Friday, January 12, 2007

What are we hearing??

We at MPS Change Is Good have learned some news that MAY be coming out of the Board Meeting on Monday January 15th. Is this another part of Joyce's new campaign?

Board meetings will start moving to different buildings in the District (Walters, Gordon, High School, etc.)

When they are NOT in the Community Room at the Middle School we have learned that the meetings WILL NOT be video taped.
By not video taping, that is just another example of Joyce trying to limit the information that is coming out of her office. How are the hundreds of people who watch the meetings on tv supposed to know what happens at those meetings? We guess time will tell.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if he would be able, or if would have any interest whatsoever, but it seems Steve Sachs would be a great choice.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone talked to him? I can't believe that the meetings will not be videotaped. I am outraged! Why would they even move the meetings around? It really doesn't make any sense. Anyway, no matter what happens I will continue to support the Marshall schools. I just would like to see some change. Also, another idea for a candidate could be Mr. Phillips. No, just kidding - he doesn't want anything to do with the GOOD doctor.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that most if not all of those who may run will likely keep it quiet until closer to the deadline. They may also be hesitant to be seen as pro- or anti-Joyce at this time. Of course my fear is that everyone assumes that someone else good is running and that we do not get two good candidates to run against Vic and Janice. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

I hope this is just a rumor about not televising the meetings on access in the future. If true I and many others will be outraged. How dare they hide their meetings from the public after years of having them open to all. I also will not buy into any flimsy excuses about "showcasing the other school buildings and staff" when it is obviously a ploy to keep the people from seeing the truth of what is going on. If this turns out to be true it is one more major reason this board and top three administrators need to be thrown out. Kids first?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Technically it is easy to videotape school board meetings no matter what building they are in. They may not be live but can be taped and shown later. I hope the meetings are held in larger rooms, maybe the library, no matter which building they are held in. My guess that is part of the JP propaganda campaign they would prefer to keep school board meetings off the air. Remember the video clip on this blog? The entire June meeting was a big disaster for Joyce, not to mention about half a dozen other school board meeting this past year. The truth is a big threat to Joyce and her supporters!

Anonymous said...

Is there a board meeting scheduled at the high school or Shearman building?

Anonymous said...

This blog should create a mission statement and appoint real members, actual people... There is great support, lets have no fear!

Anonymous said...

This is the proposed schedule for future board meetings. The board will be asked to approve is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the meetings be moved.

February 12, 2007 – Gordon Elementary School All Purpose Room
March 12, 2007– Middle School Community Room
April 9, 2007– Hughes Elementary School All Purpose Room
May 14, 2007– Walters Elementary School Cafeteria
June 11, 2007– Middle School Community Room

Mark your calendars....It might be a good idea for smeone to bring up the question of adequate coverage of the meetings in the other schools. It's also a good point in the comment above, that the high school is given no opportunity to "showcase" itself. I'm sure she would not want to have any chance of Ron or MHS to look good.

Anonymous said...

Joyce's hostility towards the high school has been very strong and extreme this past year. She seems ot have declared "war" on the high school admins and staff. Having never been a Principal herself and obviously weak at being any kind of competetant manager, Joyce must feel threatned by the high school as much or more as the other buildings. When she tried to screw over Ron in relation to the hiring procedures, he bravely spoke up at a board meeting with strong MHS staff support. When questioned about the strange procedures by Bob Lyng, Joye clearly lied about it and got caught on video (Watch the June board meeting). Do not expect Joyce to do anything positive in 2007 related to Marshall High School unless she is forced to by the school board.

Anonymous said...

One of the articles in the Chronicle about the upcoming bond is that it will NOT raise taxes. How can this be? Is the Marshall School Boards faith in Mrs. Phillips leadership so bad that they do not think she can even pass a modest $15-$20 mil bond which is needed to get much done at MHS? I hate to see us falling so far behind Harper and Lakeview!

Anonymous said...

What is/did go on at the January Board meeting?

Anonymous said...

The board meeting is tonight at MMS started 8 minutes ago.

Anonymous said...

The Battle Creek Enquirer is reporting that the FIRST tax increases is an extension of a tax we have been paying already, until I think 2046. This is a sneaky way to say "it will not cost you more" for the first $8.7 million. Then the paper reported they will try to eventually pass up to $79 mil in future tax increases.

Normally I would be supportive of a reasonable remodeling of MHS and other district improvements but with the current Superintendent Joyce Phillips in power, I will vote "NO" on all bond/millages until she is gone. I do not trust her to lead such a project and she will claim a passed millage means the people support her. If the bond fails, then I think the board will get serious about replacing her and then we can all unite for some real school improvement.

Anonymous said...

Who is behind this blog?

Anonymous said...

Why get a 30 year bond for technology that will need to be replaced in less than ten years? This makes no sense! Maybe a tech bond for 5-10 years and a long terms remodelling bond for up to 30 years. Spreading a measly $8 mil over thirty years will cost us a fortune, maybe $15 mil or more. We need a better plan, one that makes sense and meets our needs better.

Anonymous said...

I believe everyone should do their own investigation into the bond and it's 'danglers'. When I spoke to a couple of the citizens on the Site Assessment Committee their main concerns were all the same. There are too many unnecessary items being attached to those most of us find very important. The committee asked to just simplify the needs and take all the unneccessary 'danglers' off but it was refused by JP. We will be paying for these less important items (ie - sidewalk replacement at elementaries...this could be paid for out of general well as many more). How smart is it to pay for these many insignificant tiny items over an excess of 30 years? Most taxpayers do not so much mind paying for huge needs (ie HS roof repair/locker room updates/ bathroom remodeling, etc) over a 30 year committment but not small (sinking fund) type of upkeeps.

Anonymous said...

Joyce certainly is a "money first" Superintendent with herself at the top of the priority list. She has wasted much money that could have paid for many improvements. Routine maintenance has been neglected and will cost tenfold if it is in a bond over 30 years. I can think of at least $500,000 in known wasteful spending by Joyce, starting with her massive raise and enlarged perks. I also agree that we will need a new Superintendent and a fresh start before we can build the trust and support needed for what truly needs to be done.

Anonymous said...

To posting above: Who is behind this blog? Why do you care? What does it matter. This has been THE ONLY WAY the people of Marshall can actually hear the truths about what is going on at the school. If you are believing the propaganda that you are reading in the Supt. Corner you should really read this entire blog as well as the archive postings. I would say they are at least 90% accurate. Of course not all of us are ever hearing the truth anymore at MPS. But, we can dig around on topics and find out the answers that the general public has NO IDEA that is really happening. I would say to anyone that asks: Do you choose to believe one person or the opinions of 300 persons? There is great damage happening every day. Things just in the past four days that could rock this community. Injustices to wonderful employees that have no where to turn for help. Ask questions. Don't just believe the wonderful, beautiful stories that are being written for your benefit in the Supt. Corners. It is imperative that we find 2 citizens that will committ to running for school board. There have been problems in the past - but in my 20+ years NOTHING IN COMPARISON TO WHAT IS HAPPENING EACH DAY. The new year did not bring glad tidings to MPS employees. The retaliation for the opinion survey is at an all time high . If you doubt this - contact almost any physician office in this town and they can tell you that they are treating MANY, MANY work-stress related patients.

Anonymous said...

I am not a teacher or support staff person but I know many in the Marshall schools. Things are very bad and getting worse. Mrs. Phillips has been a disaster for the Marshall schools, and she is getting sneakier and worse. The problems will persist until she is gone. There is no hope for any real improvement until there is new and good leadership. What has been done is awful! Now people are afraid to say anything for fear of legal action by Phillips. At least this web site exists, thank God, to share valuable information. The truth is getting out here!!! This is the worst situation I can think of in my 30+ years association with the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

Who makes this blog? The people of Marshall do! It is an awesome forum to share views and opinions. We have major problems and a bizarre tyranical Superintendent who uses threats and intimidation instead of good leadership and cooperation. Therefore much discussion has had to go "underground" to spread the word about the many problems and protect MPS staffer from getting fired.

Whoever started this web site should get a "good citizen" award! Thank you! :-)

Anonymous said...

The blog master who created this site should be nominated for the "golden apple award" (you know the superintendent award for the person who has made the most impressive contribution for a betterment of our students....) OOOPS, we'll probably have to watch jp give it to Brian and Amy this year for their continued support of her management by intimidation.

Anonymous said...

This web site has played a vital role in sharing information and communication among MPS staff and the community in general. Overall the information on this web site is quite accurate. Due to the mean spirited "fear and intimidation" tactics of Dr. Phillips, much of the discussion and debate had to move to this forum. The problems are clear and cannot be covered up and glossed over any longer. There is absolutley no way that Dr. Phillips can regain the kind of trust, support and integrity needed to effectively do her job and to work in a positive manner for the Marshall schools. We will have nothing but problems, conflict and division until she is gone. She brought this terrible situation on herself and needs to take the blame and resign. The schools, staff, parents and kids have suffered enough! Until she is gone no major real improvements will happen no matter how many rosy fictional articles she writes (or someone writes for her?) are in the Chronicle!

Anonymous said...

I think that someone used some special software to edit the photo of her in the Chronicle with the smile on it. I have never seen her smile except when she got her big raise or gets to investigate somebody. Her articles, and their tone, are about opposite about who she really is and how she truly leads. I personally doubt she writes her own columns. If she does she writes the opposite of what is true. Wouldn't it be great if we had a Superintendent that did truly care about the kids, the staff, the parents and the Marshall community? One who smiled often and was polite and truly respected all people? Maybe next time around.

Anonymous said...

I remember jp smiling when everyone at MPS, but Amy, Brian and herself, took 1.5% raises...leaves more for her. And she smiled when some administrators (not her pawns) didn't get raises at all...she really smiled then. Then she smiled when she pressed the awful allegations against Mr. Foreman. I heard she was smiling when she began her own background checks and pulled employees into her office for a free for all imtimidation session over things like 36 years ago public intox... Then I saw her smile when Vic brought her flowers to help alleviate the truth about the survey results. She even smiled when she was blatantly rude to Sam and Bob at the June board meeting. See - she does smile. Look out if you see her smile - probably someone special to this district has been attacked by her.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone support Dr. Joyce Phillips? After reading this site if even half of it is true she should not be allowed to continue in her job.

Anonymous said...

Why do some people support Joyce? Naiveté, easily fooled, bought the Brooklyn Bridge last summer, replied to an e-mail to send money to Nigeria to help a deposed Prince get their millions out and share it with you, waiter or waitress at Schulers who has received good (school-paid) tips from Joyce, Indiana school officials who do not want her back, absolutely clueless about the Marshall schools except from reading Joyce's column, administrators from other area schools who gain from Marshall students leaving, people who had their PhD paid for and time off from work to complete it by Joyce, people who cost the district tens of thousands in screwups and not held accountable, people looking for a good reason NOT to vote for the millage, people dumb enough to think the Marshall schools are "broke" and that Joyce is the person who can "fix" them, and last but not least... people enjoy rolling on the floor laughing at Marshall and our school district! These are the main supporters of JP!

Anonymous said...

Where do you register to run for the school board?

Anonymous said...

I was not always a big fan when he was the Superintendent...but... Lou Giannunzio may be just the kind of person we need to shake up the current school board and hold the Superintendent accountable. By comparison to who we have now, I guess he was much better than I thought! Also I am sure he could beat either Vic or Janice.

Anonymous said...

Lou would be one chair that the good doctor would be challenged by. I think it would be awesome with his 18+ years in the 'office in question'. Calls to him would be nice. Matt Davis could possibly be encouraged. Denise Genise would be another awesome candidate, as well as Frank Line and Stan Wolk. People need to pick up the phone and make a call. I know there is a committee in place that will support any two canidates.

Has anyone FOIA'd the payments for December? Has money been shuffled to help hide the legal bills paid for tenure charges? jp will not want the public to see the total money she has wasted on tenure charges against Foreman especially now, with possible state aid cuts? Everyone should be watching for yet another SHELL GAME in the business office!

Anonymous said...

Strong evidence exonerating Mr. Foreman poured in and was blocked by Phillips (the case never made it to court and was quickly dropped last spring when the truth got out). Phillips did everything she could do, many dishonest and unethical, to build an untrue case against Mr. Foreman. She has done this to other staff too. Now the Marshall schools are spending about $250,000+ in an attempt to unjustly fire Mr. Foreman, a great teacher of 12 years and father of four, because it "looked bad" for the Marshall schools when Phillips succeeded in getting nasty false stories into the newspapers. Simultaneously many problems and scandals are ignored or covered up at the top. So Jones screwed up and cost the district $20,000-$40,000, then Phillips tried to cover it up, oops! So Phillips has been caught being dishonest over and over about various school issues, that is accepted as the norm! Nothing is done about any of this except to cover it up and not hold Phillips, Metcalf or Jones accountable in any away. This is clearly corruption in my opinion. The motive obviously has nothing to do with truth or justice. There are many more examples of injustices commited (or attempted) against teachers, support staff, coaches and building administrators. When Phillips got her big raise, the excellent building Principals got zero percent raise. The list goes on and on. This is why the vast majority of the community, MPS staff, many current and former students, and parents are very upset and are demanding change. Phillips has lost the trust and respect of the community and staff. How can we now trust Phillips, Metcalf and Jones with multiple bonds adding up to over $50+ million? There will only be real unity to make real improvements in the Marshall schools when there is new leadership that is trusted, honest, caring, competent and respected. No bonds or raises for Phillips! We need new leadership first!!!

Anonymous said...

A school board member told me that had the insurance company not been so kind about Amy's screwup that it would have cost the Marshall schools about $180,000 for the mistakes made at the top. Joyce did what she could to cover it up and pressured the school board to cooperate in the cover up. Bob Lyng exposed this scandal and series of lies last June before he left the school board. He publicly blew the whistle on what had transpired. Why are Joyce and Amy still employed by the Marshall Public Schools? The mistakes and incompetance is bad enough but the coverups and lies make them far worse. Joyce, why not cover this in your column:

"Do good leaders lie and coverup mistakes?"

Joyce, how about telling the truth for a change?

Anonymous said...

It is my hope this community is not getting used to accepting the BAD BEHAVIOR, LIES AND CORRUPTION of the good doctor. Kinda like watching the first car bombing-gets your system very upset...but after a few days of watching the same thing on the morning have become used to it. LET'S NOT CUT OURSELVES SHORT HERE IN MARSHALL...IT IS TIME TO SPEAK UP...HOLD PHILLIPS ACCOUNTABLE. What ever happened to real democracy in Marshall. It is what this little town was formed on... Have we become a townful of ostrichs (sp?)? Do you find it easier to pretend this whole ugly mess is going to somehow disappear. My answer to you is PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. How jp and a couple of the board members can even look at their own reflections in the mirror is my question. Don't put on a smile while you are yet stabbing another employee, policy or program. It is going to take years for Marshall Public Schools to REPAIR this mess - and I'm not even speaking of the aging buildings. Phillips must be asked to resign - before this board should be asking this community for any type of bond support. All the board members that put their approval on a 9% raise for jp should step down. Are they SO OUT OF TOUCH that they did not realize ALL THE EMPLOYEES AT MPS HAD TAKEN 1% - 1.75% RAISES FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS WHILE WE WERE WORKING TO GET A POSITIVE FUND EQUITY. But - let's give the newest member of the staff - along with Amy and Brian those huge raises that 300 employees had sacrificed while trying to build the numbers at the school. These board members started the ball rolling - the plummet of the staff morale - these board members should be recalled...or at best...voted out when their term expires. Do you know how Janice and Vic guessed favor of jp's 9% raise. OUT WITH THE OLD - IN WITH THE NEW. Let's see how jp likes having a board that is the real boss.

Anonymous said...

Will anyone run against them?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Marsha Haring.

Doug Murch said...

" To posting above: Who is behind this blog? Why do you care? What does it matter."

It matters a great deal. While I have concerns about what is going on in the District I give no value to unnamed sources from unnamed persons. Keith Kehlbeck is the only person who I have seen who is willing to put his/her name to a comment. I have seen very little on this site that I find helpful.

Doug Murch

Anonymous said...

Well doug, has anyone of your bosses threatened to fire you or get rid of you because you disagreed with them? I doubt if you've spoken out and been targeted and harrassed. I know who you are very well, you know me as well, but have never once asked me about school. I don't think that you have leg to stand on until you start talking to your neighbors and friends who work in the schools. Yes, I saw Kieth was on here one time, haven't seen him on here since. He was on here to defend the honor of his wife, which is good. I did see the video tape and I can say that if my daughter was a cheerleader, I too could have misconstrued what was said and been offended. Poor judgement...but I guess that's ok if it wasn't meant to hurt anyone. Doug I'm glad that you've put your name out here and that you can without fear of ramifications. We who work daily in the schools have that to work with each day. No joke!
Anonymous-because I have to feed my family

Doug Murch said...

Why do you assume that I do not talk to my friends and neighbors. If you know me very well then you know that my wife and I are very involved with the schools. Until I know who is talking I don't give their comments any credit. I have no way of verifying anything you say. Just because someone makes the claim that they are harassed does not make it so. I'm not saying it is not so just no way for me to know.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this discussion has had to move somewhat "underground" due to threats and harrassment by Dr. Phillips toward both MPS staff and community members. She is threatening one or more lawsuits against critics who cannot afford the legal bills to defend themselves. Of course she has no real cases, these are just scare tactics to quiet the staff and the community. Ask the union leaders if this is true, or even the honest board members that will admit it. The harsh criticism of Joyce is well-deserved for many many reasons. Many good people have tried to work with her and have come to the same conclusions for many different reasons. This is not at all a "normal" situation in the Marshall schools. Its as if a dark dictatorship has been thrust opon us and a lot of bad things are going on. We need a good and "normal" Superintendent who is honest, caring, cooperative, a good motivator, respected and trusted. Dr. Phillips is none of these! And due to her extreme evil actions (there are many confirmed!) and threats, we all have to be very careful how we share important information. She is out to get many people, including some excellent administraors. Talk to Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng, or even some school board members not closely aligned with her. Do your own homework, as you already may be doing. You may even want to run for the school board. Stay involved, keep asking questions, share concerns here or elsewhere, and keep searching for the truth. Godspeed!

Anonymous said...

I assume this Doug, because as I said, you have never asked me about the schools. You see me almost on a daily basis. There is a school not far from where you live, have you ever gone down and asked the employees there what their thoughts were? There was a post on here last night that must have been removed. It put a little perspective on the situation for school employees that you may have understood.
From your political leanings you must assume that there are many soldiers in the military that are opposed to the war in Iraq. Yet many of those soldiers continue to serve, to the best of their ability because they know it is their job. If one of those soldiers speaks out against the President or against a general, ramifications will follow. If one speaks out against, they are persecuted and run out. We as school employees have to act in the same manner at this point. In this reference, joyce is much like a general looking to hunt down those opposed.

Anonymous said...

I feel sympathy for the citizens like Doug who have been shamefully misled by joyce. We the people of Marshall are not used to deception. We are a family - who have been working to keep our city, schools and community on a whole desirable to others. I am about to cry sitting here trying to come to grips with the depth of the deception that this superintendent has used to try to dis-credit the opinions of well over half of the employees that have been and will continue to PUT KIDS FIRST. We have jobs to do and don't have all day to write those glorious ariticles of deception. The good doctor has made her PR campaign a full time job. She puts on a smile and talks a beautiful talk... Her public behavior is very fake in comparison to her on the job actions. I feel great sadness for Marshall Schools - it seems only those working and living it day to day - who know what is really going on - and also know the deception of her ariticles - and yet are very helpless without the support of everyone in this community. I as well encourage EVERY PERSON IN MARSHALL to seek the truth. I have always believed the 'truth will prevail'. Without Vics on the board - it wiil be possible for the truth to prevail - then people in this town will know how difficult it has been for those who are KEEPING THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING....KIDS FIRST....those building administrators, secretaries, custodials, aids, teachers, bus drivers, food service personnel - each and every day of the week...from September until June! The only thing Marshall lacks in keeping the main thing the main thing - is a good and trustworthy superintendent...(and possibly a finance director who doesn't cost the district settlement monies)

Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of anyone. Talk to me. I'll speak out.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

John, would you be interested in running for the school board? There will be tremendous support for anyone running against the incumbants.

Anonymous said...

Except of course if Marsha Haring runs, she is considered one of the strong Joyce supporters.

MPS - Change Is Good said...

John Bedient-

Please e-mail - we can set you up with people who would love to talk to you.


Doug Murch said...

First to we need change at the top to move forward said...

"I feel sympathy for the citizens like Doug who have been shamefully misled by joyce."

I don't need anyones sympathy. I have not been mislead by Dr. Phillips or anyone else and will not be. I will form my own opinions on evidence, not on rumors or stuff I can not verify.

Second, to the person who said, "because as I said, you have never asked me about the schools. You see me almost on a daily basis."

If you see me almost on a daily basis why haven't you said anything to me? I would suggest the next time you see me you stop and talk.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is a two-way street! The staff need to reach out to the community and vice versa. We are all in this together. I know the staff has been threatened, but they have enormous power that they need to use more forcefully and courageously if anything is going to be accomplished. Too many staff members are fearful or silent for one reason or another. They will tell you how they feel if you ask but they need to be more pro-active. As a community member I want to see the MPS staff become more active. Some are, I know that. We are on the same side on these issues. But as a whole the MPS staff has far more power than a few parents. What is your union leadership doing now? From what I have heard, not much! They need to be more public and courageous too!

Doug Murch said...

To all who read this and are afraid to come forward. If you know me please stop me and share your thoughts. If you are a staff member you will remember that I was very vocal in supporting the teachers during the difficult contract negotiations a couple of years ago.

MPS - Change Is Good said...

Please contact me at

thank you

Doug Murch said...

I see there is a site meter for this site. It boasts how many have visited. Why don't you change the settings on your site meter so we can all see who is visiting. I would be interested to see how many different people are checking out the site.

Doug Murch

Anonymous said...

My guess: As a community member active on this site and in the community, I think it would be safe to say that most MPS staff, active parents and school admins have visited this site at least once. There are likely 20-50 active visitors who return often. I would say a few hundred at least have visited this site at least once. It has become the talk of the town in many circles. The only source I know of to get information on many issues that Dr. Phillips has not been able to silence through lawsuit threats and intimidation. My thanks to the brave soul(s) who run this site! They are doing a great service to our community. The truth is Dr. Phillips biggest enemy.

MPS - Change Is Good said...

Thank you for your idea. People visit this site and express their feelings because they know their identity won't be known. Yes I know that if the visitor settings were unlocked - you could only see IP addresses. But even that might scare people away from posting their feelings here. I don't want that to happen. I can tell you that there are anywhere from 50-100 visits per day. When looking at the IP Addresses, an average of 30 people visit per day. But I think that is even hard to guess. If you know of any other tool that could help measure these numbers, without showing IP's please post where they can be found. Thanks!

Doug Murch said...

By not opening up the settings on site meter you make me question everything that is posted on this site. NO ONE has the time to try and track down who the IP addresses belong to, if it was even possible.

Doug Murch

MPS - Change Is Good said...

I'm sorry you will still question EVERYTHING that is posted here because I won't open the site meter. We have learned that lawyers have plenty of time to track down things, and we have heard that IP addresses can be tracked back to a specific computer. If the IP address thing is not true we would love to hear different. We have also contacted you to let you know that some people would love to meet with you. Please take that into consideration. It would shine a lot of light on the troubled times MPS is going through.

Thanks again for your interest in this site.

Anonymous said...

If someone does not trust the information on this web site, then go ahead and look into it yourself. Actually even if you did believe the information on this web site, you still should look into it yourself.

There are a few hundred MPS staff members you can consult to get a variety of viewpoints about school issues. Feel free to talk to past and present school board members. Call Dr. Phillips, Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf and ask them questions about issues on this site, and of course there are many active parents and coaches that know a lot about what is going on.

Doug Murch said...

No one has contacted me.

There was a post on this site that asked me to contact by e-mail, I did and have not received a response.

Doug Murch

MPS - Change Is Good said...

I will re-send the e-mail I sent you last night shortly. Thanks for letting me know you didn't get it.

Anonymous said...

I'm leery as to why Doug has such an interest in who is blogging here. At this point, some of us are pretty much paranoid. If your really interested Doug, walk down the street to the school nearby you and ask the staff their thoughts. I personally don't want my name out there, I've already been on the receiving end of one of joyce's witch hunts.

Anonymous said...

School board members, Dr. Phillips and others have been investigating and asking questions all over town as to who is behind this blog. Joyce and her supporters have been successful in quieting down the union, letters to the editor and people speaking up at school board meetings through their threats of lawsuits, other intimidation tactics, and telling people what they want to hear (while doing the opposite). So far they have been unsuccessful in shutting down this web site which is a public forum for a broad discussion of school issues.

Yes, they too can publicly defend Joyce but there is not much they can defend about Joyce. Whoever said that the "truth" is Joyce's enemy hit it right on the money. Their elaborate efforts to cover things up, defend Joyce at all costs, and tell people what they want to hear is becoming less effective. In the fall they told many people that they would take actions to resolve many problems and issues and have apparently done very little to nothing. The staff and community were very patient and tried to work with them, but have now lost most of what little trust, respect and support they had left for the top leaders.

The MPS staff and concerned Marshall citizens have been duped too many times and are at the point where we are not going to tolerate this any longer. Our schools and kids are suffering because of this. We need to replace most of the school board members, Dr. Phillips, Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf. They are the cause of the problems and they should not be allowed to take advantage of the good people of Marshall any longer.

Anonymous said...

In al caps I say AMEN! AMEN TO THE PARAGRAPHS ABOVE. Nothing but deceptive talk has been done by the board members, joyce, amy and brian. Before this becomes the issue that really did split this community citizens need to band together and insist the board members do what they were elected to do - NO ONE ELECTED THEM TO DECEIVE THE PEOPLE OF MARSHALL. And, that is what they have allowed the good doctor, amy and brian to do...

Anonymous said...

Have any school board members been seen in the school building talking to non-adminstrative staff? Have any talked to any teachers anywhere about these issues? Do they seem to be investigating all the complaints about Mrs. Phillips leadership failures and problems? Do the board members know the bond is in jeopardy because of Mrs. Phillips?

Are there any positive board actions lately?

Anonymous said...

A board member told me that they were upset that Joyce would even consider suing the teachers and that after months of long hours and much work that the bond may not pass due to a lack of trust and support in Joyce's leadership.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks that the board member you spoke to is offering you lip-service. I spoke to one last summer about issues with our schools and was completely put off by him. They have been made aware of issues for sometime now, but alas, they continue to hide their heads in the sand. They seem to avoid confrontation and are led by their noses by the good dr. They have had the opportunity to use their leadership and ask questions in the public forum, but have chosen instead to speak to her in private. She is at her best when one on one, she lies to cover herself and her cronies. She lies and then covers it with, "oh, that's not what I meant" or "you must have heard me wrong". I pray each day that we have some strong people running for the board in the upcoming election, so far it isn't looking good for Marshall Public Schools. I wonder how far down the public will allow her to take us?

Anonymous said...

How sincere are school board members when they keep saying that they are aware of all the problems and that they are "working on it"? I have heard this myself from several board members.

Anonymous said...

I have also gotten the runaround from the school board on several different issues. They clearly turn to Dr. Phillps to see what they should do, which is pathetic. We need a school board who work with the community and the Superintendent works for them!

Anonymous said...

When I complained to one board member last year about Joyce publicly lying that the expelled students were no threat to Marshall students (it came out later that they had been shooting at Marshall students at MHS with a BB gun, one student is known to have been hit) were no threat. He explained that it was not really a lie since it was a BB gun and not a real gun. Ok, now I understand their thinking. Was Joyce held accountable? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

I think you were confused. BB guns of course are not a threat to Marshall students. Students being shot at MHS with a BB gun does not mean that anyone was in jeopardy. Of course Joyce did not lie when the Chronicle questioned her on it. She was honest to say that there was no danger to our MHS students and that we simply "had to trust her" (her quote).

Anonymous said...

Of course we trust her... NOT!

Anonymous said...

I heard the following last week: jp cost this district 2 hours show up time for approximately 25 employees last week when she wouldn't let the person hired to check road conditions and decide if they are too hazzardous for our students, or if our busses were all able to start and run, to cancel school on Tuesday. That person had to wait from 5:45 am until after 6 am, for joyce who was sitting in her home, to say it was OK to call school. Even though the person in charge of making this call was out driving the roads since 4:30 am. Is this micromanagement? Bus drivers and bus aides are at work by 6 am as well as some food service employees. Lots of teachers, administrators and support staff are getting ready to leave by 6 also. Glad they got paid show up time but come on - let people do the jobs they are hired to do so it doesn't cost district funds. This was a small waste of funds in comparison to some of amy's and jp's doings.

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