Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Breaking News

10:35pm - 8/5/08

Marshall Public School voters reject $35.34 Million Bond

Unofficial Election Result for Marshall Bond:

No: 1807
Yes: 1452

See the break down of the vote here:


Anonymous said...

Come on board...now let's clean house and get on the same page. Get rid of Joyce!!! It hurt to vote no today, but things need to change, for "Our Kids First".

Anonymous said...

Let the SPIN begin. How will JKP and her cronies on the board spin it? Maybe they should have listened to that $16,000 EPIC survey. We were not ready for a bond proposal! Maybe next time the board will listen. READY, SET, SPIN!

Anonymous said...

I guess that threats, lies and guilt trips are not a good way to run a bond campaign. Oh yes, that is how Joyce Phillips runs our schools.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the board will finally listen to it's constintuency and do what is in the best interest of the students of Marshall Public Schools. It's about time that they invited the public into a town hall meeting, with out central office administration. They would then hear the concerns of the community. Send out invites to everyone, radio spots, etc. They should do the same thing with the staff members. Find out what is really is going on, now there is a communication plan! The spin will be beyond anyone's imagination. I'm sure that Dan has already written JKP a nice email to offer her a shoulder. He's probably telling her that it's not her fault. Keep supporting her Dan, she's the reason for the failure of the bond, her and those of you who support her.

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Coulter and Campau for their courage and hard work on behalf of our students and schools. Webb I am not sure about. Now to the rest of the MPS school board-

You need to listen. Not to me, but to the caring community, the active parents, your wonderful teachers and support staff, and your terrific students! They have been telling you for up to four years now that things were bad. You ignored them over and over, made excuses, and let things get worse each year. As the failed leaders became less trusted and respected, you praised them, propped them up, gave them your strong support and rewarded them when they clearly did not deserve it. You covered up controversies and scandals. You targeted good staff and the unions reps.

You know the source of the problems. You know who I am talking about- Dr. Phillips and her clique of loyalists whose reign has been a disaster. You cannot claim ignorance any longer. The game is up. The secrecy and lies to cover this mess up no longer work. The cat is out of the bag and everyone knows it is time for a change- a big change. The time is now, not a wimpy "lets wait a year." Get some backbone, admit your mistakes and support the best interests of the Marshall schools you have claimed to want to do. This is your last chance to redeem yourselves. Everyone will be watching how you handle this. If you blame everyone but those responsible there will be further outrage and anger. The apathy may come to an end, a righteous recall may be in order. You know what needs to be done. You have justified reasons to do it. Ignore any threats of a lawsuit, just ask your staff- you have ample reasons to remove those who need to be removed. Do it for the kids! Do it for Marshall! Don't let us down!

Since I am summing up the feelings of just about everyone I know in town, this is from...

Your friends, neighbors and staff

Anonymous said...

If anyone knows the anonymous donor, please tell him the truth as to why the bond went down. We need new leadership first!

Anonymous said...

I must know 50 voters who were planning to vote "no" solely because of the leadership problems. People who would normally support this bond! We need good leaders who are honest, trusted and respected by the parents, teachers and the community. Kids first!

Anonymous said...

Amen! The above post is the truth and any school employee will tell you the same thing. If this board even tries to spin the loss on anything but JKP and her lackeys they truly deserve to be recalled. They often say that all the negativity was a "small group of disgruntled high school people even though two surveys and many individuals have told them differently. It is way beyond a small group and the vote shows that. No doubt in my mind if we had gotten rid of the incompetent top leadership a year ago this bond would have passed easily. I have never voted no for a school millage or bond even though my kids have been long gone. The low morale, terrible treatment by the "leaders" and general incompetence overall these past four years has been general knowledge throughout the community. I know for a fact the well intentioned pass the bond commitee heard over and over the main reason many people would not support it and it was NOT the economy. I was just one of many strong school supporters who could not "do it" for the kids when there has been four years of lip service "Kids First" propaganda when in reality this regime has been hurting the kids. Get rid of this regime and show some respect to the great staff and students we have always had in Marshall and I and many other NO voters will gladly campaign hard to pass the bond the next time. It will not happen with these incompetent and self-serving people in charge and that includes some of the board members who as long time Marshall people should have known better. They knew but kept not only backing but praising JKP. Sad Sad Sad

Anonymous said...

From the BC Enquirer as of 11:30pm 8-5-08:

"Voters have rejected the Marshall Public Schools’ $35.34 million school bond.

With only one precinct left to report — one that has only four registered voters — the count as of 10:45 p.m. was 1,807 no votes to 1,452 yest votes.

“We did the best we could to put the facts out there, but in the end, the voters own the schools, and they think things are OK for now,” said Vic Potter, president of the Marshall Public Schools’ Board of Education."

The spin has begun! Vic knows the real reason the bond failed! Now lets see if he has the courage to do something about it this summer.

Anonymous said...

If Tony Bennett cannot sell this bond, then you know the district has big problems at the top.

Anonymous said...

I have never in my life seen an issue that is so terribly simple go so severely unaddressed. This leadership, at Marshall Public Schools, is beyond terrible. All that had to be done was demote Joyce Phillips. This one person with a narcistic personality, has harmed our community, schools, relationships, and student's futures beyond belief. The amazing fact is: Our ELECTED BOARD MEMBERS could have made a difference. When so many community members, school employees, and yes, students - take issues to Board Members and yet they do nothing to make changes for the betterment of the school system - all I can say is How Sad, What a Shame!

It is not to late - the next grass root effort should be immediate - get this carpetbagger out of Marshall. She has caused horrible things to those who have cared and loved and supported our schools. Ron B. for instance - what an etical, caring principal we lost, Kathy P for instance - one of the best choral directors in the state of michigan - cut her program in 1/2 - now that was putting kids first - Rich H. and all the work he does to generate his own funding - Bob V. and his awesome program at Alt Ed - but let's pay him teacher wages and give him a stipend if he has enough students (what to heck - is he a used car salesman in Joyce's eyes?)

I could list name after name - but the saddest part of this is: Board Members have been made aware of these issues. In turn - when someone speaks to them - Hello Vic - they run right to Joyce telling her what employee said what....then guess what Vic ....that employee gets attacked while you are out to lunch. Sad stuff here. I hope there are a couple consciences on the Board that truly know why this bond proposal went down. Let me make it simple for those who don't understand: JOYCE PHILLIPS MUST GO. SHE MUST BE REMOVED. WITH HER PINK SLIP LET'S ALSO PINK SLIP: AMY JONES, MIKE WALBECK (who doesn't even bother practicing state mandated emergency bus evacuations - (watch that desk Mike - you aren't the only one with a key to your own desk) On a positive note: Metcalf has been dumped on Hundsonville - won't they be surprised!

Then how about those two new school pick up trucks that have been hidden at the bus garage until after the bond proposal gets voted on. I guess we can bring them out of hiding now!

Such secrecy...hidden lies...simply disgusting!

Anonymous said...

The "gang of four" (Darling, Potter, Stulburg and Beardslee) are full partners with Phillips, Jones and Metcalf in all of the bad things that have happened. They act concerned, play dumb and tell hundreds of people "you are the only one that ever complained about Joyce" but the community has finally seen through this charade. I lost all faith in this group a long time ago. Marshall must decided if they will tolerate this at the detriment of the schools or push for changes on the board. This group has been 100% pro-Joyce & chronies and 100% anti-everyone else. Someone said it best that they have been on a powertrip which must be some sort of drug-like high for them. Yes, we know they have had hidden agendas and have covered up incompetence over and over to keep JP in office. Expect a campaign of lies to keep the status quo. This group cannot be trusted by the community, or the staff, and have done a terrible job serving the best interests of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Te bond has failed and we all know the main reason by far is the superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Marshall knows why the bond failed. In any election like this you typically have 40% for, 40% against and the rest is the swing vote. This swing vote would normally be for the bond but want change at the top first. The loss of trust and support for the failed regime sunk the bond. If the board tries to blame anything or anyone else it is all lies! They are not stupid, they know exactly what happened and why. Now how can they clear their consciences of the damage they inflicted on our schools during the last four years? Easy, fire Dr. Phillips, Dr. Metcalf and any other poor performing crony of theirs.

Anonymous said...

Remember that most of us who voted FOR the bond also want a new superintendent too! It's time for a change.

Anonymous said...

Central office mismanagement and treating everyone like crap didn't help either. This management style might work down south but it does not work in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

The bond failure is a result of a failure of leadership.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Joyce, Amy, Vic and the gang have set Marshall back even further now. I am really embarrassed about the mess the MPS is in.

Anonymous said...

If you talk to MPS staff who trust you to get the truth of what has been going on, PLEASE do not use their names if you talk to board members. Most board members cannot be trusted, they will run to Joyce and set those teachers up for retribution or worse. Even trusted board members like John Coulter might slip and tell another board member, which can lead to the same results. Joyce has also threatened lawsuits against the teachers and the Marshall Chronicle. Yes, she is that bad! Look what happened to Ron Behrenwald and Kathy Petrich. I hope Jeremy Root and other excellent staff are not next. If she is not removed first, Joyce Phillips will be on the warpath this fall.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the board and administration will spin this every which way possible rather than admit this is an indictment of their poor leadership. Had it passed, you can be sure they would be using it as an endorsement of the wonderful jobs they do.

Anonymous said...

I was sad to see the bond defeated, as it was needed badly.

I think when the last bond passed prioritizing moving the MHS offices over say updating science labs was really stupid. It sent the wrong message about what the administration care most about.

If what I am hearing from the teachers is true, then I agree we do need a new superintendent ASAP.

Most people I know who voted against the bond did so because of leadership problems, not the economy.

Anonymous said...

Heck, I'll vote to raise my taxes to build a new high school in November if they get rid of her at the next board meeting!

Anonymous said...

My amazement at all this is: Why if $16,000 was paid for the EPIC survey which said: wait until May 2009, the poll results said "there would not be support for a new auditorium", The superintendent and top administration have created mistrust and lack of communication - it would take until spring 09 to try to rebuild....etc.....

Why was the survey ($16,000) totally ignored? Perhaps this was not putting Kids First! Perhaps the survey results of: new science rooms, locker rooms, roof, - this would have been supported and this would have "Put Kids First"....but no....


The '900 seat auditorium' should have never been tied to the updates at MHS. Then - students would have been able to use new science labs, acceptable locker rooms, etc. I would have supported a bond that addressed items that would actually affect our students educations. The 900 seat auditorium would not have impacted any education of any students. Once again - hidden agendas, not listening to the commuity, not taking care of the problems at the top.

Like someone said a few days ago. Too bad the power brokers in town that wrote all the pro-bond letters to editor - won't get on board and muscle this board into getting rid of JP. That is the only way we can move forward. Being led blindly by Joyce has gotten this board into more hot water. All they had to do is: Take care of the problems plaguing MPS then ask for bond support.

Anonymous said...

I am curious as to what the Board will do now.
(1) Will they put their heads back in the sand and pretend all is well - buying time until they throw the big party in June wish Joyce well.

Or - will they actually say:
(2) It is time for change. Change is good. Let's make change, move forward, and put kids first!

I pray they switch to option two here. It is so far past due to make a change in superintendent. Remember - Joyce is the one who wrote all those articles about "change". "Change is about....."

I would like to see: Change is about new leadership. Come on - let's move MPS forward. Someday we could all look back and wonder what took us so long to get on board and join hands with our neighbors, and board members and get an interim superintendent in place before school starts and actually start "change for the students and their educational process".

Anonymous said...

Let's see if Mr. Covert, Mr. Franke and a few others made some phone calls, we could have a new superintendent real soon. Let's hope these community leaders and others will step up and use their influence in the best interests of the kids, the Marshall schools and our community.

Anonymous said...

Expect a whole lot of nothing from the school board. They will play dumb and act like nothing big happened. They will act surprised if you tell them that there is a big leadership crisis and we need a new superintendent. They will make excuses why they can't do anything about replacing Joyce until next year. In private they may admit they are afraid of Joyce, fearing a big lawsuit if she does not get her promised five years/ five years bought = ten years vested for a second Michigan retirement. Did they make a sort of "deal with the devil" to get her to do their dirty work and take the heat for their decisions?

Not all will act this way, I am sure John and Annette would boot Phillips tomorrow if they could. Only a recall of those responsible can stop this board-made disaster from gettting worse. Lack of trust and confidence in the failed Joyce Phillips regime cost us the bond. That is now the talk of the town.

Anonymous said...

I was for the bond and I knew there were troubles, but I had no idea how bad things really were.

Anonymous said...

Its too bad the schools, kids and the community have to pay the price for a board that has failed to remove poor leadership. The biggest weakness in the MPS is at the top. These failed leaders know it. So they tell the board all kinds of outrageous stories to make themselves look good and target others. Our board has foolishly bought their spin on events, problems and people to target. A lot of energy has been wasted in these battles that have caused so much damage to our schools and reputation. The coverups and denial must end too. This must be stopped!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Phillips, Dr. Metcalf and Mrs. Jones were quite in the dark about who the teachers were and what they did in all buildings four years ago. That could be expected then. Four years later they still know few teachers and have little to no idea what goes on. I think they are mostly clueless and don't really care.

They are cold, distant and isolated. I think they make up stuff to make themselves look good. None of them seem to have any idea how to work with the staff to properly run a school district. None of the teachers I know feel they care anything about us, our students or Marshall in general. Cooperation, trust and support is almost nonexistent.

What do they do all day in central office I have no idea. Why our school board keeps listening to them to the detriment of the school district is a good question. They have made fools of our school board members over and over. Now they cost us an important school bond.

If anyone cares please step up and help make the changes that are needed. The price has been too high already, Marshall deserves much better. The teachers tried and you saw what that got us- ridicule, lawsuit threat and unjust targeting. Many excellent people lost their jobs or were forced out. Look what happened to Kathy Petrich, we will never forget that! The board is responsible for their decisions and must choose wisely as to who they listen to and who they believe. Now we will see their true colors in the coming weeks. If they fail us again, much of the damage may be irreversible.

Anonymous said...

Come on board, please help us!!! Lead us as you were elected to do!!!

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle article on the bond failure was buried inside and is full of board/Phillips spin. Even the one "no" voter they quoted went out of his way to say it was not the Superintendent or the board. We all know this was the main reason the bond failed, even if other factors played a role too. All they needed was 51 percent to pass the bond. If the leadership was trusted and respected that would be easy to get, even with a tough economy.

The lack of faith and trust in the Superintendent, her board supporters and the other failed leaders (JP loyalists) in power were clearly the deciding factor in the bond's failure. The letter by the weepy mom looks fishy too. It seems intended to distract attention away from the main causes of the problems. But what did we expect from Phillips, the truth? They can spin it any way they want but the truth is out there and well-known in the community. Now lets unite for new leadership NOW! Then we can easily pass the bond we need, maybe even a bigger one, in the near future!

Anonymous said...

The bond definitely would have passed if we had new leaders. Mrs. Phillips should have been replaced at least a year ago. Any smart school board would have done that first before trying to pass this bond. Hey, at least we will have offices on the first floor at MHS in the fall! What were they thinking! Why didn't they start upgrading music and science rooms with the last bond? That seems far more important than moving perfectly good offices at a huge expense.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle wimped out and did a poor job covering the school bond story. I think Shelly would have covered it better but she is unfortunately leaving. Maybe they are still afraid that Phillips will follow through on her threat to sue them if they say anything critical. This should have been front page news and if they just went into any of the downtown coffee shops in the morning they could have found dozens of people that would have said they voted no because of Phillips bad leadership. At least that greedy do-nothing Metcalf is leaving. At minimum they should put Joyce in that job and then hire a new superintendent.

Anonymous said...

If the board continues propping up the same failed leaders, covering up problems, discouraging public debate on school issues at board meetings and treating the staff with contempt and disrespect, then nothing will improve.

Anonymous said...

Brian Metcalf's departure (the other doctor) will not change anything. We need a new and highly competent superintendent. I think the board ia afraid to make the changes that are necessary. Maybe the bond failure will put pressure on them.

It would not surprise me if the PCO parents, the booster clubs, the anonymous donor, Rob Covert and Tom Franke all put pressure of them to find a new superintendent now. Then we can all unite and pass the bond.

Anonymous said...

From the actions of the board so far, they are far more concerned abut serving Dr. Phillips than the Marshall schools. So it will be at least another year until progress can be made.

Anonymous said...

What next for the Marshall schools? Another year of the same kinds of conflicts and problems.

Anonymous said...

Remember the old political quote,"It's not the economy stupid". Well, I figured that the board would use the economy, despite the fact that the EPIC survery told them that it was the super. The Chronicle survey also pointed out that it was the super. Get a clue board!!! Get rid of the super and you'll probably get a bond passed!!! It's NOT the economy, despite what she has you believing!

Anonymous said...

There is a network of high level discussions going on that could lead to a face-saving way for Dr. Phillips to depart earlier than next year. If things work out she could work out a deal to "retire early" and an interim Superintendent could be brought in to finish out this coming school year. This would allow another bond vote maybe as soon as November. The bond should then pass easily. Then the planning can be completed during the winter and work started next spring and summer. The anonymous donor would likely still offer his donation, maybe more. Everyone can declare victory and the Marshall schools can move forward.

I caution this is only an idea being floated around and does not have full board or Phillips support yet. This may be a solution to the deadlock.

Anonymous said...

One thing holding that back is money. If you think you know someone who can afford to contribute to the cause, contact the right board member. You know who to stay away from.

Anonymous said...

They have plenty of money of that was the only issue. Look at all they saved firing the custodians. If they do not work out a deal then you know it is about power and hidden agendas. That would be the only logical explanation to keep fighting with the staff and the community over keeping Phillips around another year.

Anonymous said...

I hope the MPS board is done settling scores and gets down to the business of running the schools properly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think that JKP has finished the list of 6.

Anonymous said...

To Rob Covert, Jim Pardoe, Tom Franke, Ron and Dave Degraw, etc:

She's known she would be leaving for two years, yet she has no transition team in place.

She failed to accomplish the one thing that might have left the system better than when she same.

Would you keep such a person as CEO of you company for another year?

Anonymous said...

The score will not be settled until Joyce is gone. She began this assault on the wonderful staff at Marshall. She has caused damage beyond words. Before she could just have gone away. Now, she should be sued for unfair, unjustified targeting of human beings causing damage to emotional and physical levels we had not imagined before.

There should be justice for all the damage this Board has allowed Joyce to bring upon people. The Board has been made aware of her tactics repeatedly - but did nothing. Now, set the Bond issue aside - remember the harm that has been allowed to continue. This Board should be held accountable. It seems quite unfair that the unidoctor should go unscathed while she has directly targeted and cuased irrepairable damage to so many human beings! Those that have caused direct damage should be held accountable. Metcalf also. Let's include Walbeck and Jones. This district would be much better off without these four. Metcalf down - three to go!

Anonymous said...

I spoke to a Board member just after the bond went down. They were so absorbed with 'their loss of their hard work - the bond' and angry at the voters for not passing it. I will quote here: "the voters said no to the bond proposal - so now they get NOTHING, NOTHING". What an attitude. Like the voters are hateful or harmful. JUST REMOVE JOYCE PHILLIPS LIKE WE HAVE AND WILL CONTINUE TO BEG YOU TO DO AND THEN - ONLY THEN - THE BOND WILL GO THROUGH. Board - how much more does it take. You are hearing this resounded around the city. Get new leadership. Get Joyce out of town NOW. Not later - NOW!

Anonymous said...

At least one teacher I know who was harmed wrongly by Joyce Phillips and the board looked into a civil suit. Unfortunately the way the law is written the board members and Phillips are protected even if they lied and used illegal methods. The school district would have to take responsibility for their actions and get stuck with the cost of the lawsuit. This person, despite the severe illegal harm done to them and their family, chose not to follow through with a full justifiable and provable lawsuit because the guilty would not have to pay and it would hurt the Marshall schools. Too bad our board does not care about the MPS as much as this teacher does. We all know that Phillips loathes the Marshall schools and the staff. She would sue in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

Jones is interviewing, too. Fire Joyce for her for incompetence and the inability to maintain a competent staff.

Anonymous said...

I know several that would like to sue if it would not affect the Marshall schools. The school board knows about the lies and corruption and tolerate it it, if not encourage it.

Anonymous said...

Encourage them to sue...JKP and the board carry insurance to protect them. It sure would keep Joyce busy and keep her from harassing others.

Anonymous said...

One of them that could sue for lies spread by Phillips and some board members is a former Principal. He is too much of a class act to stoop to the Phillips level.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Ms. Jones has learned from Dr. Metcalf's struggle to find another job. Working under JKP causes harm across the board. I hope the books balance and there are no 'surprises' once Ms. Jones makes her exit. We know who will be blamed 100%. Will Ms. Jones be taking her 'peon' Wally with her?

Anonymous said...

The movers and shakers knows that the MPS leadership is a mess and the board has lost control of the situation.

Anonymous said...

The bond failure has been a wake up call. Many people did not realize the depth of how bad things were. Many are angry that most board members had been lying saying things were good, that Phillips is a great superintendent and that morale had gone way up among the staff- all lies!

Fact: morale is at rock bottom, there is NO faith or trust in the current superintendent, the bond failed because the current superintendent was not replaced first.

Anonymous said...

Now that this bond has failed, we need to make sure that future bond requests are really what we need for the long haul. Do we want to get stuck with paying for repairs and "upgrades" for the next thirty years? Aren't we going to need a new High School before the 30 years is up? As Joyce put it "it's just going to cost more later". For the amount of money we will spend on repairs, we could build a new school for a little more! In this "school of choice" atmosphere that exists today we need to be mindful of the long term consequences of passing a bond just to fix things up. I would vote for a new high school...that would be worth 30 years of tax dollars and draw other families into Marshall to help renew our flagging economy.

Anonymous said...

The problem with building a new high school is that costs have skyrocketed during the last four years while our leaders dragged their feet. A new MHS would cost well over $45 million, maybe up to $60 million. Even with a new superintendent and a rebuilding of trust and faith in our school leaders, that would be a tough sell. It might fly if we had a buyer for MMS and could use the old MHS as a Middle School.

A remodeled MHS makes the most sense. An added gym would be nice too. A bigger auditorium I think would be great to have, but maybe 700 seats instead of 900 seats. Maybe some big donors can help out in return for naming rights for the new auditorium.

Either way the Marshall schools needs some competent and respected leaders at the top first, then some amazing things will be possible. The latest Phillips setback will likely cost us $3 million or so more in building costs if we have to wait another year or two to pass the bond. Tell the board if you are mad. Many of us have and it has not done any good. We just get the runaround and excuses.

Anonymous said...

The school board does not care or they would have "fixed" (the term they love to use) things in central office a long time ago. Look what they did to MHS! They got rid of an excellent Principal and replaced him with a way-below-average Phillips loyalist. And ya think they are going to do something good about the "Phillips problem" that is such a liability to our schools?

Anonymous said...

This is pure insanity. Our once wonderful school system has been brought down to a new low by the Board allowing an inept superintendent, who has wrought problem after problem upon our district employees. This is now trickling down to the students. Yes, the same students that Joyce professes to be 'putting first'. She, and she alone (yes with Board support) has accomplished at least one thing - that would be to cause more damage than the 'redskin' issue ever dreamed of causing.

How hard can it be to get her out now - with a failed bond - and replace her NOW with an interim superintendent. Perhaps Mr. Miles would consider sitting at the helm while we search for a worthy candidate to put into that office July 1, 2009. What you get in the way of school administrators in mid-year is 'just another Joyce' that other districts are trying very hard to get rid of. Let's not fall into that error again. Good candidates for school administration jobs start applying in late April through June. Then they have re-newed contracts (if they are good).

Anonymous said...

The school board know exactly how "bad" Joyce is and they love her for it! The more she infuriates the teachers and support staff the better. The more conflict she causes the more they think she is "making people do their jobs" (Vic quote). The more excellent people she forces out the more she is "fixing problems." When there are complaints they say it is "just a few whiners who don't want to do their job." When scandals break out in central office they say "we are looking into it but so far we have found nothing." When incompetent loyalists get large undeserved pay increases- like CMs $20,000 pay increase despite poor performance- they act like it is not a big deal. Board meetings have no real debate or discussion. It appears all real decisions are made outside board meetings, which are staged for PR effect.

Make no mistake about it, the Marshall school board- most of them at least- are "partners in crime" with Joyce Phillips and her cronies . They not only will do absolutely nothing to solve this mess, they orchestrated and created it in the first place! I am convinced as long as this foolish power-tripping clique controls the board (JD, VC, DS, PB and most likely AW), that there is no hope for anything truly positive to happen. Expect more of the same for years to come!

Anonymous said...

The board is sure taking a lot of heat. It appears the biggest reason the bond failed was the unpopularity of Dr. Phillips. Should the board have replaced her first? That certainly would have been the best option. Now the failure of the bond is a huge price to pay to keep her around another year.

Anonymous said...

Lou, Bob C. and Joyce, things just keep getting worse! Lou looks better all the time.

Anonymous said...

Lets see Lou gave himself a $30,000 "buyout" when he left, Bob took at least $70,000 "sick pay" when he left, and now Joyce Phillips gets five extra years giving her ten years and a second Michigan retirement worth maybe $500,000 of our tax money. Plus her bad leadership cost us an important bond which is also several years late, so if one gets passed in the future the district will have to pay several million dollars more to get the same thing.

Can we afford to keep Joyce another year? Removing her now would save the Michigan retirement hundreds of thousands and a bond could be passed in November saving millions of dollars for Marshall taxpayers. Does JP deserve to be removed now? Yes, for many many good reasons, just ask any MPS teacher.

Anonymous said...

So keep Phillips around another year could cost us millions?

Anonymous said...

I could see her costing us at least $1 million dollars, maybe much more.

Have they started looking for a new Assistant Superintendent? If they are smart they will find someone strong enough to possibly get promoted next year. We desperately need good, honest and strong leadership at the top. Someone who works well with the staff and the community. Someone who knows how to run a school district well. Someone we can all respect and be proud to have as our leader. We have not had anyone like that in a very long time.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'd want them to bring in a new Assistant Superintendant yet. Anyone that they bring in now will be tainted by JKP. I say let the position sit empty for the remainder of her reign and bring in 2 new fresh minds.

Anonymous said...

Well before you replace Metcalf (fill the vacated position) you must remember perhaps we don't even need to fill that job. Any position that has time to 'study on school time for doctorate degree' does not exhibit a need to have the position. I am not convinced this district is large enough for yet another 'salary sucking' position. We have changed the title from "curriculum director" (lower pay scale) to "asst. supt." (high end salary) and yet the immediate supervisor of this position did not direct Metcalf to do anything but attack employees for her. I do not feel we need to pay for Joyce to have a peon at $100,000 that will do her dirty work this next year. Let's wait - save money - study the position and responsibilities....and perhaps decide this district doesn't need a 'pit bull' but a person who understands curriculum and how to govern the teachers. This would be putting kids first - which is something the position of Asst. Supt. has never done. Glad to see Metcalf gone. He proved himself to be incompetent and a complete evader of the truth!

Anonymous said...

That is a good budget cut idea. Nobody trusts Joyce to hire a highly competent replacement anyway, so it should be left vacant for a year. She would probably like to have a committee do the work and when they recommend someone good she will overrule them and hire a far lesser person. She has done this over and over.

Anonymous said...

One of the directives that Joyce Phillips gave to Ron Behrenwald was to harass and try to get rid of Kathy Petrich. It was pure political dirty tricks because the teacher survey exposed the truth about her poor performance as superintendent. He refused such outrageous "directives" and tried to go to the board about how Phillips was doing sleazy and dirty tricks. The board backed Phillips and turned further against Ron. The end result of the school board purposeful decision was to force out a first-class Principal at MHS and replace him with a lousy JP lackey. Their actions gave the green light for extreme harassment and abuse of Kathy Petrich until the events of this summer when her job got cut further solely for dirty political reasons and she felt the need to leave her beloved MHS. Then we all know the rest of the story. I hold not only the sleazy Joyce Phillips responsible but her board buddies Janice, Vic, Paul, Dan and Ali too! backing Joyce cost us the bond too! If anyone starts a recall against this group I think it will have tremendous support. They have damaged our schools greatly for far too long.

Anonymous said...

Why does the board support Dr. Phillips so much when nobody else seems to be able to stand her? Are they that clueless? Spineless?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen a meeting on cable? I can't find the meeting video. Supposedly it runs at 7am and 7pm.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen a meeting on cable? I can't find the meeting video. Supposedly it runs at 7am and 7pm.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen a meeting on cable? I can't find the meeting video. Supposedly it runs at 7am and 7pm.

Anonymous said...

The board has been telling the teachers one thing while doing the opposite for four years now. We do not trust them any more. John Coulter is a good guy but he cannot do much. A lot of promises were made after the survey results showed major problems with Joyce, Brian and others a few years ago. All of the promises were not only broken but Joyce got worse with board support. Chris Varvatos acted quite concerned but nothing seem to ever come of it. This board has really let us down. Actually it is much worse than that. Let's not forget Ron, Kathy and the custodians.

Anonymous said...

I bet the school board will continue their denial of reality and try to blame the teachers for the failure of the bond. From what I am hearing, that is already happening.

Anonymous said...

The board is divided between those that no longer want to protect JP and those that still do. So far they are trying to deflect blame away from her, despite overwhelming evidence going back to the EPIC survey that she is the main cause of lack of trust and support in the school leadership. They are also hoping the Kathy Petrich scandal blows over (remember the way she was abused and forced out by JP and the results that followed). They can't hide or conceal the truth like they used to get away with a year or two ago. Everyone is talking, the truth is well known now how bad things have become.

Anonymous said...

When will the work at MHS be done? Are they updating the science rooms, the gym or the music area?

Anonymous said...

The work is mostly superficial- moving offices to the first floor, redo entrances, etc. I guess it will improve "curb appeal" as the board so often talks about. I am more concerned about what's going on inside.

Anonymous said...

I saw Brian and Amy out to lunch this week and neither looked very happy. Brian is taking a job that will actually be a demotion, which shows how badly he wanted out. I heard Amy is looking too. I think everyone is ready for a change. Everyone wants a new superintendent too.

Anonymous said...

You mean Amy was at work early enough to go to lunch? Is this what Metcalf was supposed to do during his stay here at MPS:

Announcement of Position Opening
Posting Date: August 13, 2008

POSITION SUMMARY: The Assistant Superintendent provides leadership and coordination for the District in the area of
Curriculum & Instruction and Human Resources.
The Assistant Superintendent is responsible for the assurance of an
articulated, well-balanced K-12 instructional program with emphasis on improvement of instruction and student achievement.
The Assistant Superintendent is to respond positively to community, parent, student, staff and administrative inquiries
concerning available services and programs.

· Meet general teacher qualifications in the State of Michigan
· Hold a Master’s Degree in Education Administration from an accredited institution
· Retain a minimum of six (6) years with combined teaching and administrative experience in education
· Strong leadership and communication skills

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: The nature of responsibilities listed is a reflection of the job description
· Plan, coordinate, supervise and evaluate all district instructional programs and services
· Responsible for accreditation and school improvement for the district
· Serve as district coordinator for federal and state and local accreditation/school improvement systems: No Child Left
Behind (NCLB), Education YES!, North Central Accreditation, School Improvement
· Oversee State of Michigan pupil accounting for the district
· Serve as District 504 Officer, Title IX Officer, Homeless Student Compliance Officer, and Vocational Education
· Oversee district Special Education instructional programs, services, expenditures and staffing
· Establish employment practices and coordinate all certified and non-certified personnel with cooperation of building
· Maintain and implement a program of professional development for certified and non-certified instructional support
· Administer grievance and discipline procedures and practices
· Administer provisions of labor agreements and district policies
· Assist and advise administrators about HR issues, laws and regulations
· Perform other duties as assigned

Work Year: 48 Weeks Salary & Benefits: Competitive salary and comprehensive benefit package
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested applicants must provide the following in application packet:
· Letter of interest
· Resume
· Copy of College Transcripts
· Minimum of Five (5) Professional References
· Minimum of Three (3) Letters of Recommendation
· Completed District “Administrator” Application (available online: www.marshall.k12.mi.us)
Human Resources
100 East Green Street
Marshall, MI 49068
DEADLINE TO APPLY: September 4, 2008; 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Looks like the board is going to let Joyce hire another idiot. Boy are they a huge disappointment! I certainly someone comes up with the guts to run a recall on a few of them.

Anonymous said...

That pretty much describes what Metcalf's secretary did. Why not just cut the position and give her a much-deserved big raise?

Anonymous said...

The secretaries can run the main office much better than their bosses.

Anonymous said...

In the chronicle the main person responsible (Joyce Phillips) for the bond's failure will be holding a board workshop to figure out why the bond did not pass and what the options are.

Let's see, they can do this openly and honestly and she can offer her resignation to solve the MPS biggest problem. Or it can be another round of "spin" to divert attention from the real problems and blame others. What do you think she will do?

Anonymous said...

I expect more choreographed spin all fall. The board is in their usual protection mode. They have been hostile to the teaching staff for four years now. They will support and protect Mrs. Phillips at all costs. She did in fact cost us the bond. They promised her another year and will do everything in their power to give it to her.

If Phillips continues her incompetent reign forcing out more good people like she did to Kathy Petrich, Ron Behrenwald and others, then they will back her for "fixing problems." How many more scandals and controversies can we afford? How many can the board cover up for her?

The MPS teachers and support staff overwhelmingly want Phillips gone-NOW, and are happy to see Metcalf gone too. Too much damage, mismanagement and injustice has been carried out so far. If Phillips is not removed soon, expect more of the same and another troubled year for our beleaguered schools.

Anonymous said...

I loved Metcalf bragging about himself in the paper. Going on and on about all he has accomplished, how his four years felt like 10 or 11 years. What crapola! He spent two of his four years working on his PHD full time. He was so clueless about many important curriculum issues that teachers and principals quit going to him for guidance. He is best talent is taking credit for the hard work of the teachers and building principals who did in fact make excellent progress on curriculum, no thanks to him. His secretary is a hard worker and I am sure he is taking credit for her efforts, many of which were probably to cover for him. Good riddance Brian- you took a lot for yourself, stayed loyal to your buddies Amy and Joyce and gave almost nothing back in return for your $500,000+ in pay and perks. What a waste of money that could have been better spent on real school improvement.

Anonymous said...

I think Dr. Phillips, Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf have conned the school board into thinking they were doing a good job and 'fixing problems." Only a fool would believe and support this group in their actions. If the board are not fools they need to listen to and support their own "excellent" staff.

Anonymous said...

The moderator needs to start another post to give the district advice about the bond failure.

Not just griping. Not that the griping isn't justified. But, let's separate the general transgressions from the ones that might really impact the bond passage - if that's possible.

In any case, let's give productive advice.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Complaining on here does nothing. I say either recall the board members who are responsible for all of the awful things that have happened to our school district or give up and put your energies elsewhere. All civil attempts by the staff and parents have failed. They will back Phillips no matter what the price is to the district. Most of this board does not care and it is a waste of time to try to reason with them.

Anonymous said...

There is a deadlock. The board refuses to replace Phillips until she chooses to leave next year. Hardly anybody else can stand her and many will not vote for another school bond until she is gone. That is the situation we have now in the MPS.

Anonymous said...

I agree! All of these "workshops" and "seeking input" meetings that do not address the main problem are a waste of time. They are just for PR and spin. No real progress can happen until we have a new superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Spin Spin Spin. What more must this board be told before they admit that this leadership has been and will continue to be a disaster? Are they really that clueless? Get rid of Joyce and at the very least do NOT replace the absolutely worthless Metcalf position. Ask any teacher in the district!

Anonymous said...

We can get along without hiring a replacement for Metcalf for the year. It seems a "no brainer" to me.
Just use the money that we would pay a repacement, to fix some of the most important maintenance problems. With out replacing Metcalf we will be saving well over 100,000. Maybe Joyce could throw in the raise she got and we could do even more.

Anonymous said...

Use the savings from not replacing Metcalf this year towards paying extra to some of the top department/subject/grade level teachers who are very well qualified to lead up curriculum improvement in cooperation with our building Principals. This should get us through this year and save money. Pay the secretaries at ALL levels more, along with other key support staff. Any one of them contributes more to our students than Metcalf ever did.

Anonymous said...

But we all know that the board will listen to JKP who will say we can not survive without an asst. to assist her. What a joke and what a waste of money that could go somewhere more important for "Kids First". Also why should she be allowed to personally pick another lackey to follow her every devious order. Come on school board and realize what this community already knows. The top leadership is an unmitigated disaster.

Anonymous said...

Are you delirious or something. Don't you understand....Linda Bennick - has wholeheartedly said: "I am qualified, I've worked hard for it - I deserve the position". Don't you see the writing on the wall: Joyce will hire Linda Bennick to replace 'whatever it is' Metcalf did do. We know he didn't order new curriculum books - too busy on safari. We know he did study for his doctorate degree - and now we see where that got him. Both Amy and Brian quickly realized their alligance to Joyce nearly cost them their careers. Both have taken other jobs. Wouldn't this be a great time for the Board to clear the slate - get an interim supt. in to restructure our district back to 'excellence in education'. Then we will support a bond. (without an auditorium that is truly not needed). But we will support a bond that does affect the student education in MPS. The new offices - now that one will truly affect the student education....lol

More of the 'stupid' decisions will not support a bond. Good luck Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf- Oooops - I meant 'adios'. Possibly the only thing you have done that this district will appreciate....leaving.

PROBLEM: Who will be in charge of the key to unlock the grand piano now. Oh - that's right. Joyce cut the choral program - not sure we really need that grand seiler piano now. How about an auction so we can spend the proceeds on a new science lab.

Anonymous said...

This district is not big enough for an Asst. Supt. Let's relook at the Lou/Brad/Bob years.

In 1991 the titles were: Business Manager, Direction of Instruction, and of course District Supt. These titles have been upgrades - thus costing the district funds to pay for those titles. Let's go back to Business Manager (65,000) Director of Instruction (65,000) and supt. ($90,000). Now there is a cost savings of nearly $100,000 per year. And someone said you need doctorate degrees - what for? To do nothing. Let's get people in place that KNOW WHAT THEY ARE HIRED FOR AND KNOW HOW TO DO IT.

Should someone call Lakeview and give them a heads up about Amy. Or just get her a new planner so she doesn't forget to cancel insurance thus costing the district upwards of $22,000 per mistake! Boy - are they going to be in for a big surprise! But not as big a Hudsonville.

Anonymous said...

PERSONAL AD: Lonely bus supervisor looking for friends to replace Jones and Metcalf! Wanted - someone to be friend to Bus Garage supervisor. Qualities: None Qualifications: None
Goals: To stomp on each and every good worker left at MPS. To attack good people. Have lots of time to be friends as secretary does all the work at bus garage. (right and left hand to bus supervisor)Must be capable of lying and double talk. Looking for replacement friends - any one interested - please contact Wally

Anonymous said...

Two down, one to go. Also the Supt. should not be allowed to hire an asst. supt. that she used to live with.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately many have forgotten all the school policy that Joyce pushed change through.

One was giving her sole repsonsibility to evaluate administrators, give contract extensions, and the hiring process. This was one of the harmful policy changes to MPS. So - if you have been watching the movement of administrators you will quickly understand why the Behrenwald chose to find a job and leave. She could/would have singlehandedly ruined his career. Same with Dahlinger, Hulk. On the other hand...the inept Metcalf received a contract extension of one year from her (before he found someone to hire him - Hudsonville). This should not and cannot continue. With an unethical superintendent with narcistic personality traits - this could and is ruining an entire district. Joyce wants to surround herself with people that will not outshine her. And, she has most definitely done this. It will take several years for a good superintendent to unravel the mess Joyce has caused Marshall district. What a shame!

Anonymous said...

When committees were involved I think rejected their best choices every time.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - wouldn't that be peachy to have Linda Bennick fill Metcalf's vacant position. Didn't Bennick and Phillips lie their way out of the prosecutor's office regarding directing school employees to go fix the air conditioner in the rental house Bennick was renting (owned by Supt. secretary's family). This district will suffer if Bennick and Phillips become the administration. Then wait until they pick a replacement for Jones. Guess what...this district could possibly be in even worse shape if we allow Joyce to fill these top administration positions before she goes.

Bennick can be sweet to you if she needs something out of you. If not....LOOK OUT! She can put Metcalf and his vindictive ways to shame!!!! FACT!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a new air conditioning scandal investigation is needed.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now Robb Wright can speak up about the air conditioner scandal. He was told he could not talkt to people about it while he was employed! If people had questions he was to send them directly to Phillips. That people is exactly the root of the problem. Phillips directs employees, while on the clock, that if they talk they will be silenced. Have we become a non-democratic society here at MPS? Joyce Phillips is the most harmful superintendent this district could ever have. What is so difficult about firing her? There has been lots of talk about people that would donate money to buy her out. Believe me....she could care less about Marshall. She doesn't even pretend to care about the students when she is face to face with them. This I speak about as I have witnessed her cold demure around students when she could be embracing them. She is one cold noodle and she is wrapped nicely around this Board! Shame on the Board. Have they forgotten their code of ethics?

Anonymous said...

What ethics? Not with Phillips close board friends. Phillips could get caught stealing money and Janice would praise her and come up with some excuse to justify or cover up what she did. The others would say they will look into it and nothing would happen.

Anonymous said...

Well we do see where Darlings support has gotten her. Perhaps she has forgotten where her roots started. Janice has blindly backed Joyce. I know many people that stopped shopping at the Variety Store due to her blantant lack of caring towards the staff and students at MPS. Several people I know said they would never step in her store again due to the custodial issue. Janice grew up here - with some of those custodians....I guess the phrase: Be careful which horse you back as you could be trampled! No sympathy for Janice - which is exactly what Janice gave our local custodians....no sympathy...no support! Besides - if you don't have a job...you don't have money to shop...you don't have money to hire a wrecker...you don't have money to rent a MAC center...you don't have money to pay for a school bond!

Who ever would have thought getting rid of 24+ custodians would be a positive step in passing a huge bond???? Only Joyce, Amy and Brian - with support for Wally Walbeck....3 of 4 don't pay MPS taxes! Hum?????