Saturday, April 19, 2008

Let the good times roll - -

***Bryan Klochack - Principal - MHS***
We hear there are MAJOR issues at Marshall High School - Fill us in.
Is he doing a good job in his first year at the helm?

Please remember - Discussion can be had WITHOUT being rude.


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Anonymous said...

How about the lunch lockdown? It seemed to b e the usual technique of punishing everyone because a few can't behave. Administrators don't want to actually work to punish bad actors.

Or, maybe it's no big deal....?

Anonymous said...

Klochak was hired to be Joyce's puppet at MHS. He is told what to do and how to do it. If he meets with teachers and students to get their input on anything it means nothing. Even if he wanted to do good things he can't. We all know what would happen if he did his job well and stood up for the best interests of MHS. Mr. Behrenald did that and is gone. He is missed and we will never forget how badly Joyce treated him from the day she arrived. Of course this was part of some sort of "hit list" she was given and enthusiastically carried out. Joyce, I hope you enjoy your blood money. We will never forget what you did! The board is responsible too for these horrible actions.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Klochak, I do not think he knew what he was getting himself into. What a mess! I am still angry at the school board for the way they treated Ron Behrenwald. I know they hated Lou and Rich but they did not have to take their hate out on Ron. Joyce did awful things to Ron and publicly humiliated him, which he did not deserve! He went public over the humiliation (Joyce's sleazy plan to hire the MHS asst, Principal w/o him being a big part of it) in a very professional manner. Some board members were outraged that someone had the guts to expose their dirty methods. Well the dirty dealings are getting out all over this web site. The truth is coming out and spreading throughout the community. Ali and John, do you now understand why there is so much anger and frustration? You two were brought in to use your good names to hide the dirty dealings behind. I would not blame the two of you if you resigned. Chris has had enough, he was used too. The teachers, and now the community, have a good idea what has been happening the last few years. If there are any newbies out there reading this, now do you know why their is so much anger and disgust out there?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Behrenwald is missed greatly. Things are worse now at MHS.

Anonymous said...

Why are the MHS office being moved, at great expense, to the first floor? The second floor is designed for all of the offices. The first floor already has limited space and the cafeteria is too small as it is. This makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

MHS has been purposely neglected the last five years. Mr. Hulkow tried to get support to fix the track properly and was shot down by Mrs. Phillips and her board. I can see why the school board moved the bond vote to August. They probably hope that people forget about all the crap that has happened. Mr. Behrenwald was much better than Mr. Klochak. I am not sure if August will be any better. We will not forget ever what has happened. There are way too many victims and hurt people to just forget about it. Now it looks like four years of damage will become five.

Anonymous said...

Wear red and black to graduation as a protest about Mr. Behrenwald being kicked out. He was a great principle who cared a lot about the students and showed us respect. Do not applaud for any of those responsible for him leaving. We all know that Phillips wanted him out real bad. We don't want her at graduation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the seniors should start a petition to keep Phillips away from graduation.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea!

Anonymous said...

From everyone I talk to it looks like the bond is in trouble. Everyone is mad at Joyce and the board.

Anonymous said...

How about Mr. Behrenwald as the graduation speaker this year?

Anonymous said...

That would be a great choice!

Anonymous said...

I would love it! Mr. B would be an excellent choice.

Anonymous said...

Being the true professional that Mr. Behrenwald was and is, I'm positive that he would deliver an awe inspiring speech to the Class of 2008, despite the pain and suffering he received from Dr. Phillips and the board of education. He loved his students, the faculty, this school system, and the community. It is a tragedy that Mr. Behrenwald and his family left Marshall. The future leader of this district has now moved on to proudly serve someone elses children.

Given the pittiful candidate pool of Superintendents out there (as exemplified by Dr. Bryan Metcalf being a finalist in five different communities and then rejected by all five) how does Mr. Behrenwald's leaving make you feel?

For the record . . . Mr. Behrenwald couldn't be the graduation speaker as he was not a graduate of Marshall Public Schools. He wasn't even born in Oaklawn Hospital so they couldn't even twist the tradition around to make that work either.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, Metcalf spent most of his career in Marshall working on his phd and billing the people of Marshall for his expenses. And yes, he is gone alot and did a lousy job. No wonder he is not getting hired anywhere else. I imagine word spreads fast whereever he applies.

Anonymous said...

It is called networking....and I am sure Mr. Brian M. is getting a clue about the vastness of networking. Does this sound right: What Goes Around Comes Around!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel sorry for Klochack. He enthusiastically supports JP and is a snake like her too. No surprise there.

Anonymous said...

Klochak is a big step backward from Behrenwald. Mr. B was a class act and did a great job.

Anonymous said...

Why can't Mr. B speak at the graduation? Doesn't the senior class choose who their speaker is?

Anonymous said...

The last bond I voted for thinking it was going to repair bathrooms and other crucial needs at MHS. Now I find out a lot of that money is going to move the offices to the first floor. Why is this so important? The track, the pool and the music rooms are falling apart and they prioritize moving the offices. The offices upstairs are just fine. I think that may be the last bond I vote for until there is a new superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Me (and hundreds of others)too.

Anonymous said...

They purposely let things fall apart while they lavish the undeserving Jones, Phillips, McDonald, Walbeck and Metcalf with money. Oh Amy you lost another $40,000- oops! Brian, $20,000 for your classes-here it is. Joyce, you want a MI retirement on top of your Indiana retirement-help yourself! Bathrooms? Band rooms? Classrooms? Let them rot until a bond is passed. We have had too many years of bad leadership. The current board blames everything on Bob and Lou, but they are much worse!

Anonymous said...

The current board came in with high hopes of cleaning things up. Instead they were bent on paybacks and their own self-centered agendas which have made things much much worse. It is clear they work closely together in secret and the public board meetings are well-choreographed for PR purposes. Since Sam and Bob left I have not heard one meaningful discussion or debate on anything. Why did they leave Marshall cable TV? Either they have no ideas or they preplan what they will do and then vote 7-0 in unison on everything. How pathetic and scary!

Anonymous said...

I used to tell people to follow the proper chain of command and share their views with the teacher first (if applicable), then the building Principal, and then (depending on the issue or question) with the Superintendent or school board members. From nearly everyone's experience I have talked to the latter two options will get you nowhere unless you support what they already want to do. I am especially upset how the hiring committees work so hard to pick the best candidates and then Joyce intervenes and picks a lesser candidate. Other parents I know said they will never serve on a hiring committee again after such ill treatment and blatant disrespect. I think that happened in almost every case where an administrator was hired.

Anonymous said...

Is there a web link as to what the bond covers? I checked the Marshall Public Schools web site and there is nothing on it about the MHS bond.

Anonymous said...

According to another person who posted on this site, nothing until after another board vote, maybe in May.

Anonymous said...

Will the legendary MHS book store be "history" when they move the offices downstairs? Does Mr. Burns still work at MHS part-time?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have heard about many problems at the high school this year too.

Anonymous said...

Its been a rocky year since Mr. Behrenwald left. That's an understatement.

Anonymous said...

The seniors CANNOT select Mr. Behrenwald as any kind of speaker at their graduation. Mr. Klochack and Dr. Phillips WILL NOT allow it. So DO NOT even think about it! ALL PLANS need approval of Mr. Klochack and Dr. Phillips. They also need to review ALL CLASS NIGHT SKITS in advance. The MHS SENIORS have been warned!

Anonymous said...

Who says they can't??? It's their graduation, not Klochak's nor Dr. Phil's. It should be up to the seniors, not either one of them. BTW, we all know that Klochak can't go to the bathroom with out calling the central office first to get approval. Klochak can't make a decision without getting the go-ahead from JKP or BM. He's just a puppet.

Anonymous said...

I called the HS office and asked a minor question, nothing really to do with direct school activities. Whoever answered the phone immediately handed it to the principal.

My guess is they've been told not to answer questions without checking. More control over information.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall Public Schools can and should be much better! We have been plagued for years by bad leadership and way too many school board members with axes to grind and self-serving hidden agendas. The spiral in leadership problems has been downward, with the worst leaders in power right now and a school board purposely out of sync with the staff and the community (that's being polite).

Right now there is no hope in the immediate future for improvement. Even adding one good new school board member cannot change things if the majority are opposed and cling to the corrupt and failed old guard. The MPS is losing good people. Another dark year is ahead as Phillips, Metcalf and Jones look into replacing secretaries and support staff to save pennies while handsomely rewarding themselves, who do not deserve it. When will the people of Marshall unite and say "Enough is enough!."

Anonymous said...

I heard the bus drivers and kitchen help was next and then the secretaries would be out of there by 2009-2010 school year?

Anonymous said...

Expect big cuts in the future. Phillips only claim to fame is slashing the budget, while rewarding herself and corrupt loyalists.

Anonymous said...

When is Metcalfs review? If he got one recently, how did he do? What about Jones, Turner, Klotchak and MacDonald?

Anonymous said...

Please vote for the nonhomestead millage next week. Yes, we know most everyone can't stand Phillips, some board members, Klochack, Metcalf and Jones- but PLLEEAASSEE do it for the kids!

Anonymous said...

MHS is looking filthier than ever, great job on hiring the new janitors!

Anonymous said...

The savings, if any, from firing the janitors is quite small. The new company charges extra for about half of the job that was done by our own janitors. So no real savings and 24 Marshall people out of work. Also minus the undeserved raises by Phillips, Metcalf, Jones and the gang and it is likely a net loss. Blood money to outsiders who could care less about the people or students of Marshall. Thanks board!

Anonymous said...

No! NO! NO! NO! NO! On any bond until we get a new superintendent. No one trusts her.Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

There is a bond vote May 6 and the big bond vote for a remodeled MHS is in August.

Anonymous said...

The May 6 bond should pass with little problem but the big one, the massive one, with the 900 seat auditorium I think is in big trouble. The good reviews and big raises for Phillips are real stupid moves by our school board. We cannot afford such blunders in this competitive environment.

Anonymous said...

Has it been announced if the bond vote in August will be one big bond or will it be in two or more parts so say the new MHS auditorium can be voted on separately?

Anonymous said...

The vote on May 6 is NOT a bond vote; it is just the renewal of the 18 mils on non-homestead property taxes.

Anonymous said...

This is off topic, but I found out why the board meetings stopped being on cable.

I called the central office and Kim said they were being taped. She didn't know why they weren't being played.

She got right back to me and said there was a technical problem.

You'll notice the April meeting is now being played.

I'll leave it to you to figure out why no one in administration or on the board noticed the meetings weren't being played.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info John! Those of us affiliated with the Marshall schools were wondering. The joke going around is that Ali's "Communication Plan" is to communicate less, as most of the JP/board communication in the past causes more problems than it solves.

PS: I do not think anything about the Marshall schools is off topic on this web site.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic that they've comminicated zero about how the communication plan is to be played out.

How do these people sleep at night?


Anonymous said...

With a smile on their face!!! Those of us who work for the schools are convinced these "leaders" are not only totally incompetent but mean spirited, vindictive and power hungry. They enjoy it more and more as this worthless board rubber stamps all their evil deeds.

Anonymous said...

Starting when Joyce Phillips was hired the board leaders went to war with the MPS staff, with JP as their nasty pitbull at the forefront. Neither they nor Phillips made any real effort to work in a positive manner with the staff. They were very rude, arrogant and disrespectful towards just about everyone! They definitely had their own agenda and could care less if it was good, fair, honest or made any real sense.

Since they did not know (or care?) what was really going on, they targeted many excellent people for harassment and/or to push them out. Then they rewarded a few who were well known for very poor performance (look at their admin friends). You can imagine what this did for morale. That is why we have so many big problems in the Marshall Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

If the public knew the stories the teachers know, there would be a recall!

Anonymous said...

Why does the board want Mr. Hulkow out so bad? He has been nothing but an awesome coach and AD.

Anonymous said...

Back to that staff survey. How much communication was there after that. NONE. Thanks Mike Walbeck for the idea of doing a survey like Homer did. It really didn't do much good for the team. Perhaps it got you a contract and good graces kinow for the double talk....but the rest of the team didn't see anything positive. Guess everyone should straddle the fence and talk out of both sides of their mouth...maybe that is what it takes to suceed at MPS.

Anonymous said...

Going to be a lonely place for some people when Metcalf and Dr.Phil are gone!

Anonymous said...

I am angered by the fact that the current administration and board has squandered so much money and has let the facilities fall apart so they can use this as an excuse to pass a bond. Well Dr. Phillips, Dr. Metcalf, Amy Jones and schoolboard, we are not stupid! I would respect you better if you did keep up maintenance well and then used an honest approach to sell the bond. All of your secrecy, arrogance and constant lies is getting you nowhere. Now I know why so many people are so upset with all of you.

Anonymous said...

Maintenance at MHS has not been kept up for many many years. The current board and superintendent did not start this problem. The promised fixes and improvements when Phillips came in never happened. She seemed more intent on getting raises and feuding with the staff.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest you actually speak to someone that has had something to do with maintenance at Marshall Schools. Bill Armstrong is gone - for years this district has only provided duct tape to fix all the problems. They have not been willing to listen to the people regarding maintenance issues and extend any funds to fix and upkeep the actual problems that have been sprouting. The question has been asked for years: Amy - what are we doing with the sinking fund? Is it not in place to maintain our facilities? The only money that has been spent seems to be to buy the new, up to date equipment for the private cleaning company to use. Even the custodial group has begged for equipment to be able to do their jobs correctly. The funniest media so far was the one with Turner and the roof repair.....what to heck was that about? Joyce - of course you have gotten good marks from the board for improvement of the budget....but it has cost the livelihoods of approx. 30 local taxpaying employees that will be here struggling to find jobs and pay their bills when you take the undeserved money and leave this state. Unfortunately - this board is alienating themselves more and more each day. Thank you Joyce for causing more division than the Redskin issue could have ever caused! You will leave a legacy behind....and we all know what it is going to be. The greatest harm any one person has done to Marshall Schools probably in the history of Marshall Schools. Let's cut some more programs Joyce while you are asking for bond money. Now theres a topic that is about to blow up for this town!

Anonymous said...

The music department at MHS is a pit. Jeremy Root is right, it is awful! How much did Phillips spend on this the last four years? I am guessing nothing. She could care less about the high school, except of course to move the offices to the first floor.

Anonymous said...

It is well known that fundraising and private donors is what keeps the music department afloat.

Anonymous said...

There is a nice letter to the editor in the Chronicle from a Choir student who is upset about planned cuts to the music program. We know that Joyce hates Choir teacher Petrich. But she should not take it out on the kids as she does so often. Fire Joyce NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Has the bond details been posted yet on the web?

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard about the bond in August, I think it makes sense.I am no fan of Joyce Phillips, or Marsha, Bob or Lou before her. We have had a series of duds. But MHS does need to be remodeled and some big improvements are needed. At first I was against a 900 seat auditorium, but after some thought I decided if we are going to build a new one lets do it right and make it big enough for the students and large shows. Have you seen the new Lakeview and Harper Creek High Schools? They make MHS look like a dump.

Anonymous said...

What is even more sad than the dumpy MHS is the fact that morale and pride among staff and students is at an all time low. It has nothing to do with the facilities and everything to do with the atrocious leadership of the past four yrs. Yet after all their horrible leadership they ask us to trust them with a big bond. Few of the staff of the whole school system appear to support the bond. That of course would change if we got rid of at least the top two incompetents. So sad what has happened.

Anonymous said...

Did the committee factor in the fact that the number of 14-year olds in Calhoun County is declining for the next 10 years?

Anonymous said...

I would prefer a smaller, maybe 700 seat auditorium and have ample leg and stage room. I doubt the MHS students will be much larger than 700 in a few years and not all would be at school on any given day anyway.

I remember when the last big project at MMS was built. What a story? Just ask any MMS teachers. Bob Currie and Marsha Haring (now Franke) along with Amy Jones micromanaged the project and excluded the then MMS Principal Jeff Cable. A whole bunch of blunders occurred and they tried to falsely blame Jeff who had nothing to do with it. Then they told the public that all was great (a big lie) and tried to cover it all up. Then Amy started her late night "meetings" with Josh... oh that's another story... just make sure Josh is not back for the next project. Then Bob "take the money and run" Currie used a loophole in his poorly written contract to get himself about $100,000 in undeserved sick pay ( a long story involving getting $400 per day for sick days during his short tenure as Supt. that he backdated to cover his entire career with the Marshall schools) and he left us and screwed the schools. Then Phillips came along, Marsha took her under her wings, and things have gotten much worse in the last four years.

Oh what a mess the past Marshall projects have been. I have doubts myself if we can trust the current leadership... actually I know we can't. It will be tough to vote for the bond if JP and Amy are still around come august.

Anonymous said...

It seems JP and the board are keeping a low profile now.

Anonymous said...

Low profile: does that mean they are not communicating like we were told they would be doing?

Anonymous said...

The MPS Board needs to operate in a very open, honest and transparent manner. We need to hear debates and discussions at PUBLIC board meetings. We need them to say things they mean and actually follow through on. This would be a welcome change to how things have been done the last 3-4 years.

Anonymous said...

You can't teach mean and nasty old dogs new tricks. They are what they are and they will not change. All promises have been broken.

Anonymous said...

MHS is at risk. The "board wars" against the teachers and staff needs to stop. New leadership is needed ASAP. The bond is no sure thing and the people are rightfully upset about the troubled state of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Election day May 6, get out and vote. There is no opponents running for the school board but the nonhomestead millage is needed. Even if you do not like JP or the board's actions (who does?), do it for the kids anyway!

Anonymous said...

I am voting YES for the kids! I wish we had more choices for the school board. I hope Mrs. Campeau serves best interests of the schools.

Anonymous said...

I doubt if she will, she'll be influenced by the crooked fools that are currently on it. We had high hopes for both Ali and John too, look where that got us.

Anonymous said...

They are all connected to Marsha Franke. Her son-in-law by marriage Kevin Belew used to brag about how he controlled the board too. I am sure most of their efforts take place out of the spotlight. It is a creepy situation. The Franke's are nice people but I do not trust those that marry into that family. They are arrogant and on a power trip. They are also the likely reason why JP has not been fired.

Anonymous said...

Was anyone impressed by the letter sent out by Kimberly today thanking the teachers on National Teacher Appreciation Day? I thought that Kimberly did a very nice job on the letter, then the nice touch was that JKP put her name on the bottom. Please tell me that Joyce was in the Antarctic and had no access to the internet to take a minute and email the entire staff herself. Oh yeah, she has her underlings do everything that requires a bit of compassion or thoughtfulness. God forbid she shows a real appreciation for those who are in the trenches. Oh well, just another day at MPS.

Anonymous said...

I think most teachers would rather get an email from Kimberly than from Brian or Joyce. At least they know it was sent by someone who may care about the MPS.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with you, but any half-decent super would have sent their own message. Not that it's to be expected here anymore, this was just plain tacky.

Anonymous said...

Didn't they provide lunch or snacks like other schools do?

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for the MPS board to follow through on the promises they made following the staff surveys two years ago to turn things around and make everything better.

In fact staff morale is even much lower and most problems are worse. I have seen no signs they truly care and no actions to fix the problems. Their unwavering support for failed leaders has severely damaged staff morale. They have lost a lot of community support and respect. If there are no major changes soon the festering problems will keep getting worse and the lack of trust and cooperation will make it much harder to pass the MHS bond.

Anonymous said...

Why has Marshall waited so long to remodel MHS? MHS has been falling behind for many years. The bond vote this summer should have been 2-3 years ago. What's taking so long?

Anonymous said...

Have you taken a drive around Calhoun County lately? Pennfield, Harper, Lakeview....there is not way this requested bond is going to make Marshall High appear like these state of the art buildings. I feel like the requested bond money is like throwing money at a dead horse. Of course the MHS building is becoming out of date. But - suppose for one minute the board would have had the forethought 3-4 years NOT WASTE MONEY ON THE ANCIENT BUILDING ON GREEN STREET....Not try to keep an asbestos filled building running when they said we would be closing it (old Sherman Elementary)....we built a wonderful new elementary building. Now suppose the board had actually thought: Let's build a state of the art high school, move the middle school to Marshall Ave high school site....and combine all the elementaries into the green street building. Now - we could have closed Gordon, Hughes and Sherman - never built Walters which is nice but only holds the partial elementary age students....I am very tired of this Hansel and Gretel approach in Marshall. I feel like my tax dollars are getting thrown into a huge downward swirling pool of water. (never to see the positive results it should be producing). We can throw all the money we can afford at the MHS will never compete with Harper, Pennfield or Lakeview. It is money once again - being spent unwisely. I say we trash this plan and come up with one that does not require taxpayers years of commitment but takes one big step into the new millenium.

Just my thrown after money is not going to get us in competition with those that are spending wise....BUT OF COURSE PENNFIELD, HARPER AND LAKEVIEW TAXPAYERS HAVE A COMMITTED TRUST IN THEIR TOP ADMINISTRATION AND WILL SUPPORT THEM.

Let's get Joyce and Brian on their way out of here -


Anonymous said...

I hear Mr. oops Dr. Metcalf, is a finalist for another superintendent position -- Dexter. Anyone have a count on how many superintendent positions he has been a finalist for this year? He sure seems anxious to get out of Dodge!

Anonymous said...

Fine with me if he gets on a horse and rides out of town. Then we should focus on getting rid of the evil sheriff from Indiana.

Anonymous said...

For Teacher Appreciation Week it is obvious that the two Superintendents, Phillips and Metcalf, have no respect or care whatsoever for any of the Marshall teachers. It is obvious to me that the school board does not either by their blatant disrespect, arrogance and hostility targeting all Marshall teachers. If anyone on the school board is a truly decent person who cares PLEASE QUIT NOW!!! If not then you must take responsibility for being a big part of the problem through your 7-0 rubber stamps votes in support of bad people and bad policies

Anonymous said...

Have any of the board promises to "fix the problems" and improve morale materialized since the MPS staff survey clearly showed how Jones, Metcalf and Joyce are failing on many levels? I don't think so. I think they all got good reviews and big raises. Things are getting worse.

Anonymous said...

Please be at the regular school board meeting on Monday night at Walter's Elementary at 7:00pm to voice your displeasure of JKP getting a 1.5% raise. She is going to try to slip this one through on that night.

Anonymous said...

Chris Varvatos had enough and is quitting the school board. John Coulter and Ali Webb have publicly said that they have nearly quit. These are likely the caring people who have been used by the others on the board. They are suffering from their past votes and decisions. I am sure they have been under tremendous pressure to conform to the others. That is how they get 7-0 votes on everything with no real debate or discussion.

The other four board members fall all over themselves trying to serve and please Joyce Phillips or whoever is behind her power. This is very bad and pathetic!

Everyone knows Joyce Phillips has been mean, arrogant, incompetent and has failed miserably as superintendent. All of the staff cannot stand her and have no respect for her. She has caused great harm on purpose! Any normal school board would have fired Joyce Phillips several years ago. Not only does Joyce Phillips not deserve a raise, she does not deserve to keep her job.

Is it finally time for a recall? I have heard rumblings of this. I see no other option to save the Marshall schools. All other attempts have been tried and failed. The board has promised us improvements over and over and have done the opposite for the last four years. The Marshall schools are in grave danger. Our property values are in decline too, thanks to Joyce Phillips and her board lackeys. Is it time for change?

Anonymous said...

YES YES YES but who should start it?

Anonymous said...

If someone started a recall of at least those four most responsible, there would be an outpouring of support and it would pass easily. All other civil means have been tried and were shot down by them. They leave us no other options. The kids deserve much better- before its too late!!!

Anonymous said...

It may happen sooner than you think. Let's see if they are evil enough to give JP a raise on Monday. That would signal their total disregard and contempt for the entire MPS staff, all parents, all students and the community at large.

Anonymous said...

"That would signal their total disregard and contempt for the entire MPS staff, all parents, all students and the community at large."

I think they have already "signaled" that by dozens of other actions. The fact of the matter: there is too much apathy in this community to really do anything. No one would even step up to run for the board. What makes you think anyone will have courage to start a recall. You the government you will accept, and the majority of citizens of Marshall have accepted this government.

Anonymous said...

I think the board made a "deal with the devil" and probably think they cannot get out of it. Also Phillips had threatened to sue the teachers over the survey so if they tried to remove her before her five year and second Michigan retirement she would almost certainly launch a lawsuit against the Marshall Public Schools. I have talked to several board members this past year and I sense no love for her. I think they feel they are trapped and one board member said we are stuck with her until 2009. I think the board could remove her but it would take courage and unity to pull it off. My guess is one or two board members would strongly fight attempts to remove her. So the board is more divided than they show publicly and the only one who benefits is Phillips. That is probably why Chris is quitting and John and Ali want out too. I think the entire board wants Metcalf out. That's why he is searching far and wide for another job.

Anonymous said...

I agree. She wants to finish the contract and doesn't care about the cost. She will sue for sure.

I think the board muzzled her during the custodian debate. Why no quotes for the paper from Joyce when the non-homestead millage passed? Will they muzzle her for the bond vote?

There have to be some facinating debates going on behind the scenes.

Too bad the students suffer in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

We will know their true colors when they vote on a Phillips raise. Any decent board member will vote "no," all factors considered. Any board member who votes "yes" to a Phillips raise will deserve to be recalled! I will have no sympathy for them. They will deserve all of the anger and scorn they receive for such a terrible act against the "best interests" Marshall Schools.

Anonymous said...

I hold them ALL responsible for their votes. It does not matter if two or three of them are the ringleaders, the net effect of their decisions and actions (remember all votes are 7-0) is the same.

They ALL have supported Dr. Phillips when any school board that truly cared would have replaced her several years ago. They all have supported very bad acts against countless good school employees. They all have covered or ducked away from complaints and questions critical of Phillips, Metcalf, Jones, MacDonald, Walbeck, Bennink (poor performing JP cronies).

Our school board has generously rewarded poor performance while punishing the rest of the staff, who have had to work under hostile conditions for nearly five years now. They have forced out good people because Phillips, one of her cronies or a board member didn't like them. They have covered for lies and scandals for four years now, and are secretive and arrogant.

Why are we so kind to them in return? Why do we tolerate this, don't our kids deserve better?

The bond is at risk because of their behavior. They have been deceitful, disrespectful and hostile towards us and we do not deserve this treatment any longer.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that classroom teachers have been told not to speak to the press?

Anonymous said...

Most school employees are too intimidated to speak publicly. We have seen what happens to those who take a stand. Our opinions dont matter to this administration or board. We are expected to toe the line and feel lucky we have the priviledge of working for the Marshall Public Schools. Well that used to be how most of us felt for many years. Now it is hard to find more than a handful of staff members district wide who have ANYTHING good to say about these past four years. A travesty we, as a community, will be trying to rectify for a long time to come. These people will have moved on and wont look back and we have let it happen.

Anonymous said...

John Coulter did vote no against Joyce's pay-raise, he was the only one. The rest were lock-step yeses. Janice Darling will never see my family's face in her buisness and I'll be sure to tell anyone within earshot to never use Stulburgs' MAC center. Oh yeah, if I know of anyone who needs a tow, I'll tell them to use Steve's Wrecker Service and if an attorney is needed to use anyone but Beardslee. No Bond Til the Witch is Gone!!! It's not about the kids at all!!!

Anonymous said...

What a gesture of good will for the community and upcoming bond proposal had Dr. Phillips turned down her raise last evening. Not a big impact on the budget, but a huge impact on public perception.

Anonymous said...

As far as I am concerned six of seven board members could care less about our schools and community. Even worse this is a slap in the face to all teachers and staff. I cannot vote for any bond until there is new leadership that cares and is trustworthy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the $1500 pay raise could have been used to fix the bathrooms in the middle school. Two cute little girls asked the board to please fix them and Joyce said, "it's in the bond proposal". Wow, what a shocker!!! Our kids first(only after we feed the top first). According to Janice, $1500 is a drop in the bucket. Again, that drop in the bucket could have fixed the toilets. Great job Janice and Dan, let the whole community down again!!!

Anonymous said...

In essence, by not voting for the bond to spite Phillips, who, by the way, would be gone when the work commences,the real message to the kids is: Because we don't like the superintendent, we must punish the students by forcing them to continue to go to school in buildings that are in terrible condition.
Way to get back at Joyce. That'll show her.

Anonymous said...

I agree, a recall of the six board members who deserve it makes much more sense. Then I think some people who care more about the kids than Joyce would step up if they knew they could make a real difference and run. There is plenty of dirt on Joyce to fire her, which I new board could also do.

Anonymous said...

Expect a big outcry over this! This may be the last straw the people of Marshall will tolerate.

Anonymous said...

According to Janice, the buildings are the best that they've looked since Joyce has been here(watch the tape). I am not going to trust this bunch with any more of my tax dollars. I'll vote for a new high school when she's gone. She could have turned the raise down and fixed the toilets. You talk about punishing the kids, what do you call lying, cheating and the deception that she's used against staff members? This board has been punishing the kids all along and now you want to trust them with $35 million? You go ahead and vote for it, I'm not going to.

Anonymous said...

If someone starts a recall I know about a hundred people that will gladly for for it. I'm in too!

Anonymous said...

MHS is in about as good of shape as Janice's ceiling was a few weeks ago. If she thinks things are better now, she is a fool! And don't even get me going with all the ways Dr. J has screwed things up the last four years while being praised by Janice, Vic, Paul and Dan. I would like to see all of them swept out of office- we need good leaders.

Anonymous said...

A raise for Joyce Phillips? Are they nuts?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, they gave her a raise on the same night that two little girls got up to the mike and explained how the bathrooms in the middle school are inadequate and her response was "it's in the bond issue". Within the same hour she took a $1500+ pay raise because "she had a good evaluation" and works "60+ hours a week". She's really thinking about our kids! She was gushed over by Janice Darling and Dan Stulburg almost cried explaining about what a goddess she has been for our district. They bragged about how she has balanced the budget(even though in every district in the state it's cyclicle) How pathetic of our board. Thank goodness that John Coulter has half a brain and was the only one who voted against it. He is the only one with character on the board who thinks about "Kids first". Even Paul Beardslee sold out(again). "No bond until the witch is gone"!

Anonymous said...

Where can i sign a recall petition? At least we have one man on the board. Some 'kids first ' women would be nice too.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think they moved the bond vote to August? They are counting on short memories over the summer and want people to vote when they are least likely to be thinking about the mess they have created in the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

The BC Enquirer confirms Phillips 1.5% raise. They said it is the same as other administrators. They also emphasize this is Phillips last year (spin?). If she was even mediocre that may be acceptable. But after a disastrous four year run it is ridicules. The money could have been spent on a long list of needs for the kids. I have no idea why she still has her job.

Anonymous said...

Are you surprised? This board (John C. excluded) has coddled Joyce P. and protected her for 4 long years now. WOW, if only the staff got anywhere near the support, praise and raises this failure of a superintendent gets. Expect some more "excellent" people to leave the district this year because of the board and Phillips. As is no one seems to want Metcalf I am sure he will be back next year too. Does he get a raise, tuition and a Safari again this year?

Anonymous said...

Why did we hire such an old superintendent in the first place? Mrs. Phillips has to be in her 70s. Is that all there was in the mid-year pool of applicants? Let's not make that mistake again. Maybe they should start hiring her replacement now and move her to another position where she can do less damage until we are finally rid of her. Is this mean? No, Mrs. P deserves to get back what she dishes out. Ya reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

The board knows there is a lot of anger and frustration among the staff and community over the school controversies involving the superintendent, Amy Jones, Brian Metcalf and others. Staff morale and community respect is at an all time low.

It seems that every time they have a chance to reach out and cool things down they instead throw fuel on the fire and make things worse. Their actions has certainly put the school bond in jeopardy. Trust is gone.

They have ignored please from at least dozens of people and the entire MPS staff. I would not be surprised if predictions of a possible recall movement do in fact materialize. If someone does start a recall, leave Coulter off the list. He is truly a good guy with a good heart. I wish we had more like him on the board.

Anonymous said...

As much as I do not like Joyce Phillips; she is not in her 70's. She was born in 1946; which would make either 61 or 62. So the problem was not "Why did we hire such an old superintendent in the first place?"
The problem is just her; her age has nothing to do with it. There are many other very competent educators in the state in her age group.

Anonymous said...

We found out after the fact that Phillip's former school district in Indiana was very happy to get rid of her, that is why they gave her such a good recommendation. Phillips had never even been a Principal before!!! Why was she hired? I agree, age has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

A board member told me not long ago that they are NOT happy with Mrs. Phillips and wish she would leave this year. They cut her planned raise from 3% to 1.5% and in their view gave her a mediocre review. They think they are doing what they can but feel their hands are tied. They are also somewhat divided so it is hard to take a tougher approach. I think the board will be very happy when Mrs. Phillips is gone. I am sure they would like her gone before the bond vote, but she wants that Michigan retirement too bad.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they fear that she will sue them as she threatened to do to the teachers.

Anonymous said...

I read the letter her attorney sent the Chronicle in the wake of the teachers' survey.

The reality is she's a public person and couldn't win a libel case unless there was actual malice.

She should have been reprimanded then.

Anonymous said...

She's gotten kudos for balancing the budget. Well, that's easy to do. Hire inexperienced teachers. But, is there extra training? Is there a formal mentoring system? How do we handle the inevitable costs of such a strategy, even if those costs are intangible?

We defer maintenance and capital spending. The chickens will come home to roost after she's gone.

Can board members sleep with that on their minds?

Anonymous said...

I remember when I first lost faith in Joyce Phillips and many board members. At a public MPS school board meeting then MPS board member Bob Lyng announced that he was upset because he had been asked to lie to cover up the Amy Jones insurance scandal (when she cost the district $40,000 due to her errors).

What a bombshell! I was so outraged our school leaders would come up with such a dishonest scheme. Paul Beardslee was the board President then and it was about the time they gave Joyce Phillips a long 3 year contract extension and 9% pay raise. I knew something had gone very wrong. I thought there would be more community outrage and I was expecting the resignations of Beardslee, Amy Jones and Joyce Phillips. Instead they all grouped together and covered it up. I have not trusted the school board, Amy Jones or Joyce Phillips ever since. I thought those responsible should have been fired, forced to resign or recalled.

Why were they allowed to get away with this?

Anonymous said...

Thats when things really started going downhill

Anonymous said...

They got away with it because Bob and Sam left the board due in large part to bad treatment by their fellow board members. Then the board went undercover after that. Who is left to keep them open and honest? John Coulter may try but it is tough being the lone voice of honesty, integrity and true concern for the best interests of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Ask Bob Lyng and Sam Ramon about what was happening with Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Metcalf and the board when they left. They have some stories that will make you want to recall the board. The situation was really bad then, imagine how much worse it is now with no accountability to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Has a web page been set up yet for what will be on the MHS bond proposal in August?

Anonymous said...

I think they want people to forget about all of the other problems before they start promoting the bond proposal, if they promote it much at all. I am sure they will try to lower the profile of Jones, Metcalf and Phillips too, as these three can sink the bond all by themselves. Also school news is much quieter in the summer so in an ironic twist they are hoping the public will support a bond at a time when they know the least about what is happening in the schools. I guess this is their best strategy idea.

Anonymous said...

Phew, I'm glad the board took time to tell us how the stand on the 63rd District race. I hope they tell us how they feel about all political races.

Let's just put communicating about how the schools are doing on the back burner for now.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle (5-17) covers in length what happened involving Phillips' raise. On the bright side John Coulter took a courageous stand against the raise and if you see John congratulate him, as I am sure he will get a lot of abuse for that decision from his fellow board members. On the pathetic side it was shocking to hear Dan, Janice and Paul praising Phillips and saying she is underpaid. If they were completely isolated and clueless I could forgive them, but they know exactly what they are doing and I view this is an insult to every person who truly cares about the Marshall schools. They are holding the bond ransom and are far more loyal to Phillips that to the kids or the schools. I agree with those who would prefer a recall. These three and the others who voted for Phillips raise all need to be replaced. The sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

In the Chronicle article, Paul Beardslee said,
"that Phillips doesn't have the luxury of built in salary increases like teachers and other administrators do."
What is that about?
Teachers get built-in step increases for the first twelve years they teach, once they get to the top step there are no more salary increases unless one is negotiated in the contract. Over the last couple of contracts MTA raises have averaged about 1%. And teachers who take "cash in lieu" of health insurance get about $300 a month, or $3,600 a year, not the nearly $1,000 a month ($11,892) that Phillips receives. (and those teachers receiving health insurance are paying about $200 a month of their premium.)
And teachers are not getting another 7% in a "retirement account." That is another $7,500 a year. Phillips is in the MPSERS, just like all other employees of the Marshall Schools, and approximately another $19,000 a year is paid into MPSERS on her behalf. Because of her age, she will be eligible to retire and receive a pension from MPSERS, after working five years in the State of Michigan, next year when she retires. If my math is correct; in addition to her salary, the district is paying nearly another $50,000 a year for her retirement, cash in lieu of health care, FICA, car allowance etc.
Please Mr. Stulberg, do not tell me she is "grossly underpaid"!!!
She works 60 to 70 hours a week? I do not know if that is correct or not; but I know you have many teacher who probably are working at least 50 to 60 hours a week. Do you think they are underpaid too?
Then of course, look at the other support personnel who are still left, after privatization of the custodians, and see how their compensations compares.
Lastly, I do not know where the 19 similar sized districts are that Mr. Stulberg claimed paid their superintendents more. I know Harper Creek's superintendent's pay is about the same as Dr. Phillips, and I do not think he gets the additional $7,500 into an IRA; nor does he get a car allowance. But perhaps there are 18 districts somewhere in the state, about the "size" of Marshall, that pay more. I would be curious as to where they are, and also as to how their foundation grant compares to Marshall. There are many districts in the northwest Detroit suburbs where the foundation grant per pupil is over $10,000 a student. I am sure they can afford to pay their superintendents more. But I do not think there are many districts in this area, of comparable size, who pay their superintendents more.

Anonymous said...

So Mrs. Phillips and the board are focused on the "best interests" of the school district. I am sure they are! Except in their little world the "best interest" is how they define it. Say, for example, a current school board member felt they were unfairly demoted as a coach and quit- right or wrong. From their view the "best interest" would be to punish or fire those who THEY THINK may have had something to do with this decision. Then say another board member doesn't like a coach, or a Principal, or someone else for personal reasons. From their view the "best interest" may be to go after these people to punish or fire them for the "best interest" of the schools. Maybe they also think that covering up scandals and wrongdoing is in the "best interest" of the schools. Maybe they don't like the custodians, teachers or bus drivers. So I agree they are working in the "best Interests" of the Marshall schools. Its just from their own point of view, which may differ from what the rest of us think are the "best interests."

Anonymous said...

This board (minus JC) is very good at rubbing salt into the wounds they have caused. They made it clear, they do not give a damn about the bond- they care only for JP. If they do not care, why should I?

Anonymous said...

So how do elected individuals suddely decide that they don't constitute a board solely for the purpose of a political endorsement?

How did they decide on the text of the letter, and sign it if it wasn't done at a public meeting?

In any case, that was stupid, arrogant or both.

Anonymous said...

Enough to make me vote for the person running against Mr. Bolger. He had my vote until I read the "boards" endorsement. I know I wont be the only voter to feel that way. Mr Bolger, That letter will hurt you more than you know.

Anonymous said...

I am now questioning my support for Jase Bolger too. It was stupid of them to endorse a candidate. I can understand an issue or a proposal, but not a candidate. My guess is they are trying to divert attention from the mess they have made. Their vote and arrogant rants praising Dr. J will certainly cost many votes on the school bond vote in August. We need to fix the problems at the top first. There is no way I will trust $35 mil with Joyce, Brian, Amy and most of our board!

With JP retiring in a year, why isn't Metcalf hanging around to replace her? Are there more problems at the top than we know?

Anonymous said...

When you read board statements just substitute "our hidden agenda" for "the best interests of the Marshall schools" and you will get a much more accurate view about what they truly mean.

Example: "Joyce Phillips works 70 hours a week 'for our hidden agenda' and deserves a big raise."

Does that 70 hours include lunches and dinners at Schulers - oops business meetings I meant. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Does "work time" include commute time to Coldwater and Hoosierland as long as she has her cell phone on? Does it include shopping at Darling & Daughters?

I could care less if JP works 100 hours a week. How many hours are spent truly doing good things with MPS teachers and support staff? ZERO! How many are truly beneficial to our schools? About ZERO. How many are making more problems? About 95%!

Why does 99.9% of the MPS staff say she is terrible and can't stand her? Who gave her good reviews? Goofy Klotchack? Lackeys Turner and Holbrook? Dr. M? Amy? Walbeck? Who cares what they think, or can they think for themselves? If they did they would be fired.

Anonymous said...

School morale is at a record low. Community trust and respect for school leaders is at a record low. Joyce Phillips has threatened to sue the Marshall teachers AND the Marshall Chronicle while fools on the school board sing her praises. I think the Marshall Schools have hit rock bottom.

Anonymous said...

The amusing thing is that Bolger's primary opponent's withdrawl announcement was reported Saturday, too.

So, we assume the board supports him in the general election?

Anonymous said...

It would be a good move to get the Marshall Board to endorse the candidate you do NOT support. That can guarantee many lost votes.

Anonymous said...

It looks like another awful year ahead in the Marshall Public Schools. The MPS board could have made positive changes and reached out to the community and the teachers this past year. Instead they chose to engage in conflict and foolish choices. At least one board member knows what is going on and has taken a stand for the kids.

Anonymous said...

Are those of you who say you would vote against Jase Bolger serious - just because the School Board endorsed him? What ever happened to assessing a candidate based on HIS/HER experience, positions, etc? What if some totally off-the-wall person endorsed Jase, for whatever reason. Would you then vote against Jase because you did not agree with or like that individual who publicly endorsed him? Do you really think Jase controls all public comment regarding his candidacy? He can control some of it, but not all.

Anonymous said...

Why would the school board as a group endorse any candidate? This board in particular has no credibility with anyone I know so what makes them think this is something they need to do?

Anonymous said...

I think that some are skeptical as to why our board would endorse Jase Bolger. It's probably viewed that there must be some sort of agenda attatched to it. Agree with them or not, I think that they should be more concerned with fixing the bathrooms at the middle school that 2 little girls stood up to discuss at the last board meeting, than endorsing a candidate in the paper. Take care of your own house before you worry about someone elses.

Anonymous said...

Just a couple thoughts here: Of course Joyce has been good for the budget - at the cost of community livihoods. She has attacked the support persons union and taken their the name of saving money. Well - 25+ custodial positions were robbed from these local workers. Of course she said we saved money - at what cost? Now - Joyce wants those 25+ families to shell out more money to support her bond. Second thought: Did we save any money at all. I know for a fact the new Grand Rapids company employees do not do alot of the jobs the local workers did - unless the district pays for those additional services... You know - moving furniture to strip and wax floors, etc. Thirdly: Wonderful Rose Concert by the high school choirs on Sunday 5/18. Yes - bond material was availbable to help people to understand the need of the August bond - but for petes sake could the new custodial supervisor have had the new cleaners at least dry mop that black stage floor so it would at least look like we keep things clean that we are wanting to update????? The kids were wonderful but my eyes kept going over the filthy floor. Never seen it look like that for a concert before?!?!? I am guessing Bill Armstrong knew enough to have our local custodians clean the floor before a concert. Or was this just another ploy to encourage august votes? Joyce receiving a raise sealed my NO VOTE on the August bond. Everyone can save their advise to me "voting no will only hurt the kids"....when Joyce is gone and a superintendent is in place that case enough about our community, schools and kids - I will vote for updates then.

Anonymous said...

To several comments above: The middle school bathrooms should have been done correctly two years ago when our bond vote renovated the middle school building. Now I hear how many problems were cosmetically addressed and money was spent that is going to need to be re-done. And this district wants me to vote yes again. How many band aids does it take to make these buildings look OK - we should have built a new HS several years ago....this is like feeding a dead horse. You know this administration is not going to fix all the problems - the first time around. It will take them several tries. Although it will give Amy Jones times to have another go around with Josh from CSM.....that is worth something to someone! Is it misconduct if you are caught in a compromising position in the school offices at 10 pm...?

Anonymous said...

To clarify my earlier post about voting against Bolger just because the School Board endorsed him: I do question why the School Board wrote that letter to the editor. I believe they have better things to focus on than a State House campaign. What I didn't agree with was people not voting for Jase just because the School Board endorsed him. I think the two should be separated.

Anonymous said...

I think most people who would say they are questioning Jase Bolger due to the MPS school board endorsement are in reality taking a shot at the board. There is a huge amount of justified anger directed at the board for their bad decisions during the last few years. Teachers and parents are especially mad at how they keep rewarding poor performing employees (Metcalf, McDonald, Jones Walbeck, and Phillips) while treating the employees who exhibit the "excellence" they brag about in a disrespectful and hostile manner.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schoolboard members are not stupid. All of their votes and actions have been carefully planned and calculated to achieve their goals. Mrs. Phillips works with them to carry out their wishes. She should have been fired long ago, pure and simple. Metcalf too! I agree JC is good, but the rest are up to something bad. I do not trust them and I would gladly vote to recall all of them but JC.

Anonymous said...

Apathy is the best ally of Dr. J and her board.

Anonymous said...

In Short: Bad Behavior Is Truly Being Rewarded At MPS. The only thing Joyce has possibly accomplished is the fund equity. I ask: At what cost? How many lives has she strangled to improve the budget. Wouldn't be so hard to swallow if this board did not continue to give her raises. Yes Janice, it is only $1600 but how does that make the custodians feel who lost their jobs - only to hear Joyce gets one more raise with all those perks!!!!

And guess what folks.....Joyce will systematically attack more employees this summer - quietly - like a 'thief in the night' - when the majority of the employees are gone for the summer and not aware of the issues that need support. My stomach absolutely turns over - WHY YOU ASK- BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT JOYCE/BRIAN/AMY/MIKE DO TO ATTACK PEOPLE - TRY TO DESTROY PEOPLE'S LIVES - WHILE NO ONE IS WATCHING OR THERE TO SUPPORT.

The only consolation here is: Look at Metcalf - "What goes around comes around". Now - desperate - Metcalf wants the support of teachers!!!! Jobs are rewarded upon merit EVERYWHERE BUT MARSHALL.

Anonymous said...

Lakview just promoted from within. That takes leadership at the top and support from within.

Micromanaging does not develop internal talent. That's another costg we will bear when she's gone.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Dr. Metcalf want to stay around and go for Dr. Phillips job next year (or sooner)?

Anonymous said...

I must have talked to at least 25 people around town and it looks to me that the school bond is in trouble. Some don't like the higher taxes, others are mostly mad at the board and the superintendent, and the rest are upset about both reasons. It will be an uphill fight for support. The recent actions of the board and the unpopularity of Dr. Phillips are the biggest obstacles I doubt they will overcome. I think the board blew it!

Anonymous said...

To two above, apparently they do not want Brian around any longer. Why they keep giving big raises to his fellow "what does he do" buddy Charlie McDonald I will never know.

Anonymous said...

Ha, they've been blowing after the first year with her here. They've lost all credability with the vast majority of people. There are a few out there who are ignorant about what is going on with in our schools, but they are learning. I'll not vote for the bond, not with this Superintendent nor with this board. There are still things screwed up from the last bond. Joyce is not fiscally responsible, it is all smoke and mirrors. School budgets are cyclical, this is just another one of those cycles. Let's check the legal bills over the past 10 years and see how much money we've blown in the past 4. I dare the school board to take that one on.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the days at MPS when you asked the administration or board a question and you actually received an answer. Not a dance around the moon - but an answer. No, you didn't always like the answer - but the answers came - without deception and dishonesty. I am sure all administrations have some problems but come on Marshall - HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THIS AMOUNT OF ISSUES FROM YOUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL? Between Joyce, Brian and Amy Jones...there has been enough to write a book in the past 4 years. Time to get it together. Get rid of the top administration. Straighten it out at the top. Then ask for support from your loyal voters!!!! You can not expect action by this community when they are seeing NO ACTION BY THE BOARD!

Anonymous said...

The board has their own narrow vision for the Marshall schools and they clearly do not care what anyone else cares or thinks. They especially despise anyone not loyal to Joyce, which is just about everyone who is any good in the schools. Joyce, Brian, Amy, Charlie, Mike- are all outsiders with no real stake in the best interests of Marshall. They are all here to use Marshall, suck out as much money as possible, perform poorly, and then move on- leaving their damage behind.

We need leaders who live here, are good and honest, have integrity, truly care about the Marshall schools and community, and who are also willing to work well with the staff, parents and the community.

Until that happens things will get worse before they get better.

Anonymous said...

Has Metcalf, Jones, Walbeck or MacDonald been evaluated yet this year? All combined they do little good but kiss up to Joyce. I do not trust any of them.

Anonymous said...

Metcalf is none too popular with the board. They are probably trying to keep things quiet hoping he finds another job. I sense no interest to keep him around to replace Joyce. I know my PCO friends would like to see him gone.

Anonymous said...

The PCOs feel like we are being used to get what the schools need but our input is too often ignored or overruled. We are also upset at the disrespect exhibited towards the district's many great teachers.

Anonymous said...

The board sent Mrs. Phillips to carry out their personal agenda and then circled the wagons to protect her and her dwindling band of loyalists several years ago. It has been a cold war ever since against the school staff and most parents. It is a very tense environment in the Marshall schools with all real trust and teamwork gone. I will not vote for any bond until we get good leadership.

Anonymous said...


"Do you have an opinion on the upcoming bond issue?

The Enquirer is doing a series of articles on the scope of work to be done at Marshall Public Schools if a $35.3 million bond issue passes in August.

But we need your help.

If you are a parent, resident or voter in the Marshall school district, please contact us and tell us whether or not you would support this bond, and why.

We look forward to hearing from you!"

Now what will be interesting is IF people respond to this request; AND if they are honest (i.e. saying they will not vote for the bond until there is a new administration in the MPS). I wonder if the Enquirer will print comments that are critical of Joyce and the Board.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link. I am not sure if it will work or not. But if you click on local news, and then click on "more" it is under there, under the heading "Calling all Marshall Voters."

Anonymous said...

Will the Marshall voters trust the current scandal-plagued superintendents, business manager and school board enough to raise their own taxes $500-$1,000 per year for the next several decades?

Anonymous said...

My natural inclination as a good citizen is to vote for a school bond. My anger at the poor and dishonest leaders we have make feel like this may not be a good idea this time around.

Anonymous said...

Don't get too excited if Metcalf finds another job. Guess who gets to hire his replacement?

Anonymous said...

I would not bet too much on him getting the Dexter job. He gets quite far in the process each time, then comes the part where the hiring district contacts various people in Marshall to see if he really is who he claims to be.
You know the old saying, "What goes around comes around."

Anonymous said...

He has been a dud from the start. He took advantage of Marshall and treated the teachers with disrespect. He is lazy and foolish. He does not deserve to be a superintendent anywhere. We should not do to Dexter what the Indiana district did to us with Phillips- lie to get rid of a bad administrator.

Anonymous said...

More problems (see new Chronicle) targeting the MHS award-winning Choir Program? A little background. Mrs. Petrich is an outstanding choir teacher who runs a great program. She is also active in the MTA (teachers union). A few years ago when problems and scandals started to plague the Joyce Phillips administration, she was involved in a teacher survey about the problems and concerns with the superintendent and other top leaders. The school board should have used this survey as part of their overall planning and realization of the problems at hand. Instead they were embarrassed and many believe they targeted teachers and at least two Principals who spoke up about the terrible reign of Joyce Phillips. One of those Principals, Ron Behrenwald, was forced out last year using sleazy tactics. Now Phillips, with board support, is up to her usual dirty tricks and is cutting the program to get back at Mrs. Petrich. Is this harmful to the kids? YES, it is very bad for the kids! Phillips and her strong board allies care nothing about the best interests of the kids. Unless the MHS choir program is fully restored to where it should be, I know many people that will vote against the bond in protest. It may take the bond sinking to cause a "wake up call" that things are very bad and major problems persist. For starters Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf need to be fired. If any board members do not get on board with the kids best interests, then a recall may be needed to bring in new board members who truly care. This may sound harsh but things are that bad in the Marshall schools. The dirty politics being used against the choir program may be the last straw for many.

Anonymous said...

It is also simply wrong, dishonest and possibly illegal. I would not be surprised if one or more lawsuits results from the unethical and dishonest methods of Mrs. Phillips.

Why hasn't the school board intervened to stop this sort of unprofessional and bad behavior? Our teachers and kids do not deserve such bad treatment.

Anonymous said...

The cut seems silly. What logic is there for such a thing? Has she said?

Anonymous said...

The reason is, my guess, MONEY. I know a couple of years ago she issued a directive to Ron that there be no classes with fewer than (I think this is the number) 20 students. That resulted in some last-minute cuts of classes, the need to re-schedule those kids into other classes which I believe created some overloads. (MTA contract has some strong class size language, and if a teacher's class is over the class size limit, they are well compensated.) So the next semester I think it was, she ordered no overloaded classes. Anyone who has ever worked in a high school knows you cannot have it both ways. If cut all the small size classes, you are going to have other classes, especially electives because it is electives that are usually cut for being too small, that are too large.
The bottom line is, if you cut five classes in the high school that are smaller than 20 students, you have just eliminated one teaching position--saving money so the board can commend you for your fiscal management.
From what I heard JP was thrilled to have five veteran teachers retire. Replacing five teachers at the top of the salary schedule with five first year teachers will save the district at least $175,000. There is her fund equity.

Anonymous said...

I have heard complaints from many parents about students not being able to get the classes they need or want. Many advanced classes have enrollment lower than 20 and these are usually the first to go. Some kids needed classes badly where they would go one or two over the limit, and could not get them because of Phillips extreme measures to maker herself look good. Yes, Joyce Phillips has NOT put the kids first, but she always puts herself (And Amy, Brian, Mike and Charlie) first. Our kids have suffered as Joyce and her cronies keep rewarding themselves with undeserved pay and perks. The parents may have to start looking into nearby schools that offer options Joyce has cut.

Anonymous said...

Dirty politics coming from Joyce Phillips targeting a teacher and their excellent program? What a surprise! ;-)

Anonymous said...

No knock on them personally, but there has to be a consequence of hiring young teachers. It is another thing that will come home to roost after she's gone.

Anonymous said...

Marshall has and is losing a ton of veteran talent. I remember when many of our veteran teachers were young teachers and how much more active they were across the board than our under 40 teachers are now. I think the "golden era" of Marshall education was the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1970s we had a model Middle School that schools from around the country would come and visit. Look at who we have lost in the last ten year, including this year. Have they been replaced by teachers at least as good? In most cases, no! The decline at the top is far greater. I do not see a turnaround until the leaders at the top are at least as good as the teachers on the bottom.

Anonymous said...

The board knew there were some problems at MMS and MHS that needed to be fixed. The problem is they hired a bunch of fools who targeted the wrong people and made things worse.

Best wishes "Rens," Magnus, Telf and Burger! You are all great teachers and we will miss you! :-)

Anonymous said...

They truly have destroyed our once great school system. If it werent for the truly dedicated hard working staff who keep doing a great job in spite of the fools at the top, the damage would be irreversible. To make it even worse the blind and foolish board members sing JKPs praises as they give her a RAISE. What a slap in the face. I feel sorry for the well meaning community members who are taking on the bond campaign when they should be taking on the fools at the top who have almost guaranteed the bonds failure. Do they really believe it is only a few of us on this silly little blog that are beyond disgusted at what has gone on? Unfortunately, this angry majority will become apparent when they vote against the bond UNTIL JKP is gone and takes the other fools with her. But the kids will suffer you say? Marshall kids have never suffered until these fools came here, spouted the "KIDS FIRST" slogan as if it was something new to the MPS, and then went about their way to change and in essence ruin what we once had. Again, thanks to a great staff who continue to do the great job they have always done when in the classroom, or on the field or on the bus etc. The fools must go.

Anonymous said...

"A Rich Tradition of Excellence" went out the door at the top a long time ago. The lower echelons work hard to live up to this despite a lack of cooperation and support from above.

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for details of the MHS $35 million bond proposal. Is their a web site yet? How many mills? What's included besides a 900 seat auditorium?

Anonymous said...

I was checking the Dexter schools website to see if there was anything there about who had been selected as the superintendent, and I found this interesting bit of info: Here is Dr. Metcalf's resume, listing all his accomplishments at Marshall.

Anonymous said...

What a joke! He brags about positive people skills. Who would agree with that? I doubt even his cronies in central office would agree with that. The board wants him gone bad. I wonder why?

He was awful at Marshall and I am sure he will be no better anywhere else. He is self-centered, an opportunist and he did nothing but take advantage of the MPS for his own benefit while contributing very little, if anything, in return.

Anonymous said...

It appears Superintendent Phillips and Asst. Superintendent Metcalf will play a very low profile in the upcoming bond election. Their immense unpopularity is a huge liability for the bond. If the bond does not pass it will prove to the board that these two should have been replaced for the "best interests" of the Marshall schools. They were given undeserved raises and praise, which has angered and outraged the staff and the community. My guess is that these actions will cost the MPS the bond. The board screwed up and it looks like the kids will pay the price one way or another.

Anonymous said...

I respect Gene Hamaker and the others who have written in support of the bond. But, I think they need to stand up and take a stand on the superintendent and the board.

Their comments about the bond stem from a deep seated loyalty, but neither of them would put up with Joyce in their organizations.

What say ye?

Anonymous said...

I agree. The good people JKP and the board have snookered into running a campaign "for the kids" need to be vocal about the elephant in the community that is preventing hundreds of citizens from supporting this bond. All their sincere hard work will be for nothing until this top administration is gone. The damage they have done to this system and its kids has been horrendous. No matter what positive position you hear the school employees have taken on the bond the truth is that privately most school employees will be voting no. Selfish and short-sighted you say? Well anyone on the inside can tell you that four yrs of selfish and shortsided JKP and board have hurt "the kids" far more than waiting till these people are gone. Talk to some random school employees for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I have and I could not believe how bad things are! Actually I have talked to quite a few school employees. I encourage others to do the same, though most of what I heard is also on this web site if you read all the posts.

Anonymous said...

A friend gave me this website. I am compelled to write. How sad it is that MPS is in the state it is. Joyce Phillips gets raise - for a sound fund equity. Has anyone done a study of how many valued, local employees she has caused to resign from their position, seek other positions in other districts, outsource, or just plain 'mean spirit, die and deceive' to force out. What a shame! I hope she doesn't have any mirrors in her home - I don't know how she can tolerate her own reflection. What a way to save money - at the cost of those who are expected to support a bond proposal. I thought the company from Lansing (which I gave my opinion to) gathered results of a survey (at the cost of $16,000) - were the results not: wait until May 2009 to ask for bond support, wait until the board learns how to communicate better! How sad - money spent only to have this district ignore the results of one more survey!

Anonymous said...

I was downtown this weekend and heard a disturbing issue. If the superintendent is cutting more choir classes and art classes - why is she pushing for a renovation of the music wing and auditorium? I also heard this is the second year in a row she has cut choir classes. I thought MPS was an attraction partly due to their exceptional music program. Does this board just sit and listen to her ludicris stories and never actually seek the truth through speaking to school employees? I find this disturbing. Why should I pay to update the facilities if they are not going to be used for a large number of students at the high school. A beautiful facility is nothing without students studying and practicing in that new facility! Let get a new superintendent before all the good choices are taken and we get stuck with a 'Dr do-bad' clone!

Anonymous said...

And, I hear the choir teacher is leaving.

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge the board has never explained why they ignored the survey.

Carrel seemed to be asking for questions based ont he Chronicle article.

So, Craig, why the bond now?

Anonymous said...

The choir teacher has been treated like crap by Phillips and her cohorts, despite the fact she does a great job! The choir teacher should stay, its Phillips, Metcalf and their board friends that need to go!

Anonymous said...

When the bond goes down in flames it will be the dirty politics of this board and their support for JP, BM, CM, AJ, MW and BK that sunk it.

Anonymous said...

A board member told me that they want Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Metcalf gone but are afraid of a costly legal battle if they just fire them outright. I guess losing the bond is a risk they do not mind taking to appease these two terrible administrators.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt and bad leadership combined with hard economic times makes this bond a tough one to pass. With the cost of materials skyrocketing $35 mil will not buy us nearly as much as it would have a few years ago. Now if our leaders had not dragged their feet and wasted time starting fights with everyone, maybe we could have passed one a few years back when everything was much cheaper. What fools we have in charge.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dexter, how would you like two superintendents, a business manager, a bus supervisor, a tech director and a high school principal? We will give you a good package deal! ;)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone told Mr. Hamaker or Mr. Carrel about this web site?

Anonymous said...

I do not understand any of the bond issue talk. I was totally under the impression our taxpayer dollars paid for a private survey from EPIC group and the results were wait until spring 2009. Waiting had a couple reasons behind it - I thought. One was the unpopular superintendent would be leaving the district; Two was something to do with better communication and I think a Third was -hoping the economy and the Marshall infrastructure was in better economic condition by then. Correct me please if I misunderstood something about the $16,000. survey. Why is this Board and Superintendent allowed to waste $16,000 of our taxpayer money to pay for a survey and, in my opinion, totally ignore or distort and change the results. I welcome someone that can give me direction on this. This is exactly why I won't vote for a bond. This is a blatant WASTE of my tax dollar. So - to all those bond supporters - how would you explain that $16,000 and how it was spent?

Anonymous said...

Devastating cuts are damaging the curriculum and hurting the kids. I can't see how the board can ask for a huge bond that includes a 900 seat auditorium for "the arts" and then make drastic cuts in the arts. If I know Joyce hates the choir teacher for her MTA activities, but she should not be able to cut choir, hurt the kids and force out a great teacher who leads an awesome program.

How about all of the other cuts affecting our schools? At the same time huge amounts have been lavished on bad leaders at the top. I cannot vote "yes" for a bond under these circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Two posts up. About the only information that you are lacking is that the $16,000 survey was NOT paid for by the taxpayers. It was paid for by a grant(Cronin Foundation Grant I think) that was written for. Everything else that you state is right on the money. No bond until they are gone!

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