Thursday, January 18, 2007

Are YOU thinking of running for the Board?

Should I - Shouldn't I? Is that going back and forth in your head? Will I have the support I need? Lets make one thing plain and simple. YOU WILL have the support it needs to get elected. There are MANY people at the ready to help YOU get elected. If you want a committee - you've GOT a committee! WE WILL BE HERE FOR YOU!


Anonymous said...

How does one go about a recall? Even with two new board members we still need to get rid of two more in order to reign Joyce in. Except for Coulter,none of the board members, Yes Dan you too, have shown enough leadership to remain in office.

Anonymous said...

It is National School Board month. In the Chronicle Joyce of course is busy thanking them in her column and at this past board meeting. Normally this would be a good thing for hardworking volunteers doing what is best for their school district and the community. Unfortunately we have at minimum a divided board with a majority who support Joyce against the best interest of the school, the kids and the community. Those few on the board trying to do the right thing I say "Thank you." To those who have and still are putting "Joyce First" I ask that you resign and to quit causing so much harm to our schools, kids, staff and community.

Anonymous said...

Joyce is always bragging about her close relationship to Marsha Franke. In the Chronicle today there is something about them start a foundation for the schools. That sounds good but that is on the surface for public show. It has been rumored for quite sometime that Marsha Franke is the real power behind Joyce. If the Frankes pulled their support from Joyce and encouraged the school board members they have great influence with to do the same, Joyce would be gone very quickly. I would guess something behind the scenes is up and if it is good for Joyce, it will not be good for Marshall or our schools. Maybe they will start a school foundation and give Joyce the credit for PR purposes?

Anonymous said...

It is clear the Dr. Joyce Phillips is a failure of a leader for the Marshall Schools. In any other business or organization if a leader lost the support, respect and confidence of the majority of those they lead they would be gone fast. The fact that the Superintendent is not held accountable for obvious failures and problems is beyond me. It may be National School Board month but I am not thankful and appreciative for the mess that our school board has tolerated and allowed to fester in our district. I will go back to appreciating and supporting them after they clean up the mess they have created. I am voting "No" on the millage! We need a new Superintendent first. I hope we get some good new board members too.

Anonymous said...

A vote for the bond will be interpreted by Vic as a vote for Phillips! They set it up in a very political way. We need good and honest leadership. Even when they say there is no tax increase it is a lie. I will gladly support a real millage that can make big improvements at MHS and elsewhere when we get good leadership. Until then I am voting "NO."

Anonymous said...

Things are so sleazy at the top that I have absolutely no trust whatsoever in Joyce or the school board! I will also be voting NO on their millage.

Anonymous said...

There is a new scandal brewing involving Phillips, Amy Jones and school finances. I cannot say more at this point as I have a source close to them that I do not want to put in jeopardy. The fund equity is low and that was one of the main reasons Phillips got such a big raise last year and her contract extension. Expect to hear more about financial problems in the near future. One area of concern, if anyone wants to FOIA the legal bills of the district, not to mention the pay and expenses of the top three and other screwups at the top. Maybe an accountant and a judge on the school board who would hold Joyce and Amy accountable would be a good idea (hint: are you listening Stan and Frank?)!

Anonymous said...

Linda Bennink has been complaining about how the building Principals have been treated by Joyce and her cohorts Brian and Amy. I am guessing she is no longer close to Joyce?

Anonymous said...

We need new school board members. As of today, Monday January 22, 2007 is anyone known for sure to be running? Any further talk of a recall? Are Vic and Janice both running for re-election? Why is the board meeting tonight? Is something up? I know the bond looks like its in trouble. Everyone I talk to is against it. People are disgusted about all of the problems and controversies in the schools.

Anonymous said...

I think the school board met to discuss the upcoming bonds, yes plural, as they plan to offer 2-3 at least. The first one is in May and is an extension of about 4 mills for I think about 30 years.

Anonymous said...

So far it appears that noone will be running against Potter and Darling, is this correct?

Anonymous said...

I doubt anyone will run and our beloved Vic and Janice will be re-elected! Then Queen Joyce can reign supreme and unfettered for years to come! Let them eat cake!

Anonymous said...

Someone asked what happened to a "No Confidence vote" by the MTA? Who would they give it to? The current Joyce supporting Board. What then? The same as what happened with the surveys that were discussed just prior to the fawnning over Joyce review. The movement needs to be outside of MPS Walls. It is in the hands of "Joe Public". If nothing happens from there Then EVERYONE needs to be CONTENT with the decission no one cares about anything, except for Joyce.

So as my father says, 'POOP or get off the pot'. May I beg you Lets POOP!

Anonymous said...

The new Chronicle out today (1-27-07) reported that Vic Potter is filing to run again for the school board. It also said that Janice had not decided yet if she will run again. So far no one else is reported to have filed to run for the Marshall school board. Someone appears to have written another column along with the new smiling (doctored?) photo of JP. Some mumbo jumbo about leadership being like riding a roller coaster. Obviously no correlation to the reality of her real leadership methods, style or tactics.

Anonymous said...

Actually, her leadership style is very much like a roller coaster. Smiles and giggles while starting out, sheer terror and fear once over the first hill, eventually there is nausea and vomiting. The same for those on the ride with her.

Anonymous said...

What is up with the Marshall teachers and support staff? Since the surveys have they heard anything that indicates that the school board wants to work with them and discuss further the problems of the Marshall Public Schools? Are any Marshall staff trying to help encourage any of the names listed on this web site to run for the school board? Are any parents active in the schools thinking of running? Lou? Denise? Stan? Others?

Anonymous said...

At some point we must ask ourselves what is up with the community. The staff at MPS can only do so much as they strive to better the schools. Many issues have been exposed to this community. Please get involved in cleaning up this mess that the good doctor and her cronies Amy and Brian have been allowed to continue with. Employees are being hurt each and every day by the top three. Stress is at an all time high. Intimidation is running high coupled with targeting of union leadership. This is stepped up due to the unionized survey. It is time for the community to ask some hard questions of the school board. You see, sometimes it is easier for the board to just blow off anything they hear from employees - especially when those clearly out of touch like Vic Potter make statements of inaccuracy like: "just a few disgruntled employees that should be happy they have jobs". The general public can not be man handled like this. Speak up - ask questions - demand TRUE answers...not the deceitful answers that the supt. and her cronies are giving the employees. Exercise Freedome of Information Act - that seems to be one of the few ways you will get correct answers out of this administration. Here is a favorite supt. or board member answer: we choose not to talk about we aren't going to. It would be alot harder to make those types of condescending answers to the general public.

Anonymous said...

Dear Concerned Citizen,
The MPS teachers and staff have been talking to people and urging them to run. I don't know if people think that "others will run" so I don't have to, but we need people willing to step up.
As for Phillips latest debacle....I hope people will notice that when she screams about not having any money for the schools, that she planned her ENTIRE BUDGET on money from the state that "might have been coming" but as we all know did not exist. In other words, instead of basing her budget on money she knew would be there, she based it on money that was a campaign promise from a politician. Very bad management and something that the public should be very angry about. How many more mistakes will Joyce need to make before the board wakes up? Come on community....write to the paper and the board and express yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Also notice that Phillips didn't have any problems getting herself a raise when our students are barely getting by. Her latest "article" makes it sound like the money from the state was in the wasn't. The surprise is on MPS because JP was too stupid to make a realistic budget! And...the board approved it!

Anonymous said...

This is a quote from Phillip's latest article....
"We are on a tight budget. Yet, we have successfully provided salary increases and continued quality benefits for employees. Marshall continues to be a desired district for potential employees."
What a crock that is!!!! As was stated above JP had no problem getting herself a 9% raise and a contract extension. As for Marshall being a desired district, she is, again, living on another planet. The word is out in the educational job market that Marshall's superintendent is terrible and that the district is in big trouble. Joyce seems to save money by getting long time, experienced employees to quit and hiring cheaper less experienced people who don't yet know what a disaster they have walked into.

Anonymous said...

Try this Phillips quote....
"The $513,719 rainy day fund we have worked so hard to build over the last three years will be wiped out if the state takes back $224 per pupil. In fact, the district would lose nearly $575,000."
The state is not taking back anything.....the state money was a "projected" amount, not a certainty. JP planned the budget on idle promises. So...the $575,00 dollars should come out of JP's salary, right?

Anonymous said...

I bet the known $300,000 that JP and Amy are known to have squandered this past year or two would come in handy about now.

Anonymous said...

It's a lot more than that!

Anonymous said...

It is looking more and more that Vic and Janice will be running unopposed.

Anonymous said...

There is a large amount of disillusionment with the Marshall Public Schools leadership that is causing a huge loss of support in the community. Look at how many people do not want to even support a simple bond renewel? Things have gone from bad to worse since the fall.

Anonymous said...

When you read jp's article do not be misled by the statement of: "provided salary increases and continued quality benefits". About 1/5 of the MPS employees get NO BENEFITS (ie, medical, dental). None of the groups have seen raises to exceed 1.75% in the past 4 years with the exception of the top administration. Employees as a whole have taken packages like this: 1/2% July 2006-Dec. 2006 with 1% Jan. 2007-June 2007. Five years ago all employees (before the good doctor) put their personal raises to the side and worked very hard to talk up the MPS system therefore bringing in students to this district. This was an assertive effort by the employees at Marshall as a whole. Then came joyce. Then came a board that stipended joyce with 9%....then the morale was virtually flushed down the toilet... Now joyce wants to indicate that the 'past mismanagement' has caused her current demise. DON'T BUY IT PEOPLE. DON'T BUY INTO HER DISILLUSIONMENTS. Joyce was not here when we all pulled together to make this a better district in our area. But she surely didn't hesitate to take the 9% - like we are some kind of rich district here. I believe a board member made the statement 'we have show her we trust her' WHAT TO HECK IS THAT? People learn to earn trust...we teach this to toddlers. How about buying her years of service? Why would we call them YEAR OF SERVICE if she doesn't have to serve? This board has made some grave errors in handling this superintendent. Now, how do we fix it? Do you think jp will just hand back some of that 9%? I for one have felt personnally slapped in the face by the board members that gave joyce her package last April. Thank you Sam and Bob for expressing the fact that all other groups would expect to see the same benefit package. SO PLEASE JOYCE...DON'T TALK ABOUT QUALITY BENEFIT PACKAGES...DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE FOUR BUS DRIVERS THAT HAVE RECEIVED COLLECTION LETTERS DUE TO THE INADEQUATE INSURANCE PACKAGE YOUR FRIEND AMY FORCED UPON THAT GROUP OF 13 EMPLOYEES? Collection agencies for insurance claims does not equate to quality benefits. Perhaps the $1300 per month that the board gave joyce in place of insurance is quality. Don't blame the past administration for your mismanagement...they didn't even have to lie about $20,000 insurance settlements. MESSA didn't change the rules like joyce told the board meeting. Just another lie! Perhaps we should try telling the straight truth in 2007...just prior to jp resigning!

Anonymous said...

It seems that Dr. Phillips is being paid and praised by the Marshall School Board for the harm she causes the Marshall teachers and other staff. The more she can hurt people the more she is paid and given a good evaluation. She is a terrible leader by all accounts. I personally do not know one person in town who thinks she is a good superintendent. I think it is time for her to go.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marshal Parent,
If you are not an MPS employee, it would be a blessing for you to write a letter to the editor of the Chronicle and the Enquirer and express your concerns. Pass this blog along to every parent you know! The teachers went out on a limb and returned the survey which should have caused phillips to be fired. Only parents and concerned citizens can put the reign of terror to an end.

Anonymous said...

What intelligent person or people would run for the Board with the disgraceful shape the school is in financially and spiritually?

Anonymous said...

People should run for the board if they are people who want to make a difference for the district, just like the teachers who make a difference in each and every child's life each and every day!

Anonymous said...

I did talk to Sam and Bob and they both shared how rudely they were treated by Joyce and/or her supporters. When they refused to be dishonest or help cover up problems or scandals. they were treated very badly. It does lend itself to some of the conspiracy theories related to why Joyce has not been fired and why the board majority support her for no apparent good reasons. I have also heard the connection to the former interim Superintendent who is suspected of being a big part of the problem. Whoever runs against Vic and Janice will be up against a small but radical clique. They will need to be courageous, strong, hardworking and honest. The alternative is four more years of unabated problems and damage.

Anonymous said...

The news gets worse. If Janice does not run, that former interim Superintendent who was not hired because she was awful, may be running for the school board. It makes sense that she may be the real power behind Joyce. She wined and dined Joyce as soon as she got to Marshall. She married into big money so she has new power and prestige that she never had on her own. She certainly has a vendetta against most if not all of the MPS staff and many community members who oppose her. That is believed ot be her motive for working with or through Joyce and using her power to protect Joyce no matter how bad she is for the Marshall schools. Unfortunately for that family, she and Joyce have been dragging their otherwise good name through the mud through their association, whether that is fair or not. Now the new rumor is that she will likely run if Janice does not. Then Joyce will have the one person who may be a bigger supporter than Janice on the school board. Unless for some reason this person has pulled a 180 on Joyce? I doubt that has happened or Joyce would be long gone by now. Has anyone else heard anything about this? I have heard this from several people in town.

Anonymous said...

We do need to find at least two good candidates to run for the school board. We need two who care about the "kids first," are honest and willing to hold the Superintendent (and other top leaders) accountable for leadership failures, scandals and other major problems. Dr. Phillips has lost the trust, respect and support of the MPS staff and most parents and community members involved with the schools.

Our property values and school reputation have declined enough! The bond is in jeopardy because of the lack of faith and trust in Dr. Phillips' leadership. It is time for a change! All of us who care about the Marshall Public Schools need to do whatever we can for positive changes: write letters, make phone calls, talk to friends and neighbors, ask tough questions and speak out at school board meetings, contact school board members (a few care about the kids first!) and hopefully find at least two strong candidates for the two school board seats that are open who are "Kids First" and not "Phillips First."

If you care and need more information please take the time to read the many posts on this entire web site (most of it is quite accurate!) and talk to MPS staff members. Due to threats from Dr. Phillips and her few supporters, many MPS staffers and others connected to the Marshall schools need to remain anonymous as to not jeopardize their careers or risk getting sued by Dr. Phillips (yes, she has threatened such actions!)

Anonymous said...

I agree! We need a Superintendent who is honest, caring, cooperative, experienced as a building Principal, friendly, trustworthy, willing to work well with others, good at leading and motivating other professionals, and respected by the staff, community, students and parents. Our current Superintendent fails in all of these areas.

Anonymous said...

I was in contact with Teri Loew, Cheif Deputy Clerk of Elections for Calhoun County who told me that Vic is the only candidate who has officially announced his candidacy. However, I was told that Steve Sachs (Sr. or Jr.?) recently picked up a candidacy packet. Has anyone been in contact with whichever one it is?

Anonymous said...

hopefully it is not jr. That kid is a nutcase and needs to move on with his life.

Anonymous said...

In Marshall that would not be a hinderance. The bar is very low at the top.

Anonymous said...

Joyce, is that you putting down Steve?

Anonymous said...

I agree! We need a Superintendent who is honest, caring, cooperative, experienced as a building Principal, friendly, trustworthy, willing to work well with others, good at leading and motivating other professionals, and respected by the staff, community, students and parents. Our current Superintendent fails in all of these areas.

Amen! Let's pull together, support some "pro-kids" school board candidates and get a new Superintendent. The sooner the better!

Anonymous said...

My fear is the damage has already gone so deep we will be years pulling together. We must get started now - talk is great but we need action. School employees are very limited in what they can do - even what they can say. No one can even imagine the conditions as employees at MPS. Especially with joyce writing those deceitful articles...'enjoying salary increases and quality benefits' is the most hateful, hurtful statements I believe I have read. She is causing a roller coaster ride daily for the employees who are giving it their all. Stress treatments are at an all time high. But people read those chronicle articles and tend to believe what she writes. Her articles are laced with deception - then she has Vic to talk up her agenda. All the while - school employees are working towards 'keeping the main thing the main thing' ' OUR KIDS FIRST'.

Anonymous said...

The actions of Joyce and some board members is definately that of someone rubbing salt in the wounds they have caused. Joyce not only has done nothing since the surveys came out to improve the situation in the Marshall schools, but she is showing off that her power, due to board support, is still a threat. So far she can get away with anything she wants to. This has been proven by the fact that she has not been held accountable in any way for all the bad things she has done. She has caused great harm to the Marshall schools and her revenge is just beginning. She cares nothing for the kids or the people of Marshall. Now she writes her articles with an arrogance towards the staff "Look at how I can fool the people of Marshall, they will think I am warm and caring and even funny." But fortunately the people of Marshall are not that stupid and increasingly know what is going on. I think she has overplayed her hand and the tide is turning. As the truth gets out, Joyce gets weaker. This embarrassment needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Her articles in the Chronicle are so radically different than the reality I am told, by every MPS staff member I talk to, that they seem to be pure fiction. Does she even write them herself? Some think that Ali Webb or another PR expert plays a role in this.

Anonymous said...

Instead of "the good doctor," maybe Mrs. Phillips new nickname should be the "spin doctor." ;-)

"Keep them kids away from the Spin Doctors office!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder what the Spin Doctor is writing for her column this week? Or does she even write it herself?

I am guessing it is not "Leadership Requires Accountablity and Taking Responsibility." ;-)

Anonymous said...

This week it's damage control about the budget. A quote from Joyce's upcoming article.....

"You may find it interesting to know that by state law, local boards of education have to adopt a budget by June 30. That doesn’t really sound like a big deal until you also know that school districts don’t usually know until October how much money they will get for each pupil.

So that means, in the first quarter of the calendar year, we begin planning for the next school year. But we don’t know how much money we will have.

In the second quarter, we refine those plans. By June 30, the board adopts the budget. But we still don’t know how much money we will have.

In the third quarter, we find out how much money we expect to receive."

Gee, do ya think she's trying to say they don't know how much money they will get??? They have a pretty darn good idea when the buget is proposed, based on the previous year's expenditures. Also notice the statement, " we find out how much money we EXPECT to receive." That doesn't mean you can budget way above your means, especially when you are dealing with state government.
I wonder if they figure in an extra amount for court costs, insurance mistakes and continued pay raises for joyce?

Doug Murch said...

Before everyone jumps on the Board and Dr. Philips about the budget you may want to read this article in the Free Press.

"Specifically, the survey indicated that a cut of $224 per pupil -- the amount which would be needed to account for the $377 million shortfall in the school aid fund -- would lead to one in five districts having less money than they need to pay their bills."

"I wouldn't be surprised to see some districts close early,"

Every district in the state has this problem. It was not caused at the local level. To blame our Superintendent for this is dishonest. It is fine to have issues with her, but don't make stuff up.

Anonymous said...

It is still the obligation of the Sup. to budget wisely! Yes every district has this problem, I know for a fact after speaking with other distict heads that they did not "count" on the full amount that was "proposed" by the state. Planning for less and having the full amount as the icing on the cake is a much more realistic way to plan a budget. As stated above, there was sure enough money to line joyce's pockets and all of her cronies pockets as well. As for making stuff up, you are welcomed to speak to any employees of MPS (something you have clearly not bothered to do) to get the truth!!!! Defense of this regime is unconscionable and misled.

Anonymous said...

I do not blame Dr. Phillips for the state aid cut. It is true that all school districts will have problems from any sate aid cut and that most school districts did budget as if there would be no cuts.

But all of the other scandals and problems caused by Dr. Phillips has contributed to Marshall having less money, at least $300,000-$500,000 less, than they should have. Also there are numerous other problems caused by Dr. Phillips and she is often dishonest in her handling of so many situations. She is very bad for our district and I was slow to come to this conclusion. I was sceptical at first too when I started hearing bad things about her. I looked into it further and it kept getting worse and worse. I talked to more and more people and eventually came to the conclusion that she is as bad as her harshest critics say she is for the Marshall schools. Now some of our best administrators (not her, Amy or Brian) are looking to leave the district because of her harrassment and failure to reasonably work with them or support them.

She has done great damage to the Marshall schools and I am hard pressed to find anyone who supports her. So many tried to treat her well and work with her after she arrived, but she chose to blow them off and to turn hostile. There are various theories about why this happened, some variations have been posted on this site. A change is definately needed!

Anonymous said...

To Doug above: How are you going to feel when you read about joyce's spring 9% salary increase after all the cuts are made to school programs? Don't throw into that emotion how you feel about all the other staff once again taking a 1/2% July -Dec. and 1% Jan. - May.

Anonymous said...

I give Doug credit for using his real name and being open and honest in his views. I am guessing he is searching and trying to figure out the truth as to what is happening. I would go public if I could, but I have been targeted by Phillips before so I cannot. Let's all be careful not to accidentally let out our anger that is targeted at "The Sping Doctor" and her supporters at others who may merely question some of the things we have been sharing with the community. Thanks Doug for caring and getting involved, whether we all agree on everything or not!

Anonymous said...

Oops, Spin Doctor! I must be thinking "spring" on a cold night! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Is the school bond in jeopardy? A school board member told me that it is expected to pass easily because it is not a tax increase.

Anonymous said...

Ha...again, the school board member who you've spoken to is clueless. I hate to say it, but even to the detriment of my own children and my own benefit, I am not going to vote for the bond issue until I can trust the leader of our school. Who knows where the money will really go? Please keep asking questions Doug, ask staff members.

Anonymous said...

How sad that despite the desperate and immediate needs of our facilities we would NOT vote for a much needed bond proposal at the expense of our children and community. What kind of message is this??

Anonymous said...

I see it is official now, Janice Darling is running for re-election according to the new Chronicle out this weekend. My guess is that just about anyone running against her could defeat her easily in the general election in May. PLEASE get your stuff in soon if you are running!

To answer the above question, there are many big unresolved problems that need to be addressed before I personally, and many others, will trust the Marshall school leaders with the planning, spending and implementation of a large multi-phase school bond(s) for improvement. Yes, we agree this needs to be done someway or somehow to some extent (not everyone agrees on the details).

The Marshall School Board has ignored or done nothing significant about numerous major problems that occurred the past few years involving Supt. Phillips and other top MPS leaders. Until there is change (yes, we need a new Superintendent at minimum), then I and hundreds of others, will NOT vote for any bond or millage. Yes, we support the "Kids First" that is why we are undertaking all reasonable measures for positive change. Hundreds of us staff and community members (I am not a staffer) who feel this way have made numerous attempts to work with Dr. Phillips and the current school board during the last few years. We have been lied to, blown off and disrespected time and time again. First things first, we need new leadership that is: trusted, respected, honest, cooperative, caring and qualified! Let's accomplsih this first and then we can all move on with real and substantial school improvements in building and other areas.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we cannot leave big problems unresolved and allow them to fester while acting all happy and passing a bond to improve our buildings at the same time. It is a package deal, we need reforms at the top and building improvements. Let's fix the leadership and management problems first, then we will fix our buildings. We have had enough of scandals, problems, mismanagement and dishonesty at the top!

Anonymous said...

With school closed let's have a day of "education." Let's educate our community, neighbors, friends and MPS staff members about the challenges facing the Marshall Schools. Let's make phone calls, send e-mails and maybe even write letters to newspapers. Let's discuss opinions, questions, problems and most importantly solutions!

This web site is just one forum for sharing views, questions and answers. Let's use other means as well, there is too much at stake here! If you care about the Marshall schools contact everyone you know and get them involved one way or another. Start with your phone contacts and your e-mail addresses. Please do something this week!

Anonymous said...

Here is the Marshall Chronicle's e-mail address:

Include your name and phone number with any letter, they will want to verify. MPS staffers cannot speak up due to threats by Dr. Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Or you can go to:

then click "Customer Service"

and then "Letter to the Editor."

It is all there online for a letter to the editor. You can also do a "rose" or "raspberry." If you care about the kids and the future of the Marshall schools please speak out! Your voice is needed!

Anonymous said...

I am shocked that janice is running. What is she thinking? Some people may object to this decision - we must get 2 people to run. Vic and Janice - we must do better. We must get someone to run that believes in KIDS FIRST not joyce first! This is the week to take action.

Anonymous said...

The grass-roots "Kids First" campaign is just this, everyone reaching out to others to share information, ask questions and help find solutions. Please do your part, for our kids! :-)

Anonymous said...

Do you want to see your beloved building Principal or other good administrators fired or leave for another job due to problems with Phillips, Metcalf and Jones?

If not, then you better get to work! Get the word out to friends, neighbors, coworkers, parents and MPS staff who care about the Marshall schools. The only hope to avoid further catastrophe is to demote or fire Joyce! If she is allowed to continue to carry out her revenge much longer, we will see many of our best administrators and building Principals leave or be forced out.

We also need two good "Kids First" candidates to run against Janice and Vic. The bond has little hope unless we resolve other problems first!

Has the union received any substantial response from the school board from the staff surveys in the form of real actions and not mere words?

Anonymous said...

Why are we the "weird" district in the county? Now I hear the Spin Doctor wants Hulk out, is this true? Why is she still employed by our schools. Wake up school board!

Anonymous said...

I hope we get two good candidates to run for the school board! Make phone calls to encourage people. If they get a packet by Friday they will have all weekend to get signatures, which should be easy to get in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on it! Enthusiasm for the Marshall schools is in decline.

Anonymous said...

I would say community support and staff morale are at an all-time low.

Anonymous said...

Letters to the editor can help you show both sides of any issue. One other thing that the Chronicle has started is a blog site. The site is listed in the Chronicle. If you don't want to do letters to the editor, maybe this is another way to get Shelly's attention and give her comments that she can research.

Anonymous said...

Joyce has threatened the Chronicle with one or more lawsuits if they print anything negative about her, even if it is true. I would guess that Shelly is familiar with this blog. I hope the Chronicle is charging Joyce for her "columns." Oh no, then we are paying! Shouldn't they limit nonwriters, or in this case a fiction writer, to one or two columns a year?

What's this I am hearing about 8th grade parents looking into carpooling next year to Harper Creek or Lakeview? If things don't change soon, count me in.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone care about what is happening?

Anonymous said...

Sure doesn't seem that way does it? Wait until the public gets a glance at Joyce's article this weekend, boy they're going to think that she really cares. Nice slam on the middle school teachers in there. I'd certainly like to talk to that MS parent who asked her questions...come to think of it, I doubt if any parent really did ask her questions about the MS save for Ali, Paul or Chris.

Anonymous said...

Are the rumors of the shady past of at least one school board member up for re-election true?

Anonymous said...

A police officer told a friend of mine "yes."

Anonymous said...

I hope, for the sake of the Marshall schools, that at least two other candidates for the school board are getting their petitions and papers in this coming week to run against the incumbants. Please do not give up on the Marshall schools! The kids need you! Our future is at stake here!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A police officer told a friend of mine "yes."

Well jeez, then it absolutly must be true. I bet the person was convicted too...or wait, are you being a gossip monger?

Anonymous said...

We do have a school board and Superintendent that are highly controversial and very unpopular. This became apparent last spring and summer. I have shared my concerns with several school board members since then. I am also quite disappointed that so far I have seen no improvements. If anything the situation seems to be getting worse. The Marshall Chronicle articles have made things worse since apparently they do not reflect the reality of Supt. Phillips true leadership. The people of Marshall are not fools. We need to hear the truth and to see real changes in action. I too have come to the conclusion that the Marshall School Board should no longer support and prop up a failed Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Vic Potter physically assaulted his wife and the police were involved? Does anyone have information regarding this

Anonymous said...

That has been known around town for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

I would normally have compassion for Vic Potter, Janice Darling, Amy Jones, Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf, Linda Bennink and others who have made big mistakes or may have some skeletons in their closets. I could even forgive the occasional lie, if that was all they did. But because these people have purposely targeted and caused great personal harm to several Marshall schools employees and their families for no honest or valid reasons, then I think they should be held accountable for the awful things they actually are known to have done this past year or two.

They know very well what they have done and who they have hurt badly on purpose. They carried out their decisions and actions despite much opposition from the staff, parents, students and the community about what they were doing and why it was wrong!

Some good people and their families are suffering immensely in Marshall daily due to false accusations, dishonest and unfair actions, and incompetant management. They have gone through far worse than anything these individuals have to deal with due to abuses of power. Why are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Marshall citizens so outraged? Why would so many Marshall parents and alumni be against any school bond when normally they would enthusiastically support them?

Now these individuals are starting to reap the bad feelings they have sown for so many many months. Until they make significant real changes and do their best to undo at least some of the damage they have caused, things will continue to get worse in Marshall. What if they undid what they could do to start repairing all the damaged trust and feelings in the community? That would be a big step in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

To add to the above, more and more people I know are coming to the conclusion that all reasonable measures to deal with the people mentioned above have been exhausted and they simply need to be replaced in their leadership positions. That may be the only viable solution at this time.

If they think they can turn things around, they better start with humility and the wisdom that they need to make major and significant public changes and actions very very soon. I highly doubt this will occur, but it is their best hope to redeem themselves in Marshall. The ball is in their court... we have been waiting patiently for something positive to happen since last year.

Anonymous said...

I noticed some MPS employees hanging out at the "Pub" on Saturday evening. That reminded me of talk in the past regarding inappropriate driving by some MPS employees, after overconsuming adult beverages. Would it be possible to get the records from the SOS on all MPS employees, could make for educational/informational reading with regards to DUIL/DWI convictions and clear the air concerning past rumors...

Anonymous said...

The MPS leaders at the top have engaged in dishonest, unethical, sleazy and often corrupt behaviors. Then they act as the judge and jury over anyone they choose to hurt or harass. If you are loyal you can get away with just about anything... a felony, an arrest, lies, major blunders, costing the district tens of thousands due to errors, etc. If you are not perceived as being loyal to Joyce, then you may be targeted for temrination or harassed even if you did nothing wrong. Are there some bad apples among the MPS staff? Yes. But go about dealing with them in an honest and fair manner.

The Mr. Foreman case is one example where Joyce ran to the papers and did all she could to get an employee, a father of four and 12 year veteran, reputation ruined and fired for what turned out to be false charges that did not even involve the schools in the first place. She messed up the investigation either thorugh negligence or on purpose to attempt tp ruin Mr. Foreman for her own political gain. Now she and the school board are wasting over $250,000+ as a last ditch attempt to ruin his life and fire him, not because it is likely he was guilty of anything (the true evidence is strongly in his favor, as was proven when the case was dropped before pretrial), but because his hundreds of supporters in Marshall dared to speak out publicly about the dishonest, unjust and unfair investigation and tactics that were used by Joyce and some school board members against Mr. Foreman.

Though the courts threw out all charges and the investigation has proven the accuser false, a political vendetta is taking place to make an example out of him. It is part of the larger war that targets the MPS staff, parents and administrators who disagree with the Phillips administration. This is just one example of why so many people in Marshall are so upset with the school administration. I have heard of at least a dozen other similar, though less publicized, situations involving Marshall staff. Joyce, Brian, Vic and Amy are good examples of people who live in brittle glass houses and should be careful about throwing stones.

As far as investigating MPS employees over DUIs or other legal issues, I am sure Joyce would love to have such information. Though she pursues one teacher who was the victim of false charges to ruin his life for sleazy political reasons, she let another one off the hook who had a felony DUI conviction. The dishonest and unfair double-standards need to stop! Loyalty to Joyce should not be a "get out of jail free" card. When will Joyce be investigated for all the sleazy things she has done?

Anonymous said...

If the school board dropped their unjust tenure proceedings against Mr. Foreman and reinstated him, that would be a big step in the right direction toward healing wounds and divisions in Marshall. It would also be a victory for justice and fairness and help undo some of the damage. Also it would allow hundreds of supporters of Mr. Foreman to soften their opposition to Supt. Phillips and her board supporters (for example they may not oppose things they support, such as the school bond). I doubt this will happen, but if by some chance it did, it would be very positive news!

Anonymous said...

Many people are surprised to find out that the Foreman family still live in Marshall, shop and attend church here, are active in community activities, and their children attend the Marshall Public Schools.

I know because I teach in the Marshall schools and know two of the Foreman girls. They and their family have clearly suffered by the unjust actions of Dr. Phillips and the Marshall School Board. When the courts dropped the charges and the accusations turned out to likely be false, Dr. Phillips and the school board should have promptly re-instated Mr. Foreman. Instead they are now wasting precious resources that are needed desperately in the Marshall schools on unecessary and very expen$ive tenure charges. I agree, it is very political. I think they were angry and felt they had to do something to cover up this whole mess. Now what did they do when Joyce, Brian and Amy engaged in suspected wrongdoing? Cover it up, of course!

Anonymous said...

What has been lacking the most in the Marshall Schools is a focus on putting what is best for the kids first! The school board has clearly put the interests of Mrs. Phillips above the interests of our kids! Not all of the school board members of course, but the majority have. We need a new Superintendent before we can truly move forward. The current Superintendent has clearly lost the support of the staff and community. It is time for the board to take action on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "Kids First," has anyone heard if there will be anyone else running for the Marshall School Board besides Potter and Darling?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Phillips threats of lawsuits against anyone who criticizes her has scared off people running for the school board. Threats and initimidation has chased people away from school board meetings and from speaking out. Why doesn't she ever cover these things in her column?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the school board meeting on Monday February 12th is at Gordon School at 7 pm. Please keep sharing your concerns and questions with all of the Marshall School Board members and Supt. Phillips. I also hope we see some big changes soon. The bond is in serious jeopardy until we get our act together here in Marshall. Is anyone else planning to run for the school board? We need more choices.

Anonymous said...

To the poster above concerns about MPS employees at the Pub. Did you know, before you uninformed posting, that Amy Jones used to invite members of the support staff (approx. 3 occassions) to the Copper and she would drink with them for a couple hours...knowing they all had to drive home that evening. I was there at 8 pm one night and she was still there with 4 employees - Now, if you want to throw stones maybe you should take issue with one of the top three plying employees with drinks for over 3 hours at a local bar. I don't believe anyone should drink and drive but I was very offended to hear about and then see for myself the boss of these employees setting this kind of example. Reminds me of the time Amy was walking through the halls of the MS with her brother (checking into his work release program Amy arranaged at Marshall Public Schools for him....and he had a big chew of tobacco in his mouth. When an employee addressed this issue with Amy - her response....I didn't realize really. Who doesn't realize when someone has a big wad of chew in. NO TOBACCO USE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. This is policy. Once again - a different set of standards for the upper class of employees at Marshall? Is that what you feel is correct? If you felt otherwise you would not have decided to attack a couple employees at the Pub - who could have - without you knowing - had drivers picking them up when they called. You really should be ashamed of yourself for such a juvenile accusation. Just because someone is at a bar does not mean they are driving. Of course - who knows what you were doing in the Pub - and I am guessing you had a driver? Right?

Anonymous said...

Does work release mean that her brother was in jail? If so, why are we allowing convicted criminals, just out of jail, to work around our kids? But then again, look who our top leaders are, they can't be any worse.

Anonymous said...

So no one is challenging our beloved Vic and Janice! Now they can be re-elected and serve Joyce another four years. Two potential candidates were rejected. One was a rock named "Sydney" and the other was a labrador named "Cuddly." What would have been their chances of actually winning?

Anonymous said...

Would be refreshing if future comments made here would follow a more positive path. Others made haven't and don't appear to be productive for anyone in our community.

Anonymous said...

To anon. about SOS, are not the employees of Marshall Public School human? Can they not socialize in an adult manner with peers or friends like yourself? Are the employees of marshall public not worthy of enjoying such an establishment on their own time? I am sorry did they not by you a drink Amy? Joyce? or is that you Brian? Next time just ask maybe we will purchase you a frosty one? 'cause you can frost us!

Anonymous said...

In response to the posting two up, I would love to post all positive comments!

Imagine if we had a good Superintendent.

Imagine we had good relations between the staff, Superintendent, school board, parents and the community.

Imagine if we had a Superintendent that was wise, caring, cooperative, respected, honest, fair, had strong staff and community support, a good motivator and an effective leader.

Imagine if their was justice, fairness and honesty.

Imagine if instead of all the problems, controversies and scandals we could all work together for real school improvement.

Imagine if things were going well and we could be discussing the school bond and how we all have strong faith, support and trust in our school leaders to make the sacrifices necessary to help the schools.

Unfortunately this ideal scenario does not exist at this time in the Marshall schools. We seem to have the opposite situation. I hope it is good someday in the future. Getting a new Superintendent would be a big step in the right direction toward these goals. I think we are all ready for some positive changes.

Anonymous said...

The current superintendent and board have forgotten a very important fact in pushing a bond forward. Your employees are your best tool in accomplishing a bond proposal. The current top three do not treat the employees with an ounce of dignity....therefore....they are disregarding one of the best possible sell tools for the upcoming bond. Each of the 300 employees could actually influence 1-10 citizens either to the positive or to the negative. PERHAPS BOARD YOU SHOULD SHOW FAIR TREATMENT INSTEAD OF PREFERENCIAL TREATMENT TOWARDS SUPT. AND HAVE GREAT HELP IN MOVING MPS FORWARD!

Anonymous said...

If all people had to say on this blog was positive things that would mean MPS is doing great, which it isn't, that would mean we have in place a great superintendent, which we don't, that would mean there is a positive trust in place, which there isn't, THAT WOULD MEAN WE WOULDN'T NEED TOOLS LIKE THIS BLOG, WHICH WE DO! Change is needed - how many times has that statement been made on this blog since November 2006? How many times can the board members continue to say - "no one has brought any issues to me", or "we hear you and are working on it". Talk is cheap - this superintendent has proven very expensive! When is this board going to help the staff Move Marshall Forward and Put Kids First like they have been doing for decades prior to Indiana Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Are there any programs or classes that could use more money? Are there any needs that were cut, eliminated or simply underfunded? I would like ot know about it because the board members I talk to think it was no big deal to spend so much on Joyce, Amy's mistakes, Brian let off work and paid to be a full-time grad student on school time, and to investigate and spend hundreds of thousands to try to ruin good people for no valid reasons. Are there any needs that an estimated $400,000 minimum could have been better spent on?

Anonymous said...

So you haven't asked about jp not allowing class overloads this year. This causes students to be called to the office and told the class is full and they cannot take their requested class. (these students had already entered the class and received materials) In the past, stipends were paid for the teachers that have extra students - but - these students are allowed to take advantage of class offerings that they have requested. Most of these students fill out their requests in February for the upcoming school year. At districts like Marshall - it has always been a great advantage for us to offer/and teach these overloads so all the students can enjoy the variety of classes they want. Without overloads their choices are much more limited.

Anonymous said...

The majority of hiring these days is done by passing up highly qualified teachers and hiring long term need for benefits that way.

Anonymous said...

Unless of course they are playground supervisors, classroom aides, cafeteria staff or other non-benefit paying positions. If it involves paying benefits, I agree, there tend to be a lot of long-term substitutes.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well ... all you losers do on here is criticize your school board and superintendent and what do you do when it's time to step up and do something about it? Not a damn thing. WOW!!!! what a big surprise. You couldn't even find one person to run against Darling and Potter. Not one damn person. Congrats losers, maybe now you'll realize that you are the minority in this community and that nobody is buying your fabricated nonsense. Happy blogging morons.

Anonymous said...

As we can all see, they would rather spend their money on Amy's mistakes, Brian full-time with time off grad studies, Joyce's unnecessary and unjustified investigations, Joyce's lavish pay and huge perks (2 retirements!), and other wastes of money. Anything that would be good for the kids is definately a lower priority. That is why I hoped that some good "Kids First" candidates would run for the school board. Now the two "Joyce First" candidates will return. This is a great victory for the Joyce First clique and a great loss for the kids, parents, staff adn community.

Anonymous said...

To the person who wrote two posts up about the "losers" and "morons" who are "Kids First." How is your foot healing Joyce? ;-)

Actually I agree somewhat. No one ran, not even one person! That is quite pathetic! When the Redskin issue was hot hundreds got involved. Pro- and Anti-Redskin proponents ran for the school board, including Vic, Dan, Paul, Janice, Sam and Chris. Now it seems that no one cares anymore. People have given up on the Marshall Schools. I talked to several people that I thought would make good candidates and they said after the torment and frustration that Bob and Sam went through trying to hold the Superintedent accountable, they did not think they could do any better. I feel sorry for Mr. Cook and Mrs, Hathaway who put in many hours to help plan future building needs. Their efforts are completely undermined by Joyce and her flunkie board supporters. The morale and support are at an all time low and even a measly "no tax increase" (not true!) bond will likely fail. That will be a test of community support. Some opposed to Joyce say she could give a hoot if the bond passes, as long as her raises and generous second retirement perks keep passing! That is certainly true and the Marshall schools will be suffering from her reign long after she has retired with her two retirements back to Hoosierland.

How much a year will we be paying for her second Michigan retirement that her supporters will make sure she gets? If she lives 30 more years, with the school share at least $5,000 per year, that would be another $150,000? We are all losers!

Anonymous said...

To the person a couple posts up. At least the rest of us posting do not have to use swear words and call people morons (you see you just told us who you are by doing that). Glot all you want. When you friend the good doctor moves away in 2 years - let's see what you have to say then. Please don't put on a shocked look and ask us 'MPS working morons' why the district is in such shambles. We have put forth alot of effort to TRY TO EDUCATE the public on what is REALLY GOING ON! Posts like yours serve no purpose whatsoever. Discrediting the employees (or posters) does absolutely nothing to benefit our community school. We (employees) have only one interest in mind----Kids First! Unfortunately for you that does not run parrallel to 'joyce first'. It is one or the other. Thanks for the name calling - I am sure calling people moron somehow makes another person feel bigger about themselves. But you see - it really does help prove that the majority of postings in this blog are factual. - let's try this for a change - let's keep the main thing the main thing....PUT KIDS FIRST!

Anonymous said...

To 6:29 am above. Have you read this blog? I don't advocate name calling like the post a few up, but this blog has been nothing but name calling and belittling of administration--so please come down off your high horse. I understand the staff and employees need a place to vent and they have found it here and that is fine, but it is not true to say all you do is put kids first and don't name call. Anyone reading this can see different. I am not connected with the schools either, just another average joe who is sick of all the infighting in this town.

Anonymous said...

I try to be fair-minded and give everyone a chance. Yes, there are a few bad apples among the teaching staff and some people who post things on this site that may not be 100 percent accurate. But there are also major problems with the Superintendent and other top school leaders that need to be addressed. I have talked to many many good people- teachers, parents and community leaders who have tried for two years to politely and behind-the-scenes deal with many of the problems mentioned on this site. These patient and "high road" attempts have not worked so far. Now the questions are- What do we do now? What can we do now? What should we do now? I fear things will get much worse before they get better.

Anonymous said...

To the 'happy blogging morons' post above. Did it ever occur to you people wanted Janice and Vic to run unopposed - so they can be held accountable for their bad decisions and perhaps be recalled when they do something contridictory to what they have been quoted as saying they are going to do....duh...can't hold someone accountable if they are no longer seated on the board. Note to Vic and Janice - lots of people are watching to see what they plan to do. There are ethics involved when you make the commitment to 'serve your community'. You are supposed to BE THE BOSS OF THE SUPT. and hold her and her office accountable for what is going on. New carpet and large raises does not fit in with a district in financial crisis. Let's stop talking the talk and let's start doing what we say.

Anonymous said...

To the post above. Nice rationalization, but please spare me the "tactical analysis" of getting back at Vic and Janice by holding them "accountable" to some sort of recall scheme. If you want to hold someone accountable then run against them. Make them take positions on issues, debate them like an adult. Your post is a joke and not even believable or credible. That is not why no one ran against them and you know it.

Doug Murch said...

To Anonymous who wrote, "Did it ever occur to you people wanted Janice and Vic to run unopposed - so they can be held accountable for their bad decisions and perhaps be recalled."

Never occurred to me. Maybe, because it makes no sense. I understand that there are lots of people who are upset about Dr. Phillips. I have talked many, I reached out and asked (no one from this blog has stopped me to share their opinion). Lots of talk about her leadership style and her lack of communication, but nothing about some of the accusations made by Anonymous individuals on this site.

The fact that no one came forward to run tells me this is a SMALL group of unhappy people who are trying to cause trouble.

I will continue to ask questions and still welcome anyone to stop me on the street and share their thoughts, that is why my name is on this comment. By the way, the individual who claims to see me almost daily still has not talked to me.

As long as this group stays Anonymous nothing will change!

Doug Murch

Anonymous said...

Doug, you make some excellent points and I am a strong opponent of Dr. J. I also respect your views and courage to go public. I would go public too but my connection to the schools and threats of legal action (yes, this is a very real threat by Dr. J) Prevent me from doing so. I do think the opposition is quite large in Marshall though it would not surprise me if most of the postings on this blog are by less than 20-30 people on either side of the issues.

Actually many opponents of Dr. J do not even know about this blog, I do not think it is as widely known about as some think. We do need courageous citizens to speak out publicly who can do so without fear of retribution (yes, this is a very real threat for staff). I am not sure what else to do at this time. We tried working with Dr. Phillips, Metcalf and Jones and to help them when they were new. We were treated rudely from the start and the hostility only increased. Many have talked to school board members, myself included, and with no apparent success. Many others are giving up. The situation is not getting better, but worse each passing week. Most potential good candidates for the school board would be turned off by the current crisis and the likelihood they could not do much about it even if they were elected to the board. There is no formal organization or group that I know of that opposes Dr. Phillips. Maybe that is the problem, but the threats of legal action and retribution will likely prevent any group from emerging.

Doug Murch said...

Legal action on what grounds? Where is the Marshall Teachers Association and the union that represents the support staff, bus drivers, etc?

Doug Murch

Anonymous said...

The Marshall teachers/union is the main target of her legal threats, because of the teacher surveys. Ask the union leaders, they will confirm.

Doug Murch said...

On what grounds is she threatening legal action? Why hasn't the MEA gotten involved?

Anonymous said...

I talked to Tom Duffy back in January and he said they were preparing for Dr. J's lawsuit. Maybe a public backlash has caused her to back off?

Anonymous said...

Doug, I told you that I will not come to you and speak about the subject. I'm not "allowed" to. If you ask me about the issue, I will tell you. I saw you again today as a matter of fact and a again, you have not asked me one question about the school situation.

Anonymous said...

As a compromise why not go out of your way to ask Doug how he is doing. Then say "What's up in Indiana?" That will be code for "Doug, its me, ask about the schools!". Could this work? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey 'sticks and stones', nice try but you have no idea who I am. What I will tell you is that I am sick of reading the nonsense on this worthless blog when nobody has the guts to step up when it counts and do something about it. And I know why. This blog, thanks to Mike R., is nothing but MPS employees and other uninformed followers that don't like the concept of accountability. Joyce isn't everybody's "friend" like sweet Lou was and now MPS employees, especially Hulk, dislike her because it means they actually have to do their jobs. How many other asst principals sit in their athletic office all day not doing asst principal duties? I doubt very many. I shutter to think what he's making to do that job. With so much time on his hands, you would think he could've at least figured out that he had illegal players on his team, but I guess that's too much to ask of your hero isn't it? Spin it however you want, but the fact remains that this blog is full of people that dislike Joyce and that's fine. The problem is that she is disliked because she holds people accoutable, not because of her performance. I'm going to start going to meetings and get more involved. I suggest some of you keyboard cowards do the same.

Doug Murch said...

I'm not allowed, give me a break. How can I ask you I don't know who you are. I guess if you really care you will take a chance.

Anonymous said...

I did not start this Blog, I do not know who runs it, and I have no connection whatsoever to this Blog except that I do read it from time to time and I have made a few posts encouraging people to contact and/or work with the school board members. I do care a lot about the Marshall Public Schools as an educator (Harper Creek and WMU), MHS grad Class of '81, and a Marshall resident. I have been in touch with all of the school board members this past year to share concerns and advice relating to school issues and the planned building project. I do encourage others to do the same and try working with the school board as best as they can. I also encourage the school board to take these matters and issues seriously and to take positive actions towards solutions to the problems afflicting the Marshall schools.

Michael Rio

Anonymous said...

Doug I guess you don't really care, it's easy to come on here and offer lip-service and talk about "give me a break". But the reality of the situation is that many of us have been threatened(with our jobs) if we speak out against the commondant. Threats are abound and some of us are not willing to throw our opinions out into the public unless asked. You need to take a chance and speak to every school employee you can, that is unless you don't really want to know.

Anonymous said...

3 posts up: There is no problem with jp holding employees accountable, if they are actually doing something we would refer to as 'just cause' - just as there should be no problem with joyce or amy or the board being held accountable unless of course we in Marshall are agreeing to a Hyerarchy management style. This is not North Korea.

Anonymous said...

4 posts up: Accountability is accountability, let's hold everyone accountable. If there are poor teachers, administrators, board members, support staff, let's all fix the problem. Your words however leave out the fact that Joyce does not hold herself accountable, nor the other top admins. Unless you advocate throwing away money on many different occasions, I would think that you'd want to hold Joyce accountable. I'd sure like you to pay for my advanced degree like you did for Metcalf, especially on school time. When Hulk made his mistake, he came clean and let everyone know that he had done it and accepted the responsibility. Joyce constantly hides things, blames others and dodges the real issues.

Doug Murch said...

The only ones who don't care are those who are too weak to put their names to anything. I have come to the conclusion that I do not know the person who claims to see me on a daily basis. It sounds great, but I am not going to go to every school employee I know, and that is many, and say "is it you".

Again where is the MTA and the MEA. I am an officer in my union and would never stand by and let my members be threatened, even if my job was at risk. Some things are just too important.


If you wonder if I can be trusted, ask the person who runs this site he/she identified his/her self to me and I have not ratted them out.

Doug Murch

Feel free to e-mail.

Anonymous said...

To 4 posts up. Please do not attack Doug. I understand your frustration but just because Doug asks some questions does not mean anything negative. I give Doug credit for being honest and public with his views. I wish more people did that here in Marshall. JP has angered many of us but we still need to treat people with respect, unlike she has towards me and others, and take the high road. I think the people of Marshall and hopefully the school board are coming around to JP being the source of many big problems. Let's not do anything to turn off possible allies.

Anonymous said...

Good point! There are degrees of agreement on these issues. Some think JP should be fired and all problems will be solved. Some think that JP is a hero and all problems are caused elsewhere. Some think all board members love JP. Some think this web site is just whiners and a few disgruntled citizens. The truth is we do have major problems, JP is a major source of the problems but there are other problems too, and that many people have varied opinions and we want to be careful not to turn on people that would otherwise be sympathetic to the issues at hand.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the 9:51 post, are you serious? If by saying that Hulk accepted responsibilty you meant that somebody other than Hulk figured it out, then I agree with you. It takes a lot of courage to take responsibility for something nobody else could've been responsible for. Geez, Hulk doesn't perform any asst principal duties, he doesn't pay attention to his athletic director job, his football team sucks and is stuck in the 80's when I was in school. What does he do all day besides intimidate faculty? Nobody cares about that though do they? The eligibilty fiacso is a seriuos offense, yet his "supporters" are willing to forgive and forget, because he's Hulk and everybody knows that the inmates run the asylum at Marshall. Now an outsider has arrived to clean up sweet Lou's mess and everybody is mad because she doesn't want to be their friends, she wants them to do their jobs. Well, god forbid that happens in Marshall. As for Metcalf, I don't know who that is and I promise you I didn't pay for any of his/her education, so congrats on wasting your time posting that nonsense, thus rendering your post completely worthless. Maybe you should voice your concerns on that subject to someone who may know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike Rio, a little jumpy are we? I never stated your name, so you just assumed that you were the Mike R. that I was referring to? Well that's a little fishy. For someone that comes on here "from time to time" you sure responded pretty darn quick to my post. I guess it's just a coincidence (wink, wink) that you were on here a few hours after I posted and felt compelled to respond to a vague reference that may or may not have been about you. Very strange. Anyway, don't be so defensive. Just continue to operate, oops, I mean "post from time to time" on this blog, because I'm sure that as an educator and a former Redskin, you want what's best for Marshall and you couldn't possibly have an agenda that you are undertaking. Right?

Anonymous said...

To the poster above who said:

"As for Metcalf, I don't know who that is and I promise you I didn't pay for any of his/her education, so congrats on wasting your time posting that nonsense, thus rendering your post completely worthless. Maybe you should voice your concerns on that subject to someone who may know what you are talking about."

You have not been reading this blog for long, or very closely, apparently. Dr. Metcalf is the Assistant Superintendent. I believe he is responsible for curriculum. At his last board meeting last June, former board member, Bob Ling, expressed some concern about how Dr. Metcalf could have done his job while also taking 24 graduate credits (paid for my the MPS) toward his PhD. There have been enough comments on this site about that situation that I would think most people knew what the poster you were commenting on, was talking about.
And I believe that Dr. Metcalf may have had something to do with sending an entire high school department to a two-day workshop last year that was designed for elementary teachers. The rumor (and it may only be a rumor) I heard was that he registered for the workshop and then discovered that the elementary teachers had already had this training, and so he sent the high school teachers because it was too late to cancel the reservations and get the fees for the workshop back.

Anonymous said...

To the posting above regarding Rich Hulkow. Are you sure what you are saying is correct? Are you sure he does not do anything as Asst. Principal? Have you spoken to any players that knew first hand about the inelgibility issue? Well, I can tell you Rich does do thing daily as Asst. Principal. The current superintendent schedules alot of meetings which takes the principal out of the building. Rich assists on a daily basis with the building of over 800 students. Also, players on various fall teams learned some very incredible lessons when they watched Rich step up and admit he had made an error. These are ethical lessons that are not taught in textbooks. I can tell you - for a fact - that the three administrators at the high school teach these types of lessons to the students daily, through their actions, their words and their appearance. Let's try to have facts before we slam on employees that are there each day - yes - even snow days - when there are no students.

Anonymous said...

The two main reaosns Rich was made an Asst. Princpal was so he can ccover when one or more of the other two Principals are out of the building AND so when he is the only administrator around most late afternoons, evenings, Saturdays, Sundays he would have the same authority for management and school discipline as the other Principals. Rich works very hard and is on site long after most other administrators have gone home or are enjoying a weekend with their families or go to Indiana. What lawyer did Joyce hire to sue the teachers?

Anonymous said...

Man you people are pathetic. Spin it however you want but the fact is that Hulk was given his asst. principal title because they are buddies and sweet Lou wanted to help Hulk out with a big pay raise before he left. If Hulk does so much as an asst principal and is so vital to the cause, why didn't Lou do it sooner? Seems like if it was so important that he would've wanted Hulk on board during his time as superintendent. Be real, he did Hulk a favor and that's that.

As far as the Metcalf situation, I did some research and now I'm confused as to why everybody is mad at Dr. Phillips and the current board for this? The fact is, Mr. Metcalf took advantage of a plan that Lou G. created. Joyce corrected the situation and got rid of the rule. The funny thing is, your heroes, dumb and dumber (Sam and Bob) fought her on the subject and tried to keep it the same. Seems to me your anger should be directed at Lou, Sam, and Bob, but why let the facts get in the way of a good story. I know why Sam and Bob didn't run for re-election, and it's not because of any of the lame excuses above. They didn't run because they wouldn't have won! Nobody would've voted for them except the fools on here.

Hey Mike R., can we request a topic or is it just at your discretion? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I have known Mike "R" for a number of years, and have never known him to be anything but honest. If he says he is not running this website, that is good enough for me. Why are you so sure it is him, don't you think there are any other people in Marshall with technological expertise?

Anonymous said...

To two posts up--- that is not nice! Would you like it if people called your spouse names and he were, lets pretend, the President of the school board?

Anonymous said...

Lou has had nothing to do with the path that Joyce Phillips has taken. No doubt, other administrations have had their share of "the good ol' boy network"....the fact remains that Phillips has consistently said things to the board that have been outright lies to cover up her mishandling of money and resources and has targeted people for simply disagreeing with her stance on an issue. Thanks for the red herring!

Anonymous said...

To "lets be respectful". Nice waste of a post retard. I notice you aren't smart enough to rebuff any of my claims so you post your idiotic assumptions to make yourself feel better. Here's a tip; if you have nothing to say that's relevant, don't post at all. Trust me loser, I'm not who you think I am.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of Marshall people with vast tech experience, however some have more of an ax to grind than others. But if his word is good enough for you, that must make it true! Nice try.

Anonymous said...

Come on now......divide and conquer is JP's favorite state of affairs....let's try to keep it civil. All opinions are good to hear even if they do not agree with our own. And, to the previous post, notice that the Dr. sure didn't change the rule until "after" Brian took advantage of it. Even with this issue aside, her jackboot leadership and the fact that she spins one tale to the school board and a different tale to others is well known. She has personally "flip flopped" on me numerous times and has changed procedure on a whim to suit her needs.
I did not have an axe to grind with the central office until the central office dropped the grindstone on me.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous three post above, as a parent of a special needs child, I find your use of the word "retard" extremely offensive. If you are representative of the type of people who support Dr. Philipps and the current board of education, no wonder this district if in such a mess.

Anonymous said...

The person you refer to (4 posts up) is in fact a typical example of those that strongly support Dr. Phillips and her style of leadership. Now the people of Marshall will have some idea why so many MPS staff, parents and citizens are not happy with the top leader(s) and why we have so many problems.

Anonymous said...

the Phillips supporters, what few I've met, do seem to have some axes to grind--- against Lou, Hulk, Behrenwald, Townsend, Hanson, Voit, Sam, Bob, etc.

Doug Murch said...

To anonymous who said, " the Phillips supporters, what few I've met, do seem to have some axes to grind". I would say have issues with not axes to grind. In my opinion you are way off base when you put our outstanding principals in with the others.

This is the kind of broad stroke inaccurate statement that I have come to expect from this site.

Still have not received a response to my question about the teachers union.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are on here to ask questions and contemplate. To answer your question about the teacher's union, in my opinion only, I think that it is a very weak union. It seems as though the union leadership would like to coast along and not cause many waves and hope that things will rectify themselves. Doug, what is your opinion of the job Dr. Phil has done?

Anonymous said...

Quote from above: "the Phillips supporters, what few I've met, do seem to have some axes to grind--- against Lou, Hulk, Behrenwald, Townsend, Hanson, Voit, Sam, Bob, etc."

I also have heard the 2-3 Phillips supporters I know go off on a list of names that look similar to this. I agree that these people may not all be perfect so I am guessing the person who posted this was not personally choosing these names, just repeating what they heard. The few Phillips hardliners I know think that everything is wrong and that Phillips is their savior. Under their extreme logic many people should be fired and Phillips is their hero. This does not make sense to most people, but it is what a powerful few seem to think. To the rest of us this broad bizzare theory is just plain "nonsense" and is quite damaging to the future of the Marshall schools.

Doug Murch said...

I have not fully formed an opinion of Dr. Phillips. I do not get to see her at work. I can only go by what I hear from those that I talk to and observations of my children and what they are learning. I do have questions about communication and of her le
ership style. I am concerned about the relationship between the teachers and the administration. I have a great deal of respect for our teachers. I feel very confident sending my kids to school every day. I know that I am very happy with the education t
t my children are receiving. I believe that the Middle School is in better shape than it has ever been in my time in town. I give her credit for the changes that have taken place there. I also feel that there is a better balance between academics, sports, music, etc.

I will say that I do not believe at this time that there are threats of legal action. If there are and the local teachers union is not backing up its members then they need to go to the MEA and would call her bluff, unless there is something to hide.

Anonymous said...

The Middle School had problems before Phillips got here (balme Currie, Haring, Cable and a few bad apples), it had nowhere to go but up. The interim Principal (who was awesome!) and the good staff members played the main role in the turnaround. Phillips did not help much but she does get the credit for hiring the interim Principal. I have seen and heard good (not great) things about Dave Turner also, but his Assistant Principal Paul Holbrook does not get that good of a review. I heard he was NOT the first choice of the hiring committee (a parent told me who was on it) but Phillips hired him anyway for political reasons (a Phillips mistake). Since then Phillips has not been helpful at all to work with the staff to further improvement. At first the staff was enthusiastic to work with Phillips but soon they found she would take credit for their accomplishments while making things worse overall.

Anonymous said...

I question how well the special education department at the middle school is doing. One of my coworkers has a special needs student there and she is very disappointed on the follow through being done for her child. Can anyone else enlighten me on this please?

Doug Murch said...

MMS Parent, Jeff Cable was one of Lou's boys. You are VERY mistaken to blame Bob or Marcia for any of the issues at the MS. In fact it was Bob and Marcia who began the process of getting a handle on the problems that were at the MS.

As far as the Special Ed issue, tough to enlighten when don't know what you are talking about. One disappointed parent does not make for a bad department

Anonymous said...

I believe there are many parents who feel that their child's need for services is not being met. The ball has been dropped numerous occasions.....middle school administrators are not returning calls, missing meetings, violating confidentiality and generally being clueless to special ed requirements. The teaching department is fine....the admin is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Why did Phillips recommend keeping the "box" to put special ed kids in even though other area school districts abandoned such methods many years ago? Do they use these methods down South?

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that she pleaded ignorance to the issue and told Tom Hanson to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing. She was very well aware that the box was there and that it was being used. Keep in mind that it is in fact legal and it is used to keep kids and staff safe. Also, the young person who was placed in the "box" was an endangerment risk to others in the classroom. Earlier in the week or the week prior this young person had exhibited violent behavior that put other students at risk, like throwing a large, dangerous object at other students. The Doris Klausin Center in BC even now has a box and uses it too, very effectively at that. It is not used as a torture, but to keep others safe from kids who are too "agitated" to interact safely with others in the classroom. Joyce should have come clean and told the truth. She chose to stay immune instead by chosing the safe-popular, self-serving route. She left her staff hanging out to dry while with full knowledge of the situation. This is very typical of her M.O. She and John Gotti have similar tendancies,they both wear teflon and let the slime ooze down on to their subordinates, letting them take the heat. She loves to take credit in the good times and blame others when something goes wrong. Is that what leadership is about???

Anonymous said...

Why not a small "time out room" instead of a box? With all of the money they lavish on Joyce you would think they could put in a small room nearby.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could put them in her office. Being the great leader she is, I'm sure that she could inspire them to modify their behavior. Sorry, that was very catty of me.

Anonymous said...

Remember, kids are not allowed anywhere near Mrs. Phillips' office. They have to walk way out of their way to avoid coming down the hall by her officer, per her directive.

Anonymous said...

March is performance review months. Please contact school board members (yes, we know, it is a waste with some of them) with your questions, problems and concerns. MPS staff may be unfairly targeted for their "Pro-Kids" views. The very good building Principals are at risk too. Phillips needs to be held accountable for all of the troubles of the past two years that she has caused. NOW is the time to act. The school board needs to do "what is best for the kids!" At minimum we need a new Superintendent. It is too late to fix the mess that Mrs. Phillips has created.

Anonymous said...

The issue at hand is more this: After multitudes of people contacting board members and nothing being done - what more can be accomplished through contacting them. Even the $20,000 insurance cover-up settlement has been obviously forgiven. The tenure charges.... We are folks left with the prospect of another recall. The attacks on building principals that do incredible jobs while letting the favored ones mess up building issues daily...Get all the facts together - listed - get ready. Seems this board has left us with no other option. The check and balance system at MPS has been neglected. Contacting them is a huge part of the problem because I for one have grown exhausted of hearing..."we know, we are looking into it, we are working on it". Patsy answers! No action will bring on a recall

Anonymous said...

March is "HIt List" month! Maybe that will be this week's column "Leadership is about making a hit list." Will the school board allow her to continue to wreak havoc on the Marshall schools? We will soon find out.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it far not one article like: Leadership is about having an awesome staff that do the day to day important work of PUTTING KIDS FIRST - We have made it clear through articles that boilers, toilets, roller coasters are important.We now know who to blame for school closings. We have heard thanks to the board, thanks to the tennis committee, thanks to the site committee, thanks to all the foundations in marshall, thanks to the music donors, I WOULD LIKE TO BE THE FIRST TO SAY THANKS TO ALL THE AWESOME BUILDING PRINCIPALS, THANKS TO ALL THE TEACHERS, THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORT PEOPLE, THANKS TO ALL THE BUS DRIVERS, AIDES, PLAYGROUND PEOPLE, Actually thanks to everyone of the 300 employees except jp, brian and amy....because the rest of the employees are the ones that deserve the thanks.... EACH DAY THEY ARE THE ONES PUTTING KIDS FIRST....TAKES MORE THAN TALKING ABOUT IT. There jp...I helped you write the much needed article that has gone neglected for far too long!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Ron Behrenwald leaving? Was Joyce planning to unjustly fire him this month as was expected? He has been on her Hit List ever since she arrived.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Good vs. Evil and Marshall has let Evil win! Now we get what we deserve. We have allowed a 'do nothing' board to NOT GOVERN OVER 'an evil agenda' supt. FYI: Probably no one should ask any school employees what the heck has happend to Marshall Schools in the years to come. The employees did what they could do to get this community to stop this harm and havoc being recked by joyce but we as a community are choosing to believe the fictional superintendent corner articles instead. I for one will not be content loosing all the good employees which are being replaced with rubber stamping new administrator (not the interview committee top picks - but jp gets to make the final and it is never the choice of the interview committee). She picks puppet type administrators (Turner)that she can micro manage through...while she tells all the community "Let's keep the main thing the main thing....Kids First". Very funny joyce phillips as your actions HAVE NEVER PUT KIDS FIRST!

Anonymous said...

Unless the MPS staff and parents get more involved, more vocal and take much stronger public actions, the board will grant Joyce anything she asks for and nothing will improve. So far the attitude of the school board is that since no one (in their opinion) is doing much publicly, the Joyce must be doing a great job! Their threats and intimidation have apparently worked for many. The rest are just apathetic (I am disappointed with some teacher who think Joyce is awful but do little about it). Ron did what he could do and now he has been forced out. More bad things will come from Phillips and this board unless people start speaking out more, besides on this blog!

Anonymous said...

The threats of lawsuits by Joyce against teachers and community members who speak out publicly have been successful in quieting things down (excpt on this blog) publicly. Before she threatened lawsuits in the late fall, there was bad news and letters weekly for months criticizing Joyce's bad leadership, scandals and problems.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if the superintendent corners are an appeasement type settlement so the Chronicle wouldn't get sued. (after the survey article last fall) There seems to be a lact of factual basis for the articles that are getting printed. In fact, there is alot of inaccurate information in those PR articles. Let's at least print facts. Here's a fresh idea jp - instead of taking information given to you, at your request, for you to write those PR articles....why not just let the people write their own articles. At least that way there would likely be more facts. There seems to be a problem between what you are given - and what you give the Chronicle. Let's remember - The early morning hours (school closings article). Diesel Additive has been used here in Marshall for 20+ years. Ask one of the drivers that have driven for Marshall for 28 - 30 years. We are not that out of touch here in Marshall. The issue would be having the use of it enforced by the boss - therefore not losing days of school due to gelled diesel fuel. Was it 2 buses that would not stay running? That means all the rest of the buses had had the additive put in regularly. This starts in the fall when the temps start dropping to a certain degree. That cost the district one snow day that didn't need to be. Everyone paid for that administrative or lack of administrative effort. And just an FYI - if you were actually out driving at 3 am...would you have your 8 hours in by 8 am? Never on a snow day has the boss been at work. Probably a visit there would have told you what all of us that call there on snow days already knows. Voice mail on snow days....all day long. No one but the mechanic will ever be found at bus garage on snow day.

Anonymous said...

Hey, as long as you are loyal to Joyce you can get away with just about anything! Look at Brian and Amy, they would have been fired in any other district. Also Joyce would have been fired in any normal district. Now if you do what is truly best for the kids, then look out! Ron, we will miss you! We are sooooo sad here in Marshall. The wrong person is being forced out! Joyce, you know you deserve to be fired and you are a disaster for our schools. You are disliked by virtually everyone who cares about the Marshall schools! You are mean and cruel and deserve all of the very bad feelings this great community has towards you! Anger is growing everyday, especially in light of the recent tragedies and near-tragedy that you are responsible for!

Anonymous said...

Who does like JP? Who is believes her phony weekly columns? Who thinks the Marshall school board is doing a good job and looking out for what is best for the kids?

Anonymous said...

Imagine if Joyce's columns reflected reality? Leadership is... power .... covering up failures .... lying .... abusing people .... being unfair .... making a hit list .... forcing out people I don't like .... writing fake columns .... getting big undeserved raises for yourself .... cutting programs for the kids to pay for raises and mistakes ... getting a 2nd retirement in another state ... finding a fool to be your board President.... rewarding loyalty, punishing good work!

Anonymous said...

Imagine if Joyce's columns reflected reality? Leadership is... power .... covering up failures .... lying .... abusing people .... being unfair .... making a hit list .... forcing out people I don't like .... writing fake columns .... getting big undeserved raises for yourself .... cutting programs for the kids to pay for raises and mistakes ... getting a 2nd retirement in another state ... finding a fool to be your board President.... rewarding loyalty, punishing good work!

Anonymous said...

The reason no one ran for board is truly because of the enormous problems with the superintendent. Usually caring citizens run for boards to help to move forward in an effective positive way. The obstacles that have been created by this superintendent have now hindered our district from getting these folks to commit their time. Who in their right mind would want to dedicate a portion of their life to such a disfunctional corrupt situation. Let's KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING - get a caring, honest, straightforward superintendent in that office and we can once again Excell Here In Marshall. Let's write a new article for Marshall. LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT FINDING A GOOD LEADER. LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT VALUING GOOD EMPLOYEES. LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT SOMEONE WHO LEADS BY EXAMPLE. LEADERSHIP IS SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T JUST SAY WHAT THEY THINK PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR. LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT HONESTY. Once a new superintendent is in place,we will pass whatever bond our school needs to bring us back to being competitive in Calhoun County. We need to show this community we do not spend all our funds on covering up mistakes, filing unfounded lawsuits, AND MAKING SURE OUR SUPT. IS ON THE TOP SIDE OF THE PAY SCALE. NO ONE ELSE IN THIS DISTRICT IS ON THE TOP SIDE OF PAY SCALE SO WHY WOULD WE PUT OUR WORST EMPLOYEE (the supt) ON THE TOP OF THE SCALE. Every other employee received 1% + 1% and they deserve much more. The not-so-good-doctor is by far the worst employee at MPS and the board gives her huge raises. What have we let this board do to MPS?

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