Monday, August 18, 2008

What's the rush?

Brian Metcalf will be leaving us for Hudsonville.
It's being reported that Amy Jones has accepted a job in Lakeview.
Next summer Joyce Phillips will be gone.


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Anonymous said...

Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

The problems of the Marshall schools are old news. We all know they have been broken at the top for years. One bad leader replaces another. One shady school board replaces another. Dr. Phillips is the worst. Whenever there is hope for change it all falls apart. The teachers, students and parents just have to lumber on the best they can. Someone please drop the word "excellence" from our web site until it truly exists at all levels.

Anonymous said...

The "excellence" talk has been a joke for at least the last four years. JP, BM, AJ, MB, CM and at least a few others were the polar opposite of "excellent." The board deserves blame too for setting such low standards for this group and rewarding them for poor performance. The numerous coverups and lack of accountability made things even worse.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Joyce will be taking out her knife and enjoying making cuts as she sails through unaccountable to her 2nd Michigan retirement- promised by her board buddies. She can seek revenge and carry out attacks wherever she wishes. The board will let her have her fun. There is not even one iota of evidence that she ever cared about anyone but herself. She loathes the staff. I bet she does not even like her loyalists. The last person I would trust to make cuts is Joyce, and it looks like she will enjoy "all the fun."

Hey board, where is accountability? There is a mountain of scandal and mismanagement you can fire Joyce over NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Whether we like it or not about $1 million in cuts are coming soon to the Marshall schools. If cuts must happen, what are some ideas you have to save money or least harm our kids and community? The board is open to all ideas. Staff are encouraged to post as they know best what the situation is in the schools.

Anonymous said...

We hardly need an assistant supt. for a district this size. Teacher committees do ALL the curriculum work that is important and the idea that an asst. is needed to assess test scores and develop learning strategies is ridiculous. Ask any professional in our district below the central admin. if an asst is needed and you will hear a resounding NO. JKP can go on and on about how neccessary one is and how she cant possibly do both jobs but it is all phony BS. The tech director job is also a joke since the hourly workers have all the knowledge and do all the work. Obviously these cuts are in the central admin. which most of us in the know realize is where all the fat is. Cut those two positions and right there with benefits etc. would save well over 250,000 and it would affect nothing relating to the kids and their education. That would be a start but we all know that will never happen. Also is it necessary to split Amy Jones job into two different jobs? In a true "Kids First" district the cuts would first come at the top where the real waste and savings would be. But we all know that idea will just be laughed at. But again, ask any school employee what they think.

Anonymous said...

Amy only needs one replacement and they can easily add supervision of the tech support staff to her. As stated above cutting the Assistant Superintendent for curriculum and the Tech director will save about $250,000 with almost zero impact on teaching and learning. The real work in these areas is done by lower level staff, teachers and Principals. Give them a few more stipends and that should cover these areas easily.

Anonymous said...

Breaking news: Hasting Public Schools is holding a "No Confidence Vote" meeting tonight. Why? Because they do not have confidence in their Finance Director and their Superintendent. They want a complete overhaul of their district finances.

Question: Why does Bellevue and Hastings and many more schools seem to know how to handle 'bad administration' while Marshall simply pretends 'bad management at the top' does not exist?

True: If Metcalf was always seen reading books and as we all know studying on school/work time for his PhD - Why would any Board member feel we need to replace that position?

Amy Jones: Now there are so many stories to tell. She seemed to have time to go to fellow employee's homes to take naps, rest, etc. Seemed to have nothing else to do but hold the key to unlock the piano...and had to personally go to HS and unlock the grand piano...and was seen on several occasions polishing and dusting the grand piano...yes...very true - Who would ever listen to Joyce and think we need to replace Amy with two positions. HOGWASH!

Carpetbagger: Joyce should have been run out of Marshall two years ago. She has caused irrepairable damage to school employees and her direct actions have also led to much worse. Her legacy: Ruining Marshall Public Schools with the undaunted support of a couple board members. Dan - Vic - Janice - Paul.....shame on all of you! When employees bring issues directly to you - the board member - how dare you break this confidence and go directly to Joyce with what you have been told in confidence. Then - where to heck are you when these employees are attacked? This spells RECALL!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Phillips makes about $10,000 per month plus perks. She is long overdue to be fired. Fire her now and the district can save about $80,000. MHS has 2 1/2 Principals. There is no doubt that Mrs. Nessel and Mr. Hulkow can handle the high school just fine. Then you can replace the poor performing Principal Klochack for another $100,000 or so in savings. With the recommendations from the above posts it looks like we are up to nearly $450,000 in savings with no negative impact on the kids or the programs. Actually these changes would help the kids and boost morale.

Any more ideas?

Anonymous said...

Metcalf proved we do not need an assistant superintendent. Just because Amy Jones could not do her job properly does not mean we need two people to replace. I bet 1/2 of a competent business manager could do a better job. We are lucky Lakeview took her. Now Phillips, a monkey could do a better job than this mean and incompetent Hoosier. Walbeck can go too, that should save another $50,000 or so.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys have found about $500,000 in cuts and are improving the schools at the same time. I will bet a million bucks the Marshall School board ignores these good ideas and come up with a much worse plan that harms students severely.

Anonymous said...

Will Joyce Phillips still be in charge to make $1 mil plus worth of cuts before she leaves? Look out, more revenge is coming soon. I think she will enjoy this immensely.

Anonymous said...

Expect the bus drivers, secretaries, support staff, athletics and the arts to be slashed.

Anonymous said...

The district can't cut itself to success.

Other than normal population decline, the district needs to know why students leave.

The board isn't saying. I think this would be a good project for the MTA. Their survival depends on an answer.

Anonymous said...

I hear deep and painful cuts are coming. The only ones with nothing to fear are the poor performers who are loyal to JP and her cronies on the board.

You can be sure they will be protected and rewarded for bad performance again this year. No wonder everything keeps going downhill as we bleed students.

Anonymous said...

At least Joyce and the Board have dropped their facade of 'Kids First' - which all caring normal school employees have been doing for decades. With the exception of these top administrators - most of which have no vested interest in the success of MPS: Walbeck (Tekonsha) Frank S. (Battle Creek), Philly (only cares about her next MI retirement) Metcalf (Coldwater resident -now departed) Jones (Yeah for Lakeview- resident of Olivet), Klochak (resident Owosso), Turner (Harper)....

At least in the past Lou, Brad and Bob and many others before them administered in the district that they owned homes in while their own children were attending Marshall Schools.

Out of district administrators began when Linda Bennick lived in Portage and she and her then husband were both school admin. in different we changed this policy of administrators having to live within MPS district. See what you get? Administrators that do not have a REAL VESTED INTEREST in the district they live in.

Anonymous said...

How does that explain the pro-Joyce school board majority that support her and refuse to hold her accountable for anything? These people live here. Lots of rumors and conspiracy theories going around. Their actions have been extreme and inexcusable. The only one I fully trust in John Coulter. Their secrecy and arrogance, not to mention hostility to nearly the entire staff, supports many of the views that there is a hidden agenda that is strongly anti-Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Several people have posted how they trust John or other newer members of the school board. I'm not sure why as ALL of the board members are propped up and supported by the same small group of people who make it their business to "select" our school board members and other city officials. This is not to say that John, Annette or any others are not good people with good intentions. Just know that they all emerge from the same behind the scenes selection process and have the same community supporters.

Anonymous said...

Coulter has all the reason he needs to at least propose suspending her. He won't.

Everyone on the board, for different reasons, will ride this out.

Anonymous said...

The board created this mess and that is why they are doing their best to cover it up and act as if they are clueless. They would rather be seen as fools than take responsibility for their actions. They used Joyce, Amy and Brian M. to do their dirty work and now they sit back and let her take the heat. Joyce may be bad but she would not have done any of her dirty deeds without board backing and guidance. John C. is a good guy but he is being used and is too weak to stand alone against the others.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right.

Anonymous said...

There have been two broad factions competing for control of the schools. One side has such figures as Jeff Albaugh, Lou G., Bob Lyng, Sam Ramon, and a mix of pro-Lou people, some of the pro-Redskin crowd and a few miscellaneous others. The other groups has a broad mix of people who were against Lou and the anti-Redskin crowd. Janice D. was a good friend of Giorgia Marsh so she probably wanted to avenge the recall. Dan. S. had a dispute with the DeGraws and Hulkow over the girls basketball coaching job. Paul B. wanted Franke financing for a future political career. Vic P. seems to relish the attention of the Marshall elite. Within this group is a smaller clique that has such people as the Frankes, for acting Supt. Marsha Haring (now married into the Frankes), some of our current school board members, various people who wanted change, some parents who were upset with various school officials, and some others. I would not say this is inherently a bad group, I know and like many of them personally. But I also know when they got into power there were many axes to grind.

Hiring Joyce was a disaster too. She did not have the right experience (never was even a Principal) and her former district was glad to get rid of her. They used Joyce to do their dirty work under the guise of "fixing the schools," which she surely has enjoyed immensely. The motives involved many vendettas against school employees by former Supt. Marsha H., Dan S. Janice D, Vic P. Paul B., Kevin Belew (who bragged he owned the board), and a few parents who are their close friends. A few targets may have deserved to be on their list, Like Jeff Cable (Marsha F.'s former friend who brought her to Marshall) but most did not.

This group had early staff and community support when they went after a few people that should have been replaced. Then they went on a rampage against the MTA, Behrenwald, Hulkow, Susan Townsend and many others. Brian Metcalf cut a deal to do squat in return for loyalty and helping with this plan (he worked on his PhD full time on school time and school-paid tuition), Amy Jones either went along with the plan or helped devise it for personal gain. She got some much needed support to cover up some big mistakes she made. Joyce Phillips followed it and added to it for her own schemes to stay in power and cover her weaknesses and scandals. She is not competent to properly run a schools district so she created a public facade and a secret support system to keep herself in power.

This group kept telling everyone the schools were broken and they were "fixing" them. Good people and people with personal vendettas and questionable motives were on both sides. The best teachers and staff I know tried their best to work with Joyce, the board and this entire clique to no avail. They had their own agenda and viewed everyone else with suspicion or worse. Arrogance, big egos and a power trip reigned as this group took over control of the Marshall schools. I think they felt that had absolute power and there was no need to work with anyone they did not like, which was most everyone else. They targeted the MTA (Marshall teachers association) for challenging them and conducting a staff survey when things got very bad. They used very mean and nasty tactics to pressure Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng off of the board, which worked. Joyce threatened lawsuits against the teachers (MTA) and the Chronicle to try to stop criticism and the truth from getting out (why this blog was probably started). They held all of their actual meetings in secret and voted in unison at board meetings with no real public debate or discussion. They covered up scandals and told the staff and public many things that turned out not to be true. Joyce loved the power trip and secured an unprecedented contract extension to guarantee her 2nd Michigan retirement no matter how many problems and concerns had emerged about her poor performance. The board did everything they could to divert attention away from the festering problems and scandals. The staff and community lost all respect and trust in the top leadership and the board. The list of conflicts, deceptions, coverups, scandals, controversies goes on and on with many (but not all) mentioned on this blog.

The community is partly responsible as no opposition has organized to oppose this clique from absolute power of the schools. An important bond failed due to bad decisions and a leadership that has lost all public and staff respect. This "war" has hurt the Marshall schools. I know some involved on both sides and I think at least some of those in power realize the mistakes that were made and how they may have been used on this reckless scheme to "fix" the Marshall schools. Well in fact the Marshall schools have been broken much worse during the last four years and it will take years to repair the damage. Hopefully a new alliance of people who truly care and put the kids first (and community) will emerge somehow. We need good and honest people who will truly "fix" our schools with new leaders who are trusted, supported and respected! Marshall is paying a huge price for the failures of our school leaders. We cannot afford to lose more students, respect and support. Let's turn this around for our kids. Let's get new honest and independent citizens to run for the school board. Let's have transparency and real open and honest debates and discussions. Lets hold failed leaders and school board members accountable for their actions. Lets do this for the kids!

I hate to write this anonymously, but I have job connections (me or spouse) to the schools and I am forced to be anonymous. Yes, I and many many others tried all other means first and were shot down over and over by Joyce and our board. The current situation is very bad and I am not optimistic if the same people stay in power and control our schools. I am also concerned about apathy and fear that has hampered any organized opposition and contributes to the problems. It will take courage, cooperation and a lot of work to save our schools. But our kids and the community is worth it! Please speak up and get involved. If you do not know or believe me, talk to any staff members or active parents who know what is going on. We need letters tot eh editor, people speaking up at board meetings, good people to run for the school board. We cannot fall further behind other area schools. Staff morale is at rock bottom. Lets do it for the kids. Our future is at stake here.

Anonymous said...

I agree mostly with this explanation. I think many good citizens were duped by Mrs. Phillips and some of the board members with their own agendas.

I think the Frankes mean well but have been used by others and spouses for their good name and reputation.

I think most people now realize what a mess that was made and how badly we need a new superintendent.

If someone or some group started a recall and a trusted group was ready to step up, I think change could happen quickly for the Marshall schools.

I have no faith in our current school board to solve these problems they themselves created.

Anonymous said...

The posting 2 up explaining the situation is too kind to those responsible. There are many other stories yet to be made public showing their actions and motives to be far worse. If all of the truth gets out JP and her board will be in big trouble. The worst is yet to come. Wait until they unleash their massive cuts.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful it would have been had the bond passed and MHS could be brought up to par with other area schools. With of all of the construction bargains out there we could have gotten a huge "bang for our bond bucks" and did an awesome job. I told several school board members to remove J. Phillis, justly, and the bond would pass. Keeping the failed Phillips would not only cost us the bond but missing this crucial opportunity would cost us millions more in the future if it were to be passed say 4 years from now.

Everyone on staff knew there would be no bond without big changes at the top. The board knew this too. This was a massive missed opportunity! Perhaps the biggest mistake in the history of the Marshall schools. The board's loyalty to Phillips, and whatever other devious motives they had to back her, has severely damaged the Marshall schools and ended any chance to pass the bond. We may never recover from this. Did the board do this on purpose to blame their critics and the teachers? Many think yes. More losses will lead to more big cuts and continue a downward spiral. We have also lost great personnel, and some excellent people who refused to come to the Marshall schools because of this mess. Morale is low, our reputation is in decline, students are leaving and top hires are avoiding us. Will we allow our school board to keep making things worse?

Anonymous said...

I am so very glad my two children have graduated and moved into adult lift. I have also resigned from Marshall and found a wonderful place to work - Thank you to this current Board for making our surrounding school districts look more appealing than before 'this Board propped up a failed leader named: Joyce Phillips'. This 'no aciton' by the Board has cost MPS alot of money in lost state aid. This Board has allowed our district to once again have to face cuts. All the responsiblity lies with this Board. They have heard repeatedly account after account of Joyce, Brian, Mike Walbeck or Amy attacking employees and community members. This Board has heard from so many people regarding so many incidents and concerns. The failure of the bond is truly to blame for this Board's inability to take charge and make Joyce Phillips work for them and the taxpayers. They, the Board, have allowed Joyce Phillips to act as their boss when she should be answering to her bosses "the Board". How did our elected officials let this situation get so bad? How do they sit by and hear the stories and still do nothing? Yes, Kathy P. was not the healthiest person around but if you truly knew the depth of what Joyce, Brian M. and Bryan Klochak did to her you would be appalled. Kathy P. did not just apply for another job at Walled Lake because she wanted to change districts. She had been put through a virtual character assination by these three. Her program was attacked. She was personally attacked. Her health began to suffer in April and continued to get worse ALL BECAUSE SHE WAS BEING ATTACKED BY METCALF AND KLOCHAK....AT THE DIRECTION OF JOYCE PHILLIPS. Rest in Peace Kathy Petrich. You touched many lives and will never be forgotten. Those responsible for attacking will truly pay for their dirty deeds. They will stand accountable to the Big Guy. It will not take a MPS Board member to do what they should have done....Joyce should have been removed two years ago. Thank you Mike Walbeck for making sure Joyce was told by you that "you - Mike - believed that Kathy P. was repsonsible for the staff survey". Yes - Mike Walbeck - look where it got you.

I do believe a recall is in order. The problem is: most 'normal' comunity members do not care to get in the middle of such a huge mess and try to straighten it out. This lack of ability to take action and remove joyce - yes - our elected Board members to act on our behalf, as elected, has cost us dearly. This Board has had many reasons to fire Joyce Phillips. Why did our elected Board members take the cowards way out and allow so many of these horrendous actions.

Anonymous said...

I do not know how the MPS Board can sleep at night knowing all of the people they unjustly harmed as part of their mismanagement of the Marshall schools. Their mismanagement, scandals, coverups, secrecy, lack of honesty, powertrips, and perhaps much cowardice, has gone way too far!

Dozens of current and former good employees are hurting badly, many lost their jobs unjustly, from their mean-spirited actions and vengeance. Many have had adverse physical problems from the unjust stress and abuse being targets of JP, BM, AJ, BK, MW and the board. As we all know Kathy P. passed away under this massive stress and unjust targeting, mostly because of her MTA union activities and her courage to speak the truth and not stay quiet while horrible things and injustice reigned around her. There is no doubt in my mind had she been treated with the professional respect and support she deserved, she would still be teaching at MHS and would have lead an awesome Christmas choir concert this holiday season.

Anonymous said...

I am not so sure how much the board did on purpose. There has been a lot of collateral damage from their actions, whether it was intentional or not. Now I think they are all running too scared to step up and take any bold action to fix things. It seems like they engage in groupthink and all cluster together for protection. We need some real leaders to take a stand for the kids!

Anonymous said...

I think even Phillips early supporters have given up on her, including the Frankes. I cannot think of one person who would not want change now.

The board just doesn't have the guts to do the right thing. This lack of courage is costing us dearly each and every day.

Waiting another year is a huge mistake. Now lets sit back and take another million dollars in cuts because of their mistakes.

Anonymous said...

The entire Board should just step down. The day they operated with Joyce being their boss and them just cowering to her....they should have stepped downw. According to the State of Michigan Board of Education Ethics Code: Board members are not to 'self serve'. They are elected to exhibit trust and confidentiality. This Board does not do these things. When community members or staff speak fo Board members about concerns - at Marshall there is no confidentiality. Vic Potter has run directly to Joyce with staff confidentialities. Dan Stulberg was confided in by Kathy Petrich regarding choral program concerns (via email) and guess what....Joyce knew immediately what she had confided in Dan about. Confidentialilty at Marshall? I would say not! The Board seems to not understand why there is a lack of trust. Look around your Board group....there you will see it!

Anonymous said...

The last four years have been a disaster for the Marshall schools. Bow 2009 is off to a very bad start. It will be almost another year before there is even a chance at turning things around. The MPS board has failed us over and over again. There are many good reasons to fire Joyce Phillips but they choose to cover for her scandals and protect her instead. This is definitely a "kids last" board. The damage caused by bad leadership, arrogance and ego trips will last for years and years to come. For many it is already too late, the damage has been done. Remember the victims! If someone starts a recall it will pass easily and deservedly so!

Anonymous said...

New year prediction..

Joyce Phillips cruises unaccountable to a 2nd Michigan retirement while exacting revenge until the day she leaves with cuts and staff harassment. The board keeps backing her and covering for her as she makes fools of them all. Then the Marshall schools suffer and decline further under the board mismanagement.

Anonymous said...

There have been false hopes this past year that the school board had come to their senses and was "cleaning house" of the bad administrators like Metcalf, Jones, MacDonald, Walbeck, Bennink and Phillips.

Then all hopes faded when it was realized that Phillips was still in charge and was going nowhere until she chooses to leave.

There must be fifty good reasons to fire her! She is grossly incompetent and dishonest. Why board why?

She must have the goods on the board, I can think of no other reason why they keep her. Our hopes of a fresh start by Jan 1, 2009 have been for nothing.

Now Phillips will whack away over $1 million in cuts that would not likely have been necessary had the board rightly fired her last year.

Anonymous said...

After talking to board members I was under the impression Joyce would be gone by now too.

They must have spread this information to quiet things down after Kathy Petrich passed away. It worked, there was much hope there would be a fall turnaround. With Amy and Brian leaving it would have been great news and ideal timing. Now it appears to have been another ploy to deceive the staff.

Anonymous said...

Nobody trusts the board anymore either. We need a new board.

Anonymous said...

Now they want to "privatize" more jobs like bus drivers and secretaries. We know what that means, worse employees and half the pay with little savings if any for the schools. More dumb ideas.

Anonymous said...

The secretaries should be just fine. They simply know too much. If Phillips messes with them and they spill the beans, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down and Phillips "golden parachute" 2nd retirement will go out the window.

There is a mountain of dirt under the rug and the secretaries know exactly what has happened, how it was covered up and how it can sink the administration and the school board. Even the board is not that foolish to mess with the secretaries at this time.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the new year is a time to reflect on everything that has happened the last few years. Everyone needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves what can they change to be a better human being? Everyone has sin and has made mistakes. Everyone needs love and support.

Kathy Petrich was a dedicated Christian and I am sure she is in heaven now. She was also very dedicated to the Marshall schools and was not afraid to speak up when she saw injustice or thought things could be better for the kids. Yes she was a victim of wrongdoing that probably affected her health. But despite all of the bad things that were done to her, I am sure she would want us to love and pray for everyone on the staff, including Joyce Phillips and the school Board. That is simply who she was and what she believed in. The board and Joyce Phillips could have a change of heart and turn their lives around too. So can the staff, the community and the students.

Maybe her untimely passing was in part a "wake up call" to everyone about how we can improve ourselves as human beings and how we can all find love, peace and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ!

Give this concept much thought and prayer as it is the most important decision everyone will have to make in their life- whether to accept or reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus loves you and commands that you love all others, including your enemies. He gave His life for YOU! Just repent and believe in Him as your Lord and Savior. It may sound cliche but it is true. He is our only hope and the one true light in a dark world.

May God bless everyone in the new year!

Anonymous said...

Why is Joyce Phillips picking candidates to replace her? After four years of conflict, scandal and a complete loss of faith and trust- she should not be involved in this process.

We need people who are honest, trusted and respected selecting the new superintendent. We need people who truly care about the Marshall schools and will actually be here for years to come. Almost anyone in town is better qualified to make these decisions.

I would trust people like John Coulter, Susan Townsend, Tom Hanson, Andrea Nessel and Rich Hulkow. Some of our excellent teaching staff and active parents should play a key role too. This process is already off to a bad and highly controversial start. That's the last thing we need at this time. Is this an act of revenge against our schools? It sure looks like it! Something smells very bad- are you listening MPS board?

Anonymous said...

If you leave a wolf in a henhouse, expect more casualties. I liked the snotty remarks about the heating problem. No if the huge amount of wasted money had been put into maintenance... so many what ifs?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

The board tricked us again. They put on a public and private facade that things were changing and they "saw the light." Not true, things are getting worse. It was all fake and nothing changed as was expected in the fall. Is this the last straw that could launch a recall? Wait until they have at it with massive cuts. Our schools have been sold out. Joyce Phillips is still reigning supreme with no accountability for wrongdoing! Instead of healing wounds they are rubbing salt in them and must be laughing at how they fooled everyone again.

Anonymous said...

Expect grim news this week related to budget cuts. JP is getting her revenge and the buffoons that back her share full responsibility.

Anonymous said...

I wish dates as well as times were posted under the comments so I know what day comments were left.

Anonymous said...

There is an important board meeting tonight Monday January 12, 2009. Very bad news is expected. Things are as bad as ever. Much worse than even last year.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the bad reputation of the Marshall schools leadership problems are keeping good candidates away:

Anonymous said...

Why are they hiring a candidate in the middle of the year? The best candidates are looking in the spring and summer. The last time we did this we got a bunch of duds, that is when Joyce Phillips was hired. You think they would learn their lessons by now.

Anonymous said...

But as the BC Enquirer article said according to Voic Potter there are "some good-looking ones in there", so my question is but are they qualified??? Who cares what they look like!!! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

There is a report that Vic Potter was in a car accident and rushed to Bronson. Let's all keep him in our prayers and his family too at this time.

Anonymous said...

I heard he broke his leg and should recover. Yes, my prayers are with him and his family too.

Anonymous said...

Here is about the accident:

Get well Vic!

Anonymous said...

Vic's injuries are apparently worse than many thought at first. I am pleased that even many of those who are critics of Vic's role on the school board are pulling together for prayer and support at this time.

Sometimes it takes a tragedy, unfortunately, for people to bury the hatchet and work together. I am hoping the school board comes back into the fold with the staff, students and parents. Everyone I know is pulling for Vic to make a full and quick recovery. I have heard nothing but prayers and support for Vic. He has always had an excellent reputation for helping people in his towing business. Prayers and support are also pouring out for his wife and daughter. God bless the Potter family. We have had too much tragedy and hurt people in this community the last four years.

Anonymous said...

I also hope we can all come together to work towards solutions after all of the sadness and tragedy that has plagued the Marshall schools. I hope Vic gets well soon! He can also play a key role in turning things around. I think he is a good man who has been used and duped by others. We are all with you Vic!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief.

Anonymous said...

Kathy P. would pray for Vic. Oh I am sure she is from heaven. Maybe we should all reflect about how our actions, decisions and choices impact other people before its too late.

Anonymous said...

Vic speaks and acts foolishly.

I fear for the safety of all of my family on a frequent basis. But, being hurt doesn't change prior bad acts.

Get real.

Had he acted well before, he would still be hurt today. Forgiving his bad acts won't heal him.

Anonymous said...

I hope Vic comes out of this a changed man. The entire school board has caused great harm to our school staff, community and kids. There are way too many victims out there. Remember them too! Enough is enough. Its too late for many of them. And their suffering was purposeful from evil intentions, not an unfortunate accident.

Anonymous said...

Despite the justified anger at the school board and Dr. Phillips, everyone I know is pulling for Vic to make a full recovery. Our prayers are with his family too.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the Superintendent search is not going well. They are extending the deadline to get more candidates. I would not be surprised if anyone who is any good would want to avoid Marshall at this time. It is a career killer. There is no hope for a turnaround anytime soon, maybe in 5 or 10 years when there is a new school board.

Anonymous said...

We will either get someone that another district is trying to dump (like JP), a newbie or someone desperate for a job.

Anonymous said...

Probably all of the above.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips was all of the above. Her district was trying to dump her, she was new to the superintendent job and since she was on the outs so she was desperate for a job. Did you know she had never even been a building Principal? She was in way over her head and never tried to learn the job properly.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a rush to get a new superintendent so they can start putting the disastrous Philips years behind us. I don't blame them! But if they are just changing faces and all else remains the same, no progress is likely. We need actions, not just words!

Anonymous said...

I sense the board is anxious to put the Dr. Phillips regime behind them. Whether things will improve I am not so sure. If the board has not learned from their numerous blunders, then there is no hope. I doubt anyone is organized enough for a recall, so our best hope is for the board to pull a 180. Then maybe, just maybe, they will try to get the schools back under good leadership for a change.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for big big cuts! Jp is sharpening her knife and you can be sure she will enjoy this. Expect many jobs to be cut. Expect the cuts to be targeted at certain people and buildings. Don't expect any good news for a very very long time.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard particulars about the proposed cuts? Busing? I heard 3 personnel from each building....? How does that make any sense?

Anonymous said...

The cuts that make sense include firing Phillips now, no need to replace Metcalf- he proved the job was not needed, the tech director delegates everything- cut that job, the middle school can get by with one principal, MHS can promote Nessel and get by with one Principal and Hulkow helping out, if Walters has one Principal with half of the elementary kids, we can cut Bennink and have one Principal for the other two elementariness. There's about $1 million in cuts and these changes would improve the schools at the same time.

The board cuts will likely include many excellent teachers and staff and much of the "JP loyalists" waste above will be protected. Ask the board why there is no accountability for those responsible for the problems and waste in the past?

Anonymous said...

I liked out they way overhyped Phillips miniscule role in assisting the people raising funds for the track. Like it wasn't a no brainer that Phillips would pass their request on to the Marshall Foundation. Duh!

What superintendent wouldn't! Now a truly good and caring Superintendent would be doing far far more to get the track fixed. It was her neglect that contributed to the track problems in the first place. Her awful leadership played a big role in sinking the bond too. Why is she still employed with the Marshall schools?

Anonymous said...

The school board and the superintendent should be leading the improvement and fixing of the MHS track. They should not be sitting around waiting for others to do it. If they want to ignore it and blame it on the bond loss, they will reinforce their bad reputation and attitude which defeated the bond in the first place. Leading the track repairs would be a small step toward restoring trust and confidence with the community.

Anonymous said...

There is so little good news they will spin anything.

Anonymous said...

You're gonna love this. I'm telling my students that the audit of MPS used to exhibit an unusual kind of audit opinion (in the Gianunnzio years). It was benign, but unique.

After class a student tells me she interned on the recent audit. How'd it go, I ask? She said OK, except the school staff members were sometimes curt with her.

But, she says, one in particular was nasty to everyone, so she didn't take it personally.

Guess who?


Anonymous said...

It couldn't be the "southern charm" of Dr. Phillips, could it? ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the board has given up, both trying to cover for JP and trying to effectively work with the teachers. They're just getting by until next year. Not much else they can do, things are in such disarray. If they truly wanted to "fix" things, they have missed many opportunities to do so.

Anonymous said...

The poor performing loyalists who proved their jobs were not needed or could be consolidated will likely all be spared in the upcoming cuts. Loyalty is still far better rewarded than competence. The rug where the problems are swept under is sitting on a mountain now.

Anonymous said...

I think it is more of a volcano under that rug.

Supposedly the board is stuck with Phillips because they fear firing her will lead to lawsuits by her and those she wronged who will have stronger grounds to sue if JP is fired. Unfortunately anything bad JP did the Marshall schools are legally responsible for.

It is a big mess, no wonder Brian and Amy left abruptly. They were not exactly innocent parties either.

If they're gonna keep JP around give her a shovel and send her out to do the sidewalks. Please keep her away from everything else. How is the teacher investigation into wrongdoing coming along? I heard they have some interesting tidbits coming out on their discussion web site. Will the volcano blow soon? ;)

Anonymous said...

If you or anyone you know has been wronged by Joyce Phillips do not hesitate to get a lawyer. There are many on staff who would testify if called in under oath. They cannot come forward otherwise because they fear losing their jobs (hint office workers, union leaders, former employees). One successful case can lead to Joyce's termination and no second retirement! It's not too late for justice!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine Amy Jones would testify as it may jeopardize her new job at Lakeview. She would know a lot though. Maybe immunity would help. Metcalf may know a lot too. Some retired staff are looking into this.

Anonymous said...

I hope by now the school board has removed Joyce Phillips from playing any role whatsoever in selecting the next superintendent. To have her play even a small role, would be the epitome of stupidity and arrogance. Another slap in the face of the staff and the community. More salt in the many wounds they have created. Or is that what they are trying to do- again!

Anonymous said...

Well, if the people of Marshall want to continue with the current philosophy of administration for the Marshall Public Schools, Randall Davis, the current Athens Superintendent is your man! He is an expert at using dirty tricks, lies and intimidation to get rid of people he does not like. And he is also doing a great job of creating a school district that is losing kids via school-of-choice even faster than Marshall.
I don't know much about the other finalist; but the list did not look real impressive. Does not appear that many people of "Cindy Ruble caliber" have applied.

Anonymous said...

The list of finalist in today's Enquirer was not too impressive. The three current "superintendents" are all from very small schools (one is actually superintendent/principal in a district with less than 20 teachers.)

Anonymous said...

This is a very foolish time of the year to be doing this search. Marshall's bad reputation makes it hard to find good candidates too. Maybe there is a good retired superintendent that would come out of retirement to interim for a year. There are many big problems to deal with and much damage to begin repairing. A healing process is needed and an investigation into past practices. If they pick another bad superintendent we will continue to follow in the path of other area sinking school districts like Bellevue, Albion and Athens.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What we do NOT need:

bad communicator
no Principal experience
incompetence-followed by lies and coverups
secretive politics
hostility to staff, parents and community
someone who ignores good advice from staff and parents
has no respect or trust from staff or parents

We have had this for the last four years. If what has been said about the Athens Superintendent is true, then he would be more of the same. Does the board want more of the same? They have made no real profess since the staff survey 3 years ago.

Anonymous said...

We need the board to change direction and work with the staff and not hide from and ignore their best people. We need real progress- we have been waiting and suffering for too long. Enough is enough! Hiring another JP-style leader would be a disaster. There is fear we have a dud class and a board that may want more of the same to continue. That is why there is little enthusiasm about the process or the change. It is being done all wrong.

Anonymous said...

This board can't change direction because they are stuck in the mud. They ignored good navigation and have run the ship a ground. Now they appear clueless as to what to do next. The only idea they got was to conduct a superintendent search in the middle of winter, which is the same foolish way they used before that got us a slate of dud candidates and led to Joyce Phillips being hired. Are they trying on purpose to avoid hiring a good competent superintendent? The odds we get a good one this time around, especially with JP involved, are very low. Something smells fishy about this whole process.

Anonymous said...

There is no one in the group of 6 who has either the experience or the credentials to manage the district.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone give hoot about the Marshall schools anymore? The extreme amount of mismanagement, lies and scandals that have been tolerated and allowed is appalling.

I know the school leaders and board have used extreme measures to threaten the staff and the Marshall Chronicle to quiet them down. But you would think the parents and business leaders would speak up! I know many have talked to board members quietly, but that has failed to fi things.

Now is the time for action! If you care do something! We need people speaking up at board meetings, writing letters to the editor and maybe even launching a recall. Enough is enough! The kids deserve much better! Excellence at the top has been long gone for many years. The rot is creeping downwards through the entire district. A fix is needed before it gets worse.

Anonymous said...

Not really.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world are they doing their Superintendent search in the dead of winter when the job will not be open for six months? Are they trying to avoid first-rate candidates?

Winter search, JP involved- its tainted, shady and screwed from the get go! Have we become a third rate school district? I agree with those who feel hardly anyone cares anymore. Everyone has given up.

Anonymous said...

Probably what happened was some competent staff told them to wait until spring and Phillips said let's do it now. The board has followed the worst advice in most cases so why is anyone surprised they would screw it up. Expect the worse and you will not be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of idiocy in action, JP and her board are now planning another go at the bond. What chance would say a $35 mil MHS-improvement bond have in this economy and with the awful leadership failures that have plagued the Marshall schools? Maybe zero to none!

Anonymous said...

Just wait until they announce their massive cuts. They will be deep and wide.

Anonymous said...

Consider orchestra history. Several other popular programs too.

Anonymous said...

Parents who care should get involved in this process to minimize damage to the programs and the kids. JP and the board will do the opposite of what the staff recommends. Or should we just use reverse psychology? ;)

Anonymous said...

The real issue lies on the shoulders of our elected board members. Repeatedly they have been approached by staff members and community members. These Board members were elected to manage our schools with the school and community's best interests in mind. To date: many attempts to have our elected officials understand and DO SOMETHING about the injustices, wrongdoings, lies, threats and deception has yielded NOTHING. Nothing short of firing Joyce for all the wrong she has had her hand in....and yet nothing. If you, or I, normals citizens did any of her actions we would have been fired from our employers. Why do the tax payers of Marshall Schools allow their elected officials to keep managing our school system this way? This can be stopped. Until we take the control out of the hands of inept board members and take the control of our schools back to the taxpayers = you will continue with the same = no matter who is the next superintendent. I was hoping for change in 2007. I was hoping for change in 2008. It is 2009 and JOYCE PHILLIPS IS STILL HERE. What a slap in the face for this entire community. THANK YOU BOARD MEMBERS - it appears you have put our own interest in front of the interest of a better school system, in front of excellence back into the MPS system for our students, your interest in front of those dedicated employees that have lovingly mentored and educated this communities up and coming generation. There has been much destruction - and this Board has allowed it. To those who seemed to think Lou was bad for Marshall I have many things to say to you but it would not be appropriate for this blog site. Read between the lines. This in ept superintendemt has been allowed to bring MPS down to new depths by this Board. Makes me sick. I would love to stand up at JP's last board meeting and go on record as stating the above. Joyce and this board have nearly ruined our once wonderful school community. Now here we go again....looking for a candidate when the great potential candidates are not yet looking for a job.

I SAY....LET'S CALL RON BEHRENWALD AND ASK HIM TO INTERVIEW FOR THE NEXT SUPERINTENDENT POSITION. Then we will have honesty, integrity, loyalty to students and parents, and the characteristics that we once taught our students.

Anonymous said...

"Then we will have honesty, integrity, loyalty to students and parents, and the characteristics that we once taught our students."

The board clearly has shown no interest in leaders with these qualities. The ones we have already are treated very badly. The bad ones are rewarded handsomely.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Mr. Behrenwald would come back after how unprofessionally and unjustly he was treated as the MHS Principal. But he would qualify as stated above as possessing integrity, honesty and the loyalty and respect form students and parents.

Anonymous said...

It appears the MPS's trouble-plagued reputation has spread and is keeping 1st rate candidates away. I don't blame them.

Anonymous said...

The only solution to these problems is a recall followed by electing some good and honest school board members who truly put the Marshall schools first!

This is the only way the changes that need to be made can get accomplished. There is absolutely no trust in this current clique who run the schools for their own powertrip. Yes one or two may be ok, but as a whole they are a dismal failure.

Anonymous said...

The school board does need dramatic change. I was hopeful after several board members told me they were changing after many major problems came to light. They said they would mend staff relations and hold failed leaders accountable. They will tell you this is happening, which is partly true. But staff relations and morale are still very bad. There seems to be no accountability for Dr. Phillips which greatly upsets those who have observed gross disrespect, incompetent leadership and abuse of power.

The school board is ultimately responsible and our children's future is too important to allow any more damage to occur. Come board, get your act together or move out! Your reputation and Marshall legacy are at stake here too. Don't forget we are your friends and neighbors. We know very well everything that has happened.

Anonymous said...

Has any one asked what ever happend to the custodians and there familys after the board decided that they were costing the district to much money and they could save big $ by switching ?

Anonymous said...

If anyone reading this has any input with the Board; and cares about the district, I would strongly suggest taking to as many people in Athens as possible. David Watson, the finalist who is now at Howe is a former Athens Superintendent; and was well respected from what I hear. Randall Davis, the current superintendent, has been a real disaster from all I have heard. Athens is losing tons of students due to school of choice; which he blames on the fact that other districts have newer facilities. He fails to mention that he has gutted the high school curriculum; and that nothing is taught but the core-area classes. Several veteran teachers lost their jobs a few years ago when he eliminated their departments (Business, Family Living were two of the areas). If the board wants someone to continue in the mode of Joyce Phillips, Randall Davis is your man.

Anonymous said...

"David Watson, the finalist who is now at Howe is a former Athens Superintendent; and was well respected from what I hear. Randall Davis, the current superintendent, has been a real disaster from all I have heard."
Typical, unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge: I pay no attention to hearsay.

Anonymous said...

"I pay no attention to hearsay."

No one said to pay attention to hearsay. The post said that those involved in the hiring process should talk to as many people from Athens as possible. You have two candidates who were superintendent; (one currently, and the other one before the current one;) at the same district, a district that is within the same county as Marshall. I would think that that would offer an excellent opportunity to do some direct comparisons between the two.

Anonymous said...

"Randall Davis, the current superintendent, has been a real disaster from all I have heard. Athens is losing tons of students due to school of choice; which he blames on the fact that other districts have newer facilities. He fails to mention that he has gutted the high school curriculum; and that nothing is taught but the core-area classes. Several veteran teachers lost their jobs a few years ago when he eliminated their departments (Business, Family Living were two of the areas). If the board wants someone to continue in the mode of Joyce Phillips, Randall Davis is your man."
Sounds like you have an axe to grind, am I to assume that this information was personally verified by you and not just hearsay as stated???

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like you have an axe to grind, am I to assume that this information was personally verified by you and not just hearsay as stated???"

I do not have an ax to grind. I would simply like to see the leadership of the Marshall Schools change from its current direction. (In my humble opinion, things have gone downhill over the last four and a half years; and I think there is plenty of evidence to support that.)
I know a number of employees of the Athens Area Schools who do not have a very positive opinion of Mr. Davis. I also know a number of employees of the Marshall Public Schools who do not have a very positive opinion of Mrs. Phillips. The reasons these people have for those opinions are quite similar, primarily related to the "management style" of each.

It is my opinion, based upon my knowledge of a number of actions that Mr. Davis has taken, that he would, if he were hired in Marshall, run the district in the same manner as Mrs. Phillips. But that is only my opinion---I said talk to people from Athens.
And FYI, I am not employed by either district; but I have close friends in both.

Anonymous said...

Randall Davis would be a very poor choice for many reasons. That is why I am fearful our board will choose him. Watson may be good. I have heard many good things about him.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Watson is likely the strongest and best overall candidate so far. The staff are largely supportive of him as far as those I have talked to. I am suspicious of the school board if they would choose such a competent person. I can see them choosing Randall Davis who is supposedly a cross between a Metcalf and a Phillips. Let's hope they make the wise decision this time.

Anonymous said...

I remember Mr. Watson, he is a class act! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Mr. Watson may be a good one to come in and start cleaning up the mess. He is known and trusted in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

If the board is sincere, they should be able to work with Mr. Watson just fine. Some board members may know him from before. I wish him well and I hope he gets the job. I think he can be a healing and unifying candidate.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips needs to be investigated for known wrongdoing. Then she can be terminated and the Marshall schools can save a lot of money. There are no secrets. The staff knows what has happened.

Also the new superintendent should replace Klochack too.

Accountability is needed now.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Watson is likely the strongest and best overall candidate so far. The staff are largely supportive of him as far as those I have talked to. I am suspicious of the school board if they would choose such a competent person." "Class act, he is known and trusted in Marshall."

According to his resume, he has moved about 5 times to different positions in the past 10 years, I quess the question, regarding his stability, needs to be raised??? We cannot afford another short term fix (i.e. Bob Currie)this time around...there has been too much ground lost in recent years to the Marshall School district.

Anonymous said...

I agree Watson is the strongest of the three weak candidates they have. But if they are looking for a Cindy Ruble (Lakeview's Supt) first-class candidate, none of these do not come even remotely close.

Anonymous said...

Marshall needs to fix a lot of problems before they can move into the ranks of well-run top schools. The top leadership and board levels have been the main weakness and getting worse for at least 25 years.

Anonymous said...

Which candidate do you like best? Why? Least? Why?

Anonymous said...

David Watson may be the best fit for Marshall. Randall Davis does not have a good reputation at Athens which should be a big red flag. Burger? No opinion yet.

Anonymous said...

Part of what frustrates me is that the board has not publicly listed the problems or conditions they think we face.

If they did that, it would be easier to choose someone to lead.

Instead, they focus on who made eye contact or worked the room.


Anonymous said...

Please keep this topic above going, but just a shout out to some Marshall students...

This letter to the editor commends them for their excellent behavior. We have great kids and staff. Now we need equally good leaders running our schools. The bad behavior of the past should not be allowed any longer. The MHS Principal needs to learn a lesson from these students and their coach too.

JP should have been fired for bad behavior 3-4 years ago. I will not forget how they mistreated Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich and way too many others. We do not forget!

Anonymous said...

I think there is little information so far about the candidates and none seem to spark all that much enthusiasm. I think the expectation was that a school district the supposed stature of Marshall would bring in far better candidates with more impressive qualifications. Maybe the poor turnout of applicants is a "reality check" of the sorry state of affairs at the top leadership/board level of the Marshall schools. Our reputation is not good at that level. Our schools have been greatly damaged.

Anonymous said...

For all of the money they are spending on professional recruiters, I think a few well-placed ads around the state could have yielded a stronger crop of candidates.

Anonymous said...

"I think a few well-placed ads around the state could have yielded a stronger crop of candidates."

I think you are a bit delusional. Word gets around. First of all, I think the entire State of Michigan is facing a shortage of experienced, qualified administrators. Secondly, the problems in Marshall are well known, at least in this area. My guess is that many people had no desire to come to Marshall.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Marshall should have used blind box ads. What a sad situation. The worst part is this entire mess was made by our school board! They are responsible and supported what happened.

Anonymous said...

Wed. Feb. 11 - 8:30 am - Item on BCE website says the board narrowed the finalist to two; Mr. Davis and Mr. Burger. They have eliminated Mr. Watson, the one person who might have been able to begin to heal the district. I find that very interesting.

Anonymous said...

In the late 1990's "Smart Money Magazine" started a new parent magazine called "Offspring." The magazine did not last long, but in the fall of 2000, it did publish a list of the 100 best public school districts in the nation. I think it came to its conclusions by looking at per-pupil spending compared to test scores etc. (I think the criteria was sort of who is getting the best results for the lowest costs.) Anyway, Athens was one of only three districts in Michigan to make the list. David Watson was the superintendent there at that time. But apparently somebody with that type of leadership is not who the board is looking for.

Anonymous said...

Knowing our school board it was obvious if any candidate was strong and competent they did not have a chance. From all of the bad reports coming out of Athens, Randal Davis may be the "Joyce Phillips part 2" they are looking for. Someone they can order to carry out dirty deeds and personal political vendettas. Someone who will lie and coverup current and past scandals. Someone who will keep the same bad policies and loyalists around.

With this board expect the worst. All hope is gone. All of their claims of changing are turning out to be a big con. If someone starts a recall it would pass easily.

Anonymous said...

For her terrible mismanagement and constant lying Joyce Phillips made fools of the board. Now they are making sure she gets a "golden parachute" of a second retirement. So as Joyce rolls in undeserved money for years to come, thanks board, the kids of the MPS will face big budget cuts due largely to the mess she made.

Thanks board! A recall is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

Wake up everyone! The strong personalities who push their agenda on this MPS Board DO NOT WANT A SUPERINTENDENT THAT WILL LEAD. Weak leaders do not want strong workers. The Board must be running scared that a credible superintendent would actually question the state of affairs and how it is possible that things got as bad as they are without a 'credible' board taking action. Staff Survey = Dec. 2006 TOTALLY IGNORED. To date: That staff survey has played out to be 100% accurate...but as Vic Potter said: "a survey without names cannot be credible". Here we are folks! Two years later and getting worse by the day. There has been emotional sickness, physical conditions, ---many many employees are patients at Bear Creek....and this Board HAS DONE NOTHING. Now we have Georgia Marsh...wanting to serve. Well - just another Janice clone! Nothing short of a recall will change this school district and turn it around. David Watson was highly respected while employed at MMS. I guess with his awesome background he appeared to be his own man and basically the Board would like someone who doesn't know what is/has been going on! This entire Board - inclusive of all members should resign or be recalled. They do not serve the community that elected them. They serve their own needs. DISGUSTING!!! JOYCE IS LAUGHING AT THIS ENTIRE COMMUNITY -

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