Saturday, April 05, 2008

Thoughts on Bond Proposal

Hey - We've been away for a looooong time.

But what do you think about the bond proposal that we will be voting on this summer?


Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf need to be fired first! We need leaders who are honest, respected and trustworthy before we can trust them with an enormous bond.

Anonymous said...

The people of Marshall are faced with a dilemma. Do we pass the bond which will cause the board to praise their own leadership and the failed Phillips regime and brag about how great they are? After all of the harm they have done on purpose that is a sickening thought. Or do we send a strong message that these failed leaders are not trusted and need to be replaced first by voting down the bond?

Personally there is no way I can enthusiastically support a school bond until there is a new Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

This is a tough we support that B that is called the super..or do we do it for the kids????

Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell the people of Marshall and the teachers have become very apathetic and have given up the fight. The teachers made some attempts to alert the public with their survey but were rudely shot down by our own school Board. Mr. Behrenwald tried to speak up about the problems and was forced out. Sam and Bob tried too and were rudely and coldly pressured off the board (just ask them for some stories- you would be shocked!). The custodians were coldly fired by the same board that covers up scandals at the top and does not hold the superintendent accountable for bad leadership, lies and failures. I see no hope for the Marshall schools for years. Our board looks like they wimped out again and Joyce and Brian will be with us for a long time to come making everything worse. The reputation of the Marshall schools have been negatively affected by mean spirited "good doctor" Phillips and the pathetic school board that supports her.

Anonymous said...

I know there is a need for updating the buildings. I do not agree with the hogwash of moving the high school offices. I do not agree with updating the track when Hulk tried to get phillips to do it the right way last summer. So - until phillips is gone I do not plan to vote for any bond. I do not trust that woman to use our monies in the best interest of our students or taxpayers. She just wants a feather in her helmet before she leaves with her new retirement from Michigan. I would support the bond like the survey indicated (you know the one we paid $16,500 for) May 2009 I believe was the indication of when voters felt they would support a bond based on the economy and the bad administration. They can communicate all they want it doesn't change my bills, price of gas and grocery, and my available money flow - I can't afford to have my taxes increased until things smooth out in Michigan. Sorry -

Anonymous said...

The board needs to address its relationship with the community first.

Next, they need to address the academic situation. Where are we? What needs work? How should that be done?

Other than fixing things that are simply old, what effect will the improvements have on academics?

The one thing we should focus on is how our students do after they leave. That's not to say athletics are not important. Being a student athlete is a part of a public education.

Anonymous said...

The board has lost all credibility with the teachers and support staff. I have to think real hard if any parents still look favorable on their decisions and leadership. The community bas a whole is disgusted and embarrassed. Dr. Phillips is not only disliked, but it may be fair to say she is widely hated, along with her cohort Amy Jones. Mr. Metcalf is viewed as being lazy, selfish, greedy, a buffoon and a hinderance on real improvements. The Marshall School Board knows these feelings and choose to protect these people and show hostility towards everyone else. John is a nice guy but cannot do anything alone. Ali acts like she cares but I have seen no positive actions from her. I thought Chris was a nice guy, but I have lost all faith in him as a good leader. The rest seem as though they have axes to grind and have been grinding them. If this is not true then i would expect real change soon from the board. If this is accurate, expect more of the same in the future.

Anonymous said...

Another bad year ahead for the Marshall schools- I see no end to these problems until the current regime is replaced.

Anonymous said...

I know there are updates that really need to take place. I just know that the survey said May 2009 and I am not sure why this district paid $16,000+ for a survey to help guide them if they were going to totally ignore the results. This reminds me of the staff survey and how the board seemingly ignored those results. Does the opinions of the taxpayers mean nothing to this board. Money is very tight. It used to be everyone voted to support school bonds. This is not the case with many fixed incomes and lost jobs. I was hoping the board would actually listen to the survey results and follow that indication. Is this not just another waste of our taxpayer monies? Why did they pay for a survey if their intent was to ignore the results. It is actions like this by the board that causes mistrust in the use of the tax dollars. Just one more example of how they talk 'communication' and then do the opposite. Let's back up and do what we paid the Lansing survey group to to guide us in what the community taxpayers would really support. Things need to change. We need to put 'people' back into the business of community schools. The board needs to listen and put a new superintent in place before asking for taxpayer support. Does this size of a community school system really need to pay $100,000+ for an assistant superintendent? See what Harper Creek did. Let's suppose we hire a "Curriculum Director" and forget the harmful tactics being directed to be done by Brian from Joyce. This is not a game of is the positive formation of young lives and the already stretched dollars of most of this small town's citizens. This community does not have a bunch of $100,000 salaried homeowners. Let's listen to the survey and not the rich....who by the way can afford what the rest of us cannot. I'll support the bond when Joyce and Brian are no longer with MPS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I understand the frustrations, and agree with many of the points that have been made. I agree that a change in leadership is necessary for the long-term benefit of MPS. However, I think that it is important to keep the overall objectives in mind - for MPS to continue to be a school that attracts and retains families, students, and staff. If you choose not to vote for the bond issue, who is really hurt? Dr. Phillips - no; Dr. Metcalf - no; does the school board finally get the message - maybe; students - yes; staff - yes. Prople need to make sure that voting no to make a point is worth the effects.

Anonymous said...

We are losing many families, students and staff at the hands of these two. We will lose many more unless someone takes a stand. Whether it is through a failed bond proposal or through a release from their contracts, something needs to be done. I have children who attend Marshall Public Schools and I know the ramification of a no hurts my children. However, the push by Dr.J and BM to run the vote through, despite the survey results and recommendation of the survey group("You are at least a year away from gaining the public trust, maybe longer"), is a direct slap in the face to every Marshall citizen, every parent, every voter. I still say "NO" and it has to do with JKP and BM, nothing more. I'll gladly pay more taxes to improve our schools, just not under the guidance of those two crooked fools. Who knows where the money will really go, does anyone really know what the money is going to be spent on. The blueprints look great, but I don't trust a thing that they do. We can wait until she's gone to pass a bond issue. This is just another hostage situation for her.

Anonymous said...

The MPS board follows the bad and foolish people and ignores the good, honest and caring people. I am very suspicious about what is really going on here.

Anonymous said...

WHERE IS THE MONEY THAT WAS SUPPOSEDLY SAVED WHEN THE BOARD VOTED TO FIRE THE CUSTODIANS - AND NOT PAY PENSIONS AND HEALTH CARE????? Have people already forgotten all the savings the district was to enjoy when 25 local school employee jobs were lost. I don't even want to go into all the issues and problems that have surfaced regarding the new cleaning company. All the expenses that are additional - you know the jobs the local school employees did but the new cleaning company charges EXTRA MONEY FOR!!!! Perhaps it is time for someone to ask WAS THERE ANY SAVINGS AT ALL OR POSSIBLY ARE WE SPENDING THE SAME MONEY AS BEFORE TO GET THE SERVICES WE HAD WITH OUR SCHOOL CUSTODIANS!!!!

I don't trust their financial decisions. I think Amy, Brian and Joyce must be replaced before I will. Has anyone looked into hiring a private company to do the school financial work? I do think companies like CPAs will take on those contracts and also stand by their work. Can we all remember the $20,000+ insurance mistake?????

Anonymous said...

I think outsourcing Amy, Joyce and Brian would be a wise move. It would save money and just about anyone could do a much better job than these three incompetents.

Anonymous said...

For three years now the school board has been telling us they would "fix the problems" and improve the terrible situation we have with the central office leaders in our schools. Each year somehow the problems keep getting worse and all the bad predictions keep coming true (just read through this blog from the past year or more). Have we been lied to all along by false promises? Any normal school district would have "fixed" the problem by replacing the "problems" at the top. Why can't our board get their act together and "fix the problems"? Do they care nothing about the kids? John, Ali, Paul, Janice, Chris, Dan and Vic- we are your friends and neighbors and we hardly know you since you all joined the board! What the heck is going on?

Anonymous said...

If any community member or business person is new to this discussion and is not aware of what is going on, please read this blog AND talk to Marshall teachers and support staff that trust you enough to share their true feelings and what they think about the situation. If the business community knew what harm has been done to our local schools I am sure they would be very angry and want change now! There is a lot at stake here for the future of Marshall and the Marshall Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the lies, coverups and scandals that plague the central office. If the truth got out there would be a recall of the school board tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Then there should be a recall or at least a town hall meeting encouraging all who care about saving the schools from further disaster to come and join together to demand the board do something. Problem is everyone connected to the schools is scared of retribution and wont come forward until some community members step forward. A groundswell will happen if a few are willing to take the first step. With out major change at the top there will be NO chance the bond will pass.

Anonymous said...

The extremist views and actions of our school board on behalf of Phillips, Jones and Metcalf have lead to huge morale problems, much community anger, and a massive loss of trust and respect in the school board.

When Phillips, Metcalf and Jones went to the board with their proposal to fire 24 MPS custodians (most Marshall citizens at the low end of the pay scale) to save some money, our board promptly jumped on it and fired these good people. But when the teachers, many PCO members, support staff and many concerned citizens went to the same board over and over about the awful performance of these same three "leaders" we were shot down left and right, or worse, lied to about how they would "fix" the problems. Well no problems have been "fixed," no promises of getting new leaders have materialized, private "concerns" must be false since no public actions have been taken.

Yes, we know many board members may feel the same and want these three incompetent leaders removed, but so far none have summoned the courage and will to take action. Is it "group think" at its worst? Is it fear of a lawsuit or the retribution of Phillips' alleged rich friends? Several conspiracy theories have spread due tot eh bizarre actions of our board and their secrecy. Imagine how much better everything would be with good superintendents and a good business manager who are honest, cooperative, excellent communicators and respected!

Anonymous said...

Here's my take...

As someone close to both board members and most everyone else, here is what I think is happening.

The board clearly wants Metcalf out and has told him so, that is why he is aggressively seeking employment elsewhere. They know he is a dud and have no illusions he is worth keeping. They view Phillips as someone who interviewed well when they hired her but turned into a disaster after she took over a job she clearly was not well qualified for (she had not even been a Principal before). One board member told me that next time they need to start hiring in the spring. A mid-year Superintendent search was a big mistake and the choices they had were quite bad, and Phillips was the best of the worst at the time. Also the Indiana district she came from glowed over her- in retrospect to likely get rid of her. Should we do that for Metcalf? I think not, it would be wrong.

The board now views keeping Phillips one more year as a "necessary evil" to endure until her contract is up. Yes there were likely shady dealing between her and at least some board members and community members with axes to grind. Phillips is being rewarded handsomely to carry out at least a few paybacks. If she resigned today there would be no tears shed, as the board reputation has gone down dramatically during the Phillips years. I do not think the board anticipated so much opposition, even with Phillips threats of retribution (many have been carried out one way or another). I think there is a board divide with at least Ali, John, Dan and Chris wishing Phillips could be gone now so they can move forward. That is probably why Chris is leaving the board. Is Amy Jones all bad? The staff think yes, but at least some board members think that Phillips has used her to take the fall for some of the more controversial decisions. Amy has been loyal to Phillips publicly but privately disdains her. What can she do, she wants to keep her job.

What next? The board hopes Metcalf gets hired somewhere, as they are avoiding taking action directly (kind of like how they forced Behrenwald out). They will back Phillips so she can get her last year in, and her second Michigan retirement. Quid pro quo in action. Amy Jones will try to lie low and survive the storm. Oh yeah, why was Ron Behrenwald forced out? After a little homework apparently a small group of vocal MHS parents went to the board over the last few years pushing for his ouster? Their motive? He had fairly enforced the rules, even with their kids. Apparently they thought they deserved special treatment and when their kids got in trouble for skipping or other offenses they decided Behrenwald had to go. So their friends on the school board and Phillips went after Ron as soon as Phillips was hired. If Phillips has any talent it is at making people upset, angry, feeling unappreciated and wanting to leave. It worked, Ron is gone and a much lesser person is now in charge at MHS. What do the board members say when I tell them how people feel? They either look sad, look away and say they are working on it or act as if I was the only person to say anything. What a sad and tragic situation.

Any ideas about what to do now? I have decided to give up and vote against the bond out of protest for these actions.

Anonymous said...

Has the board completed their annual performance review of Joyce Phillips? I have not heard anything in the paper. I can't imagine there is any way it can be good. I will be appalled if she keeps her job and gets a raise.

Anonymous said...

We all know there are hundreds of us good Marshall people who love our schools and are distraught over the total disaster of the last four years under this board and top administration. Again, school employees are too afraid of mean spirited retribution to come forward publically but certainly would if there a grass roots effort to bring needed change. Word on the street is that there are prominent citizens who are ready to go after change. If just a few parents/citizens would come forward it is certain that 99% of the school staff along with hundreds of parents and students would then feel comfortable enough to join them. The board evaluates JKP this Monday at their meeting. They for sure will be giving her their blessings for a job well done when we all know she has destroyed much of what was a wonderful school system. How sad we are so upset yet so complacent. Will anyone step up and go public?

Anonymous said...

Some have and have faced savage retribution.

Anonymous said...

Retribution??? Ask Elaine Huggett, Jan Elyea, Kathy Petrich, Carol Eberhardt, Sue Stacy. Hmm. does anyone see a union connection here??? not only state but federal implications!Remember, what goes around comes around....maybe that's why Brian hasn't found a job!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

If Joyce Phillips is given anything but the terrible performance review she deserves and is allowed to continue for another year it will be a huge slap in the face to every single proud Marshall Public Schools staff member and parent, not to mention the kids. We all know the truth! We all know she deserves to be fired, NOW, nothing less! Same for Metcalf. This may be the last chance for the current school board to redeem themselves. We will be waiting and watching each board member and they will have to take responsibility for their actions for or against the best interest of the Marshall school district. Their decision will have a huge positive or negative impact on the Marshall Public Schools for at least the next few years. I hope they do the right thing!

Anonymous said...

Retribution is not only for the union people.Dont forget Ron Behrenwald or Bill Armstrong or Rob Wright who dedicated themselves to our school system and were vindictively forced out. If any of you think the handpicked, by JKP, replacements were improvements ask anyone who works in the schools. In Ron B's case, he made the mistake early on of correcting/disagreeing with JKP on high school issues when it was quickly apparent that she had no clue about the running of a high school. Pity the fool who disagrees with JKP. Sad sad sad what we have allowed to happen So many good people targeted or driven away. Can anyone find any school employee at any level who will say that morale is anything but miserable? It is a good thing we still have a great staff who gives their all to put "Kids First" like they have always done, long before this current regime blew in here a few years ago. Sadly, two surveys and many personal contacts later this board keeps defending and empowering JKP. Sad sad sad. They should be ashamed of themselves but instead they keep spouting the slogans and talking about communication and going after the big bond as if everyone is going to smile and follow their wishes. They know what they need to do to pass any bond. They have known for a long time. Monday night they evaluate JKP. We will be watching.

Anonymous said...

No bond until the tyrants are replaced! I do not trust them at all. If the MPS board truly cares, they will get new leaders by August.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the issue of support staff job descriptions? This was one of the issues the support staff brought to the new superintendent during her first 2-5 months at Marshall. Remember all the work that the administrators and employees groups went through to update the descriptions that had not been looked in, in some cases, since 1987. Remember Bill Armstrong being chastised by Joyce for not getting all of his done on time? All the work was done. The job descriptions were all typed and put into a shared folder for the district to access. The job descriptions only needed to be approved by the Board (which in this case is Joyce P). She did approve 7 job descriptions of 23. When the problem of getting approval of descriptions was addressed 12 months later Joyce made promises to get them done in the next couple months. Remember when 12 months went by and it was brought up to the Board, before JPs December yuletide 2006 job evaluation? Remember her promise in December 2006 - we have the email from Joyce to the union - they would be completed by summer 2007. Guess what? I knew you would guess right....NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. Things that are important to staff members is OF NO IMPORTANCE TO THIS SUPERINTENDENT. Lou would have had them done. The old board would have considered this inadequate during a job evaluation. Don't anyone ask me to support Joyce Phillips until she makes some effort to support the school employees that are actually out there in the buildings making a difference in our chilrens' lives. No on bond until the Board takes action to improve our schools by removing Joyce!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If anyone is reading this and thinks the above post is a major problem, it is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems related to Dr. Joyce Phillips. She is a completely failed leader in countless ways, just ask any staff member or active parent. She is a huge liability to the Marshall Schools and if she had an ounce of dignity she would have resigned by now. She cares only about the $$$ and has not accomplished anything good for our schools. She just takes credit for our good kids, good parents and good staff while treating them all very badly. As far as problems, she has many sleazy scandals she tries to cover up. Change is long overdue!

Anonymous said...

I have been asking around for months, is there one person not on the school board that thinks Joyce Phillips is doing a good job? I have not met one yet.

Anonymous said...

I don't even think the board likes Phillips anymore. John and Ali almost quit their first year on the school board when they got caught up in all the mess and controversy. Chris is leaving this summer. I hope they do the right thing and replace her before the bond vote. Too much damage has been done to fix without change at the top.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that justice prevails and Phillips is sent back to Hoosierland. Metcalf can be sent packing too, well, to Coldwater.. he doesn't live here anyway, not even part of the year like JP does.

Anonymous said...

Make sure that if B. Metcalf or J. Phillips apply anywhere else that someone sends the e-mail address of this web site so they can see how the people feel about them in Marshall. No one deserves these bad leaders! Their evil deeds will not be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

To several posts above regarding the attacks on union leadership personnel. I have a couple points to add to your good comments. One: Unfortunately many union leadership names were not included on your list. This list is very long. When Elaine Hugget-Coats was attacked I believe she was MTA Pres. - was Terry Lambert MTA Vice Pres. not put under fire at the same time? Also, Wayne Smith, ESP Pres., Carl Kuhn ESP Vice Pres., Karl Heath, OP Engineers (Bus) Pres.....see the list goes on. The only thing any of these union leaders have done is BE LEADERS. They were elected by their peers to lead their unions - that seems to be their crimes! The only 'safe' union leaders are those that do not stand up and lead. That is basically letting your membership down. So in closing - those union leaders that do the jobs they were elected to do have pretty much lived with a bullseye on their foreheads for the 'man in turtlenecks' to do harm to....of course....under the direction of the Queen Phil! How sad that these two goofs can continue to harm persons careers - but what a rotten shame that they are able to convey a 'tainted picture' to the board and come out like they are doing the district a favor. Unions are Marshall Public Schools have been around for a very long time. They are responsible for many good community deeds. Say - JP and BM, you too Amy and Walbeck....what have you done for the community of Marshall....hey - what have you done to influence JUST ONE CHILDS LIFE!!!! Ask any teacher, bus driver or support person - they'll gladly get out their treasure chest of momentos and notes from parents and students that express the awesome positive impact they made on their lives. When will the board see the light instead of the 'light show' that this administration has going on. The 'light' is teachers, support staff, prinipals, drivers and aids that have and continue to do what they love to prepare our community children for adult life! Suggestion: Get rid of Joyce, Brian M., Amy J. and her pal Walbeck. Time for change - let's get it together then upgrade our schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW

Anonymous said...

Any news about Joyce Phillips or Brian Metcalf's performance review? This will show the true nature of the school board as we see if they are deservedly "replaced" or if there is cover up and protection. If it is the latter then the worst views and theories about the boards motives may be true. If they are replaced, we can all unite, pass the bond and get new leaders!

The board has a duty to do what is best for the Marshall Public Schools. Failure to do so would justify a recall.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel like second guessing the folks who recommended the various improvements to the facilities.

One thing though, have they thought through the demographics?

I checked census data. The number of 14 year-olds in Calhoun County declines in the next 10 years, then rises slightly and stabilizes at fewer students than we have now.

As far as I can tell, no one mentioned any type of analysis of student demand.

Anonymous said...

OK, a friend said a silent majority did this in his town. Instead of writing letters (because they were afraid), they told people to write on the money they spend in town. This was a few years ago before debit and credit were so prevalent, but...

For example, write NO BOND in the lower right hand corner. Be interesting to see if merchants reacted.

Anonymous said...

Phillips and Metcalf should just resign and spare Marshall any more grief, morale decline and embarrassment. Anyone with an ounce of decency would have resigned by now. It must be pure selfishness, greed and arrogance on their part. They remind me of the mayor of Detroit who refuses to resign no matter how bad and corrupt he is.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be great!

Anonymous said...

Check the Battle Creek Enquirer webiste; there is an article preview for tomorrow (April 16th paper) about Dr. Phillip's evaluation at last night's board meeting. She was given a "GOOD" overall performance evaluation. The brief comments in that article do look like a reflection of a board that would like her to resign early.

Anonymous said...

She is a complete failure and deserves nothing higher than a "1," or that may be too high. If there is a secret deal to give her a way out, this spring, then so be it. If not, this is an outrage and an insult to ALL of the staff, parents, kids and community members in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

This is what was reported in the Enquirer about her evaluation.

"Phillips received excellent ratings in two categories: Business/finance and personal qualities. She earned good ratings in educational leadership and relationship with the board, and satisfactory ratings in community relationships and staff/personnel relationships, for a total of 24 out of a possible 30 points."

Anonymous said...

"Excellent" for personal qualities? Is the school board stupid, blind or corrupt?

Anonymous said...

I can see things only getting worse in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people are going to be very angry at this injustice! I used to give the board the benefit of the doubt but now I think all of those awful things I have heard about their alleged evil motives may be true.

Anonymous said...

If this is not a recallable offense, I don't know what is! We need a new school board that gives fair and honest evaluations and works in the best interests of the Marshall Public Schools! I would not trust this group to properly handle a bond if they blindly support such bad leadership. So I will vote NO on the bond unless we get a new Superintendent by August.

Anonymous said...

Vic Potter's quote that morale is up and that Joyce Phillips is doing a good job is absolutely ridicules! All of the board members know that JP has been a disaster and that morale was at an all time low last year and is even lower this year. They should be ashamed of themselves for their absurd actions and comments!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how disconnected our board is from reality!

"We didn't give her any new goals because she has plenty to work on in her last year here," Potter said. "She's gone beyond for a person who's winding down. We all agreed on that."

*I would like to know what she's done to go beyond. Please explain this one Vic...I work with her and I wouldn't say that at all.

Phillips received a satisfactory rating in community relationships because the board thinks the positive programs at the school do not receive enough attention.

* Yeah, that's exactly what the survey said too, holy cow, what have they been smoking? Seems to me, the survey said that she was the biggest liability that the school district had.

"There are a lot of positive things at the school people don't know about," Potter said. "... It's a two-way street, though. People have to come to us. It's kind of hard for us to engage the community when nobody shows up at meetings."

* That's a great quote, shows how in touch Vic really is. I agree that the community needs to step up, because we employees certainly have no protection from this tyrant. When the community has spoken up, they are ignored anyway. The survey is a great example, ignored!

As for staff relationships, Potter said the recent two-year teacher contract has increased morale, and academic programs continue to improve.

*My stomach is actually beginning to feel queazy. This would be laughable, but it hurts too much. No amount of money in a contract would erase the damage that Phillips has caused. It will take many years to recover.

Phillips makes $109,800 plus benefits, and she works about 70 hours per week year-round, she said. A pay raise will likely be considered at the board's next open meeting.

* 70 hours per week, please! That is complete hogwash! I bet that you think that Amy Jones and Charlie MacDonald actually work a 40 hour week too! Another pay raise??? You have completely lost your minds! How about paying the people at the bottom of the food chain first so that they can afford to put gas in their cars to get to work?

Anonymous said...

Let's see, the views on this blog parallel those of every teacher and parent I have talked to about the situation in our beloved schools. We have been betrayed once again. If someone were to start a recall I am sure it would enjoy widespread and enthusiastic support.

Anonymous said...

The "good" performance review for Dr. Joyce Phillips is an insult to the staff of the marshall schools. The board has told us for years they would improve the problems in the central office and things just keep getting worse. What they tell the community in the paper is not the truth, but quite the opposite. We are tired of broken promises, lies and their propping up a failed regime.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just signed on to check the performance review on the superintendent. I feel personally insulted as a long-term employee of this school system. I have never been in favor of board recalls but there seems to be no options left. Staff survey=ignored. Survey paid for $16,000=ignored. All the concerns that YES VIC have been addressed to board members=ignored. Well guess what = Dear Board and Joyce: Now I will ignore your request for bond=no vote. Let me know how you feel about being ignored. I am tired of reading all your 'communication lies'....which I guess just school employees realize are lies. IGNORED=no on bond vote!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why did the board treat the teachers with such disrespect when they tried over and over to work with them to solve the problems with Joyce Phillips? Why did they ignore the teacher survey two years ago? Now they are doing the same to the community. The EPIC survey clearly shows there are many community members that do not trust the current Superintendent and want change at the top BEFORE they will feel confident to vote for a large school bond. The rude and disrespectful treatment of the staff and community is in excusable. The people of Marshall will learn the truth one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Support for Joyce Phillips equals contempt for the teachers and citizens of Marshall. It is anti-kids too.

Anonymous said...

The bond is in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Boycott the school board! This is outrageous!

Anonymous said...

Lets see... the Marshall School Board said

1. Said they would consider the staff survey two years ago and "fix the problem"

2. Said they would improve (remove?) the leadership problems with J. Phillips, M. Walbeck, B. Metcalf, A. Jones, C. MacDonald and others.

3. Said they would listen and reach out to all parties to fix problems. What about the Epic survey? What about PCO parent concerns?

Where is true accountability? Where is sincere communication? Where is honest and real cooperation? Why aren't board meeting on cable TV anymore? Why the secrecy and cold brutal hostility?

Despite years of patience and countless attempts, this board has not only failed us but they are now rubbing salt in the wounds (see J. Phillips evaluation for one example). Their actions and intentions have been hostile and cruel towards the staff. J. Phillips is as mean and arrogant as ever and has not been held accountable for bad leadership, foolish mistakes, meanness, rude behavior and overall dishonesty.

If someone were to start a recall tomorrow it would be fully justifiable. But we also need good and caring people willing to run to truly fix the Marshall schools.

The problems people share on this site are only the surface of the ugliness and harm that has occurred during J. Phillips reign. The board needs to be held accountable too for their wrong and arrogant actions in their unflinching support and encouragement of these people, actions, coverups and decisions. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

If your wondering why this blog is being underused, try reading with fresh eyes. Putting your money where you mouth is could also help. Keeping things respectful might allow some of you to actually be able to write your names at the end of your comments. I can see why some of you choose to stay anonymous.
Erica Isham

Anonymous said...

The reactions of teachers and parents who have watched bad behavior and corruption go unpunished and lack of accountability at the top have lead to the angry reactions you read on this blog. Many good people tried very hard to work with Dr. Phillips and the school board and have been shot down one way or another. Threats and retribution are well known. I agree some posts are rude but I understand their anger and frustration.

Unknown said...

I can't argue with that:)

Anonymous said...

I agree we should not stoop to the level of Phillips, Metcalf, Walbeck and at least half of the school board. On a human level I feel sorry for them that something motivated them to do so many bad things to so many good people. You can feel the hate, anger and animosity emanating from these people for no apparent good reason.

I am in no way justifying what they have done, it has been awful and many of my friends have been hurt one way or another by their actions. I hope whatever it is in their hearts that has darkened them to the point of such behaviors and hatred is lifted so they, and we, can turn things around. God bless the MPS teachers, support staff, parents, kids, and those administrators who truly care and try to do what is best. The others, I will pray for too as they need to change their ways and move on with their lives in a manner that does not purposely hurt so many other people.

Anonymous said...

We must remember - Phillips is truly behind all the harmful attacks! She is very smart and DIRECTS the administrators under her to do her dirty work. If they do not do it - it would be considered misconduct - they also have contracts that unfortunately she has gained control over. Used to be the Board had some control over administrator contracts. Joyce gained that control in order to orchestrate her game which if you look at it is similar to a huge game of chess and she is the king/queen in the corner pushing her pawns out to do her dirty work. While of course she remains protected in the corner putting each and every employee into check. Think about it - very seriously. Everyone can plan her game of chess - you just have to be able to out smart her. I do have some apathy for those that are put into these positions (administrators. It am not sure how they can disagree with her. (ask Ron Behrenwald - he tried fairness and good treatment for all) In the meantime - she sits back with clean hands and gets nice board reviews - why - because she is keeping her hands clean. (I know you are thinking - how do people sleep at night) Also, look at Metcalf....for instance....even though I think he enjoys his taudry tasks it is appearing to affect his career movement. Even the good names of some of these people like: Jones, Turner, Walbeck, Klochack, Bennick....are being harmed. Joyce will leave and not look back at how her deeds of unfair management have affected those under her. Then there are the children: Joyce doesn't really care what is in the best interest of our kids. JOYCE CARES ABOUT A SOUND FUND EQUITY....AND THAT IS WHY THE BOARD SUPPORTS HER! To me fund equity is very important but not at the cost of wonderful school staff members. These are real people being affected at the cost of her stupid games! And her games only benefit her.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Erica. Quite evident you have never been the target of Dr. Phillips. For that you should be terribly thankful. Once you have you would also find it difficult to not get emotional.

Anonymous said...

The board cannot cover up the truth any more and continue to tell boldface lies to the community about the situation. The facts of the terrible situation in the Marshall Public Schools have become very well known. Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf and the board leaders (Vic, Paul, Janice, Dan and Chris) are to blame. Ali and John are being used and their reputations have been harmed greatly- they should resign! The other five I have given up on and I feel we have been lied to over and over. They have hidden agendas, real board meetings take place outside of school, and they know exactly what is going on and what they have done. A recall is well deserved and long overdue. All other options have been tried and failed. The people of Marshall are too nice, apathetic, or both to tolerate this for so long. The bond is in big trouble, no one I know trusts this group to properly manage the schools any longer.

Anonymous said...

Now is a bad time for a vote on a major bond request. That should be done when there is broad support and community enthusiasm. The conflict between the Superintendent and, well, just about everyone else, has severely harmed our schools. Lets solve this problem first with a new leader.

Anonymous said...

Good idea!

Anonymous said...

I was shocked at the glowing undeserved performance evaluation that our rubber-stamp school board gave to JP. It is obvious that they work for her and not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

She deserves her raise and good evaluation. She will get another year for her second Michigan retirement too! She has done all of the dirty and dishonest deeds they asked of her and then some. She loves the controversy and she is out for vengeance. And if she can put the Principals in a bind where they have to carry out her dirty work or get forced out like RB, she will enjoy that even more! She is not right in the head. She cares nothing about the Marshall Schools. Its all about the money and the power. What else would she do with her time if she could not abuse and upset people day after day? Hey staff, become a sleazeball loyalist (Mike W. Brian K. Charlie C., Linda B., Dave T., Brian M. and Amy J.) and she will reward you too. Are there no men left on our school board? Bob and Sam were right all along! I miss them.

Anonymous said...

When is the school bond vote? Has the EPIC survey results been released yet as far as why people may NOT vote for the bond?

Anonymous said...

The bond vote is in August. They probably figured people will forget about the problems in August when school is not in session. They must think we are stupid or something.

Anonymous said...

In response to "real performance" above, I do not think any of the principals like Phillips. I think they would all love to see her go. She has used them too and as far as I know they all can't stand her.

Anonymous said...

By Tom Musbach, Yahoo! HotJobs

Bad bosses are easy to spot in the media, and many people like to compare their managers to the ice queen Miranda Priestly in "The Devil Wears Prada" or the clueless Michael Scott on "The Office." Good bosses may get less screen time, but everybody wants one.

What, exactly, makes a boss "good"? In a recent survey by Yahoo! HotJobs, U.S. workers identified several qualities they consider necessary for a good boss. The traits are listed below in order of importance.

Top 10 Good-Boss Traits
Communication/listening skills
Effective leadership skills
Trust in employees to do their jobs well
Flexibility and understanding
Teamwork skills and even temperament (tie)
Interest in employee development
Ability to share credit
Successful in finding and retaining new talent
Presentation skills
"The results of this survey suggest that today's workers are pretty savvy about what it takes to be an effective manager," says Liz Bywater, president of the Bywater Consulting Group, which is devoted to improving organizational performance. "An excellent boss must possess many, if not all, of the qualities identified on this top 10 list."

Does Your Boss Measure Up?

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are a few principals that like her, ask Bennick, Turner and Holbrook. They are her henchmen as much as Metcalf. Bennick gets her airconditioner installed by school employees, Turner and Holbrook are bafoons who have know clue as to how to run a building. They roll in late all of the time, don't follow through on things and don't get me started on the special ed violations.

Anonymous said...

In response to the excellent list two above about "What makes a good boss?" If that criteria had been used to evaluate Joyce Phillips we would be looking for a new Superintendent right now. She fails in every category. Instead we are stuck with our very own "Miranda Priestly" with a touch of "Michael Scott" thanks to our incompetent board. Her loyalists are definitely a bunch of clueless "Michael Scotts". When the bond gets voted down, she and her cronies will be the main reason. Now how did the board bury that fact from the EPIC surveys?

Anonymous said...

I find it appalling that the Board voted 'on the taypayers behalf' to spend $16,000 on a survey and when the results pretty much showed "you need a new superintendent before these community is going to support a bond vote" these board members interpret that as OH - I GUESS WE NEED TO HAVE SOMEONE TEACH US HOME TO COMMUNICATE SO THE COMMUNITY REALLY KNOWS THE NEED FOR A BOND"!!!! Well - what a sad day here in Marshall if the only people that are informed seem to be the staff and community and now someone must teach the board how to 'communicate=deceive' the community in order to try to PUSH through a bond. I was OK with voting for a bond after the issues that have been presented to the Board are addressed. Now I am questioning whether I would support a pony and dog show presented by them!!!!! Joyce Phillips must be removed. Gosh - leaders of nations can be removed and have....possibly the board needs someone to instruct them on "How to Remove a Terrible School Leader in order to move your district forward like you were elected to do".....or face a recall - because - bottom line I voted for each board member to do what is in the best interest of this community and it's edcuational system....Joyce The not nor has ever been in the best interest of this educaitonal sysytem. She proved that when Sam and Bob had their hands tied in trying to do what they were elected to do. Then the awesome Ron Behrenwald - a Godly and respectful leader was forced out - that loss is more than this community will ever realize. That should not have been allowed - but the Board choose not to stop Joyce and her harmful targetting of employees. FIX IT AT THE TOP NOW! OR FACE RECALL NOW THEN PRESENT THIS COMMUNITY WITH A BOND PROPOSAL - AFTER YOU HAVE SHOWN THE COMMUNITY YOU REMEMBER WHO VOTED FOR YOU

Anonymous said...

Can the Chronicle FOI the Epic report results so we can see what the people of Marshall really said? I know I said I would NOT vote for any school bond until we got a new Superintendent and the person doing the interview on the phone said they were hearing a lot of that from Marshall citizens.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike, this is quite a crew you got here. I get a kick out of disgruntled Marshall School employees, who don't know shit, whining and crying anonymously on a blog. Only an idiot, this means everyone on here of course, would consider Joyce a failure during her tenure at Marshall. Oh I get it, she doesn't take care of people like Sweet Lou did, she makes all you losers do your jobs, well, except for Hulk of course, and she's just not nice enough so she should be removed. Oh, okay that makes sense. I guess it's not important that she's had to fix all of Lou's "f" ups, including getting Marshall Schools out of the hole financially. I guess everybody forgets that Lou stole, oops I mean, "lost" 300,000 while in power and Joyce has put Marshall $1 million in the black. Speaking of Lou, didn't he get fired from his job a while back because money was missing??? I guess I'm the only one that sees a pattern there huh? Miss seeing you at Schulers. So did the company pay the tip every time too?? Anyway, back to Dr. Phillips. I guess it's also not important that she rid the district of scumbags that, of course, you fools considered to be chased away. By the way, Sue, how'd that Lakeview gig go for ya???? Try Harper next, maybe Mike can get you a job. And how about poor, poor Jeff Cable. How could Joyce possibly fire a guy that was collecting medical pay from Marshall, while working a full time job at a school down south. And let's not forget about Mary Kay Letourneau, oops I mean Debra LaFave, oops I mean Elaine Huggett. You'll have to excuse me, I tend to get my student-banging-teachers confused. Poor Elaine really got a raw deal, or has a raw "deal", or her "raw deal" is dried up or something like that. Oh nevermind.

I always find it intersting that everyone on here goes for the "let's recall the board" angle, when you haven't even been able to come up with one damn person to run for the board in the last four elections. Do you honestly think you would have the support to pull off a recall? Take a hint douchebags, nobody cares what the 20 of you on here think. And to the person that said they miss Sam and Bob I say... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you "f"ing kidding me??? Those two stiffs did nothing but execute their personal agendas and took care of their friends like Behrenwald and Hulkow. There was nothing better than sitting in the back watching Sweet Lou give hand signals to Sam, his personal hand puppet, telling him what to say. Newsflash, Bob and Sam sucked and sure as hell would've lost had they run for another term. Believe it.

Hey Hulk, since from what I hear, this is your last year as coach, do you think possibly you could muster up the strentgh and give an honest effort? You know check the grades, maybe update your 25 year old playbook. Here's a thought, maybe if you put less time into backstabbing Joyce and intimidating teachers, you might actually have time to put into coaching and maybe have a team without a Sharpley or VanDyke on it that doesn't suck. Just a thought ... you fat prick!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...someone with an agenda and a whole lot of ignorance, I don't think that I'll bother with a drawn out response.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the poster above is a real "class act"; no wonder he/she likes Phillips. You have made some comments, which if you could not prove, would be libelous if published in a newspaper; but of course on an anonymous blog you do not have to worry about that.
Just what evidence do you have the Lou "stole" money from the district; or that Elaine Huggett or Jeff Cable did what you allege?
Oh, and one more thing; about the district being one million in the black; didn't the article in today's Chronicle say that IF the Legislature increases the per-pupil foundation grant $71 a student, the district will be in the black; otherwise I think there will be a $90,000 deficit.

Anonymous said...

Is that someone (3 above) trying to make Joyce Phillips supporters (what tiny few may still exist) and there schoolboard friends look insane and ridicules? Or is that how Joyce Phillips and the schoolboard members really think?

Anonymous said...

I'd give JP credit for controlling spending, but it wasn't a tremendous feat of management.

Be wary of MEAP gains, too. In most every district it's due to aligning curriculum with the test.

No slam at teachers. They, as always, are under a lot of pressure. I wonder what good things could be done if they weren't micromanaged.

Anonymous said...

The poster (4 above) is addressing someone named "Mike". For the upteenth time, I know for a fact that Mike Rio is not the moderator of this blog. But I think that the one person who keeps blaming it on him is either the wife of the board president, or maybe the president himself.
At any rate, nice use of language.
I guess only time will tell if the majority of people in Marshall hold feelings like the majority of those expressed on this blog or agree with our friend 4 post above. I would say the bond vote will be quite revealing.

Anonymous said...

Good job Vic and Sandra. Keep smiling until the bond vote slaps you all in the face. You think it is only 20 people on here who are disgusted with what has gone on? Hang on.

Anonymous said...

I'd heard that Vic had gotten charge with assault during an altercation with another tow-truck driver. Is that true?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if he has been charged yet, but I do know that he hit the other driver. What a man..doesn't he hit his wife too?? Glad he is representing Marshall.

Anonymous said...

To the posting several posts up at 1:27. I would suggest, if in your mental state you can, you would refrain from name calling and libelous statements. If you said some of that garbage to my face I would spend every dollar I have and take every dollar you have. To my knowledge - you were not factual on anything you said. Of course I do not know about playbooks so on that subject I would say leave it to the pro - Rich Hulkow. I do know you have obviously not gotten any other facts even 1/2 right. I'd thank you to keep such downgrading comments to your own home. Marshall is made up of better individuals than that. For instance.....remember the respect those 25 custodians showed this community when Joyce pushed that outsourcing down their throats and took their jobs. Guess what....didn't save any money. FOIA the books. Ask how much is being spent for all the jobs the local custodians did. Now, where is that $200,000 savings? Wasn't that the promise last August by Joyce? Do you know where it went. I know for sure Lou G. could not have possibly taken it.....mum....think about it....Oh where Oh where has the money gone....Oh where Oh where might it be?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

To the poster at 4:38, is that the best response you have??? That's always the go-to move by the fools on here. "It must be Vic or his wife, or Joyce, etc, etc". God that's a tired excuse. Speaking of saying something for the umpteenth time, I'm not Joyce, Vic, or any other board member or spouse. I am a citizen of Marshall that thinks the constant, unwarranted bashing of the school board on a frickin blog, all anonymously of course, is pathetic and cowardly.

And to the douche at 2:42, what exactly do I not have my facts straight about? Let's see, Lou and his wife both got fired for theft right? Yep. Sue did get fired from Lakeview a month after she started right? Yep. Elaine had relations with a student right? Yep. And Hulkow, the so called "pro", is the sole reason his football team had to forfeit games in '06 right? Yep. If you're so smart, don't just tell me I'm only half right, tell me where I'm wrong. Also, you would think that a blog filled with teachers would be able to debate me as opposed to slandering Potter and his wife like the two posts above, but I suppose you condone that. As for taking all my money, since when is stating the truth libelous? Only in your pathetic world I guess. As for the $200,000, why would it not be there? Do you know it's not there? Do you know something nobody else knows? Does Lou still have access to the funds? I mean somebody has to pay for his Schulers meals right? By the way, I'd love to say this stuff to anybody's face on here but that's difficult to do when everyone on here is nothing but scumbag, keyboard cowards.

Since this blog is full of nothing but witless fools that aren't capable of debating the facts that I present, I will expect the usual hateful responses that reference Phillips and Potter, so I won't bother checking back. This blog has been a complete joke since day one, as you have lost every half-assed battle you have waged. You are all a disgrace and embarrassment to your community.
Hey, speaking of disgraces, how's Jody doing? Oh I know, I know, that's Joyce's fault too right? So where is he trolling for minors at these days? See ya losers! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are obviously close to "the good doctor" and her board and you get quite sensitive when someone says guesses its one of the Potters. Who then is it? Maybe Chris Varvatos or John Coulter? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, being that you are a citizen in the community and not under the scrutiny of JKP or BM, please post your name or meet me for coffee sometime. I'd love to have a dialogue with you.

Anonymous said...

Supporters of Phillips, Metcalf and their board friends are welcome to share their views. It gives the rest of us an insight into how they think. I pity them as they are consumed with hate, malice and venom. They are a rather uncouth and crude bunch too. Can Marshall do better?

Anonymous said...

They are an odd group left over from the anti-Redskin crusaders (John and Ali excluded). Remember when Beardsly ran as an "independent" and after he was elected it turned out he was secretly from the anti-Redskin group? You gotta love their honesty and openness. No hidden agendas or hit lists with this bunch. ;)

Anonymous said...

Erica--I couldn't disaggree with you more. Would the Watergate scandal have brought the Nixon administration down if there hadn't been a "Deep Throat"? I don't think so. I believe there are enough "Deep Throats" in Marshall to bring the evil empire of Dr. Joyce K. Phillips' administration into the light of good and righteousness. The problem lies in that the majority power of the board of education is as corrupt as the dictator herself. There is no balance of power. There is no oversight. There is no democracy. To make a change in Marshall Public Schools, a majority of the board would have to be unseated and new members elected all at one time to "right" the shipwrecked S.S. Marshall.

Anonymous said...

I agree, a recall is long overdue and would be very justified. If a group of prominent citizens got one started, it would pass easily. This board shows nothing but contempt for the teachers and the community. Not to mention the scandals, lies and coverups. Oh yeah, I am the only one who complains they keep telling me and everyone I know.

Anonymous said...

To the poster at 1:27 and 5:46 (although since you said you will not be back, I don't expect a reply):
First of all, your language does not advance your arguments in any way.
"you fat prick!!!!!!!!!"
You obviously do not like Mr. Hulkow; but it that type of language really necessary? Yes, a mistake was made two years ago that caused the football team to have to forfeit some games. But over the 20 or more years that Mr. Hulkow has been head coach, how many league titles did his teams win? How many times in the playoffs; district championships; regional championships, state championships? I guess none of that counts for anything in your book.
"Lou and his wife both got fired for theft right? Yep"
I do not think that is "right." There is a difference between being fired for mismanagement and theft. I would think that if there were evidence of "theft" then criminal charges would be filed.
25 years ago the Harper Creek district was deeply in debt, due to a superintendent spending more than the district's revenue; and juggling the books to try and hide the fact. But he did not STEAL 1.5 million dollars from the district. He mismanaged the money. It appears that may the same situation with Southwest Rehab. Certainly not a good thing; but again to accuse someone of "theft" without any proof is slanderous (except of course on an anonymous blog.)
Today it is illegal for a teacher to become involved romantically with a student. However, that is a relatively recent law. Your accusations against Ms. Huggett are from decades ago. I have no idea if the accusations you make are true or not; but at any rate, you are talking about something that may or may have occurred many years ago, when it would not have been illegal.
I believe that Jeff Cable was told his contract was not going to be renewed. He left the area and secured another job during the summer. After the way he was treated by Mrs. Phillips, he did not cooperate with her and resign early; and you blame him for that. Most people in the same situation would do the same.
So, thank you for coming on here and defending Mrs. Phillips. I wonder if anyone's opinion of her has changed due to your "articulate" defense?

Anonymous said...

Most of the Phillips-board clique are pretty good about remaining tight-lipped about their true intentions. They prefer to say one thing publicly while doing quite the opposite behind the scenes. That person is exposing the ugly truth for who they really are and how they really think. I am sure what they said is the tip of the iceberg about how they think and operate in the shadows. I do not think this applies as much to John and Dan or maybe Ali, but the others I have no trust in whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

There are so many problems with Joyce and the Marshall board it could fill hundreds of posts on a web site. Oh, it did.

Anonymous said...

Don't trust Dan, he's between the sheets too.

Anonymous said...

Do we blame our lousy board or the entire community for not running better candidates?

Anonymous said...

BOTH!!! The board should know better and the community should get more involved.

Anonymous said...

The board has shown nothing but contempt towards the interests and opinions of the parents, teachers and the community. The bond voted should be a vote of confidence. Do we trust them with $35 mil and a large tax increase? Or do we vote "no" and wait for trusted and cooperative leadership?

Anonymous said...

So the bond is basically to completely remodel the high school and add a 600 seat auditorium?

Anonymous said...

I aksed Dan two weeks ago and he said nothing was available on the bond details - save for what the Chronicle printed several weeks ago. No web site, no brochure, etc.

Kim, in the central office said nothing would be put out until after the boards' formal vote last week.

We'll see how long it takes.

Anonymous said...

If Phillips gets a raise there will be huge outrage across the community. She should have been fired. I doubt I can vote for a bond until there is change.

Anonymous said...

Phillips will get her raise, and you can be outraged all you want. I personally cannot stand the woman, but until the community and parents get things rolling, she'll do and get what ever she pleases from an apathetic board.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Campau running for the board looks like a good candidate? I like her enthusiasm to find a new superintendent. Is she known to be affiliated with the current board? I hope not.

Anonymous said...

Don't expect too much, she may have been brought in by MF who is JPs buddy and uses the money she leached onto to control the board. Jeff C. brought MF in, thanks Jeff! She was an awful interim Supt. Me thinks she runs the board through JP.

Anonymous said...

Who is MF and Jeff C.?

Anonymous said...

That is Marsha Franke who used to be Marsha Haring. She had Metcalf's Curriculum job and then was the acting Superintendent when Bob Currie left. Jeff Cable was the MMS principal who was friends with Marsha Haring when they worked together at the Battle Creek Public Schools. Jeff helped get Marsha into the MPS. When she was acting Supt. she turned on Jeff and tried to force him out. She married Tom Franke, who is perhaps Marshalls wealthiest businessman. Many think she runs the board using her new found wealth and influence. She is also one of the few friends Joyce Phillips has in Marshall. Some think she is mad for not getting the Supt. job herself.

Anonymous said...

I have heard the same stories. I think they are all friends from when they were all against the Redskin name. They all got beefs with the school employees too and have been busy settling scores.

Anonymous said...

They are defensive and hostile towards everyone.

Anonymous said...

This is the bottom line. If this board rewards Joyce Phillips with any raise whatsoever I believe this community will say 'that's enough'....Why would the board give her another raise when she is leaving and has done NOTHING TO HELP MARSHALL SCHOOLS - Would this board just give her a raise to 'reward her bad behavior?'. Let's see if they have listened to anything that has been said to them. A raise for Joyce would be the worst thing they could do at this point. The best thing they could possibly do is ask her to leave on June 30, 2008 and hire an interim superintendent for a year while we do a thorough search. Then I believe this community, staff and students will come together and work to improve this horrid situation that Joyce will be leaving as her legacy!

Anonymous said...

"The best thing they could possibly do is ask her to leave on June 30, 2008 and hire an interim superintendent for a year while we do a thorough search."

I think this is highly unlikely to happen. However, if the bond fails, then maybe the board would be more motivated to buy out the last year of her contract. If the bond passes, then I think it is almost certain JP will serve until June of 2009, when she retires.

Anonymous said...

Many think there is a secret deal between the board and Joyce. In return for carrying out their dirty deeds, the board may have promised Joyce 5 years so she can get her big pay, benefits and a second Mich. retirement. There seems to be no other explanation. Her performance is so awful no one can figure out any other reason why she has not been fired.

Anonymous said...

Its not so secret, everything bad Phillips does is either on behalf of the board or with their full knowledge and support. Don't let them fool you. Only a recall can solve this mess.

Anonymous said...

OK - since recall has been talked about for about a year - when and what does it take to get the recall petitions moving? I am tired of NO CHANGE - NO FORWARD MOVEMENT - NO KIDS FIRST - NO TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE. Joyce and Brian must be removed and replaced with individuals that actually care about this community and it's local school district! So whoever knows what needs to be done to get a recall going - why wait any longer. Precious lives are at stake!!!! Let's do something to get back to what this community has always done PUT KIDS FIRST!

Anonymous said...

People will launch a recall over the Redskin name, which did not truly theaten our schools. And now with a threat that has caused major harm for 4 years no one does anything. The staff are afraid for their jobs or just quit and leave. The parents are frustrated and everyone is tired of Marshalls nasty politics. I guess the nasty people are winning.

Anonymous said...

I was not to happy with the priorities of the bond we passed last year. Moving the MHS offices should have been a much lower priority. I don't trust that Joyce Phillips either. I see no evidence she cares about anyone or anything but herself.

Anonymous said...

The dilemma is do we vote for the bond anyway or wait it out another year or more.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting another year. I don't think that they are doing enough. I'll pay an extra $200-$500 per year to ensure that we are doing what is best for our high school students. Too, I don't trust those in-charge at this time. Too much turmoil and secrecy. I have yet to see what all is on the bond issue. I'd like to see all of the information disclosed on the school website. It seems that they gave the tech guy a huge raise last year, you'd think that they could keep the website updated.

Anonymous said...

Mr. McDonald is about the last person in the MPS to deserve a raise and he has gotten some massively huge raises. What gives? His best talent is at keeping a low profile. It is so low that most people do not know who he is and rarely see him. He delegates most of his work to others. There is certainly something fishy going on there- and it stinks bad! Another slap in the face of those who truly work hard in the MPS!

Anonymous said...

Abso;utely true. McDonald is never seen and for years has done nothing but direct his hard working underlings to do all the work and he gets about 90,000 to watch them do all the work for the peanuts of salaries they get. An outrage almost as bad as the unearned salaries of Joyce, Metcalf and Jones. How dare Dan, Paul and that Darling woman wax poetically about how hard they work and so deserve their salaries. A true insult to our intelligence. They ALL need to go. Support a bond under their leadership???? Not in this household.

Anonymous said...

Do we have a tech director?

Anonymous said...

Is it that young guy I see doing all of the actual work?

Anonymous said...

No, that's Kathy Vaught and the other quiet guy...I think that his name is Don. They both bust their butts to keep things going. MacDonald is never around(I do see him getting coffee at the Coffee Mill quite often mid-morning).

Anonymous said...

So at least he is in Marshall several days a week... somewhere?

Anonymous said...

You're correct, I should have clarified that he's around Marshall, not working at the schools. Between he and Klochack, I bet both have been out for more than 30 days this year.

Anonymous said...

Will the citizens of Marshall vote in a large tax hike for the schools ($35 million) when there is about zero trust and faith in the current superintendent and her hardcore board supporters? Also the Marshall economy is in bad shape and housing prices have dropped in part due to the problems caused by the top leaders in the MPS. Is change at the top needed first?

Anonymous said...

Charlie MacDonald: He knows where his bread is buttered. He is lying real low until Her Highness is gone. Not a bad guy but surely willing to do The Evil Doctor's dirty work. Not as bad as Mike Walbeck because Charlie at least has a brain. Poor Mike - not sure how he finds his way around. He sure isn't sharp enough to keep his lies straight from day to day. What will those two do when Metcalf is gone?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure others share this opinion but here goes: How can we ask taxpapers to support a bond when we know the census is down for the upcoming years? If there is no business in Marshall why would renovation of a building bring families into Marshall. With School of Choice it isn't that difficult to drop your kids off at work if you work in Battle Creek area. I think this bond should be put on hold until Marshall stabalizes. Now - the auditorium at the high school - we have the Frank Center, the Middle School Auditorium and a sufficient auditorium at high school. How high is the need for a town this size to have 3 places for the arts to entertain? I think there are needs but I do not agree with the movement of the high school offices, nor the music wing upcoming bond. I heard Joyce is cutting some programs in the Fine Arts at the High School anyways. Who knows anything about this?

Anonymous said...

MHS can expect declining enrollment for at least the next ten years. They will most likely drop below 700 by the time a new auditorium is built.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can keep recruiting from Albion, while our kids go elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked as to how many students the MPS has lost to other schools, including a bunch to Olivet. If Joyce keeps making cuts so she can brag about fund equity we will likely lose a whole lot more.

Anonymous said...

I have admire Craig Carrel(sp?) for taking on the bond vote. To succeed, I think some things have to happen. I think he needs to put himself and his assistants in the middle. He has to be independent from the board. He has to field and answer questions from the people.

1. Get rid of the elephants in the room. Get the board to publicly recognize and apologize for the relationship with the community. They have to promise to do better - and then walk the walk this summer as we prepare for the new year.

2. Admit Joyce is a problem. She's out the door, she can be thrown under the bus. Focus us on the hereafter.

3. Admit that deferred maintenance is part of the reason things will be fixed using bond money. Admit it, and promise to try to not do it again.

4. Promise academic improvement after the bond passes. Make specific promises, such as to reverse the decline in test scores from middle to high school.

5. Force the board to issue a strategic plan. Where are we going? What type of superintendent will take us there?

6. Make it clear that no one wants more taxing, but the future of Marshall schools is at stake.

7. Other thoughts?

Anonymous said...

WOW! I think that makes too much sense for most of our board to handle. John C. probably would agree. If the others were recalled then this can be the time for a fresh start. I have no faith in the other six to turn things around on their own. They promised improvements for four years and things just keep getting worse.

Anonymous said...

I am hesitant to post this because maybe I am being very petty. Did anyone attend the reception this afternoon for the MPS retirees? There were some aspects of the event that were very nice. First of all; that it was even held. As I understand it, this is only the second year that something of this nature has been held. The first hour or so was very nice, as there was a social time when people could mingle and talk. (and there were some people there who came from away from Marshall even, to honor some of their former teachers.)
Then came the program. "Dr." Metcalf was the MC; and in my opinion, did only a mediocre job at best. He started out by introducing the "administrative team" and board members present, having them stand for applause etc. I thought they received more attention than the supposed honorees. Then he "honored" (and I use the term loosely) the retirees. First of all, he did not call them up, or even ask them to stand. I am not sure which of them were even there. He said very little about each of them, except for what they did, and when they started working for MPS. I thought at least they should have been called forward and presented with some small token, even if it were only a certificate. If anyone wanted to know anything about the teachers who retired, they would have known much more from the reading the very nice article in Sunday's Enquirer. But at that point, I decided I was probably just being too critical; and overall the reception was a nice gesture.
Then Dr. Phillips called Tom Duffy up to speak. Maybe he did not have any choice; but I was very disappointed in him. He proceeded to give a little commercial for the bond, telling those present that the Marshall Teachers support the bond (I am not sure how many of them actually do) and how needed it is. I really felt there was an attempt to take advantage of the captive audience present to promote the bond.
I may be totally wrong, but somehow I think it is inappropriate to announce a reception for retirees; and then use it as a forum to promote the bond.

Anonymous said...

And that is when they are on their best behavior! Tom is a nice guy but about useless as our union president. He told me how Joyce threatened him and the MTA with a lawsuit and I think he got scared and backed down. Privately he cannot stand any of them at the top but publicly he is a PR man. As far as the way the retirees were treated, like I said this is their "best" behavior. Imagine what they really think and say behind our backs. Didn't one of their group make a few spicy postings on this board a few weeks back, filled with expletives? I think that was more representative as to how they think and feel about the teachers and the community.

Anonymous said...

I hope the board understands that just because they meet in private and all agree and pretend all is ok, that it is. In fact it is not. The Marshall Public schools are in one of the worst crises situations I can ever remember in my 40 plus years of affiliation. I like all of the board members personally but they sure have dropped the ball the last few years. I think their time is running out to start doing the things that need to be done before this community has had enough. I have heard talk of a recall by mid summer if we do not see some positive improvements, namely getting a new superintendent. The teacher and support staff morale has hit rock bottom and the people are rightfully upset, as these problems affect all of us one way or another.

Anonymous said...


"Do you have an opinion on the upcoming bond issue?

The Enquirer is doing a series of articles on the scope of work to be done at Marshall Public Schools if a $35.3 million bond issue passes in August.

But we need your help.

If you are a parent, resident or voter in the Marshall school district, please contact us and tell us whether or not you would support this bond, and why.

We look forward to hearing from you!"

Now what will be interesting is IF people respond to this request; AND if they are honest (i.e. saying they will not vote for the bond until there is a new administration in the MPS). I wonder if the Enquirer will print comments that are critical of Joyce and the Board.

Anonymous said...

Call me blind, but I've not been able to find it on the BCE website. Can anyone tell me where it would be? I'd love to post on there.

Anonymous said...

The BC Enquirer also has about Metcalf being a finalist in Dexter. If he gets the job our gain will be their loss.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the blog owner could create a post that would be a give and take between Craig Carrel and voters. That might enlighten him and allow him to address specific objections.

Anonymous said...

Do you know if Craig Carrel would be interested? He can post on here any time. Many of us are torn between our desire to vote for the bond (under normal circumstances) and the need to change leadership first.

Anonymous said...

Top five problems even when you work 60-70 hours a week

5. There is no plan. What are our strengths and weaknesses? What are we doing about them?

4. We've saved money on new, cheap teachers. How do we ensure they are successful? What other expenses have been deferred?

3. Is there a management team that will persist when Joyce is gone? No.

2. We are gutting some academic programs to save money? Will we have new buildings, but no academic offerings?

1. MEAP success will hit the wall when the effect of aligning the curriculm to the test is over.

Anonymous said...

You forgot all of the unjustified attacks and harassment of good employees and the lies told to cover up improprieties and mismanagement.

Anonymous said...

There have been a lot of those allegations. How can that be documented or proven? I can believe the charges are true, but some details would help.

Anonymous said...

If you want to do some investigating you can look into:

- The Linda Bennink air conditioning case
- The Amy Jones insurance loss case
- How Mr. Behrenwald was publicly humiliated by Phillips
- Phillips letting Metcalf do little but his PhD for two years while making about $100,000 per year and getting all of his MSU tuition paid (a whopping 24 grad credits in one year, that is full-time plus). What a great way to go to grad school.
- Charlie McDonalds unprecedented huge wage increases despite poor performance (about $60,000 to $80,000+ in a few years). What is behind this? Staff surveillance?
- Bob Lyng (when he was on the board) spilling the beans about how the board was asked to lie to cover up the Amy Jones insurance scandal. He said this at a board meeting.
- How Phillips threatened the Marshall teachers with a lawsuit over the surveys (ask Tom Duffy).

The Chronicle may be able to help, but they were threatened by Phillips with a lawsuit for publishing the facts of these cases and others (another scandal). This is just a start, but some of the bigger ones.

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell Joyce that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. She loves to throw stones.

Anonymous said...

Joyce can sink this bond all by herself. Who says she does not have influence? Is anyone investigating all of the dishonest and illegal things she has done? She should be easy to fire if the board had the guts to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

I agree, she has tons of influence. She will wreak even more havoc this year. I wonder who her next target will be? She moves from one to another rather quickly. Who has checked the legal costs this Supt. has brought us, I bet that it's glossed over in "other" on the budget.

Anonymous said...

She probably hates almost everyone in the MPS and she most likely thinks they all hate her in return.

Anonymous said...

It does not surprise me that outsiders like Phillips, Jones and Metcalf might dislike the staff so much in the Marshall schools. But why do our fellow community members like Janice, Paul, Chris, Vic, Dan and Ali support this and even encourage it? What did the staff do to deserve this hostility and abuse from our own school board? Have they been duped or is it personal?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the article in today's Enquirer about the possibility of a VW plant coming to the Marshall area? If the decision on where the plant will be built has not been made by August, I expect that there will be a huge push to vote for the bond to help sell the C Drive site for the VW plant.

Anonymous said...

There is a bond document on the main page of the district web site.

Anonymous said...

I'll be a contribution to the community foundation that in all the bond PR, there will never be any mention of any problems we have.

Except to point out physical plant deficiencies, Craig will never admit we have problems.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear we have problems, but that we are working on them?

Anonymous said...

I'll be a contribution to the community foundation that in all the bond PR, there will never be any mention of any problems we have.

Except to point out physical plant deficiencies, Craig will never admit we have problems.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear we have problems, but that we are working on them?

Anonymous said...

I love the picture at the top of the site. A Photoshopped group of kids I doubt are from Marshall.

I wonder if they got permission for that image.

Anonymous said...

8.79 million to expand the auditorium? For real? Can't you build a 900 person auditorium for less than that? There are three churches right down the road that can seat 400 to 700 each, I doubt they spent nearly 9 million dollars between the three of'em. Why cant they just build a separate building for like 4 million (still a ton of money)?
Am I out of touch? Do you really need to spend $10,000 dollars a seat to to build a theater?

Anonymous said...

PLEASE vote no and wait 8-12 months for a new superintendent to be hired and see if we can get a handle on the problems we face. Do not give the current administration this huge sum of money. There is no reason to rush and every reason to wait a short time. Repairs have been deliberately delayed, and that is part of the reason we find ourselves where we are today.