Monday, August 04, 2008


UPDATE 5:00pm 8/5/08 - City of Marshall had approx. 1100 votes cast.

UPDATE 1:00pm 8/5/08 - Reports are showing lower turn-out in the city during the early hours.

As reports come in, we will post them.

Voting is OUR civic duty. Tuesday August 5th - GO VOTE.

To see where to vote and to see your sample ballot, visit this web page:

Throughout your day tomorrow, remind people in passing to go vote. Voting is easy, we just wish more people would exercise their right to do so.


Anonymous said...

Almost everyone I know who is voting against the bond is doing so because of dishonest, bad and corrupt leadership.

Anonymous said...

We'll see after tomorrow. I know that no one in this house is voting for it. We'd much rather vote for a new high school, much like those schools that we are being compared to. We too will vote yes on a new bond once the central office has been cleaned out and the board has gained our trust. We are not punishing the kids, the board has for keeping JKP.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. This Board has PUT JOYCE FIRST repeatedly. How dare them even use the newly established lingo "kids first". Those of us who have been putting kids first would now like the Board to do so....get rid of the problem plaguing this community/school. Joyce must be demoted or removed!

Anonymous said...

Voting day, let's all vote early and vote often! ;)

Anonymous said...

You can tell from the Pro-Bond web site that they do put kids first. Looking at the photos of the kids they put first, I am not sure where those kids live. We cannot recognize any of them. I asked around if these were Marshall kids. Apparently not. So I guess they support these kids whoever they are and wherever they live. My guess is they have good school leaders so passing a bond in their district would be a pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Bad school leadership is a threat to jobs and Marshall's future! We need change there first. The VW delegation was taken to Battle Creek to avoid Marshall's school leadership problems too, not just building issues.

Maybe the anonymous donor will give a bigger donation if we get rid of these bad leaders first and replace them with good honest leaders who truly care about the best interests of Marshall. Imagine the possibilities and how much better everything can be!

Anonymous said...

What if...

Ron Behrenwald was still the MHS Principal...

Kathy Petrich had been treated well and enthusiastically kept as the full-time Choir teacher, my guess is she would still be with us...

The familiar Marshall custodians were still employed by our district. You know, those people that not only worked hard but truly cared for our schools and did a long list of extras to help people out...

What if we had trusted leaders that worked as a cooperative team with parents, students and teachers in a positive environment that fostered open and honest communication and real progress...

I can go on and on, but I agree with the poster above who said imagine how much better everything could be.

Anonymous said...

It dawned on me that if we were to add some new practical aspect to our curriculum we'd add casino or hospitalility skills not music production.

Anonymous said...

Follow your conscience, but I just voted no for the second time in 30 years.

Anonymous said...

I did vote my conscience, as I always do and voted no for the first time ever. My conscience is soothed Dan.

Anonymous said...

At 9pm reports the bond is down by 300 votes with only the city to report. The city has to vote about 1200 to 800 for it to pass.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all go out to the MAAC and celebrate with Dan and the other JKP supporters. Oh, I didn't get an invite to that party.

Anonymous said...

At 9:40 pm with 60% precinct reporting 59% NO to 41% YES

Anonymous said...

It looks like Joyce Phillips, her board lackies and the rest of the failed regime (Amy, Mike, Brian, etc) have sunk the bond. The single biggest reason by far for its failure is a lack of trust and faith in their leadership! They should do the decent thing and resign now so we can get good leadership in there as soon as possible. They can't lie their way out of this one, the people of Marshall know what has happened. We cannot afford another year of misery and failed self-serving leadership.

Anonymous said...

It will be very interesting to see how they try to spin this one. I think that all that they need to do is look at the Chronicle poll as to why it is not passing.

Anonymous said...

Looks very unlikely that the bond will pass. At 10:23 precinct one from the city has reported, and although it was closer it failed there as well. 379 more people in City of Marshall precinct two need to vote yes than no in order for it to pass. Seems very doubtful that that will happen.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the weirdness of the Convis Township vote?

Anonymous said...

I am still upset with how Dan told John Bedient that he was trying to clear his conscience by voting for the bond! What arrogance! Dan needs to clear his conscience for all the awful things he has encouraged and supported the last few years. Paul, Vic, and Janice do too!!! They can start by firing Joyce Phillips and changing sides to work in the best interests of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

We agree with all that you'd written. Maybe the donor who wants to donate the new studio could do us all a big favor and buy out JKP's contract so that we can turn the corner at MPS.

Anonymous said...

Wait until the blame game gets started.

Janice Darling will come out praising Dr. Phillips (the main cause of the bond's failure) and how wonderful she has been and how she will miss her when she leaves. Expect jabs at the community, teachers and support staff. Paul Beardslee will lay low as he has done since his reputation tanked for his support of "the good doctor." Potter and Stulburg will blame everything and everyone except those truly responsible for the bond's demise. Then they will all hope it just blows over so they can go back on their powertrip making trouble in a sleazy and secretive manner as they have done for four years now. Oh yeah, Phillips will leach around another year so she can ruin things further and get her second MI retirement. Only citizen apathy will allow this to continue. Apathy is their ally.

Anonymous said...

The board thinks the community are all fools. The bond vote shows them they are not. New leadership now!!!

Anonymous said...

I think because Lakeveiew's bond also failed, (and by a greater margin) they will spin that the failure was the economy. They will not acknowledge that lack of trust in the administration had anything to do with it, and nothing will change. JP will finish out her "Michigan Career" in Marshall and sail off into the sunset next June. People are unhappy; but not enough to recall the board, like they should have done two years ago.

Anonymous said...

So now the school can take the garbage bag off the toilet seat and do the simple repair, put the ceiling tiles back into place, etc. How appalled I was when I saw that brochure....what did they think - we are all simpletons! If my toilet breaks I don't hardly put a garbage over it! I fix it! And not to the tune of 35 mil. I am proud of the voters in Marshall for taking this stand. Now PLEASE board members - make us proud. Get on board here. Address this situation of bad leadership so we can put another bond proposal (possibly without the 900 seat auditorium) in front of the voters in the Spring of 2009....Ohhhh my...isn't that what we told the EPIC survey?

I suppose it is OK to bring the new school trucks out of hiding now and let the employees drive them. Didn't want the voters to see there was money for kids first!!!! Those two new trucks - possibly we could have spent the money on the science lab update and let the old trucks stay on the road one more year. This is exactly why I had to vote NO. I do not trust this administration with my tax dollars. What they say and what they do are two separate things!!!!

Wake up Board - it's time to smell the coffee!

Thanks Vic - your news flash was refreshing "The people own the school buildings and did not choose to support upgrades at this time". Yes - Vic - no matter how many wealthy people in this town write articles....we all own the buildings. Even the custodians that you ROBBED THEM OF THEIR JOBS LAST SUMMER! They too own the buildings and they too have to pay school taxes!

Anonymous said...

The board will lie low and let this blow over, as they do each and every other time there is a problem. Joyce will enjoy her Coldwater lake estate. Metcalf lives in Coldwater too and Amy will enjoy her life in Olivet. No wonder they could care less about Marshall, they are in it for themselves only!

Anonymous said...

This board was far too narrow sighted on this bond. They did what the committee said they wanted and once again totally ignored the community which resounded with: Not until you take care of the problems plaguing our school system. They are not even attempting to take care of the problem at the top. Joyce is still governing the Board. This is wrong.

I too heard about the new school trucks being locked inside the city garage (bus garage). The city workers heard from Mike Walbeck that they were being kept out of sight until after the bond vote. Shame on whoever made that decision. We already knew the purchase for new vehicles had been approved. There was no need to keep them inside. Not like the sun was going to hurt the paint jobs or something! This was devious if it were in fact intentional!

Anonymous said...

The big difference, besides the leadership problems in Marshall, compared to the Lakeviews bond failure is that Lakeview had already passed a massive bond and built a new high school. They had passed a $58 mil bond in 2002 so asking for another huge bond was a lot within 6 years. Marshall passed a small bond a few years ago and was asking for a moderate sized bond that normally would have passed easily. But things are not normal in Marshall and the bad leadership caused many otherwise bond supporters to vote against it.

Bradleywmxn said...

The big difference, besides the leadership problems in Marshall, compared to the Lakeviews bond failure is that Lakeview had already passed a massive bond and built a new high school. They had passed a $58 mil bond in 2002 so asking for another huge bond was a lot within 6 years. Marshall passed a small bond a few years ago and was asking for a moderate sized bond that normally would have passed easily. But things are not normal in Marshall and the bad leadership caused many otherwise bond supporters to vote against it.