Friday, January 12, 2007

Lets Run For The Board!

OK - Are you ready! Lets get serious. Start throwing names out there that would be good for the board. If you know the person that is being talked about, call them and see if they would have any interest in running. If that person says NO, please post here. We need to start figuring out some candidates - FAST. I will try to keep a running log of people who we all suggest - and then update the list when we know if they have been contacted and what their answer is - I will then post that list on the blog and keep updating it once we hear an answer. So lets get busy!!

Some names that have already been thrown out as possible candidates -
Darlene Neidlinger
John Walton
Anita Clark
Steve Hageman
Denise Genise
Lou Giannunzio
Stan Wolk


Anonymous said...

What about Frank Boley or Doug Jackson?

Anonymous said...

Would Beth McCarthy or Jeff Albaugh consider returning? Sam and Bob would be great to have back on the school board too!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if Sam and Bob replaced Vic and Janice?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Darlene would be considered!!! I thought she was recalled. As far as Lou, I think he has done enough damage to the school system!!!!!!!!! I think Anita would be a good candidate, she must really care about children to have taught as long as she did! As for the others I don't really know them, but would like to fine out their views on things.
It would be great to have Sam on the board again. Also I think Doug Jackson would be a great candidate.
Jeff Albaugh let the people down before,I don't think he would get much support for the community!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked Frank Line?

Anonymous said...

Frank Line and David Degraw would be my picks! Though I doubt either will run this year. What about Ray Davis Jr, the lawyer?

Anonymous said...

Frank Line would get my vote. I thought the DeGraw law firm was the district local attorney which would lead me to believe that firm will not allow any of their attorneys to run. Isn't that the law firm that Mayhill works out of????? Anyone that knows Frank Line or Denise Genise well enough should make a quick phone call. Both would be great choices.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we could encourage Stan Wolk. I spoke to him last night and although he joked about it and said probably not I think perhaps he would run if we could show him some 'TELEPHONE SUPPORT' as encouragement.

Anonymous said...

I thought about LuAnn Cook. Any thoughts here. Has anyone spoke to John Walton, Denise Genise or Steve Hageman?

Anonymous said...

If all goes well we will replace Vic and Janice on the board in May. They deserve much of the blame for allowing and supporting Joyce Phillips disasterous reign, and the huge problems she has caused. They still can do a lot of damage until they are gone. I think Paul should simultaneously be recalled as the third hardline supporter of Joyce who needs to be held accountable for his actions and removed. Some say Ali is a hardline Joyce supporter too, but I will give her a little more time to do something positive to prove this is not true. All supporters of keeping Joyce need to be removed!

Anonymous said...

Janice and Paul have paid a big price as their formerly good reputation has plummeted during the last 6-12 months due to their unquestioning support for JP. Vic's reputation was never that good in the first place, so he did not have much to lose. Ali is largely unknown but if she does not start speaking up and getting to know the staff and parents more, then suspicians that she ran to support JP will increase. Dan, Chris and John are good people who share many concerns about JP but will need some strong new board members to work with for a "majority" than get get some positive things accomplished (such as getting rid of JP).

Anonymous said...

Ali is certainly very pro-Joyce! She was asked to run by the "Joyce First" clique. We need "Kids First" school board members.

Anonymous said...

We need to get back to task on finding candidates. Persons to consider from this site:

Lou Giannunzio
John Walton - has declined at this time
Stan Wolk, CPA
Denise Genise
Steve Hageman
Frank Line

It is time to make phone calls and inquire about possibly running for school board. Everyone should make quick phone calls ASAP

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that the "Joyce First" clique is trying to encourage Janice to retire so they can run a "sleeper" candidate. As of now they are still planning to support Vic but if some strong candidates who are "Kids First" emerge, they may encourage him out and run another "sleeper" candidate. They are somewhat concerned about losing two of their biggest supporters but they are confident that no matter who won, even if Sam and Bob returned, that they can still control the school board and protect Joyce at all costs. The word on the street is also that the "no brainer" bond (called that because it was so small that it was assumed to pass with no problem) is in jeopardy because of the strong opposition in town to JP and the current school board. If that failed, then JP and the board will be in big trouble with a lot of explaining to do. How do I know this? I am friends with one of the very few JP supporters in town and she does not know that I want JP removed. The JP supporters tend to ignore this web site and they think the opposition is made up of some disgruntled teachers and staff. They think that since there are no letters to the editor or people speaking up at board meetings, that there is no serious problems in the schools.

Anonymous said...

I know Paul and he is very frustrated with the whole mess. I am sure he is not happy with Mrs. Phillips but may not want a big fight to fire her right now unless some other board members start it. Paul has no great love for Phillips.

Anonymous said...

I would say that Dan, Chris and John feel much the same way. Dan may even be willing to lead the fight to oust Joyce if he feels it would be best for the Marshall schools. If you want to see Joyce removed please contact at least these four board members (yes, Paul too) and share your views. They could use support for their efforts. All four can be trusted by MPS staff too, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you don't talk to Vic if you want to remain anonymous...

Anonymous said...

Who is writing the Chronicle articles? Is Ali the Board PR person for jp? There seems to be bits and pieces of a caring individual behind some of the articles so I don't feel jp could be the author. Let's encourage 2 citizens who actually care about the schools to run for board. That way we don't have to waste precious energy on pr campaigning...saves more time for addressing actual problems. And, yes, that should include actually talking to those who are on the job day to day and know the issues instead of someone sitting in an office where they don't like 'children making noise in the halls' telling the public how wonderful life is at MPS. Let's talk to the people who already tried, through the survey tool, to inform our board of the great issues that really need to be fixed, not just addressed, but fixed. That would be a good start to returning to 'excellence in education' - you know, the way it had been for decades before the Indiana management style began. (ie, deceit, misleading, smoke screens, PR campaigns, personnel attacks, union leadership targeting, divide and concur, harrassment of administrators - you know the management style of the good doctor)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone checked to see if Dan DeGood would run? What about Matt Davis?

Anonymous said...

What about John LaPietra?

Anonymous said...

It's time for Lou G. to run for the school board again.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Vic and Janice!

Anonymous said...

Lou would definately win this time around! Has anyone asked if Bob Lyng or Sam Ramon are ready to return after a year off? Denise Genise and Stan Wolk are excellent choices too.

Anonymous said...

I like all of the school board members personally. I know it is a lot of work and it can be a tough job, especially when making hard decisions. If any are reading this, I hope you are not merely discounting all the viewpoints and issues on this web site or in the schools. There are REAL problems that need REAL solutions. I do not see any way we can keep Dr. Phillips and solve our many problems. I know it may not be easy for many of you, especially if you have become friends with her. But we do not to hold Dr. Phillips accountable, I agree with that, for the current crisis. PLEASE fire or demote her so we can get a new Superintendent and move on. She is not the person we need to solve the problems she caused. From what I am hearing we are falling behind as a school district, and if the bonds do not pass we will fall even further behind. If you fail to act soon, it is the kids for many years to come that will pay the price.

Anonymous said...

The kids and the staff are already paying the price. Now the bad reputation of Dr. Phillips is damaging the repution of the Marshall schools in the entire county. We are now a laughingstock! Our property values are in decline in part due to the problems at the top in our schools.

We need change very soon to reverse this decline. Dr. Phillips needs to be replaced before we can solve the problems and move forward together.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired too of Marshall being made to look like fools! We need at least two good people to run for the school board, as a first step.

Anonymous said...

So many people have given up on the school board that it is hard to find good people to run with the current mess at the top.

Anonymous said...

There is some talk in town that many of Joyce's former or suspected allies, Including board members and a former interim Supt. mentioned on this site, may have turned on her or at least lost interest in supporting her. Yes, Joyce's support is dwindling fast no matter how much propaganda the Spin Doctor puts out. The ship is sinking and my guess is that not many will want to go down with her. Maybe not even the two up for re-election.

Anonymous said...

The business leaders I have talked to all want change.

Anonymous said...

Everyone does who is not on the school board.

Anonymous said...

I hope two good "Kids First" candidates run for the school board. Time is running out, oh no!

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