Friday, June 27, 2008

Can You Afford The Tax Hike?

Snapshot taken from

Talk about the price of the bond proposal - Can you afford it? -Discuss -


Anonymous said...

I don't think that I have a problem affording more taxes, and I'm only speaking for this household. But I will not vote for a penny more while this school board supports the Phillips/Metcalf regime. After they are gone and have hired someone that I can trust, I'm all for it.

Anonymous said...

I have a modest home. The increase would be more than 5% of my total tax bill. I don't know the total school tax, but it would obviously be a large increase in that part of the total.

BTW - the recent brochure shows dirty sinks and water. Should that be a part of the regular maintenance spending?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Volkswagon is seriously considering a plant in Marshall. When they came to town to see the city they were taken to Oaklawn Hospital for a tour and then carted all the way to Battle Creek to view Lakeview schools. I don't know who was giving the tour, but surely we want to be able to show prospective investors a school district that we are proud of. I am voting yes. I fear for the long term outlook for Marshall if we don't pass this bond. Saving a little money now could mean big losses in the future. Have a vision, people! Look at the future, not just the present.

Anonymous said...

"I am voting yes. I fear for the long term outlook for Marshall if we don't pass this bond. Saving a little money now could mean big losses in the future. Have a vision, people! Look at the future, not just the present."

If you fear for the long term outlook for Marshall, why have you not done something to get rid of the CAUSE of the current unhappiness with the school dsitrict---the current board and administration.

I do not think many people who vote no will be doing so because of the money; it will because of their lack of faith in the current administration.

Anonymous said...

I have NO faith in the current top admin and board who have systematically chased good people away to be replaced by clueless clones in JKPs image, decimated a once proud staff and once great morale and allowed our great district to to become a place of major discontent. These same people are the ones who keep spouting the slogan "Kids First". The many people who for years have put the kids first dont need to keep telling people they do that. They just do that. It's these incompetent "leaders" who feel they have to keep telling people they put "Kids First" that really have no regard for the kids. It is a tragic shame what has happened and if the bond goes down those people are to blame.

Anonymous said...

I will have to vote "no" too solely because the board has failed to replace several failed leaders, including Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf and Amy Jones. The damage these three have caused has been immense. They have been dishonest and the board covered up their dirty dealings for the last four years while acting like they cared and were "looking into it." Well the lies are apparent and I cannot trust these three or the board members who support them. It is a very sad day in Marshall when countless good citizens who truly care cannot support a much-needed school bond for these reasons. I think a failed bond may be needed to start the process of big changes in leadership that will ultimately lead to real improvement in the Marshall schools. This is pretty much how just about everyone I know feels. Even two of the letter writers in support of the bond feel this way and were pressured to write letters. They would love to truly support the bond but want new leaders first too. I hold the school board responsible for getting us into this mess and propping up and protecting some very bad and incompetent leaders. We need good, honest and decent politics not shady and dirty politics. Its time for a change! If they can fire at least Joyce Phillips this summer, that would likely pass the bond. It would at least show a first step towards reconciliation, cooperation and good honest leadership.

Anonymous said...

Those three are mostly disliked for being uncooperative, mean-spirited, arrogant, self-serving and very poor in all ways as education leaders.

Anonymous said...

The secret donor has said pass the bond and the studio would happen. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a choir program to record?

In any case, buy Joyce and Brian out and we will pass the bond.

That's the deal.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell the secret donor what's happening in Marshall? We all want a first class school system, great facilities, great LEADERS, and to keep our teaching and support staff the best too. He apparently wants a strong arts program. That cannot happen with bad leaders who have a huge negative effect on teaching and learning. These same awful leaders have not only caused a long list of problems, but have caused the MPS to lose a lot of trust and respect in the community and the surrounding area. Good facilities and good equipment also need good staff and trusted competent leaders to use them properly.

Anonymous said...

I can see the studio being built and Joyce and Amy taking the key and keeping it for themselves. Then as the studio sits unused for years due to lack of maintenance, lack of anyone trained to run it, previous staff who could run it forced out and a tech director that could give a hoot about anything that takes more effort, then it would sit as another waste of money due to poor planning and bad leadership.

Now imagine how useful it could be if we had good leaders, good planning, proper maintenance and training, supported our excellent staff instead of treating them badly, ... this dream could be possible if we have the courage to make big changes at the top first. Do we?

Anonymous said...

Simply put: If you are cutting the choir program to part time - why are we needing a new auditorium? Perhaps - five years ago, instead of treating Bill Armstrong like he was some kind of idiot - this administration could have listened to his pleas for money to do the maintenance required to keep our facilities in tip top shape. He begged for proper cleaning products and utensils. Instead - he was totally shushed, told what and how to speak for his program, instructed to be a puppet - then - when the Board was 'looking into privatization of the custodial staff' many new items were purchased for the new cleaning company. These items were exactly the items BEGGED FOR to do the job by our local custodial workers. Do you see a pattern? This has been carefully orchestrated - while the idiots at the top sing 'Kids First'. How about just fixing the auditorium so it is safe and efficient? Why didn't the district just place someone at the front door to 'be reception' to visitors to the building? Instead - we move the entire office staff to first floor. The planning is insane. It is short sighted - not long term. We, as a small community school district, would be smart to maintain our facilities and step away from the dream of 'facilities that can compete with surrounding districts'. Gas is expensive. How many 'school of choice students will be lost due to families not being able to keep affording driving them into Marshall? People that commute to Jackson, Kalamazoo and Battle Creek will start exodusing the small community living to live closer to their jobs. The VW plant is just a site being considered. Wake up Marshall.

Anonymous said...

The school board members are not idiots, they know exactly what they are doing. Yes, they are secretive, well organized and make most or all of their decisions out of the public eye. One or more hidden agendas are at work, and no matter how much they claim to be "fixing" the schools, they are in fact doing the opposite.

They count on the staff being scared (we are!), as real punitive action has been taken and threatened against staff. They threatened lawsuits against the teachers and the Marshall Chronicle (via Joyce Phillips) for speaking the truth. The only solution is a recall against all members except John Coulter and Mrs. Campau (she is too new to be held responsible).

Wake up Marshall, as stated above! YOUR Marshall Schools have been severely damaged by this group, this clique, and no bond will fix the damage they have caused. Ask the teachers and other staff you know well. If you care start a recall. The bond vote is just a sideshow and a cover to divert attention from the real problems which are getting worse. We would be nuts to trust this clique with $25 million of our hard earned money. I guarantee they will waste and blow a lot of it by mismanagement. Phillips and Metcalf are clueless and have no idea how to properly lead a school district. That is their track record and they could care less how much they have harmed our schools and our kids.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is $35 mil and I agree.

Anonymous said...

The problem as I see it is: There is absolutely no guarantee that this district will see even the students it had last year. I may be wrong but I thought MPS was down 70+ students for 07-08. If we lose that many again - how can we not see a trend. Don't blame it on the facilities - blame it on the economy. Until things get better I cannot support more taxes to 'stay competitive with districts that are closer to cities with jobs mushrooming. Marshall, like most small communities, is not seeing company/economic growth. Where was the school district when Lear, Eaton's, State Farm, Collins & Aiken's, etc were fighting to afford the Marshall utility costs so they could stay in business in Marshall?

We cannot afford, the common folks, to support this type of facility upgrade. There are dozens of upgrades that could have been made - we don't need to be 'Harper, Lakeview or Pennfield." Let's just be Marshall. We can support our school and student's education by maintaining our facilities - which is exactly the stated above....maintenance/custodial budgets have been juggled so the numbers look poorly. A shell game is in fact being played in Central Office. As you can see in the very expensive, poorly thought out brochure that has been arriving at homes regarding the facilties. Many of those pictures have been carefully staged to mislead the community. The adminstration knows it. Now my big question: If Walters Elementary is only three years old - why to heck are we being asked to update it? In the same thought: We are already paying for upgrades to Hughes, Gordon, and the Middle School.....why are we being asked to pay for more upgrades? Perhaps this should have been thought out with a 'longer vision' in mind. I am already tired of paying for the middle school upgrades only to hear they should have done it right the first time. I do not plan to be a part of yet another 'financial fiasco' at MPS. It is time for the 'power strokers' in Marshall to seek the truth instead of being blindly led. If they believe this whole bond need and are not willing to speak to those school personnel that are present, past employees and seek the actual truth regarding need....I point to moving the high school offices to first the poster above - I agree - "for the safety of the students" - I agree the district could have placed a receptionist, hall monitor, someone to check visitors into the building at a cost of what ? $28,000/year - and now with offices on the first floor - office staff cannot have a bird's eye view of what is going on around the building as the 2nd floor visual afforded them!!!! But - who asked me? Oh - that's right - the EPIC survey people phoned me and my husband and we both gave our opinions - which did in fact match the survey results "wait until the community trusts the adminstration - Spring of 2009 - when perhaps the economy is moving upward!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The board will claim that they had public meetings and that any of us could have come down and shared our views, which is true. The real problem is that the board has repeatedly ignored their own teachers, staff, parent groups, community leaders and students and did what they wanted to do no matter what! Most problems in the MPS are well-known and have been reported over and over again. There is no longer any trust or respect for our leaders. If the board listened we would have two new superintendents by now, instead of the two incompetents we are still stuck with. They ignored the EPIC survey. They claim input form teachers but then do the opposite. The last big project at MMS was a fiasco too under the previous administration. They tried to cover it up and act as if all was ok or scapegoat the previous MMS Principal who was left out of the decision making process. I did look around MHS recently and I was shocked at how bad things have been allowed to deteriorate. We are not talking normal wear and tear, we are talking gross neglect and mismanagement of our properties. They blamed and fired the poor janitors which they never properly equipped and ignored their requests to fix things. It was all a set up. The real problems are named Phillips, Metcalf and Jones and they are the ones that will need to be replaced before I ever vote for another school bond in Marshall again.

Anonymous said...

Clean up in aisle 3 or should I say clean out the 3 and you will get a bond. The public sent a clear message to the board with a survey, the workers of the school sent a clear message to the board with a survey and guess what they can't seem to figure it out. I'm no rocket scientist but if I have that many people telling me there is a problem I might just step back and take a look at the big picture. No one in our household will vote for this bond until they make some changes.

Anonymous said...

From my unscientific survey of at least 100 Marshall teachers, parents, students and community members (yes, board members too) about 80% want Phillips, Metcalf and Jones gone, 19% have no idea who runs the Marshall schools, and 1% (mostly board members and their few wealthy friends) support this regime.

Anonymous said...

Unemployment statistics are out today - July 3. So far 6 consecutive months the jobless rate shows more and more job loss.

People in Marshall need to really look at the big picture. If your home value is $160,000 your taxes will jump $200+ dollars per year. This may not seem astronomical this year - but where is our economy heading? Possibly the more affluent does not need to be concerned about this. But, outside of Marshall, it seems everyone is concerned. Gas prices - skyrocketing - to where in the next three years? This affects everything that is transported to stores for the consumer to purchase.

Is it sound of Marshall School Board to seem to disregard the futures of it's community with just the 'school vision' in sight? I was hoping they would have broader vision and concern about the stability of this community. If we can't afford gas to go to work, food for our families - AT LEAST WE WILL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SCHOOL! That my friends it not sound economic thinking. This Board should consider the EPIC survey results - by May 2009 possibly we can see a turnaround in the economy.

Now automakers are stating "we aren't ready for the fuel efficient production - it may take a couple years - we are still producing gas guzzlers". If you seem to think you don't need to have control of your finances - go ahead and committ to higher taxes. This single home - working adult - cannot be blindsighted by any tax increases that I have a vote in - at this time.

Realtors - instead of your personal vested interest in home sales - possibly you should also consider the tax basis in this small - community - which is not growing and enjoying new manufacturing. The houses you are going to try to sell are going to be reflected much higher taxes. So are you assuming people are so interested in our school district they will disregard the fact that they may not be able to afford their property taxes in the next five years.

Let's step back for a minute and remember - the EPIC survey brought in many factors in the results that were submitted. This Board totally ignored those results. One of the conditions was: wait and see what the economy looks like in Spring 2009. That is what I would like the citizens of Marshall to do. Wait - see what our infastructure looks like in a few short months. IT MAY BE MUCH WORSE THAN NOW. AND RIGHT NOW PEOPLE ARE NOT AFFORDING TO TAKE JOBS THAT CAN'T PAY FOR THEIR FUEL TO GET TO THEM. Perhaps the wait and see is the best approach. Wait and see what the student count is this fall. Wait and see what the job market looks like. Wait and see if any new manufacturing opens in this district. Wait and see if this community can afford to pay this tax increase. Once it goes through - 30 years is a long time.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, Band parents upset, Joyce and Bryan K. on vacation and the school board trying to figure out why the parties that can fix scheduling problems can't get together? Let's see, maybe because they do not give a hoot? Is the board shocked that Joyce Phillips and Mr. Klochack are rude and arrogant towards parents like they are to staff and students?

Anonymous said...

That's what got Mr. Behrenwald fired (yes, Phillips told him to leave or be fired). Phillips wanted a lot of senseless schedule changes that would do great harm to MHS students. He went to bat for the students and parents. That got him in trouble and now we have a crappy JP-loyalist in charge. Had Phillips been fired instead, things would be much better in the Marshall schools. Don't believe the board when they act surprised, they know exactly what's going on and they back Joyce Phillips 100% all the way! The board is responsible for all of the harm they have been doing to the MPS the last four years.

Anonymous said...

A GREAT example of what those of us who are a part of the school system have been saying for four yrs. The top leadership is totally incompetent and uncaring. How dare they ever say "Kids First". Especially at the high school level they are and have been clueless. Absolutely true that Behrenwald, an excellent and well respected principal by staff students and parents, was driven out by Joyce because he had the audacity to defend his staff, students and school the many times that she was totally clueless about high school operation. Rather than work with Behrenwald to educate herself on that level she began a very vindictive campaign to drive him out. She, and the hapless school board called him insubordinate when he publically defended his right to have a say in the next asst principal after she lied and then covered up her sleazy actions. If Behrenwald wasnt such a decent man who had had enough of her vile and hateful behavior he would have stayed and worked to expose her lies and manipulations. But he knew the board supported her blindly even against her obvious lack of support from any staff, students and parents. It wasnt worth his time or efforts to fight them when he was being courted by districts who knew what a gem of a principal he was. Now here we are. The past year at the high school has been a sad result of their incompetence with the arrival of a new principal who only listens to Joyce and has no support from students or staff. We were told he was a whiz at curriculum and a wonderful master scheduler. Guess what? Read todays Chronicle and read Darling and Stulbergs quotes. They act surprised that such a mess could happen. Well Dan and Jan look in the mirror. You two have been the most fervent defenders of your good friend Joyce, singing wonderful praises as if she saved a miserable failing district and we should be glad we have her. We were not a miserable failing district and the two of you should be the most ashamed because many of us parents and staff have talked to you repeatedly. How many surveys must be given to you before you start listening to the people instead of backing this group who have devestated a once proud district. Now we have many of the strongest bond supporters waking up to the fact that the top leadership has no clue or concern for the "Kids". After reading the article it is obvious that Jeremy Root will become a new target. Under this regime to speak out is very very dangerous which is why the hundreds of school employees are scared to go public. A travesty that will resonate for years to come.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy is very brave to speak out! He is right and Klochack and Phillips are wrong. Those two should be fired, immediately, for the good of the school district. Its not just for this reason but for many many reasons that could fill hundreds of posts on a Blog. Oh yeah, it did!

Anonymous said...

Why is Amy Jones going to "match bricks" at MHS? What expertise does she have? She is a fool and I would not trust her for anything. Who is she "matching bricks" with, Josh? After that last project fiasco why should she be trusted with any construction men.

Anonymous said...

If the bond passes expect a lot of dumb mistakes and wasted money. I am waiting for new leadership before I vote for another Marshall schools bond.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School family has been driven away, stomped on and laughed at. Many fine, awesome God loving employees of this district have moved on - to places where management addresses issues, cares about people, and embraces it's employees like a family. Yes, many have moved on to new districts.

Now, we have truly lost one of our beloved. One that has most recently been attacked personally and in her career, for what? For standing up for her co-workers, for fighting to keep 'her kids first' by fighting lies and deception by Phillips, Metcalf and Klockak, for fighting to keep her program full time - which now has been cut in half, - this will lay squarely on the shoulders of Klochak, Metcalf and Phillips. This one shall also lay shoulders of this Board, for their unquestioning support for Phillips - after multitudes of concerns have been voiced, for not taking these concerns of employees and doing something about Metcalf and Phillips.

This time - our beloved will be watched over in our heavens with her fellow angels. This time she will be watching us from the warmth and comfort of 'the caring of her new loving manager' - God! Rest in Peace My Friend - and never to be forgotten. It is time for her to have peace now. Something she was not allowed while working for Phillips and Metcalf. Personal and professional lose. Incredible lose to our community students. I dare someone to say 'Kids First' in my presence.

Anonymous said...

It is very sad to hear the news about Ms. Petrich. It is so sad that she will not have the opportunity to continue her career at a district who would appreciated her tremendous talent and dedication. Our prayers are with her family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about her leaving Marshall or did something else happen to her? I heard that she was forced out for speaking out about lies, scandals and harmful actions targeting good people and hurting the kids. I think the board needs to be recalled for encouraging and supporting such unjustified, mean and in my view criminal abuse of good MPS employees. NO BOND with this board!!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone clarify how the vocal program was cut? I remember a story and some letters, but had no idea it was enough to make the position part time.

I heard the middle school person was moved to the HS and no one will be added.

Anonymous said...

We are thinking and praying for Kathy Petrich's friends and family at this difficult time. She touched so many............

Anonymous said...

I would hope that Drs. Philips and Metcalf have enough class to realize that they should stay away from any memorial services for Kathy Petrich. I would not think their presence would be welcome by anyone.

Anonymous said...

It is a well known fact that Kathy Petrich was on the "hit list" of Joyce, Amy, Brian, Bryan, Paul, Vic, Dan and the rest of the gang. They made her life a living hell the last few years. For what? For doing an excellent job? For caring out what was best for MHS? For speaking out about injustice, lies and bad management? She was an awesome teacher and very brave and courageous to take such a stand for the kids!

I don't know how this group can sleep at night after all of the harm they have done! I would not be surprised if their actions played a major role in this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I am sure she would not want Phillips, Metcalf, Jones, Potter, Stulberg, Darling, Beardslee, Webb or Varvatos at any memorial service. This group should stay far far away, maybe even leave town. They should be ashamed of themselves for what they have done. I think an investigation is needed. There may be grounds for a criminal charge or a civil suit for the ongoing targeted harassment and character assassination carried out by Dr. Phillips and her backers. Everyone knows what happened! We are all very very angry! I hope someone starts a recall out of this. They should all resign and go away.

Anonymous said...

My family has had three students go through MHS proudly and two of them sang for Kathy P. We know the background of their harrassment of her and we too are outraged that she felt it neccessary to look elsewhere for a new job when she was so happy here. Now this. How this board of supposedly good Marshall people could have allowed this evil vindictive woman to come in our town and work to destroy a once great school system is a tragedy. I know and am "friends" with at least three of the board and have let them know my feelings over the past four years and it didnt matter. They keep blindly defending and even praising the most incompetent leader who cares nothing about our kids. I am on for a recall and then and only then can these people ask me for a bond that I know we need. Get rid of the top first.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you Kathy was very stresed as a direct result of Phillips and Metcalf. She also feared they would ruin her new job by spreading lies to her new district before she was able to start working - yes they have done this to others. To the Board I say: you have now let this entire situation take an innocent life. For what was Kathy Petrich targeted? Because Joyce Phillips does have a list. And Kathy chose to stand up for what is right and not turn her head and let a great district fail it's students. This schedule issue - Joyce knows she has been messing with Kathy's schedule for two years. Each and every person she thinks had anything to do with the staff survey and/or standing up for our incredible principal Ron Behrenwald are on her list. She is trying very hard to keep her 'gloves' clean. But those gloves do fit....and in the end God is going to judge each of us Joyce you will not fool God - HE KNOWS THE GLOVES NOT ONLY FIT BUT THEY BELONG TO YOU. Because I know this is true I will continue to be the type of person Kathy would have encouraged each staffer, student and friend to be. Do only what you would want someone to do to you. Let your students and friends know you love and care about them.

To Joyce, Brian Klochak, and Brian Metcalf and ALL BOARD MEMBERS- stay away. You did nothing when Kathy and all school employees needed you to. So stay away. Let loving, caring friends, students and family greive without you ruining our last goodbye. What you did to Kathy Petrich since March 2008 has been a personal/emotional crime. If I have to I will stand guard at her memorial to make sure you do not take away one precious moment from those that truly loved this awesome person.

And to those that do not know what this district has allowed to happen - ask around. Joyce has been trying to torture Kathy Petrich for 2.5 years. This Evil attacking Good has become the Marshall Crime. I will always hold them responsible for not just this tragedy but all the attacks in the last two years. Why - because a group of 152 school employees sought to get their elected board members to realize a problem at the top administration and DO SOMETHING. Board - you chose not to. Now this is on your shoulders. You will be answering for this but not to the community members. But you will be answering - and there will be no room to wiggle around the truth.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Petrich: Your much deserved rest and peace is here-

as you look down from heaven I know you are loving and caring for all the students that have gone before you. Just like you did during your time on earth. God needed a LOVING AND FAITHFUL TEACHER - this position is now filled. To you I know he is saying "good and faithful servant - job well done".

Comfort and peace to your loved ones! Your memory will be among us for a very long time.

Sue Stacy

Anonymous said...

The bond committee knows that unhappiness with the administration may cause people to vote no. The people calling on behalf of the bond have been given direction in what to say if someone says they will not vote for the bond until there is a new superintendent. (Don't punish the kids etc. etc.)
No serious, long term harm will come to the Marshall School District IF the bond is not approved this year, but next is approved after Phillips is gone.
Everyone who is upset at the way Kathy Petrich was treated by Phillips, Metcalf and others should voice their contempt for this board and administration by VOTING NO on the bond.

Anonymous said...

I agree an investigation, by an outside independent and trusted entity, is needed of the Marshall schools top leadership of the past four years. They have been dishonest, mean, arrogant, vengeful, incompetent and out to get many excellent people for the most frivolous of reasons, Kathy was certainly one of them. Their evil hidden agenda has been busy at work wreaking havoc, hurting many great people and ruining lives. They ALL need to be replaced NOW! Unfortunately it may take this tragedy for the people of Marshall to finally wake up and unit to finally do what is necessary to save our schools from further harm. For those new to this site read this entire blog if you can. You will get some excellent insight into the long list of problems and scandals caused by this evil regime. The board members (minus Coulter and Campau) need to be held fully responsible for these actions. They supported and encouraged them for the past four years! At minimum they deserve to be recalled. I am also concerned that a civil suit may come out of this. I know for a fact that these "leaders" violated the rights of many fine employees, with Kathy being one of their main victims. The immoral and illegal actions of Joyce Phillips and the board should not go unpunished.

Anonymous said...

How sad that such a great teacher had to deal with such unjustified persecution the last few years of her life. I know she suffered immensely, but her kindness, generosity, dedication to the students, and her strong faith persevered! We lost one of the very best!

Anonymous said...

I have not seen anything yet in the paper about Kathy's passing. What actually happened? We are all so sad in my family. She did not deserve what she had to go through these last few years.

Anonymous said...

All I heard was that when she did not show up to church someone went to her house and she was found then. Not sure if this is true, its just what I heard.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time reading this blog and I am deeply saddened by the destructive comments and hate generated in the name of my friend and colleague, Kathy Petrich. I feel compelled to comment to try and stop the spiral of hatred.
If you knew and loved Kathy, take a moment to think about what her life was all about. She was a Christian woman with an incredible amount of love and compassion for other people. She was a woman of integrity who always looked for the good in people. She stood beside her friends and family and stood up for her beliefs. And yes, she was stubborn and could be a spit-fire. That is what I loved about her. She was an advocate for students and taught them not only the love of music but also the value of a honesty, the need to be true to your word,the power of a thank you, the joy of laughter and challenge of forgiveness. She never hesitated to let the people in her life know that she loved them. Kathy Petrich was about love and life.
I understand that people grieve in many different ways and being angry and wanting to blame someone is a normal part of the grieving process. Nothing good can come from the destructive comments posted on this blog. I encourage anyone who is reading this blog to put your energy into honoring her memory in a constructive manner. Her strength, love and values can live on in so many constructive ways. On Monday night, I watched several Marshall Singers, past and present, practice singing songs to be performed at the funeral. Her legacy lives on in those young people. She would have been so proud of them as they critiqued each other and even used her unique phrases to improve their music. She taught them well.
She taught me to be strong and to give my extreme challenges to God. Kathy didn't just talk about being a Christian, she lived her life as an example for us all. In your grieving process, keep the focus on the love and admiration you have for Kathy and make that her legacy.

I will miss Kathy but I feel joy knowing that she had such a strong faith in God. She can be at peace in our Father's house.

I post this with love and respect for our friend, teacher, mentor and colleague, Kathy Petrich.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you have said. We will focus on remembering all of the wonderful things she did and what an awesome person she was. But it is not hate when the fact is mentioned that she was targeted and mistreated by our school leaders. If anything, it was they that displayed hatred, disrespect and and injustice toward her and her students. I do not hate them in return, I pity them and I think they need to be replaced by those who would care and do a much better job. I have no idea why they have misbehaved in such an awful manner. But they must be held accountable for their actions. Their actions are well known facts and nothing can change that! If the bond passes, I think they should name the new MHS auditorium after her in memory of her excellent contribution to the arts and for all she did for our students and community.

Anonymous said...

Here is a posting by Kathy Petrich that is in the section below (on this blog) made about two weeks ago. She was replying to those who had been discussing her awful treatment by Joyce Phillips and the school board and how everyone would miss her now that she was being forced out by Phillips. This is what she posted under her name:

"I appreciate all the wonderful comments about me. I haven't looked this thing in ages. I have truly enjoyed the students and staff God gave me the pleasure to work with. I will write a letter to the editor later, but thanks for your very kind words about me.

Kathy Petrich"

I do not know if she wrote that letter to the editor or what she would have said. She was the last person in the world who deserved such unjustified persecution and hatred targeted at her by our top school leaders. We will not forget her contributions to the MHS choir program and the way she exhibited true "excellence" in every way.

From a fellow Marshall Teacher

Anonymous said...

I think a blog is a good outlet. I have urged John C. to use a blog instead of an email address for public comment on the super search.

Venting is healthy, and I do believe that school employees fear retribution.

I am frustrated by the lack of specificity about bad acts, especially since the blog allows anonymous posts.

The vague ranting fuels the belief that the complaints lack substance.

I'm not afraid of anyone. If there is something concrete I can take public, let me know. I'm not especially close to any board members, but there are some with whom I can talk plainly. In any case, they know I'm serious.

Use snail mail (I'm in the book), or an anonymous remailer to

Suzi is a voice teacher and had some of Kathy's students as her private voice students. We are especially sensitive to all of this.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

I would say there is a high probability that the cause of death is related to what she had to endure the last few years. The choir cuts and harassment have been discussed widely on this blog and in the Chronicle too. Ask the choir kids and their parents. Behind the scenes it is no secret that Joyce Phillips, Bryan Klochack and their board backers wanted Kathy gone.

Part of the backstory:

Many complaints and problems were presented to MPS school board members and they were answered with "you must be the only one that feels this way" over and over a few years back. In response the MTA launched a staff survey that Kathy took part in. The results of the survey were publicized and proved there were many problems in the MPS. For example Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf received very low marks for their job performance. Instead of working with the staff to fix these major problems or find new leaders, the board instead backed Phillips, Metcalf and Jones (who also got very poor marks) and went after even more MPS staff. That is when Joyce Phillips threatened lawsuits against the MTA and the Marshall Chronicle. Some administrators were unfairly targeted too.

Kathy also took a brave public stand for Mr. Behrenwald, who was a far better MHS Principal than the current Mr. Klochack. In her memory these courageous actions cannot be forgotten. The board is responsible for what they allowed and supported the last four years. All nice and diplomatic efforts have failed repeatedly. There is nothing wrong with righteous anger. Speaking out against evil and injustice is what Kathy did, as kind and loving as she was. Sometimes enough is enough!!! Her torch should not be extinguished but should be picked up by all who care about our long-suffering Marshall public schools. It is time for change, the sooner the better! Things do not have to keep getting worse. The future can be better but it will take a strong effort by a coalition of teachers, parents, students, community leaders and support staff.

Let's pick up Kathy's torch and make it stronger and brighter for a better Marshall public schools! Get involved any way you can. Let's do it for the kids!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! She cared so much for her choir students and what is best for the Marshall schools. Maybe this will put an end to the apathy that allowed so many things to go so terribly wrong.

Anonymous said...

Great words from Saundra Hainline. I do agree with your description of Kathy the person/woman. She taught me many things 'unconditional love, forgiveness, friendship through disagreement, understanding, love for family, the joy of music, young people, and how to find happiness within myself". She also taught me that God has a plan and we should not question it. My pain is great - I miss her emails, her phone calls, her laughter and her friendship. In this time of pain - I continue to want to pick up the phone and talk to Kathy - her loving friendship would help take this pain away - but I can't and for that I feel anger. I know the anger will melt away and in it's place will remain all the memories of our friendship and love. But - the anger chapter has to close - before the warm memories take it's place. And it will. Try to remember each day to let the people you love hear you say 'i love you'. That is the most simple lesson I shared with Kathy. She loved her students, her co-workers, her parents, siblings, very importantly her nieces, and her friends. We will always hold onto that - but first we will grieve.

Rest in peace Kathy - you are in the arms of your Father now. I will listen each night - I know I will hear you singing!

Anonymous said...

God bless Kathy Petrich.

This is not out of hate but thruth.
Dr. Phillips, Amy Jones, and Brian Metcalf prize themselves for forcing out Jeff Cable, Ron Behrenwald, Sue Stacy, Bill Armstrong (for those of you who thought Bill retired, you are WRONG, Amy Jones and Dr. Phillips made his life HELL). Mr. Metcalf was congratulated by a Board member for getting rid of Sue Stacy. Now Kathy, they made her life so stressful. Kathy loved working for our school district and would have never looked for another position if she hadn't been harrassed by these three adminstrators.

They have no respect for our teachers and their comments about the teachers are shamful.

I believe with all my heard that Kathy would be here with us today had it not been for the stress caused by the three of them. Amy Jones is able to stay out of the lime light, but believe me,she is just as guilty as Phillips and Metcalf.

I hope that Mr. Root isn't their next target.

Kathy, we love you, and thank you for all you have done for Marshall Public Schools. You will be greatly missed.

Anonymous said...

To Saundra Hainline, I am not sure if I totally understand your comments. I think what you meant when you said "the destructive comments and hate generated in the name of my friend and colleague, Kathy Petrich" was that Kathy would be forgiving and not want anyone blamed for her untimely death. I do agree with that; but you say this is the first time you have read this blog. If you had been reading it all along, since its inception as I have, you would have been aware of the number of times when anonymous comments were made and one of the supporters of the current administration would respond by accusing either Kathy or Mike Rio of having made the comment. It certainly appeared to me that those who support the current administration were trying to imply that most people are really very happy with the way things are going and that only a few "negative trouble makers" were behind this blog and the comments made on it. Since Kathy was frequently named as one of those "trouble makers" in the past by those Phillips supporters who post on this blog, it was understandable to me for people to made those comments that you felt were hateful. Please do not be so hard on them.

Anonymous said...

This is such a TERRIBLE TRAGEDY and a great loss! I wish Kathy did not have to deal with so much stress and hostility from Joyce. Phillips and the school board. WHEN WILL THIS END! I do not know of anyone who deserves this bad treatment. THOSE RESPONSIBLE SHOULD RESIGN! They have caused too much harm to too many EXCELLENT people already. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MARSHALL SCHOOLS? WHERE DID COOPERATION, RESPECT AND TEAMWORK GO? DOES the school board even know what is going on? I hope this causes them to get their HEADS OUT OF THE SAND and do something to fix the PROBLEMS (Phillips, Metcalf, Walbeck, Klochack and Jones) before there are MORE VICTIMS of their cruel abuse.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the BC Enquirer

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am all wrong on this, but isn't it strange that there is nothing on the Marshall School District Website about services for Ms. Petrich? I know that when Harper Creek recently experience the death of an employee (who technically was an employee of the ISD, not even Harper Creek) there was information on the district website. At the very least, it seems like there could be a statement expressing sadness over the loss.

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember they are on vacation. You can check at their homes in Coldwater and Olivet. It appears this is not important to them, as I am not surprised.

Anonymous said...

They would only express false and hypocritical sympathy as false and hypocritical as their "Kids First" slogan which just slaps all MPS staff members in the face every time they have to see or hear it.

Anonymous said...

If the board truly cares and has any tiny ounce of dignity and decency left, then I will expect them to pull a 180 and promptly replace both Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf, maybe Bryan Klochack too, after this latest scandal. I mean NOW, not next year. We ALL know what they did and they must take responsibility for their actions. Remember accountability? If they do not do this promptly to end the suffering and damage inflicted on the MPS staff and school reputation, then they should resign or be recalled! How many more victims do we need to put an end to this misery? I think this is the last straw that finally broke the camel's back. Let's stop the hate targeting our excellent teachers and support staff and make big changes for the kids! This will greatly help pass the bond too!

Anonymous said...

That is the least they can do!!! Kathy tried hard to cooperate and work with the school leaders and the school board for the best interests of the students. Look what it got her in return, disrespect and brutal persecution. Anger and grief levels are very high right now. JP. BM and BK should stay far far away right now. Better yet, they should leave and move far far away.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Petrich will be fondly remembered for the great job she did as our choir teacher. She was also a very kind and loving woman who cared deeply about her students and colleagues. Her Christian faith was very strong and she showed respect, love and kindness to all.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that once again Joyce seems to be uncaring and calous. I have heard from several MPS employees that she has voiced her intention to go to the funeral in Flint. Does this woman have absolutely no sense of decency? But I also heard that a member of the family has said they would make contact and let her know her presence is unwanted. Kathy's family was very well aware of the tactics of Joyce and Brian. How can it be people as far as Flint understand but the elected Board Members keep pasting that 'puzzled look' on their faces while saying 'we didn't know - but will look into this'. I am sickened! How hard can it be to see ONE PERSON - Joyce Phillips is hindering Marshall Schools from being competitive with area schools. To all the community members that say "don't vote no on bond - it will only hurt the students" - I say to you - use your voices and make a movement to get the ONE AND ONLY PROBLEM OUT OF MARSHALL - JOYCE PHILLIPS -
Then just watch the support that was always here - if this Board SIMPLY REMOVED Joyce THERE WOULD BE NO NEED TO BE PUSHING A BOND. The good people of Marshall would do what their kind hearts have always done, before the Board quit listening to our needs, and then would support the bond. We always have - until Joyce - and the havoc she has brought into our community. The division this one person has caused - shame on this community for allowing it to continue.

Can anyone see the huge problem? How simple is the solution. Get her out of this town - I know people would gladly pay any dollars incurred by her lawsuits. In fact - if Joyce cared about Marshall at all - she would just resign.

Anonymous said...

A truly good and competent leader almost never has to use their raw power to get things done. They are trusted, respected, cooperative, treat people well, and can get most anything done through the power of their abilities and persuasion. Joyce Phillips has absolutely no power based on these characteristics. Nobody respects, trusts or looks up to her in any way. She has only raw power that comes from the school board. Without the school board support Joyce Phillips and Brian Metcalf are nothing. Maybe less than nothing. They are mean, arrogant, stupid, dishonest and self serving. They have failed miserably and they are only hanging on because of school board support. With the exception of Coulter and Campau, I hold ALL of the other school board members responsible for everything these "leaders" do and their handful of "useful fools" (MacDonald, Walbeck, Jones, Klochack) that help carry out their dirty work. The board members that support Phillips know exactly what they are doing and fully back and encourage what was done to Kathy Petrich, Ron Behrenwald and many others. At this point, as hard as it is, I think only a recall and a new school board is the only hope to turn things around and get the MPS back on track. Otherwise expect another downhill bad year ahead with many problems, conflicts, scandals and low morale. The reputation and the future of the Marshall Schools are at stake here. Will the good people of Marshall step up to fix the broken schools?

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of hearing recall this recall that. If someone really wants to have a recall - step up to the plate and do it. If nobody is going to do it, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!

Anonymous said...

Those that know best about all of the scandals, lies and huge problems work for the MPS or are spouses. For obvious reasons these people cannot start a recall. The people who could start one either are too busy, not sure about the issues, have believed lies told by Phillips and board members that all is ok, or think the Marshall schools are broken and the more people that are abused and fired, no matter how well they perform their jobs, the better it is because things "need fixin'."

Anonymous said...

The MPS board is counting on the summer months when school is not in session to have everyone forget about all of the controversies and problems, especially related Phillips and Metcalf, and focus on positive things like improving the schools. But people are not that stupid, they know there are big problems and trust has been completely lost. The sad passing of Kathy Petrich timed with her being forced out by Phillips, Metcalf and the board has made a bad situation much much worse. There is most likely a direct connection between these events, I doubt it is coincidental. Yes, this is a fact! Four years of persecution and massive stress forced unjustly on anyone can take a huge physical toll. She was not the only one, many others have had similar experiences. And unless something changes, we have another year or more of the same to look forward to. Lets not forget the truth of what has happened! Truth and justice needs to bring change. Injustice and mismanagement must not be tolerated any longer!

Anonymous said...

A coincidence? I doubt it too. I think an investigation into what happened the past few years is needed.

Anonymous said...

A crime? Probably not. A coincidence? Probably not. Should Phillips and the board be deeply ashamed for their actions? At the very least. I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing what they have done. Will anything be done to change all of the terrible things that have been happening? Not likely.

Anonymous said...

The actions of Phillips and the board likely contributed to Kathy's untimely passing. She had a very rough and stressful last few years. First they tried to get rid of her by moving part of her schedule to the alternative school. Then they cut a choir and made her job part-time to finally force her out even though this would cause great harm to the choir students. She was the last person to deserve such cruel and inhumane abuse due to dirty politics at the top. This will not be forgotten!

Anonymous said...

Kathy taught me to put these things in the hands of God. To not let hate enter my heart. To be angry - but move on and work towards forgiveness of those that harm us. Someday I hope to do that. But today - I am angry. I am angry that when you get enough nerve to take an issue to the Board - it, in my opinion, is treated poorly. Board members tell Joyce 'who said what' and that is not how these types of issues should be handled. The comfort of knowing you can go to an elected Board member and confide is supposed to be part of their oath of office.

Kathy left a legacy behind that we should all remember. Love of God, love of family, love of friends and if you were fortunate enough to see it - love of her music, teaching and 'her kids'. To witness her 'alumni Marshall Singers' during the Flint ceremony - sing while their hearts were breaking - without their beloved director - Ms. Kathy Petrich leading them. Those alumni students touched the very depth of my soul. Kathy would have been so very proud of each of them. As they spoke, as they talked about her tremendous influence on their lives, as they sang - and as they cried. The most moving experience I have ever had. I will hold the memory of that in my heart forever. As I remember my friend I remember her "Rose Concert" Kathy sang to her senior students "I hope you dance". Kathy - was a light in the lives of so many. The saying "Live, Laugh, Love" Most befitting to our friend.

Anonymous said...

Maybe out of this tragedy will come some good long overdue changes in the Marshall schools. We can be loving and still want bad people replaced. That is not hate, that is love for the best interests of the kids and the community. We need to unite in prayer, love and cooperation to move forward and hopefully those who engage in hate and injustice will be replaced by people who truly care and do their jobs well.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the offices and media center were upgraded if there is such an overwhelming need in other parts of the high school building. It doenst sound like a sound decision. I feel the bond commitee is blackmailing the community by guilting them into voting for the bond or they are not good parents or grandparents. I urge people to wait one year and see how things are and maybe a new superintendent will have a better "vision" for our schools.

Anonymous said...

You have reminded me - before the superintendent brought her 'new vision' to Maaarrrshalll - we had a vision that was putting kids first, excellence in education and employees that loved coming to MPS to teach, support, transport and administer....wasn't it nice? Happy employees, happy parents, happy students 'putting kids first'. I am thinking we should be moving backward to where it was good and nice - then we wouldn't need Oaklawn Hospital, affluent citizens etc. trying to get us to support a bad administration. Wouldn't voting yes on a bond with such a horrible superintendent be like 'rewarding bad behavior'? I try to teach our pets and children 'good behavior will be rewarded'. Shouldn't the adults have to behave like we make our chilren?

Anonymous said...

I agree with a previous poster who said that if you are so upset, DO something and stop the venting on the blogs. Perhaps they make you feel better for awhile but I do hope you realize they do NOTHING to change the current status. No Board member or administrator will read this and turn around and make changes because of blog posts.
Also, and I say this as a person VERY close to Kathy; regardless of what has happened to her over the years, linking the administration and Board to her death is a HUGE accusation. Number one, you better make sure you continue to do so anonymously if it is so important to blame someone because doing so in public can only hurt you, not them. You need to re read what her friend Saundra wrote and take it to heart.

Anonymous said...

I think the feeling is that the administration and the board targeted Kathy unfairly which made her life far more stressful to the point of forcing her out. I am sure this is an easily provable fact. Did 3-4 years of massive extra and unjustified stress take its toll on her health? Almost surely yes. Did it cause her untimely passing? It very easily could have. These are known facts. The unfair and well-known targeting certainly did not make her feel better and live a healthier life the last few years. The stress got so bad and her job was cut for political reasons (everyone knows that in the schools) that she was forced to look elsewhere. I am sure that tore her apart and broke her heart.

I am glad I am not one of those who treated her so badly (Phillips, Klochack, Jones, Metcalf, most board members) and have to live with this on their conscience, if they have one.

Anonymous said...

Most recent count, looks like about 30 teachers (out of how many --- 170) have endorsed the bond. That should be a major red flag for anyone who is undecided. In a normal situation, I think you would see almost all teachers endorsing the bond.

Anonymous said...

Kathy was exceedingly hard to work with if you were a part of the fine arts staff. I found her nothing but abrasive and demanding.

Anonymous said...

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