Friday, October 02, 2009

Where are the savings?

Interesting find on the MEA webpage - It's from their online magazine "MEA Voice"

Look at page 15 - Feature column on privatization of the Marshall custodians.



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Anonymous said...

Arghh!!! Marshall politics!

Anonymous said...

This does sum up quite well what has happened.


Background of the current problems said...

"This does sum up quite well what has happened, well said...

"It is no secret that former MPS employees Marsha (Haring) Franke and Georgia Marsh both play a key role in running the Marshall schools. Both have axes to grind and are part of the secretive group that runs the school board. One of their first targets was Jeff Cable who actually brought Marsha Haring-Franke over from the BC Schools where they were colleagues and friends. They had been close but had a falling out when Marsha and Bob Currie tried to scapegoat Jeff for all of the blunders with the MMS construction project. They left him out of the decision making and when many things went wrong they blamed him and pushed to have him fired when he spoke up publicly about it. They were also angry when more scandal broke out like when Bob Currie left and took a $70,000 undeserved payout with him. Marsha wanted the Superintendent job and hardly anyone else supported her. This may be why she and others turned on Rich Hulkow, Ron Behrenwald and the MPS staff. The others known to be part of this clique are Paul Beardslee, and of course Vic Potter, Dan Stulberg, Janice Darling and possibly Ali Webb. Most of them go back to when they worked together after the recall of Georgia Marsh. They were staunchly anti-Redskin, anti-Lou G., anti-Rich Hulkow and very hostile to the entire teaching and support staff. Annette and John mostly go along with them. Bill is too new and you can be sure they are using their influence to try to keep him quiet and sidelined so he doesn't snoop around too much. Georgia and Marsha along with Janice were the best friends and strongest supporters of Joyce Phillips.

The "Success Fund" is largely a PR effort started probably to divert attention away from the numerous problems they caused in the Marshall schools. This group covered up and caused many scandals that are well-documented on this blog. Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf also played key roles, along with Bryan Klochack after they hired him. Ask Bob Lyng, Sam Ramon, Ron Behrenwald, Chris Varvatos and almost any veteran staff member and they will confirm what has happened and much worse. This "ruling clique" is well known among the MPS staff and seem to still have most of the power to run the schools. Now does it make sense as to why the board largely does not care what anyone else thinks? They think they have a monopoly on power. And they do!"

Let's remember the victims including Kathy Petrich, Ron Behrenwald, the Marshall custodians, the MTA that was targeted and many many more. We will not forget!"

From what I know, I agree with this assessment.

Good point said...

In a reply to those who deny the board leaders work together...

"Get the facts: If you attended any of the school board meetings in the past 5 years you would have seen the systematic targeting of those employees who had the cajones to speak up. Ron is gone, Kathy is gone...Terry is gone, Elaine is gone....Jeff is gone...Rich is gone...Susan is gone....Mike is gone....and the list is endless! That is exactly why this blogsite was created - so the word could get out, the facts exposed without giving the school board and supt. a chance at targeting and persecution! Speaking up at the MPS school board meetings have not been conducive to keeping your employment at MPS."

Excellent point! Now to the board members who deny this, please reply item by item to what you disagree with in this and the above post?

Anonymous said...

This does sum up quite well what has happened.


Anonymous said...

No details? What's your take on each of the claims above?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The board will not respond item by item because the story is quite accurate. Most of it has been public knowledge for years.

Anonymous said...

I would like a report of the following MPS costs during the past 5-6 years:

legal fees
consultant fees
administration perks and raises

I have heard from good sources these costs have quadrupled during the last 5-6 years than in the previous decade. This could be hundreds of thousands spent that could have gone into maintenance, building improvements, textbooks, technology, athletic facilities and other needs. Also the savings, had the waste not occurred, could have easily allowed for the Marshall custodians to keep their jobs- and therefore the bond would likely have passed.

We need an investigation into the truth! These are the areas that should be cut the most and first if any budget cuts are needed.

Anonymous said...

Excessive payroll, benefit and retirement packages paid to pompous, whiney, union teachers need to be cut first. It's all about "THEM FIRST"!!! Get ready, these cuts are long overdue.

Anonymous said...

The more incompetent the leadership, the more they spend on consultants and lawyers.

Anonymous said...

those have to be outrageous fees then!!

NO TO TAX INCREASES - of any kind! said...

How can it be that all around Marshall everyone is tightening their budgets while MPS Board is trying to stuff an increase down out throats to improve facilities that should have been being kept up had the Board allowed expenditures to be made for the facilities. How can anyone during this economic recession ask any tax payer in a small town - Marshal - that has done nothing but lose business revenue - to pay for a bond which would increase most homestead taxes by $100+ per year. This all adds up especially when there is no accountability, no real communication, and no clear vision/plan. With each new superintendent MPS seems to get into yet another vision - for school success.

Right now - is not the time to ask taxpayers for more tax dollars. Everyone is taxed to death in comparison to the much needed increases in salary.

NOW IS SIMPLY NOT THE TIME TO INCREASE ANYONES TAXES. There are far too many people wondering where their money is coming from to pay for their essentials. It is really looking like the elite - the financially secure - are pushing this bond and forgetting that the majority of the Marshall citizens SIMPLY CANNOT AFFORD to pay more out of their pockets JUST NOW!


I agree with above - if you keep pushing bond increase you will only lose more community members that cannot afford to live in Marshall.

I am still waiting for the rebuttal to the MEA article regarding the cost savings vs. the increase money spent on outsourcing (the nice word for it) = firing all the local community resident/custodians. Is Davis ever going to publish those 'facts' or 'rebuttal' to the MEA article? Is this just another talk is just talk superintendent or does he follow up with action to his words? I cannot vote for a bond with this type of continued management. This is so like the Dr. Phillips reign - I thought we were going to see change. Change is about: Saying something public and following it up with action!

Anonymous said...

Talk to people in Athens, they were thrilled to get rid of Mr. Davis. Another dud for sure! Don't hold your breath for an "item by item" rebuttal that he promised to the MEA article about minimal (if any) savings from firing the custodians.

Anonymous said...

Excessive payroll, benefit and retirement packages paid to pompous, whiney, union teachers need to be cut first. It's all about "THEM FIRST"!!! Get ready, these cuts are long overdue.

Anonymous said...

Its so nice to have a school board member interacting with the community!

Anonymous said...

The school board will have the last laugh when the cuts come down!!! Chop Chop!

Anonymous said...

for the above post:
(cue evil music)

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks those who got big raises will be the first cut, get real! You can be sure they will be the LAST cut! Actually they have nothing to worry about, the board and Dr. Davis will get great pleasure making many cuts everywhere else. Lots of targets out there. Now does anyone posting on here care to list their real names to make our job easier?

Anonymous said...

Is Marshall the only area school board to publicly endorse Jase Bolger for State Rep, despite his being a strong advocate AGAINST public schools and support for big cuts in public school funding?

We need Republicans like Mike Nofs and Joe Schwarz that are supportive of public schools, not right-wing zealots who are hostile. Why did our school board do this? Can they get Jase to support our local schools?

Anonymous said...

Hey, if anyone truly wants change then you need to find better people to run for the school board. Applications are due very soon. Get some candidate to run or give up trying to improve things.

Anonymous said...

I have to recommend a "good" district to an incoming employee. They have a 3rd grader and a 4th grader. The 4th grader is said to be very bright.

My recommendation would be to make sure they are in the Walters' zone.

Neither Marshall, nor public has been requested.


Anonymous said...

Walters is good though the Principal is not very respected. They may want to also look into other area school districts that have better facilities and better leadership. Marshall has lost many of their best teachers in the last decade, mostly to retirements. The newer hires are not as good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Should people tell the truth or just spread phony PR? Our problems will not be solved through lies.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's not part of the school's PR plan. We are all "communicating" and busy "fixing problems" and we are all "happy to have a new superintendent" and "Joyce Phillips is gone and its time to move on."

Memorize this and repeat it often. Do not think about or question anything.

Anonymous said...

The MPS board will have to do much more if they have any desire to rebuild community trust and support, which right now is still very bad. Otherwise the bond has little chance.

Coach Hulkow honored by the Lions said...

Congratulations Coach Hulkow for being honored by the Detroit Lions:

Good luck at Olivet! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Marshall schools. Thank you John Coulter for taking a brave stand against board members who wanted Coach Hulkow's contract to not be renewed last spring. Your efforts, along with those who spoke up, helped make it so Coach Hulkow was able to return this past fall and lead MHS to another state football championship!

Anonymous said...

The truth is negative! So don't be a negative lemon sucker. Lets just pretend all is going just peachy! :)

Anonymous said...

where is this rebuttal that has been promised? don't you think if they want the bond to pass, our school leaders would see to it that the superintendent actually follow through on what he PUBLICALLY PROMISED? obviously, they don't care about credibility either.

Anonymous said...

Previous poster:

you said you would no be posting here..."YOU LIED"!!! you are only as good as your word.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I haven't been here in so long, but decided to check in now that Joyce is gone.

How can you people stand to live being so toxic. My thought is you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution. There is not one post here that is part of the solution, its all just running each other down. You should all be ashamed--both sides. You are only caring about yourself and your own petty issues. Get over it and help out. Who is running for school board out of this group? Lies and deception in the past or not, its time to move on.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I am tired of hearing the truth. It is so sad and negative.

Anonymous said...

Another post by the schmuck of all schmucks...go stick your head back in the snow!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love a photo of our school board in front of the billboard on I-94 congratulating Coach Hulkow by the Detroit Lions! :-)

Anonymous said...

To 4 above, how many posts did you read? There are many posts offering solutions to the problems!

Anonymous said...

To two above:

The billboard on I-94 congratulating Bulk by the looser Detroit Lions, an honor???

Ready to read the 'facts' regarding cost savings?!?!?! if they really exist said...

This thread was put up to gather opinion on the 'promised rebuttal' to the MEA article. Bottom line: where is the promised rebuttal to the MEA article. Although this thread has taken many twists and turns - I am only one person but I have waited to read the article promised last summer by the new superintendent and financial manager Blakenship. How hard is it to gather those facts that obviously already are in place in order for Davis to make that statement. So it seems that all he had to do was write the article showing this community the 'cost savings' by outsourcing the 24 local custodians? WHERE ARE THE FACTS? WHERE IS THAT PROMISED REBUTTAL TO THE MEA ARTICLE?

Anonymous said...

We need a new thread. Maybe something like:

"What are the problems? What are the solutions?"

Anonymous said...

This rag is hanging on by a thread...and no good purpose is being served...PULL THE PLUG...FLUSH IT...DUMP everybody a favor and SHUT IT DOWN!!!

Anonymous said...

This blog will no longer be needed when trust, cooperation and honesty is restored. Until the school board and school leaders accomplish this, and the staff feel comfortable to share their views without retribution, then this blog will no longer be needed. But until then, there is a need to share views.

Anonymous said...

This blog is not needed now.Must be mostly lies, if not then why isnt somebody running for school board to help correct problems. All mouth no action.You all need a new hobby, start with getting facts before you publish lies. If not lies then run and fix PROBLEMS.

Some improvements made said...

The school board did appoint two of their harshest critics to administrative jobs this year- Saundra Hainline and Tom Duffey. Also there is a new superintendent Randy Davis, who so far is an improvement over Joyce Phillips. Paul Beardslee is gone and Bill DeSmet is now on the school board. Rich Hulkow was reluctantly allowed back another year and the MHS football team won the state championship! So there have been at least some positive changes. But much more work needs to be done to restore community and staff trust.

Anonymous said...

I agree there has been some improvement but as a Marshall teacher I am still not comfortable going to most of the board members with any serious questions or concerns. I sense they like it that way. Also Dan, Vic, Janice and Ali let us down repeatedly and are completely unrepentant for the wrongs they did to some very good people who did not deserve such treatment. I doubt these four can ever regain much trust from any teacher or support staff employee. And for good reason. Most teachers simply want to see them gone.

Solutions to some problems said...

Someone (most likely a board member) posted above they wanted solutions posted. Well here are some:

Problem(s): Dan, Janice, Vic and Ali

Solution: a recall or they can resign.

Until these problems are solved not much can move forward. The bond has no chance without board changes.

Problem: large undeserved raises- wastes money hurts staff morale, causes lost community support

Solution: roll back large raises, including those that Mr. Davis is enjoying now in his overpaid position.

Problem: Bryan Klochack, problems at MHS, he is an embarrassment

Solution: get a new MHS Principal, bring Ron Behrenwald back if you can.

Problem: the schools need to pass the bond

Solution: see above, there is a huge lack of trust

Here are some suggested solutions to known big problems. Fixing these problems would be a great start!

Anonymous said...

To above:

Another large load of're boring, GET REAL!!!

Anonymous said...

So you basically think Dan, Vic, Janice and Ali have done a great job, the big raises are all well deserved, the staff morale is high and trust in the board is high so the bond should pass, Klochack is a big improvement over Behrenwald, and all is well in the Marshall schools?

No specifics?

Are you a board member!

Anonymous said...

Ignore the postings of the school board members and their associates. Instead get angry and run some new candidates for the school board. Or better yet, start a recall! Trying to work with this group is a waste of time. They could care less what anyone else thinks (unless you are a rich buddy of theirs). Nothing will change until there are new people on the school board.

Anonymous said...

Blah!!! Blah!!! Blah!!!

Money saved on custodial work? Bond lost? said...

To the above poster who obviously has strong ties with the Board - could you with all your inside pull get Davis to publish the rebuttal that 'he promised' to this public last summer. Once again - talk is just talk - let's see the promised action of a rebuttal to the MEA article showing the public the 'savings' or 'lack of savings' regarding the firing of 24 custodians which were replaced by the 'somewhat reputable' GRBS. Not asking for anything except what was promised in the Advisor this past summer.

In addition, you continue to show your ignorance in regards to what has REALLY been happening at MPS this past couple years. Do you remember Sam Ramon? Do you remember Bob Lyng? Of course - and they left the Board at end of terms why? Because they could not get the rest of the Board to work with them instead of working for the superintendent. No one wants to run for Board and be a long duck on the shooting range.

In the real end of things - those responsible will be held accountable - until then - let's back up our talk with action.

Starting with: Where is the cost savings - or was there any cost savings in outsourcing our local resident custodians? It would be very interesting in retrospect since other districts have realized the cost savings vs. the loss of bond support = NO SAVINGS AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

Real Cost Savings???
Reduced payroll, insurance and retirement benefits to the staff, FIRST!!! Seventy BILLION dollars($70,000,000,000.00)committed from Recovery Act funds to add and SAVE staff jobs...and yet staff always wants more, never willing to share the load. B.S., time for cuts, and they are long past due. To above, YOU are the ignorant, 'la,la' one. Those cuts will be welcomed by most taxpayers in this state, all but mea loving union folks...get ready, your time has come!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Randy Davis and the school board member above! Cut, cut cut!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No school in Marshall!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't appear that staff was able to garner enough sympathetic ears in order to get one of theirs to run for the school board. We assume that means that the public thinks the board is performing in an acceptable manner and the only ones that don't think so, are staff. Guess what staff? You are about to find out what the real world is like...BIG CUTS ARE COMING YOUR WAY, enjoy another day off!

Anonymous said...

Apathy reigns while Marshall crumbles.

Big cuts soon! Ha Ha said...

Go Randy- chop, chop, chop! You can do it, look at the stump you left in Athens. The MPS next!!!!!

Anonymous said...



TO ABOVE: You are totally appalling! Why do you assume the bloggers on this site are school employees. I am not - yet I do not appreciate the way this school system has been being run. You, the board, should be working for the community that voted you in not bullying and antagonizing the hard working staff of your district.

Anonymous said...

To above, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE RUN FOR THE BOARD, case closed!!!

Anonymous said...

Stut this blog down. You all had a chance to run two people and try to fix same problems all districts have. You say Bill is one of yours even though he wont claim you people, you could have 3 seats. All mouth no action and lies.

Anonymous said...

You are right! Those who run and actually serve can do as they please. If their agenda is to fire teachers or administrators they do not like that is their prerogative. Unless someone runs against them or starts a recall, nothing is going to change. So this blog probably helps them stay in power. Nobody likes them yet nobody runs against them I guess nobody really cares.

Anonymous said...

To above, including you. Either step-up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

Most of the critics are those who know exactly what has been going on- the MPS employees. It is nearly impossible for them to step forward and run for the school board (is it even legal if still an employee?). They would lose there job and it is probably not allowed anyway. So then you have to turn to outsiders. Many are upset with the board but don't want to serve. They think they will end up like Sam and Bob, where you are voted down by the highly organized board majority. Also some do not want the bond to pass because they do not want to pay higher taxes. The leaders in power now will guarantee the bond has no chance of passing.

Anonymous said...

And as usual, they always want somebody else to do their dirty work...ain't gonna happen. Once again, either step-up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

Two post up. Two seats this year,two next and you have a majority. Maybe teachers cant run but should have friends who can. My guess is that things arnt as bad as you all say and you cant get your people in, lying doesnt always work.After reading articles from different news papers marshall is not in as bad a shape as many. Must be board planned a head.

Anonymous said...

The board planned ahead by cutting early. That's the good news. The bad news is you can't improve by cutting.

The improvements to the music suite will be great. Wish we still had exceptional choirs to put in them.....

I don't mind cutting popular people who are deadwood. Joyce cut nonbelievers, or people whose competence she feared. The board went along.

For those of you John C. fans, he stood on the side most of the time and watched things go down.

Various combinations of people on the board have brought us to the brink many times. They never made the truly hard decisions.

Watch over the next few months. The reckoning is upon us.

Anonymous said...

Marshall is actually in worse shape than expected. They have almost no fund equity and will have to make almost $1 million in cuts. Yes many cuts have been made and many once great programs are gone or only a shadow of their former selves. Remember when MHS had state championship debate teams? Remember when the MIddle School was the envy of Michigan and people came and visited from around the country back in the 1970s and 80s? Remember when the community, staff and leadership worked together like one big family (before eLou, Joyce, Bob and Randy)? Now one of our last great leaders, Rich Hulkow, has left. Staff morale is still very low. Many of the best have left or retired in the last decade. I do not think the Marshall schools will ever again be as great as they once were. The causes are not entirely bad leadership, but bad leadership has played a big role in the decline.

Anonymous said...

So what! You're a bore! All teachers should take a 10% pay cut to start. If they don't like it they can scadaddle. Quit wining, our school board is doing a terrific job. You whimps can't even get anyone to run. What loosers.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Little or NO support for the whiners posting is over, you loose, do your own dirty work. MUST NOT BE THAT BAD OR YOU WOULD SUCK IT UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Get ready for some BIG changes, they are coming soon...we can't wait, and you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

The obnoxious poster is right. Hard to be taken seriously as a group if you can't even field a candidate for what, the last two or three elections. Who was the last candidate that ran that was acceptable? The Redskin forever people? The glory days of Sam and Bob? Its sad to watch complaining and no stepping up.

Anonymous said...

The obnoxious poster is right. Hard to be taken seriously as a group if you can't even field a candidate for what, the last two or three elections. Who was the last candidate that ran that was acceptable? The Redskin forever people? The glory days of Sam and Bob? Its sad to watch complaining and no stepping up.

Anonymous said...

Ok teachers, what are YOUR suggestions to cut $750,000? And don't you dare say your usual drivel about lawyers, consultants and administrator pay raises. At least these people do their jobs and deserve everything they get. So that's off the table. Now what OTHER cuts do you suggest? We are waiting to hear from you.

The school board is way off track said...

Is this how the school board expects to win over support for the bond? Is this the best way to rebuild trust and cooperation? Or improve staff morale?

Obnoxious stupidity - not the way to communicate positively! said...

I would suggest the obnoxious poster above - you know the one who continues to post here - well more exactly - the one who obviously cannot spell to save their life. I surely hope it is not a Board member - as it really shows the mentality - which shoots the credibility in the butt! Obnoxious yes! Credible no! A credit to 'communication' no. A positive step towards a school bond - no!

Get a clue. Those that have been involved with the 'workings' of the school boards since 2006 know the facts. Remember Vic, when you said you would address the issues that were presented to the Board through the staff survey. Result: you bought Joyce flowers! After that - one feeble attempt at a meeting where you promised to take action. Again - nothing! Remember Paul encouraging Ron B. to speak at the board meeting - he did - Joyce reprimanded him for it, wrote him up, and that pretty much sealed his fate at Marshall. (remember how Joyce changed the policy regarding administrators - two bad evaluations - and they were no longer employed. Ron was smart - with one he decided to further his career where he is appreciated. Remember Kathy Petrich - she spoke up in support of Ron as well as others - she was put under so much stress - she decided to find other employment - but the nonsense by Metcalf, Klochak - did not end were directed to continue their assault on her. Result - we all lost!

You can dribble on forever about no one running for board but the fact of the matter is - everyone who has been directly involved in the 'happenings' of the district know the facts and also know they would be insane to put themselves into that 'hornet nest of self serving individuals'. This board is not working for it's citizens. Ask someone who just lost their job at Bostik, Campbell's or AGlass....ASKING TAXPAYERS FOR MORE MONEY WHILE CUTTING THE BUDGET DOES NOT MAKE SENSE ANYWHERE.

Maybe the obnoxious poster should be running for state office. I think that would be a great fit! (ps: how is Joyce doing anyway?- lol - don't really care)

Honey attracts votes - is this bond DOA? said...

Had this board treated employees like Rich decently - they would have support to garner the votes to pass a bond. Rich has the support of alot of power brokers - his support alone could have brought at least 300 positive votes for the upcoming bond! Dumb, dumb, dumb actions like mistreatment of employees will be the defeat of any request for bond support!

This whole board should resign - but their egos tell them they are doing a great job!

Whatever - the proof is in the pudding - let's wait and see what the pudding looks like after the next bond vote! You cannot continue to mistreat employees, eliminate programs, (choirs, debate, electives) all the while planning a bond that will affect the households of many. This community has lost so many jobs - oooopppsss - that's right - the board carefully planned the elimination of the school custodians - right before the last bond - how did that work out for you Board?

Anonymous said...

Rich used community for personal gain. You morons cant see beyond the end of your nose.Many above post are right. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
mANY retired teachers could run. Dont hear from them, must be there afraid of losing there retirement. HA HA HA. lOSERS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Walk onto any of the state's 28 community colleges, and one of every five students is enrolled in a remedial education course. National data suggests that one in five students at four-year colleges seek remedial coursework, too.

And it's a costly problem. In Michigan, more than $28 million is spent on remediation at the community college level alone.

Just 18% of last year's high school graduates in Michigan were prepared for college-level English, writing, reading, mathematics and science, according to the ACT's Profile Report for the Class of 2009.

The TAXPAYER is paying twice because they're paying for what should have already been taught in high school...

1 in 5, 20%, that should equate to a 20% reduction in payroll, health and retirement benefits...and these stats are those going on to college. Lord only knows what the percentage is for those not attending college?

And there are those of you that think CUTS aren't justified...

Anonymous said...

And people wonder why others send their children to the Marshall Academy or other schools of choice. I'll be shuting up when i send my kids to a school of choice next year, saying nothing, letting my student count dollars speak for me.

Anonymous said...

Marshall Academy should be renamed the "Louis Giannunzio Academy." His neglect of parent concerns contributed to its success. Then some of his opponents who have run the school board the last five years have proven they can make things even worse.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No one wants to attempt to "work" with this current board, and who can blame them? So, i suggest the board take it's own advice and STEP UP. Oh, and please, really take the second part of your advice too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The pro-school board supporters and school board members should share specifics of what they think the problems are and what they think are the best solutions. Name calling makes them look like fools.

So far all they have offered besides insults is calling for the teachers to take a big pay cut. Anything else?

Anonymous said...

School board seems to be working on issues. What are you morons doing besides creating lies and running your mouth with no action. Step up or shut up. I guess you arnt stepping up so shut up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the school board should cooperate with the staff and the community so we can all come to better decisions and truly improve the schools. The negative culture that has been created has lead to many very bad decisions by the school board. All of the blunders could have been avoided if they only listened to the wise advice of their top educators, parents and community leaders. Is this asking too much? The blunders are costing our kids and our community dearly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I did step up to work with the school board and was basically told to shut up. So it appears the board basically has a "shut up" attitude towards just about everyone else unless their name is Franke or Marsh.

If you have nothing by moronic statements - step down and shut up said...

The mentality of the 'step up or shut up' blogger is rather disturbing. Did you get your diploma? if yes, have you forgotten everything you learned in school?

This type of mentality is the explanation of what is seriously wrong with how the board operates. Board members are elected - not appointed by a king or something. Being a board member cannot be easy in these economic times. It should be remembered that you are elected to serve the Marshall community. Listening and communicating is part of that elected seat.

Many do not run due in part to the mentality displayed by the 'moronic blogger' type. These seats are elected and filled to serve the constiuents that elected them - NOT SERVE THEMSELVES!

There are cuts that can be made - but the constant attack of dedicated school personnel that have educated and mentored the children in this community for decades is unexcusable. If cuts had to be made to the educators in a local district - it should be a sad day for all residents who support their local schools. Acting like a moron with nothing by slap after slap towards those educators shows a very disturbing personality. Let's hope we can all come together to support our school educators and do what is in the best interest both long term and short term to fix issues at MPS.

The display of the 'step up shut up' is something that has been harmful and mirrored by some of the board members in the past 6 years. This is a huge root of the problems in Marshall Schools - and it should stop.

If you can't stand the heat of being a board member - 'step down'. You knew going in to this assignment that it was not going to win you a popularity contest (never has - never will) This would be a great start in the repair of our current issues plagueing MPS.

Anonymous said...

To above, you forgot to comment on this...

Walk onto any of the state's 28 community colleges, and one of every five students is enrolled in a remedial education course. National data suggests that one in five students at four-year colleges seek remedial coursework, too.

And it's a costly problem. In Michigan, more than $28 million is spent on remediation at the community college level alone.

Just 18% of last year's high school graduates in Michigan were prepared for college-level English, writing, reading, mathematics and science, according to the ACT's Profile Report for the Class of 2009.

The TAXPAYER is paying twice because they're paying for what should have already been taught in high school...

1 in 5, 20%, that should equate to a 20% reduction in payroll, health and retirement benefits...and these stats are those going on to college. Lord only knows what the percentage is for those not attending college?

And there are those of you that think CUTS aren't justified...

Anonymous said...

And this...
Real Cost Savings???
Reduced payroll, insurance and retirement benefits to the staff, FIRST!!! Seventy BILLION dollars($70,000,000,000.00)committed from Recovery Act funds to add and SAVE staff jobs...and yet staff always wants more, never willing to share the load. B.S., time for cuts, and they are long past due. To above, YOU are the ignorant, 'la,la' one. Those cuts will be welcomed by most taxpayers in this state, all but mea loving union folks...get ready, your time has come!

Anonymous said...

To 2 above,

I was one of those students who needed remedial classes at a community college. But guess what? It was not the fault of the Marshall teachers, they tried very hard to help me. It was a troubled homelife and my own laziness that I did not do well in school. So those who want to blame the teachers and cut their pay, you are part of the problem and not the solution. Get a grip! You have great teachers and you should appreciate and support them!

Anonymous said...

To above,

Nice try, but it didn't work!

Anonymous said...

How arrogant to think that such students do not exist. Many do! If our top honor students that go on to great success largely have the same teachers as those who need remedial help do, don't you think the main problem may be with the students who struggle for whatever reason?

I hope you are not actually on the school board. Its scary to think such a simpleton mentality may be making decisions about our school district.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, and now you digress to name calling. Your true colors come shining through. Okay 'teach', we certainly hope you have better control of your faculties when in the classroom. Ever think for a one moment that YOU actually might be part of the problem? Naw...didn't think you would open minded enough for that.

Guilty board members not forgotten said...

Ignore the bad board members and their buddies. They are arrogant and the central cause of the problems. Shame on them for what they did to so many dedicated staff like Kathy Petrich. Yes, I blame them in large part for her passing. Everyone knows what happened. If they had an ounce of decency they would resign after what happened. That was but the last straw for me after years of very bad behavior on their part.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is hard to tell if some of the most angry posts are from one or a few people, but I think there are some people who are not of sound mental or emotional capacity writing in on this blog. I read your posts and actually feel sorry for how sad your life must be. Do you feel that you had teachers that didn't reach you or failed to teach you? You certainly have some unresolved anger and I hope you seek the help you need. Striking out at other teachers who did not cause you harm is not the answer. I apologize for those people who failed you, but please understand that they are in your past not your present.

Anonymous said...

"but please understand that they are in your past not your present".

BINGO!!! If only previous posters would accept that analogy, then they could also move on. To continually bring up issues from the past, shows their narrow mindedness, shallow mentality and lack of foresight. They think that the way to justify their failures is to put the blame on someone else. Always blaming administration and the Board shows a lack of self esteem and the inability to accept leadership from authoritative figures. Do something productive...Quit being so negative...Why continue to live in the sad! Move on...

Are board members haunted by thoughts of their victims said...

I can understand why people guilty of hurting so many good people in a mean, unjust and cruel manner might want to "move on" and "not live in the past."

Maybe the thoughts of their victims suffering is haunting them? Maybe the knowledge that they have caused far more damage than solved problems is bothering them too? If they are human, it should!

Anonymous said...

Okay, just can't give it up can you? Either can we.

Anonymous said...

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana
This famous statement has produced many paraphrases and variants:
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.
Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.
That's why people don't just want to "let it go".

Anonymous said...

What great words of wisdom "Those who fail to learn from the mistakes".
Think Amy Bishop, the Harvard educated assistant professor who had just months left teaching at the University of Alabama in Huntsville because she was denied tenure, would have benefited from your post?

Anonymous said...

What is that supposed to mean? That she had already killed her brother? It probably would have helped her, but there is a fine line between genius and insanity, and sometimes they go hand in hand. Or, are you implying that some disgruntled teachers will go crazy on their superiors? Again, what is that supposed to mean? I am thinking you are not the angry board member/supporter, or your statement would be followed by "STEP UP OR SHUT UP".

Anonymous said...

The kids in the Marshall schools deserve much better!

Anonymous said...

To the person or persons who are either a school board member or a supporter, what do you propose to do to address the following problems:

Lack of community trust and support to pass the bond?

Low staff morale?

Has the board, in your view, made any mistakes in the last five years?

Be as specific as you can be if you have any ideas or proposals!

Anonymous said...

The teachers deserve a pay cut, not the administrators. Many teachers need to be fired for not doing their jobs. They are too blame when students fail, they should know this. I could care less about staff morale thats there problem. They should quit wining. People who do not want to vote for the bond is not my problem either. By the time it would pass and fixes made I will have no kids in the marshall schools anyway. The board members do more than anyone else for the schools. They do it for free, get it. What a waste of time talking sense to you loosers.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are not a school board member. Such a mentality is dangerous to the goal of "excellent" education in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

"I could care less about staff morale"
"People who do not want to vote for the bond is not my problem"
" By the time it would pass and fixes made I will have no kids in the marshall schools anyway"
"What a waste of time talking sense to you loosers (i think they ment losers)"
Well that pretty much sums it up. The top 10 qualities people look for in a leader are a leader with vision and an ability to communicate such a vision, integrity, dedication, magnanimity (giving credit where credit is due), HUMILITY, openess (being able to listen to new ideas), creativity, fairness, assertiveness, and a sense of humor. I see nothing but assertiveness. I guess 1 out of 10isn't bad.

Need good leaders said...

Good points about characteristics of a good leader. The Marshall schools has had more bad leaders than good leaders over the last two decades. I am concerned about the following current leaders:

Randy "I have never been a teacher or Principal and Athens is a big mess" Davis.

Bryan "I will do whatever JKP or the board tells me and I have no clue how to run a high school, when I am even around here" Klochack

Dave "I will make promises I have no intention of following through with" Turner.

Paul "I got the job because Mike Kinter is my father-in-law" Holbrook.

Charlie "does anyone know what he does or where he is" MacDonald.

Mike "I will do whatever central office wants whether it makes sense or not" Walbeck.

The kids and the schools need and deserve much better leaders!!!!!!!

Stand up and be counted said...

I spoke to a Campbell's company person a week ago. You know, one of those dedicated 25 year veteran employees who have found themselves unemployed along with all their co-workers at Cambell's Soup in Marshall. He was filing for unemployment and we spoke alot about the condition of Marshall Schools and the constant turmoil in addition to the Board asking, at this grave financial time, for taxpayers to support their bond: ie: MORE MONEY IN TAXES. This person graduated from MHS while Joe Cooper was in charge of the school system - - - He is virtually illerate. He was very forthcoming about his inability to read and write English and his concern about supporting his family with the closing of Campbell's Soup. He told me: "Yes, I graduated from MHS abut I cannot read or write". This was a very delicate subject so I proceeded with caution. His wife encouraged more conversation. This person then said: "Joe Cooper told me all I had to do was show up for school all during high school and he would guarantee me I would graduate". "I showed up. I graduated. I cannot read or write."

THIS MY FRIENDS WAS THE TOP ADMINISTRATOR - NOT A TEACHER THAT DID THIS INJUSTICE TO ONE OF OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS. It is time to stop pointing the finger of blame and accept the possiblity that the teachers are not the problem. A bad economy and bad leadership has been the culprit. We can change the leadership - but the economy remains the same - with the exception of: there are far more residents of Marshall out of work now that two years ago.

Where are we going to get the money to support a school bond? Can we trust the persons at the top to do what they say they are going to do? If so - why has Dr. Davis not BOTHERED to show up the rebuttal to the MEA article regarding 'where is the savings' in the privatizing of the community custodians?

Kathy Petrich was targeted by Joyce who was smart enough in her "Who Stole the Cheese" management style of MPS. Joyce had a plan....similar in content to the one she had used on so many other employees. She DIRECTED Metcalf and Klochak to interrogate, repeatedly, Kathy Petrich. I know the questions asked. Others do also. This was a pattern. It was wrong. Board members were aware of it also and let it continue.

Now - I ask one question. How can someone tell me when it is time to move on (ie: step up or shut up)((also shows a great lack of intelligence)). I will close the chapter of 'harm done to school employees' when I have grieved the loss suffered by many. In the meantime....I will not 'step up' - IT WILL CAUSE ME GREAT HARM....I will not 'shut up'....I STILL HAVE TO GRIEVE THE LOSS OF FRIENDS AND A GREAT SCHOOL SYSTEM.

Still feeling the pain of bad leadership with Board support.

No on school bond until these issues 'of the past' are acknowledged by the Board.

Anonymous said...

To above:

Another of your stupid, rambling, asinine dissertations. TEACHERS ARE THE PROBLEM!!! But, your better than thou, almightiness attitude will come crashing down, and soon. You are replaceable and you had better believe it!

"I will not 'step up' - IT WILL CAUSE ME GREAT HARM" Yea, hide behind the keyboard, JERK!


A brave one stepped up- for the kids! said...

Kathy Petrich stepped up, and she was shut up- permanently! Are you proud of yourselves MPS board?

Anonymous said...

There are 9 errors in the following statement. Where did you go to school?

They are too blame when students fail, they should know this. I could care less about staff morale thats there problem. They should quit wining. People who do not want to vote for the bond is not my problem either. By the time it would pass and fixes made I will have no kids in the marshall schools anyway. The board members do more than anyone else for the schools. They do it for free, get it. What a waste of time talking sense to you loosers.

to (not too)
that's (not thats)
their (not there)
whining (not wining)
are not (not is not, people is plural)
the fixes are made (not fixes made)
Marshall (not marshall)
get it? (not get it.)
losers (not loosers)

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

GET REAL!!! If she stepped up, it was for the STAFF, not for the kids. So put the blame where it belongs, on STAFF! You won't do it for yourselves and always want someone else to do your dirty work, so the blame is with STAFF!
You continue to live in your little 'LaLa Land' world and is most likely quite befitting...

What would Kathy Petrich do? said...

That has been the board policy, if you step up you will be shut up- or worse!

That is why not many will step up anymore. That is why things are so bad. Bad leadership=big problems!

Plus think about your whiny rant "STEP UP OR SHUT UP"!

Does this foster cooperation?
Does this improve two-way communication?
Does this build community trust and support so we can pass a school bond?
Does this lead anyone to take you seriously or carefully consider your opinions?

Maybe your new mantra should be "Stay quiet, listen carefully, show some respect and consideration towards others, and help make a positive difference for the kids!"

Some anger management and perhaps AA classes would not hurt either!

And don't feel too bad, I am sure that Kathy Petrich has forgiven the school board and even Klochack, Metcalf, Jones and old Joyce Phillips herself!

That was just the kind of loving, thoughtful and caring person Kathy was! She would be a good role model for our current leaders and school board members to emulate.

Who knows? Such a new approach might even lead to use passing the bonds and improving our schools through cooperation and teamwork. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Look at the above two posts and they epitomize the two sides in the school debate.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."


Anonymous said...

what comes around goes around wait until the school board takes your comment and changes it the way they want it to be so instead of step up or shut up it will be bend over and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Is that the school board's plans for the staff? I didn't think things could get much worse.

Balance budget before asking for more money!!! said...

To poster above at 3:09 p.m. Here is a news flash for your highly intelligent attitude.

I have stepped up. Also, I have moved on. I stood up for many injustices that were inflicted upon my co-workers at MPS. The ignorance (hiding their heads in the sand and waiting for Phillip's contract to expire) of several board members was inexcusable as well as unexplainable. These individuals were voted in. The poster that keeps saying 'step up or shut up' has enormous problems evidenced by their lack of intelligence in posting. Kathy Petrich would forgive. When I can - THEN AND ONLY THEN I WILL BE READY TO MOVE ON. In the meantime - I will continue to grieve - yes - behind the keyboard - I learned the hard way. Those who have spoke up - have been kicked in the teeth. Those who keep their mouths shut and stay seated - while shaking their 'yes em heads' seem to enjoy raises and perks. (but can they look themselves in the mirror - Walbeck?)

As I stated before your retort of stupidity - I will not support any bond proposal in these times of economic hardship. WAIT UNTIL WE CAN BALANCE A BUDGET BEFORE WE ASK FOR MORE MONEY..... Operation at MPS should be the same as a household budget. If you can not pay your bills - why would you borrow more money. If you don't know how your operating budget is going to look in 9 months - why would you ask taxpayers for more 'bond' money. If you have to resurface the trace with 'sinking fund money' (are sinking funds supposed to be used for track repair - or repair of facilities) should you really be asking so many community members that have lost their jobs in the past 24 months - for more money. So - these out of work community members should just 'lose' their homes because they are out of work and cannot afford an increase of any type in their taxes?

Balance your check book before making more purchases! And try to use your brains - not your mouth to make these cuts. Start at the top (where most people do) and cut your way down.

If your child does not have a job - would you encourage them to get their own place?

Anonymous said...

"Operation at MPS should be the same as a household budget".

That includes reductions in extensive STAFF payroll, health and retirement benefits...don't you know? Finally, something we can agree on, cuts, cuts and more cuts! We need to get that budget balanced. Oh, and by the way, in big and private business the cuts always start at the BOTTOM...YAWN...

Cuts start at the top said...

A roll back of raises in excess of 2% per year during the last five years would be a great start. That means some administrators would get a 40% pay cut because they received raises in excess of 40%. Randy Davis can lead the way and roll back his wages to what they were a few years ago, about $20,000 per year less. If the board would cooperate in an investigation of Joyce Phillips she could be stripped of her $20,000/year 2nd Michigan retirement for life and save the taxpayers a small fortune! She did not deserve this and should have been fired after the first few scandals hit (insurance, air conditioning, etc). The board chose to cover for her, protect her and give her big raises and a 3 year contract extension instead. Sam and Bob tried to stop it. Ask them for the story, you will be shocked!

Anonymous said...

I would be shocked if Sam or Bob had a clue. What about the redskin name they were supposed to save? Why didnt they run again and get more on the board with there special interest. They wanted joyce to come to marshall, must have thought they could push her around and Lou and them couldnt.

Anonymous said...

one way to show the board members about budgeting is to make them start with their own businesses. if everyone would ban these businesses they would have to make budget cuts and maybe just maybe they will realize what the rest of the town is going thru.

Anonymous said...

They have already lost a ton of business. Janice Darling alone has lost hundreds of dollars in framing business from me. She knows why, I tried reasoning with her. It is not just a simple honest difference of opinion. She has supported and voted for (or ignored) many very bad things. I have no idea why she did this, I had considered her a friend before! My guess is that someone else is writing her bigger checks. Something suspicious is going on for sure!

Anonymous said...

The $750,000 in cuts will be very painful. Important programs will likely be cut, like Orchestra, that will cause us to lose more students. Then as we lose students more cuts are made and more students lost. Before long we could be in a situation like Athens and Albion are in now.

Solidarity sing along said...

Okay, altogether now…

What do we want? Staff payroll cuts! When do we want them? NOW!!!

What do we want? Staff health benefit cuts! When do we want them? NOW!!!

What do we want? Staff retirement benefit cuts! When do we want them? NOW!!!

Nothing like good old blue color union vocals to get that blood flowing…EH???

Anonymous said...

Ok, lets start with cutting Joyce Phillips undeserved (blood money from our board?) 2nd retirement, that will save $20.000/year!

Then Randy Davis, Bryan Klochack, Charlie MacDonald, MIke Walbeck, and other like-minded leaders can start with their wages and benefits cuts.

We could sure use the hundreds of thousands the board has spent on consultants, undeserved raises, lavish perks, and lawyers to do the jobs (or fix problems caused by) the bad leaders of the last decade!

Anonymous said...

Soooooo Sorry Charlie, but we will save MILLIONS (1,000,000,000.00's) with cuts to excessive STAFF pay, benefits and retirements. That is where the 'BIG' money is, with STAFF and we do need to BALANCE THAT BUDGET, now don't we? You said so yourself...and we're counting on you to keep your word.

Anonymous said...

Marshall already is getting a bad reputation as far as top candidates considering whether to apply for teaching or administrative jobs. If problems persist and wages are cut further, it will be that much harder to find good teachers or hopefully good leaders in the future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When do we get to read or hear Supt. Randy Davis rebuttal to the MEA article that claimed Marshall did not save much by firing the custodians? His reputation is on the line after he made a big stink about the article and PROMISED an item by item rebuttal.

Come on, we are patiently waiting!

Change is about 'being honest and serving the public that elected you' said...

I have saved that article. I have been waiting to read his rebuttal. If Davis cannot, or will not, produce his rebuttal he is open to lose support whether it is a bond vote - we will soon see.

Where are the savings? Where is the rebuttal? At this point in time I have to continue to believe the MEA article was correct and someone jumped the gun with 'all talk and no action'.

Perhaps our top leadership is no different than during the Phillips reign of terror.

To above poster - yes - the NO BRAINER CUTS - THE ONES THAT DO NOT REQUIRE MUCH THOUGHT AT ALL CUTS - do start at the bottom. But the effect is minimal at best. Cuts that make the difference should start at the top. Remember the Character Education MPS tried to teach their students? I think it is way past time to review all those characters and once again - find out our top administration/board do not possess the positive traits that they presented during their campaigns! (that is for 'step up or shut up poster). (I know now you are not a board member but very possibly a close friend/boss - I would have never thought PM of all people!

Change is about.....remember those articles? How about some change from the past 5.5 years of leadership?

Anonymous said...

"How about some change from the past 5.5 years of leadership?"

You want it, then STEP-UP OR SHUTUP!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was SHUT UP AND STEP BACK! That's the feeling we get from the leaders.

Anonymous said...

The teachers are not perfect either. Maybe someone should look into some of the PE teacher who play on their computers all hour while they have the kids "run around the gym" or goof around as opposed to running an organized gym class.

Anonymous said...

There are bad teachers in the Marshall schools. But the bad leadership has made this problems worse. The best teachers have been those most likely to speak up and therefore be punished or forced out. The bad ones tend to cozy up to the bad administrators and Principals and get away with poor performance.

The bad leadership at the top is a rot that is hurting everything below it. This has been a problems for years.

Anonymous said...

There is a ton of grant money out there, I have heard of other schools getting millions.

How many grants (Marshall Community Foundation does not count) have our administrators written the past five years? How much have they brought in to fund programs? What grants are being worked on now?

Anonymous said...

Our leaders are too busy spending money on consultants to do their jobs for them. They will spend over $20,000 just to have a lawyer negotiate a contract with the teachers. What are we paying the Superintendent $120,000/year for? They should know how to do this stuff!

Anonymous said...

The cutting block?

MIddle School sports
Freshman sports
Teachers may take a pay cut and/or benefit cut
administrator pay cuts too
10-20 layoffs
other across the board cuts (supplies, equipment, courses)

Anything else?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like nobody is going to be happy with the massive cuts coming. The administration will have to take big cuts too in order to sell any kind of cuts to the staff. I fear we lose students as programs are cut and therefore get on a downward spiral of more cuts, more students lost, and on and on.

Marshall overall does not have the attraction it once had. Nasty school and city politics do not help!

Anonymous said...

Sulking staff continually spewing negativity doesn't help either!!!

Anonymous said...

Then go ahead and share positive news! Did an elementary fundraiser go well? Maybe the swim team won another meat? Is Joyce Phillips enjoying her retirement and her undeserved $20,000 year extra retirement money at our expense?

Anonymous said...

Still confused about why we are asking taxpayers for bond money when we cannot balance our budget without cutting programs and staff. Something rubs me wrong when I am supposed to support a school system that has struggled to balance a budget in 7 years. I understand the economy has been plummetting downward and with it it has taken many local Marshall businesses/jobs. But how do we justify cutting staff and programs while asking the taxpayers to put up more tax dollars at this same time? Why is Marshall pushing a bond request at this time of unstable economics? I do not see other districts pushing bonds right now.

Again, where is the rebuttal to the cost savings move of outsourcing the 24 jobs lost to GRBS? Davis needs to put some action behind that statement before the bond vote or the gap in confidence will widen.

The situation in the MPS- why the bond is in trouble? said...

Let me simplify this:

The board are in charge and their friends in power get big raises and we hire highly paid consultants and lawyers to help them do their jobs, or cover up their messes, and then give them more raises and perks.

The teachers are bad and they are whiny and overpaid and need to have their wages and benefits cut, and some of their jobs too.

The support staff are even worse and where we can "privatize" them to "save money" we will, which will free up more money for raises and consultants and legal fees for our leaders.

Many of the requests in the bond are reasonable and would easily pass if people trusted and supported those in charge, which they largely do not, and for many many good reasons. But many other things in the bond are to pay for buildings and areas that fell apart due to a lack of proper maintenance, which further angers the community and hurts support.

I honestly do not think that either the school board (most of them at least) or Randy Davis really cares if the bond passes. If they did they would have made huge changes this year to turn things around and rebuild staff and community trust and cooperation, which they did not.

Who loses? The kids of course!

Anonymous said...

The views above about the teachers and support staff are a reference to how most of the MPS leaders view them, not the community.

Anonymous said...

To two above, you are incredibly narrow minded! All you have to do is look beyond your own backyard and you will see that the MAJORITY of school districts in Michigan are having the same budget woes...according to your assessment, that means ALL of those other districts must have lousy Boards and Administration too?

Anonymous said...

I think the perception is that the Marshall schools board enjoys targeting teachers and other staff with cuts and layoffs. This view is based on some very negative comments made by some board members and their close associates indicating they did in fact enjoy doing this.

This leaves a very different impression than if the staff felt valued and that cuts were painful to the board too.

Anonymous said...

It seems nobody trusts each other. How did things go so wrong?

Anonymous said...

What is being done about the drug problem at the Middle school and the high school?

Anonymous said...

nothing is being done about drugs in marshall period. these rich snobby kids who have a family name and money behind them have nothing to worry about with drugs if they get caught it will be forgotten. now if you get caught and dont have the name or money that is a different story cuz u will be in trouble. that is the bad thing with living in marshall no one want the town to be know or thought of as any other town like albion or battle creek when crime and drugs are just as bad only thing u dont have is the shootings and stabbings like other towns at least not yet.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that this will be the last year of the 8 block at MHS?

Anonymous said...

Lots of cuts are being considered, except cuts for the top leaders of course.

Anonymous said...

Great news!!!

Anonymous said...

just as i thought. there are days and days of name calling and finger pointing on this blog about the school board, business owners, teachers, and regular citizens but as soon as it is mentioned about the drug problem within this town no one has anything to say - cover it up, close ur eyes, keep telling urselves there is no drug problem and it will continue on and once again no one gets hurt but the children. people dont realize that children turn to drugs when people dont listen to their problems, being bullied, peer pressure and if we adults dont admit there is a problem the children in this town wont think of it as a problem either. it needs to stop before marshall gets to the point of the surrounding towns and there are stabbings and shooting over drugs.

Anonymous said...

It will take good and bold leaders who truly put the kids first to go after the drug problem, including the root causes.

But even going back to when I was in the Marshall schools a few decades ago, most leaders choose to look the other way or cover it up, especially as one poster said above, to protect the rich kids and their families.

When the day comes that kids are truly put first, is the day this problem will be honestly and openly addressed. Until then the leaders will indulge in their own weird power trips and let their egos and politics get in the way of real reform and improvements.

Anonymous said...

I suggest to boost enrollment that Marshall start sending busses to Albion to get more students. Look at how good the Wimberlys turned out. Imagine how much better our sports could be. Maybe a bus into BC too.

Anonymous said...

marshall would never do that. it isnt as bad as it was but everyone knows how people in marshall can be racist, things have only started to change the last few years but things werent great for wimberly's either until their performance in sports.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Marshall should send a bus to Athens to get students?

Anonymous said...

We tried that, and the Athens Superintendent jumped on, closed the door and hightailed it over to Marshall! Like a Captain who is the first to abandon a sinking ship and leaving everyone else behind after he hit the iceburg!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! But sorta true too! Sad.

Bond update BC Enquirer said...

Now, how can they rebuild the trust and support that has been lost during the last five years so the bond can pass?

Anonymous said...

It will not be easy to pass this bond. I am not sure if I can afford it. While some improvement has been made there are still big issues in the Marshall schools to resolve.

Is the anonymous donor offering a $1.5 mil recording studio again? That would sure help!

Anonymous said...

The bond is DOA. The board did nothing after the previous defeat to improve their communications.

For example, they want to spend almost a half-million dollars at Gordon to improve driveways and parking for "safety."

So, where in the last few years have we heard about the lack of same? We haven't.

Anything published by the board now is self-serving and won't be believed.

The other problem is that the Chronicle and Enquirer have neither the resources or inclination to cover stories beyond the board meetings. Inclination for the Chronicle and resources for the Enquirer.

So, who will publish any in-depth stories about the need for the bond? Nobody.

In the end, I'd probably vote yes were it not for the cost. I can't afford it.

Anonymous said...

I've spent the last week cutting $10 here an $5 there just to stretch the money out to meet the month.

So now I'm going to add $30 a month back in for bond taxes?


Supt. Davis rebuttal? said...

When will Supt. Randy Davis present his "promised" "item by item" rebuttal to the MEA article that claimed the MPS did not save much money by firing the Marshall custodians?

We are still waiting! His reputation is on the line. It has been many months now. What is taking so long?

Stop creating debt for our grandchildren! said...


In these scary, precarious economic times - I feel it just proves the board is out of touch with the 'working class' by asking for anything in addition to a BOND RENEWAL OF OPERATION.

We are a dual income family - but I know MANY MANY households that have suffered the lose of jobs with NO JOB ON THE HORIZON.

Are the people in Marshall still hiding their heads in the sand? Do they not understand you can only spend MONEY YOU HAVE!

These improvements should have been being made all along - what is the Sinking Fund for anyways?

When Philly left - did she not get accomades for a positive equity fund? What is up?

You cannot continue to spend money that you do not have. You must revert back to: Balance your checkbook so you know how much equity you have.

How much is Joyce's 'bonus' retirement costing the taxpayers each month? She by far has to be the MOST UNDESERVING MPS EMPLOYEE TO EVER RECEIVE THIS AT THE EXPENSE OF ALL TAXPAYERS.

No on bond - until we balance our budget and operate in the 'black ink' column!

BC Enquirer- MHS Breakfast Program said...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know waht George Seifert meant at the meeting? He was quoted something to the effect that people were "not sure they wanted to be involved."

Anonymous said...

I am waiting to see where the $750,000+ in cuts are going to come from? I cannot think of much left that has not already been cut until you start getting rid of good programs, classes, teachers and services. It sounds like it will be very painful and could initiate a downward spiral of cuts, lost students, more cuts, more lost students and so on.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what ultimately doomed Athens?

Anonymous said...

"Superintendent Frances Gallo followed through on her controversial plan to fire all the teachers at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island Feb. 23, after the district and the teachers union failed to come to an agreement about how to fix the failing school -- and U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan lauded the decision"

Anonymous said...

HA HA...nice try on spinning news. What you fail to metion is that the teachers wouldn't agree to 6 conditions, including working more without compensation. Here are some quotes from an article about this to put it in true perspective...
"Union officials say they, too, want to improve the high school but are unwilling to sign off on the six conditions, especially without receiving additional pay. In a letter, union officials said they do not think Gallo has the authority to fire the teachers and she must negotiate the terms of the reforms."
"Sheila Lawless-Burke, an English-as-a-Second Language teacher, said teachers are not opposed to working harder — or longer; they simply want the opportunity to negotiate the details of their contract, not have it imposed from above.

“It’s all about the politics,” she said, “about making Fran Gallo(super) look good. The issue is having the right to negotiate. Once we allow the superintendent to get her foot in the door, where will it stop?”

This is also from one of the worst schools in the state of Rhode Island where about 50% of students graduate. And IF the whole staff gets fired, 50% will most likely be rehired. Not much of a comparision to the excellence of MPS.

On a side note, has anyone noticed how important it is to the parents and citizens of Battle Creek Public Schools that their next super has classroom expierience and an educational background? Most people think that to be able to run a school system, you should have had class time teaching, and actually have been in the environment.

To the above poster: nice try with your impending doom.

Still no trust, some things worse said...

Marshall has been "successful" at pressuring or encouraging many teachers and some administrators to leave or retire during the last five years or so. A few were justified to want out, but for the most part we have lost many excellent people.

For the most part they have been replaced by teachers and administrators who are far less experienced and in many cases not nearly as good. I know the goal was to either save money or get rid of people the school board and superintendent did not like. The teaching environment has grown hostile and there has been a breakdown in communication and cooperation at all levels. Many thought this would change after Joyce Phillips left, but things are mostly still the same.

The staff still mostly distrusts the leadership, with a few exceptions. Kathy Petrich's passing after being harassed and forced out was another huge blow to staff-board-superintendent relations! I think the board members responsible (yes, we all know who they are!) need to resign and move on before any significant progress can be made.

In part because of this, the bonds are likely to fail again. I doubt much can improve until sincere efforts are made to resolve these conflicts and lack of trust.

Anonymous said...

I think it's an unemotional example of bad management. Nothing personal, just business.

The board has been inept. For that reason alone, they need to go.

Anonymous said...

anyone heard about the fight and drug bust at the high school this morning (2/25)? 2 for fighting, 4 for drugs including mrs gary son

Anonymous said...

"In part because of this, the bonds are likely to fail again."

It may not pass again because the economy is in the toilet, you twit! No other reason...especially not those conjured up in YOUR mind.

Anonymous said...

Before you pass along rumors you should check the facts. There are two Gary children at MHS. Do not assume that it is the secretary's son. This is no place to post information like that. Period!

Ask the staff what happened said...

In response to 2 above, you must not know anyone on staff or be on the MPS staff.

Most people I know feel that way! Most parents I know are also angry at the same group that has run things (into a mess) the last few years. The board and superintendent used extreme measures against Kathy Petrich because of the staff survey that embarrassed them. They made her teach part of the day at the alternative school and cut her back from full-time while making her life hell until she was gone. They did finally get their wish. She is gone. And many many people are angry about this gross injustice and abuse of power.

Now what happened to the people responsible who deserved to be fired like Joyce Phillips, Amy Jones, Bryan Klochack and their cronies? They got raises and protection to coverup their misdeeds and mismanagement. Is that fair? Why not ask Janice Darling, Victor Potter, Paul Beardslee, Dan Stulberg and Ali Webb why they enthusiastically supported these actions? How do they sleep at night?

Anonymous said...

that is correct it is not the place to post information on kids in marshall doing drugs since it is suppose to be swept under the rug and all hush hush. i am sure it wont be in the paper either since money can buy anyone anything even buy them out of trouble - everyone has a price!

Anonymous said...

Just ask Bob DuBois and Ron Behrenwald what happens when you try to fairly enforce school rules with ALL students, including those with parents who are friends with school board members? They were forced out of course!

Marshall politics- mean and nasty and too often corrupt!

Anonymous said...

For 2 above, sure never hear any complaints at the MPS board meetings, everything must be fine, except in your simple mind!

Anonymous said...

who would want to waste the time or breath to talk to anyone board member. they do not care what happens it has been proven over and over, they do what they want when they want and he$$ with the opinion of anyone else. also, my simple mind may just be that simple, but that gives me an excuse what excuse do you have - oh they haven't come up with one to fit you because you are one of kind and thank god the mold broke after you.

Anonymous said...

For previous poster...
"For 2 above, sure never hear any complaints at the MPS board meetings, everything must be fine, except in your simple mind!"
Should have read 3 above and was not meant for you...simple mistake...sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

You are right! After several years of many complaints, people speaking up at meetings (yes, many did!), scandals reported on by Shelley Sulser in the Chronicle, and so on, things have quieted down. Most of that was from retribution in which no staff felt comfortable to talk to board members, even privately.

Also those who did try to help fix the problems were either ignored, treated badly or lied to time and again. For those who say that others should run for the board or launch a recall if they want change, you are right! All other options have failed.

Those who want a return to "excellence," honesty, cooperation and real school improvement need to do what it takes to get new school board members on board. A school board should be about fixing problems, not making things worse.

Anonymous said...

i am sure i can talk for alot of people when i say i have thought if things were so bad why is no one wanting to run for school board against these people to get them off the board. well i am thinking it is kinda like what president obama and how he came into office with having so much to fix and having to make things worse to get them started to be better and then everyone wants to complain how bad they are without remember how bad it was before. all the damage done in marshall will take along time to fix.

Who really runs the schools? said...

We have had two organized groups dominate school board politics over the last two decades. The first group included people like Jeff Albaugh, Lou G, etc. who dominated the school board until about 7 years ago. I am not saying they were all organized but for the most part worked together. This group also generally supported Lou G. and were not quick to change the Redskin name.

The secretive group that dominates the school board now started with those who were staunchly anti-Lou G. and anti-Redskin. This group is supposedly highly organized and have been for many years. They include the Frankes, especially Marsha Franke, Georgia Marsh, and of course Paul Beardslee, Dan Stulberg, Janice Darling, Vic Potter and probably to a lesser extent Ali Webb and supposedly even John Coulter and Annette Campeau. Their goal was supposedly to "fix problems" and replace the Redskin name. They also are quite hostile towards anyone seen as being close to Lou G. or any former leaders, which is why they probably despised Rich Hulkow and Ron Behrenwald. They organized people to run for the school board until they could take over. You gotta give them credit for their persistence! So far no other organized group has stepped up to run candidates for an eventual takeover of the school board, so they have 100% of the power the last five years! If someone truly independent, perhaps like Bill DeSmet, runs they will first try to bring them in under their wings. If that fails they will treat them like crap like they did to Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng. So if you want to run and not support their agenda, then plan on getting nothing done and being treated badly for at least the next four years! Also they likely make their decisions outside of regular board meetings, so understanding how they think or knowing what is really going on is very difficult.

This group, or some call it a clique, has run the Marshall schools for at least the last six years and deserves all the credit, or blame, for Joyce Phillips, Amy Jones, Brian Metcalf, Bryan Klochack, battles with the staff, raises doled out to their cronies, several big and many smaller scandals, firing the custodians, forcing out key staffers and everything else that has happened connected to their decisions and actions!

This is all well known amongst the school staff. Glad to be retired now!

Anonymous said...

Its good for the rest of us to get an insiders opinion. Its hard to know what exactly is going on from the little coverage the schools get anymore in the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

There was some discussion about the drug problem at the Middle School? You need to get your facts straight. There is NOT a drug problem at the middle school. There were dogs brought in this past week and they didn't find a thing. Stop spreading lies.

Anonymous said...

i read from above post it was drugs found in high school and middle school son was involved. but there has been problems in the middle school as well with drugs maybe not this year but previous years there has been. i know for a fact i had heard about it and called turner and ask why nothing is being said when there were 8 students caught with drugs and he informed me they didnt do nothing cuz they students involved were using aspirin and pretending they were drugs. not like it should make a difference. drugs are in marshall all over open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Well, as far as I know, there is a policy against having "look-alikes" in the handbook and IF it is true that there were 8 students "pretending" that they were drugs, they should punished accordingly. For any one to say that there is not a drug problem in MMS or MHS has got to have their head buried in the sand. There is most certainly a problem with drugs in this community and as long as we continue to ignore it, it will get worse. I'd also like to bet that if Turner would spend less time sitting on the roof for photo ops and maintaining his building, there might be less of a problem.

Anonymous said...

i do not think it is as bad but that may be due to the cold weather but at any given time after school let out for the day if you drove behind the library, in the cubby holes of the buildings you could find students smoking. i have heard library had stiffened their rules and been watching and police have also been watching so now they have moved to the parking garage.

Anonymous said...

I am worried about MHS after 4 pm and on weekends with Mr. Hulkow gone. He was the main administrative presence after school and on weekends, even often on Sundays! Klochack and Nessel are not only rarely around after school or on weekends, they are often gone during the school day for meetings and whatnot. Yes, there are drugs, sex and other things going on at MHS, especially after hours. There is less supervision and less concern to do anything about it. Have you heard what goes on in the gym, the weight room, the locker rooms and even the swimming pool when there are no adults around? The students have heard or seen what goes on.

Anonymous said...

Heck, Nessel and Klochack beat the kids out of the parking lot almost every day, certainly more so than a lot of the teaching staff. I'm not surprised that there is some hanky panky going on after school, along with drugs.

Anonymous said...

sad thing is so many have their eyes closed to what is going on and/or dont want to accept that it is happening and their children could be doing it as well. it is not just related to the so called poverty group it is happening by jocks, stucky up, goth, nemo, hoodlums, loners, every click is involved. i am not saying every student is involved but so often it is always pointed at the "bad" kids. i applaud hulk for what he done when he removed the players from the team when they were caught just sad drug test arent part of being on a team i am sure there wouldnt be many sports. best way i found to know for sure if your child is doing drugs is randomly when they go out and come home have a home drug test sitting on counter if you have good communication with your child and explain why you want the comfort of knowing for sure they wont care it shows them they have parents who actully do care. if they are using then it may not be as smooth but that is first step at least then there is room to start getting help before it gets out of hand.

Anonymous said...

What about sex at central office, you remember, after hours, a certain former business manager and a certain contractor named Josh. ;)

Anonymous said...

Isn't that why the custodians were fired? They caught them and told others. They knew too much about other scandals too.

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