Monday, February 12, 2007

Hopefully there will be a correction coming.....

From the Battle Creek Enquirer
published 2/12/07

To Marshall High School. About two years ago I offered my father's diploma from 1911. They said they were interested in displaying it but that it would not be framed immediately as they had another diploma from about the same era, and cost was mentioned. I checked every few months to see if it had been used. Each visit they said no, with varying excuses. A couple months ago I told them I would like the diploma back since it was not being displayed. I was then told that they had lost it. Two employees thereafter told me that they would call me. Calls never came. Needless to say, I am greatly unhappy as this was kept in my family for about 94 years.
-L.K. Collins, Olivet

The raspberry should be to the Marshall Public Schools. If our information is correct, the diploma was dropped off to the Superintendent's Office. Central Office is the headquarters for all things historical to be displayed.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for clearing that one up. I didn't think that something of that nature would be handled at the high school. I was pretty sure that if anyone visited the high school with something of that historical significance, that they would have been directed to the central office with the rest of the historical documents. Again, thank you for posting this.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. The High School staff would have directed the person to the Superintendent's office where this type of request would be handled. The high school office staff is one of incredibly high standards. They are an awesome group of people.

Anonymous said...

I heard a story about a prominent citizen in town who contacted central office about some rare trees near the high school. He wanted to either move or purchase the trees, which he feared may be cut down when they build the bus garage and ruin the woods near the high school. If not for sale, he offered to move them for free to another location on school property. Amy Jones did not return 6-7 phone messages. When he did finally get a hold of her she gave him the runaround as if she did not want to be bothered about saving rare trees. Last I knew he was given no decision about either option after months of waiting.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone running for the school board besides Potter and Darling? Any news from last night's school board meeting?

Anonymous said...

Kinda quiet around here...chirp, chirp

Anonymous said...

Actually, at the board meeting, John Coulter started a good dialog about getting to the "facts". It was a good start John, please keep asking questions.

Anonymous said...

We need any kind of good news, no matter how small it is. I and many others are very very close to simply giving up on the Marshall schools. Community interest and support seems to be at an all-time low.

Anonymous said...

According to "who?" Who factually stated that the diploma was dropped off at the Supt. Office? The Raspberry clearly says the High School office. They are great up there don't get me wrong, but isn't this site just piling anything wrong with the schools, anything negative at all on central office? THERE IS NO CREDIBILITY HERE AT ALL WHEN EVERYONE HIDES BEHIND "ANONYMOUS." Without registered names, for all anyone knows, there could be just 4 or 5 people writing all these posts. In fact, if there is so much discontent in the community then why couldn't this "huge" group of angry people muster up one single school board candidate to run against those evil, venom spitting, blood sucking incumbents who are nothing more than puppets for the Stalinist Phillips Regime? These posts on here are a joke. I bet there are about 75 school employees who have found a place to bitch about the boss here. Maybe another 20 citizens. That is no majority. If you really want to do something about your problems, offer some solutions instead of just crying about how bad it is. And don't give the tired line about retribution from admin. If you are a victim of that, then you should be filing a complaint or suing the schools for some sort of unfair labor practice.

Anonymous said...

A month or so ago I would have agreed with you. I was skeptical at first when I started reading this web site. I figured that it was a small group of disgruntled employees and a few others. I had not been very involved with the Marshall schools and a board member friend kept telling me it was all about nothing. Then I started asking around, talking to parents, teachers and others connected to the schools. While some postings on here may be inaccurate or make a big to do over trivial matters, much of it is in fact very accurate. Whether one thinks this web site is a help or hinderance, the problems are very real and very big. Maybe not having anyone run against Mr. Potter and Ms. Darling is good. I would rather see the current school board step up to the plate, take responsibility, and resolve these problems. I do think that Dr. Phillips has failed the schools and needs to be replaced. There will be no bond or other building improvements until trust and confidence is restored among the staff parents, and the community. If you do not agree with me start talking to teachers, parents and others who are involved with the schools. You may be shocked that the problems are very real and the situation is very bad.

Anonymous said...

2 posts up have you talked to Mr. Oliver? Could it be possible that he thought that the central office was the high school? It used to be, especially way back when. As for filing a complaint for harassment, who do we report to? Have you looked at the harassment policy in place. We are supposed to report to the Superintendent, if she is the problem, we go to Metcalf, if both are involved, we're supposed to go to the school board prez. In case you haven't been reading, all 3 of them are part of the problem. Oh and I see that you posted anonymously too.

Anonymous said...

I spoke to some people that work in the high school office. They were not aware of the diploma episode until Mr. Collins came into their office last fall and asked for the diploma back. He was looking for a Kimberly whom he had been talking to. Kimberly is the Supt. Office secretary. The HS staff tried to comfort the nice gentleman who felt he had been treated disrespectfully for what he had been trying to give to the schools. Our thanks go to this nice gentleman who was trying to do what alot of employees are trying to do each day. Help to make MPS a better, more enjoyable place. I hope whoever accepted this 1911 diploma that was to be framed and displayed finds it and it can either be displayed or returned to the owner. It would be very nice to have the persons that were dealing with this issue come forward and admit responsibility. You see - that is what we are trying to teach the children of Marshall each day. I too will remain anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Accountablity? Responsibility? Honesty? Cooperation? Teamwork? Communication? Helping others?

This sounds like a list of traits we try to instill in our children. Since these are lacking in the adults at the top (Phillips. Metcalf, Jones, some board members), maybe they should be replaced by adults who actually model these qualities.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, I wrote Mr. Oliver a couple of posts up, I should have written Mr. Collins. Let me say,"My mistake, I was wrong". Whew, that wasn't very hard to do.

Anonymous said...

How about this quote from the latest Superintendent's Corner, supposedly asked by a parent....

Fictional Parent Question:
What communications could middle school parents receive to learn more about expectations for their children as their children make their way through the middle school?

Fictional Phillips Answer:
Now this one I could not answer as easily. Right now, this information varies by teacher, by team, and by grade level. The point is well taken, though. This question is being turned over to the middle school staff and administration to discuss in more detail. I am confident that they will work out answers and communicate them.

The Middle school staff was never asked this question so there is no way she could formulate an answer unless, as usual, she speaks for everyone and considers no one. I would like to know the name of the "parent" so I can formulate the answers and communicate solutions. All MPS teachers are supportive of parent involvement and encourage questions and concerns from parents. It helps to know these concerns exist first and are not made up for an article that tries to make the Sup. actually seem concerned about the students.

Anonymous said...

To clear up the high school raspberry question.....Mr. Collins originally went to the building that he remembers as the high school. The place he went to was the Administrative Offices of Marshall Public Schools that are located in the "old" high school, which currently houses the Middle School and the MPS Administrative Offices. He did NOT go to the present high school.

Anonymous said...

To the MMS staffer two up, of course the "parent" in Joyce's column is most likely fictional! Joyce's articles are a work of fiction! Does anything she write ever resemble reality if the Marshall schools? Of course not!

Anonymous said...

I love how the people that are actually dealing with day to day issues continue to be totally disregarded by the supt. and of course her followers - (that try to discredit employees for her). This blog is very helpful in clarifying things that amy, jp and brian state as fact - trying to misled others in this community. Don't you think we would all be better off if the board just directed joyce, amy and brian to start acting like the rest of the 300 MPS employees. Then we wouldn't even need a message forum to try to keep the main thing the main thing for this community!

Anonymous said...

Response to Raspberries: Has anyone thought perhaps the 80 or so year old gentleman used the words 'high school' because up until the 70's the building on Green Street was the high school. I believe the staff at MHS knows this and understands. Getting a raspberry for something you actually did wrong is one thing but getting one by accident doesn't really hurt. Can you imagine how many raspberries could have been handed out to bri, aj and jkp?

Anonymous said...

Well, the really bad news is that Vic and Janice are running unopposed....and....many people actually "bought" Joyce's drivel from her latest article. I think it's time for some articles outside of this forum.

Anonymous said...

To those who think it is trival or petty to blame central office for losing or misplacing this poor man's old MHS diploma, here is why it is not? We all know that any honest mistake can occur. Things like this can happen to anyone. We have all made mistakes. The reason it is justified to make an issue out of is because the central admin, especially Dr. Phillips herself and Amy Jones, have a track record of contempt for others. They are reaping the bad feelings they have sown for the last few years. This is not a normal situation and they are very deserving of all the criticism they are receiving. Do not feel sorry for them, many have tried to help them and support them, but to no avail! The problems and issues shared on this web site are only the tip of the iceberg,

Anonymous said...

The school district seems to be at a stalemate now. Mrs. Phillips is secure knowing that her board support will likely remain strong enough as not to fire her this year. And the more Phillips and the board try to pretend everything is just fine and there are no serious problems, the worse things get. Now what? If the bond goes down in May, then the "Kids First" supporters will blame Phillips and the school board. The pro-Phillips grooup will blame the "Kids First" supporters for the bonds failure. Either way it is highly unlikely it will pass in May. Janice and Vic are running unopposed and will be re-elected. At the same time there is little happiness at this prospect and little hope of any problems being solved. What can be done to unite the people fo Marshall and solve the problems that exist?

Anonymous said...

what makes you all so sure that the bond will go down? If you are kids first as you say, then you surely will vote for the bond...otherwise, how could you stand your own hypocracy?

Anonymous said...

A prerequisite for passing a school bond is trust, respect and support for the top school leaders, especially the Superintendent. I do not think most Marshall residents, parents and teachers feel they can trust and support Joyce Phillips at this time. Therfeore how can we support the bond with so many unresolved problems at the top? I think we need a new Superintendent first.

Anonymous said...

Even if the bond did pass, how can we be sure where the money is going anyway? Heck, we're in a "financial crisis" and we're still throwing money away. I highly doubt that Jones, Metcalf, or Dr. Phil have any intention of putting that money towards anything but their own pet projects. BTW, how many of their children went to school in Marshall? Not a prerequsite, but a question.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice if this community realized by all the opinions, all the posts, all the concerns called into board members, all the letters of editor since summer --- that the only real issue that needs to be addressed is: LET'S FIND MARSHALL A PRO-ACTIVE, HONEST, CARING, APPROACHABLE, UNDERSTANDING, INDIVIDUAL THIS SUMMER TO REPLACE PHILLIPS. When you read the many hours of postings here as well as the archived posts you will tally up the majority of posts - Marshall Schools and the good doctor just aren't a match. When she is replaced by a qualified superintendent that builds the trust of the community, staff and board we can begin to HEAL HERE IN MARSHALL.

Anonymous said...

All these posts, for all anyone knows, could be the rantings of a handful of people. There is no way of really knowing how many people are posting on here.

There have not been that many public letters to the editor---4 or 5.

As far as trust being a "prerequisite" for passing a bond, I'd like to know where this info comes from? Is there some sort of "passing a school bond guide" that I don't know about? In your Pollyanish view of running an organization, trust and repsect are required, and that is great, but you must remember that those things a two way street. How many of the whiners and complainers on here have given the people you hate a reason to trust or respect the work you do? You think we need a new superintendent, well I think we need upgraded facilities so we can truly "put our kids first" as you all talk about. Its time to actually do that and think about the future instead of thinking only about yourselves.

Anonymous said...

There have been more than 4 or 5, heck, there were 4 or 5 in one edition if I recall correctly. I do put kids first, I work with them every single day. I have my own children who attend Marshall Public Schools. I will not vote for a bond proposal as long as Joyce is in office. I do not trust a thing she says or does. How do you know where the money will really go? She may need new carpeting this summer and micromanage the installers again. Do you know about that one?

Anonymous said...

"A prerequisite for passing a school bond is trust, respect and support for the top school leaders, especially the Superintendent."

There is no book that says this, it comes from good old-fashioned common sense.

Anonymous said...

For those who may not know this FACT: When joyce first came to the district the union groups met with her in informal meetings to give her helpful information that would help her to be a better superintendent. We were very proactive. We felt let down by the Currie experience and agreed to give the new as much information regarding employment, our individual group, status of our personal finance, job descriptions needing attention, basically how our own group fits into the MPS system. We were as I said VERY PROACTIVE in getting to know each other and trying the team approach in welcoming joyce to our district. I hope my posting is read by many who may have forgotten the 'get to know you' meetings or in some cases perhaps did not know at all. You see - the union groups did try to help Marshall Public Schools and Dr. Phillips become the best, strong, united group. If this was not putting kids first - someone tell me what is. To date all of those involved in the (our group met 7 informal time - no contract involved) meetings can tell you all that was expressed by our own group has been wadded up and thrown in our faces. Sorry to have this post sound angry but we really did try - for MPS, for the new supt., for all the employees. Proactive did not seem to be appreciated - in hind site!

Anonymous said...

Disappointed that this didn't get reported sooner. According to most comments made here, the actions of the leaders in charge don't make them worthy of claiming the phrase, "Putting Kids First". I guess the taxpayer below feels the same way about the other side, apparently no longer living in Marshall, but still remembers previous encounters as mentioned in the post.

Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:02 am – an article regarding the millage for Lakeview Schools. I remember a conversation I had with a teacher in Marshall during one of their strikes. They were upset because they were going to have to pay a very small fee for their health insurance. When I found out how ridiculously small it was I said "You are striking because of that?!?". The teacher's reply was, "But you don't understand. We have never paid anything before and now they want us to pay!" I said, "Well, then it's about time. Welcome to the real world." But it was such a small employee contribution it wasn't anything like "the real world". And for that they held the kids hostage, went on strike and let the kids go without an education. They are such selfless civil servants looking out for the welfare of our children. Yeah, right. It's like MBA or NHL, once you see what they're fighting for, you just can't ever support them again. They can cry wolf all they want. I'll vote down every millage they bring up. Not that I live in Marshall anymore, but same holds true here.

Some have said on this blog that there seems to be a overall lack of interest and community support in Marshall? If all of the above is true, then it appears that only the taxpayers really care about "Putting Kids First". Would hate to think that was the case...

Anonymous said...

I read the above quoted comment on the Enquirer blog as well. However, the person making the post was somewhat confused. I believe he was talking about the Marshall teachers who were "picketing" a board meeting in the fall of 05 over the lack of a contract settlement. The teachers were not on strike! They were not holding any kids hostage. There has not been a teacher strike in the state of Michigan, except for Detroit, in the last ten or twelve years.

Anonymous said...

Criticism of teachers or coaches and criticisms of the top leaders are two entirely separate issues. It seems those who are pro-Phillips try to divert attention away from the long list of Phillips' failures, scandals and problems by attacking the teachers.

Yes, we know there have been occasional problems with a given teacher or coach here or there. BUT the main biggest problems right now are at the top. That of course makes it more difficult for everyone to work together. When Phillips uses unfair, dishonest or sleazy tactics to go after a teacher or administrator that causes problems and controversy. If she was honest, trustworthy, competent and fair, then she could take action, if needed, to remove or discipline an employee without making the matter worse. Also the double standards , dishonesty and coverups have caused Mrs. Phillips to lose a lot of credibility. Her poor relations with staff and parents, overt rudeness and hostility towards almost everyone, and her obvious lack of good leadership overall has been very damaging to the Marshall Public Schools. These problems need to be addressed before most other issues can be properly dealt with.

Anonymous said...

I am confused why it matters how many persons are posting on this blog site. Do the numbers matter or does the content of what is being shared and the fact that not much is being done. Accountability is great - I say accountability for all - let's start at the top. Now - it would seem it is time to address the actual problems. If you do not look into what is being posted on this blog site but rather would like to indicate how many people are or are not posting then you would be guilty of the same thing the board seems to be guilty of - discrediting the opinions of the employees. So I ask - how can you hold the employees accountable if you do not insist the board holds phillips, jones and metcalf accountable also. (and I would suggest they be first - due to the magnitude of their errors which have cost MPS)

Also, I have never heard of any strike in Marshall in my 20 years. In fact, our contracts do not allow strikes - they do allow for informational pickets which are outside of the school learning day.

Does anyone at all question the superintendent corners credibility? Each week I wonder - should I let jp know what she is sending to the chronicle does not appear accurate according to my 20 years here - or do I simply let her send it in as it is? Because she would not receive the criticism well and would turn her targeting towards me - Hey - I just let her send it to press - with all the inaccurate information, the incomplete sentences, and the bad grammar. Hey - she is the boss you know. Why should anyone hold her accountable?

Anonymous said...

The average teacher pay increase has been about 1-2 percent per year during the last decade. Inflation is running 3-5 percent per year during the same period. Many new college grads make more to start than do veteran teachers with Masters degrees and 20+ years of experience. Now the pay and perks for our Superintendent would be on the way high side of an area class B school district. If she were doing a good job I may not complain. Since she does an awful job, it is outrageopous and a waste of taxpayer money!

Anonymous said...

The MTA needs to take much stronger public actions to deal with the current crisis in the Marshall schools. They have been way too nice for too long. They have been repeatedly lied to and let down as they work hard to improve our schools.

Anonymous said...

Now is the time for the teachers, via their union leaders, to go public again. Enough is enough! Quiet diplomacy and being nice is only laughed at by Phillips Vic and Janice!

Anonymous said...

I support the Marshall teachers. Overall they do a really good job and I know they work hard to keep improving the Marshall schools. I have had very good relations with the Principals too. I hope the Principals and the teachers are getting the support they need from the school board. And of course don't forget the support staff. Where would the schools be without them!

Anonymous said...

I am very concerned that the school board is NOT giving the support and respect that they should to the Marshall teachers and support staff. Also their are known issues between the building Principals and the Superintendent. I hope the school board, especially the board President, become much more helpful and proactive on these issues. Too many mistakes have been made and I fear any further neglect will further harm our schools.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School board has failed us miserably this past year. It may be the worst year in decades for the Marshall Schools!

Anonymous said...

Several board members have told me that they are "working on" the problems for the past several months. Is anyone aware of anything that has been accomplished?

Anonymous said...

All I know is that Joyce was very happy "for the district" that Vic and Janice went unopposed. And why wouldn't she be keeps the status quo. I do hope that other board members will take up the offer to speak with staff and admin. Joyce's accomplishments still continue, like sitting in the back of the room during building level staff meetings to keep up the intimidation. She wants communication then lowers the boom if the communication is not what she wants to hear. The good news is that alot of us are not intimidated. Come on,tenured teachers, get vocal!!!

Anonymous said...

When the truth of Joyce's evil reign is made public, perhaps during an upcoming lawsuit, then the school board will not be able to hide and deny what they have allowed to happen. They had been warned over and over. Several board members are a major part of the problem. The worse is yet to come for the Marshall Schools if the board does not fire Phillips very soon.

Anonymous said...

How many more surveys, letters to the editor, irate former school board members, MPS staff stories, parent stories, newspaper articles, etc are needed to force change? It has been at least one year of bad news after bad news.

Anonymous said...

Is Phillips still targeting Hulk, Behrenwald, Townsend, Hanson and Voit? I keep hearing she dislikes them because they all do a great job and are quite popular. Also they are smart enough not to be personaly loyal to at the expense to the kids and the schools.

Anonymous said...

There is tremendous opposition in Marshall to Dr. Phillips. If the school board supports her revenge against the MPS staff, it will invite a justified recall. Also the school bonds are in grave danger of NOT passing. This is all due to anger and outrage directed at Phillips, which is on the rise daily. The unjustified persecution of MPS staff needs to be stopped. Covering up mistakes and failures by the Superintendent or carrying out the personal vendetta of a school board member (Phillips supporters) are not justifiable reasons to unjustly ruin the lives of very good people.

Anonymous said...

The answer to the above is yes and she also puts the teachers that support these wonderful people in the hot seat too. Intelligent people are a threat to her as are people who have a strong sense of camaraderie because people who communicate with each other can share the negative experiences they have encountered. Only complete nincompoops have been appointed by her to positions of authority. These people are protected by her so she can tell them exactly what to do and which questions to ask. These people "owe" her and she always exacts payment! Divide and conquer is her leadership style.

Anonymous said...

From what I can gather, most of the Marshall School Board avoids talking to the teachers, support staff and come around the buildings to see what is going on. It's almost as if the school board is embarrassed about what has happened and perhaps frustrated as to how to resolve the numerous problems caused by a controversial and embattled Superintendent Phillips. Are they just dumbfounded or partner-in-crime? I hope something good is going on behind-the-scenes.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see any board member in the buildings. Unless of course they are visiting an academic awards assembly with the media. I have also heard there were no board members at the last teacher coffee klatch....ummmm. In my 8 hour day - no visits - no inquiries - . One would like to think we could contact them and they would check issues out but we now all know how that to a board member and become the lastest target!

Anonymous said...

There is something very weird going on at the school board level. I suspect that even John Coulter has been told not to be so nice and cooperative with the staff and community. Even if someone like John wanted to do something good and positive I am sure he would be shot down by Vic and Joyce.

Anonymous said...

That is why no one wanted to run for the school board. They would be given the choice of becoming another rubber stamp or being ostracized and ridiculed. I have never seen things so bad in the Marshall Schools leadership in over 30 years of following school politics and events.

Anonymous said...

The situation in the Marshall Schools is so ugly now I can understand why no one wanted to run for the school board.

Anonymous said...

Marshall's mean-spirited politcs have moved from the city council to the Marshall Schools. The current Supt. Joyce Phillips and her gang of supporters on the school board are so far the meanest group I have seen in Marshall politics. What makes it even worse is they will do it with a smile on their face and tell everyone what they want to hear as they carry out an agenda based on foolishness, prejudice and vengeance. I would prefer they they were honest and told us the truth about their goals and agenda. There is no way I will vote for any school bonds with this group in power!

Anonymous said...

We all klnow that our lovley administrators never do a thing wrong they are always right just like when they investigated a problem that they were involved in and they found that they were not guilty in any circumstances

Anonymous said...

The students should start a protest movemnt. Something peaceful and subtle. Do it for the victims of "the evil doctor" Phillips... Behrenwald, Hulkow, Foreman, etc. etc. She has caused way too much harm for dishonest and evil reasons! JP, I hope you reap what you sow! You have purposely harmed many good people, people who are far better human beings than YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe students should get involved. The way the school is going and the way the board has ignored the MPS staffers - possibly they would listen to students. This reign of terror that is allowed to happen does affect students. Let's not forget her direct hit on teachers by stopping class overloads. The small stipends teachers receive to teach a couple extra students in popular classes is not much money...but it is money that is being spent on teachers and not joyce. This does limit the choices that MHS students have in their course selections. There is no reasoning behind who has to get dropped from their class selections. Remember last fall? I would support a student movement as long as they abide by all rules and don't get themselves into any legal ramifications. I am sure there would be no descrimination in those threatened lawsuits!

Anonymous said...

Students should start some protests. Its their future that is in jeopardy due to a bad Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Us former students are spreading a lot of information via the Internet and e-mail. We are embarrassed to be MHS grads! I hope things change so we can be proud again! Mr. Behrenwald is an excellent Principal! What a tragic loss!

Anonymous said...

What's up with the Foreman case? When the charges were dropped last year the school should have let Foreman back immediately. The poor guy has been dragged through a mess of an "investigation" and has been the victim of a smear campaign. He is an excellent teacher and we all know he is innocent. Yes, the true story has gotten around about how EH made-up wacky stories for attention, she has contradicted herself dozens of times with friends, and then it was grabbed by Phillips and taken to the newspapers and the police to try to ruin Mr. Foreman. It is crazy that the school board would waste so much money that could be spent on the students to keep pursuing a fraudulent case.

Is this all to cover up a screwed-up investigation and to appease a school board member who wants Foreman gone because of a personal vendetta by a relative? Why are they trying so hard to harm such a great teacher after the evidence exonerated him and the (false) charges were dropped? I hope that Mr. Foreman sues the school district for all of the wrongs they have done to him and his family. He does not deserve such ongoing persecution! How much can a good teacher and father of four take?

Anonymous said...

I heard Mr. Forerman is going to sue the Marshall schools. I suspect the real motives of the tenure charges have nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with another one of Phillips' plots or cover ups. I have also heard from good sources that the school's case is so weak that no other school district would likely have pursued tenure charges after the charges were dropped and new evidence came in to support Mr. Foreman. Something stinks bad in Phillips office and I am quite sure a board member or two are in on it.

Anonymous said...

My daughter was on the tennis team and Mr. Foreman was a wonderful coach. He worked hard to build up an excellent program which I fear is falling apart for the girls now. I would trust Mr. Foreman with any of my daughters as a coach or a teacher. I think it is terrible the way he has been treated. I will not support any school bond until Mr. Foreman is returned to his teaching position.

Anonymous said...

Foreman, Behrenwald, Hulkow, Townsend, Hanson, and many others have been on the infamous "hit list." Maybe justice will finally be done and Joyce will be on the school board's "hit list" this coming Monday March 27th. That is our only hope for anything positive!

Anonymous said...

Shame on the board for allowing all of this to happen!

Anonymous said...

There is a glimmer of hope that the Marshall School Board may have had enough of Joyce and hold her accountable on Tuesday March 27th. This is their last chance to do "what is best for our kids." I hope they do not drop the ball and let the schools and the community down again. Their reputations and the future of the schools are at stake here!

Anonymous said...

The first step toward passing the much-needed Marshall school bonds is to get a new Superintendent.

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