Saturday, July 12, 2008

Us against them fostered in district

"Us against them" fostered in district
Cathie Vaught, Marshall
as published in the Marshall Chronicle Saturday, July 12, 2008

You are probably aware that I am no longer employed by Marshall Public Schools. It has come to my attention that there is a perception that I left MPS because I anted a "year round" position. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am heartbroken that I had to leave MPS.
The reason that I felt compelled to seek another job and express my personal opinions in this letter is only because of the appallingly poor leadership and treatment of my family and other staff and their families.
The district has pursued policies that abjectly favor the "us against them" mentality; protecting "yes men" while outsourcing anyone who has questioned the leadership and its policies.
You, as our elected, or in many cases "unopposed" elected leaders have dropped the ball for your electorate. You vigorously resist change and challenges to that leader to the detriment of the district she leads.
It is apparent that this administration's vision has lacked the ability to maintain effective or positive leadership with the employees and students of this district.
The superintendent and some of her direct administrative colleagues seem uncaring and unkind. They seem to have ignored and discounted the needs, wants, and wishes of most members of the Marshall teaching community, especially subordinates.
Past policies and practices in regard to hiring, discipline and budget expenditures have been thrown out the window with total impunity and this has been allowed by you, the school board.
I do need to say that I have been very impressed and encouraged with the newer member of the board; John Coulter, Ali Webb and, in the end, Chris Varvatos who have actually had the guts to ask questions. The other members of this administration's "rubber stamp committee" are an embarrassment to the Marshall community.
I find it amazing that a community such as Marshall can polarize itself for the "Redskin Issue,"but can't polarize itself for what I feel is the most destructive administration yet to hit Marshall Public Schools.
The harm that has been done to the teaching and support staff can be clearly observed by the psychological and, ultimately, physical ramifications that have occured to countless hard working people in the recent past.
Even many of our Marshall students have commented to me on their dissatisfaction with this administration. This is not, as some board members like to rationalize, a "small group of disgruntled employees."
This is a reality that is swept under the rug.
I know, because I was one of the people who suffered from this fear and have witnessed countless other teachers and employees who cannot speak out in fear of losing their jobs or their self respect. I am speaking for them!
I, and many of my neighbors, will not support a bond issue, at least for one more year, until the present administration has been replaced.
As a recent employee, I have seen in my opinion, what the public hasn't: A monumental waste of funds that we previously approved for the much needed improvement of our schools. I cannot, in good conscience support another waste of funds. I will be happy to support any bond issues after this year is over and a more honest and straightforward leadership prevails.
Marshall has a real opportunity to use their schools to draw in new members to our community. Larger class sizes, fewer college prep classes and continuously patching up our old school buildings is not the vision that we as parents and taxpayers should support.
There appears to be a pattern in Marshall Public Schools that can no loner be ignored: Award winning teachers, administrators and staff members that are honest, straightforward and are independent thinkers appear to be repeatedly singled out until they leave, retire before they are ready or worse. Who will be next on the list?
To the superintendent and also to her direct subordinates and those members of the Marshall School Board who have contributed to this situation I say shame on you! Again these thoughts are my own opinion. Please feel free to contact me regarding any portion of this letter.
Sincerely but sadly yours,
Cahtie Vaught,


Anonymous said...

I must really commend Cathie Vaught for having the courage to step forward and honestly tell the community what is going on in Marshall.
I teach in another district, and have been appalled at some of things that have been done to Marshall school employees, and even more shocked by the fact that no one had the courage to speak publicly about the conditions. I cannot imagine working in such an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
The teachers in my district would have packed board meetings, and taken a vote of "no confidence" long before things got this bad. And so it was hard for me to understand at times, why employees, particularly the teachers, did not speak up. Marshall teachers I would talk to would simply tell me that I did not understand, that they could not risk their jobs by speaking up.
I would hope that perhaps Cathie's letter will open a floodgate. That other people will be willing to risk speaking out now. If everyone who just I know, would speak up and repeat the things they have said to me, I think it could have an impact.
I know that the custodians were all fired; but teachers have a lot more protection than support employees. The district cannot outsource the teaching staff, (as much as I am sure they would like to).
If other people following Cathie Vaught's lead, it could help bring about the end of this regime in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Cathie and most people I know will not vote for a bond until we get at least a new superintendent. We want excellent administration AND excellent facilities. Having one without the other makes little to no sense. I do not trust Mrs. Phillips or Mr. Metcalf to properly manage and lead the Marshall schools. They lost all confidence with just about everyone a long time ago and should have been replaced by now. If the bond fails, this will be the main reason why it failed.

BTW: There have been occasional public criticism of the school board and Phillips going back 2-3 years. The MTA and others tried reasoning with the school board. Unfortunately the school board, most not all, are part of the problem too.

Anonymous said...


On the website they list the people who have endorsed the bond. There are between 150 and 175 names listed. If I am correct, only about 15 of those names are Marshall Public School Employees.
I certainly would question supporting a proposal that does not seem to have much support among those who should MOST be behind it--the teachers and other school employees.
Now there are a significant number of RETIRED school employees who have endorsed the proposal; but it does seem to be a ref flag to me that there are so few current employees who have added their names to that list.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people in favor of the bond ALSO want two new Superintendents ASAP! So you can be for the bond while keeping JP and BM or you can say you want change first. I do not know anyone who is pleased with them and wants to keep them around another year.

Anonymous said...

If the bond passes, they will be around for another year, I am positive of that.

Anonymous said...

They need to go and should have three yrs ago. Wonderful and sadly very true and on the spot letter from Cathie Vaught and she speaks for hundreds of us who cant be so public. How sad we have to live in a culture of fear because of one vindictive person and even sadder that we have supposedly "good" Marshall people on the board who have deliberately allowed her to ruin so much in our district. My family also says NO to any bond as long as that woman has any connection to our schools. The board has for a long time said "only a few disgruntled employees at the high school". They better realize that it is hundreds and perhaps Cathies letter will open the gates and they will be forced to face the issue of her vindictive incompetence and their blind support.

Anonymous said...

I know about 99% of the MPS staff are "disgruntled employees." Actually they are dedicated and caring professionals that truly want what is best for the schools and the kids. They know how badly the schools have been mismanaged by incompetent and dishonest leaders. So their feelings are for very good and valid reasons!

Just read this blog to get some insight into the depth and breath of the numerous problems. Even if only half were true, that is still far far too many to tolerate without a solution. Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf, Amy Jones, Mike Walbeck, Charlie MacDonald and Bryan Klochack should never have had their contracts renewed in the first place! The Marshall schools need and deserve much better!

Lets make changes now and so we may have "excellence" at the top too!

Anonymous said...

As an insider I can say most all of the concerns, questions and criticisms of the central office administration and the majority of the school board members is true. Actually there are many worse things that have not been reported here. Imagine trying to do your best as a hard-working and dedicated teacher or support staff worker and feeling the central office could care less about what you do? Imagine they are not even doing THEIR job properly and getting away with all kinds of nonsense? Imagine you watch a school board meeting and see key leaders lying over and over about school issues and things they claim to have done? Imagine seeing a coworker who in a very professional manner brings up some questions and concerns (R. Behrenwald, K. Petrich, others), and watch them target that person and force them out of their job, for doing their job!

Let me tell everyone, it is bad and has only gotten worse. We have a bad administration that needs to be replaced. I do not blame the voters that want change at the top first before they will commit their hard earned tax dollars for a big important bond. I do not trust them myself to do anything right for the Marshall schools. I only see them taking credit for other people's hard work and generous donations. They are selfish fools who feel threatened by criticism and strong competent employees. There is no reason to keep tolerating their bad behavior and there is no hope they will change.

Anonymous said...

As a former empolyee of the school I decided to check out the bond site. Picture 1 is of the valve system in the pool operation room or should I say the place we went to check and add chemicals. Its very humid and there is chlorine in the air now when you add all this together with metal you get rust, I will be the first to say we need better air flow in this area, but its been that way for a very long time. The only way to fix this is to put in a fresh air feed to this area. Just replacing the rusty valves will only last a little while. Picture 2 is either gordon or the middle school sink with the plunger pulled up so you can see the water, this had to be taken after the city flushed the mains. It is not the fault of any mechanical part of the school it happens every time they flush the mains Gordon and the middle school are the worst hit by this. Granted it would be nice to have a water filtration system on the schools but we didnt have one before we just had to go flush the system out after the flushed the mains.
Now that I have tried to let you know what you are seeing I want to give Cathie V. some serious prop's for telling the truth about the school. I can agree 100% on every thing she had to say. I am also willing to talk to anyone that has any ? about the school. Maybe just maybe with a few people asking the right ? the truth will get out. As a former employee they have hurt me alot I loved to go to work and do my job's Grounds/Maintenance/ hey you it didn't matter we had a great team and we worked very well together and they took that away, its there loss. I have moved on and will be glad to talk to anyone
so give me a call or stop by
my number is in the book
Robert Wright

Anonymous said...

I read the letter by Cathie Vaught. I knew she was a brave lady - the words she put into her letter were also given to the Board. You will not be surprised at the Board responses.

I am pleased to know Cathie V. She too has been treated poorly by Joyce and Brian.

People, lies and deception 'are the management style' of this administration. But, the Board has blindly believed and followed Joyce through it all so far. When Board members, without question, thank Joyce for 'getting rid' of what they have been told are problem employees - and do not even have the guts to talk to those employees first - I feel they are not doing the jobs we voted them in to do.

This Board and Joyce have harmed Marshall Public Schools so deeply but the crime here is the Board does not ask questions. If there were so many issues before the arrival of Joyce - why weren't we hearing about it, why?

Because this is purely fabrication. I have two names in mind that befriended Joyce upon arrival. Gave her problems 'they thought' existed. She ran for the gold. In this - much harm has come to many good employees. The environment at Marshall Schools is nothing short of "harrassment of employees". Bullying by Joyce is the management style. But it is too hard to fight this evil - becuase Joyce stays one step ahead. When she attacks - she first fills the Board members heads with 'her version of the problem' which is nearly every case has been deception. It is most difficult to fight this evil when it is nearly always based on lies by Joyce.

I will not support a bond until Joyce is gone. I realize this is probably not going to happen. So to the Board I say:

Don't ask me to support anything you do while Joyce is here. I spoke to several of you when I was being 'attacked, targeted, and persecuted falsely' - you did not support me. This is not working. You were elected to be a 'check and balance' of the action of the superintendent. You are not doing that. Therefore, and this does include each member elected prior to this are not doing your jobs. Quit blindly following Joyce. This is OUR community - what will be left when Joyce leaves. We cannot and should not be waiting until June 2009. It is time to move MPS forward now. Get her out of here and we will support a bond in May of 2009 - like the EPIC survey clearly said this community wanted.

Anonymous said...

The two previous posts are right on the money. The board has been told of these problems for the past three years by many longtime respected and hardworking school employees and they have very blatently ignored it all. To back this woman blindly over the concerns of good school people they know and should value is a travesty. Dan, Vic and John are Marshall born and bred and are alumni. Janice is a parent of a grad and a teacher. How can they look any employee in the eye knowing the dire harm this woman and her cronies have inflicted on a once proud and happy school system? She will leave and never look back on the devastation but you board members will have to live in the wake of the disaster. Whose boat will you people jump into? My family and friends have always strongly supported our schools but like hundreds of people I know we will be voting a strong NO until she and her cronies are gone. The true tragedy is everyone was too scared of her to stand up to her because the few who did were harassed and vilified and driven out. Now with Cathie and Rob speaking the truth maybe something good will come of all this destruction.

Anonymous said...

What has happened has baffled me too. On a personal level I know Paul, Dan, Vic and Janice. I would think they would be wise enough to get their information from more than one source. Joyce is new to this district and even after four years hardly knows anyone on staff. Most staff she does not know at all. She is quite isolated and clueless about what really goes on. Many think Marsha Haring (now Marsha Franke) and Amy Jones (possibly a few others) conspired to get to Joyce and the board with their fictional list of "problems" and people they wanted gone or changes made. It was simply a power play, with board support. Again these are two relative newcomers who had a problem-plagued reign themselves in their MPS jobs. Marsha married into a prominent Marshall family giving her far more prestige and influence than she had before. Remember, she had been brought in by Jeff Cable. It is well known they took Joyce under their wing and and somehow convinced the board that there were many problems that Joyce and Amy can lead them to fix. Brian Metcalf is clueless, selfish and lazy so he is just along for the ride and do whatever he is told. Charlie MacDonald is much the same, a nice guy on the exterior but he is rewarded ($20,000 raise!) mostly for not spending money (makes his job easier) and doing staff surveillance (e-mail, phone). Some board members had personal vendettas or their friends did, so that came into play when targeting certain staff. When their extreme and unprofessional actions caused a staff reaction, they became even more secretive, insecure and hostile towards everyone. The staff know that many lies were behind their initial motives to "fix problems" and that many lies have been told to try to cover this mess up. As the truth of their actions came out and opposition has grown, they started saying good things publicly while doing bad things behind the scenes. It has been like a war the last few years and Joyce Phillips has only become more arrogant and mean. I honestly think she enjoys this. She is in it for the money, another retirement form Michigan I have heard, and could care less about Marshall. We cannot afford another year of her. She can be demoted and pressured out, like they did unjustly to Ron and Kathy. If they do not find a way to replace Joyce this summer, then they are either fools or cowards. I sense from these letters that a public explosion of information, letters and maybe even a recall may be in the making. I hope Kathy Petrich is their last innocent victim. Its about time for change, lets do it for the kids!

Anonymous said...

That pretty much sums up what I have seen, heard and observed. We have a board that has been out of touch, focused too much on personal issues and following a group of demagogues in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

So what next? If only a small group of respected community members who know the truth would stand up there would be a deluge of staff members, parents and students who would gladly stand up with them. Too bad the group of good people they conned into leading the bond issue had realized earlier that their first mission to pass a bond of any kind would be to address the incompetent and disgraceful top administration and board. Many of us know that privately they all have come to realize the gravity of the situation. They thought there would be an outpouring of positive support for "the kids" but mostly they have heard that support from strong school supporters will be withheld as long as this regime is in power. How sad that the kids have been hurt all along under the phony guise of "Kids First".

Anonymous said...

Sad to see that the school system I was a part of from kindergarten through high school--a place that gave me a wonderful and nurturing education--has sunk so low. I don't live in the area anymore, but I support your cause 100%. Brava, Cathie. And RIP, Ms. Petrich.

Anonymous said...

Don't believe lies like "we are doing all we can" or "the best we can do is keep Phillips and Metcalf around another year" or "don't punish the kids." This is all a con to protect the bad administration that needs to be replaced. Unless I know that at least Joyce Phillips is out the door NOW, I will not vote for the bond. Neither will a long list of other people around town.

Anonymous said...

The list of No votes because of the "leaders" is growing bigger now that more people are opening up and are willing to give examples.

Anonymous said...

The bond is becoming a secondary issue to the much greater need of "regime change."

Anonymous said...

Remember the "Change is about - change is good" articles that the good doctor used to write. Whooow - wasn't that a fun time!

Well I say to the Board: Change is good and it is most definitely time for change. I would love to see Joyce and Brian replaced with interim administrators before a bond vote, the Board members be the new town heros for doing what had to be done, and then I am sure the bond would pass. And guess what - Kids have always been first - each and every employee will tell you that.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the phony smiles and "everything is ok" talk emanating from Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf and their supporters on the school board is all lies. The MPS are in a crisis and these failed leaders must be held accountable. No one trusts or respects them anymore. Morale is even lower this year than in the previous two years. They are the biggest threat to passing the bond.

Anonymous said...

go to the Chronicle website and vote in their poll about the bond.

Anonymous said...

I told the EPIC survey they needed a new superintendent first before I would vote for a new bond, so did perhaps hundreds of others in Marshall. I know JP and the board tried to bury this information but the EPIC survey person told me they were hearing that a lot when calling.

Anonymous said...

I hear what everyone is saying. I won't argue one way or the other right now but not once have I seen any of these comments come forward at a Board meeting. The Board, the administration, doesn't read these blogs, they barely know they exist. So what good is all this doing? You all know nothing will happen if you just keep spending all your time typing your comments in a place only the minority will see. What do you think would happen if a huge group of citizens came to every single Board meeting with all these comments? What are you doing?

Anonymous said...

I agree, but about 2-3 years ago there was a lot at board meetings about this. Also Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng spoke up about this before and after they left the board. Ron Behrenwald spoke up about some concerns, then he was forced out. Kathy Petrich spoke up and was part of the staff survey, then she was forced out and we know what happened after that. There have been occasional letters to the editor about these problems. But you are right, there needs to be a much bigger public effort. Unfortunately most of those who know best what is going on work for the MPS and are legitimately afraid to lose their jobs, as has happened to others. So it will take parents, community leaders and any other concerned citizens to lead the fight.

BTW: The board members do read this blog, at least most do. I know this from good sources, including several of them directly. They also know what the teacher survey said and what most people think. Why they have not replaced Phillips, it makes you wonder!

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to vote in the Chronicle straw poll. Encourage everyone, regardless of their inclination to visit and vote.

Right hand side of the page

Anonymous said...

Board members may read this blog but a school Board will not make decisions on random people posting on a blog. I also realize people went to board meeting 2-3 years ago and that is great but no one is doing anything now. you are correct in that is CANNOT be MPS employees so if there are THAT MANY concerned citizens out there....where are THEIR voices??? (other than here where a limited number of people hear it) It just makes me wonder if people are THAT concerned. It's easy to come on here and complain. Step up.

Anonymous said...

Those who work for the Marshall schools know all too well the depth and seriousness of the problems. If you know MPS staff members who trust you enough to be open and honest, ask them. Ask as many as you want. Now does the rest of the community care? Will they buy the PR coming from Joyce Phillips and some board members that all is great and there are no serious problems? Do they believe that morale is high and that the schools are well managed? Do they believe that joyce, Amy and Brian know what is best for the Marshall schools and trust them to be good effective leaders?

Anonymous said...

Many MPS teachers have been told, "Support the bond or else!" Joyce will make sure the MTA will be blamed for the bond issue not passing.
Isn't it odd that so many people who have been harrased and intimidated by this admin are union officers? I would also like to see a breakdown (isn't this public record?) of how much the legal fees paid out by this district have changed over the last 4 years. An increase?? I'll bet the farm.

Anonymous said...

You can build the Taj Mahal, but if the heart and soul of MPS is suffering, no amount of money or new buildings will matter.

Anonymous said...

I agree, with the Taj Mahal comment. All the paint in the world will not cover the damage within. Great opinion Cathie, it was a great pleasure working with you while at the middle school, you will be missed more than you know.

Anonymous said...

If the bond fails blame these school "leaders"- Joyce Phillips, Amy Jones, Brian Metcalf, Bryan Klochack, Charlie MacDonald, and all board members besides Coulter and Campau. They have purposely created most of the problems in the Marshall Schools. They have caused great damage to the MPS. The best people are neglected and hurt while the worst people are protected and rewarded. Cathie and Kathy are right!

Anonymous said...

A good school board would demote Phillips and Metcalf pending an investigation. If it can be proven they have lied to the board, which should be very easy to prove on many occasions, then they should be promptly terminated with no second MI retirement for Phillips.

Anonymous said...

It is intersting reading the blogs and the varity of comments. It is interesting that some of the comments that I hear made are by people that have not be directly affected by the administration at MPS. I have had interactions not only as a parent but a spouse of a school employee.
As the person who wrote, there should be more people that go to the school board meetings and voice their opinion. I have done just that, but when you stand up there and put your heart out to them and the ingnore you. The president is sitting there picking his nails, some of them are looking at the clock, it shows you that they are not listening. They are not the ones loosing all that they have because of the poor decisions. They are not the ones that can't find a good paying job after being pushed out. I was at a board meeting that had to be held at the MS auditorium because of so many in attendance, what did that meeting help, I will tell you, it got even upset, we saw some fake tears from board members yet, the hard working staff from MPS were let go! They didn't even listen. That is why it is hard to go to a board meeting. You are talking to yourself.
This spring, some very impressive students came to a board meeting, sat for three hours to speak, there were not even given the respect of paying attention. Board members were not looking at them, not paying attention. Then when they got done talking it was proved to all in attendance that the board and even the administration did not have the information that was needed concerning these choral programs. They didn't even know what classes that these students were talking about or what they are about.
If anyone wants to know the truth about the pictures in the paper, what the administration is telling you, talk to an employee, a former employee. They will tell you the truth. The wool is being pulled over the publics eyes if they believe that these problems that are now being pictures just began, they are mistaken. These have been issues since long before the last bond. It just is what they want you to know now.
Please do your research, find out what this administration is doing. I don't think that the board will do anything until they are the ones pushed out and if they had to find out how to pay bills and feed their children.

Anonymous said...

Are there any good administrators in this district?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Andrea Nessel and Rich Hulkow at the high school. People say good things also about Townsend and Hansen at the elementary level and Bob Vaught at the alternative. The support staffs at all the levels are top notch yet taken for granted and treated like second class citizens by the top "leaders".

Anonymous said...

MHS used to have a great Principal named Ron Behrenwald. He was courageous and spoke up about the problems in central office. The board should have listened to him and canned Joyce Phillips instead. That would have been very wise to do. Instead they took the foolish route and look what a mess we have now.

Anonymous said...

This Board must remove Joyce:

Many have spoken about the problems at MPS. This Board continues to blindly be fed story after story from the doctors. Before an employee can get the nerve and energy to speak to a Board member - their vision has already been tainted by Joyce. She is a master of this 'game of deception'. It is the only explanation. I know, personally, and from others affected, that when you finally share some horrible attack you have survived with a Board member they have already been fed some line. There is absolutely NO FAIRNESS -

However led Joyce down this road of 'fixing the issues at MPS' when she arrived have harmed the schools more than Joyce herself. There may have been a small issue here or there - but I feel strongly that the attacks on each and every union leadership staff member has been methodical and a planned revenge because this staff felt compelled to 'take the upper road' and do a staff survey in hopes of getting this Board to understand and fix the problems. Instead the Board has done the opposite. They ignore the people that elected them while they are led into the storm by Joyce, Brian, Amy, Mike and their lies.

The absolute least that has to be done before I will support any bond is: Joyce must be bought out....let go....demoted. Perhaps just one little act will get the trust of this community back to the Board that would like to do good things. Joyce is their hinderance. This harm must stop. it has now gone way too far. I sometimes wonder how we will ever know the actual depth of harm she has caused our district.

Anonymous said...

It is an outrage that the MPS board allowed things to get so out of hand. They have been fooled and conned by the people they should have fired by now. When will they learn? They need to listen to the other 99 percent of their staff. Is John Coulter the only one that listens? I hope Mrs Campau does too. Chris Varvatos started coming around too late, then he quit. I imagine in disgust at what had been going on and how he had been duped for several years.

Anonymous said...

You can bet they will want things quiet before the vote on Aug. 6. It would not surprise me if they told Amy, Brian and Joyce to take a long vacation until after Aug. 6. Then they will find as many kind and decent Marshall citizens as they can to say things like "don't punish the kids" and vote yes "for the kids."

Well in my view it is the board that is punishing the kids, and the staff, and the parents, by supporting such dishonest and awful leaders. This blog covers the tip of the iceburg of the problems they have caused. If we truly want to "help the kids" and "do what is best for the Marshall schools," then we need change at the top first. The current scandal over how they treated Kathy Petrich is the latest good reason they need to be replaced immediately. If the bond needs to go down this time to wake up the community and expedite change, then so be it. I will gladly vote for the bond AFTER we have trusted, honest and good leaders at the top. Not before.

Anonymous said...

Well said! The board has made things worse, not better, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

As I read this article and agree totally with it, I can't help but wonder how Phillips, Metcalf, or the board will retaliate against Cathie's husband Bob. I have no doubt that they will take this out on him. I feel bad for him, he's done a great job at the alternative.

Anonymous said...

You can count on severe consequences! But Bob has already been targeted. He should have had the MHS Principal job, he would be far better than goofy Klochack. He is a great guy, intelligent, highly competent, highly respected, highly trusted- in other words just the kind of MPS employee that Phillips and Metcalf can't stand! My guess is that they have an entire list of retribution and have added names to their "hit list." Just wait until after August 6, then look out no matter how the vote goes! Remember what happened to Kathy, Ron and many other highly competent and respected MPS employees!

Anonymous said...

I was at the bond web site and the first thing I noticed is what appears to be a phony photo at the top. Are those Marshall kids? Or is it a stock photo of some other kids? If so, you would think they could have at least found a group of smiling Marshall kids.

I also noticed the list of bond supporters is not very big. Lots of key names missing and very few MPS staff. I saw Joyce Phillips near the top, not a good idea if they want more support. Has anyone explained to Tom Franke why Joyce Phillips should be fired immediately? I bet he can get it done with one phone call.

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard, Tom Franke, or at least his wife, is a strong supporter of Phillips and what she has done. In fact, one has to wonder if his support of her is not one of the reasons she still has a job.

Anonymous said...

If the suspicions are true, the main reason Joyce still has a job is Marsha Haring (now Marsha Franke).

Anonymous said...

I heard much the same thing from several current and former board members. But it is more complicated than that. They said that Darling, Beardslee and Potter sincerely like Joyce Phillips a lot and have been on a power trip since she arrived. They all feed off of each other, Metcalf and Jones too. Stulberg and Varvatos jumped on the same bandwagon but are more likely a bit independent. These two have doubts and mixed feelings about their role in what has transpired. They no longer see Phillips as a good leader and are sincerely concerned about the mess we are in, but they have not really done anything to stop it. This board does all work together, to some extent in secret, and they recruited John Coulter, probably figuring he is a nice guy and a pushover. John is a nice guy and has not been as much of a pushover as they originally planned. According to the same former and present board members, this group is still very loyal to Joyce and since they all know what has happened behind the scenes none of them will come out against one another. Apparently there is a lot of dirt to cover up, so Phillips is quite confident of their support. Phillips has no loyalty whatsoever to Marshall and would sue in a heartbeat if they tried to force her out. She likely has enough evidence of dirty dealings to win, so they fear her. If the truth got out they are all likely to go down with the ship. Expect no change unless there were somehow a new school board in place. Even if Coulter and Campau wanted a change, the others would block them and protect Phillips, Jones and Metcalf. Because of this mess, the bond is in big trouble, morale is at a record low level, great staff have been hurt and forced out, and trust in the central office leaders is about zero. Any solutions?

Anonymous said...

I still have not forgiven them for giving Joyce Phillips a big pay raise and an unprecedented three year contract extension (2 yrs ago) at a time she was already embroiled in controversy and scandals. This was a quick move to protect her, knowing what future plans were in the making. Sam Ramon proposed at the time a 1 year extension and then see how her performance is. Bob Lyng agreed. The others teamed up and shot it down. This was in the midst of the Amy Jones insurance scandal (Amy screwed up and cost us $40,000) and the Linda Bennink air conditioning scandal (when JP sent school employees on school time to install air conditioning for LB). Can anyone spell R-E-C-A-L-L?

Anonymous said...

Most of the talk I am hearing is about the problems with the superintendent. I think this is a big problem for the bond.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Cathie had the cahones to step out and say all that with Bob a school employee. Bob is probably the best administrator in the district. His staff loves him and so do the kids. He has been denied many opportunities in the MPS and it is such a shame. We'll miss you, Bob, but that letter is going to make you the next big target.

Anonymous said...

It did not surprise me, things have gotten that bad. I am surprised more of our town citizens and parents are not speaking out. In private they are almost all on the same page, wanting regime change now! Several made reference to the suspicion that "big money" is behind this regime and pushing to protect JP. As you may have read above, we all know who that is. So I would say that if that "big money" family truly cares about Marshall, they are the main obstacle to change at this point. If they truly care as much as they say they do, I hope they make the phone calls needed to get the new leaders we need so bad.

Anonymous said...

It looks like they started the new superintendent search about a year early to try to dilute criticism over keeping and supporting Joyce Phillips against all reason and logic. Do they really think we are that stupid not to see through this as a gimmick? We need real action for change this summer, not next. Who wants another year of big problems, constant conflicts and embarrassment? Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Let's see Janice Darling made a big deal in the Chronicle of publicly thanking Joyce Phillips for arranging bussing for Marshall Choir students to attend Kathy Petrich's funeral. What??? Is that shameless and tasteless PR? Janice, not the best time to praise Joyce Phillips for anything, as she is the cause of most problems. It was especially in poor taste knowing all of the circumstances of the situation. What next, praise her for forcing KP out? That's what she did the last three year!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's see Janice Darling made a big deal in the Chronicle of publicly thanking Joyce Phillips for arranging bussing for Marshall Choir students to attend Kathy Petrich's funeral. What??? Is that shameless and tasteless PR? Janice, not the best time to praise Joyce Phillips for anything, as she is the cause of most problems. It was especially in poor taste knowing all of the circumstances of the situation. What next, praise her for forcing KP out? That's what she did the last three year!!!

Anonymous said...

Was Janice just doing her usual pandering to Joyce or was it a cruel low blow considering all that has happened? Maybe both.

Anonymous said...

In short - Janice - bad taste and on the edge of stupidity. Anyone that knew Kathy P. knew exactly what Joyce and Brian were doing to her. Shame on this Board for not asking questions. Actually shame on them - for not doing anything as I know for sure at least one board member knows what Joyce and Brian M. were having Brian K. do to Kathy P. Pretty clear that it was either retaliation for her position with the MTA, her ethics that drove her to help and support others being attacked, or her possible affiliation with the staff survey. Call it what you want - but this Board should be finding a remedy not causing more harm. Thanks Janice for once again showing everyone that elected you - that you will no do what you were elected to do. Raspberries to Janice Darling for her undaunting support of Joyce. The bus issue was merely 'one more tactic' of JP's to throw fuel on this all consuming fire. I am truly disgusted beyond comprehension.

Regarding Bob Vaught. I would hope that each person that read Cathie's outstanding article - would watch carefully. I believe he should be the last employee attacked by Joyce - it would just prove retaliation completely!!!! Great job Cathie. You spoke for hundreds who tried to be heard through a staff survey - which was ignored. I hope the Board is not ignoring your article also - but why would they start doing what they were elected to do now?

Anonymous said...

Well I have been told that we have gtten rid of one of the doctor's. Metcalf will be leaving, his last day is August 15. One down one to go. He is going to work in Grand Rapids area. Good luck to that district.

Anonymous said...

So the worst one we are still stuck with?

Anonymous said...

Amy and Joyce are busy looking into "privatizing" as many secretaries, bus drivers and support staff as they can. They will wait at least until after the bond vote. If the bond passes Joyce will be much stronger and claim credit. If it goes down she will try to blame the teachers and the economy. A failed bond would weaken her and could lead to her imminent downfall.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't think that if it fails that she'll be weakened, the board will continue to prop her up. They've done it all along, why would they stop now, especially Janice and Dan.

Anonymous said...

The main difference now is that it took a few years to educate the public about the problems in the schools. Now I hardly run into anyone who is not aware and upset about the state of the schools leadership. To truly be a good school district you need top leaders who are respected, trusted, good team players, good communicators and can motivate people in positive ways. Isolation, fear, arrogance, lies and coverups is no way to run a school district. In this sense we will not truly be a good school district until we get the good leaders we need so bad. If the bond goes down, the whole town will know the main reason! Marshall would easily pass a bond like this if we had trusted leaders. If it goes down, the failed leaders will be the ones to blame.

Anonymous said...

To me, the most telling thing is that there is no management team in place. Joyce and the board have known she's leaving, but she still rules as a queen. Any well run organization would have a team from which a new leader could be groomed. At least, there would be continuity during change.

If the bond passes, the money will likely be spent by people with no history in Marshall.

One of the costs of supporting her will be the disorganization that follows her reign. Sadly, no one on the board will be held accountable for that.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you John, you make a very good point. I doubt if anyone has looked at that point of view. Who could you see on a leadership team that would make good choices for the best interests of MPS?

Anonymous said...

I noticed there has been a huge drop among the "Whose Who" endorsing the bond. Think of all the names that are NOT there that normally would be. Why doesn't Joyce Phillips resign? Any normal and decent person would under these circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there are a ton of teachers on there aren't there? I'd heard that some of the administrators(even those who are not Marshall taxpayers) had gotten an email from Dan Stulberg to put their names on the "Endorser's" list to show a united front. Is that a put your name on the list or else??? I believe that if someone supports the bond, they'll put their name on the list. It just goes to show you that not many employees are behind this one.

Anonymous said...

The teachers are legitimately concerned about the much larger problems that need to be "fixed" (to use a favorite board term) first.

I hold Paul, Dan, Vic and Janice fully responsible for everything bad that Joyce Phillips and her few loyalists have done. They kept supporting her long after they had plenty of information to keep pleading ignorance. I know John and Annette would love to see Joyce gone NOW. Chris may have come to that conclusion too but he chose to quit rather than fight for the best interests of the schools. We need tyranny and lies to be replaced by good leadership and trust.

Anonymous said...

Until I see proof otherwise I hold these four the most responsible too. Janice doesn't even try to pretend she cares about anyone but Phillips first. The other three try to talk out of both sides of their mouth but their actions are 100% pro-Phillips. Shame on you for doing this to your own schools.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this might be better for another thread but, I am curious who you would think would be a good replacement for JP? I believe as a previous person stated that whoever takes over needs to be able to unite the teachers and administration. It should be someone who is respected, trusted, a good team player, good communicator and can motivate people in positive ways. If I had my druthers, it would be someone that is local that understands what the COMMUNITY needs are. Who has the experience and qualifications of a good superintendent?

Anonymous said...

The best administrators that Marshall has are Bob Vaught, Tom Hanson and Susan Townsend. Maybe one of them.

Anonymous said...

I think we need someone to come in for three or four years and heal the district. Find someone with a record of collaboration and communication. Perhaps someone's last job - say a person in their late 50's.

Then, use them to find the right younger person who might stay for 10 years. I'm afraid that we'd use up a good super as they spent the first three years just fixing things. They'd be burned out before they could really do some good.

First person might work for three years and then step back and consult for a year as the new person takes over.

Anonymous said...

We will have to wait another year for any progress and healing to begin. Unless a miracle happens and the board gets their act together and makes changes now.

Anonymous said...

The people of Marshall need to get more involved in the schools. Say what you want about our current board members, I am not happy with most of them either, but nobody ran against them! Yes, we have an incompetent Superintendent who leads through fear and lies to mask her weaknesses, but she will stay safely in power unless more people get involved and speak up. And I don't mean on this blog, this probably helps them by allowing an outlet for anger that needs to be focused elsewhere. Letters to the editor, speaking out at board meetings, and if all else fails launching a recall, are the only effective ways to change things than posting on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree! So what if there are school board members who ran to promote their own agenda, or to go after teachers or administrators they dislike? Nobody else has been willing to run. Instead of complaining people with better ideas and motives should get organized. Otherwise quit yappin about the ones we are stuck with now. If you trust them, vote for the bond. If not, then at least vote against them.

Anonymous said...

Where is Dr. Metcalf going? Did Phillips force him out too?

Anonymous said...

No, he wasn't forced out, he's been looking since last year. He knows that he will not be heir appearant to JKP's throne because he's created too many enemies. He's supposed to be going to Hudsonville or Hillsdale, somewhere like that. Either way, they'll find out what kind of district Marshall is through his actions and work-ethic. I'm sure that they'll scratch their heads and wonder how he'd been employed here for the past 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Havent' heard much about our bribe of a studio if the bond passes. Hopefully, someone figured out how stupid that was.

Anonymous said...

Why is it stupid? Certainly not everyone will use it, but even if only a few kids use the studio, and someone is willing to give it to us, then I think the community would be all for it.

To me, it is something that kids will be able to use in Marshall that they won't in most other places.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put it past our board (not JC or AC), JP and AJ if the studio was simply offered as a donation and they turned it into a "bribe." I do not trust them at all!

Anonymous said...

I do not trust this group either, but I am voting for the bond. We need to get the facilities up to par. Then I hope we get new administrators too.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting yes too. I posted the question about the studio.

The reason it's stupid is that it has no bearing on a high school education. The reason it's stupid is it has no bearing on the rest of the fixes. The reason it's stupid is the donor did not endow the repairs and maintenance. The reason it's stupid is that it minimizes the real reasons the bond needs to pass.

Sorry, the offer was stupid, not the poster.

Anonymous said...

Another problem with the studio is who is going to run it? You need someone with a high level of recording/audio engineer expertise. Jeremy Root is a great guy but he is swamped with the band job. The tech director does nothing and if something broke it could take years to fix. Joyce and Amy will likely keep the key in central office and only allow use on rare occasions, like a VIP tour.

I can think of many other things that MHS could use much more for $1.5 million. We also need good leaders that will run the entire school system much better.

Anonymous said...

Hey, did anyone else catch that article by Eric Murray? That was a dandy! Great job Eric and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Targets of opportunity are being cut, not truly ineffective programs. Further, in addition to fixing physical problems, what academic strengths or weaknesses will the bond proceeds address? How does the bond fit in with the long-term success of the district?

The most recent bond piece makes unsupportable predictions of a decrease in scores if the bond does not pass.

What they should be saying is that we're not happy with where we are academically and the physical plant is a part of our improvement plan. The bond promotion has it backwards.

The lack of a public plan results in things like the Kathy Petrich situation. Leaving the emotion of her death aside, cutting a choir seemed to make no sense. In the board minutes, Joyce justified it on the basis of enrollment in the choirs. She has made much of managing by numbers and being “data driven.” In order to appear managerial she's co-opted a management technique she really doesn't understand.

Letting numbers drive decisions is fine in some cases. It is not fine when making strategic decisions.

The choral program is (was) a long term strength of the district. It had the potential to attract students. If its numbers were down the program should have been maintained or even strengthened in the short run.

The result of Joyce’s action was to force out an award winning teaching for reasons that seemed illogical. So, the conspiracy theorists substituted their own reasons in the face of illogical ones.

In place of choral music we have all day kindergarten and technology education (whatever that is). So, how do these additions strengthen us? What is their piece of the grand plan?

There is no plan. There is no communication or trust.

It is logical to assume every decision happens for a reason, so we must imagine that there is a plan we don't know about which is driving all of thses separate decisions.

I'm voting yes because it's the right thing to do. Also, to allow me to continue to point out problems from a legitimate base.

I am saddened that Rob Covert and Jim Pardoe would support the bond issue when they'd never tolerate Joyce in their organizations. I hope to pursuade them and other leaders to reexamine the district's management.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

When looking for a new superintendent we need someone who is:

1. honest
2. trustworthy
3. a good communicator
4. has building principal experience
5. has good people skills
6. prefer someone from Michigan, maybe the Marshall area
7. someone willing to listen to all sides before making decisions
8 Someone who is friendly and treats everybody with respect and courtesy
9. Someone who tries to get to know their staff and learn what they do
10. Someone who is active in the community and preferably has a long-term interest in the Marshall schools and the community.

All things lacking at this time. How long must we wait for this Superintendent? Wouldn't it be nice to have this person now to go along with hopefully passing the big bond?

Anonymous said...

We should be grooming these administrators-

Susan Townsend, Andrea Nessel, Bob Vaught, Dave Turner and Tom Hanson

Even now, all would be a great improvement over JP.

Anonymous said...

I've had an email exchange with a board member who suggested that because I'm so critical my yes vote was merely an attempt to sooth my conscience.

I responded that my conscience was clear only because I could point out the problems with the disrict.

He suggested, and I agreed, that whatever the districts situation, we're better off with the bond that without.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

Cutting Choral progams while wanting bond money to build a new auditorium. Ummmm? How is cutting fine arts programs making Marshall more attractive to School of Choice students.

Let's assume for one minute that people have high paying jobs here in Marshall, while living in another district - that would make it convenient to bring your children into MPS as School of Choice. With the cost of gas going up - more and more families are going to re-think driving their students into another district - it simply will not be affordable.

The VW plant not coming to Marshall had nothing to do with our school system. Granholm indicated that the UAW in Michigan told VW they would need to be a union plant - therefore - VW went south where it could be non-union.

I am very tired of the power brokers trying to pressure me into voting yes -simply because they want it. The truth is I cannot afford to commit to $208 more in tax dollars per year for the next 30 years. Marshall has a high tax base without a new high school. The other districts invested in new facilities when facing the higher tax! Let's get rid of the bad management - then look into a newer facility - you know - when the economy is sound for all residents - not just the wealthy in this town!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"I've had an email exchange with a board member who suggested that because I'm so critical my yes vote was merely an attempt to sooth my conscience."

Does that board member have a conscience? I am guessing it is one of the "Phillips Four" die hard JP supporters (Beardslee, Darling, Stulberg, Potter). Through their policies and their Joyce Phillips look how much damage they have done. This group came in as an anti-Lou anti-Redskin coalition. They were supposed to be reformers who made things better. Instead through bad decisions, listening to the wrong people and bad advice they have made things much worse.

Anonymous said...

The negativity originates in central office and those on the board that support it.

Anonymous said...

The teachers and most administrators have felt strong hostility and often contempt from our superintendent. We feel the board has been wrong to so easily believe the inaccurate and usually wrong opinions of outsiders and perhaps a few squeaky wheels with axes to grind.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would like to see more information about the recording studio should check out the video at this has some information that hasn't been put forward yet.

Anonymous said...

The board thinks they cannot fire Joyce Phillips right now because she is under contract another year. Also they wimped out and gave her undeserved good evaluations the last few years, so it makes it more difficult to fire her as needed this summer.

Actually they should have plenty of grounds if they can prove she has lied to them, which would seem easy enough. But she has probably threatened a lawsuit so I doubt they have the backbone to "do what's best for the kids." So the plan is to emphasize she is leaving next year and a "new search" is starting now.

Can't they at least give her Metcalf's job and find a new Superintendent now? Now there's a solution! He never did anything but his PhD so there should not be much for her to do. We need change very badly NOW!!! I fear the bond is in trouble mostly due to not getting a new superintendent first.

Anonymous said...

Several years back the MPS board and Joyce Phillips went on a misguided crusade to "fix" the Marshall schools as one school board member put it to me. They mostly listened to Phillips and a handful of confidants that most likely included former recalled board members, Amy Jones and Marsha Haring. Their motivation was also to rid the MPS of any vestiges of the Lou Gianunnzio administration. Since he was gone they went after those they thought were friendly towards Lou, or they had personal gripes with.

The result: four years of monumental mistakes, targeting of the wrong people, rewarding some of the worst employees in the system, and damaging programs and morale in many cases beyond easy repair. After the staff survey was made public they made promises that were never that were quickly forgotten. Staff that talked to board members found themselves targeted in various ways by Joyce Phillips and her cronies. These personal vendettas, mistakes, blunders and pathetic attempts at coverups piled up to create the mess we are in now.

Anonymous said...

Think of all the hardworking and dedicated people and their families who have been wrongly harmed by this group. Remember all that has happened! It makes me sick. Are the Marshall Schools better now than four years ago? Certainly not, things are much much worse.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is this: New management will create trust. When there is trust voters will be more likely to support the decisions that are currently being pushed down the throats of the taxpayers with things like (quoted from flyer received 3 times at our home of two voters) "Our schools have a proud heritage for quality. But right now, their future is in danger." The danger as I see it has been here four years and is named Joyce Phillips.

A garbage bag taped over a toilet, ceiling tiles missing (were taken down to start the new office construction), the two seats in the auditorium that are borken - these are simple repairs that do not require new paying $281 more in taxes per year. I do understand the electrical in the auditorium needs to be updated - that should not cost us 2.55 more mills.

Now, on the subject of a recording studio attracting 10-15 new students. Where to heck did the committee gather that ridiculous data. With the price of gas I will bet we do not see an increase in School of Choice at all this year. People cannot afford to drive their students into other districts as much as in the previous years.

Does the "MPSYes Committee" remember the 25 custodians that were fired - replaced with out of town janitors? Well - news flash - those custodians still own homes in Marshall School district and I fear they cannot afford higher taxes - especially for a district that discarded them like bagged garbage. These custodians have, if lucky enough, gone to work at much lower wages - which is likely with any new position opposed to a position they had worked at for 5-25 years (as was the case in the MPS custodians).

Marshall is operating without conscience once again. There are alot more people in this town that are on limited income than those on the committee who has personal vested interests. Property values are not going to go up just because the school system did updates. That is incredibly ridiculous. Our property taxes will go up with this bond - but until the economy changes for the better - your home values will not increase.

True Hogwash!

Anonymous said...

WOW! The threat of no recording studio has made me want to support the bond. Also I cannot punish the kids because I think we need a new superintendent. How awful of me to even think about anything else. The teachers are lucky to have their jobs. The new janitors were a great idea. Mr. Klochack is the best thing we have ever seen at MHS, how dare Mr. B listens to kids and parents. How brave and noble our board has been to fix our schools in such a wise manner. Things are wonderful now and getting better every day. We need to reward outstandiing performance, give Joyce, Amy, Brian, Bryan and Mike some big raises. Now I see the light! What a fool I was to believe the other 99 percent of the staff I had talked to. Sorry, sorry sorry!

Anonymous said...

I am trying to think like a board member. Let's see my options. I can't fire JP or we will get sued. If we keep JP the bond may fail. I can't admit I made mistakes or I will look like a fool or worse. I will accuse others, say JB, of being for the bond to clear their "conscience." Let's tell everyone we are busy searching for a new superintendent. I will pretend that everyone who has concern is the only one that ever told me there was any problems. Oh yeah, if anyone is against the bond because of leadership problems, I tell them "don't punish the kids."

Does the board live in some bizzarro world separate from reality?

Anonymous said...

I watched the video about the recording studio from the link posted above. I have two concerns. If the "anonymous" donor cares so much about the Marshall schools, why would he/she withhold it if a bond doesn't pass? Also as stated somewhere else first, who will properly manage and use the studio? The current administration has a very poor performance record supporting/managing the arts and technology.

Anonymous said...

And, will the donor endow the maintenance? Will he or she endow all or part of a teaching position to reap the benefits the video supposes?

Anonymous said...

After four years of a central office administration that has largely anti-arts, the bond supporters are pushing the arts and supposedly even got Tony Bennett endorse the bond.

That would be great if we did not have such a bad administration. The best thing for the arts is new leaders first. Whether the bond passes or not (I still haven't decided how to vote) we need new leadership or it will not fix anything.

What would Tony Say about a first rate choir teacher being forced out for dirty political reasons? I doubt he would endorse that!

Anonymous said...

I still think it would be BEST to get a new superintendent AND pass the bond. That is the only way we can all truly be happy and get excited about a new school year. Come on board, you know what you have to do! You can at least do some transfer and then find a new leader now.

Anonymous said...

Ten reasons NOT to support the bond until we get new leadership that is honest, trusted and respected...

10. Do not trust Amy Jones with money or realtions contractors.

9. Joyce Phillips and the board tried to cover up an insurance scandal that cost the district $40,000. Source, then board member Bob Lyng.

8. Joyce and the board forced out Ron Behrenwald, an excellent MHS Principal and replaced him with a crappy new "JP lackey" principal.

7. The board ignored the EPIC survey that said to wait until there is more support. They also suppressed the parts of the survey showing a dissatisfaction with the superintendent and other top leaders as a major reason support was low.

6. Joyce Phillips and board ongoing bad treatment of teachers, support staff, community members and parents.

5. Disrespect shown towards the community on numerous occasions during the past four years.

4. Dirty politics attacking and forcing out MHS choir teacher Kathy Petrich which may have lead to her untimely passing.

3. No serious attempts by the school board to deal effectively with poor performance by Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf, Amy Jones, Bryan Klochack, Mike Walbeck and Charlie MacDonald. In most cases they were given undeserved contract extensions, generous raises and perks and praise where none was justified.

2. Purposeful neglect of buildings even when money was available. Lack of honesty with the community over many building issues to pass the previous and current bonds.

1 JOYCE PHILLIPS is still employed by the Marshall Schools! She should have been fired several years ago.

Need change first!!!

Anonymous said...

The board is trying to save face with the bond after a disastrous four years.

Anonymous said...

This is the lowest level of enthusiasm I have ever seen for a Marshall bond. I even know people whose name is on the endorsement list who are planning to vote against it. Why? The incompetent, dishonest and failed leadership! Painting rotting wood only looks pretty for a short while. We need to replace the rot with capable, honest and new leadership first.

Anonymous said...

A failed bond will be a huge blow to Dr. Phillips and her strong board supporters! They will look like fools for not removing her first.

Anonymous said...

Word is that MHS principal will NOT be moving his family to Marshall this summer as he promised his staff at the end of the school year. He will once again commute from the Flint area which means the staff will be again covering for him. Of course being one of JKPs personal hires/cronies he probably has her blessing and a gas allowance. Ask any MHS staff member how visible he was last year to staff and students. No wonder he has little support from anyone but JKP. Where will he be next year without her?

Anonymous said...

As an MHS Graduate I can say that we need a new superintendent real bad. Mr. B was very caring and always around. He did a great job. Mr. Klochack is cold and uncaring. MHS deserves better treatment and needs a good principal too. Why did Dr, P get rid of Mr. B? I think she hates MHS.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the "anonymous" donor is? If he knew the major bad leadership problems afflicting the Marshall schools maybe he would use his clout to get the school board to take action.

Anonymous said...

This system is broken and must be fixed before anyone is going to feel positive about MPS. This Board allowed this broken system to stay in place. How dare any Board member try to muscle my vote - they do not allow anyone to even have opinions anymore! My property values will not increase like my property taxes will with this bond. A Yes vote will only increase my taxes....while my home value continues to plummet downward. Has anyone on this Board listened to the economists on this topic. People are taxed to death - why - because this district would not allow the Maintenance Supervisor, Bill Armstrong, to even have an opinion regarding problems that needed fixed. They shushed him right out the door - he begged for money to fix the issues that are now being 'staged' as maintenance problems. How dare this committe - not looking into this thoroughly. Then trying, with their money, to push it down our throats. Not everyone in Marshall has money. A $200 increase in my taxes will not help my property values! Guess we must assume everyone is stupid that reads the printed materials! Let's ignore survey results - but listen to the rich! Whatever! NOTE NO ON BOND UNTIL JOYCE IS GONE -

Anonymous said...

I am sure the board and Joyce are planning their damage control if the bond fails. Its the economy, its the teachers, and so on. They will blame everyone but the real cause- themselves!

Anonymous said...

The single reason will be JKP and JKP/cronies alone. The three voters in my family will be voting NO NO NO for the very first time in our lives along with many neighbors and friends. Our kids went through a great school system with great teachers but now every teacher we know is disgusted with the top leadership and the incompetent board. How sad that JKP didnt choose to work with the teachers and staff when she hit town and treated them like peons and even sadder that the board so blindly allowed her to do so. Shame on all of them and they will deserve ALL the blame when it goes down. Get rid of her!

Anonymous said...

Remember, Joyce Phillips would be nothing without her board supporters. We know how Janice, Paul, Chris, Dan and Vic have gushed over her in the paper and gave her undeserved raises and good reviews. Ali has been privately critical but has not done anything publicly. John and Annette want change but what can they do, just two against five.

Anonymous said...

Interesting observations above, however, leave Dave Turner out of your possibile rotation for superintendent grooming. He has insulted the MS teachers over and over, says one thing and does another, and creates chaos. Harper Creek dumped him on us, no doubt. Also--did anyone else think it was inappropriate for the Doctor to be hugging the new teachers--waiting for them and forcing it on them-- when they were being introduced at the community breakfast? They don't hug newly hired engineers at Borg Warner or Eaton. That was poor judgment.

Anonymous said...

I would be creeped out if Joyce Phillips tried to hug me. She didn't even try to hug her little grandchild when she had him at Middle School a year ago to visit. Poor little tyke. She acted like he was merely a show piece - no hugs, no holding, no kisses. Why did she hug each new teacher. Could it have been for a show?!?!?!?! I would say YES

Anonymous said...

Isn't that sexual harassment? What if Lou was hugging young college girls hired as new teachers?

Anonymous said...

At least the new teachers now know what it would feel like to be hugged by the Grim Reaper!

Anonymous said...

Joyce is not even good at being fake.