Saturday, April 19, 2008

Let the good times roll - -

***Bryan Klochack - Principal - MHS***
We hear there are MAJOR issues at Marshall High School - Fill us in.
Is he doing a good job in his first year at the helm?

Please remember - Discussion can be had WITHOUT being rude.


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Anonymous said...

But does it really matter that the Cronin foundation paid for the survey????? It still was 16,000 that could have been spent on a program for "the kids" rather than a survey that the board at JKPs behest completely ignored. Still a major waste of money. A definite NO vote in this household of strong school supporters. Out with the idiots before any yes vote here.

Anonymous said...

The Cronin Foundation has been the personal piggy bank of all of the last supers. And, they paid for about two-thirds.

In any case, yes, it could have been spent elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Dexter decides June 11.

Anonymous said...

If the bond goes down then it is time to clean house with new leaders and board members. The kids deserve much much better!

Anonymous said...

That needs to be done whether the bond passes or not. While many are split on the bond, there is near unanimous opinion that Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf need to go NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

This board will fight tooth and nail FOR these losers while fighting tooth and nail AGAINST their own teachers and neighbors. A board recall is the only solution to see any real change for the better.

Anonymous said...

Though Phillips, Metcalf and our MPS school board find it easy to cut academics (books, classes, staff) they are now looking at the State Farm building to expand our alternative high school. So is that the new "vision," let our good academic programs falter while promoting alternative ed?

Anonymous said...

Actually, the alternative ed brought in money for the past few years. A lot of those kids are from out of the district and are bringing money into the district. I was at the alternative graduation last night and they are doing a great job over there. I read the same article and I read that they had to turn kids away last year, is that what we want to do, turn kids away? It has not caused any falter in our "good" academic programs. It is Joyces vision to overload class sizes and cut teachers to save a buck. Our kids first, all of them.

Anonymous said...

The alternative HS is a bright spot, but I don't see them using it in a long term plan.

The tour was appropriate, but what a time to do it. They ask for money to upgrade existing facilities, but are looking at new places?

That speaks to the fact that they have no plan.

Anonymous said...

The board will vote for full day kindergarten Monday. But, what is their plan? Is there a plan already in place to deal with full time students as they enter the next grades? I doubt it.

The board will pat themselves on the back without a thought about what comes next.

Anonymous said...

What about cuts in the arts? Cuts in much needed overdue textbooks? Less advanced classes offered?

I agree the alternative ed program is doing a great job, they have a great Principal. They should move Mr. Vaught to MHS which has a lousy principal. How many more academic cuts are they planning at MHS? There have been too many already and Klochak does an awful job running the place.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips could care less about academics in the Marshall schools. All she cares about his her money, power and second retirement. She has successfully duped the board into thinking that she, Metcalf, Jones, Walbeck and MacDonald are doing a good job, along with her hired puppet Klochack. The board stupidly believes this and discounts the other 99% of the staff that know the truth of how bad the situation really is. I hope the Marshall schools can survive the damage inflicted these last few years. We have at least another bad year ahead. Academics and morale are suffering, that is a fact. Students are leaving and the reputation of Marshall and our schools is in decline because of these people. Our property values are affected too, so everyone has lost thanks to the current administration and board.

Anonymous said...

I would say that JP and the board has cost every homeowner in Marshall at least ten percent value loss in their home. The word is out, to head for the BC area to find good schools with good leaders.

Anonymous said...

That's what the realtors and local businessmen have known for several years.

Anonymous said...

Is Janice Darling's "Going out of business" connected to her bizarre strong support for Joyce Phillips? Janice is perhaps her biggest supporter making her very unpopular in town. I wonder if she lost a lot of business for her strong anti-teacher, anti-student and anti-support staff positions.

Anonymous said...

I am sure it did not help.

Anonymous said...

Watch tonight to see if the administration says anything about its plans to change the way the early elementary grades are taught after the full day kindergarten. I doubt they've thought it through.

See if anyone asks how new students will be handled when they enter first or second grade with only a half-day.

No plan. No forethought.

Anonymous said...

What's on the agenda for the MPS board meeting June 9? More arts and academic cuts? Are they planning their next round of "outsourcing" so they can fire the bus drivers, secretaries and other support staff? I bet Amy and Joyce are drooling at such thoughts.

Anonymous said...

They mostly dealt with budget issues, hiring new teachers and some PR opportunities. I would guess they will save their next round of firings until after the bond vote in August. You can be sure they are making their plans.

Anonymous said...

While it is nice that all the 'pro' bond people are writing letters to editor. I can't help but wonder - is this the Marshall way. Pretend there are no problems - passive behavior - support no matter what?
I personally believe the time is upon us that people will not be able to afford to live in small communities like Marshall and commute to Jackson, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo. With the price of gas rising - no new commerce in Marshall - no one is going to afford the luxury of living miles from their work. I am not sure the board is thinking pro-actively regarding 'new facilities will attract people to Marshall'.

Just my thought!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've lived here for almost 30 years. We have a long history of pretending all is well. We don't show even minor problems because it would be a sign of weakness.

BTW - There is a problem lurking as we hire new, young teachers. We need to guide and mentor them, but that will take planning and money. Neither of which the administration will invest.

Anonymous said...

Lots of PR in the paper, oh how they are working so hard in the interests of the kids (like cutting choir classes). Now what is the real scoop?

Anonymous said...

Cut the arts and add more sports. Is Lou back in power?

Anonymous said...

If only we were so lucky. Love him or hate him we were in much better shape and the ENTIRE staff put "Kids First" in reality not just the meaningless slogan spouted by these outsiders at the top who have the local board completely fooled. Even the most anti-Lou people say that we didnt know how good we had it until the witch from Indiana hit town.

Anonymous said...

I wanted Lou out too, but in retrospect he looks very good compared to JP! Things have gone way downhill the last few years. The school board had their June "PR Meeting" for the press, now wait and they will start their dirty work in the summer and after the bond vote. I cannot support a bond of this magnitude when I have no trust whatsoever in Phillips, Metcalf, Jones or the current school board. They have betrayed us and failed us long enough. Its time for a change- FIRST - and then we can support a bond if we can get trusted, competent and honest leaders in power who truly care about the kids first!

Anonymous said...

I love the quotes in the paper where our sweet board members rub salt in the wounds of our former custodians. They bragged about how they were spending money they saved firing the custodians on "programs for the kids."

How heartless! Imagine how much money we could spend "on the kids" if we fired all the useless and worse-than-useless leaders at the top like Phillips, Jones, Metcalf, Walbeck, Klochack and McDonald? With benefits and retirements average about $130,000 each, WOW- that would be about $780,000! Imagine all the programs and sports we could finance with that money! We would greatly improve the management schools too!

Anonymous said...

I read the BC Enquirer article too, what a pathetic attempt at good public relationsions. Is this Ali's "Communication Plan"? Unfortunately for the board their are many sources of information (talk to any teacher or other school employee) and we all know that all is not well. A matter of fact all is worse than ever. They do not care about most Marshall school employees, why should we think they care anything about the kids?

Anonymous said...

From the 2-10-08 BC Enquirer:

"It's a bit of an unusual headline that while other districts are tightening their belts, Marshall can expand," Trustee Ali Webb said. "We're doing things other districts in the state could only dream of doing."

Finance Director Amy Jones credited "a lot of planning" with the district's strong standing. Fighting back from a deficit seven years ago, the district has been "operating so frugally, watching every penny," she said.

She also pointed to the district's August 2007 decision to outsource custodial services, which she said saved $330,000 this year alone.

Trustees noted savings from support costs directly funded classroom instruction and student programs.

"We're putting our treasure where our heart is, and that's the kids," board Vice President Paul Beardslee said.

School millages remained the same as 2007, with an 18-mill operating millage, a 4.45 debt fund millage and a 1-mill sinking fund millage.

"We've been focusing diligently the last five years on the overall design of the district and where our resources are going," Superintendent Joyce Phillips said. "It's a joy to be able to present this kind of budget to the board."

Is this a bunch of hooey or what?

Anonymous said...

I feel rather sickened that there is so much PR being aimed at the already strapped budgets of small community families. This direct PR is intended to aim at the elderly voter that fears for the values of their homes, or in fact live in housing where they do no get directly affected by tax increases. Yeah for Amy Jones....brag it up about how much money you saved - these custodians are real live neighbors and friends in this community. Their jobs were robbed from them. This board has now directly ignored: "The Staff Survey", the petition to "Keep our Local Custodians in our Schools (2400 registered voters) and lastly the EPIC survey group "Wait for Bond Proposal until May 2009". Someone needs to convince me that these ELECTED OFFICIALS - WITH MY VOTE AND YOUR VOTE - are actually listening to their constituents. They were voted to speak for the community - somehow - because they were voted into office - they seem to think they know more than the taxpayers, the survey participants, the teachers, support staff, bus drivers....How can it be that, just because they were voted into office to represent the members of Marshall Schools, they seem to 'KNOW ALL - '? I was terribly disturbed at how blatantly they ignored the voices of 152 employees, 2400 petition signatures and then the community survey by EPIC. This is most assurdly reason enough to have a recall. I am aware of 3 individuals that would run for Board - if the voters decide their voices are not, have not, and will not be heard. All these problems could have been, should have been, addresses by stepping up to the plate and addressing the initial survey. Remember - our hero Joyce received a (?) 1.4 of 5 rating, Ron Behrenwald (4.8 of 5), Bob Vaught (5 of 5 I think), Brian Metcalf (2.1 of 5) Mike Walbeck (1.7 of 5).....and the Board keeps giving the top idiot raises!!!! This is pure insanity. The power brokers in this town can keep acting like ostriches...hide your heads in the sand...the ruins will be around us before the Board gets the Kahuna to do something about the issues. You can't just keep writing 'pretty articles'....address the real a our school system....Joyce and Brian have to be replaced. NOW

Anonymous said...

In response to two above, I am glad I was not at that board meeting. I would have needed a shovel to get out. ;)

Anonymous said...

So is there any one or two people willing to lead the charge against these people? Hundreds of us will jump on if it starts but school employees are too scared of JKPs evil retributions to be the leaders of the revolt that is so necessary. Too bad the community leaders who are trying so diligently to get support for the bond didnt demand chage at the top before they agreed to do her bidding. If we all truly put the "KIDS FIRST" we would have gone after her and her board first. The damage done is horrific.

Anonymous said...

The board party line: "We know there are big problems and we are working on getting Phillips and Metcalf out the door. Phillips only has one more year and Metcalf is trying hard to get out, as we asked him to do."

The reality: They have known about these two big problems for several years and at each opportunity they could have given them a much-deserved poor evaluation they have not. They have also given them big raises, handsomely rewarded their dwindling pool of loyalists, and have treated everyone else in the district poorly- or worse.

Now do we believe the board's words or their actions? They have fended off stronger opposition and a likely recall movement by saying one thing and doing another. They have threatened the teachers and support staff repeatedly and have carried out retribution (look at the choir target now, Behrenwald, etc), so I think their true intentions are well known. Have lies bought them time? Have threats silenced critics? How much longer will these tactics work for this regime? Marshall needs and deserves much better. Marshall needs change NOW! When the community wakes up and takes action it can happen quickly. Until then we all suffer and our reputation and property values will continue to decline.

Anonymous said...

Please! Is there anyone out there willing to go forward and stand and say let's organize and begin doing what we should have done two years ago?

Anonymous said...

The teachers and support staff cannot or we will lose our jobs. So it is up to the parents and community leaders if they want to get involved for the sake of the schools and the community.

Anonymous said...

I think there are still many community leaders who are unaware of the magnitude of the problems in the Marshall schools. Many parents may not know all the facts either. Keep spreading the word, have them talk to teachers and support staff that trust them enough to tell them what they really think, and send the web address of this blog to everyone you know in Marshall. A grass roots effort can start and hopefully spread quickly.

Anonymous said...

Just the facts- no one will launch any serious challenge to the board, things will get worse, staff morale will decline further, Joyce will get her second Michigan retirement and torment the teachers another year, Metcalf is going nowhere, more undeserved raises will be doled out to those who least deserve them, more good mps staff will be harmed, more students will leave the mps, the bond is in jeopardy due to a lack of trust, and the Marshall economy is in trouble. I see little hope on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

The MHS summer construction kicks off. I am so excited about the changes that will greatly improve teaching and learning like, um, oh, uh, oh yeah- the main offices will be moved from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor. How did this become the number 1 priority? I can think of 50 things that should have been done first. Oh yeah, those were saved to get voters to pass the bond in August. Ok, I get it.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle reported that the board wants input on the superintendent search, so they published an email address.

Right. Who's going to email them and disclose their name?

Again, clumsy management. A blog or forum would be much better.

Anonymous said...

It looks like "doctor" Metcalf lost again:

He cannot even win in a pool of bad candidates! Dexter decided to extend their superintendent search. It looks like we are stuck with him another year. How long was his last contract renewed for? What did he get on his performance review this year?

Anonymous said...

Lucky Marshall. Another year of worthless Metcalf. Is there anyone who feels he comes close to earning his huge salary? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

I think Dr. Metcalf may have the record for being a finalist for the most superintendents jobs in one year, but not getting one. I think he must look very good on paper, but once he makes it to the final level, and the hiring district begins to make inquires about what he is really like, he is toast! My spouse is a teacher and received a call from a colleague in Dexter asking about him. Nothing really negative was said, but what was reported was that most classroom teachers have very little contact with Dr. Metcalf. (Not a really glowing recommendation for someone who is suppose to be in charge of curriculum and instruction.)

Anonymous said...

Let's see, about 4-5 fired janitors make combined what Dr. Metcalf makes. Hmmm, maybe we fired the wrong people. These 4-5 sure do a whole lot more work that Dr. Metcalf, and I am referring to any ONE of them, not combined.

The question is often asked: What does Metcalf do all day? What does Charlie MacDonald do all day? What does Mike Walbeck do all day? There is about $300,000 in wasted salaries that could easily be cut.

Anonymous said...

OK, so we have full day kindergarten. I'm sure this was a part of a master plan. This plan for early elementary is surely a part of a larger plan about student achievement.

For example, I'm sure the curriculum for early elementary is planned to be modified to accomodate the new first graders.Perhaps it is focused on the not-so-good reading and writing scores in third and fourth.

I'm also sure a plan is in place to support and train the early elementary teachers as these new students move through the grades.

All of this has to be a part of a larger strategic plan that has laid out goals and priorities, so we know that full day class is the best use of our money, and not some trendy idea.

I'm sure of this.


Anonymous said...

I got my MPS "propaganda news" The Mentor in the mail. What a crappy publication. The "content" is little more than copy and pasted education cliches that were likely ripped off from some web sites. No real content about the Marshall schools. A lot of untrue things talking about staff working together, blah blah blah. Also I see Chris Varvatos is stepping down. He went on the board with high hopes and turned into a JP rubber stamp. Glad he is gone, he turned out to be worthless. I hope Mrs. Campau does much better.

We need some real cooperation, real teamwork, real improvements, real respect across the board, and real honesty to truly pursue "excellence" in the Marshall schools. Dishonest, mean and incompetent leaders is what we need to get rid of before this can happen. These same leaders are also the main reason the bond is not likely to pass.

Anonymous said...

Top things you won't see in the Marshall Mentor

5. Why all third graders' MEAP writing scores were below the state average.

4. What was gained by trimming music.

3. What the strategic plan is to move academics well beyond the state averages.

2. How the individual board members were able to decide to endorse Jase Bolger with violating the Open Meetings Act, or by not using public funds.

1. Why the board chose to ignore both the community survey and the advice of the consultant regarding the timing of the bond vote.

Anonymous said...

Top things you won't see in the Marshall Mentor

5. Why all third graders' MEAP writing scores were below the state average.

4. What was gained by trimming music.

3. What the strategic plan is to move academics well beyond the state averages.

2. How the individual board members were able to decide to endorse Jase Bolger with violating the Open Meetings Act, or by not using public funds.

1. Why the board chose to ignore both the community survey and the advice of the consultant regarding the timing of the bond vote.

Anonymous said...

I wish that the bond would fail---to send a clear message to the board that the community is so fed up with the current administration that they are willing to postpone the building improvements in order to send a message about how disastrous the current administration is. But, I do not think it will play out that way. I think it will pass, in spite of unhappiness with the current board and administration, because the people of Marshall are very competitive. Nearly every pro-bond letter mentions Harper Creek, Pennfield and Lakeview's new buildings.
When Marshall High School was originally built 37 or so years ago, it was a Cadillac compared to the area schools' Chevys. Marshall has always had to be the best. That competitiveness will be the reason that it will pass, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that competitiveness does not apply to the very low standards we seem to have when it comes to the top leaders in the district.

Anonymous said...

I see that Mr. Vaught had another compliment in the paper. That program seems to be a shining star in our district. I don't know much about him or the program, but they seem to get a lot of great press. Could anyone give me more information about that program and him?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Vaught is a great principal who truly cares about the kids, all kids. As is the case with all of our great administrators JKP has a deep hatred for him. She caters to her own hand-picked lackeys like Turner, Hooch, Klochak, Mcdonald, Walbeck. They get praises for doing inadequate jobs while the ones who do their jobs well and actually put the kids first are either driven away based on lies and her deceit like Behrenwald or they are harassed and continually reminded that they need to follow her party line blindly without question. She has destroyed so much and this board has allowed it and should be ashamed and recalled. A NO vote from the three voters in this family and we will vote no until this regime has been brought to a halt.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the board told this to us.

Anonymous said...

The Mentor mentions that Marshall MEAP scores are above the state average in most subjects and grade levels. Why are we using the state average as our benchmark?

In some cases the state average is about 50-60% proficient.

In the case of the ACT, the Marshall score is not enough to get into Michigan.

We should be measuring ourselves against districts whith which we'd compte for businesses and jobs.

We that is done, we don't look so good.

Anonymous said...

Marshall has demographics closer to that of an affluent big city suburb. We should be well above average in ALL areas! You can put a monkey in charge of the MPS and still have the best test scores in the county. Hey, I guess we prove that with the idiots we have in charge (JP, BM, AJ, CM, MW) and we still do well. My apology to monkeys, we have done worse.

But we would certainly do far better if we had competent leaders who actually worked with the staff and did their jobs properly. Other than get his PhD on school time and pay and go on a safari what did Metcalf ever do for improving teaching and learning? Not even close to what he should have been doing. The teachers are not sure what he does for a $100,000 per year plus benefits and big tuition ($24,000 one year). JP just is mean and nasty to everyone which lowers morale and makes it harder on the teachers and kids. Also she cuts academics so she can build the fund equity and pay her legal bills. Klochack is clueless at MHS, what backwater did he come from? Behrenwald was far better!

Our board has no clue what true excellence is and they refuse to listen to advice form anyone but JP and the idiots that are her loyalists. No wonder things are such a mess.

Anonymous said...

If no one had the ASSt. Supt. job our schools would be better off. Metcalf is useless at best. He made a fool out of himself on many occasions.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter how beautiful the high school is in Marshall. This is a demographically dying town. The utilities in this town are too high for business - heck the usage fees alone, to allow electrical/sewer/water, are too high. The hard earned money of this community may as well be piled up and have an annual bon fire with it. Building new facilities is NOT GOING TO ATTRACT PEOPLE TO LIVE IN MARSHALL. Has Marsha Franke decided how to control/freeze the price of gas or something? People can no longer afford to live in small, quiet communities like Marshall and commute to Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Lansing and Jackson for employment. It is too costly. Now on top of that you have the property taxes in Marshall - that's not cheap - and this is before they bond us to death. I think, if you could look 10 years forward you will see movement towards larger cities where the jobs are. For petes sake - this Board, JP, BM AJ and don't forget the behind the scenes work of Wally Walbeck - have robbed this town of 25 jobs. Now - how does firing local school employees, custodians, then expecting them and all their relatives and friends to pay higher school bond taxes make any sense?????? The fat get fatter in this administration! 25 custodians wHO influence 10-20 voters = ? Get out and get registered. Don't be too busy to vote in August. This could make a difference. Sorry all the realtors in Marshall seem to have time to write pro-bond letters to editors. Nancy, Matt, Ray, those letters were pretty self serving - and did not really address the actual issue in Marshall. The issue at hand is this: Why did the EPIC survey get totally ignored? Why did the 2500 signatures on the petition to keep our local custodians get totally ignored? Why did the grass roots drive, the staff survey, get totally ignored? Because this Board, is blindly let by Joyce. HAVE THEY FORGOTTEN - THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SPEAK FOR THE PUBLIC THAT ELECTED THEM TO OFFICE. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SUPERVISE JOYCE. NOT FOLLOW BLINDLY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The letters from respected people are an old tactic. The problem is, we already get it. Of course we need good buildings. Of course we need buildings as good as those of our neighbors. Of course schools matter to potential residents and businesses.

Those good people write out of loyalty, but they ignore the problems in the way of actually achieving success.

Anonymous said...

Got a call last night from a long time Marshall school supporter as a part of a get out the vote phone effort.

I asked what they had been told to say about why the board ignored the EPIC survey.

The caller said that they'd been given no training, and that the issue hadn't come up.

Anonymous said...

Phillips, Jones, Metcalf and the board are viewing the bond vote as a "vote of confidence." They will take a "yes" vote and turn it into propaganda that the people support THEM. Also even if I wanted to vote yes despite the bad leaders, can I really trust them with such a massive tax increase to properly handle the project? Look what they are doing now at the high school, we voted in the first big (but not as big) bond and they are squandering a lot of the money on relatively unimportant things like moving offices that were fine where they were. Also they treat the teachers, support staff and the citizens in a mean and arrogant manner. Phillips lies so much I can hardly tell when she says something true. I will vote "no" to send a message that things need to change at the top first.

Anonymous said...

NO votes from the three of us in this house for sure and we all are natives who have always supported the schools wholeheartedly. The actions of the "leaders" this past four yrs are bordering on criminal and the destruction that most all school employees see will surely haunt the rest of Marshall for years to come. The board should never show their faces in this community for their blind support of these "leaders" and their blatant ignoring of 95% of their loyal and hardworking school employees who for four yrs have begged them to listen. They just ignored and they should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

The MPS school board is widely mistrusted and despised in the community. I do not know Mrs. Campau so I will wait and see how she does, though someone told me she is friends with Marsha Franke which is the main force connected with (and financing) most of the current board. Good riddance to Chris Varvatos, he let us down time after time. John Coulter tries but is too nice and weak to challenge the others like Sam and Bob had the courage to do. The board will all be on their best behavior until after the bond vote, then look out for more shady and nasty actions against the teachers and anyone else who speaks up for the kids and the best interests of the MPS. Have the choir courses been restored yet?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Even though JKP drove Ms. Petrich away (to an excellent district with an awesome fine arts program where she will have five wonderful choirs)she has no intention of trying to rebuild the choir program she has torn down over a personal grudge against Petrich. JKP is all about "getting" the people who speak out against her. Then people wonder why we school employees are so afraid of speaking honestly and publicly. She wants this bond to be a feather in her cap but why vote for a new auditorium and fine arts wing when they have devestated the choir program. We already have a wonderful grand piano under lock and key backstage that is never used and certainly never by a student. "KIDS FIRST"! What a joke. Marshall needs to wake up.

Anonymous said...

For what she did to Mrs. Petrich and the MHS Choir program I will vote against the bond in protest! We keep losing great people and keeping the bad ones. Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Metcalf should be gone, not Mrs. Petrich! We will miss her very much!

Anonymous said...

I believe the Board believes the unrest and discontent by those who really know what is going on will fizzle out and they will reign kings when the bond proposal squeaks through. Has anyone noticed how they 'during their communication blitz' have shushed Joyce from public articles. In her place they have carefully called upon 'upstanding' community members who will be thought to 'know what they are talking about'. Sorry - I like Matt Davis, Ray Davis, Nancy Stulberg - and all those not mentioned above - but they have vested interests and secondly 'they can afford' the tax increase. Why were none of these individuals speaking up to SAVE THE LOCAL WORKERS JOBS - CUSTODIANS. Will they speak up when food service, transportation, etc. jobs get outsourced? Too many jobs have been lost in this small community - that equates to - too many people cannot afford the tax increase while being blindly led to slaughter. Human nature is to 'trust - then support'. Without the trust of the top positions - people are just blindly led. I cannot support a bond that addresses remodeling of areas that Joyce Phillips is damaging - music programming - out of pure hatred for individuals who have 'dared' to speak their opinions or worse 'stood up to her and taken her to task for blatantly lying'. I am so tired of 'communicating' with board members only to be totally ignored. It is almost like they do the opposite of what any of us school employees state as 'issues that need to be addressed'. Joyce and Brian need to go. Certainly it can't be that difficult to demote or 'fire due to breach of contract'. Statements keep being made 'Kids First' - ask the young people who have tried to speak to the Board or Joyce regarding issues important to them. They feel discarded, lied to, and dismissed. I will not forget what each and every Board member did during their 'elected' board time. Hey Board - Joyce works for you - do you get it? Also, why are all the blatant lies, being dished out by people like Wally Walbeck - being accepted. We are teaching our students to tell the truth - but deception is at the helm of many departments!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, and am no fan of the administration or board. But, the outsourcing had to happen. All districts have to focus on teaching and learning. The state has left them no choice.

Health care and retirement costs will continue to be a problem. Not to mention energy.

Busing should be outsourced or eliminated. We should probably close all elementaries and house them at State Farm. We could save occupancy and administrative costs.

None of the consolidating will be popular, but education has to change.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone find even one teacher who trusts, respects and think Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf are good competent leaders? When 99% plus of the MPS staff see them as failed leaders, or worse, then the question is, "why are they still here?"

If the board truly cares about the Marshall Schools why do they keep giving phony performance reviews when everyone knows how awful they have truly performed? What is going on?

Anonymous said...

It is all about the power and the money.

Anonymous said...

A competent super would have constructed a management team which could function in her abscence. Instead she's created drones.

The board also should have begun planning for her departure by ensuring that someone inside could carry on until we find someone else.

Look at Dexter. They had to go back to the drawing board.

Who will lead us in the interim if that happens.


Anonymous said...

The MPS needs a new superintendent, assistant superintendent, business manager, tech director, bus garage supervisor and high school principal. If these people were replaced and the board truly served the best interests of the MPS and worked well with the staff, the Marshall schools would improve dramatically and the kids would be far better off!

Anonymous said...

WOW! We could become a normal school district then. ;)

Anonymous said...

That would be if good honest people replaced them. If they hired more of the same it would not improve things. I do not trust most of our current school board members either.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Who screwed up? JP has a letter in the paper supporting the bond. That's bad for the bond vote.

Anonymous said...

Its not directly part of the bond but it is part of the bond PR blitz that we are witnessing each week. They are even soliciting input about finding a new superintendent. Let's see, according to our board JP gets her raises and another year for her Michigan 2nd retirement (undeserved of course!). So to publicize this now is an attempt to diffuse anger and hostility and to try to get people to think things are truly getting better. They are not, things are much worse now than a year ago- just ask any teacher. They are even trying to get the pathetic Metcalf some good PR about how hard he worked "saying yes" to new textbooks that were researched, selected and recommended by others. Good job Brian! More praises from the board for a job NOT well done. That should get you a superintendent job somewhere. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a joke! All puff pieces that just gloss over the misery they have created. Good job Brian Metcalf????? As if he had anything to do with anything regarding texts and curriculum. The committees of teacher do everything which is exactly why this size district can easily do without an asst. superintendent/curriculum director. Especially one as incompetent as Metcalf. Joyces puff piece about how wonderful our people are for being so supportive of the schools and allowing us to advance our kindergarten programs would be meaningful if she hadnt worked so hard to destroy so much at MHS. Ask any MHS staff or students how they feel about school this past year compared to any of the past. No wonder we rarely see her face at school. She should be ashamed not writing a puff piece.

Anonymous said...

I have shared my concerns with several board members this past year after hearing about all the problems related to Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Metcalf. In private each told me they would be happy if these two left and they are looking forward to replacing them as soon as possible. I agree their public actions seem to praise these two. My guess is they are doing what they think they have to do to avoid a legal problems. Personally I think the board does know what is going on and want both Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf gone ASAP.

Anonymous said...

There has been a big difference between what the board members say privately to teachers and community members and what they actually decide to do as board members. I will believe them when their words match their actions. I will never trust Joyce Phillips and she is the main reason I will likely vote against the bond. She needs to be replaced first.

Anonymous said...

After ignoring the teachers, parents, community members and students for the last few years, why is the board suddenly acting like they care about us now? They have ignored demands to fix the leadership problems at the top ("get new leaders"), to treat the staff better ("things are much worse"), keep Mr. Behrenwald ("they forced him out for no good reason and hired an awful new MHS principal"), take their time if they must replace the janitors ('they coldy fired them all on very short notice"), investigate main office scandals ("covered up instead") and improve real communication and cooperation at ALL levels ("almost nonexistent from the top down"). No do ya see why almost everyone is upset? There are many many more reasons too!!!

Anonymous said...

Reality check: the board and Joyce brag about the cost savings from firing the poor custodians. Are our buildings cleaner? NO, they are dirtier. Do the replacements do all of the same work, including all of the extra favors for parents, teachers and students the previous Marshall custodians did? No, there is a long list of things they refuse to do or want a lot of extra money to do. Are the new custodians as trusted as those they replaced. No, at least one was hitting on MHS girls. There is much higher turnover. Also the MPS bought a lot of expensive equipment to make their jobs much easier and GAVE IT to the new company. Why didn't they buy good equipment for the previous custodians? So it was a set up to look good but in reality it is doubtful if much money is saved and a lot of trust and service has certainly been lost.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall Alternative School is a source of pride and has served this population of students well! The new tennis courts look great at MHS, We have a great teaching and support staff. Also our parents and students are second to none! Now lets hope the MPS Board can focus on fixing the problems at the top and get good new leaders that everyone else deserves. Propping up failed leaders has caused great damage to the Marshall schools. This needs to stop now.

Anonymous said...

Don't get your hopes up! Many attempts to work with JP and this board have been tried and failed. They are on a mission with Joyce as their leader to reshape the MPS in whatever wacky ways JP, AJ, BM and their cohorts can think up. They are also hellbent on revenge against, well, just about everyone. Paranoia reigns and honesty and integrity have gone out the window. Its a never-ending battle and the good people of Marshall are losing.

Anonymous said...

I gave up and I will vote NO in August. Most of my neighbors feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

The fact is this: Amy can state that money is saved by outsourcing the custodial service. She is an artist at the "Shell Game". This has been going on for most of her years here. If you go through all the hoops and loops involved in FOIA of the financial records - you will then need to hire a CPA to try to figure out all the transfer of funds from account to account. This is how they make the numbers look nice. Fact is this cleaning service, as well as all cleaning services, charge tooth and nail for each and every function that is not in their contract - which is about everything other than cleaning rooms and emptying trash. Talk to the private cleaning people and you willl quickly see 'the extras'. This is similar to how one person's summer wage is being now paid out of the food service account even though all summer there is no food service. Shell Games - I will give Amy Jones this - she is good a juggling funds - to make the numbers look good on paper. Hello - do you remember the insurance issue? Do you know how that 'not Amy mistake' was paid for? Shell Games - is this what you want to happen to the large amount of money you will be paying on for the next 30 years? This district does not clearly show financial records. I cannot trust a word that is projected at the board meeting regarding the use of my tax dollars. No on Bond until we can get some trustworthy person in charge. Joyce, Brian, Amy, Wally, - you know this is true. You talk out of both sides of your mouths at the same time. Wally, - do you remember all the times you bad mouth Vic Potter - ???? Your staff remembers well! Trust - I think not!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to bring up a fond memory - August 2006. A MHS teacher came in about three days before school started to stamp and check in their new curriculum textbooks. I won't mention the book - thus keeping the identity private - you know retribution - Mr. Behrenwald phoned Judy Rodgers to inquire on the status of these 60 plus new textbooks. She could not find any evidence of them being ordered by Metcalf - These books were approved in June and should have been ordered July 1st - but Metcalf didn't do it. Of course - Judy and Mr. B expedited the process but - during the first 3 weeks of school these books were not in the hands of our students. Yes, Metcalf had left on his safari (he was tired after his completion of his doctorate classes) - I would have thought he could have at least seen to the ordering of textbooks. I believe there were textbooks for a 5th grade class and a middle school class that were also 'over looked' by Metcalf in the July ordering.

If you are reading this and do not believe it's validity - you are sadly mistaken. It did happen - it does happen - and it will continue to happen as long as this Board allows these top administrators to absorb salaries and take up space. "Kids First" - it is the people that do not have to say this slogan that are really 'PUTTING KIDS FIRST' If you have to say it - you are most likely not doing it. Hey - does Walbeck "let" his drivers do emergency evacuation bus drills yet? Again - Kids First. Wally - why would we want to waste time have student practice safety evac??????? Or won't your friend Metcalf let you do them?

Anonymous said...

I certainly have been wondering how Marshall, of all area districts, is not facing a deficit unless they make cuts in the 2008-2009 budget. Everyone else is struggling. Harper Creek, who did not have a net loss of students (and didn't Marshall lose students last year) last year is looking at a deficit of over $700,000 (expenses over revenues for the coming year) unless they make some significant cuts. Part of the problem is that no one knows what the foundation grant will be and no one knows for sure how many students will walk through the door. Because of the state of the Michigan economy, nearly every district is losing students as families move out of state.
I would certainly be curious about what numbers the MPS administrators are using for enrollment and state revenue; and how accurate they will turn out to be. Harper Creek, for one, is very conservative in its budgeting process. Marshall teachers are paid more than Harper Creek; I think so are most of the support staff and administration.
I agree with the previous posters, I would not trust the current administration all that much.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen how outdated the Marshall schools technology, equipment and supplies are? Have you noticed the lack of normal maintenance to keep things in good shape? Yes they save money through gross neglect. Then they show off their neglect while begging for a very large bond and tax increase. Is this good management? No. Is it good leadership? No. Is it honest? No.

Anonymous said...

I received a phone call last night from B. Cook. She left a message asking us to consider voting for the bond. I was not home. I was a bit perturbed that the district is pushing this bond down our throats. I gave my opinion to the EPIC group. I do not wish to have this 'pro group' calling my home. The district has chosen to ignore the results of the EPIC survey. That equates to "they have chosen to ignore my opinion". So - to them I say - don't call me with your opinion if you don't want to show me enough respect regarding my opinion. Sadly misled people are now putting their names out there regarding an issue that should have been addressed by our elected board = change the top administration before you ask for my tax bond dollars!

Anonymous said...

Amen! We too keep getting calls to "see where we stand". They should have been listening for the past four years to the heartfelt pleas of staff, parents and students to deal with the miserably incompetent top leadership. Add the board to that group as well since they have blindly followed the incompetents even in the face of overwhelming evidence that there were major problems. Maybe they will finally listen when the votes come in. Sad to say but true.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking that we need another blog specifically designed to explore the issues raised in the last two posts - specifically about the community mood and the bond.

It's not that this blog is not useful, it is. But, we do have a serious issue before us.

If you agree, what topics should be posted, and how might they be organized? Any guidelines about appropriate topics, to keep the blog focused?

I doubt people will write the newspapers about our discontent, so I think we need a place to express ourselves vis-a-vis the state of the district.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea, these are super easy to make using Blogger. It can just be about the bond, the board, school leadership, building needs and longterm political goals.

Anonymous said...

The only way for a blog site to truly express all opinion is to advertise the site here as well as Advisor or Chronicle and BC Enquirer. Has anyone gotton the mailing regarding the bond? Someone needs to ask: how much money did that cost, why are only the hidious pictorials in it?, and why has the district obviously let our facilities get to that point. From the stand point of someone who is in the buildings daily, for years now, I can say - these pictures are somewhat misleading as well as deceiving. But is anyone surprised. If a sink is broken - fix it - but the filth - can be cleaned up. This whole bond issue has been very carefully orchestrated from start to finish. Keep JP out of it - have her write a 'thank you' to the letter to editor...(that women has neve told anyone thank you on the staff)...

Four years ago Amy Jones was asked the big question: What are you doing with the sinking fund? Guess what - that sinking fund has always, prior to Joyce and Amy, been in place for 'repair of the roof, sinks, etc'. Amy refused to answer this question when asked several times. Why?

Also, with people moving out of Michigan due to jobs - why does Marshall think people are going to move in or stay? With the price of gas - commuting or bringing students into Marshall as School of Choice is something of the past.

Lastly, I read the posting to replace Kathy Petrich, Choral Director, who has taken an awesome position at another school due to Joyce and Brian Metcalf pulling their Nazi tactics on the HS Choral position is part time. WHY ARE WE UPDATING THE MUSIC WING AND AUDITORIUM IF THE BOARD IS ALLOWING JOYCE TO SEVERELY CUT THE FINE ARTS PROGRAMMING?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The board cares much more about the interests of Joyce, Amy, Brian, Charlie and Bryan than they do about anyone else. If the bond goes down then so be it, as far as they are concerned. If they truly cared about the "best interests " of "the kids" they would have canned at least Phillips and Metcalf by now.

Anonymous said...

Is it true choir is part time? I knew they cut a class, but part time?

Anonymous said...

I appreicate all the wonderful comments about me. I haven't looked this thing in ages. I have truly enjoyed the students and staff god gave me the please to work with. i will write aletter to the editor later, but thanks for your very kind words about me.

Kathy Petrich

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing - I know you want to make a clean break, but sooner is better than later.

Anonymous said...

Job well done Kathy! Your departure is a HUGE loss to the Marshall schools. Good luck in your new job!

Anonymous said...

Great job Kathy and congrats to you and your new position. I'm so sorry that you became another target for JKP. I wonder who will be next. I hope that you will enjoy your next job and have a true feeling of being appreciated. Please keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

Does the anonymous donor of musical instruments and now maybe a recording studio realize the harm caused by Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf with board support targeting our music and arts departments? We have lost Kathy Petrich, could Jeremy Root and others be next? The staff at MHS hate these two idiots and their fool/puppet Klochack too. I think if the anonymous donor knew how their generosity was being undermined they would be offering incentives to get new leaders.

Anonymous said...

Let's start with a grand piano - that is locked up tight - usually takes an act of God to find Amy Jones and have her personally deliver the key to the box that houses the grand piano. The snobbiness of Amy and Joyce with the grand piano key - lost this district an awesome piano tuning/repair technician that has worked for Marshall Schools for years. His ability to tune this instrument, by yes, Amy Jones, offended his personal profession - so he to called it quits summer 2007. If Kids Are First - why do 95+% of the students at Marshall not even know what this instrument looks like? Who are we trying to impress? This was supposed to be a wonderful opportunity, donated to the schools, for students to see, touch and hear this top quality instrument. Instead - without looking at the specs or consulting with the maker of the instrument - Amy Jones, under Joyce's watchful eye, set up strict guidelines to box it up, lock it up, hide it away and it is only brought out when the 'whos who' may be attending a musical in the auditorium. Has MPS opened a museum and they just want to brag about "Kids First"? If kids were really first their precious fingers would be allowed to touch these ivories - hear the awesome craftmanship of the grand - maybe just see it would be starts. ????? We need a 900 seat auditorium for what? Are we going to let our students inside it or just tell them we have it? No tax dollars from me for a MPS museum!

Anonymous said...

What could a recording studio possibly have to do with a quality high school education?

Did the benefactor endow the yearly maintenance?

What good could possibly come from this bribe? At least, it says the other reasons to renew the faciities are not important.

Anonymous said...

He probably offered to donate it anyway and Joyce, Amy and Brian (and our idiot board) probably talked him into using it as a bribe. I would not put it past them they have done far sleazier in the past. It could all be a lie in the first place, maybe he will donate it either way if he truly cares. If he had any idea what fools were running this show he would offer a bribe, maybe a new high school, to recall this board and fire this group of self-serving arrogant fools and replace them with good competent leaders who actually care.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.

I am an alumna of MHS, and am very saddened about the turn of events--and very frightened for my relatives that still attend.

But some things never change--lack of support for the arts by the administration, for one. How many graduates have continued in the arts? Quite a few, but not before screaming and yelling at times to keep programs intact.

The grand piano has spent MUCH more time inside the box than out. What a waste.

I no longer live in the area, and I can't say I'm sorry about that, given the current information. I certainly wouldn't allow my children to attend MPS.

I agree--Lou looks GREAT compared to what appears to be going on in the MPS.

It's a sad time.

Anonymous said...

Sad to say for the past school year I have not seen Mr. Klochack interact with any students in the hall during class passing, not a hello, how are you or anything - I have been involved in meetings with him and he does not seem open to ANY input - he will listen and let you talk -but is not interested in what you have to say or your experience on the topic -

Anonymous said...

He only listens to JKP and it is obvious to his staff that he is her lackey only there to do her bidding.

Anonymous said...

Very sad - I cannot and will not support a bond that this Board is pushing for, until, they make some changes in adminstration. Put the 'people' back in the 'people business'.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone realize this HS principal will commute for ANOTHER year, leaving the HS staff to pick up his slack once again? leaving the students not knowing their principal? How is this ok? He's what, 2 hours away?

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