who actually brought Marsha Haring-Franke over from the BC Schools where they were colleagues and friends. They had been close but had a falling out when Marsha and Bob Currie tried to scapegoat Jeff for all of the blunders with the MMS construction project. They left him out of the decision making and when many things went wrong they blamed him and pushed to have him fired when he spoke up publicly about it. They were also angry when more scandal broke out like when Bob Currie left and took a $70,000 undeserved payout with him. Marsha wanted the Superintendent job and hardly anyone else supported her. This may be why she and others turned on Rich Hulkow, Ron Behrenwald and the MPS staff. The others known to be part of this clique are Paul Beardslee, and of course Vic Potter, Dan Stulberg, Janice Darling and possibly Ali Webb. Most of them go back to when they worked together after the recall of Georgia Marsh. They were staunchly anti-Redskin, anti-Lou G., anti-Rich Hulkow and very hostile to the entire teaching and support staff. Annette and John mostly go along with them. Bill is too new and you can be sure they are using their influence to try to keep him quiet and sidelined so he doesn't snoop around too much. Georgia and Marsha along with Janice were the best friends and strongest supporters of Joyce Phillips.

The "Success Fund" is largely a PR effort started probably to divert attention away from the numerous problems they caused in the Marshall schools. This group covered up and caused many scandals that are well-documented on this blog. Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf also played key roles, along with Bryan Klochack after they hired him. Ask Bob Lyng, Sam Ramon, Ron Behrenwald, Chris Varvatos and almost any veteran staff member and they will confirm what has happened and much worse. This "ruling clique" is well known among the MPS staff and seem to still have most of the power to run the schools. Now does it make sense as to why the board largely does not care what anyone else thinks? They think they have a monopoly on power/ And they do!

Anonymous said...

Previous poster:

Talk about an axe to are the most pathetic, lonely, depressed poster on this blog. You really need help, go get some...soon!

Anonymous said...

wow...that's really sad. and to the above, i would be depressed going to work every day knowing how my "superiors" (and i use that term loosely) view me. as an expendable, winey pathetic loser. you are the truely sad one.

Anonymous said...

wow...that's really sad. and to the above, i would be depressed going to work every day knowing how my "superiors" (and i use that term loosely) view me. as an expendable, winey pathetic loser. you are the truely sad one.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please quit sucking those lemons...that always sour look on your face tells it all. You must be an educator, your spelling sucks!

Anonymous said...

actually, i am a very happy person. and i apologize for my spelling, but it was late and i was tired. but here is my question for you...why don't you ever answer any of the questions or concerns brought up on this blog? you defend the board with insults and name calling, but never answer or even attempt to answer any valid questions and concerns. and i am a product of the marshall school system, thank you. and i think i got a pretty good education. that is why i bought a house here, and send my children to school here. and i am so disappointed at the behavior of our school leaders. this blog is pointless, all it does is give a place for people to name call and insult in the anonymous fashion. but, i will say, this blog has let me see WAY more than i thought was going on. it's really sad that the children are supposed to be the focus of the board, but they seem to be the least concern. i am done commenting here, as there is no point to it. marshall has always been where the "rich" folks think they run things, and i guess they do.

Anonymous said...

The board and their cliquey supporters hate the light that exposes their plans, dirty deeds and methods on this blog. They cannot defend themselves or deny the truth. So they try to divert attention and hope all is forgotten.

Anonymous said...

I have been following the drama of the Marshall schools for several years now, largely through this blog. I also have friends who work for the schools and when I tell them about things I read here they always add more to the stories. This blog seems to be quite accurate overall, but there are always more stories and in some cases things are even worse that they are reported here.

Well said! said...

This does sum up quite well what has happened, well said...

"It is no secret that former MPS employees Marsha (Haring) Franke and Georgia Marsh both play a key role in running the Marshall schools. Both have axes to grind and are part of the secretive group that runs the school board. One of their first targets was Jeff Cable who actually brought Marsha Haring-Franke over from the BC Schools where they were colleagues and friends. They had been close but had a falling out when Marsha and Bob Currie tried to scapegoat Jeff for all of the blunders with the MMS construction project. They left him out of the decision making and when many things went wrong they blamed him and pushed to have him fired when he spoke up publicly about it. They were also angry when more scandal broke out like when Bob Currie left and took a $70,000 undeserved payout with him. Marsha wanted the Superintendent job and hardly anyone else supported her. This may be why she and others turned on Rich Hulkow, Ron Behrenwald and the MPS staff. The others known to be part of this clique are Paul Beardslee, and of course Vic Potter, Dan Stulberg, Janice Darling and possibly Ali Webb. Most of them go back to when they worked together after the recall of Georgia Marsh. They were staunchly anti-Redskin, anti-Lou G., anti-Rich Hulkow and very hostile to the entire teaching and support staff. Annette and John mostly go along with them. Bill is too new and you can be sure they are using their influence to try to keep him quiet and sidelined so he doesn't snoop around too much. Georgia and Marsha along with Janice were the best friends and strongest supporters of Joyce Phillips.

The "Success Fund" is largely a PR effort started probably to divert attention away from the numerous problems they caused in the Marshall schools. This group covered up and caused many scandals that are well-documented on this blog. Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf also played key roles, along with Bryan Klochack after they hired him. Ask Bob Lyng, Sam Ramon, Ron Behrenwald, Chris Varvatos and almost any veteran staff member and they will confirm what has happened and much worse. This "ruling clique" is well known among the MPS staff and seem to still have most of the power to run the schools. Now does it make sense as to why the board largely does not care what anyone else thinks? They think they have a monopoly on power. And they do!"

Let's remember the victims including Kathy Petrich, Ron Behrenwald, the Marshall custodians, the MTA that was targeted and many many more. We will not forget!

Anonymous said...

This does sum up quite well what has happened.


Anonymous said...

Then give your own explanation. What part is not accurate?

Congratulations Tom Duffy being appointed the AD.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall soap opera continues! No matter how the leaders try to silence dissent, they just make fools of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Get the facts: If you attended any of the school board meetings in the past 5 years you would have seen the systematic targeting of those employees who had the cajones to speak up. Ron is gone, Kathy is gone...Terry is gone, Elaine is gone....Jeff is gone...Rich is gone...Susan is gone....Mike is gone....and the list is endless! That is exactly why this blogsite was created - so the word could get out, the facts exposed without giving the school board and supt. a chance at targeting and persecution! Speaking up at the MPS school board meetings have not been conducive to keeping your employment at MPS.

Anonymous said...

This does sum up quite well what has happened.


Anonymous said...

i used to work somewhere in this town that gave me an opportunity to see "marshall's elite" at their finest (and i mean under the influence) and they are even more obnoxious than when they are sober. DIVA is a fitting name.

Anonymous said...

This does sum up quite well what has happened.


Anonymous said...

Its too much about power, money and dirty politics. Has been for many many years.

Wouldn't it be great if it was about the kids and actually improving the Marsha schools?

Oh, BTW, the 8 or so posts up summary about what has really happened. I have heard much the same over the years. Much of it from those involved, So it is no big surprise.

Anonymous said...

Oops, typo! I guess I thought my old assistant Superintendent Marsha Franke ran the schools. ;)

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