Monday, August 13, 2007

What will come . . . .

The Marshall Board of Education, as expected, voted 7-0 to privatize our custodial staff. There really isn't much to say - it was very emotional.


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Anonymous said...

Most students spell about 80% of words well. My experience is that about two-thirds of college freshmen either have spelling, grammar or organization problems. They can't get from premise to conclusion easily.

At Albion, about one in ten or fifteen students aren't ready for freshman math. Some have actually been counseled in high school to only take three years of math. Because of this weakness they are exluded from about a third of the majors - unless some remedial work is done. They are also demoralized.

I have great respect for high school teachers who deal with all sorts of behavioral issues, disingaged parents and idiot administrators. The truth is that the average student writes and computes a too low a level.

The tragedy is that Marshall is not better than average.

BTW, kudos to the MHS principal for a brief alert to parents about how to use the math textbook's web resources in the Chronicle.


Anonymous said...

When I entered college (Albion, BTW) over 40 years ago, we were told the same things--could not write well, inadequate preparation in math etc. I can still remember getting back my first essay in Freshmen English. I got a "C" and thought I must be brilliant because no one got anything higher, and most people got much lower grades.
I think high school teachers have been complaining about the lack of academic preparation they see in the students coming from junior highs/middle schools and college teachers have been complaining about the lack of skills they see in college freshmen for well over 50 years. I really do not think things are any worse now. Many students have just not really worked up to their potential until they get to college. I think most of them get it into gear, so to speak, rather quickly and do fine. I know that many of my former "average" students have surprised me and graduated from college and are now very successful.
It may be true that "the average student writes and computes a too low a level" but has it really gotten worse?
Also, I do not really think it is fair to judge the entire Marshall High School English Department based on a couple of blog postings. Have you read any other forums, for example ones on the BC Enquirer or Detroit Free Press? The spelling and grammar of most of those "adult" postings is atrocious.
(an area--not Marshall--teacher)

Anonymous said...

The fact about the spelling has nothing to do with this blog you should be supportive of the student that is trying to speak out about the horrible leaders in the district that is what you should be more worried about good quality teachers are afraid to come here because of the leadership maybe there are other things that you should be more worried about.

Anonymous said...

4:23 - I disagree. I am more concerned about the quality of education than what the administration does or does not do. Blaming them is just a ruse for not addressing educational issues. The members of the administration are not teaching our students. Teachers have this responsibility (at least I thought they did). If we try to excuse adults and students for not being able to spell or write complete sentences, then we are contributing to the "dumbing down" of America. Working in the busines world, if somebody wrote a document, memo, proposal, etc. with the spelling errors we saw in the previous post, that person would be labeled as incompetent and would have a difficult time succeeding in his/her career. Sorry, but that is how most of the real world operates.

Anonymous said...

7:51, you spelled "busines" incorrectly--it is "business." Having said that, I don't think that is really a reflection of your educational level or ability. This is a forum, where people quickly type and make errors. They also write like they were speaking sometimes, very informally. That does not mean they do not know how to spell correctly and write more formally, anymore than it means you do not. My point is, you should not be judging the quality of Marshall High School students by the things posted on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the correction as I did not add the “s” at the end of business. I will attribute that to a typo, but let’s look at the previous poster from MHS: (since you want to get specific):

Vist (probably a typo for visit)
Agian (probably just typing too fast for the word “again”)
Survise (clearly the wrong spelling for service)
Arent (OK…we missed an apostrophe)
Ya (what is that?)
Principles (should be Principal’s)
Staires (should be stairs)
Dinning (should be dining)
Dont (should be don’t…but we can excuse the apostrophe in a blog)
Know (should be Now)
Agian (probably just typing too fast, but interesting the blogger didn’t spell this correctly either time)
Hundereds (probably a typo – OK)
Dollars (c’mon….doesn’t this person know how to spell dollar?)
Suprise (it is spelled surprise)

So….what is the assessment on this blog? Is it just a young kid typing quickly? I think “yes” and “no”. “Yes” for the typos and “No” for the words spelled incorrectly. Teachers…please weigh in.

Again, the point here is to focus on teaching our children how to spell correctly and construct sentences correctly. Anybody with objective analysis can see when people make simple typographical errors while blogging. It is inexcusable (especially for teachers) to overlook basic spelling and grammatical errors.

Anonymous said...

Correction: See - Blogging does lead to typos. :) I meant to say the blogger typed "Doller" and it should have been "Dollar". I would think that individual doesn't know the difference between the two spellings, but who knows....

Anonymous said...

Okay, the post you examined had many errors. Perhaps that student did not know better, perhaps he/she was just sloppy in this format. Either way, you are judging an entire student body by one post. I would say, look at the MEAP writing and language arts scores for Marshall High School and compare them to other area schools. Do more than that, go to the Standard and Poors Website and see how they compare to their peer group. I really don't know what you will find, but I think those results would give a better reflection of he overall quality of Marshall students' English skills than one post on this forum.
As to your last comment, teachers do not overlook
"basic spelling and grammatical errors." However, they do not ALWAYS mark a student's grade down for those errors; it depends upon the assignment and the purpose.
One area school is using something called the Collins Writing System. It has a very good track record for improving student writing, and is well researched. One of its features is that on each piece of writing there be three focus correction areas, or in other words three things that will be evaluated. Only one of those three FCA's can be a mechanical area (spelling, punctuation etc.) So if spelling were not an FCA on that particular assignment, the paper would not be marked down for spelling errors. That does not mean that there would not be other assignments where spelling would be an FCA, or that there would not be other activities/assignments in the class that focused on spelling.
As a former English teacher, I can tell you that the first goal is to encourage written expression. If a weak student turns in a paper that comes back to them covered in red marks, they frequently get discouraged and just stop trying.
I don't know of any English teacher, or any other teacher for that matter who does not care about spelling and mechanics; but they also care about clear, focused expression as well.
The first goal is to get kids to write, and clearly express their position; then you work on polishing the writing so that mechanical errors are also eliminated.
"When my children were younger, I had Marshall teachers tell me "we don't correct spelling errors" when the assignment was for something other than spelling. Great. That meant I had to do that as the parent."
I am sorry this was an inconvenience for you. But if it was important to you that your child's papers be totally free of all errors, then perhaps it was a good thing for you to do as a parent. I don't know how old your child was in the above example. But you had one child's spelling to monitor; the teacher probably had 25 or 30.

Anonymous said...

According to the MPS website, here are the Marshall High School MEAP results (MEAP Results—Grade 9 only
2007 MME Results—Grade 11 only Percent of students achieving essential skills)


Social Studies (9th) 84
Math (11th) 56
Science (11th ) 64
Social Studies (11th) 93
Reading (11th) 68
Writing (11th) 43
ELA (11th) 58

The results for the High School writing scores indicate that only 43% of students have achieved essential skills. Is that a score we want to have in our district? This has been my point – we should focus on results. This is extremely important for the future success of our graduates. It is probably more important than the excellent scores we currently see in Social Studies, although I am happy to see some scores being on the high end of achievement.

Here are the MEAP writing results for Gordon Elementary:

Writing (3rd) 35
Writing (4th) 37

Here are the MEAP writing results for Hughes Elementary:

Writing (3rd) 47
Writing (4th) 30

Here are the MEAP writing results for Walters Elementary:

Writing (3rd) 51
Writing (4th) 51

Here are the MEAP writing results for Marshall Middle School:

Writing (5th) 39
Writing (6th) 65

Is there an unfortunate pattern here?

Anonymous said...

Responding to:

“As a former English teacher, I can tell you that the first goal is to encourage written expression. If a weak student turns in a paper that comes back to them covered in red marks, they frequently get discouraged and just stop trying. I don't know of any English teacher, or any other teacher for that matter who does not care about spelling and mechanics; but they also care about clear, focused expression as well. The first goal is to get kids to write, and clearly express their position; then you work on polishing the writing so that mechanical errors are also eliminated.”

I have had English teachers (probably all former now), who definitely spent time teaching us how to structure sentences and spell correctly. This paid off for me in a business environment as I have had others ask me to proof read their reports or memos as they knew I could write fairly well. It is great for students to learn how to express themselves. It is not so great if they cannot support their creative expression with correctly spelled words and proper sentence structure.

And for the comment about the “inconvenience” for me to teach my child how to spell – it was not an inconvenience…it was a disappointment. I had already taught my children how to read before they entered the public school system, and I certainly did not hesitate to teach them how to correctly use the English language. I was surprised by teachers who did not share the same enthusiasm for teaching my children the fundamentals of our language. I did not expect my children to have papers totally free of errors. I did expect the teachers who were grading the papers to not only grade the content, but to also grade the spelling and other grammatical errors as this was an opportunity to further educate the student.

Perhaps my expectations were set too high...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I had no idea the MEAP writing scores were that low across all Marshall Schools.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the scores in front of me right now, but I believe that the reading scores for MHS decline with each grade level.

Anonymous said...

It is important to keep the MEAP scores in perspective. FYI - Class of 2007
Statewide percent who met or exceeded standards:
ELA - 51%
Read. - 60%
Writing - 40%

ELA - 57.8%
Read. - 67.9%
Writing - 42.8%


Other area districts:
Harper Creek
ELA - 51.2%
Read. - 61/2%
Writing -36.4%

ELA - 63.5%
Read. - 72%
Writing - 49.4%

ELA - 58.1%
Read. - 69.4%
Writing - 47.2%

ELA - 42%
Read. 59.6%
Writing - 34.3%

ELA - 48,8%
Read. - 59.4%
Writing - 32.8%


Now unless you all feel like Marshall is like Lake Woobegon, where the children are ALL above average, I do not see this as all that alarming. There is room for improvement, of course. But it appears that the MPS are doing a comparable job to like-schools in the area.

Anonymous said...

It is wise to avoid a statistical slug fest. But, I make two points.

One, comparing Marshall to surrounding districts proves we are a big fish in a small pond. Further, we are not much above the state average in many cases. Also, being above the state average is not a great feat.

Two, our ACT scores are marginally above the state average. If I had to pick one measure of future potential it would be that score.

Assume you are looking to start a business. Go to Find Marshall and click on "better performers."

There are lots better places to locate. Where is the community outrage over that? Oh, our big concern is our team mascot, I forgot.

Why doesn't the board lead us to better performance? Anyone heard a board member offer a plan? Or press the admin for a plan?

Anonymous said...

I guess I don’t get a warm and cozy feeling either when we compare mediocrity to mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

If you are concerned about spelling and grammatical structure, have Dave Turner send you a memo and see if you can have a "correction" fest. It starts at the top and rolls downhill.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...

One of my main gripes is that the board and admin are constantly circling the wagons. They are afraid to communicate anything negative with the community for fear the district will somehow look bad.

Well, in some instances we are quite good, in others we are bad. Face it.

But, the community can help if we know what the board needs us to do.

A single example would be the RaMP (reading and math proficiency) score of 100% proficient by 2014. It's a silly goal, in my opinion, but NCLB requires it. Based on where we are now, we need a non-compounded increase of about 2.6 percentage points per year to reach the goal.

I have no idea how the district plans to do that. Shouldn't we know?


Anonymous said...

The key to success in the Marshall schools is teamwork! Parents, teachers, administrators, community members and support staff all need to work together as a team. This takes good communication, cooperation, mutual respect and trust! Here in lies the problems.

Its not too late to turn things around! I hope the MPS board is working on making the needed changes to get things moving in the direction we need to go. We can't waste any more time on infighting, controversy and conflict. Our kids need and deserve better from us all!

Anonymous said...

Well that hit the nail on the head! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

11:05 - Well said. Maybe we need more citizens to attend the MPS Board meetings to start asking the questions posted on this forum. What is the plan to improve the academic achievement of our students? How can citizens help? Do we need curriculum changes? What can teachers do differently in areas where students are not doing so well? This isn't a finger pointing exercise by any means. A spirit of cooperation will hopefully get the great ideas on the table for consideration.

Anonymous said...

Honesty, communication and cooperation? That sounds like the key to addressing problems realistically and working on real solutions. Will we have to wait two more years until there is new leadership for this to begin?

Anonymous said...

This coming from a student i think that if you are going to sit here and talk about how bad we are doing then i think that you need to go to the board and tell them this and maybe include how they need to spend the money (8.7million) on the students and for technology then on the administrators moving to the first floor maybe its just me i don't know. think about that for a minute!!!

Anonymous said...

If the EPIC Survey results show a lack of confidence and trust in Dr. Phillips and her top tiered leaders, then the school board should promptly remove them, as they are a hinderance to progress in the Marshall schools. We all know they are a major source of problems and a drag on real progress in the MPS.

Anonymous said...

That would be a great start toward fixing the MPS problems!

Anonymous said...

This is what is planned:

Success 2010: Our Desired State

* All students equipped to be successful in a global society.
* A challenging, rigorous curriculum in academics, athletics and the arts that uses best practices and provides additional opportunities.
* A thriving climate that instills all stakeholders with a sense of value.
* A safe and nurturing environment that supports students’ social, emotional, physical and mental development.
* Active partnering with parents and community members for the benefit of all students.

Also at this board meeting, the board approved two goals for me for the 2007-08 year.

Goal 1: Facilitate a vision of educational excellence where students develop the knowledge, skills, abilities and habits to succeed as life long learners.

Goal 2: Develop and strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders to support the vision.

Translation: Don't bother me with details like morale and trust, I'm busy with other things....remember "it's not about me."

Anonymous said...

Actions speak louder than words. Our leaders may say good words but it is their deeds that count. That is where the problem is, the words do not match the actions. This must change.

Anonymous said...

None of Joyce Phillip's goals are quantifiable. They cannot be measured in any way. It's all smoke and usual.

Anonymous said...

JP report card Fall 2007:

- Respected by staff and parents: F
- Trusted by staff and parents: F
- Admired for her knowledge of educations: D (at best)
- Communication skills: F
- Motivational skills: F
- Shows caring and concern for staff and students: F
- Relations with the staff and parents: F
- Budget management: D
- Honesty and Integrity: F

If anyone disagrees, based on knowing how at least a dozen staff and a dozen parents feel, please post your own grades.

Anonymous said...

If I may inquire to the post above? How did you come upon the equivenlant of a D in the area of budget management?

Anonymous said...

I think that giving her a "d" on any thing is nice

Anonymous said...

Isnt it amazing that the entire life of this blog there has only been a smattering of pro Phillips/board postings and those few have only tried to spin this website as the rantings of just a few angry people. If they have any true supporters perhaps it is time for them to come forward with their reasons as to why they feel these people have done a good job. I was called for the survey and know of at least 8 others who were also called and NONE of us had any positive comments for the job the board and top leaders have done. So please let the many of us who are wondering, what positive things can anyone say about the leadership of the MPS these past three years. Other than John Bedient no one else dares to go public so any JKP supporters can also remain anon and let us know what they think. Also those of us who have taken the survey are very interested in what will be made public and how it will be spun. At least 9 of us were pretty much on the same page and we know we represent more of the majority than the surprisingly silent Phillips/board supporters.

Anonymous said...

Even the few Phillips supporters I knew (Board members and their close friends) have been losing interest in her. Now if they can only get up the courage to force her out like they did (right or wrong) with Behrenwald.

Anonymous said...

Behrenwald would havenever left if it wasnt for her every one like him he was such a good principle

Anonymous said...

At least Phillips has backed off on Tom Hanson and Sue Townsend. Did the board take her hit list away from her?

Anonymous said...

Sure. Like a viper waiting to strike, just when you are relaxed!

Anonymous said...

If I a supporter I would point to her accomplishments. I would point out how we are better after than before.

I would point out innovative systems, processes, measurements, achievements, etc.

Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

No one is off of her hit-list, the strikes are just a little more stealthy now and her henchman(turtleneck) is more involved more now.

Anonymous said...

Is this the lull before the next storm?

Anonymous said...

Then next and most damaging storm will be the results of the $16,000 survey currently being taken to assess the communities thoughts about our school district and leadership. What will their spin be if the results are very negative about our leadership? They cant just say it is a few disgruntled people at the high school or the small yet vocal Foreman supporters. The dissatisfaction runs very deep and not many are buying into their spin of "Excellence in Education" or "Kids First" any longer. It has been a long time coming but if it finally leads to meaningful change then it will be worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is about time that the community looks at this and finds out that central office is not for the students and never has been even the students know it almost all of them in fact and most of them don’t like the people in central office. If the students know I think that it is about time that the community sees it and does something about it. The money that they are using to move the administrator’s offices to the first floor for "security" should be spent on the students! As you can all see once again of course they are for the students. As the security purpose goes it is Marshall it is not like there are gangs or anything i think that the town needs to recognize that as much as the school board and central office. it is all a bunch of nonsense.

Anonymous said...

If the survey shows strong negative views of Phillips by the community, then she should be fired this year. There must be some way to get rid of her by the spring.

Anonymous said...

If the survey goes well, they plan to ask for $40 mil. JP may have to go first though to pass the bond.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know anything about the three MHS students who were recently expelled? Joyce is all hush hush on the matter. Were any Marshall students in danger?

Anonymous said...

I think one was from the alternative school.

Anonymous said...

i dont know any thing about it either but i would like to know

Anonymous said...

Were the police called about the vandalism at the high school that occurred Monday night, or will this too be swept under the rug?

Anonymous said...

Are the Marshall schoosl doing anything about the staph infections?

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard anything.

Anonymous said...

There was a piece from Joyce in the Chronicle two issues ago. It's just hoo-ha anyway. Stuff's been around for years. It can be spread, but colds spread more easily.

Anonymous said...

yes they have done something about the staph infection they have hand sanitizer in every room along with disinfectant whips and as for the vandalisim they have cout the people that did it and as far as i know the are suspended until the board meets to dicide what they are going to do.

Anonymous said...

What if the EPIC survey goes bad for Mrs. Phillips? Will the board continue to back her at the expense of the schools, or remove her to do what is best for the schools?

Anonymous said...

No doubt they will continue to back her and metcalf and will downplay the survey they chose to have and try to have it released only as a summary of the results. The entire survey needs to be published in the paper including the raw data and not just a board overview. Cant wait.

Anonymous said...

To DJ several posts above. I know first hand the evil Joyce and Brian have done to employees. Actually - perhaps someone on the board needs to open their eyes and be willing to do what they were elected to do. I know for a fact that at least two board members are aware of the Nazi tactics being used on employees but yet they keep hiding their heads in the sand. Much more of this and the good name Marshall Schools once had will be totally ruined. Joyce and Brian have caused personal and professional damage to people that did not deserve it. This Good vs. Evil is not just a is very alive and well. I took the survey. I know what my answers were as well as several of my family and friends. For instance: Did Rich Hulkow try to tell the good doctor prior to the track work at the high school that it indeed needed totally replaced? YES So instead Joyce said...let's just pay for a resurface this summer (which was done summer 2007). Now...on the survey she is asking for a total re-do of the same track. Gosh - let's just build a campfire and burn that +$30,000 for a resurface of the track by ripping it all out now and replacing it like the authority on tracks (Hulkow) said needed done. WASTE!!!! But I now sit here and wonder how much more is this Board going to be allowed to rubber stamp before a recall of their elected butts gets underway. This board as well as Brian Metcalf and Joyce Phillips is causing you the tax payer huge bucks. It is time to start the campaign - It is time for a couple good citizens to take their turns on the board. I have spent 13 months trying to get the current board to listen to date NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE!

Anonymous said...

... even worse, Joyce, Brian and Amy are pressuring the board to rubber stamp their plans to impose a contract on the teahers. Yes, there is a little known law (from Engler?) that allows districts to bypass normal civil negotiations and simply impose any contract they want on the staff. The teachers have lost nearly all of their bargaining rights thanks to the Michigan Republicans (not all, but most). The waste, lies and incompetence of the MPS top leaders has continued unabated. The bottom line is these three must go before we can really turn the Marshall schools around.

Anonymous said...

If the board had the cojones to fire her it would have happened. We are stuck with this for a couple years.

Imagine the outsourcing issue. Such an important decision and they had to muzzle their chief executive because of her negative image and reputation. Wisely, they obviously told her to say nothing publicy.

What other issue will she be unable to address?

Anonymous said...

She said in todays paper she has seen some of the data from the phone survey but had no comment at this time. What will be her comment if the survey results show this community in not willing to support much of anything because of HER leadership and the boards blind support for her. Will they decide to put the new bond on hold? Will they wake up to the fact that she and her top administrative puppets have destroyed much of what made this district a good one? Will they admit to the public they have backed the wrong horse for too long? Will they admit the hypocrisy of their two slogans of "Excellence in Education" and "Kids First". Will they even allow the full survey results to be made public without a FOIA request? Remember this survey was THEIR idea as a way to hear what the community really thinks because they keep saying that the discontent on this blog is just a few disgruntled high school people. Will they finally see the discontent is very widespread and now includes MHS students who feel they and their concerns come last not first. So the results of this survey and how they spin the results will be very interesting. Will the survey finally become the final straw that brings the people who have long cared and supported our schools together to take back and restore what they have destroyed these past three years? It will be an interesting month for sure.

Anonymous said...

What most of you and the board don’t know is that a few nights ago 4 rooms up at the high school were vandalized. It had happened the night that there were 2 or 3 banquets for sports going on so you had easily over 100 people there. I wondered how the students that did this were able to get in the rooms. Well come to find out you new “lovely” company that you just hired unlocks a good number of rooms at once then they go around and clean them and when they are done they lock them. Well that means that most of these rooms are unlock for about 1 hour give or take a few minutes at a time. Then you also have another employee from that same company that no longer works at the high school for getting numbers from students so much for your company.

Anonymous said...

Playing gotcha doesn't change the fact it was the right decision.

There will be more. Battle Creek is discussing building consolidation. Lansing has screwed school districts. They have no choice but cut in every possible way.

I think building administration could be cut. Busing is a target. I really think outsourcing accounting and human resources are viable ideas.

Anonymous said...

I think that there are other ways to fix problems and save money than just outsourcing! The budgets show several thing that the school didn’t need to spend money on that they did. Just like in posts above about the track. There once again is your great “dr.” at work. I think that there is a lot of work that needs to be done with central offices we had an abundance of good administers but know all we have is people here to get the money and ditch. I think this whole problem is ridicules.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should read the Chronicle's editorial about secrecy. The administration has refused to release information to the press since JP arrived.

There is research pointing out that such a behavior is typical of a manager who feels threatened. They close ranks and try to control everything.

Such a reaction creates a culture of fear and suspicion.

Not only did it take a month for the details of the gun incident to come out, the schools would still have you in the dark were it not for Shelley.

I wish the leaders who helped create the new community fund would put their political power behind a move to change leaders.

Anonymous said...

The "leader" creating the new community fund is the wizard behind much of JKPs agenda and masterplan. There will be no change in leadership in our schools until all the people who are disgusted with what has happened these past four yrs come together publicly and take a stand against her and the board. Now that would really be Kids First.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theories....hmmm I'd like to know more.

Anonymous said...

It is public knowledge who the school board members are, who their close friends in the community are, and who they all work closely with. Yes, they are all connected and well organized to promote their agenda(s). Does this mean they are bad or evil? No, they just have their views and have put forth the efforts to get elected, or their friends elected, to carry them out. If anyone disagrees they should get organized themselves and run their own candidates to get elected.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious people have just given up and down the road people will be wondering what happened to a once very good district. Apathy and ignorance and fear lead us to this.

Anonymous said...

According to the Chronicle, the MHS principal got his ears pinned back. Deservedly so.

The way to control lunch behavior is to punish those who act up. Locking down the entire school was bad management.

Anonymous said...

The simple facts are the school is on a downward slide with no real bottom insight. People in this town will only see what damage has been done after the fact. It is very important that the survey results get out into the public and believe me if the results were good the school whould have them on the front page of the news papers. They are hidding the results because of all the bad things that are in there.
The school board will have to act on these things, so they will cover them up as long as they can. The main thing "main thing" is the removal of some top admin. If they really want to put the KIDS FIRST then they must act.
To do this it is going to cost money because they gave such a wonderful contract to the very people that are destroying our schools and running them into the ground. Congrats to A.J. on being able to do checks and balances and hiding all the mistakes made. Good job B.M. on being all that you can be (which we have know idea what you actually do)and of course J.P. lead by example Hitler or stalin would be so proud of your rule by terror.

Anonymous said...

Hey might just as well give Vic a shot out. Good Job Vic for a home grown boy you sure have come a long way buisness owner to puppet on a string. How about making a statement that hasn't been cleared by J.P.

Anonymous said...

The new MHS Principal is apparently the puppet that Ron Behrenwald was too much of a man to be. Ron stood up for the staff, students and parents of MHS against bad policies and unfair politically-motivated attacks. Joyce Phillips used him as a scapegoat for HER problems and duped the board to back her. Now the real test is if the board will force Phillips out in the best interests of the Marshall schools come March? Or will they wimp out and back her again no matter how bad her performance is? At best Joyce has a few wealthy friends left who may foolishly think she does a good job and keep backing her. Everyone else has given up on Joyce and wants her gone NOW!

Anonymous said...

Amen. No doubt the new MHS principal was hired only because he would be a JKP puppet just like she hired at the middle school. As a parent of two former grads and a current MHS student there is no doubt the morale and atmosphere at a once proud high school is dreadful. This new guy has been bull-headed and stubbornly loyal to Joyces agenda and totally against anything that the kids need or want. That these top leaders keep spewing out the hypocritical "Kids First" slogan is appalling. JKP spent three years spinning lies and untruths about Behrenwald and the running of the high school in an attempt to drive out the only building administrator who dared to stand up to her and disagree when she attempted to do things that would destroy much of what was good about MHS. Once Ron left because she and the board made him feel unfairly valued, she got this young, inexperienced and woefully not ready for the challenge of his own building guy to be her henchman. She continued her campaign against the high school by convincing him the building was out of control. Well there are thousands of alumni and parents of alumni who are offended by that depiction drawn by a few people who have only been in Marshall briefly and wont be here for long. It also became clear at the two PCO meetings that Klochak made these changes affecting the students only free time during the day never having spent one day at lunch to see for himself how things work. He also told us he had many people stop in over the summer complainging about lunch. Now it comes out that he never even consulted his two administrators or most of the staff or any student leaders about the change. Had people known, there would have been hundreds in to tell him not to make such drastic new policies. As someone above stated most people wont even realize the damage until these people are gone and it is too late. After talking to a respected Mhs teacher it appears the new guy has growing staff discontent to go along with basically the entire student body having no faith in him or kindness toward him. That these people have come in from the outside and literally paid no attention to the many longtime Marshall Public Schools staff, parents and students and are systematically ruining what we have always had is close to criminal. Many of us are anxious to see the big survey they commissioned. The truth will come out and if the board doesnt finally wake up to what they have supported they are as morally bankrupt as the leaders they allowed to run rampant. The December meeting of the board will be a crossroads and hundreds of us are watching closely.

Anonymous said...

calm down Darlene.

Anonymous said...

Until there is a large public outcry- letters to the editor, many more people speaking up at board meetings, etc etc, nothing is going to change. Mrs. Phillips is counting on public apathy to keep herself in power. She only need keep a few powerful people happy and she is set for a nice Michigan retirement to add to her Indiana retirement. Yes, five years of big damage and bad leadership and she will leave Marshall with a huge amount of undeserved money from Michigan taxpayers for years to come! The deal she was given is corruption at its worst. If she can be forced out THIS YEAR then she will lose that second retirement. There are many valid reasons to fire her (lies, incompetence, coverups, bad leadership). But again nothing will change until the people take a PUBLIC STAND for our kids and schools!

Anonymous said...

just like it was said above hitler and stalin would be proud!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the new MHS Principal is off to a bad start. What's his name, Klotchak or something. I heard he is a dud from every student and teacher I know at the high school. We are definitely going backwards as far as school improvement goes.

Anonymous said...

I remember Joyce sending out personal emails regarding that darn foot surgery a year ago, her loving husband waiting on her while she sits with her foot up reading a book. Why has no one filed 'misuse of computer' MISCONDUCT in the eyes of corporations. This would certainly be an easy way to toss her to the curb. She has done this to other employees. This double standards at MPS should be stopped and NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO STOP IT. BEFORE SHE BEGS FOR ANOTHER PRE-YULETIDE EVALUATION LIKE LAST YEAR!

Anonymous said...

Well - ask any of the ladies in the business office....Metcalf used the school computer to get his doctorate on school time. Joyce knew it so that is misappropriation of school funds (your tax dollars) Misconduct for him also!!!! Then we could be rid of both of them! Possibly these two are holding MPS back from moving forward. I believe the administrative staff could finally move our buildings forward without those two cement blocks tied to the district's ankles.

Anonymous said...

Just in case you thought we were special....

The backstory is the board promoted a principal to super. Then fired him after a couple years. Hired he current guy without advertising the position. He came from Rockford Ill. amid some controversy. Brought two female administrators with him (The Dixie Chicks, so called) and paid them $170k.

Teachers were offered 1% raise, said no and are working to the contract.

Now the HS principal is the comments to see that the admin is hated too. Administrative bozos are rampant.

In Florida the board governs all schools in the county. Get paid and are powerful. It's worse than Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great place for Dr. Phil and Turtleneck to take up residence. There are probably a couple of openings. After all, neither have a vested interest in the Marshall area.

Anonymous said...

Nobody at the top has a vested interest, or any interest other than their own self, in the future Marshall schools. Joyce Phillips will be long gone leaving a disaster in her wake as soon as she gets her five years and Michigan retirement time in. Mr. Turtleneck is supposed to be forced out in March as Joyce's scapegoat. Amy Jones lives in Olivet and could give a hoot about Marshall. And the rest of us are supposed to quietly suffer the consequences of their vicious, brutal and corrupt "leadership"?

Has the Marshall schools web site become the Joyce Phillips blog? Check it out.

Do the teachers have a contract? Hey Janice, you enthusiastically jumped up to praise JP and give her 9% last year, how about the same for the teachers?

Anonymous said...

Joyce doesn't get it. Her letter on the school site simply says "I'm right, deal with it."

The first expulsion incident when she came to down was kept under wraps. She told the paper to "trust me", instead of releasing iformation.

She hides behind federal privacy laws to avoid letting people know what is going on.

Nothing about explaining situations requires she divulge private information.

Vic buys in. Quoted last summer, he explained there are some things people just shouldn't know.

Wake up board.

Anonymous said...

Nice article in the BC Enquirer...a lot of talk about "communication" with the community. We've had plenty of communication with the community. We have watched JKP put her spin on everything since she's been here. Not a whole lot of truth to most of it. I want to see how she graded: A,B,C,D,F. That was a question that was on the survey. I'd also like to see where the teachers scored in the same category. I'd also like to see the "trust" question that was on the survey in the paper. I'm sure that this will never hit the papers.

Anonymous said...

It was a nice article in the marshall paper today. What a nice way to b.s. your way through a hard time vic. I bet it took mrs.soontobegone at least half a day for all of your answers. So what did she eat for dinner tonight either you were there or you will know in a couple of hours. Yes that is the way a lot of us feel vic.

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed the Chronicle article did not cover what the survey said about the top leaders. I am sure it is mostly very negative.

Anonymous said...

They sure will be trying to hide the results of peoples feelings about the top leaders and the board. There were numerous questions regarding this and I and at least four others I know who took the survey were very critical of those two groups. We need to demand to see the raw data on ALL the questions asked. We all know how they love to spin falsehoods and untruths.

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE I know who took the survey were very critical of Phillips and how she needs to go. Another bond does not stand a chance if the current regime is still in power.

Anonymous said...

i have heard that both top administration didn't get over a "d"

Anonymous said...

I don't think the newspapers were given the complete results - yet.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Chronicle has been threatened with legal action by Dr. Joyce Phillips if they print anything negative about her. She is a control freak about information and wants everything spun in her favor. The truth is her enemy.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone who's at the board meeting asks the EPIC/MRA representative if they've been asked to redact or withhold any of the results.

BTW - The super is a "public figure." The only way she can win a libel suit is if she prove "actual malice" on the part of the publication.

Her threat was empty, but the paper bought it.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping the Chronicle will FOIA the entire results including all the raw data. We need to know the results of the questions about the top administrators and the board. JKP and her cronies will for sure be trying to gloss over those results.

Anonymous said...

Remember the whole thing is simply a "communication" problem. The board is working on this. Once they "communicate" better then we will all know how great everything is at the top. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Is December when the board decides how big of a bond to go for next year? Last I heard they are going for $40 mil. Can they pass this with Joyce at the helm?

Anonymous said...

yes they are going for 40n mill at least that is what she said at the pco meeting and this one will raise taxes so i dont think that it will get passed. and do you notice that this bond is one that we actually need and is for the students but of course they spend the money they can get on them selfs with the offices.

Anonymous said...

So, in the spirit of engaging the community, why aren't the results of the survey posted on the school web site?

Anonymous said...

They may as well, everyone knows over 90% of the community wants Joyce Phillips gone. She is even far more unpopular than Lou ever was. We are really going downhill at the top.

Anonymous said...

Like others, I would like to see the raw data from the survey...not the water-downed interpretation of the data that I saw the other night at the board meeting. Even the version that we saw at the board meeting was spun towards Joyce's liking. I bet that business at Darling and Daughter's would pick up if Janice would cut ties with the bad Dr. I know that I'd sooner drive to BC and shop at Hobby Lobby than spend a cent at D&D rignt now.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree. I think Janice is wrong about her board opinions, but it's wrong to take it out on her store.

If we're going to do that, we have no community.

We can agree to disagree.

No one has to do as I do, but I would go the other way. I'd disagree with her everytime I was in the store......

We need people to stand up. If you dislike her actions so much, why did she run unopposed?

John B.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments John, but as a school employee, I have talked to Janice, to no avail. Not just once, but several times. She is screwing up my job and those whom I work closely with, I do not have to shop in her place of business. Dr. Phil and the board have lost the confidence of not only the employees, but also that of the community. She and Dr. Phil and the rest like her are hurting the community much more so than my driving to BC to buy glue. Those whom I encouraged to run for the board didn't want to have the same problems that Sam and Bob had. 2 against 5 at every turn. Have you seen the survey John? Again, thank you for your comments and please go and talk to some of the people in the trenches.

Anonymous said...

i agree u r sayin that we should support pur community well why didnt u tell the board that when they fired 20 some people, what about that community! Why should i spend a cent at her store if she doesnt even care about community?

The only way taht we are going to get any decent people on the board though is if good people run so then they can get more "good" people in there people need to stand up and take action not just talk about it i am a student at mhs and if only i could tell you how much help that place needs alone!

Anonymous said...

The board may hate Joyce but as long as JP is best friends with Marsha Franke they are intimidated to take on Marshall's wealthiest family. Yes, Marsha struck big gold when she married Tom. The day the Franke's pull support will be the day JP is sent packing to hoosierland. Come on Tom, you are a good guy, please send JP packing for the sake of our schools!

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Tom, its most likely Marsha. When Marsha pushes for Joyce to go she will be gone. I think the board is waiting for her direction.

Anonymous said...

Marsha Haring (now Franke) was pushed by Jeff Cable when she was brought over from BC schools to be the curriculum director. He played a big role in her being hired in the first place. She and Jeff had a falling out and when she was interim superintendent she tried to get Jeff forced out or fired. She married Tom Franke and chose to retire (she no longer needed the money, no one wanted her as the super anyway) and now she is trying to run the schools using the Franke name and money. Yes, she is closely connected to most or all of the current school board members. She put up the good doctor in a condo for free when she first came to Marshall and they fast became "close friends" or at least used each other for power. Dr. Phil's first order of business was to force out Jeff Cable one way or another for MF. The rest of the story gets even more bizarre as we have seen how Dr. Phil has become a disaster and the only reason that makes sense as to why she has not been fired is her close alliance with the newly very rich Mrs. Franke.

Thanks Jeff Cable! ;)

Anonymous said...

OK, I could buy the story so far. What I don't get is what is in it for Franke's now. Raw exercise of power? No one's making any money off this (save for JP).

Old bad blood? Even revenge gets old after a while. If the revenge is pervasive I'd think we'd see resignations or lawsuits.

If there are board connections, what do the board members get of this? They don't seem to be advancing any agenda, except denying that they made a mistake hiring JP - Dan.

I'd believe indifference, and stupidity before a conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Most of the agendas of these veteran "Anti-redskin" and "Anti-Lou" activists is to "clean house" and "fix buildings that are broken" (as they like to say) from their point of view. Are their changes an improvement? They probably think so, but most of us see things getting worse. So stupidity may play a bigger role than revenge. The more they "fix" the more things get broken.

Anonymous said...

Let's pray that Turtleneck gets the position at Northview Public Schools...that would be one head of the monster that would be gone.

Anonymous said...

What a depressing blog! Does anyone talk about the good things going on within Marshall schools? You are all so focused on the bad that you can't see the positive. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

We would if there were some more positive things going on...please enlignten us to something of substance.

Anonymous said...

Otgher than ignoring academics, I can't see what they've done. Who or what has been cleaned? What progress have they made on their agenda?

Anonymous said...

well as afar as the acedemics go if you cant really tell they are NOT going to focus on that because they dont care about the kids! if you noticed most of the money that they new they were going to get without raising taxes went toward administrators not toward studrnts no this next 40 mill that they are asking for was going toward students most was going for the music wing. so look at the othere side they dont care were are no ones to them!

Anonymous said...

The good things in the Marshall schools are happening because of the efforts of great staff, parents and students. MPS could be much better if we had good people at the top too. We are being weighed down by bad leaders and falling behind in crucial areas while other area schools move way past us! If the board wants a big bond passed for the sake of the schools they also need to replace Dr. Joyce Phillips THIS YEAR as a part of the package. Then they would finally be "fixing" something.

Anonymous said...

Brighton is on the edge.

Anonymous said...

The good doctor and the board may be pushing the Marshall teachers in the same direction. I would not be surprised if a strike were to occur this year. Everything keeps getting worse each year. I think they want to force a settlement rather than negotiate. Why did Phillps, MacDonald and Jones get such big raises when everyone else gets peanuts for far better performance?

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle covered the survey much better this week and the results are hardly surprising. Dr. Phil and the top administration are not trusted and are the biggest hinderance to progress and community support for a bond. A proposed $40 mil bond is NOT likely to pass under the current situation. The board now has two clear options:

1. Fire Dr. Joyce Phillips (there are many valid reasons to do so) and any other top administrators who have engaged in poor performance. Then work WITH the community and the staff to build public support for a large bond that is needed to keep up with the now superior schools in the Battle Creek area.

2. Keep Dr. Phillips and the bad leaders, keep rewarding them with their big pay, undeserved generous perks and soon second retirement and let the Marshall students, parents and community suffer their bad leadership. The bond will either be postponed or will not pass. Either way this option is a disaster for the Marshall schools.

The options are clear and now the Marshall School Board must decide very soon if they will do what is "best for the kids." The Marshall community needs to get active too with letters, phone calls, attend board meetings, etc. to promote positive changes. I hope they do what is best for the kids and the community!

Anonymous said...

Shelly did a great job in the editorial as well, great job Shelly, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine that Joyce and the board have mismanaged us into a position where the public simply doesn't trust the district? The pollsters said it might take years to undo.

Anonymous said...

Geez, with the support and approval rating of the survey, I wonder why we are having such a hard time settling a contract. Maybe the good dr. has a vendetta against the teachers that she is personally carrying out.

Anonymous said...

Haven't we on this blog been saying all this for many months now? We also have been waiting for the Joyce supporters to fill us in on the good things she has done. We are still waiting to hear from them. Obviously there are no
joyce supporters other than the board and they should be looking very closely at the surveys terrible ranking of the top leaders and themselves. Is it time yet for all of us to finally get the courage to stand up and go public and demand that they fire the top three who have willfully destroyed our once excellent district? With our top notch teachers and staff who clearly have the positive support of the community we should be able to rebound quickly if we get a good superintendant who actually believes in "Kids First". It also wouldnt hurt to rid ourselves of the horrible two middle school principals and the new and floundering high school principal. They along with the transportation and technology directors were hand picked by Joyce based on their willingness to be her lacky henchmen. Clean house of her, Metcalfe, Jones and all her miserable hires. Then we can start rebuilding. Who is ready?

Anonymous said...

i agree these administrators that we have are horrible they all need to go every one of them is just a snake in the grass waiting to be told what to do next and how to do it! maybe if the board wasnt so stupid we would not even have this problem at all but they are all in the loop to i am sure that there is something in it for each of them to. What i dont really know?!?

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great thing...I believe that you are correct and that it would certainly be a positive. I have no doubts that if what you've written were to occur, our voters would pass a bond. Under the current administration, we couldn't pass gas. Our board has got to wake up, their grade would not be as low as it is had they not so willingly supported a bad superintendent. We will pay for this for years. I too doubt that they would have the guts to fire her at this point, they'll just wait her out and give her that big Michigan retirement check and move on. With the money that they'd spend buying out her contract, we'd make it up on the bond. Just my two bits.

Anonymous said...

i know as a student that i dont support this school and it is not because of the teachers or the students just the board and administration and on the count day that they had this year there were like 100 hundred kids gone give or take a few from what i heard but how would i know i wasnt there. :)

Anonymous said...

Many months later I ask the question again "Why is Joyce Phillips still employed by the Marshall Public Schools?"

After the results of the survey I cannot think of any reason why the school board should not fire her.

Anonymous said...

I personally believe the Board would like to do the wishes of the community and fire Phillips but it would be an admission that there really are problems (which is what the staff survey proved last year)(you know the survey that was not given any credibility because according to Vic Potter "without names on the survey how can you give it any credibility?"
- then we'd have a black eye in the county by hiring the worst superintendent ever in Marshall history. Do they not understand by keeping her we have to wear that 'black eye' each and every day. It is about 18 months past due for the board to end her contract. And, while they are at it - a district of this size does not need an Asst. Supt. especially since we know he had enough time each day to study for his doctorate - at the expense of the taxpayers - with the approval of Joyce Phillips. She decided to spend our tax dollars by letting Metcalf study for his doctorate during the school day, in the school office, at the school computer - that as if that was not enough - we the taxpayers had to reimburse him the approx. + $10,000 to pay for the classes he took during the work day. Does anyone see a problem here. Then, the Board approved the payment of this degree! I will cheer when he is gone from Marshall. Problem is - he gets alot of interviews and NO ONE WANTS TO HIRE HIM! Imagine that

Anonymous said...

In the past year the consensus in the community is that the Superintendent and her loyal underlings need to be replaced. Dr. Phillips support is about at zero now and the time has come when she must be removed in order to save the Marshall schools from further damage and embarrassment. Her #2 and #3 probably will need to go to. Anyone loyal to her below this level may want to rethink their loyalties if they want to stay and help turnaround the Marshall schools. The new high school principal is off to a bad start. The bond cannot stand a chance without new leaders. We cannot afford any more wasted time under these awful leaders.

Anonymous said...

Sad but so true.

Anonymous said...

If all that is said comes true will they bring back the custodial personal that we lost? I believe that would be a must. Alot of these people have given a good portion of there life for MPS and then thrown to the curb. I believe in the survey the support staff had the highest grade.
Also I saw that they posted a job for a maintenance man if I am not mistaken did we not lose one to the layoff? Why is he not being brought back instead of asking for new hire. Once again the J.P. clan is screwing some one over.

Anonymous said...

Why does Marsha Franke support Joyce Phillips so much? Are the board members afraid they will lose funding for future campaigns and pet projects if they cross her and turn on Dr. Phil? Why can't the board simply do what is best and get a new superintendent?

Anonymous said...

She is a former Asst. Superintendent that was passed over for the Superintendent job. She quit and married Marshall's wealthiest businessman and now many think she runs the Marshall schools via Dr. Phillips, who she quickly "befriended" when she came to town. Also she has close connections to most of the school board members. Many think she is the main reason why Phillips has not been fired yet. Many think if she called the school board members and asked them to replace Phillips that it would happen. This could be true. Are there any other good explanations about why Phillips still has her job? In my 30+ year affiliation with the Marshall Public Schools I have never seen such a bad superintendent get away with so much nonsense and incompetence.

Anonymous said...

You also forgot that "The spin doctor" is mean, arrogant and plays loose with the truth. I wish she would leave our elementary principles alone. They are better than her.

Anonymous said...

is the 40 mil bond dead now?

Anonymous said...

is the 40 mil bond dead now?

Anonymous said...

It looks that way unless there are some big changes. We may need to wait two more years until we get a new superintendent. No one trusts this one.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that they won't try to push through a bond issue? I think that they will listen to JKP and push for one by August. They'll discount the survey(they tend to do that) and will try to pass one with the hopes that JKP can mend the fences that she's burned to the ground. I hate to punish my own kids, but I wouldn't vote for anything as long as she's running our schools and board.

Anonymous said...

Only a fool would try to pass this bond without replacing Dr. Phillips first.

Anonymous said...

Lucky for the taxpayers....only mean spirited fools are in charge of this district. Has anyone had a good experience with Phillips or Metcalf? Being that giving time of year I think someone should come forth and sing the praises of Joyce and Brian. I will bet my paycheck there is no one that has had a good much for that idea!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine brought this to my attention last week. Why does Mike Walbeck, the Bus Supervisor hired by Joycve Phillips, sit under the "No Smoking" signs at the city owned, school rented bus garage, break area, and chat with employees while they smoke several times a day. The city employees have to go outside and smoke in the cold. Is he so incompetent that he does not understand what the City of Marshall No Smoking policy says as well as the Marshall Public School - No Smoking on School Property policy means? My friend works there and she said many have complained many times over the past 3 years and Mr. Walbeck does nothing. Should someone call Georgia Marsh or Rob Covert and make the bus supervisor do his job and enforce policy or would it be better to just have law enforcement go there and write tickets?

Anonymous said...

i saw get the law involved maybe we will be lucky and it will hit the paper and the town will open up its eyes. I think that is what this town needs some "real" evidence that theys suck!

Anonymous said...

It is the double-standards that have plagued this administration that have caused them to lose all credibility.

Anonymous said...

Along with dishonesty, incompetence, meanness, dirty politics, bad communication, bad leadership and disrespectful attitudes towards the excellent staff and parents. We need new leadership NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall school board has gone to great lengths to keep the Phillips regime protected and propped up. In the process they have forced out good people and treated the excellent staff in a very hostile manner. The reputations of all the school board members have suffered immensely. The Marshall schools as a whole are in a deep crisis with no solution until Phillips and her top loyalists are replaced. Why do they do this? So Phillips can get her Michigan retirement? To please a wealthy patron? The Marshall schools and the board members themselves would be much better offer if the simply fire Phillips and get in a good superintendent. Then many great things are possible including passing the $40 million bond!

Anonymous said...

Nothing good will happen in this district until Phillips, Metcalf and their three or four administrator supporters as well as the board are run out of here. This has gone on way too long.

Anonymous said...

There is one good thing about the Phillips regime. I think there have been more snow days! Maybe that is one advantage of having a superintendent from Indiana, the snow seems worse to her because she is not used to it.

Anonymous said...

Since the top admins live in places like Coldwater, Tekonsha and Olivet, they can use a snow day more than the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

So on January 1st - when Calhoun County becomes 'smoke free' then Walbeck, Bus Supervisor, will have to get enough kahoons to stop his employees from smoking on city/school property. How sad is that? It is double standards like this that has contributed to the plummeted morale amongst employees. This declined employee morale must be fixed before anything good will be spoke of from this set of employees. If each employee tells their spouse and 10 friends about things like 'the inequities at the bus garage' and the many, many more...and each of those 10 friends tell 10 friends....Hey - I think I figured out how to fix the communication problem. COMMUNICATE WITH THE STAFF, DON'T LIE, DECEIVE, DOUBLE TALK....If the employee base is happy they will say good things. Just a thought Joyce, in case you are reading this today!

Anonymous said...

It looks like Dr. Ali Webb will be using her media expertise to improve "communication" between the board/leaders and the community.

I think her efforts would be much better spent on working with her fellow board members to find real solutions to the problems. I hope they are working on replacing Mrs. Phillips within the next few months. If they do not do this, even a media whiz will not be able to turn the situation around in the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Vic was all over the communication plan. Three months in the making? No disrespect to Ali and her degrees, but what the heck has she been thinking for the last year?

Talk about fiddling while MPS burns.

A year ago the board told the super to communicate more. Thus, we were treated to pompous, condescending BS about leadership for five months. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me of those "leadership is...." diatribes. I had forgotten how pompous and condescending she is.

Anonymous said...

How can you spin nasty doo doo into sweet chocolates? Wrap it all nice and pretend nobody notices. Hey, even the children can see that the empress has no clothes. Time for her to be gone!

Anonymous said...

I disagree - it was time for her to go last year in November. The results of the MTA survey pretty much said what the $16,500 EPIC survey said. It is far to late for communication to fix this. Joyce has ruined careers of hardworking, caring staff members and sadly THERE ARE NO BOARD MEMBERS WILLING TO LISTEN. What a shame that the people we elected are no longer approachable. The act like they are in the know and everyone else is out of touch. What did they do when 2,000 names appeared on a petition to keep our local workers (custodians) working at our local school system. They did not even show Ms. Furu the respect to look at them - merely had her set them on the MS stage. Then Ali (who is going to teach everyone how to communicate) - pretty much told the 25 people losing jobs that it was about the money. Sorry Ali but this small town should have an interest in their people - don't keep giving the top three enormous monetary increases then tell the lowest paid personnel how these cuts have to be made. The damage this board let happen this summer, after JP, Brian and Amy's raises was nothing short of a slap in the faces of the blue collar workers in MPS. Don't try to tell us how to communicate - we tried the communication thing with this administration and this board - they didn't care to communicate. Heck - they wouldn't even let the custodians try to make concessions to keep their jobs. Lies, deceit - smoke it what you want - this board knows what is happening - but if they admit they know we would expect the removal of the good unidoctor and her cohorts - Merry Christmas to all the families that will not be affording one. Glad the Grand Rapids workers have paychecks!

Anonymous said...

The board members do listen- to Joyce, Marsha F., a few others in their clique. Its the rest of us they tend to ignore.

Anonymous said...

They will listen when they have to move out of state because of all there actions have caused a big enough reaction. Don't worry though I am sure the top three will be right there guiding them through the storm. I'm sure they will protect them (the board) like the board is them. I keep waiting for it to hit bottom but they have some really big shovels. Thanks J.B. for the article this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Much to my surprise there has not been a huge public backlash against Phillips or the MPS board. This blog, a few letters to the editor, and lots of conversation around town that seems to indicate mass displeasure with this regime.

Have the people of Marshall given up? We have seen Marshall citizens who care passionately fighting for and against the "Redskin" issue, engaging in the infamous "city council wars," and much other community involvement across the board- but now it seems that Marshall has given up! All civil means have been tried for several years. We the PCO parents, the staff and many community leaders have been very patient.

Many of us opposed the abuses and mismanagement of the Giannunzio and Currie administrations. At first I had high hopes with the new board, Dr. Phillips and other new leaders. Now they have let us down and have turned out to be even worse than their predecessors. It is time for change. Patience has run out. If the board does not turn the MPS around now, then stronger action will be needed very soon to get a new MPS school board that will truly "fix the schools" (ie fire Phillips, etc).

Anonymous said...

well i agree and as a student i can tell yo9u that there are students that are willing to help. i know as a student that they have lied to me even. i even got in a fight with vics wife she told me i new nothing.

Anonymous said...

I heard from several MHS staff and students that the new MHS Principal is such an idiot that he may not even make it through this school year. Mr. Behrenwald was far better than this guy.

Anonymous said...

A typical Joyce Phillips lackey. Not too bright, poor people skills, bad communication, no teamwork, arrogant towards the staff, cares little about the students, loose with the facts. What did you expect?

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is planning to stay. He may have realized that he made a mistake moving to Marshall. His family has not moved here yet either. I think he may want to leave now that he understands the bad position he is in.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance if he does leave. He is a disaster at MHS.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a nice guy but sold his soul to Phillips. Has very little support from students, staff or parents who have attended the PCO meetings. But what did we expect when Phillips had complete control of the hiring process. Does anyone have any positive comments to make on her three admin lackeys Klochak, Turner or Holbrook? Would love to hear some good things about them. We of course are still waiting for the supporters of Phillips/Metcalf to weigh in with positive comments but as you know we are still waiting.

Anonymous said...

well i think that we are waiting because there is nothing nice to say maybe that is just me. idk
As far as klochak goes he probly could be a nice guy but he is just a lacky!

Anonymous said...

OK, so you're a public employee and the voters have just given you and your governing board a D for performance.

You respond by:

A) Immediately expressing a desire to do better.

B) Immediately express surprise, but name areas in which you've done well, and poorly. Then, you promise to do better

C)Issue a joint statement with the board promising to do better

D) Write a vague piece about a subject not mentioned as needing improvement, while totally ignoring the community rating.

Anonymous said...

well i think we all know what we would pick "a" there shouldnt even be a 'b' because there should have been no supprise.

Anonymous said...

Moderator, I think you need to start a new thread, this one is so long it is hard to read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the teachers and support staff of the Marshall Public Schools for their continued great efforts on behalf of the students despite the horrible working conditions and morale due to the miserable leadership from above. They think they coined the expression "Kids First" but it is the people in the classrooms and buildings who have ALWAYS put the kids first NOT just made it a hypocritical slogan. A wonderful 2008 to a great staff from a parent and taxpayer who understands and cares. Thank You

Anonymous said...

How can Dr. Ali Webb, media expert, fix the problems of the MPS by working WITH the main problem of the Marshall schools- Joyce Phillips? (see current Chronicle story 12-29-07). Can problems solve themselves?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see individual board members speak(or write)other than at board meetings. There's too much groupthink at the meetings.

I can't wait to see Ali's communication plan. How, could she let this go on until now?

Anonymous said...

Here is an excellent communication plan...

"Joyce Phillips announced her resignation today. It will be effective immediately. A new superintendent selected with cooperation of the staff and community will be hired as soon as possible."

Now that would be a brilliant communication plan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anything less than replacing Phillips will be a failure. The buck stops at Phillips and the board can redeem themselves by replacing her.

Anonymous said...

i would not go as far as saying that the board can redeem themselfs i think that it really would be a great start but i would not go as far as saying the can fully redeem them selfs that does not get those 20 some people there jobs back does it?

Anonymous said...

I also read the article about Ali Webb. She is apparently ambitious and very bright. But on the school board she has not exhibited these traits. I know she was new last year but she has to know all too well the major problems the Marshall schools are facing. If she truly wants to serve the best interests of the schools and the kids she needs to work toward the changes at the top that are needed to move forward. If she merely wants to "spin" the Phillips/Jones/Metcalf propaganda and keep her regime in office, then she is doing great harm to our once fine school district.

Anonymous said...

After reading the article, it actually clarified some things for me. Ali actually worked for one of the shadiest presidents of the modern era. Not to say that our current president hasn't had his share of problems. It seems to be about "looking" good to the general public while running roughshod over the little people. If she continues to support JKP, then it only solidifies my position.

Anonymous said...

If Ali is going to "work with JP" to "improve communication" then we can easily read between the lines that she will in fact be doing all she can to help and protect Joyce Phillips even if it against the interests of the schools, the kids and the community. Apparently JP's good friend Marsha Franke asked her to run for the school board. I think the dots are well connected and the people cannot be fooled any more by the propaganda machine and political shenanigans that have been going on for far too long in this town.

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for the complete results from the EPIC survey. When I told EPIC that the Superintendent needed to be fired they said they were hearing that from a lot of people. So I am guessing that "the spin doctor" is trying to cover this fact up. New leader(s) first, then a bond, in 2008!

Anonymous said...

Well what els do snakes in the grass do except hide i mean really!

Anonymous said...

Oh no...she with the forked tongue was slithering through all of the buildings today making sure that everyone took note on how clean the buildings were. It seemed as though she was at the high school for at least an hour or hour and a half. This must be Ali's idea of getting out there and communicating. Blah, blah, blah.

Anonymous said...

The apathy of most of the Marshall parents, teachers and business leaders have aided and abetted the school board and Phillips. Until more people step up and speak out little will be done.

Anonymous said...

Since we have a school board that are all personal friends and working with the same people on the same agenda (which includes protecting and handsomely rewarding Joyce), then there is no hope! I do not think the people of Marshall have the stomach for another recall. Unfortunately that may be the only option to get anything done. I doubt the current school board will do anything but protect the bad leaders we are stuck with. I have given up hope in this bunch after several years of saying one thing and then letting us down when push comes to shove.

Anonymous said...

MHS has a lot more problems with the crappy new Principal. Mr. Behrenwald was a far better leader and he was forced out for being more effective than his foolish and arrogant boss.

Anonymous said...

Well i just hope that some people that are good will run this yar for board when vic and janice are gone i know that i would be willing as far as other students to help any one with a campaign. i am asking as a student please encourage people to get out there and run i hate this school and not because of the teachers, edcation, or the students but because we are all treated like we know nothing and we are not cared about but by the other that are not cared about either. please find some to run and encourage the PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Joyce Phillips plans to force out her loyal number 2 Brian Metcalf in March? I heard that this is in the works and that Metcalf will not be renewed for next year. It sounds like "Mr. Turtleneck's" days are numbered. I heard also he is actively job searching. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

I am a Marshall teacher and I have heard that Metcalf has had a falling out with Joyce and is on his way out. I guess we will find out in March.

Anonymous said...

Will Jones and Phillips be leaving too?

Anonymous said...

I hope so!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is the school board so stingy with the teachers after lavishing Phillips, MacDonald, Jones and Metcalf with large undeserved raises that have been double, triple or more than what the teachers get? The efforts and these four is pitiful at best!

Anonymous said...

Their priorities are backwards. They are harsh and often cruel towards the best people and lenient and generous towards the bad people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The moderator has been silent for months. Maybe they moved away.

Anonymous said...

I heard this blog is run by a student who graduated last year. Maybe they are simply busy at college or on break.

Anonymous said...

The teachers and their lackeys are cowards and wimps! What fools who have done nothing to better their lot. The Marshall citizens rollover and let themselves be pushed around without even fighting back. Long live Joyce Phillips and her supporters! Go Joyce Phillips, Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf... you are the strong and courageous ones who can fix our schools! Even the moderator has runaway... he he he

Anonymous said...

Well, some tough love, but FYYFF anyway.

Anonymous said...

Well i suppose that if we get ride of one it would be a good thing but until we get ride of the queen bee nothing in the name of progress will happen. so dont hold your breath!

Anonymous said...

Well i suppose that if we get ride of one it would be a good thing but until we get ride of the queen bee nothing in the name of progress will happen. so dont hold your breath!

Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips is NOT going anywhere until she decides to leave. She WILL get a big raise again this year, about double or triple what the teachers will get. There is nothing anyone will do to remove her until she goes. She wins every fight with the full backing of HER school board. Have no illusions, money talks!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A sad, sad situation.

Anonymous said...

To loves a good fight, I feel sorry for you. You have no idea what harm Joyce and Brian have done to the district. Also if Brian is soooo good then why is it that he can't seem to get a different job. Lets not forget that Joyce was at the end of her contract in Indiana and not getting a new contract so what does that say??? Amy is just doing what she is told by the other 2 dr.'s. This district is in sorry shape with the two of them at the helm. People will fight just so long, then they get tired of the fight. I am not an employee at the school, but have seen the harm that has been done to the district, so I pulled my child and did school of choice, and am very happy that I did. I say good luck to the staff at MPS. SHe won't be here to much longer.

Anonymous said...

I support Dr. Joyce Phillips and the school board because they have been so successful at getting their way. If they are so bad then why is there not more opposition? Why don't more people speak up at board meetings? Why are there not more letters to the editor complaining about Dr. Phillips and the board/ The answer is obvious, the people of Marshall and the teachers respect her. How can she be a threat? She is just a small mature woman. She has been cleaning up Marshall Middle school and now MHS after things got way out of control! Who else is going to fix this mess? If she was doing bad things then there would be much more staff and community opposition. There has been hardly any complaints or outcry in the papers or at board meetings. I rest my case!

Anonymous said...

I've heard the "new sheriff" talk before. What bothers me is that the need for a clean up was never talked about during the hiring process, or since, for that matter. If the community knew what needed cleaning they'd probably help instead of being angry for being out of the loop.

If the board had or has a plan to improve the schools in any way from behavior to achievement, they've never laid it out. They've never explained what needed to be done and who should do it. They've never suggested what positive results might come from a time of tough love from the central administration.

So, do we need a clean up at the cost of problematic personality who runs a tight, but nasty ship? No board member has made the case that Joyce is necessary even if she's a hard case. They just sit there.

Don't get me started on academic achievement. Do you know that by 2012 100% of our students have to be proficient in reading and math? To do that we have to improve at a rate of about 4% per year. Have you heard about their plan to do that? I thought not.

It's all about being open and honest.

Without that, people make up reasons why things happen. Most often those reasons involve personalities and hidden agendas which might or might not be present.

The result of all of this is mistrust. The sad thing is that the board has let things go to the point that students will be cheated out of better facilities because the community doesn't trust the board.


Anonymous said...

"It's all about being open and honest."

Now that would be a nice change for the better!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that it isn't true. A teacher mentioned to me that some of our upper administration has included Owosso as one of the "higher achieving" schools that we should emulate. Has this really been said? If so, take a peek:,19416/up_scid=18987,19416/up_ust=MI

Anonymous said...

A board member told me that Metcalf will likely NOT be renewed and that the board would be happy to see Phillips go a year early, one way or another. The same board member said that Phillips did not have the option of extending her contract and had no choice but to announce she wanted to "retire" in 2009. So hopefully some good changes and improvements are in the works.

Anonymous said...

Owosso? Higher-achieving? Who is kidding who? If true, why has the new MHS principal been much less than a success?

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