Monday, August 18, 2008

What's the rush?

Brian Metcalf will be leaving us for Hudsonville.
It's being reported that Amy Jones has accepted a job in Lakeview.
Next summer Joyce Phillips will be gone.


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Anonymous said...

The bank of credible candidates for superintendent at this time of year is lousy. Remember - that is why we got stuck with Phillips. I believe Ron B. and a couple others on the committee searching for superintendent wanted to continue the search but Potter wanted a superintendent in place immediately. We didn't search further. We settled for Phillips who will undoubtedly go down in history as the most damaging leader in MPS history. I do see one problem. What about her loyalists that have been willing to do her dirty work? We will be stuck with people like the Bus Supervisor, and Frank S.- who will never be a Bill Armstrong, and Turner. Yes, wonderful that Jones and Metcalf have left. But I see we need others in place that pay school taxes here and care about MPS...not just a pay check. I believe we need to go back to old policy that any administrator needs to live in district so they may care about MPS like those who livein the community.

Anonymous said...

JP has a house in the district but mainly lives in Coldwater and is new to Michigan. She will get her 2nd Michigan retirement and be gone. She could care less about Marshall. She does not care that 99.99% of staff and almost all parents want her gone now. Its all about the money. She has threatened lawsuits, so she is as evil as everyone says she is. If the board had any guts and truly cared, she would be gone by now.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the MHS bond is on hold for at least two more years. We will need at least a year of healing after we get a new superintendent before things can get normal enough to hopefully pass one.

Anonymous said...

The talk of a bond vote in November 2009 is wishful thinking if we do not change leaders this year. There is so much anger and hostility out there because of past decisions that it will be a long time before this household votes for another bond. The board has known about the problems for years. The board supported and rewarded the problems. The board obviously does not care about the schools or the community. Why should we then?

Anonymous said...

She is NOT going to resign. She needs to work a minimum of five years in Michigan in order to be eligible for Michigan Retirement. (It is not so much the pension itself, but it is the lifetime medical insurance benefit that I am sure she does not want to give up.) No matter how much she knows she is disliked, I am sure she can stand it for eight months to get that benefit.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid system that allows an out-of-state administrator the ability to work 5 years, buy 5 years and get a Michigan retirement and medical insurance. Even if Mrs. Phillips had been a good superintendent she would not deserve this. This is a rip off of our taxpayers and schools. If the MPS board allows her to stay long enough to qualify they should chip in and pay for it themselves.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if the board served the schools and not the superintendent.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above. We elected this Board to speak for the community. This community has spoken repeatedly: They do not want the failed leader Phillips to stay one day longer....they do not want her rewarded for her evil leadership by getting the 'golden package - retirement benefits from Michigan'. Bad behavior, Bad leadership SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED.

Anonymous said...

The whole ugly mess with Phillips, Metcalf, Jones and most of our school board members is rooted in corruption. There is rot in the Marshall schools from the top down. No wonder things do not get any better.

Anonymous said...

I agree the board was painfully slow to come around to the reality of the situation. They made their "deal with the devil" three years ago and now feel stuck with it. Several told me if they could have replaced Dr. Phillips this past summer they gladly would have. Her resignation would be welcomed with celebrations across the board (no pun intended). Now the plan is to find two good experienced interim leaders and let them run things as much as possible without much of Dr. P's influence. Yes, the board will try to sideline Dr. P as during the coming 9 months so the interims can start cleaning things up. Believe me, the board members have been under a lot of stress too. They feel terrible about their role in many of the events of the past few years. Several have considered resigning. I think they really have come around this time. The bond loss was a huge blow and a wake up call to the community that all is not well. Now the board will make the best of a bad situation. On a side note, wait until Oct. 14 for hopefully some big good news for Marshall!!! :0

Don't hesitate to talk to board members, they have been humbled.

Anonymous said...

The only board member I feel I can fully trust is John Coulter. I do not know Annette Campeau, she may be trustworthy, not sure. The others would likely tell JP anything you say and then retribution would begin. I do not think most of them care about what happened to Ron of Kathy or anyone else. I certainly do not think that JP has any remorse whatsoever. Half measures to keep JP propped up will not work.

Anonymous said...

Hindsight is this. With the national economy crisis I am personally relieved that I do not have to face higher taxes due to lack of proper spending and maintenance allowance by the top three administrators.

I know for a fact that Bill Armstrong begged for monies to do the proper maintenance of buildings - for several years - and was told no. This administration was playing their Ace card - that the community would buy in to the fact that we needed this bond and hopefully look towards the school 'working class' that had screwed up the maintenance of buildings. All school employees know better and they have expressed their personal feelings to many family and friends. What an underhanded - deceitful deception. As a schoool employee I have attended meetings where the maintenance of many different issues has been expressed with not so much as a nod of agreement. So very glad this community had the kahuna's to see through this big scam. People cannot afford to support such deception.

I know we need facility issues to be met - but as with the auditorium of 900 seats....was this going to assist the students in a better education or was it going to get the arts people in Marshall a facility to impress the surrounding area? We DO VERY MUCH NEED TO UPGRADE THE SCIENCE AREA - especially with the new state requirements. This should have been the type of needs the bond was scoped towards. But - many expressed this including the EPIC survey. We were ignored. We were offended by the Board's lack of interest in what employees have to say. Now - perhaps a few board members understand - but look at the gap that has widened in the already split community. THANKS JOYCE FOR PUSHING YOUR NEEDS DOWN THE THROATS OF THE BOARD....GLAD THE COMMUNITY IS TOTALLY DISGUSTED WITH YOU AND ARE MOVING AWAY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU SAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Joyce's outrageous recommendations show how incompetent and out-of-touch she is with reality. She apparently has no idea what she is doing and is in a tizzy over losing Metcalf and soon Jones. An honest investigation and an audit is long overdue. With immunity for Metcalf and Jones, maybe we can find out what really went on the last four years that caused both of them to make a hasty exit. The teachers and secretaries know it has been very very bad, to say the least. Joyce does not deserve to leave with any honor or dignity or a Michigan retirement. There is a ton of evidence to fire her and maybe prosecute too. Come on board, do the right thing and we can all move forward together.

Anonymous said...

I watched the Sept. 8 board meeting on TV this week. Dr. Phillips looked quite angry and impatient with most everyone, including board members. From her body language it seems she does not really want to be here any longer. It looks like she is just hanging in for the money. The board members looked frustrated too.

Anonymous said...

The board is not planning any more bond votes until after Phillips is gone. They realized that was a big mistake.

Anonymous said...

As is no surprise, JP will count on the new interim administrators to be loyalists. As a lame duck she will likely pawn off as much of her job (the actual school work part) onto them as possible. If the board is smart they will give them their own authority and bypass JP as much as possible. This would be a good time to look into the past and find some evidence to speed up JP's departure.

Why does this blog exist? Well when the board ignored the teacher survey, after dozens of good people were ignored or treated poorly after they tried to work with JP and the board, after JP threatened lawsuits against the MTA and the Chronicle, after a campaign of unjust retribution was started, and I can go on and on... you can see why there is a need for this blog. Now they act like it is just a "communication" problem? Well it is, the problem is the type and content of their "communication" in the past that lead to all of the problems. Now the best communication they can do is inform us that JP is out the door now, not next year! Anything short of that is a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

The board does not need to wake up, as many suggest on this web site. The board needs to quit pretending they have no idea what has been happening. They know exactly what has happened the last four year. They know what the problems are and WHO the main problem is! They are fully responsible for the outcomes of their actions and those they support in power.

Anonymous said...

Not long ago most board members were enthusiastic supporters of Dr. Phillips. Now they are distancing themselves from her and her many conflicts with staff and the community. Most of us are still leery about the board's true motives and intentions. Their actions in the coming weeks will be watched closely and will prove or disprove if their intentions are good and words are true.

Anonymous said...

Call me a pessimist but hasn't the Board had plenty of time to comprehend what the issues are in Marshall? They have been informed repeatedly all the way back to Sam and Bob trying to wrestle the rest of the Board into truthful communication. They tried hard to stop the secrecy. Ron B. went to the Board before addressing the board meeting with his concerns of the direction Phillips was taking this district and her compromise of policy. Would it even be possible to believe the Board is just now understanding the grave issues in Marshall? With the community understanding, the EPIC survey assisting the Board to understand, the staff survey being given to the Board to help them understand, Shelly S. repeatedly trying to get them to see the issues....the long list of letter to the editor...HOW WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE FOR THIS SCHOOL BOARD TO NOT COMPREHEND WHAT EVERYONE ELSE ALREADY UNDERSTANDS?

Remember the historically distorted columns by JKP>>>>"Change is about....."

Well this community is begging for change....and we demand it be about 'changing the superintendent - remember change is good....and we the people of Marshall deserve better than what we have....we deserve to have a leader that can be trusted, can be respected, can be followed!'


Anonymous said...

Instead of acting like no one knew the depths of the problem plagued 'Joyce Phillips' regime - let's just change leadership now. I am positive the board will have the support of this community instantly upon hearing the news that they have removed her from leadership. One more day is too long to let her stay. If she brings a lawsuit she will be fighting the entire community as we will band together and back our elected school board....if only they trust us enough and take the action we are waiting for. This board could in one day's action of removing Joyce find themselves surrounded by community members, school employees, past employees etc...for huge support. Contact Board members and let them know you will support them. This community will most assurdedly come together and unite to feign off her law suit! Encourage the Board to trust Marshall citizens enough to take the action this town is so desperately begging for. Fire Joyce and re-unite against her.

"Change is about - getting the superintendent - the only obstacle, out of the way for a united reconnect for the community of Marshall."

Anonymous said...

The only way Phillips' board supporters can redeem themselves is to remove her this fall!

If they do this they can restore their reputations somewhat and be a part of the community again. If not they will be isolated and blamed for all of the bad things that have afflicted the Marshall schools under their leadership for the rest of their lives. Yes, even ten years from now we will not forget what happened to the schools, to Ron Behrenwald, to Kathy Petrich, to the custodians and dozens of others hurt for no good reason. They will remember the scandals that were covered up, the lies told, and the promises unfulfilled and how the MPS fell further behind other area schools on their watch. Also every year we keep Phillips it will cost us at least $1 million more in lost students, higher construction/borrowing costs if a bond is passed, and low morale.

NOW is the time, not next year. Removing Phillips now is in the best interests of the Marshall schools and the kids! Everyone knows that!

Anonymous said...

Don't get your hopes up! This board has a perfect record of letting the schools down when it counts. I betcha they do it again and keep their pal JP around another year.

Anonymous said...

I think the firing of 24 Marshall custodians to save a little money was the stupidest act of this past year. Now the new company charges extra to even come close to what the trusted Marshall custodians did. Not much savings there! Also it cost the district a lot of support and goodwill, not to mention severely hurting 24 local families. It most likely cost the district the bond. Thanks board, Joyce, Amy and Brian!

Anonymous said...

Supposedly there are some big changes brewing with the board and the top leadership. Many are hoping that we get a new interim superintendent by Christmas. We will see if any of the rumors come true and if the board truly is moving in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought: How about putting kids first....and firing Joyce Phillips.

The grounds for firing are many: Let's start with the firing of the custodians and how that hurt our schools. Let's never forget the huge impact of losing Ron Behrenwald and Kathy Petrich both of which ALWAYS PUT KIDS FIRST. All of these individuals supported our students in a very unique way.

When Joyce Phillips lied to the prosecutor about the air conditioner - she should have been fired. Here in Marshall we don't just talk character education we live it - with the exception of our superintendent, asst. supt. and finance director.

Fire Joyce now and show this community what is important.

Put Kids First - stop the talk - TAKE ACTION.

Anonymous said...

There are likely some big changes coming soon. I can't go into detail now but it may be a good idea to lay off board criticism for at least a few weeks and see what they do. Almost anything you can say has probably been already said many times on this blog. It is crucial for the Marshall schools that we get a new superintendent this fall and not have to wait until next summer. That may be in the works now.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure who is all involved in this web site but I got an e-mail asking that we all back off for the time being and give the board a chance to lead us out of this crisis. Two down and one to go. If the board is sincere and truly are working on a solution to solve the main problem this year rather than wait, they have my support!

Anonymous said...

Once the talk turns into action the Board will have all my support also. Until then - I have heard all the right things said but am still waiting to see the action behind the words! This community does want to come together and rebuild what bridges have been burned. Now is the time for action behind the words!

Anonymous said...

Marshall has suffered from "council wars" and "MPS board vs teacher/community" wars. I am shocked there has been no recall. I think most people have simply given up on the school board due to their outrageous actions.

Anonymous said...

Blogging has done no good. Now, silence is requested.

Just do it, already.

Anonymous said...

Dr, J has burned so many bridges it would not surprise me if they eject her without her golden parachute.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to who is telling people to back off this blog. I've been reading and posting here since it began and I take exception to someone telling me that "blogging has done no good". To the contrary, I have heard JKP mention the blog as well as some of the board members. They have been known to read this and have become somewhat more well informed. What they have done with that information is despicable and I will not believe that change is coming until I actually see it. My family and I have been watching this board allow ms. phillips run wild, without any reigning her in at all. The proof will be in the pudding. Give details as to why we should remain silent.

Anonymous said...

It could be a trick by some board members to buy more time for JP and silence critics. Several have told people before that they were "working on big changes" or would do other good things that never materialized. We have heard many excuses for their foolish behaviors for years now. I agree, I will believe it when I see it! There has been an apparent conspiracy of lies and secrecy shrouding their stubborn undeserved support of Joyce Phillips. I did fill in Tom Franke this past year and I do think he understands the magnitude of the problem and agrees JP needs to go. Not sure if his ex-son in law Kevin or current wife Marsha still support JP as many suspect, but I could care less what they think anyway. Everyone else as far as I can tell wants JP gone this year. Tom use your clout with the board, we need you now more than ever! Enough is enough. Its time for change.

Anonymous said...

Not much good news at MHS this year. Same crappy Phillips lackey of a Principal. The offices were moved, wow that will help teaching and learning.

Anonymous said...

Not much good news at MHS this year. Same crappy Phillips lackey of a Principal. The offices were moved, wow that will help teaching and learning.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this blog being an informational tool. If we relied upon the adminstration or board to keep the community informed - we'd know nothing...which appears to be just what they want. Joyce Phillips sent me an email, on school email, in 12/2006 (which I have the hard copy) making a statement regarding an issue that "she became aware of said issue from the blog". Which of course was 100% lie as I had, in our neg. meeting, clearly expressed it to her in person on several occasions....but was on the blog as well.

So - perhaps we need more information who and why we are being requested to silence on this blog. More information please.

Anonymous said...

Due to extraordinary circumstances, this blog has become an important tool in sharing honest information about what is happening and various viewpoints of school issues. Not every posting is 100% accurate, but overall the postings have been proven quite accurate. If things were normal, if our leaders were open, honest and trusted, this blog would not be necessary.

Anonymous said...

The board is good at putting on a show or parading nice people like Tom D., Saundra H. or Marsha L. out to make it look like they have good relations with the staff, but the truth is a much different story. Nobody is fooled by this and we need a change to honesty, real cooperation, trust and transparency. The biggest real change they can make in this direction is to replace Dr. Phillips this fall! Anything less is unacceptable and will not be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Failed, dishonest, untrusted leaders = NO CONFIDENCE IN LEADERSHIP. This bad behavior and negative leadership would be replaced any other place than Marshall. What is wrong with this picture?

Anonymous said...

The trust and faith in the current board (most of them at least) is at rock bottom after four years of bad decisions, broken promises, secrecy, covered up scandals and unjust support for very bad leaders. Their poor treatment of the staff and ignoring the parents and the community have also lead to a very bad situation. We missed a golden opportunity before the current economic crisis to pass an important school bond. This bond would have passed easily if the board was trusted, custodians were not all fired at once, and failed leaders (Dr. Phillips and others) had been justly replaced. Now it will cost us millions more if we can ever pass the bond again in the future. Staff morale and public trust are at rock bottom now. Thanks MPS board!!!

Anonymous said...

How excited is everyone that the interim assistant superintendent is acquainted with Joyce and had worked with Metcalf? Hope was that the interim would identify the same issues this community has brought to the attention of the Board. I hope his mind has not already been tainted. Keep your fingers crossed that change is about.....getting a new superintendent before Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be pessimistic, but I had the same thoughts. I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I still have trouble doing that knowing that he worked with BM for 4 years prior to him coming here. I highly doubt that the board will have anyone hired by Thanksgiving, heck there isn't much of a pool of candidates out there right now.

Anonymous said...

Apparently there is a belief that we will have a new Superintendent by Christmas. This is great news if it turns out to be true! If it is board ruse to silence criticism, it will surely backfire in a big way.

Anonymous said...

Ali did say publicly that replacing Phillips is "in progress" and that we can check that off the list. So I interpret that as happening NOW, not next summer. Other board connected comments spreading around town indicate an imminent replacement of Dr. Phillips. As far as I see the staff and parents support this unanimously! There is hope again for this coming school year! The board can finally take the lead for real school and community improvement!

Anonymous said...

There has been much private positive talks that the board understands this is a great time to get a fresh start. An all-interim leadership team can start the healing process and turning things around. The alternative is another awful school year and no MHS improvements for years to come.

Anonymous said...

The schoolboard wants the first two interim people settled in who are replacing Metcalf and Jones before they make any further changes.

Anonymous said...

While we are waiting, here's an outline for the future.

1. Someone has a bunch of folders and no students. We need to know exactly why every student left. Then we need to change what made them leave.

2. We need to make a list of what Joyce has pushed to the future to make present budgets look good.

3. We need to think about what other things she has done that may cost us in the future. We need to make sure there are no surprises.

4. We need to get a handle of academic performance. Somehow we got stuck on measuring ourselves against the state average and the Battle Creek suburban schools. That won't matter to a new industry.

There is also a disparity in performance between Hughes and the other elementaries.

5. We need to plan for a reduction in students. The county population of young people is headed down.

6. We need to think about reorganizations and consolidations.

We have a mess to clean up. Other thoughts?

Anonymous said...

When you factor out that we spend about 80% the same on custodian services (when factoring in equipment, extra we have to now pay for) but get about 60% of the work we got before (even with the extras we pay for), the change was a net loss. Now factor in the added cost of postponing the bond due to lost community trust because of firing the custodians and backing bad leaders. Let's see, $35 mil this year with cost and loans rising will likely cost $45 mil if it can pass in a few years. Plus minus the lost students and jobs from Marshall being viewed as backwards, as jobs and students move to Battle Creek. Even if you cut these estimates in half, we will still be out over $5 million dollars!!! Now imagine how much better things would have been if the school board had listened to its own staff, parents and community members?

Prof B said...

I've set up a blog to support the superintendent search.

John B

Anonymous said...

Is the board concerned about low staff morale and community anger that will not begin to subside until there is at least a new interim superintendent?

Anonymous said...

JP will be protected and supported until she chooses to leave-don't get your hopes up for an early exit! Money talks, the board takes their orders from JP and her supporter. Obviously the kids and passing the bond are much lower priorities.

Anonymous said...

Several board members have told staff that there will be big changes soon, implying Phillips will be out long before next summer, probably by Christmas. We are hoping that is true.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when it happens. There have been plenty of incredible reasons including the horrible treatment suffered by many staffers like Ron B., Kathy P., Cathie V., Sue S. Robb W....the list is too long - the staff survey - all of which resulted in nothing being done.

Lives have been impacted in a very damaging way. Has anyone even thought to inquire how all those custodians and their families/homes are doing or did we just dump them all by the curb?

Anonymous said...

Are we getting an interim superintendent now too?

Anonymous said...

Let's hope so! But I am afraid the board members say one thing and then behind closed doors are doing the opposite. I only truly trust JC.

Anonymous said...

I think the board is divided and in disarray after all of the controversy since the big bond failed.

Anonymous said...

Janice, Vic, Paul and Dan had always been big Joyce supporters. They have paid a big price for this support. If they don't cut her loose soon, they will be blamed for all she did long after she is gone.

Anonymous said...

That is the group that came out of the anti-Redskin crusade and organized to "fix" the schools. What a mess they made! We will not likely get another good shot at passing a long overdue MHS bond for years. Bad ideas+bad leaders+dishonesty & coverups+no accountability for bad leaders+ ignoring your staff= low morale, community anger, foolish decisions, good people hurt, bad people rewarded, loss of faith & trust >>>leads to a big disaster for the MPS.

Anonymous said...

They have their own agenda to serve themselves and their buddies first. They have perhaps the worst relations with the staff in the history of Marshall school boards. They have said one things and did another time and time again. Don't let Ali fool you, she has been 100% backing Phillips from all of her actions from day one. Chris came around late and left the board. John and Annette are being used for their good names.

Anonymous said...

The board is too weak to hold Joyce accountable. We need a new board that is strong enough to lead the schools out of the current mess we are in. We need a board strong and wise enough to get a new superintendent now.

Anonymous said...

They probably think that lame attempts at "sidelining" Phillips are a solution to the problem until next summer. But each week Phillips is on duty is a bad week full of anger, mistrust and resentment among staff, parents and students. That is why change is needed now before another year is wasted on conflict instead of healing.

Anonymous said...

Its a mess at the upper management and board level and likely will be until some big changes occur. At least the football team is doing great! Good job Mr. Hulkow, coaches and team, thanks for hanging in there despite being treated badly by JP and her board buddies.

Anonymous said...

They wanted to force out Hulk when they forced out Behrenwald but he was strong enough to stay. MHS is worse off now under Klochack. Don't forget what they did to Petrich! Now no major upgrade to MHS thanks to the board's dumb mistakes. I bet they keep Phillips around till next summer just to get back at everyone. That's the attitude the teachers and good principals have gotten for four years now.

Anonymous said...

I heard a new bond vote is planned for next year. Is this accurate?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Board understands that the national economy is doing poorly as well as the world markets? Do they think the common folks are going to be able to afford new school facilities so quickly? I hope someone uses their brains this time around and only goes for the absolute essentials like: new science wing.

Anonymous said...

They blew the one chance they had to pass the MHS bond this past year in large part by NOT firing Phillips first and by firing their own Marshall custodians. What did they expect after such mean-spirited actions? These two decisions will cost us millions IF and when we can ever pass a bond again.

Anonymous said...

The MHS pool, classrooms, labs, auditorium and music department are an embarrassment. The weight room looks terrible in the academic area. Why hasn't anything been done about any of these problems in years? Not even maintenance seems to be getting done. What about the kids? Why were the offices moved first? That could have waited for another bond. Why does it feel like "kids last" at MHS?

Anonymous said...

They need Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng back on the board.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Marshall board would like to try another bond vote sometime in 2009. They may break the auditorium out as a separate voting item, though many oppose breaking the bond up. If the economy rebounds and we get a good superintendent in office, I would say it may have a 50-50 chance to pass. Some new board members would help too.

Anonymous said...

Is the "privatization" plan to replace secretaries and bus drivers on hold now?

Anonymous said...

We should privatize the superintendent job.

Anonymous said...

I think privatization has lost its luster in Marshall. Since it likely cost us the bond, along with the unpopularity of a lousy group of leaders, we will pay dearly for its effects for years to come IF another bond can be passed eventually. This group has failed us miserably. Now they are lying low and hoping everyone's attention is diverted elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm not necessarily a fan of outsourcing, but it will continue to be considered. Administrations will look for any way to cut costs in the face of declining enrollment.

What they should be addressing is why we are losing students - other than birth rates.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about politics and its effect on the schools. Will Jase Bolger fight for better financing of our public schools which has been lagging? Will he investigate "for profit" charter schools that focus on high profit elementary grades, offer far less services, and pocket big profits with little to no accountability? I heard a former local dentist is making far more money running a charter school as a business than his dentist practice. If the MPS had those funds they would not need such a big bond and it would lower our taxes. There is an area to cut Jase!

Also is there anyone in Marshall who does not have a Jase Bolger sign in their yard? ;)

Anonymous said...

The MPS board endorsed him, that's a minus. He may be more right-wing than even some Republicans like. Then again, maybe he will surprise us and support more moderate and realistic positions. Seems like a nice guy, except for some nasty campaign literature he is sending out about his largely unknown opponent. That was not necessary, he should win hands down in this district either way.

Anonymous said...

Jase is a good guy, make sure you share your education concerns with him. I am sure he will listen and serve the area well. Now Tim Walberg is another story. He launched a civil war in the local Republican party two years ago knocking out Schwartz with a huge pile of Wall Street special interest (Club for Growth) money. The eastern side of our district can't stand someone from this area holding that congressional seat, even if they are in the same party. Therefore I am supporting Mark Schauer who I think will better represent this area. I disagree with him on abortion, but the Republicans have dominated the Supreme court for years and never overturned Row v Wade, so I do not think they are serious about this issue either.

Anonymous said...

I think we will have an interesting election at all levels next week. Its nice to take a break from the depressing Marshall schools politics.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Smith and Al Byam are great guys to vote for too! I'm for Jase, he is honest and trusted.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can get Goodwin and Glaser to run for the school board?

Anonymous said...

Bring back Lou too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Whether it is wall street or the Marshall schools, self-serving short-sighted people are bringing this country down. We need better leadership.

Anonymous said...

The Superintendent search is on. The job should be posted in a few weeks. The current superintendent cannot be easily replaced before next summer, due to the fact she has received all good performance reviews. You can blame the board but unless she robs a bank or something there is not much they can do to undo the damage. I doubt they would remove her anyway no matter what she does. Dr. Phillips should be cruising to her 2nd Michigan retirement by next July. Yes, you the taxpayer of MI will be paying her for many years to come. The board is backing her 100%, don't be fooled.

Let's hope we are not fooled again next time.

Anonymous said...

I know of at least two board members that would have replaced Phillips by now if the others went along. I know three former board members who say that hiring her was a huge mistake.

Anonymous said...

I think the board just wants an end to criticism until JP is gone. After four years of conflict and bad top leadership they may have been humbled and want to improve relations with the staff and the community. Or they may simply want to do things quietly hoping that the problems will some how blow over. Will the Marshall teachers, support staff and former custodians forget what happened? Never!!! Can they win back public and staff support? Not until JP is gone and real and major positive changes have occurred. It looks like this process will not begin for another year.

Anonymous said...

At least Metcalf and Jones are gone now!

Anonymous said...

This is the board's fault. They ignored the EPIC advice and charged ahead. The bond campaign was poorly conceived and executed.

The defeat wasn't primarily due to the economy. But, with that blunder, the next try will certainly be affected by the economy.

I wasn't at the meeting, but if a board member had addressed their failure I'm sure it would have been reported.

Anonymous said...

The board (most at least) has been clever to tell enough people positive things, whether true or not, to protect them from a recall. The last board recall we had was for far less than most of this board has done. They are counting on short memories, apathy and drama "You are the only one who ever told me that!" Has the board truly done anything right in the last fur years? Have they had low performing leaders accountable? Have they worked in the best interests of "the kids"? Beware of false hopes, none have come true in the past. Many of the worst "rumors" did, just read this web site from the beginning. Those of us on the inside know the facts. Things are very bad right now.

Anonymous said...

The board will have to make concrete positive changes with no backtracking if they want to regain the trust and confidence of the teachers, parents and the community. Only openness and honesty will be effective from now on. A new superintendent will help immensely. Better sooner than later. The MHS bond loss was a wake up call to the community.

Anonymous said...

I can see maybe a few board members wanting change and improvements, but the rest are lost causes. Joyce will be staying until SHE tells the board SHE is leaving. SHE will take her golden parachute Mich. retirement with her. The rest of us lose in this deal.

Anonymous said...

It has sure been a bizarre relationship between Dr. Phillips and the Marshall School Board. I remember Bob Lyng saying at a board meeting before he left that he felt like Dr. Phillips treated the board as if they worked for her. I feel that is exactly what has happened. That is why there has been almost no accountability and the problems were allowed to fester so badly the last four years. Dr. Phillips treated the board in a disrespectful manner and after Bob left they seem to just sit back and take it.

Anonymous said...

A board member asked for a document and she made them file a FOIA request.

Anonymous said...

That may confirm speculation that JP is on the outs with the board, or has been for a long time. Maybe a surprise early departure (as everyone is hoping for) will take place after all!

Anonymous said...

i would trust my kids life with joyce. She is a wonderful human and i am thankful that we have her as a superintendent

Anonymous said...

Have you talked to the 99% of staff and parents who feel otherwise? Are you aware of all the major problems, dishonesty and scandals that have plagued her reign as Superintendent?

Anonymous said...

Apparently not.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if we could be starting a new era of leadership in the Marshall schools too. The failed leadership has been protected and wrongly rewarded for far too long. Change is needed now, not dragged out for another year of divisiveness and conflict.

Anonymous said...

Divisiveness and conflict has been the focus of the last four years by JP and her extremist board supporters.

Anonymous said...

To several posts above "trust Joyce with my kids lives" - you must be the dumbest person living in Marshall. I wouldn't trust her with anything - but then I have personal dealings with the good doctor and very obviously - you do not. She is a devious, self serving, cold hearted individual. Have you ever seen her with her own grandchild? Obviously not. She couldn't even tell the truth about directing the two grounds workers to 'go out and get that air conditioner working'. Ask her secretary....she heard the whole thing. Trust is earned. How has she earned your trust to the extent that you would 'trust her with your own children's lives'?

Ask Amy Jones, Brian Metcalf....ask them how Joyce threw them under the bus to save her own neck. Is that really what you want for your children?

Enough said - as you have proven to me you do not have enough knowledge of Joyce Phillips and the harm she has caused this community.

Anonymous said...

I have NO FAITH that the school board will solve this problem. They made it worse the last four years. Why would they suddenly change their minds and turn on Joyce. Do you think Joyce made the hit list all by herself? I predict things will get much worse before they get better. They could care less about all of the harm they have committed against dedicated employees.

Anonymous said...

So far all talk and no positive changes, other than those who chose to leave.

Anonymous said...

My impression is that the minority on the board has no energy to replace her. She's offered to quit for full salary and benefits, but no one will bite that bullet.

If a new super is found prior to June both sides will move her desk by the window and give her nothing to do.

Hunker down and ride it out. Spend your hate-energy finding someone better.

In the meantime the status quo will be maintained.

Anonymous said...

It looks like most of the discussions have moved to the new staff blog.

Anonymous said...

There is still hope that big changes may be coming to the Marshall schools in the near future. Most discussions around town I am aware of is how to move forward sooner rather than later. This is also a test of the honor and dignity of the superintendent. A man or woman of honor and dignity would resign when they reach a point where the overwhelming consensus is for them to move on. Much anger and mistrust still exists from the events of the last few years. Especially after the untimely passing this past summer of one of the superintendent's main targets of torment.

Anonymous said...

What is the new staff blog?

Anonymous said...

To protect staff members from retribution more private forms of communication have been set up.

There are so many questions right now. Has Joyce Phillips committed any wrongdoing? is there solid evidence? Can employees get immunity if they are willing to testify? Can the board be trusted with such information? What does Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf know? Would they testify? Are there efforts underway to remove an bad performing top leaders left? Is there a big coverup going on? Whose side is the board on? Or are they divided?

So many questions. The community needs answers. An independent investigation is needed. We will see.

Anonymous said...

In a normal school system the board would be trusted enough for any school employee to come forward with information about superintendent wrongdoing without fear of losing their job. We know what happened when several very good people tried to help our beloved Marshall schools by alerting the board to numerous problems involving Mrs. Phillips, the board and Mrs. Phillips exacted revenge. The staff, kids and parents will not forget what happened to Kathy, Ron and other innocent victims. The board, most at least, cannot be trusted because they are supportive and complicit in these actions. That is why they cover for Mrs. Phillips and will do their best to help her leave with her golden parachute and no accountability for her actions.

Anonymous said...

It may not be what you think. The board may surprise you. Let's hope for the kids sake they do. If information exists that can speed up JP's departure, lets hope it comes out soon. That is what is being discussed now. The papers may be needed to help force action.

Anonymous said...

I for one have spoke to Board Members regarding actions taken by Metcalf via Phillips direction. These actions were unjust, unfair, complete deception, lies, etc. I left the information at the step of a Board Member. I requested they pass the information along - I would wait to hear from the Board. Guess what - NOTHING! I have moved on. Moving on is what Joyce counts on. My health is much better. I now work for a company that treats their employees with respect. This is possibly why nothing happens. Awesome employees that moved on to jobs where respect is part of the employment plan - tend to not care as much once they find 'gainful' employment. But I will assure everyone reading this that I did take my issues to the Board and nothing happened. This was after talking to Bear Creek - which evidently - many school employees have had to do. They have to seek professional help to heal their spirit after these brutal attacks by Joyce PHillips. Kathy P. suffered at the hand of Joyce Phillips. What was her crime? Besides being an MTA leader - she spoke up for wrongdoings. She supported her fellow employees with kindness. Kathy asked the hard questions. Kathy put her finger on lies and demanded the truth. Kathy supported Ron B. who was by far the best principal MHS has/will ever have.

Why does the board continue to prop her up? Why does the board continue to paint the picture that all is well at MPS? These questions need answers. In my opinion - the day Joyce lied to the Prosecutor's Office regarding the 'misappropriation of school funding' (directing two staff members to go out and repair the personal air conditioner that was in the house Linda Bennick was renting). This did happen. Joyce did lie. At this point - she should have been canned.

Hey Board - why don't you call Robb Wright and Tim Wise and direct them to 'break the gag order Joyce put them under' and tell you the truth. Then ask Kimberly VanWormer....she witnessed this directive by Joyce. This was unlawful for Joyce to do. She can be fired. You just need to take the big step. She cannot sue over her own wrong doing. How about the 'directing the Board to shush up about the +20,000 insurance "mistake" by Amy Jones'. Sure - joyce blamed MESSA - but MESSA has cleared up that also.

I don't see the huge problem here - Pack her up and move her out. Let's start our positive healing so we can move forward now. We cannot afford to wait. This community needs to see 'justice served' for all that Joyce has done to us.

Of course - this is just my opinion. Still waiting for action to be taken. We are teaching 'character education' in Marshall Schools - let's practice character education.

Anonymous said...

The MTA is part of the problem. They are running scared and not standing up to injustice any longer. If the teachers united Joyce would be gone.

Anonymous said...

In response to 2 above, that's just the tip of the iceburg.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is ready for this entire mess at the superintendent level to come to an end. It helped sink the bond and has damaged the reputation of the Marshall schools. Board please do something!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that the elections are over Marshall can focus again on solving the school problems.

Anonymous said...

The school central leadership is in disarray and a total failure. This is year 5 of low staff morale, declining community support and major problems at the top.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there many instances where Joyce didn't treat people well and targeted the wrong people. However the people on here defending Petrich surprise me. She treated some of her students very poorly, and from what I saw of her personality and organizational skills leading up to and at performances she was clearly overmatched in that job. We've had tremendous vocal talent that perfomed well in spite of her. Imagine what they could have done with some leadership and instruction. Any teacher that wastes class time like she did ( not to mention her constant complaining about OUR school district) needs to be pushed to improve,or be let go.

Anonymous said...

Is it complaining when there are major problems with the upper management that is having a huge negative impact on our schools? Should some students get special privileges because their parents threaten to complain to the school board if they do not get what they want? If she was so bad why did the choir do so well? I can't imagine the students do it all on their own. Were you in her classes everyday, or is this based on a disgruntled parent or student?

Are you aware of the extreme measures taken against Kathy? If it was solely performance the school board is concerned about, then why hasn't Joyce Phillips been fired yet? Everyone knows how poorly her performance has been the last 4 1/2 years. How about Bryan Klochack's performance? Mr. Behrenwald was far better! I am sure Kathy was not perfect but she worked very hard, tried to treat all students the same and spoke up when injustice or other major problems were affecting our schools. She cared deeply about the Marshall schools and her students.

Anonymous said...

Check out the November 14, 2008 BC Enquirer story about a new scholarship named for Kathy Petrich:

What a great idea!!!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that KP was disorganized and a pain in the administrations ass.

But to force out by eliminating what she taught is cowardly.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that from a school board member? Most of our board is clueless about the reality of the school situation. They base their views on what Phillips, Metcalf and Jones told them, or a tiny clique of disgruntled parents. This group has been behind a radical program to "fix" the schools that lead to unjust persecution of many good teachers and administrators. They also rewarded some very poor performing teachers and administrators who are loyalists. Ask those who sat in on hiring committees the last four years when Phillips overruled the clear best choices to hire lesser candidates to fill key positions. Then their lesser candidate who knows they owe their job to Phillips would be loyal and not a threat to the incompetence at the top.

As far as Kathy Petrich is concerned, check the facts with ALL who worked with her, took her classes and watched her performances. She worked very hard, many hours after school, and did her best. Now if she had been a poor performing loyalist she could get away with just about anything and would most likely still be teaching at MHS.

Anonymous said...

Well, as a matter of fact, I did.

Anonymous said...

To post directly above and To anyone bad mouthing Kathy Petrich - how cowardly to do so when someone is no longer here to defend themselves. If she had been given the chance she would have taken you on face to face - because that is how she operated.

Perhaps you could have given Kathy Petrich the opportunity to defend herself when she could. Read her bio - she was very well known around the state of Michigan in the Michigan School Vocal Music Association. (for example the awesome MSVMA choral people from around the state approx. 50 showed up and sang at her memorial service). How about all her alumni students that showed up from all around the United States to pay tribute to her at the Flint service. Did you listen to what those past students had to say about her. Did you see the tears as they paid her tribute for helping to direct them in their studies and lives. Kathy was very well respected for her endless hours. In fact she really gave her life to the MHS students as well as many students around the state. Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp....Honors Choir...The Musical...Solo Ensemble...Alumni...and still had the energy and desire to serve as Praise Team Leader in her church and MTA leadership.

Her compassion and love for her family, students and friends was at the stop of the scale. If anyone was in need - Kathy tried her best to meet that need. Her life should be an example for many who sit and complain...whereas Kathy listened then planned action to correct problems. Shame on anyone who would speak and not have their facts.


Anonymous said...

Kathy would have said 'let's pray about it and God will show us the way'. To the post above, who very clearly did not have a clue about Kathy, I say: "I will pray for you for knowledge before speaking next time".

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you misunderstood. You jumped to a conclusion because you loved her and want to hate me.

I know more about her than most anyone, for reasons you don't need to know.

She was often disorganized, yet seemed to pull things off quite well. She was a pain to the administration, for good reasons in her mind.

Yes, a board member described her in less than glowing terms, and also had no problem with her being forced out unceremoniously.

My point was that it was wrong. I think I said it was cowardly.

Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Lets focus on the real MAJOR problem of the Marshall schools- Joyce Phillips and her school board buddies. I do not include John and Annette with her buddies. The others may say they want her gone but their actions have been nothing but supportive- in an extreme way. As far as I am concerned to support Joyce Phillips is to be anti-teachers, anti-support-staff, anti-kids, anti-parents and anti-Marshall community.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, a board member described her in less than glowing terms, and also had no problem with her being forced out unceremoniously."

Several of the pro-Phillips board members have been bad mouthing the teaching staff, the custodians, the MTA, the best Principals and often the community for the last four years. They were deluded into thinking that JP, AJ and BM were "wonderful" and would "fix our schools." They chose to ignore everyone else, and the facts, in their crusade. The damage they have caused is wide and deep. The damage to the Marshall Schools has been huge.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the "board war" against the Marshall school staff is still going strong. This will go on until there is a new superintendent.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School board has been the center of conflicts, cliques and controversy for many many years. It seems almost everyone who serves is pushing some personal agenda. The rich kids have always gotten away with just about everything in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

I have absolutely given up trying to get them to see the truth, much less act on it.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

The only truth they know is their own vindictive, self-serving and verging on criminal "truth". We will suffer for a very long time trying to recover from these disastrous four years.

Anonymous said...

If nobody runs against Janice, Vic and others and there is no recall, then there is not much you can complain about. They can do anything they please, right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

If another clique wants to take over the school board they will need to get organized, run and win two new seats every year and it will take about 2-3 years to take over the school board. A recall is a waste of time unless you have better candidates willing to run. I keep hearing talk of a recall but by the time changes would be made we will have a new superintendent anyway. Others are collecting evidence to get JP fired. That may be much easier and more effective in the short term. Justice?

Anonymous said...

This past year was a huge setback for the Marshall schools. Everything that lead to losing the bond has cost us dearly. The way things are now, I do not see a bond being passed for years to come. The new superintendent will surely have a big mess to clean up.

Anonymous said...

I have been asking a variety of teachers and other staffers what they think of Dr. Phillips job performance. The range has been from "bad" to "very bad" to "unprintable." I have yet to find anyone that even said "ok" let alone "good."

Anonymous said...

A comment that was found in the BC Enquirer following the loss at Detroit Country Day:

A big congrats to the 2008 Redhawks and the Redhawk Nation. Hard to believe that our wonderful school board wants to fire Rich Hulkow. I wonder how a school district can look at a man that has three different kids playing on a single Saturday for three Division I football teams and say he isn't doing a good job. Never mind the $1,000,000 he as raised in his tenure as athletic director. Joyce Phillips and the school board, enough is enough. Let's try to save some of the good people in the District. Or at least, allow a 25 year employee to determine when he should retire. 1 Losing season in 25 years, I hope the next coach can be as terrible as that. Sorry Hulk, you deserve better.

Anonymous said...

I agree with John Bedient....I too have given up on this Board understanding the truth and acting on fixing problems.

Paul B. - shame on you....your statement in the Chronicle..basically at our meeting or shut aren't going to like the cuts..." I find a deficit of $750,000+_ , cuts we aren't going to like, and talking about pushing another bond at the taxpayers - all in the same article quite disturbing. How out of touch are the 'wealthy' in this town. Have you read the news....there is an economic meltdown going on in this country (this includes Marshall MI). How do you expect taxpayers to support any tax increases at this time? I too would love to improve our school system but am more concerned with keeping a roof over my children's heads!

Get a grip...fix a simple problem...get rid of Phillips, mend the community, earn respect from the community - then when our economy improves (hopefully in a couple years) - then ask our community taxpayers for more tax dollars. As many have said over and over - Phillips needs to go. She needs to go NOW. Show this community we can trust the Board with fixing the problem created by Phillips then I will assure you this community will begin to trust the Board and it's decisions enough to support a bond drive.

Anonymous said...

The board veterans (JD, VP, DS, PB) are not clueless and are not mere dupes of Dr. Phillips. They know exactly what they are doing. It has been part of their plan to do all of the awful things they have done. They do NOT care what anyone else thinks. They do NOT care about the harm they are causing. Mostly they have targeted among the very best in the Marshall schools. Some of the worst school employees jumped on board as their buddies to keep their jobs and get undeserved raises. Yes, they want Mr. Hulkow out, they hate him. They hate anyone they think criticizes them and Joyce Phillips, which is just about everyone. The loss of Mr. Behrenwald was huge. Fortunately they backed off from some of the others they wanted out like Mrs. Townsend. Look what they did to Kathy Petrich, a statewide highly respected choir director. The firing of the custodians was pure hate. They have done great damage to our schools. Joyce Phillips is their creation.

Anonymous said...

Just ask any teachers or former school board members about what is going on. It is a huge mess.

Anonymous said...

The schools have certainly become a hot topic of debate.

Anonymous said...

It will likely get much hotter before it cools down. There are a lot of open wounds where salt has been rubbed in by JP and some board members.

Anonymous said...

Hope is fading fast as the board backs off their claims of "fixing" the Phillips problem this year. It looks like they have backed off, were they ever sincere in the first place? Or was this another ploy to protect Phillips and buy some peace after the outrage last summer? Me thinks this is very very not cool.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of being treated like I am stupid and the Board in their wisdom (lol) knows more than the employees who put in 8 hours a day at MPS. I too have spoke to board members and been told "I didn't know", "let me look into that and get back to you"....never to be heard from again. We, the community, are not stupid. We do not have money to pay more taxes until this economy crisis levels out. Enough of wasting our time with bond talks. It will not pass until people have some spending power again. As far as Ms. Phillips - her firing should have happened a long time ago. There have been many reasons but the best reason of all is 'This district and it's employees have a huge LACK OF CONFIDENCE in Joyce Phillips and the Board'. The Board could repair their side of this by proving to the community there is reason to trust them. If they wait until June 2009 - I will perdict that it will be several years to repair this harm on it's own. How simple is this: Build trust by removing her now and letter an interim supt. try to repair the damage???????????

Anonymous said...

The entire deal that extended Phillips contract several years ago to guarantee she would get 5 years (plus 5 more bought for her 2nd Michigan retirement) needs to be investigated. There were big problems and scandals her first year. Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng wanted no more than a 1 year extension and then another performance review. The others- Beardslee, Potter, Stulberg, Varvatos and Darling pushed through the unprecedented 3 year extension of Phillips contract. Why? There were already many problems. It was very secretive.

Anonymous said...

A lot of things at the board level do not add up. I think trust is long gone.

Anonymous said...

Chris V. bailed when he realized his reputation was sinking like a lead balloon because of his support of the board majority. I think he started coming around to a realization it was a big mistake and they were on the wrong path- but unfortunately too late to do anything about it but quit. John and Ali feel the same and have nearly quit themselves.

Anonymous said...

I think the board old timers just don't care anymore. They have proven this time and time again. We need new board members that understand how to run a good school district.

Anonymous said...

I think this clique has run out of cards to play. Everyone knows what their real game is. Now for the good of the kids and the community they need to "retire" from the board.

Anonymous said...

Is there really a new investigation of Phillips going on? Supposedly looking all the way back to the air conditioning scandal? Will Amy spill the beans now that she is leaving?

Anonymous said...

Amy probably had to sign a document by Phillips saying she would not talk. This seems to be what Joyce does time and time again. "Shushing people, putting them on a gag order, etc" She can still hurt Amy even though Amy has left for Lakeview. It has happened before in the most repulsive, deceitful, bald faced lying way. And, the Board is aware of it but has done nothing to stop it. Joyce has hurt employees that have left MPS with no basis other than....she told them lies and they bought it. Lakeview has played into Joyce's deceitful hand more than once - I am sure she would not hesitate to harm Amy Jones.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Dr. Phillips has one really strong suit and that would be to deceive people while smiling in their face. I believe you call it pathological lying!

Anonymous said...

The bad reputation caused by Supt. Phillips and the board members who back her have had a huge negative effect on the Marshall schools and our community reputation in the area. As long as this regime rules, things will get worse. Many upset families have pulled their students from the Marshall schools. The bond loss was a wake up call that things are very bad at the top. Now we face major school budget cuts in large part because of Supt. Phillips and board foolishness. We lost a bond so it will be years before MHS can be remodeled to compete with other area high schools. Change in leadership is needed now, not next year. We cannot afford to wait any longer.

Anonymous said...

The comments on this blog need to be said at board meetings, letters to the editor and other more public places. Otherwise nothing will get accomplished.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the people who knows the most work for the schools, or their spouses do. This superintendent and the board will ruin anyone's career if they even speak up a little. They have shot down every known attempt to effectively work with them. They have crossed the line to use dishonesty, unethical practices and most likely illegal means to fire people, pressure them to leave or make their life h*ll. Most staff feel there is no hope with the current board leaders. They have nothing but contempt for the staff and just about anyone else as far as I am concerned. John is the only one I fully trust and I know he can't do much by himself.

Anonymous said...

Remember the school custodians? Remember the savings MPS was supposed to see due to this decision? Remember how we were assured that "no felones would be working amongst our students"? (they have) Was there a savings? I believe NO. Does anyone recall this Board ever inquiring once as to the current situations of these displaced workers? Has anyone asked - have they all found jobs? has any of them lost their homes? Decisions that are being made in such a haste as the 'outsourcing of local community custodians' have life long repucussions for people's lives but we don't seem concerned at the top about the aftermath of the 'Joyce Phillips decisions'. In three months they were out of jobs....was this a community spirit? What about the 2400 local community members that signed the petition (that was delivered to Board and TOTALLY IGNORED) to keep our local custodians working in our school system. Once again - this is an example of a decision that was pushed down throats with half the information being presented. The Mackinaw Group does not tell you the negative side of these outsourcings. Neither does the superintendent, Amy Jones, Brian Metcalf or the Board. They were told over and over by community members, MEA and the support staff that there would be negative things as an outcome. Now we are living with what we knew was going to be a negative situation for our schools, community and students. Those who spoke up to SAVE THE CUSTODIANS JOBS - have suffered the wrath of Joyce but 'harmed careers'.

So - the answer here is: Harm does come to those who speak up at Board Meetings. Do you remember Ron Behrenwald and how he was encouraged by a Board Member to speak up at the June meeting regarding the different policy practices in the hiring of administrators in HS and MS? He was severely reprimanded by Joyce and put on notice. Ron knew - she would and could ruin his career since she had changed school policy to make sure SHE AND SHE ALONE IS IN CHARGE OF ADMINISTRATOR EVALUATIONS. He chose to find employment with a district that treats their people with respect. Congrats...he found one.

These employees that are being attacked by Joyce have this to say: Finding a new job where people treat you with respect feels like: 'You were a homeless dog at MPS and you have been adopted by a good family'.

This is factual - but only those close to this horrendous situation at MPS know it is a fact. And of course - BOARD MEMBERS ARE AWARE AND CONTINUE TO DO NOTHING - it is my guess they are all scared of Joyce and her law suit threats!

I have gone through this experience so I do speak from personal experience so please do not doubt what I say.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the board is afraid of Joyce, I think most board members support 100 percent what has happened and know exactly what they are doing. I think it is a misguided, ego-driven powertrip. There is strong contempt and some hate on the board targeting MPS staff.Now if they get rid of JP they would be admitting they made a mistake. So they help cover it up and put on a charade to act as if they were stupid or unaware about what was happening. They knew, many told them, they chose to ignore wise advice and do harm. Accountability is needed for them too. If someone started a recall it would be fully justified for those who backed JP 3 years ago and since.

Anonymous said...

To add to the above, I have over 30 years experience in the Marshall schools so I know very well what I am talking about. I love the Marshall schools and this community. It is heartbreaking to see what has happened. If the community fully knew there would be a huge backlash. I am amazed this board has avoided a recall or an organized opposition, other than the entire MPS staff!

Anonymous said...

In response to those talking about the new custodian company. The situation is not good at all. A friend, who has worked as a custodian for many years, worked for them last year in the Marshall schools. He said they are poorly lead and organized and that Marshall is not getting their money's worth. Whatever the board was sold was much different than the truth. He said you get what you pay for. Sounds like another bad decision. He left for a better job. He is semiretired and does not really need the money. I respect his views as he takes pride in his work. He said this company has no pride and could care less about the schools.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect? It has turned out even worse than even the critics predicted. Firing the Marshall custodians was a huge mistake. It played a role in costing us the bond too.

Anonymous said...

Holding public forums to talk about a bond while other major problems are ignored is just plain foolish. No bond stands a chance of passing until their is accountability at the top. As long as Joyce Phillips is not justly treated (ie fired!) for all the awful things she has done, then nothing else can move forward.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the bond is DOA until at least there is a new superintendent. With the economy in the toilet, I doubt one will even pass then until the recession is over in a few year. Marshall sure blew it for refusing to fire Joyce, as everyone feels is well deserved, a year or more ago. The cost in money, morale, trust and blood has been very painful to this community. The school board is to blame for everything that has gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

The new Chronicle has a big article about Amy Jones leaving. Another article is about posting the superintendent job. These are both positive improvements and maybe there will be hope next year.

Anonymous said...

They sure are making a big deal about finding a new superintendent almost a year out. They either want (1) Phillips gone bad, (2) plan to replace her soon or (3) it is a PR stunt to get people to focus away from the disaster of the Phillips administration.

Any of these three scenarios is possible. If Phillips is not replaced soon, it is probably the latter.

Anonymous said...

The board is under tremendous pressure to replace Dr. Phillips. Virtually the entire MPS staff want this done NOW! Much of the community and parents feel the same. Backing Dr. Phillips played a big role in losing the bond vote, as she lacks trust and respect from the community.

The next Superintendent needs to be honest, respected and supported by both the staff and the community. Beardslee, Potter, Darling and Stulberg lead the fight to back Dr. Phillips and protect her during multiple scandals. Now can they muster the wisdom and courage to back their own staff, parents and community and replace Dr. Phillips now? They have plenty of just cause to do this. There are no excuses to keep backing a failed leader. Too much harm has been done already. Accountability is needed now.

Anonymous said...

We need a new school board too.

Anonymous said...

The board seems more concerned about sweeping problems under the rug (cover ups) and PR stunts than getting serious about "fixing" real problems. We need a board that functions in an open, transparent and honest manner.

Anonymous said...

It took a mix of arrogance, stupidity and outright meanness to get the Marshall schools into the mess they are in now. The board has proven themselves hopeless as far as doing what needs to be done.

Anonymous said...

Don't be misled - this Board is putting on a show that they are addressing the 'failed leadership of Joyce' by starting the search now. Just a show. 100% sure. If they really wanted to be supported in their decisions in this district they would give her her walking papers NOW. Instead - they are justing going through the motions hoping, once again, this community is too stupid to see the real truth. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Too many people have been hurt at the hands of Joyce and her board supporters. The only remedy is to show this community that they, the community taxpayers and students, are the top priority. Get an interim supt. now so everyone sees that the board means what they say.

Wrongs should not go unaddressed. People will remember for a really long time to come how this School Board handled these grave issues - or better yet - talked about handling the issues and did nothing but wait out her time. I am so offended at how this district is being mishandled. Now - in these economic crisis times - they keep talking about a possible spring 09 bond. Get a clue Board. Fire Phillips ... NOW. Talk about a bond in 18 - 24 months when we can all clearly see if our economic issues are stabalized.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a teacher can explain how the district was surprised by the low student count.

As the year started, wouldn't there be 100 folders sitting on someone's desk?

If a student leaves wouldn't it be easy to find out why?

Blaming the economy was a cop out.

Anonymous said...

As an ex Marshall teacher I can say there are many reasons a student count can be down. Estimates in advance are only guesses. We could have had 20 families move taking 40 kids with them. We may have lost another 20 or 30 to schools of choice- look at the nice new schools to our west. We could lose 10-15 because Marshall does not participate in the Math & Science center, and the rest could be smaller classes coming up as the birthrate declines in this area.

Being off 100 students does seem a bit much. The many unresolved problems in the Marshall schools and the very bad leadership at the top does not help either. I know staff morale is very bad, firing the custodians may have caused some families to send their kids elsewhere (or custodians families to move).

I can forgive the administration for underestimating 50 or 100 students, but all of the rest of their blunders and bad leadership has no excuses. Joyce Phillips clearly has no idea how to properly run a school district and should have been replaced several years ago. Everyone in the Marshall schools knows this.

Anonymous said...

When leaders are mean and arrogant it is usually to cover up incompetence and personality disorders.

Anonymous said...

It just seems that we could ask in June if a student is returning. If their status changes over the summer we could ask why.

The next June we'd be better at asking if those students expect to be back.

I imagine we'd be surprised by some in any case, but so many?

I'd also like to see the impact of facilities and the math center, versus things we can't control.

My fear is that we are losing students due to academics.

Anonymous said...

My friends still teaching in the MPS, many very good and dedicated teachers, described the situation this way. They said when the current group in charge used Dr. Phillips to target teachers and administrators they did not like, they went after many good ones. This hurt morale and caused many other problems. For whatever unknown reasons, the "hit list" that many teachers call it, was very poorly devised and many on it were likely personal vendettas instead of removing bad staff.

Then some of the worst staff that should have been replaced warmed to this new administration four years ago and got promotions and good treatment. Metcalf, the curriculum director, spent most of his time working on his own PhD with Dr. Phillips blessings. Not much was accomplished that was of any benefit by the leadership. Some good things were done, by teachers and building principals, many of who were mistreated by the administration. And this all adds up to a big mess in the schools. So you are right, academics may have been hurt badly in the process. Unfortunately those trying to truly fix our problems have either given up on the board and Dr. Phillips or have moved their kids elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

That's basically what I have heard from the teachers and a former board member. The board listened to people like Amy Jones, Marsha Haring-Franke, Charlie MacDonald and a few whiny parents. From that little group and maybe a few others they dreamed up a strategy to supposedly fix the schools. Consider the sources, bad information from bad sources. The worst part, that is soooooo inexcusable, is how Beardslee, Potter, Darling, Varvatos and Stulberg ignored countless really good staffers who told them otherwise in most cases. One on one I mostly liked this group of board members when they were first elected. But after they got in power they went paranoid and nuts! Joyce Phillips just went along for the money.

Anonymous said...

The depth of the 'phillips plagued administration problems' would take us weeks to talk about. When Joyce first lied to the Prosecutor's office regarding the air conditioner - nearly every staff member heard about it. What kind of leader would lie to the court system? A very bad one! Joyce has a list of incompetencies that could fill a book. It seems the only thing she is good at is cutting staff/saving money on wages.

My trust in her as well as respect dropped severely when I knew for a fact that she lied to the Prosecutor's Office. This caused a huge 'lack of confidence in leadership'. Our problems had just begun and we didn't even realize it. Now, looking back - we can not even remember all the issues. Metcalf = $20,000 PhD = Joyce trying to cover up that expense. Jones = forgetting to cancel MESSA which equates to administrators (+18 staff) having double insurance coverage for two months = $+22,000 = Joyce tried to cover up. The treatment of staff members by Joyce, Metcalf and Jones = lies and blatant career assissinations (until Joyce directed Metcalf and Jones to do all her really dirty work. Then there was the Jones = late night te te te...with Josh in the office complex. We had Metcalf on safari and totally forgetting to order TEXTBOOKS. (Thank God his admin assist J. Rogers saw the mistake in late August and expedited order so classroom would have textbooks). Then the glorious day when Joyce proclaimed "no students in the MS foyer" - it disrupted her day.....WHAT TO HECK?

Seems to me if you really knew what was going on - step by step - you too would want her gone a YEAR AGO. Then came all her articles: "Change is about...." and her new logo...."Kids First". Again I say: WHAT TO HECK? We had already been PUTTING KIDS FIRST WAY BEFORE THIS CARPET BAGGER COME UP FROM INDIANA!!!!

Now - you add Board Members that chose to ignore or possibly not have the comprehension of all the many many citizens that have brought issues to them to be solved....and again I can only say WHAT TO HECK?

How hard is it to FIRE HER NOW? She has done nothing for MPS. She has been a total failure. She has brought MPS to new lows....student count, community morale...and staff morale! So - why is she still here? It looks to me like BAD BEHAVIOR WILL BE REWARDED IN MARSHALL. Hopefully - possible candidates have not followed this terrible passage in MPS history or we will be attracting possible problem superintendents that think ANYTHING GOES IN MARSHALL SCHOOLS.

Anonymous said...

Just talk to former board members, it gets much worse. Joyce even treats the board badly. The strong board members left. The weak ones stayed behind and let Joyce make fools of them.

Anonymous said...

Metcalf and Jones left under a cloud of suspicion. The new MHS principal that replaced Ron Behrenwald, who was forced out, chose not to move to Marshall as planned from 90 minutes away. He is closely tied to Phillips, is immensely unpopular, and any good superintendent would likely replace him. Chris Varvatos did not run for re-election and quit his board activities in disgust. There is a near unanimous (teachers, staff, parents, business leaders) consensus that Joyce Phillips should have been fired long ago and still needs to be removed before further damage is done in the Marshall schools. The Marshall custodians were fired over a year ago in a cold brutal manner, and now we know the new "service" does about half the work and demands extra money to do even less than our own people did, which equals no real savings and less for our money. The crucial bond failed mostly due to bad leadership (Phillips, Jones, Metcalf) that had not been replaced and firing the custodians- causing MHS to fall further behind other area schools. The forced out award-winning choir director passed away while under extreme unjust stress from the current regime. John and Ali have admitted to nearly quitting after being elected just two years ago, they most likely had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Janice Darling's business went under, likely due in part to her extreme support of a terrible superintendent Phillips. The reputation of the board members who had supported Phillips declined much further, hurting their standings in the community. Marshall lost over 100 unexpected students which will blow whatever little fund equity had been built up- likely caused in large part by bad decisions and bad leadership. Many scandals and controversies are left unresolved, as the board has refused to hold Phillips accountable. Staff morale is the lowest ever known on record. Many other victims of unjust actions are still suffering. The school and community reputation has been severely damaged while other area school districts have passed big bonds and are thriving. The list goes on and on... and will keep getting worse unless Phillips is removed soon. That is the crucial first step toward turning things around and getting the Marshall schools back on track. If the board fails us again, many are talking about a recall. But the time frame that would take would still keep Phillips in power to do more damage and get her 2nd "golden parachute" Michigan retirement- promised by her board supporters.

Another bad year in the Marshall schools and there is almost no hope left in the board unless they get their act together and take action soon. The board owes it to our kids and the community! New leadership is needed now!

Anonymous said...

New leadership was needed two years ago and was demanded. Nothing by this Board. At what point does a community demand removal of bad leadership due to LACK OF CONFIDENCE? I should think this should be done now. If this board allows Joyce to stay until June 2009 - while she has sang "kids first" and done NOTHING to put kids first during her tenure....this is LACK OF CONFIDENCE. A district must have confidence in their leadership in order to move forward. Right now I feel like there is NO CONFIDENCE IN THE SUPERINTENDENT OR THE BOARD. Something needs to happen before the end of 2008. The damage is irrepairable and deep.

Anonymous said...

In reply to two above. That pretty much sums up the situation in the Marshall schools. I could add a few dozen more examples but they all come back to the same sources of the problems. They must be crazy to think another school bond can be passed any time soon. It will take a long, long time to get over all that has happened. The healing cannot even begin until after there is a new superintendent. That's almost a year off unless our school board wises up and gets a new superintendent now. It will be wonderful when trust, honesty, cooperation and teamwork are characteristics of the top-level leaders of the Marshall schools. We all hope that day is soon, not next year.

Anonymous said...

Expect a big board PR campaign to attempt to divert attention from everything that has happened and get people focused away from JP. They are counting on apathy, staff fear and short memories to fool the people of Marshall. Expect no accountability for Joyce Phillips. Expect no justice or fairness. Expect more problems and coverups.

Anonymous said...

They can't fool the teachers or other employees. Everyone know what is going on. Memories will not be short.

Anonymous said...

With so many troubles and scandals its no wonder that community support has declined so much for the Marshall schools. Look at how they have been mismanaged for years? Each new administration just keeps getting worse. They just keep rewarding themselves and their buddies. Not sure what the school board has been thinking. Or are they thinking at all?

Anonymous said...

In defense of the school board a board member told me they cannot fire Phillips now because they fear a lawsuit. They would love to have her gone but because there is no reason they can justify an immediate firing they can't. I asked why they gave good reviews in the past and he said they were critical is some areas but did not know all of the problems that existed. I think the board was not fully aware of the magnitude of the problems. I know the board would be thrilled if she resigned.

Anonymous said...

I think the board is trying to have Phillips be the lightening rod for blame when THEY played a big role in what she did and how she mismanaged the schools.

The board members who extended her contract and guided her "targets" and "schemes" are equally responsible for everything that happened. Phillips has no authority whatsoever based on trust, respect or competence. Phillips only has the basest form of raw power that comes from the board, as all grossly failed leaders do.

The board does have cause to remove her anytime they wish. Don't let them fool you. If they grant immunity to main office personnel to testify they will find a mountain of dirt and many causes to fire her immediately. I am sure at least a few board members would like to see her depart ASAP. The rest are a huge equal part of the problems! I am quite sure the majority (VP, JD, DS, PB, AW) still strongly back Phillips and cover for her. I have seen no solid proof to believe otherwise. Their actions, or lack thereof, speak louder than words. Apparently it is "Phillips first" with them.

Anonymous said...

Well said! Everyone is angry with this group of fools.

Anonymous said...

The public meetings that attempt to focus attention away from the real problems that need to be fixed first are a charade.

Anonymous said...

What is the point of these meetings? Do they really think they can pass a huge MHS bond any time in the coming year?

Anonymous said...

No, they just want to make it look like they are trying to do something good. It also diverts attention from the real issues.

Anonymous said...

That's all they have done for four years, put on a phony act and make a mess of the schools.

Anonymous said...

Irrepairable damage was done when the Board - basically without question - backed the outsourcing of our local community members who worked as custodians in our community school. This - did not have to happen. The Board was warned repeatedly that support would plummet dramatically - which it has. There are real problems with the GRBS employees that this community is not hearing about. Has this Board even once asked about the wellfare of the local families that they virtually TOOK their jobs from them - all in a 3 month move - without caring or giving them time to prepare for this extreme move....which did not save money. This Board - I witnessed it myself at the August 07 Board Meeting in the MS Auditorium - 'totally ignored the 2400 citizen signatures on the petition to keep our local custodians in their school jobs. They did not even take the petitions from the presenter. She had to lay them on the stage floor and was virtually dismissed as 'insignificant' by our 'ELECTED BOARD MEMBERS - WHO WE ELECTED TO WORK FOR US - THE TAXPAYERS - FOR A BETTERMENT OF OUR SCHOOLS. BLINDLY LED BY JOYCE, BRIAN AND AMY....SEE WHAT IT GOT THIS COMMUNITY. Phillips has done some raw damage to our fellow community members, staff members, and most of all our students. While SHE is putting in the knife...she smiles and acts like she doesn't understand why you feel like you do. This woman is nothing short of evil. Indiana was rejoicing when we took her off their hands. This is not second guessing....I have spoke to three of them. Marshall virtually saved Indiana school district from the threat of lawsuit by firing her. Do you see why she smiles in your face while not caring the evil she inflicts?

I agree with above. If immunity and character protection was given to the Central Office staff (including Amy and Brian) we would have many many reasons to fire her now. My opinion is this Board wants to do the Marshall thing....pretend all is well, put on a happy face, hope no one really remembers the immense problems they ignored...and we will all kiss and hug next June 2009. Whatever! There are far too many people that this Board has allowed to be hurt...yes...they are aware of problems but choose to ignore.

I will ignore all bond issue talk by them. Our kids will get the facility upgrades when this ship of fools is sailed out of Marshall. That is when I will support this district again.

Anonymous said...

A board member challenged us critics and the staff when he said if everyone is so upset why is there no recall? He had a good point. The 2,400 who signed that document above should be signing recall petitions. The five board members who collaborate to back J. Phillips 100% of the time could be replaced easily. The alternative is more big problems, conflict and controversy for years to come. They have arrogantly shot down all efforts to work with them or listen to reason.

A recall effort needs to be lead by someone who does not work for the Marshall schools nor does their spouse. That makes it hard since most people "in the know" have a direct connection to the Marshall schools. I would have preferred to have the board change and work with us, but that seems like it will never happen.

The people of Marshall have been challenged? Do they care enough about our schools, community and kids to take action?

Anonymous said...

The board does not care what the teachers or the community thinks. They are counting on apathy and fear to keep things quiet. My guess is they are right, the community is much weaker than they were years ago. The beleaguered citizens tolerate way too much and have let the once high standards fall. Its an embarrassment and has hurt the Marshall reputation immensely.

Anonymous said...

I think the board started out trying to fix some actual problems, mainly at MMS. I think they were wowed by JP's charm and being a "doctor." What went so terribly wrong was when their crusade started targeting the wrong people. JP turned out not to be so competent after all. Metcalf, Jones and a few others were as bad or worse. Some of the weakest staff warmed up to this group and won favors and support. Many of the best staff, and the MTA for sure, were seen as threats and targeted for punishment or worse. When push came to shove the board backed JP and her gang which angered the teachers even more.

The board is mostly out of touch with the school district and obviously do not know what needs to be done. They need a reality check! They based many of their decisions on inaccurate information or outright lies. Arrogance and foolishness did play a big role, as many did try to warn them as to what was taking place (Dan D. Tom D. John W. Saundra H. Kathy P.). At the same time JP was a master at getting her skeletons covered up and swept under the rug (need ac anyone?). Metcalf enjoyed his $100,000 a year to get his PhD on school time, plus the school paid his tuition. Many other problems emerged and have been covered thoroughly on this web site.

Now the board is at least trying to act as if they are trying to fix the problems. But its way too late. JP should be safe to stay until she gets her second retirement. The board appears weak and in disarray. The staff and community are outraged and angry. Our kids are paying the price too. The last four years have been nothing short of a tragedy for the Marshall schools. Many families and individuals have been victims of injustice, dishonesty and mismanagement. The short term outlook is very gloomy and bleak. The bond will be on hold for years until the school leadership gets their act together. Anyone who cares should be angry! There is no excuse for all that has happened. Those responsible need to be held accountable. That needs to be the first step towards turning things around.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor works at the Middle Schools and I have heard all of her stories. She confirmed many of the things I have been reading on here.

Anonymous said...

The board is stubborn in their refusal to hold Phillips accountable in any way. As Bob Lyng once said, Phillips treats the board as if they work for her. From the evidence I have seen and heard this board is very weak and lets Phillips walk all over them. If it was the other way around, any good board would have replaced Phillips by now. Also it was Phillips that wanted Jones and Metcalf gone, that's why they were pressured out.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Coach Hulkow for your hard work and dedicated service to the Marshall schools! Your recognition is well deserved. I am sorry you have been harassed and mistreated by Joyce Phillips and her board supporters. They seem to target everyone who puts the interests of the kids and the schools above loyalty to an incompetent superintendent and school board. You, our students, parents and the community deserve and need much better!

Anonymous said...

There certainly is a leadership crisis in the schools. I can't think of one school employee who thinks the schools are managed well. The current superintendent is especially inept and disliked by all.

Anonymous said...

Expect J. Phillips and her board allies to make more revenge on the staff under the guise of "big cuts." Paybacks will go on at least until JP is gone. Its war on the staff.

Anonymous said...

Paul Beardslee has warned of big cuts coming. The policies and methods of bad management has cost the Marshall schools dearly.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't one of the things that JP got praised so much for, her ability to manage the budget and create a fund balance etc. etc. Over a one million dollar deficit now; only way to comply with state law and have a balanced budget is to cut programs and staff. I would say her legacy when she leaves MPS will be similar to GWB's when he leaves the White House.

Anonymous said...

The BC Enquirer covers the big Marshall schools cuts coming up:

It looks like JP will be hanging around another year. This dashes all hopes of needed change this year as some board members implied in recent months. Another awful year ahead.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone investigate when former school board member Bob Lyng said that Supt. Joyce Phillips asked the board to lie to cover up the insurance scandal? What about the dishonest and unethical methods used to go after critics if the mismanagement at the top? Is Phillips still trying to oust Mr. Hulkow like she did to Ron Behrenwald and so many others? How many students has Marshall lost in the last year due to bad leadership? Why were the custodians really all fired? How was a crucial bond campaign ruined due to lack of trust in the superintendent and board? What about the war with the Marshall teachers, including the passing of one at the center of the storm last summer? The list of problems and questions goes on and on. Is there growing talk of a recall of Joyce Phillips board supporters?

Anonymous said...

Imagine if we had good leadership at the top of the Marshall schools...

Imagine if there was trust, communication and teamwork to solve the problems of the Marshall schools...

Imagine if the Marshall custodians still had their jobs...

Imagine If the bond had passed and we could take advantage of the lower prices (save million$) in this economic climate to update MHS and meet other important needs...

Imagine if there were not a trail of injustice, hurt people for no good reason, anger and conflict in our schools..

This all could have been possible if OUR school board had listened to its best teachers, Principals and community members that last four years.

But instead...

They backed incompetent leaders and created or exacerbated a long list of problems.

They also covered for bad leaders and engaged in dishonest and unethical behavior.

They rewarded bad employees and purposely targeted and hurt good employees.

The list goes on and on.

So much unnecessary lost opportunity, so much unnecessary pain, so many unnecessary problems.

Imagine how this all has, does and will affect our Marshall kids!

It can make you cry.

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