Monday, August 18, 2008

What's the rush?

Brian Metcalf will be leaving us for Hudsonville.
It's being reported that Amy Jones has accepted a job in Lakeview.
Next summer Joyce Phillips will be gone.


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Anonymous said...

Marshall is blessed with a beautiful town, above average kids and families and an excellent teaching and support staff in our schools. Our weakness for years has been the main office administration. We have had self-serving leaders that have failed to work well with the staff and the community. We need excellent quality top leaders who are widely respected, earn support (not demand it), are honest and friendly, good at motivating others and get to know what is really going on in our schools and cooperate with others for real improvements.

It is good two of the three main problems are gone or leaving. The biggest problem remains. Everyone I know wishes she was leaving this year too.

Anonymous said...

It's great that they are both leaving, but there is a downside. Joyce will have a hand in hiring both of their replacements. She will also be able to taint the new hires and influence their abilities to see a clear picture of what is going on here at MPS. If the board had a shred of intelligence, they'd buy Joyce out and start fresh with all 3 positions. We don't need any more of Joyce's stooge hires.

Anonymous said...

Total agreement. Now is THE time to clean house. Buy Joyce out. Go for a new bond May 2009.

Anonymous said...

If she were a professional, she would have begun to make sure a management team was in place at the time of her announced departure. If the board had any sense, they would have insisted on it.

This situation will tell you a lot about the board.

Also, the one thing she could have done for the city was to pass the bond. She failed. Not only did she fail, she's so polarizing the board certainly muzzled her.

I'd vote to terminate her on the basis of the failed millage alone.

Anonymous said...

Phillips first problem when she arrived was she was too inexperienced to be a good superintendent. She had never even been a building principal. She could have made up for this by learning and working with our excellent building Principals and getting professional development. To cover her weaknesses she turned to our board members. Say what you want about Paul, Janice, Vic, Chris and Dan but they do not know much about the inner workings of our schools either. They do not know very much about good school leadership. Their motives to run were mostly anti-Redskin and anti-Lou so they came in with big chips on their shoulders. Also Phillips by nature is not a very nice person. Not very honest and cooperative either. Many think Marsha Haring-Franke had axes to grind and used her new found wealth and influence to take Phillips under her wing and push her own agenda.

You put this combination together and we got a mix that went on a rampage to "fix problems" and in the process made a big mess of things. They may have targeted one or two employees that needed to be replaced at first, but then targeted many that were doing an excellent job. They made countless blunders and then tried to cover them up. Bob Lyng exposed their pathetic attempts to cover up the insurance scandal. If they were just honest and explained any honest mistakes that may have happened, that wold have been much better. Their targeting of Mr. Behrenwald, who was a very good MHS Principal and Kathy Petrich (and some others) outraged most of the staff and parents. When criticism increased they made themselves even more isolated and "circled the wagons" to try to pretend everything was ok. Ignoring the truth and being hostile to your staff and community is no way to run a school district.

Now is a golden opportunity to turn things around. I think the bond could be passed in November if Phillips is replaced. That will get us back on track for major work next summer. If the board has an ounce of dignity, truly cares for our schools and are not fools they will take this opportunity and replace Phillips NOW. The alternative is another year of conflict, controversy, scandals and big problems.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the board is divided. They want a public 7-0 unity on everything but behind the scenes they have mixed views on removing Phillips. Also I think they are stubborn because they have had to endure so much criticism for the last few years that if they remove Phillips now they will look like they are admitting they backed the wrong horse. I think they would rather go down with the ship.

Anonymous said...

I was not surprised Brian Metcalf left. I was surprised that Amy Jones left. I always thought she was close to Joyce Phillips but she may have seen the writing on the wall. Some say she has been turning on Phillips for some time and saw no way to turn her reputation around no matter what she did. I would rather it was Phillips who was leaving.

Anonymous said...

OK, so here's another example of how they don't get communicating. The Michigan Merit Exam results have been out about two weeks.

What have they said about our performance? ...Wait for it....


Our results were OK. Above the state average, but that's no great feat. More importantly we've heard nothing at all about anything.

What a great chance to puff up the positives and show how they have a plan to fix the negatives.


More reason to believe the supers Napolean complex prevents her from leading.

Anonymous said...

There are many things that hinder Joyce from ever being a good leader. Her personality is one. I can't spell it correctly but narcissitic (sp?) She feels powerful when she attacks (or better has her underlings attack for her) all the well respected, hardworking, personable employees. A good leader would embrace the employees who portray the best of Marshall Schools. Each and every day Joyce is allowed to sit in the Supt. office - with her new carpeting (now that was putting kids first) - she is hindering our efforts to strive forward.

If you don't believe the 'us against them' remember Vic's statement regarding the lack of letters to editor regarding the cons of the bond...."we have not heard much from the opposition". I didn't realize our elected Board members were looking at this as a war. Thanks again Joyce for splitting our community more than the Redskin issue could ever have split us. Maybe that will be Joyce's legacy....instilling hostility, causing emotional and physical damage to employees, lying, (which started with the air conditioner situation)....yes folks - her secretary witnessed her telling the school employees to go fix that air conditioner for her buddy Linda Bennick.

We could go on and on....but everyone knows what is going on...with the possible exception of the Board - who I feel personally has made me feel like there is no longer any need to take issues to them! I was shown what the new communication effort is all about the day after the bond failed. I will not phone a board member again. Until Joyce is gone and the Board decides to do what they were elected to do....serve the people that elected them. Yes, this is part of the Code of Ethics for School Board members in Michigan.

Hey - do you think Lakeview will let Amy Jones wear halter tops with swim suit tops under them? How about Amy's flexible working schedule. Naps at friends houses during the day, coming in to work by 10-11 am.... Not sure Lakeview is that flexible! Good luck with that one Amy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know of two groups- (1) people who voted against the bond until we get a new superintendent and (2) people who voted for the bond despite the fact they ALSO want a new superintendent. I wonder what can unite us?

Anonymous said...

For those curious as to the root causes of all the conflict in the Marshall schools it is Joyce Phillips. Her "bull in a china shop" style of mismanagement and refusal to be cooperative are the biggest reasons we have such a mess. Numerous attempts were made to work with her and give her the benefit of the doubt, all shot down or ignored. Of course she could not do this without her enthusiastic board supporters. They created this mess and they can fix it. The solution is in their hands.

Anonymous said...

Should ongoing dishonesty get a superintendent fired?

Anonymous said...

It sure should, she's gotten rid of great people for much less!

Anonymous said...

I'm really hoping that someone or a group of people, who are not a school employees, show up at the board workshop on Monday night and please let the board know why the bond didn't pass. Please, those of you who can have a voice, use it to help put our "Kids First" instead of allowing the board to make absurd excuses about why the bond failed. More then half the voters in our community voted it down, please show up and let the board know why!

Anonymous said...

If Phillips, Metcalf, Jones and Walbeck have any conscience at all they should be feeling great shame for what they have had part of in the destruction of Marshall School morale, employee well being, and personal harm.

95% of the employees that have been targeted were harmed by these four for absolutely no good reason. For those who have been able to move on - wonderful - for those who have not been able to find jobs - I pray for them....Kathy P. and all the horrible personal stress Joyce and Brian put her through - she is in a better place - her reward!

If I were those four I would be sick with shame for what my hand had in all the harm pushed upon the great employees of MPS that have had to live through this Nazi type management. This whole situation makes me sick. What makes it worse is the Board Members that have listened to personal stories about the abuse and bullying of employees by Joyce, Brian, Amy and Walbeck and have done nothing to stop it - with pat responses like: "we'll look into this"....SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT BELIEVING WHAT YOU ARE BEING TOLD.

There is policy regarding mistreatment of employees. Too bad you must trust Vic Potter (Board President) in order to take action against this type of bullying abuse. Such - why have policy if it won't work? Oh - just another policy Joyce had changed to benefit her 'mismanagement style of harm and destruction'. Way to go Board - this alone should be your reason to remove her NOW! It shouldn't require anything more than knowing the harm she has been allowed to bring upon good employees. What more should it take than knowing we have 50+ employees seeking help at Bear Creek - but now we have more....

Anonymous said...

What does everyone think of the new red "totem" poles by the new entrances at MHS?

First they look like totem poles with the "Redskin," oops I mean identical "Redhawk," logo on top. Redskin supporters should like this!

Second, look at the arrows and where they point. My guess is they will make things more confusing as they rarely point in the actual direction of what they are supposed to. Most arrows just point up and to an angle.

Who approved these sign? Overall I think these are pretty lame. I would expect much better for our millions of upgrade dollars.

Anonymous said...

Many arrows point towards the second floor for locations on the first floor. Some just point in the wrong direction period.

Anonymous said...

You know, I actually like the way that they look from a distance. I wasn't close enough to read them but I'll bet they'll look nice lit up at night during a friday night basketball game. Consider what we're talking about here, this is exactly how JKP and her cronies are looking at the world. If it looks good, it must be good. That is far from the truth, upon a closer look, not all is well. That's kind of how our school employees are treated. I was able to watch her in action with some of the newly hired teachers...she was actually smiling and joking around with them. She acted as though she actually had a heart. It was disgusting to watch knowing how she really is.

Anonymous said...

As a supporter of the Redskin name and logo I really like the new totem poles out front. It brings back memories when we were all proud Redskins!

Anonymous said...

I don't think we want to go back there. FYYFF

Anonymous said...

I checked out the new signs and entrances today. Overall they look much better. The old facade was crumbling and looked terrible. They were never maintained very well. The new signs look nice and are colorful. Yes, some of the arrows point in weird directions. The arrow for the softball field points straight down. But the new signs add color to an otherwise drab building.

Anonymous said...

I think the time is ripe for Joyce to depart. We have had too many issues with her poor management style.It can be dangerous for a school employee to go to a board meeting and give an opinion about the bond not passing. You might as well paint a target on your forehead.

I would encourage any community members to go to a meeting and give their opinion. Don't be angry or threatening. This doesn't get the message across, you will just be tuned out. Be articulate and have good points to cover. I think we have a great community here and I would like to see us get back to the business of educating students and taking care of the needs of the district.

In defense of board members, Joyce is a msster at convincing people that she is right. I think they want to have a good district and I think they are getting wiser to Joyce.

Anonymous said...

Joyce does not even treat board members well. Remember this from YouTube:

Look how she treated Sam Ramon. Sam and Bob Lyng tried to hold her accountable and to make sure she understood that she works for the board and not the other way around. Unfortunately the rest of the school board at the time chose to listen to Joyce rather than have Joyce listen to them. Bob broke the "insurance scandal" and how Joyce wanted the board members to lie to help cover it up. Why was she not fired then? Imagine how much damage cold have been prevented. Failure to hold Joyce accountable for her actions is a recallable offense. Joyce's actions are clearly fireable offenses.

Anonymous said...

That video is a perfect example of how JKP operates. Now that was someone that she actually worked for, imagine how she treats those who work for her.
We need people to show up at the board workshop tomorrow evening at 6:30pm.

Anonymous said...

If the board has wised up the the situation in the Marshall schools over the last four years, and if they are truly caring and decent people, then they should realize that a new superintendent is needed now. Everyone else has come to that conclusion.

Anonymous said...

As we all go back to school remember Kathy Petrich. She loved MHS and her students. She was a very hard worker and very dedicated to doing what was best for MHS. We will not forget the injustice that happened to her. Joyce Phillips and her board supporters should think long and hard about what they have done! I hope that no more excellent teachers and support staff have to endure such mean-spirited persecution and injustice again. The other victims are not forgotten either. This must stop!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder to everyone that there is a board workshop today from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the bond issue. Let your voices be heard.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools are in a crisis. There is a crisis in confidence and trust in the leadership. Two of the top three failed leaders are leaving. The worst one we are still stuck with another year, unless our board takes action in support of our schools.

Had the board taken just action one or two years ago and replaced the failed superintendent with a good one we would not be in this mess today. There is no doubt in my mind the bond would have easily passed. The kids are paying a huge price due to bad leadership and mismanagement. The parents and the community are too!

Anonymous said...

We will know from their workshop if the board is serious about addressing the real problems or are in "spin mode" and trying to pretend the real problems don't exist. Expect another bad year.

Anonymous said...

BC Enquirer article. Go comment, take your fight to a more visible forum.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Phillips should have been fired for mismanagement and lack of honesty two years ago after the first round of scandals came out. Her cohorts Metcalf and Jones are gone or leaving. The bond would have easily passed if we had competent, honest and trusted leadership. The MPS board knows this fact very well! Their ongoing support of Phillips is very suspicious and controversial, to say the least. The dirty politics and hidden agendas must stop. We need change and we need it now. There will be no bond until we get good leadership in charge. We need to do what is best for the kids!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools and Detroit have one thing in common. Both have leaders that everyone wants gone but they refuse to leave. They can't give up the power and the money. If they had an ounce of dignity they would resign.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that our school board can coldly fire 27 Marshall custodians but they do not have the guts or the desire to fire the worst superintendent in the history of the Marshall schools.

I doubt they can pass the bond next May if they keep Mrs. Phillips around another year.

Listen to your staff, they know what has been going on.

Anonymous said...

The ongoing conflict between the widely unpopular and despised superintendent and the Marshall schools staff needs to end. The staff have tried in good faith to work with her in an effective manner for four years.

The failures and problems are on the Superintendents side. She feels she does not need staff support as long as she has rock-solid board support. She views the board members with disrespect and contempt too. She treats them as if they are fools and "spins" everything in a dishonest way to paint a picture that she actually knows what she is doing and that things are going well.

Well the truth is known now by just about everyone that the board has been fooled time and time again. Time is running out for the board to regain the leadership the schools need and find a solution to this problem. If they let us down again then more drastic measures (recall?) may be needed to break this deadlock and move the Marshall schools forward.

As someone said above "Listen to your staff." They are an excellent group of dedicated professionals and most are community residents and parents too. The same views are held by most MPS parents and Marshall business leaders too.

The much-needed bond will likely fail again next May if changes are not made now. We can get a good interim Superintendent to help heal the wounds and guide us in a new direction of unity and real improvement. Lets unite for the sake of the Marshall schools and more importantly our kids!

Anonymous said...

One of the constant theme's throughout this blog since it began is 'Recall." People, it's time to poop or get off the pot. Quit talking about it and do it. I'm not a Marshall resident, or I would. You have the grounds: the board failed to listen to it's constituents by running the bond issue after a negative opinion survey. Find out who's eligible for recall and pull the petitions.

Anonymous said...

Other than maybe Coulter and Campeau, all pleas, civil discourse, legitimate concerns, problems and offers of cooperation have fallen on deaf ears. The lack of support and respect for the Marshall teachers and support staff is appalling. Good building principals have been mistreated and disrespected too. The rest of the board appears to want another year of conflict, division and hostility.

Anonymous said...

If the board would have followed through on their promises when problems first started 3 years ago we could have prevented the mess we are in now.

Anonymous said...

I missed the board workshop, did they discuss how both the Epic survey and the community in general want a new superintendent first? There is no doubt that the failure to get in good trusted leadership was the deciding factor in the failure of the bond. After this happens, I think the bond has a good chance. The board needs to make many other changes to regain trust and respect from the staff and the community. All unjustified hostilities must end.

Anonymous said...

Fiction: The board will discuss anything and blame anyone but Mrs. Phillips. The official propaganda is that they support her, maybe only a few teachers who do not want to do their jobs complain about her, and all is well in Marshall. There are no known plans to replace her. So far every chance they get they cover up the main problem rather than address it or even think about solving it.

Fact: 99.9% of the staff want her gone for dishonesty, mismanagement, incompetence and an overall contempt she shows for the staff- especially some of the best leaders and teachers on the MPS staff! Remember what happened this summer to one of her victims. Remember the other victims and their families too. We will not forget! Keeping Mrs. Phillips cost us the bond.

Anonymous said...

The bond was never adequate in the first place. Our schools need a lot more than the 34 million was going to buy---remember the architects said we needed 74 million dollars worth of work. So when will we get that done, too, or should we just put up something new, up to date, and energy efficient for the money? Do you know anyone who would buy an old car and pay the same payment a month that a new car would cost, if they have any sense at all? We aren't all stupid.

Anonymous said...

They knew that passing any bond with bad leadership at the top was unlikely. A truly great leader could have not only sold that bond but could have sold a much larger bond.

Hopefully someday we will have good, trusted and respected leadership at the top of the Marshall schools. Our kids deserve it!

Anonymous said...

The board may have finally been humbled by the bond failure and all of the anger in town over the bad superintendent. The board is claiming this time they want to work with the staff and the community to pass the bond and turn things around. They made some positive statements about working with the teachers after the survey a few years ago and then did the opposite. It will be interesting to see if they truly want to end four years of hostilities or just put a public "smile face" on a mean, arrogant and incompetent leadership.

If the board is sincere and makes positive changes that will be good. I think at minimum they owe the staff an apology for what they tolerated and supported the last four years. Morale is way down and many good people have been unjustly hurt- or worse. The Marshall teachers and community won't be fooled again!

Anonymous said...

I have talked to several board members recently and I sense some changing attitudes. I think their support for Joyce has declined tremendously and they will be relieved to get a new superintendent too. The stress has gotten to them and they know they have to patch up their relations with the staff and the community if we are all going to move forward together.

Maybe they will even bring Lou back to help sell the bond?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lou and Joyce can work together to sell the bond?

Anonymous said...

Hey, they could demote JKP to work in some job that she despises(like working directly with kids) and allow Lou to be an intrim until they fill the vacancy. He couldn't screw it up any worse than it is already.

Anonymous said...

How about Lou, Albaugh, Potter, Stulberg, Degraw, Ramon, Lyng, Beardslee, Hulkow and Darling all uniting on a bond committee? And all uniting to get a new superintendent- NOW! Now that just might work.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Kathy Petrich as we go back to school this week. May what happened to her NEVER happen again to another Marshall teacher. Those responsible need to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Firing ALL of the Marshall custodians was a cruel and stupid move too, especially if you want to pass a $35 mil bond.

Not only did we lose their votes but all of their dozens and dozens of friends and relatives, maybe a few hundred votes over this issue. Then what did we get? We get a service that does less and wants a lot of extra money to even come close to doing the job of those that were replaced. Also we had to buy the new company a lot of expensive equipment to make their jobs easier, why didn't we do that for our custodians who had been requesting better equipment for years?

I know Joyce and Amy made it all look good on paper, the reality has been quite different. Gone are the longtime, trusted and familiar local faces that we all knew. We could have at least did like Lakeview and brought in some new lower-paid custodians and kept a group of our own veterans too. The cruel, cold and unnecessary mass firing likely played a big role in the bond's defeat. If any money was saved (I doubt it all factors considered, much less services are performed now too), then it will likely be lost in higher costs if we need to wait a year or two to pass the bond.

We, the staff, are very happy that Amy and Brian are gone and we look forward to Joyce being gone too. Way too many blunders and foolish mistakes have been made the last few years. The hate and meanness targeting the employees of the MPS is a huge problem too.

Anonymous said...

I hope the Marshall schools board gets their heads out of the sand and starts fixing more problems than they create.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered moving the skate park to MHS? The new entrance area on the football field side of the building has become popular with skateboarders. There is room in that area to move the entire skate park, or build a new one, near the Redhawk sign grassy area. I doubt there would be as much vandalism at such a public location. It would be good for the kids too.

Anonymous said...

Unless there is a new superintendent soon, another attempt at passing the bond will fail. If the board thinks that waiting until May and then acting as if they are replacing Joyce will help, they are wrong. The staff and the community will not forget how they were told over and over about her bad performance. Letting her stay as long as she wants to so she can get her 2nd MI retirement makes the board look weak and foolish. They can demote and replace JP now or let her stay and cost us another few years until a bond may be possible again. When given the choice between the "best interests" of the district and the "best interests" of JP, they have always chosen JP. Its time for a change. Put the kids first!

Anonymous said...

We need a new superintendent now so the healing can begin. A change now will foster unity and cooperation. No change means more conflict and anger. The choice seems obvious.

Anonymous said...

Back to school. We have new entrances at MHS and the offices were moved. Not my top priorities but at least a start. We will remember Kathy Petrich too. I hope they put up a plaque or name something in her memory. She was highly dedicated and always did a great job! Her compassion and love will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Each day that passes with the Board visibly doing nothing about Joyce Phillips' removal will be one more day I will not support their projects.

They have allowed, through unquestionable misguidance, personal harm to come to many wonderful employees. Most of which have now found a better place to work and offer their talents. Some have not been so lucky. Kathy Petrich did not deserve the treatment she received. Her only crime was to speak up for others, protect her co-workers and friends, be a union leader - always striving to make MPS a better place for all students. Joyce knew how severe the stroke was four years ago but this did not stop her targeting Ms. Petrich. How does this woman live with herself??? How does this Board go about business and act like there was no connection between the Nazi interrogation this district put Ms. Petrich through and her passing?

Each day that goes by without this Board firing Phillips is one more day that healing could be beginning. Just get her out of this district so we can begin to heal together. Dr. Phil could care less what ruin she leaves behind. This insanity should have stopped in Dec. 2006 when the staff survey was given to the Board for their action. What action did they take? NOT ONE THING WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SAYING THEY WOULD ADDRESS THE ISSUES. Even the Chronicle was threatened in an effort to keep the staff survey results low-key or better no-key...

Can you see where we are and how we have gotten here? This once wonderful district cannot be improved merely by construction of new high school offices and entrances. We must start by replacing the superintendent. Why? Because each and every problem has been directly caused by Philly. When she wanted to take the light off of her - she began directing Metcalf to do the harrassment of employees. We all see where that got him. Glad to see him gone. Have we forgot the horrible things Jones was directed to do towards employees? Now - she is going to work at Lakeview....YEAH!!! I will bet they will expect Amy at work before 11 am. I will bet she will not be allowed to go nap at co-workers homes during the day. I will bet she will be asked to dress appropriately for more halter tops and swim suit tops at work..... WOW - the real world outside of Marshall!

Board - please take this big step....take a chance on community support and approval. Put your money where your mouths are....get rid of the problem and watch how many supporters you will have step up to the plate and get involved in passing bonds.

Board - until you do something positive I feel you will be wasting everyone's time. What will it take to have this Board work for the constituients they were elected by? Action is needed now - not in June when you smile and pretend you didn't know the problems caused by this superintendent are this monumental. I know better. I have spoke to members many times....and am still waiting for this Board of ELECTED officials to do something positive for Marshall Public Schools. Joyce should be sent packing NOW.

Anonymous said...

Unless the board wises up, Joyce will prevail and the bond will fail. Different year, same problems.

Anonymous said...

The new school year is already off to a bad start. The wounds run deep and the perpetrator is still reigning supreme thanks to the board traitors that prop her up and cover for her many blunders.

Anonymous said...

Phillips rich backers probably buy her stories when they are dining at Schulers and she goes on and on about how she is "fixing" the schools and does so with her fake southern charm. The reality is ugly and bumbling. Phillips has no idea how to work professionally with other professionals. She tries to cover her many flaws through raw authoritarian power. She has not been honest with the board, the staff, the parents or our local business community.

The evidence is overwhelming. We are long overdue for a change. Another year of no change is another year of falling backwards. Another bond going down in flames. Another year of conflict and harm to the education and reputation of our schools.

Anonymous said...

Was anyone that works directly in or with the schools aware of ALL THE PROBLEMS that have evidently been addressed by Phillips. As a school employee of nearly 20 years I knew there were a couple small issues, like there always is, in all business, but the havoc that has been allowed to be wreaked upon this district and it's great employees by Joyce is unspeakable at best. Indiana employees have confirmed over and over again that this is exactly what happened in their district. But - they were smart - they gave glowing recommendations to Marshall so we would TAKE HER OFF THEIR HANDS. It worked - they are happy - we are near ruins.

What is the difference in Marshall and Indiana? In Indiana they had the kahunas to address the problem and fix it (they got rid of her).... In Marshall - this Board wants to save face and pretend 'there is no real issue' until relief is felt in June 2009. Does Dr. DoBad deserve the same Michigan retirement that all our caring, compassionate school retirees deserve. I think not. Unfortunately - this Board (that was elected to work for their constituents - not to work for Joyce Phillips) is appearing to want to do what Marshall usually does. Hide their heads in the sand and pretend all is well.....Marshall never wants a 'black eye'....Well guess what - this black eye could have healed over had this Board done what they were elected to do. Instead they appear to be choosing to 'just wait until she is gone - in hopes of attracting a better candidate to replace her. On a positive note - a well trained chimp will be able to take the superintendent's office and look wonderful. Hopefully a chimp will at least be caring and warm to the students and staff. Has everyone forgotten how Joyce won't allow the MS students to use the causes her office too much noise....

It will be nice for our students to get their educational building back for their use and not for an ineffective, unwanted top administrator.

Anonymous said...

FACTUAL INFORMATION: Just a side note to those that may not be aware of this. Prior to the Flint funeral for Kathy Petrich Joyce made it known she planned to attend the funeral. A Board member was asked to ask her to stay away. Joyce feigned 'she couldn't understand why she should stay away' - 'but if the family requested her to stay away she would'. So in addition to all the preparation and pain of loss the Petrich family had to go through they had to also phone Joyce and tell her the family did not want her at the Flint funeral.

What kind of person would 'use this monumental loss to a whole family' as a stage to spin one last lie. This would have been the biggest slap in the face this family had to endure on top of their personal loss. How dare Joyce, after her directing Metcalf and Klochak to attack Kathy like they did in April - June (when Kathy resigned to take her new position at Walled Lake). What kind of monster would direct these attacks? What kind of monster could then try to stage their appearance at the funeral?

This folks is the superintendent that our Board time after time protects and props up. This folks is the superintendent that ran Ron Behrenwald off. Likely two of the biggest losses to MPS in the past decade - at least. This folks is the superintendent we have....have we ever had anything like this? I dare say NO. There have been less than 100% effective supers in the past - but not this kind of personality.

What we are dealing with is almost beyond some comprehensions. I cannot support a Board that has repeatedly ran to Joyce to report emails of concern from employees....I cannot support a Board that continues to pretend all is well in Marshall. Until this Board takes action and cleans up the superintendent's office....I cannot, in good conscience, and will not support this Board. To back a superintendent that continues to lie when we are trying to teach our children the 'good traits and personal characteristics' that we expect out of students....BUT YET OUR SCHOOL LEADERSHIP IS RIDDLED WITH LIES, DECEPTION, DESTRUCTION OF PERSONNEL, AND COMMUNIST TYPE LEADERSHIP....

How hard is it to recind her contract? It would rebuild the trust of 100% of this community. Come on Board....we are begging here. Do what we voted you in to do. Remove her from office. Will this take an act from Granholm....?

Anonymous said...

What Joyce Phillips did, with MPS school board backing, to Miss Petrich is criminal in my opinion. I would not blame her family if they filed a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Now they have Amy's job they can at least move Phillips into. They always brag that "at least Phillips is good with budgets." So come on board, let her at it and get someone who is good at leading our school district in as superintendent. Even Lou as interim would be a huge improvement.

Anonymous said...

No, Lou would hire his wife and son as asst. superintendents.

Anonymous said...

I bet Phillips could teach Lou some lessons about self-service while in power. They both could write a book about how to make fools out of your school board members. Though by comparison Phillips makes Lou look honest and highly competent. She resurrected his reputation greatly.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School board has to know that keeping JP around several years longer than she deserved was a huge reason why the bond did not pass. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Well I hate to sound slanderous but perhaps these board members are idiots! What other reason possible for them to treat the employees, community members and anyone who questions them about Phillips with such disdain.

Confusious say: Only an idiot would back a dead horse!

Anonymous said...

For those who thought Lou was a bad leader I will say - he was not perfect but he let you know the game before it began. Phillips on the other hand will not even let you know - everything is secret, deception and lies. She is far to weak a leader to take an issue on full face. She has to send her lackys into fight her wars. Lou would be a great replacement for this failed leadership. Have people forgotten how Lou actually lobbyed in Lansing for school reform. He was actually proactive in school improvement. He began the Character Education (theme of the month) in Marshall Schools. Joyce on the other hand is nearly the opposite of each and every character education topic that we are trying to teach our students. Honesty, Trustworthy, etc. Think about it. She has single handedly taken this district to an all time low. Her attacks of wonderful, God loving individuals has taken unthought of tolls on lives. How she can walk amongst this community baffles me each and every day. Hugging and smiling.....her fake facade seems only to work on her elite group that see that 'fake southern charm'. How will these idiots feel when she is gone and there is no one left to prop them up. Secrecy and deception will end as soon as she is gone!!!!! I suggest NO BOARD MEMBERS BE ALLOWED TO BE ON THE SUPT. SEARCH...WE DON'T WANT MORE PHILLYS!

Anonymous said...

I noticed the school board are covering up the big problems relating to Mrs. Phillips awful performance and her role in defeating the bond. If the board truly wants the bond passed they need to dump Phillips now and get an interim superintendent in by October.

If they do not they will look weak, foolish and as if they do not truly care about the best interests of the MPS. If they keep Phillips then it will show they do not care about our schools. If they don't care, why should anyone else care and vote for a huge bond. We need new leadership, trust, cooperation and much healing first. That will take at least 9 months to obtain if a new interim leader is found soon. If Phillips stays there will be as much anger and problems, or more, by the time of the next bond vote. We will not forget what has happened! This is their last chance to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

When I complained about the superintendent to the EPIC survey caller, they said they were hearing that a lot. But the board buried it. Intimidating the staff and some outspoken community members is the reason people have given up trying to reason with the board. Then they act puzzled when the bond goes down in flames. Maybe they need to talk less and listen more. Also they need to look in a mirror to find the biggest obstacle preventing the changes we need to improve our schools. JD talks in the paper about how the economy hurt her business. Maybe her openly mean and arrogant treatment of the teachers and parents of our schools didn't help either. Supporting and praising a terrible superintendent and protecting her from a just firing hurt her much more than the economy. It hurt our kids too.

Anonymous said...

The high school teachers & staff are very angry with "the good doctor" and her board. They have caused nothing but harm to the high school. An honest investigation is needed to find the truth behind what they did to Mr. Behrenwald and MIss Petrich. I am sure some illegal and unethical tactics and methods were used. We hold them responsible for what they have done! Besides replacing JP, we need a new principal at MHS too!

Anonymous said...

The bond failure should be a wake up call to the community that there are big problems at the top.

Anonymous said...

September will be a crucial month. The decisions the board makes this fall will impact the future of the Marshall schools. They know that we need a new superintendent now. Everyone knows that!

Anonymous said...

I hate to get our hopes up, I doubt if anything will occur. This board will try to ride out until the end of June when she'll allow the taxpayers of Michigan to pay her second retirement. Aren't we lucky? Things will only occur if people show up at the board meetings and raise Caine. I doubt if anyone will take the time to do so.

Anonymous said...

If the board fails as expected, we will have another terrible year of JP, I am sure she will make trouble and cause problems. Nobody can stand working with her. Then the bond will certainly fail again next year, people will be angry after another bad year. If we're lucky, in two years things will settle down if this board can find a good superintendent. Then maybe a bond can pass. Another year of planning, followed by a year or two of construction. So MHS and other needs at best are 4-5 years away if we keep JP. If JP is gone soon, that time frame can be cut to 2-3 years. I would say a $100,000 buyout can save $1 mil or more and get the job done better and sooner. She deserves to be fired, but a buyout is better than another terrible year. Can someone explain this to the board? Staff can't or I would.

Anonymous said...

At least with the turmoil in central office and at MHS they are leaving the elementary schools alone.

Anonymous said...

What do you need to know about what Phillips did to Ron B. and Kathy P? Ask around. Staffers that were/are close to both of these awesome individuals know. Phillips, Metcalf, Klochak and Jones know. Ask Wally Walbeck how he played a role in lies and deception? These people know the tactics that are being used. LIES, DECEPTION, NAZI TYPE INTERROGATIONS....

Don't think for a minute this is not happening. Good question now is who will be doing Joyce's dirty work this year? She keeps her little white gloves tidy and clean and does not hesitate to direct her cronies on what and how to attack great individuals. Joyce hates any staff member that is highly cared about. She, in her sick way attacks everyone that is a threat to her. Those that are highly respected for their work at MPS - seem to get attacked.

This whole mess is the fault of the Board for ignoring the staff survey....which pointed out these problems back in 2006. Here we are in 2008 MANY LIES AND ATTACKS LATERS.

Thanks Board for not doing what you were voted to do. You are the ones that followed Joyce blindly and ignored the concerns of your school staff.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of hearing about school board members and their spouses badmouthing the teachers, principals and support staff. I cannot think of any reason why they would dislike us all like that. They have been having a field day "fixing" problems and getting people who "do not want to do their jobs" to get to work, as they see it. They have either been fed a huge amount of lies or they have their own little agendas to punish individuals they think might not do a good job or those they know do a good job but are not sufficiently loyal to the incompetent superintendent.

Anonymous said...

I believe you could factually state- the only loyal people to this incompetent superintendent is the Board and perhaps a couple community members. Quite evident: those that refuse to investigate what they are being told repeatedly about the harm and destruction caused by Joyce Phillips.

Perhaps someone could ask Varvatos, Lyng or Ramon....what they feel is truly the problem.

Anonymous said...

All three think Mrs. Phillips should have been replaced long ago.

Anonymous said...

One of the firms mentioned in the Enquirer today that may hired for the new superintendent search, is Terre Davis Associates. If I am not incorrect, she is the person who handled the search when Dr. Phillips was hired. (Although I thought she said she was retiring after she was involved in the HC superintendent search.) Must have changed her mind.

Anonymous said...

Why not try another bond vote in November? As long as they get a new superintendent before then it should pass and we can be back on track.

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the item on the Enquirer website about the potential deficit of nearly $500,000 because enrollment is down over 100 students from the projections upon which the budget was based. Isn't finance suppose to be Dr. P's strength?

Anonymous said...

quote from Enquirer web article:

"Jones said the district would have to find somewhere to cut to make up for the loss, but neither Jones nor Phillips favor eliminating any of three top administrative positions, one of which is open and two of which will be open by the end of the school year as those workers retire or leave the district.

“One person can’t do the job of two administrators,” Phillips said when asked if the assistant superintendent position could go unfilled to save the district money."

Anonymous said...

The problems Phillips and her cohorts have caused have hurt the Marshall schools severely. Losing 100 students is a huge deal! The leadership failures and scandals played a role in this loss. This should be grounds to fire her now.

As far as filling Metcalf's position, his secretary can keep doing the job just fine. She did most of it the last four years. Give her a raise. BM proved that the position is not needed, he was a full-time grad student which meant he did squat for MPS. Cut the job. Good teachers working with good Principals can handle curriculum.

Anonymous said...

It is clearly known in the administrative offices of MPS that Metcalf did a large amount of his grad work behind his CLOSED door at MPS central office. Judy Rogers (retired) was carrying the load back then. Now Martha and Lisa are handling it just fine. He proved, with Joyce's stamp of approval, that that position is not needed. We should not allow Joyce to go backward now and say we need to fill it. Metcalf was seen reading books in different buildings while studying for his doctorate. This was allowed by his boss Joyce. Then on top of it all the district paid the bill for his studies. (yes I know we fixed that problem for future) Bottom line - Joyce Phillips approved Metcalf to do this.

Jones: How is that Grand Rapids Building Services group doing now? All of us are hearing about = no actual cost savings. Once we are done playing the shell game with the budget it is clear there was no savings....just alot of personal harm done to these wonderful custodians that were fired and replaced by GRBS employees. Now - Amy - it may become clear very soon that your brain child "privatization of custodial services" did not prove to save us that $220,000 per year. More lies. More misinformation. Oh - great news....Lakeview will have to worry about 'insurance not getting cancelled....costing the district +$20,000. Oh my....does Amy know that Lakeview employees go to work at 8:00 and not 10-11 am?????? Now that dress code: Appropriate dress for the workplace = does not equal swim suit top and halter shirt!!!!

Anonymous said...

The last four years have been a disaster. I do not know why our board keeps supporting and protecting failed leadership.

Anonymous said...

Bond fails, it's the economy.

Students leave, it's the economy

See the pattern?

Anonymous said...

The Marshall school crisis continues- failed leaders, low morale, board blunders and foolishness, community anger, bond fails, good people forced out, scandals covered up, no trust in leadership, programs cut, no cooperation from the top, and now a huge budget/loss of student problem:

What next? Is a recall needed to get our schools back on track?

Anonymous said...

Amy wanted out because she was tired of taking the blame for bad ideas that originated with Phillips and the board.

Anonymous said...

I see that the board settled with former employee Rob much did the settlement cost the district? Does anyone know how much Joyce cost the district with this one? Also, please everyone, show up to the board workshop on 9/22/08,7:00-9:00pm, to explain to the board why the bond didn't pass and what is needed for the bond to pass. They still have their heads in the sand and don't believe that it's because of poor leadership.

Anonymous said...

They know, they just cover it up for their buddy


Anonymous said...

What happened with Rob Wright?

Anonymous said...

I can assure you the Board has heard from me as to why I feel the bond failed..... Guess what - they don't care to know. They are buying their time until Joyce fulfills her contract June 30, 2009. Nothing short of that. I was actually offended by a Board member when I phoned to speak about the bond. The board member lashed out, got angry, insulted me as a voter, pretty much said they worked hard and we the voters don't care about the schools or it would have passed. I tried to explain my feelings on why. Perhaps we should have listened to the public the first time around. The EPIC survey (which I took part in) clearly showed "no support of superintendent or top administration", "no support for new auditorium at HS - fix what we have" "yes support for science room update...." etc, etc, etc. I simply asked why we didn't follow the EPIC results and wait until May 2009 to see if the economy recovers and perhaps the Board could make progress in getting rid of the problem plagued superintendent.....NOTHING. So people - rest assured the Board knows - quite honestly it appears they choose to ignore what the community survey, staff survey, personal phone calls....but yet they want to make a public show in the media that "we will improve communication....see what the people really want in a bond"....Hello....we did that but the results were ignored.

The results should have told the Board to take action in removing the superintendent or just wait. They did neither! What a waste of time and resouces to move forward and think you could just shame people into voting on a bond that many families did not 100% support and many families could not afford.

Anonymous said...

The Robb Wright issue is just one more unfair treatment by this administration. As I remember it: When the outsourcing of the custodial staff took place I believe the perception was that the grounds personnel should not have been cut. (Ali Webb assured Robb he would not be part of the cuts as he was grounds). But, the opposite took place. I don't know the details of the contract and what the results of the grievance are/were. I am curious though what the outcome is. Please respond if you know. Was this just another attack on an employee. Remember Robb's wife and son took strong stands on speaking up in support of the custodians. Could this have been just another retaliation? It is appearing so. Did Joyce cost the district money again while attacking another employee?

Anonymous said...

I am curious also about the situation of Robb Wright. I thought I heard it was more about the vacated maintenance position and how the district hired Shawn G. when Robb was already qualified for it. I don't really know details but I was under the impression he, through the contract language, felt he should have been given an interview in the maintenance position when Henker retired and the district wouldn't even give him an interview even though he filled in in the maintenance department during many absences of employees. This would make a person feel like perhaps he was treated unfairly due to his family speaking up to support the janitors when they were robbed of their jobs. Has anyone FOI'd the budget to see if any money is even being saved with all these strangers in the buildings. I've heard there are many problems with the Grand Rapids Building Services company and different districts they are cleaning for. I guess this was just one more mistake by Jones, Metcalf and Phillips. Shoving this decision of outsourcing down the district throats even when they didn't want it. Remember the 2400+ signatures on the petitions to KEEP OUR LOCAL WORKERS IN THEIR JOBS AT MPS????? One more ignored endeavor. The Board never even gave that pile of petitions a glance. What? This was 2400+ possible voters that maybe would have voted yes on the bond proposal but in the end they didn't like being ignored. I see a pattern here.

Anonymous said...

I am hearing more and more talk of a recall. I know this has been going around for some time. After years of "council wars" and "Redskin wars" I know most people do not want another fight. I think this organized board clique (Beardslee, Darling, Potter, Stulberg, maybe Webb) see themselves as having absolute power. It is no secret they make their decisions in private and then put on a show at public meetings (Coulter and Campeua exceptions). They like no debate, no real discussions and 7-0 votes. They all united as part of an "anti-Lou" and "Anti-Redskin" group. I would not even mind that if they truly worked for the best interests of the MPS. They do not. They have proved this again and again. Scandals, coverups and dirty political tricks have plagued the last four years. The Marshall schools need and deserve better. I know we may not have a recall, but if some group started one it would be like lighting a match in a pool off gasoline. There is so much anger and discontent that it would easily get signatures and pass. All other efforts to work with the board have been meet with hostility and arrogance. The other part of the equation is who would replace them? With all of the problems and mess, it will take hard work to start the cleanup. Maybe some truly good people will step up and be willing to run in the future. As a former MPS staffer I would get involved if a good group emerges. Our kids and community need it!

Anonymous said...

If you want to know what happend to Rob Wright you need to contact his wife and talk to her. He has pretty much fallen off the radar and is trying to move on with his life. I can just say the admin. has put him through hell and then some. I wish he would go to the press and let them know what they did to him.

Anonymous said...

He is part of a long list of people who have been wrongly and unjustly abused by the Marshall school leaders. Some board members are actively involved too, that is why they are so supportive of Mrs. Phillips.

Anonymous said...

The board members are not ignorant or stupid. They know quite well that is going on, they know the depth of problems, the extent of anger and how trust and faith has been lost in them.

I think most (not all) of them view the last four years as a 'success." I think they view firing the custodians and forcing out Mr. Behrenwald, Miss Petrich, etc as "fixing" the schools. They may admit some minor mistakes and that Dr. Phillips is not completely perfect, but they still warmly support her overall and are pleased at her enthusiasm to carry out their "fixes."

They think scandals and controversies have been overblown- if they are about Dr. Phillips and her cronies. Anyone else, the most minor even hint of something they don't like, or rumor, can get you in big trouble or worse.

Why? Maybe bad sources of information, misguided attempts at "change" and "fixing" problems, failure to listen to the right people, ignoring problems rather than dealing with them, believing lies and rumors, some personal axes to grind, and an arrogance where they refuse to admit mistakes rather than turn around and solve them.

They feel, rightly, that there has been little public opposition at school board meetings and in school board elections. Since no one else seems to care, they can do as they please- right or wrong. Since they don't seem to care about the best interests of the school- as role models- then why should anyone else and support a big tax increase to pay for a big bond? Supporting Dr. Phillips and treating most everyone else with contempt has lost them support and caused the important school bond to fail.

I have over 30+ years affiliation with the Marshall schools. I have never seen it this bad before at the top. A clean sweep is needed sooner rather than later. This is the board's last chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the staff and the community. Two down, one to go---- now!

Anonymous said...

The board members are not ignorant or stupid. They know quite well that is going on, they know the depth of problems, the extent of anger and how trust and faith has been lost in them.

I think most (not all) of them view the last four years as a 'success." I think they view firing the custodians and forcing out Mr. Behrenwald, Miss Petrich, etc as "fixing" the schools. They may admit some minor mistakes and that Dr. Phillips is not completely perfect, but they still warmly support her overall and are pleased at her enthusiasm to carry out their "fixes."

They think scandals and controversies have been overblown- if they are about Dr. Phillips and her cronies. Anyone else, the most minor even hint of something they don't like, or rumor, can get you in big trouble or worse.

Why? Maybe bad sources of information, misguided attempts at "change" and "fixing" problems, failure to listen to the right people, ignoring problems rather than dealing with them, believing lies and rumors, some personal axes to grind, and an arrogance where they refuse to admit mistakes rather than turn around and solve them.

They feel, rightly, that there has been little public opposition at school board meetings and in school board elections. Since no one else seems to care, they can do as they please- right or wrong. Since they don't seem to care about the best interests of the school- as role models- then why should anyone else and support a big tax increase to pay for a big bond? Supporting Dr. Phillips and treating most everyone else with contempt has lost them support and caused the important school bond to fail.

I have over 30+ years affiliation with the Marshall schools. I have never seen it this bad before at the top. A clean sweep is needed sooner rather than later. This is the board's last chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the staff and the community. Two down, one to go---- now!

Anonymous said...

The board members are not ignorant or stupid. They know quite well that is going on, they know the depth of problems, the extent of anger and how trust and faith has been lost in them.

I think most (not all) of them view the last four years as a 'success." I think they view firing the custodians and forcing out Mr. Behrenwald, Miss Petrich, etc as "fixing" the schools. They may admit some minor mistakes and that Dr. Phillips is not completely perfect, but they still warmly support her overall and are pleased at her enthusiasm to carry out their "fixes."

They think scandals and controversies have been overblown- if they are about Dr. Phillips and her cronies. Anyone else, the most minor even hint of something they don't like, or rumor, can get you in big trouble or worse.

Why? Maybe bad sources of information, misguided attempts at "change" and "fixing" problems, failure to listen to the right people, ignoring problems rather than dealing with them, believing lies and rumors, some personal axes to grind, and an arrogance where they refuse to admit mistakes rather than turn around and solve them.

They feel, rightly, that there has been little public opposition at school board meetings and in school board elections. Since no one else seems to care, they can do as they please- right or wrong. Since they don't seem to care about the best interests of the school- as role models- then why should anyone else and support a big tax increase to pay for a big bond? Supporting Dr. Phillips and treating most everyone else with contempt has lost them support and caused the important school bond to fail.

I have over 30+ years affiliation with the Marshall schools. I have never seen it this bad before at the top. A clean sweep is needed sooner rather than later. This is the board's last chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the staff and the community. Two down, one to go---- now!

Anonymous said...

The board members are not ignorant or stupid. They know quite well that is going on, they know the depth of problems, the extent of anger and how trust and faith has been lost in them.

I think most (not all) of them view the last four years as a 'success." I think they view firing the custodians and forcing out Mr. Behrenwald, Miss Petrich, etc as "fixing" the schools. They may admit some minor mistakes and that Dr. Phillips is not completely perfect, but they still warmly support her overall and are pleased at her enthusiasm to carry out their "fixes."

They think scandals and controversies have been overblown- if they are about Dr. Phillips and her cronies. Anyone else, the most minor even hint of something they don't like, or rumor, can get you in big trouble or worse.

Why? Maybe bad sources of information, misguided attempts at "change" and "fixing" problems, failure to listen to the right people, ignoring problems rather than dealing with them, believing lies and rumors, some personal axes to grind, and an arrogance where they refuse to admit mistakes rather than turn around and solve them.

They feel, rightly, that there has been little public opposition at school board meetings and in school board elections. Since no one else seems to care, they can do as they please- right or wrong. Since they don't seem to care about the best interests of the school- as role models- then why should anyone else and support a big tax increase to pay for a big bond? Supporting Dr. Phillips and treating most everyone else with contempt has lost them support and caused the important school bond to fail.

I have over 30+ years affiliation with the Marshall schools. I have never seen it this bad before at the top. A clean sweep is needed sooner rather than later. This is the board's last chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the staff and the community. Two down, one to go---- now!

Anonymous said...

The board members are not ignorant or stupid. They know quite well that is going on, they know the depth of problems, the extent of anger and how trust and faith has been lost in them.

I think most (not all) of them view the last four years as a 'success." I think they view firing the custodians and forcing out Mr. Behrenwald, Miss Petrich, etc as "fixing" the schools. They may admit some minor mistakes and that Dr. Phillips is not completely perfect, but they still warmly support her overall and are pleased at her enthusiasm to carry out their "fixes."

They think scandals and controversies have been overblown- if they are about Dr. Phillips and her cronies. Anyone else, the most minor even hint of something they don't like, or rumor, can get you in big trouble or worse.

Why? Maybe bad sources of information, misguided attempts at "change" and "fixing" problems, failure to listen to the right people, ignoring problems rather than dealing with them, believing lies and rumors, some personal axes to grind, and an arrogance where they refuse to admit mistakes rather than turn around and solve them.

They feel, rightly, that there has been little public opposition at school board meetings and in school board elections. Since no one else seems to care, they can do as they please- right or wrong. Since they don't seem to care about the best interests of the school- as role models- then why should anyone else and support a big tax increase to pay for a big bond? Supporting Dr. Phillips and treating most everyone else with contempt has lost them support and caused the important school bond to fail.

I have over 30+ years affiliation with the Marshall schools. I have never seen it this bad before at the top. A clean sweep is needed sooner rather than later. This is the board's last chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the staff and the community. Two down, one to go---- now!

Anonymous said...

The board members are not ignorant or stupid. They know quite well that is going on, they know the depth of problems, the extent of anger and how trust and faith has been lost in them.

I think most (not all) of them view the last four years as a 'success." I think they view firing the custodians and forcing out Mr. Behrenwald, Miss Petrich, etc as "fixing" the schools. They may admit some minor mistakes and that Dr. Phillips is not completely perfect, but they still warmly support her overall and are pleased at her enthusiasm to carry out their "fixes."

They think scandals and controversies have been overblown- if they are about Dr. Phillips and her cronies. Anyone else, the most minor even hint of something they don't like, or rumor, can get you in big trouble or worse.

Why? Maybe bad sources of information, misguided attempts at "change" and "fixing" problems, failure to listen to the right people, ignoring problems rather than dealing with them, believing lies and rumors, some personal axes to grind, and an arrogance where they refuse to admit mistakes rather than turn around and solve them.

They feel, rightly, that there has been little public opposition at school board meetings and in school board elections. Since no one else seems to care, they can do as they please- right or wrong. Since they don't seem to care about the best interests of the school- as role models- then why should anyone else and support a big tax increase to pay for a big bond? Supporting Dr. Phillips and treating most everyone else with contempt has lost them support and caused the important school bond to fail.

I have over 30+ years affiliation with the Marshall schools. I have never seen it this bad before at the top. A clean sweep is needed sooner rather than later. This is the board's last chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of the staff and the community. Two down, one to go---- now!

Anonymous said...

Oops, upload problems. Moderator go ahead and delete extra copies of above post.

Anonymous said...

What does the MPS board hope to accomplish by another public forum? Everyone knows a combination of wanting Phillips fired this year, firing the custodians, other bad board decisions and the economy sunk the bond! What else can we say?

Anonymous said...

The leaders- incl. board members, are clueless and in disarray. They have been running the schools like someone's drunk uncle who has no idea where he's going but causes a lot of damage along the way.

Anonymous said...

There is worry that Joyce might hire her former roommate Linda Bennink into the Ass. Supt. job. That would be a disaster. We needed someone trusted and respected in that job. What did those two tell the State Police investigation about their little fiasco a few years back?

Anonymous said...

That would be a terrible choice, I doubt even our board would be dumb enough to approve that one.

Anonymous said...

The public forum would be a great idea anywhere but Marshall.

When a staff survey of 152 employeed revealed the same results that the EPIC survey compiled from the community...which was solidified by a bond defeat - why in God's name would the Board continue to pretend they don't know why the bond failed and what the community taxpayers will support. How many times must you tell a group of Board members the same thing? They have been approached by dozens and dozens of community members who have voiced the same opinion as the two surveys and the bond defeat.


Anonymous said...

The board is conflicted between keeping Joyce Phillips another year (the unpopular and "sink the bond" option) or trying to figure a way to remove her now without her suing the Marshall schools. Any good person would resign from a district where everyone wanted them gone. They have a dilemma. They will likely keep her, even if they know it will make it hard to pass the bond, but what to do with her is another story. She should NOT be allowed to hire the other two top positions. We need new, honest, positive and competent leaders untainted by any corruption and affiliation with the failed regime. We also need an honest investigation about how Kathy Petrich was treated since the teacher survey. If wrongdoing occurred, as it most surely did, those responsible need to be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see people stand up at the workshop and actually say that the bond failed because of the top administration. With all of the witnesses there and media there. How could they spin that one. If only 3 or 4 people came forward to say that, it would be on public record. Think of some people who would be willing to do so(beyond school employees that will be hunted after the meeting) and invite them to please speak up and out.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall school employees, who know the most about the MPS/PHillips major problems. are the least likely to speak up because they will lose their jobs. Those that do not work for the MPS or their spouses are the only ones that can speak freely. Just ask around any employee who knows you well enough to speak freely. Things are very bad.

Anonymous said...

You mean that Marshall teachers and administrators would be harmed if they tried to work with the board in a professional and civil manner? Preposterous! My board friends say that would never happen in Marshall. Did anything ever happen to staff who did this in the past like Ron Behrenwald or Kathy Petrich?

Anonymous said...

The 100 student drop should wipe out most of the school's fund equity. If it were Lou he would be pushing Lansing to increase school funding, as is greatly needed. My guess is Phillips will do nothing but make cuts.

Anonymous said...

I heard they are looking into "privatizing" (ie firing) secretaries, bus drivers and others. Apparently the leaders are bankrupt of any ideas except looking out for themselves.

Anonymous said...

That is supposed to be "phase 2" of their "fixes." Phase 1 was firing the custodians, which has not worked out very good for anyone. That doesn't count all of their other disastrous "fixes" targeting various school workers. I wonder what the legal bills have been? I wonder what they could be if more suits are filed? Bad leadership= many problems.

Anonymous said...

The only person who should be fired is the superintendent. Any board member who backs her should be recalled.

Anonymous said...

The support staff is worried and morale is low. We would feel much better if we had a new supt.

Anonymous said...

You can be sure JP is cookin up some more trouble for this year. This is her last year of revenge against the people of Marshall. Look for her to update her hit list and go after more people, using surrogates as much as possible. That is why she likes having loyalists at MHS and Gordon. If she could she would get rid of Tom, Susan and Bob.

Anonymous said...

Why does most of the school board give unconditional support to Dr. Phillips against everyone else? Their reputation has been greatly tarnished, especially those who speak out favorably about her. Compare that to hundreds of bad experiences from staff and parents. What do we need in a new superintendent they ask?

Try what we are missing now...

good communication skills
a good motivator
someone who cares about students and staff
someone trusted and respected
someone who is genuine, not phony
someone who takes the time to get to know how teachers, parents, students, support staff and administrators

In other words, we need the opposite of what we have now.

Anonymous said...

In short - the board members have been told repeatedly about the problems that stem back to Joyce Phillips each and every time. If they are choosing to act like they are not aware of problems it must be because they don't know what to do about removing this horrible superintendent. Maybe the Franke's would just buy her out - or are they still supportive too?

Ron B. spoke up about a practice of hiring that was not the same practice at the MS as the HS. For speaking up he was targeted. Joyce could and would have ruined his career. Mike D. knew he had only one choice...get out while he could. Rich H. chose the Good Marks program in order to keep working and not be harmed by Joyce. Elaine C. was MTA leadership as well as Terry L. Then there was Kathy P. --- all of whom were treated poorly by Joyce. Because Tom D. plays her game he has been left alone. Kathy P. was a humanitarian for any mistreated employee or broken policy. She was targeted by Klockach and Metcalf but you can bet Joyce was the one that directed all the Nazi treatment. Sue S. was a support staff leader in the fight to keep our local custodians in their jobs - and we all know Walbeck isn't smart enough to do his own Nazi Phillips was behind this also.

For some - much better jobs in better places have been their rewards. For Kathy - she is in God's arms of comfort now.


Anonymous said...

Based on my discussions with a couple of board members, don't expect any change.

They'll probably hire an asst. super and a business manager. Although, they might investigate some outsourcing in the latter case.

At least some of the board will look very critically at who gets appointed to the asst position.

If they fell into money to buy her out they would. Otherwise, it's treading water until she leaves.

Don't expect a bond vote until she's gone.

Anonymous said...

The big question is "Has the board finally come to their senses?"

I hope the board is ready to end the "war" with the staff and the community. The secrecy, lack of any real debate or discussion at board meetings, hostility towards staff, forcing out good people, backing Phillips against all criticism, and ignoring lots of good advice has cost them dearly.

We all hoped this would end a year ago but it only got worse. They will say good things on occasion and then do the opposite. Their actions speak much louder than their words. If they have changed for the better, then we need to see a lot of positive actions this year to back it up. Otherwise they will get much deserved criticism if they continue more of the same old same old. A recall would not be out of the question.

The bond and the future of the MPS are at stake. We are tired of being embarrassed about our top leaders and board for far too long. We can't afford to keep losing good people to bad leaders and bad policies. What was done to Kathy Petrich, Behrenwald, the Marshall custodians and many others was reprehensible.

Anonymous said...

My impression is that, as another poster put it, they're not stupid. They are, however, unwilling to get rid of Joyce early at 100% of her contract.

Some members have admitted that the board is dysfunctional internally as well as externally.

But, I don't see any progress, either slowly or by revolution.

It's really disheartening, but true.

Anonymous said...

A very low estimate of keeping Joyce another year is $1 million!

Yes, that is the minimum amount per year everything needed in the bond will cost more if we have to keep waiting year after year until after she is gone. Even if come next July she is gone, the hurt and anger may last to sink another bond. She has not been held accountable for her actions. We need justice too!

Also what is it worth to start healing and unifying now for real improvement for our kids? Priceless.

Anonymous said...

So speak up at the board meeting on the 22nd at the high school. I think that ordinary teachers would be able to do this w/o ramifications if they spoke as a group. I may be wrong, but your union should be able to protect you.

Anonymous said...

Any union leader that properly does their job is targeted severely. Its not even about money, the MTA has been targeted by an extremist incompetent superintendent and her board supporters. This started under Marsha Haring, now Marsha Franke. Many think Phillips and the board takes orders from her. Its about power politics and nuttiness by loser present and former administrators. If the Frankes truly care they will use their influence to replace Phillips now. My guess is they can have Phillips "resigned" in about 24 hours. Look what happened to Kathy Petrich and others who did their job properly and put the kids first!

Anonymous said...

What's with Marshall politics? Is there something in the water. Why can't anything ever be normal.

Anonymous said...

I have one simple question:

Why are all employees at MPS held accountable except Phillips, Metcalf and Jones? This is the root of the huge problems in this school district. Even when Lou was superintendent he was taken to task and held accountable if needed. This Board is not holding her accountable therefore there are two sets of standards for MPS employees to uphold. The set for administrators, support, drivers, teachers, aids...

And another for Joyce, Amy and the stooge Metcalf (before he left).

To the Board I have said: You are her Boss - why are you allowing the mistreatment of employees? Then comes the denial by the Board members. I see it clear as a bell.

Anonymous said...

Weak Managers manage by threats, lies and deception.

What a shame that our teachers are teachers Character Education while our leaders seem to have no ethics at all.

As far as going to the meeting at the high school to voice opinion on bond needs. This has been done over and over. EPIC, and staff surveys revealed the problem plagued Joyce Phillips and her lack of positive leadership. It seems rather redundant to have to keep saying what the issues are -

The facts are not going to change. The change that is needed is no secret. We need new leadership. Someone who is honest and works to build trust. There is so much healing that must take place before this community comes together to support a bond. The Board is costing the taxpayers money each day they refuse to remove or demote Phillips. Why can't Phillips be demoted to Asst. Supt. while an interim superintendent takes office in the search for a new superintendent. She could be harnessed and rendered without power for the next few months. There are ways she can be controlled without having to worry about law suits or buy outs. I strongly support demoting Joyce Phillips to Asst. Supt. and let her just sit and collect her pay while she has to watch this district try to dig out from the hole Joyce Phillips dug for Marshall Schools.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the school board on their decision last night. This is one of the first wise decisions that the board has made since jkp has been here. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Joyce sounded like a lazy idiot whining in the Enquirer about all the hours an asst. superintendent would need to put in blah blah blah.

We all know Metcalf did not do 70 hours a week, not even close! I doubt he did 40 hours a week and that is counting the hours he worked on his PhD on school time. Then the comment about Lakeview stealing anyone good in the business job, we all know that's not true! They took Amy, they did us a favor. They could have done much better. Shhh don't tell them, so they don't back out of the deal.

I am sure Joyce does not want to do much work her last year here (assuming she is not fired or demoted sooner). She definitely doesn't want to be bothered doing good things or real work for the district. She prefers lots of time to harass people, brag about herself, scare students, and chase good employees away. Dining with her buddies at Schulers on school time is another favorite activity. We have had enough of that already.

The board did finally do a good thing by waiting and not letting Joyce make some bad choices to fill two key positions. I am not sure what Turner is whining about, he and his staff can do their own curriculum. As if Metcalf ever did anything useful for any building. He proved a part-time replacement could easily put in more hours and be more productive than he ever was. He NEVER put in 20 hours a week in each of three areas. If he put in 2 hours a week in each area I would be shocked.

Let's hope the board has learned from past mistakes and want to rejoin a united team of teachers, principals, support staff and parents that are working to make areal school improvements! I hope they listen to the staff and not Joyce from now on. Now if we could just get an interim superintendent too!!! Hint hint ;)

Anonymous said...

"I am not sure what Turner is whining about, he and his staff can do their own curriculum."

My guess is that he wanted the job.

Anonymous said...

I agree with that, I bet that he was high on her candidate pool too. Take a good look at all of her hires, there is only one of them that I can honestly say is worth a darned.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the board decision to wait to hire permanent replacements for Metcalf and Jones was influenced from the last time we tried hiring in the middle of the school year. That is how Phillips slipped through the cracks. Several board members told me the pool then was quite shallow and there were no obvious good choices. The pool of strong candidates is apparently much lower after the school year has begun. They are wise to wait and do it right this time. Also we can do much better than Bennink or Turner for Asst. Superintendent. We need new leaders who are trusted, respected, honest and untainted by the failed regime.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of great leadership, I'd heard that Rich Hulkow did a great job dealing with the accident up in the parking lot at the high school yesterday while the two other administrators were out of the building at a meeting downtown. Now that's leadership. I'll bet you that Joyce didn't find her way up to the high school to lavish her praises or thanks on to him. If it were Turner, Klochack, Bennick or Holbrook, she'd have been up there falling all over them. Great job Rich!

Anonymous said...

Joyce would love to see Mr. Hulkow gone! Why? No good reason, just because a few of her board buddies don't like him for personal reasons. Plus he is a far better leader than she could ever dream to be. Mr. Hulkow has been a great coach and administrator for the Marshall schools. He deserves much more respect and better treatment from our board. I could care less what JP thinks of him, she should be fired anyway.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: There is absolutely NO CONFIDENCE left in the leadership of Joyce Phillips. In most districts a vote by the staff of 'no confidence' in their leader would lead the Board to take action. That is in most districts. But of course - in most districts they address issues instead of pretend it is only one or two disgruntled people. It would take a complete idiot to even begin to think that there are only a couple people that are dissatisfied with the current condition of our school district administration. After the EPIC survey which totally backed up the staff survey = which we know could not have been more ignored by the School Board = there is absolutely no reason for Joyce Phillips to still have a job. This is not a couple disgruntled people - it is not a dozen or so people that have personal issues with her - THIS IS WIDESPREAD THROUGHOUT THE MARSHALL COMMUNITY.

When will this Board take action against Joyce? She deserves to be treated like she has treated the employees, staff, students and community members.

I am totally appalled that this Board is seeming to do nothing. The wait until she is gone approach is not going to attract 'the best candidates' next summer. Most candidates in Michigan - if they have are do do their homework before pursuing work as superintendent in Marshall will more likely wonder what the heck is wrong with this School Board that they let this huge issue of mismanagement go unaddressed. Most credible superintendent candidates want to work for a School Board that is supported by their community. This Board better get on the right page and start taking action or the repair of this district will take much longer than it took to let the damage happen.

Anonymous said...

If the board truly cared about the best interests of the Marshall schools we would have had a new superintendent by now. The bond would have passed too. Their mistakes and purposeful hostility toward staff and community will cost us millions, not to mention much damage and embarrassment. The new leaders next year will have a big mess to start cleaning up.

Anonymous said...

What happened at MHS, was kid hit by a car?

Anonymous said...

Yes, he was "hood surfing" and fell off and was run over. He was pretty scraped up and bruised. Klochak and Nessel were down at the central office and Rich and the counselors and a few others took charge of the situation and handled it like the professionals that they are. JKP was up at the building the following day praising the counselors and Klochack, but I don't think that she looked for Rich. She avoids him. Ask her if you see her at the game tonight.

Anonymous said...

The most anticipated Superintendent search in MPS history has begun. I think we need a good interim superintendent first. We need to start healing and cleaning up the mess now, not next year.

Anonymous said...

I liked how Phillips bragged about herself again in the paper about her "deep understanding about curriculum blah blah blah." She has a deep understanding ONLY of conning the board, treating people badly, running good people and she gets an A+++ in dishonesty. Now she wants to replace Amy with two people? Is that nuts or what?

She said there are gaps with Metcalf gone? In what, people running errands for her during the day? People to carry out dirty deeds? The more she talks the sooner she needs to be gone. She keeps making everything worse. It may take a year after she is gone for things to get good enough to pass a big bond. If they keep her until next year they may as well postpone the bond vote 2-3 years.

Anonymous said...

Well at least the board did not chose Terry Davis and Associates to do the search. (You can thank her for JP.)

Anonymous said...

It appears that Joyce is in a panic as she loses her two proteges Jones and Metcalf. Also the board is fast distancing themselves from her and her power has been in decline as more and more comes out to the public about how awful she has been as a leader. Much of how the staff feels about her is unprintable, especially after the events of this past year. The parents and business leaders I know all want her gone- now! The important bond has failed, in large part because of her, and the problems are piling up fast as she tries to dodge responsibility and work during her final year. Let's all hope one way or another she is gone this fall so we can put this disasterous era behind us.

Anonymous said...

There has not been any real leadership from the main office in years. Basically all progress that has been made has been lead by building principals and teachers. Phillips, Metcalf and Jones have just made things more difficult and have often gotten in the way of school improvement. As far as I can tell, they have only caused harm for four years.

Anonymous said...

Ask any of the secretaries, central office has been dysfunctional for a long time. They spend more time covering up problems that trying to solve them. They are clueless as to what is really happening in the classrooms. Their relations with the staff is almost nonexistent.

Anonymous said...

Dear Board...

Read the Epic survey and the teachers survey. That will answer many of your questions. As far as I can tell this web site has lots of accurate information about the state of affairs of the MPS.

Everyone else knows what is going on. We hope all of you get educated about the reality of the depth and causes of the problems too.

You know who we are, we are your teachers, support staff, neighbors, business leaders and students. Please work with us for change- now.

PS: Everyone please come out to MHS on Monday evening Sept. 22 and share your views. Don't hold back, tell the truth and be bold. Silence and civil private discussions have accomplished nothing. The teachers and support staff cannot speak up or they will certainly face retaliation from Phillips. We need parents, students and business leaders to attend and speak up. Please do this for the kids and the future of Marshall.

Anonymous said...

The board finally, several years too late, have started saying some good things. Now their actions are what will really count. They are being closely watched this year. The future of our schools are at stake.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard when I read the Chronicle about the 'near irreplaceability' of Metcalf and Jones. What a hoot! Metcalf=couldn't even remember to order textbooks for three classes two summers ago. And Amy=won't Josh be missing her? Work day begins at 8 am and ends at 5 pm. This will be a huge task for Amy to accomplish - especially with her having to pick out an appropriate office attire to wear to Lakeview.

And my favorite=with losing 100 more students this year - Joyce in her infinite wisdom wants to replace Amy with two administrators and another secretary= 1 Finance + 1 Operations = two secretaries. This insanity should prove how out of touch Joyce is. Cut 25 custodials and pad the office staff with two additional persons. The $100,000 is quite a low estimate as Amy makes $95,000 and a secretary makes $35,000....Did Joyce actually graduate from an accrediated school or is she so very out of touch?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

That's the state of graduate education in administration. They're not really taught any management.

Anonymous said...

Where did Joyce get her PhD (or even less her EdD)? She is the most clueless school leader I have ever heard of and she brags about being "Dr. Phillips." She tries to cover her incompetence with lies and by treating staff crappy. Does she feels she needs to treat people badly to make herself look more important? That's sick!

Maybe next time around we should avoid all "Dr.s" as the two we have/had were terrible.

Anonymous said...

Community input meeting with the board tonight Sept 22 at MHS at 7pm.

Anonymous said...

If the board talks openly and honestly about the main problems, especially the need to get a new superintendent- NOW, then it can be productive. We need real action, not more than words that mean nothing. If it is just a PR stunt it will accomplish nothing. Saying JPs removal is "in progress" is not nearly good enough if she stays until next year. Failure to take action now will make things much worse.

Have you read JP's wacky rants in the newspapers and her plans for central office? We need change now, this fall, or no bond for a few years. We need a good interim superintendent by Nov. 1 or we will have another year of conflict, anger, scandals and division. There are many grounds to fire JP. The board did not hesitate to fire 24 innocent custodians and force out an excellent MHS Principal and Choir teacher for doing nothing wrong. They can easily fire an awful superintendent with lots of problems, dishonesty and scandals on her record.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe next time around we should avoid all "Dr.s" as the two we have/had were terrible."

There seems to be a lot of truth in that comment. In my opinion, the area superintendents who are most respected are the ones (like Cindy Ruble) who DO NOT have PhD's.

Anonymous said...

Expect a "PR Event" at MHS tonight (Sept 22). They will focus on all the needs of MHS, dodge questions about main problem- Joyce Phillips saying her departure can be "checked off" or is "in progress." Do they think the teachers and parents are idiots?

They will blame all those who have criticized the rewarding and supporting of bad performance (Phillips, Jones, Metcalf, Walbeck, Klochack) and ignore the major scandals and horrendous things that have been committed against good people like Kathy Petrich. They have done nothing but praise Phillips, back Phillips, cover for Phillips, give Phillips a long contract extension and let her stay as long as she chooses despite very poor performance from day one. That is why there is no bond!

Nobody trusts the current leaders of the Marshall schools to get excited about passing a bond. Change in leadership is needed first to start the healing and turnaround. The board are fools if they don't replace Joyce Phillips this fall and bring in a fresh interim team to start healing and positive changes this year, not next year. We need to rebuild trust, cooperation, teamwork and integrity, Slamming the door in the faces of your staff and parents is no way to run a school district. The board has been following the wrong people who have used them and severely damaged their reputations too.

Anonymous said...

The bond loss was a huge setback for the district. Marshall can't afford to keep falling behind other area school districts. Then we lost 100 students! We can't afford the board dragging their feet much longer. They need to wake up and face reality.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the lost students for school year 07-08. I do believe that number was around 70 but would like to have the correct number. This would put us around 150+ students that have not entered MPS in two years. To believe we need a 900 seat auditorium with numbers dropping is just insanity. We do need to update the science wing - and am sure there are other improvements that would be STUDENT RELATED that need to be addressed. The new offices at MHS were not on my list of priority. Again - wasted tax dollars.

My amazement at how dumb Joyce P. is can be summed up with her statement in the paper this past weekend: When Amy Jones leaves for her job in Lakeview we need to split the position and hire two administrators and one more secretary. News flash: If Amy had enough time to come to work at 10-11 am....and leave during the day to take naps at her secretarys she really overworked? Then of course she has enough time to personally bring the grand piano key to the high school each time the box needs to be opened....perhaps she doesn't have that much to do. She has the most awesome secretary in the district and she treats her crappy - then apologizes because she was tired, needed a neck rub, or was up late working....good excuses to treat your help like a second class citizen.

This district can survive without two "operation/finance" directors....and it can survive without an Asst. Supt. This position (with lesser pay) can be titled "Director of Curriculum" and be hired in in the $60,000 can a "Business Manager".... These titles DO COST THE DISTRICT MORE MONEY. And I believe we have found out - even with the fancy titles these top administrators have made numerous screw ups! How about the new adminstration getting 'merit pay'. Prove yourself as you work your way up the ladder. The candidates should not be starting at the top. There are some awesome candidates with experience that will hire in at the $60-70 range. Jobs in Michigan do not start the pay high with the jobless rate so high. Just start watching the that paid $15/hr. five years pay $10. This should also apply to the top. Why...? Because it is how you prove yourself and work yourself up the ladder. Stupid to start people at the top of the ladder. This is not how you get the best qualified candidates. Lots of better qualified candidates are willing to take these jobs at $20-$30,000 less that we are paying Jones, Metcalf and Dr. Do Little-Lie Alot!

Anonymous said...

I am curious about something. Has Joyce Phillips ever gone to Lansing to lobby for student aid dollars? Lou used to lobby for school issues. If superintendents do not take a pro-active stance for their districts the state will not feel the pressure to keep funding for education as a top priority. I suppose Joyce is just too busy to take steps for education reform/aid.

Anonymous said...

Without even glancing at the 2400 signatures on the petitions from this community saying they did not want the custodians to be replaced with out of town company GRBS. The Board still voted to rob and rape them of their jobs. Not once has any board member inquired 'how are those custodians doing? Have they all found new jobs? This Board was led by the noses, by the Mackinaw Group, blindly to slauder. Then they tried to coerce and shame the community into voting for a bond this community had already said they would/could not support. Now - let's put aside the mental, emotional and sometimes physical side effects of losing your job and trying during the highest unemployment times in 50 years to find a new job....and this Board (who must not at all understand what it is like to raise a family without an income) turned around and asked them to support a bond they could not afford. People have actually lost their homes while trying to find a job....but the Board didn't care about 24+ wage earning custodians. This is what Joyce Phillips has brought to Marshall. Damage, destruction, and now....relationships that will never be repaired. She needs to be gone now....not let her stay until June30,2009. She should not be treated like she has accomplished something....she has only caused damage, cost people money and now relationships!

Anonymous said...

An article about the board community meeting in the BC Enquirer:

The problems go way beyond "communication" or "educating the public." The people of Marshall in combination with the employees of the Marshall schools know very well what the problems are. The school board knows what the problems are.

Now do we have to wait until Joyce Phillips chooses to leave next year? That is the main liability holding the district back. Has the board switched sides or are they still anti-teacher, anti-support staff and anti-community/parents who oppose the bad decisions of the past four years?

I am surprised there has not been a recall yet. Why do I feel this is all charades and games to keep the failed superintendent propped up for another year? Why do I still not trust the school board (not all, JC and AC are trusted)?

The fact is removing Phillips is by and far the best thing the board can do this fall. Every week they keep her is like putting a knife into the backs of the staff and the community. There can be no bond or real progress until other problems are fixed first.

Anonymous said...

Firing the custodians, threatening lawsuits against the teachers (MTA) and the Chronicle, forcing out Petrich and Behrenwald, covering up insurance and "air conditioning" scandals, bad public relations, a complete lack of trust and respect from just about everyone- when will the board finally take action and replace this disaster of a Superintendent?

Anonymous said...

In any other school district there would be accountability.

Anonymous said...

You all have a choice. Go after her in any way you can. Protests, recall, lawsuits, water balloons, etc.

Or, get over it. My perception is that she has been neutered.

The pool may be thin, but if a suitable replacement is found she will be give busy work until June 30.

It's a sad, sad time, but trust that karma will settle our scores.

Anonymous said...

The board has been talking out of both sides of their mouths (as a whole) for four years now. Their actions have been almost exclusively pro-Phillips Regime and anti-everybody else. They backed her even long after they knew how bad everything was. I feel like each week Joyce Phillips is still employed they have a knife in our backs that they are twisting. Yes, it has been that bad, I have never seen it worse and for no good reason!

If they have had a change of heart it will take some big changes for anyone to believe it. Firing JP is the only thing I can think of that will start winning them back trust and respect. Anger levels are high and will stay that way as long as JP is employed by the Marshall schools. I get tears when I think of all the innocent people who have suffered terribly under her reign. All the damage done to our schools. The low morale, corruption and embarrassment. I blame our board too for supporting and allowing this this catastrophe to go on.

Anonymous said...

Did anything get accomplished at the meeting on Monday night? From what was said in the paper I would say NO!

Anonymous said...

Joyce Philips is a master of disguise. She plays games with people's lives. How she is allowed to remain is now beyond my comprehension. She has cost many people their jobs, emotional stability, relationships and put employees into Bear Creek for stress....and as we all know...what happened to Kathy Petrich. All because Joyce is being allowed to 'attack' employees for baseless things. In the end each time an employee (usually a union leader) is targeted and harrassed it ends up getting dropped, or costing the district money. These are baseless attacks that the Board is aware of. Their pat answer: "let me get a hold of another board member and I will get back to you". Then you get a call that the Board member says: "We will continue to look into this matter - and take action". Which does not happen. Many countless school employees have suffered, resigned, and moved to district where they are treated like the respectful professionals they always were. Any Joyce gets a pat on the back for running just another employee out....which she has already tarnished their reputations in the faces of the Board. To everyone else that can accept the truth of the matter....they are pissed off that such things keep happening. JOYCE PHILLIPS HAS CAUSED A HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT FOR MANY SCHOOL EMPLOYEES AND CONTINUES TO GET AWAY WITH IT. Why? Well - she is the one that got that policy changed to if you as an employee feel harrassed your only course of action is to take it to the Board President....Hello - you know Vic is in her pocket. So this would be similar to 'self destruction' to take the issue to Vic Potter for resolution. Not once has it worked for the employee. Vic is on an Ego Trip and Joyce feeds it. This leaves the employee with no course of action but to leave this 'school family'.

In the meantime Joyce is laughing in our faces. She knows when she leaves there will be broken relationships that she caused and will be irrepairable. How do I know...because I was one of her 'union' targets. Sadly...Joyce Phillips does not have the class to do her own dirty work....hence Metcalf had to take the hit for all her dirty work. Do I believe it was in exchange for that allowance to get doctorate degree on school hours? Yes - by God I do.

I resigned. I have after several months found an awesome job. I now remember what it is like to work in a respectful environment. I did take my issues to Board members....heard how they would look into it....nothing happened. Why did I not press this issue, wage a union fight? etc? Because after being treated with stress medication for 1.5 years I did not wish to have any further conflict as it does affect your physical well being.

The things Joyce Phillips has done to this community will most likely never heal. I say this with confidence.

Until this Board does to Joyce what she has done to school employees while ruining their good names with her lies and deception I will not support Board decisions. You tend to support those who support you. The Board did not support Ron Behrenwald. He has found a wonderful place to work. The Board did not support Kathy Petrich. Do I believe in my heart that the stress she incurred at the hands of Phillips, Metcalf and Klochak - while they then savagely cut into the awesome program Ms. Petrich built in Marshall was a triggering aspect to her stroke...Yes I do.

If the harm that I alone know about has not been enough to get these 'elected board members' to remove Joyce....If the lying to the Prosecutor's Office regarding sending school employees to fix the air conditioner on school hours...If the lying and coverup regarding the "$20,000+" insurance mistake is not enough.... In any other work place Joyce Phillips would have been fired. Why in Marshall must we pretend everything is OK? This will not help to attract a 'credible candidate' for application to the superintendent's job.

Joyce must be fired now. This is the only way this community will feel like they were heard. Nothing short of that. Board members: Please do not operate under the misconception that 'time will heal....people will goes on....the new supt. will make it right'. It is ludicrious to think we would dump this horribly stinky garbage situation on a new superintendent. This is short sighted to appear to be appearing to be gambling that in a year all will be back to normal.

Anonymous said...

There are huge problems in the Marshall schools and the community is now more aware of them. The people of Marshall have been lied to for four years about a wide range of issues. No wonder the bond did not pass. The one thing that unites most people is the desire to see change and justice. To accomplish this Dr. Phillips needs to be dealt with justly, which means she needs to be fired for a long list of reasons and not allowed to be rewarded with a 2nd Michigan retirement.

The feelings of the staff are at least 99.9% in favor of this, and they want this done now! Justice must be served. The community is increasingly demanding this be done. The MPS board now has to make a choice, to do what needs to be done or to be traitors to the Marshall schools and the community. No more excuses. We know you can do it, we watched you coldly remove and force out people before for little or no reason.

If they need "evidence" there are many that will come forward. The central office secretaries alone can come up with a mountain of evidence to fire Dr. Phillips. The dirt is piled high and everyone knows it. Dr. Phillips will have no grounds for a lawsuit. Board, do your job.! Remove Dr. Phillips now before another year of damage is done.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all feel better. I have no doubt bad things have happened.

My point still stands. Take it to the next level, or give it up.

Anonymous said...

You are right! The people of Marshall get what we tolerate. If nobody will run for the school board or organize a justifiable recall, then we may as well give up. That is how many feel now. The group running the schools are highly organized and know what they are doing. The problems of Phillips are not an accident, but well planned and protected by influential and powerful people who want control of the Marshall schools. This may be a tiny clique, but apathy is their ally. In my decades with the MPS I have never seen it this bad. I do not have the energy to organize the opposition myself. Having retired from the MPS it is now up to others to step up or let things get worse. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt the board will change their ways and do the right thing. I doubt a recall will be organized either. The people of Marshall are tired of fighting. It has been largely a one-way war waged against the teachers, good Principals, support staff and the community at large. A powertrip gone mad. The people of Marshall are too nice or unorganized to fight back, even if it is justified and for the kids.

Anonymous said...

Talk to former board members, the situation you describe is accurate but things are even much worse than you said.

Anonymous said...

Well, why don't they speak up?

Anonymous said...

Many think that Marsha Franke, using Tom's checkbook and good name, controls the board and keeps her buddy Joyce Phillips protected. Not sure if it is entirely true, but lots of evidence points in that direction.

Now the question is, if true, why? Again many think Marsha wanted the Superintendent's job, was not supported by most staff, married Tom so she didn't need the money, befriended JP as soon as she arrived in town, took her under her wing, works with most board members (controls?) and used JP to run the schools on her behalf and make revenge on those who were not loyal to her her. Sound like two of a kind? Lots of known facts support this theory. Several former board members do too. So far it is the only one that makes sense and explains the board's extreme loyalty to Phillips. Lots of pieces to this puzzle are in place. Could greed, money and power be behind all the evil? If so what a surprise.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing new. The fact they are all close and work together is well known. Nobody thinks they conduct real business in public. It would be nice to know what they are all really up to. I think the bond loss really was a wake up call to the community that things have gone terribly wrong. Ask the staff, especially at the Middle School. Remember when Marsha started the anti-MTA crusade when she went after Terry Lambert? It makes sense the same policies and methods continued with Joyce. Same board comrades too.

Anonymous said...

If one Board member took the time to contact Phillips previous employer they would hear the same story that Marshall is now living with. Indiana gave raving reports to us regarding Joyce in a unified effort to ship her out of their area. I have been told this in the past 18 months by leadership in Indiana. Make a phone call. Compare the horrific situation in Marshall with what they tell you. Perhaps then - this Board will get the Kahuna's to do what they were elected to do. What Joyce has done in Marshall is her past history of 'death and destruction'. Thus far - they are operating with their own agenda in mind. They were elected to speak for this community - set aside their own desires. Go on-line and read the 'Code of Ethics for Michigan School Board Members. There in itself is your recall document.

Anonymous said...

Noticed in the paper that Joyce was at a conference on count day. Too bad she didn't see it as an important day to be a visible leader.

Anonymous said...

The huge loss of students is a big problem for the district. All of the ongoing controversy and problems have made the Marshall schools a less desirable place to send your kids.

Anonymous said...

The ongoing feuds and incompetence perpetrated by bad leaders in Marshall Township, the city of Marshall and especially the current Marshall school board & Superintendent are really hurting this community. Some local politicians are ok but most are self-serving and on a reckless power trip. This is causing a decline in jobs and community support. This will lead to more jobs leaving and less new jobs coming in if we do not unite and work for the best interests of our community and our kids!

Anonymous said...

Remember the conception of this blog site. December 2006. This site was created as a tool to try one more effort to get the Board to hear what the staff tried, in a very respectful way, to get the Board to hear....there were huge issues with Joyce, Brian and Amy that were leading this district into a decline. Guess what...they ignored the cries for help. We are in a deep decline. Then came the $16,000 EPIC survey which clearly showed the same problems and concerns as the staff survey. Many employees have tried to speak up in an effort to get the real issue addressed: JOYCE PHILLIPS IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAS GONE TERRIBLY WRONG. SHE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.

Two years later: The Board has continued to back Joyce, give out lip service, make decisions behind the scenes just as Joyce has directed = the Board will look united at public meetings.

What has it accomplished?

There is still secrecy, lies, harrassment of employees, disrespect toward staff and community, etc, etc, etc, etc.

To answer above: Yes - we need to unite. The staff and community has repeatedly extended their olive branch only to have it broken in their faces.

The outsourcing of our custodians was the beginning of a huge separation. These 24+ employees have influenced at minimum 10 people each. Now each of those people have influenced 10 more of their own. The Board - if they wanted to pass a bond should have taken the time to ask for concessions from the custodial unit. They did not do this. They believed what the Mackinaw Group told them - they blindly followed Joyce, with her personal vendetta, and took the most drastic step...and robbed these people of their jobs. Jobs no one will ever do the same...

There is no money being saved. There have been problems. Huge turnover of GRBS personnel. Internally GRBS has many many of their own problems. Employees are being discharged because the districts they work in are 'going to the workers with building issues'....GRBS management does not like that. GRBS personnel have worked in our buildings with felony records. Anything outside of daily clean up costs us extra money. Could this be why Amy Jones has bailed out? Is she afraid that Joyce will leave her holding the bag?

Problems are not being addressed. Problems continue to accumulate.
Problems will be sky high by the time the Board removes Joyce and I feel personally sorry for the new supt. who will be set up for failure. Does this resemble what has happened in Detroit. Look what the interim mayor has to deal with. If the Board truly loves MPS like the employees do they would begin the healing TODAY. Healing can only start by the Board taking a positive step to reinstate the trust of the community. This little effort would go a really long way. If they were pro-active and fired Joyce --- like she did the custodial members --- the Board could be heros. Marshall could attract a credible replacement next summer when the candidate bank is full of great potential. To wait until June will be one of the gravest mistakes the Board could possibly make.

Anonymous said...

The board does not care, with maybe one or two exceptions.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for John and Annette, they ran for the school board for the right reasons and wanting to serve and improve our schools and then found out they got themselves into a mess. Not sure about Ali, she may have had similar motives but her closeness to Joyce Phillips has tainted her reputation greatly. The other board members made many huge mistakes, strongly supported Phillips' corrupt and failed regime, protected them, and treated the staff badly- in some cases to extremes that has caused extreme harm (death?) to very good people who did not deserve it.

If the board majority does not remove Joyce Phillips this fall, they should resign and take their full responsibility for all the bad things that happened. This is their last and final chance to do the right thing. Dragging out problems another year is very bad for the schools and the community. This is a golden opportunity for a clean sweep of much of the mess and problems. Good new interim leaders should not have to come in and be expected to turn things around while working for the bad and incompetent Superintendent Phillips. If the board has a plan to shove Phillips aside and keep her there until next summer, that may help some but still fall far short of what needs to be done.

Everyone knows Phillips deserves to be fired now- its called "accountability." If the board need's evidence there are dozens of witnesses that can testify (teachers, Principals, secretaries, former employees). Check Accessvision, look at how she has lied to the board many times. Remember when Bob Lyng blew the whistle on her asking the board to lie about the insurance scandal? She should have been fired then- four years ago!

Has the board made the necessary changes so that what happened to Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich and others does not happen ever again to any good staff members? Staff morale is still very low. Much needs to be done to start the healing, cooperation and teamwork that is needed to get the Marshall schools back on track.

Anonymous said...

The post above is true. I think the board is more divided now than they have been since Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng left. The Monday community meeting will only be viewed as a step in the right direction if they can make the changes that we all need.

First and foremost, we need to replace Mrs. Phillips this fall so we can bring in an entirely new interim team for the rest of the year. If they do not address this problem, then all of the talk and meetings are a waste of time. Everyone knows the issues, concerns and problems. Whether we start the turnaround now or next year depends on what the board does, or fails to do, this fall. We need actions, not just words! I commend John Coulter for his public recognition of the problems. We need more board members to follow his lead of courage and true service in the best interest of the kids and the community.

Anonymous said...

The jury is still out whether or not Monday's meeting was a PR act or a sincere step towards solving problems and engaging the community. The board's actions in the coming weeks will show how sincere they are at reconnecting with the community and their own school employees.

Anonymous said...

We all hope and pray that the worst is behind the Marshall schools and somehow we get all new leaders this year. Come on board, two down and just one to go! JP is ready to retire anyway.

Anonymous said...

Buy her out or fire her, get her out NOW before she costs the district more money. We know that she is directly responsible for our loss of students. I know of 3 families that have sent their kids to other schools because of her.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think a big reason Janice went out of business was because of Phillips. Phillips conned Janice, probably useing her phony charm, and acted like her close friend. Janice fell for it and had no idea how bad JP was, as she has little connection to teachers or technology from what I hear. The more she praised Phillips, the more people took it as a slap in the face and quit shopping at D & D. Phillips should give Janice her second retirement, unless our board wises up and keeps her from getting it.

Anonymous said...

All the talk...all the words...this is called lip service. How many times must you hear these horrific stories that have caused harm to our community school district. 114 students down on count day. How clear does it need to be. How many fingers pointing any direction but at Joyce Phillips can we take? Joyce Phillips is nothing short of a carpetbagger. She has NO vested interest in our school district other than to secure her own personal financial stability, at the cost once again of us! She must be fired now. We do not need anymore evidence than we already have. If we need more perhaps one of the board members could phone Kathy Petrich's family and schedule a meeting. Kathy made sure to have her family fully aware of the direct targeting of her and her program that caused her to make the decision to leave Marshall. How many others must suffer under Joyce Phillips. Do you think Metcalf was actually the evil, terrible Asst. Supt? or perhaps he was being directed by Joyce to do her bidding. Perhaps a Board member could have a discussion with Brian Metcalf. Let's do something here other than 'learn to talk to each other'.

This district and Board had their opportunity to open their eyes in December 2006 when the staff did their survey. Again in late 2007 with the EPIC survey. Time after time staff has spoke to Board members. To pretend that we must now learn to communicate is falling backwards.

Take this opportunity to begin the healing now - not next summer. Fire Phillips and watch this community unite and come together for healing. Wouldn't it be a great X-mas parade in Marshall this Dec. 1st if we were rid of this problem at Marshall. Let's start the year 2009 with interim administration in place.

Anonymous said...

I would say 99% of the people of Marshall want this to happen. Unfortunately most of the other 1% seem to be on the school board.

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine Rob Covert keeping his job if 99% of the hospital staff and the community wanted him fired, justly, for bad management? What about any other business or organization? Of course not, only the Marshall schools has this problem with Mrs. Phillips. Whose to blame? Clearly the Marshall school board is failing to do their job.

Anonymous said...

Two things we need to stop JP and Klochack from doing this year, dropping the block schedule at MHS and privatizing secretaries and support staff.

Anonymous said...

So, are those ideas on the table?

Anonymous said...

These ideas have bounced around the main office to 'save money" for some time. Behrenwald would not cooperate with such bad ideas so he was forced out. Rumor has it that with the huge loss of students JP is looking for ways to cut cut cut. But community pressure on the board is the best way to stop any more bad ideas and hopefully get the board to dump JP this fall so we can get all new interim leadership. That would be the wisest choice.

Anonymous said...

Well as we all know many administrators would be totally lost without their support/secretarial help. Remember Mike Walbeck said 'the secretary is both his right and left hand'. Since he seems to have no hands why not just get rid of him. I think it is time to cut the fat! Perhaps we should be looking at outsourcing the Finance Director position to a firm that will actually keep us balanced. The Asst. Supt. - this position has a qualified 'HR Generalist' - Lisa, who went to school, has her degree in HR....why do we need another Metcalf @ $95,000/yr? Perhaps the CISD could provide 'shared resources' for the Calhoun schools 'Curriculum Advisor'. If we had a positive, actively involved Supt. who lobbys in Lansing for Educational Aid - instead of stirring up trouble in Marshall to take the light off her bad leadership....I believe NOW IS THE TIME FOR CALHOUN COUNTY TO HAVE A CISD SUPERINTENDENT FOR ALL THE CALHOUN COUNTY SCHOOLS. Each district should not need their own governing body. Especially when it does nothing but damage the district. Let's stop the talk of privatizing the support personnel (the backbone of the school system) and instead cut the fat at the top.

Anonymous said...

Rewarding bad leaders that should have been fired and firing the custodians sunk the bond. These terrible decisions have lead to postponing the bond which will now cost us millions more, lost students, low morale and much lost community support for years to come.

Anonymous said...

I haven't taken the time to pin it down, but the total cost of everyone in Calhoun County with super or asst super in their title has to be staggering.

Anonymous said...

After talking to several board members it is obvious they are divided over what to do about the "Phillips problem."

Anonymous said...

Who is hiring the interim Assistant Superintendent and Business manager? Don't tell me Joyce?

Anonymous said...

Most likely Phillips is doing the hiring and it looks like, against all logic, the board will keep her around another year. Phillips is in charge! Apparently the board takes orders form her. You can be sure the interim leaders will have to be loyalists to keep their jobs. Another very bad year ahead if an interim superintendent is not hired too.

Anonymous said...

A board member told me they did not renew Phillips contract last year and she was told she would be done at the end of her current contract. I do not think the board likes "the good doctor" any longer. I think they would be thrilled if she resigned sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

It would be great if the board found a way to get a new superintendent now.

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