Wednesday, January 10, 2007

MPS Kids First!

We are trying to change up the look a little bit of the blog. Remember - Change IS Good! You will see 5 "Blog Entries" on the main page. ALL other entries can be found in the ARCHIVE section on the side of the page. You will see at the top of the page a NEW Title. "Kids First Campaign" **The title came from a blogger who posted this catchy phrase - THANKS!** It is OBVIOUS that some people are NOT putting our Kids First - no matter how much they write about it in columns. OUR kids are no longer FIRST! What comes before our kids you may ask...Well that is a good question - It seems small town politics have leap frogged our kids - It seems personal vendettas have leap frogged our kids - It's truly disgusting what is going on...
If you would like to send a personal e-mail to the blog - that you don't want others to see - but would like to get your point across - feel free to send an e-mail to


Anonymous said...

Let's think of two candidates that can truly relate with the youth and bring back the "keep our kids first" idea to the table. Any ideas of people I will attempt to contact and see if there is interest?

Anonymous said...

No one I know knows his exact views, but I keep hearing David Degraw's name as a possible strong candidate for the MPS school board. A well-respected retired MPS staffer would be good too, maybe John Walton or Brian Burns? There are many others too. Some active parents are also possibilities for good candidates.

Anonymous said...

When I first was referred to this web site by a friend I was not up on all that was happening in the Marshall schools. From reading so many postings and talking to staff and parents, it is obvious that there are major problems that need to be addressed. One person I talked to who was involved in hiring Dr. Phillips said the choices were "bad" in the middle of the year and that Dr. Phillips turned out much worse after she was hired. Now he said we are stuck with her. She has obviously failed as a leader and certainly has not put our kids first. I know Paul and Janice and I hope they and the others come to this realization too and start taking appropriate action before things get much worse. Dr. Phillips needs to be held accountable for all of the trouble she has caused in the Marshall Schools. We deserve much better! Kids first!!!

Anonymous said...

I was told David Degraw will not run. We need to identify candidates and make some progress here.

Anonymous said...

The comment in the new top section of this blog refers to stealing a line from Dr. J. Well she stole that line as it has been used before, for years! Though I am sure she would be glad to take credit for it.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see someone who has MPS experience, say a retired teacher or staffer. I would love to see Lou Giannunzio run - would there be support for him. He is incredibly smart and has years of school administration experience. No one is perfect - so we are not looking for perfection - I can tell you personally we need 2 people who truly care about this community's next generation. The problem with a couple of the current members is apparently it has been a struggle to put the people that elected them and the concerns they have in front of their own personal agendas. Lou is a family man with two sons that have gone through this system. He has a personal interest in MPS has he still has family and friends in the system. I am sure someone in this town can bad mouth him but that will happen to anyone anywhere. Lou - for school board. There has been plenty of time since he retired as superintendent to KNOW AND TRUST HE WOULD PUT KIDS FIRST!!! He was always very involved in all aspects of our school system - in fact he was friendly to most employees in most aspects of our system. This is more than we can say about our current superintendent. PS: He was the most visible superintendent that I can remember in my 20 years here. LET'S PUT KIDS FIRST AGAIN...LOU FOR SCHOOL BOARD. How about a poll to see the interest?

Anonymous said...

In my experience at MPS I remember both Tom and Dar Neidlinger as well as Bob Lyng strolling through buildings, stopping to speak to students and staffers. This is how pro active board members should be involved. Not all the elected business takes place on Monday nights and in the supt. office. There are lots of things going on outside that corner office...this is how the 2 new members could get real hands on experience and knowledge. Out with the Schuler's social with the real issues!

Anonymous said...

David across from middle school. Has two children in the school system - mother in law just retired after 30 years at MPS (Judy Rogers).

Jim Bicknell = kids through the system = very involved at city council meetings.

Just two clue what they would say...?

Anonymous said...

For those who have not viewed the board member poll: See why Vic and Janice are believed to have been NOT POSITIVE FOR KIDS FIRST POSITIONS ON MPS SCHOOL BOARD

Selection Votes
Vic Potter 5% 8
Paul Beardslee 2% 4
Janice Darling 0% 0
Dan Stulberg 27% 43
John Coulter 45% 73
Ali Webb 2% 4
Chris Varvatos 19% 30

Anonymous said...

My biggest concern with Lou on the school board is that people who may be increasingly opposed to Dr. J (Dan Stulberg for example) may go back to supporting her due to their personal strong dislike of Lou. In other words he may not be the best candidate to play a key role in uniting a majority of school board members to hopefully demote or remove Dr. J. If it were not for that, I do agree he could make a good school board candidate. I just would hate to see his involvement as somehow helping Phillips.

Anonymous said...

I think Lou would make a great candidate for the school board. He was not perfect as the Superintendent but he was far better than Joyce and in this role I think he would be a key knowledgeable leader who could make a very positive difference. Dan is an honorable man and I am sure he would not let an old dispute with Lou get in the way of doing what is best for the kids. Anyway Dan's dispute was more with girls basketball parents than Lou in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Lou knows the Marshall schools and community very well! He is active in the community and I am sure he would be very active in the schools again if he were on the school board. I would also like to see Mrs. Neidlinger, Mr. Lyng, Mr. Ramon and/or Mr. Albaugh back if they were interested.

Anonymous said...

All four of those would be excellent choices! Ian Schnaitman is not running I take it? I was told that Justin VanHoose is considering a run, a young recent graduate of MPS who lives here in town.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing the small but powerful clique of Joyce supporters will try to persuade Janice not to run and then run a "sleeper" candidate who will act independent but in reality be a staunch Joyce supporter. Kind of like Paul did when he ran as "neutral" on the Redskin issue then when elected came out of the closet as a staunch anti-Redskin board member. Actually I do not mind his anti-Redskin name views, I just would have respected him more if he had been honest about it in the first place. As far as Vic goes, expect him to give lip service and small token gestures to give the appearance of caring about Joyce critics views. In reality I doubt he will change from being anything but a hardline Joyce supporter. At least he can spend more time with his family after he loses re-election.

Anonymous said...

Anita Clark was an aesome teacher but she may be "too nice" in dealing with JP. Lou would be tough and excellent but can Dan get along with him? Darlene could be awesome, as could several of the other candidates mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Anita is nice, but is very direct and won't stop until she gets to the bottom of an issue!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Anita Clark is interested in running? I have heard Brian Burns name come up too.

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about Denise Genise? Can we add her name to the poll and get a sampling? Very intelligent woman...very active parent.

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Anonymous said...

Is it possible to contact administration?