Monday, August 13, 2007

What will come . . . .

The Marshall Board of Education, as expected, voted 7-0 to privatize our custodial staff. There really isn't much to say - it was very emotional.


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Anonymous said...

The Marshall school board members got all sobby and said they are only doing what is "best" for the Marshall School District. BUT they have lavished contract extentions and big pay increases on the top administrators, especially Joyce Phillips, who have done a terrible job and are causing great harm to teh Marshall Schools every day! Why the hypocracy? Where was "fiscal responsibility" then?

If they tuly care about what is best for the Marshall schools, and saving money, they would fire at least Joyce Phillips and maybe a few other failed leaders at the top (Jones, Metcalf, others?). These leaders have completely lost the trust, respect and support of well over 95 percent of the MPS staff and parents. That translates into failed leadership that needs to be replaced ASAP. I feel bad for the poor custodians, as I believe there was a lot more than money at the top of their list for doing this. They are just the latest victims on Joyce's hit list! I was especially angry at the way they tried to act like the building Principals were recommending firing the custodians. This is not true! The entire MPS staff all know it was Joyce Phillips, Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf who made and forced this decision. The school board could have at least told the truth about who was really responsible for this awful decision, rather than protect and cover for the bad leadership at the top as they always do!

Anonymous said...

I agree! If we had an excellent Superintendent who was honest, trustworthy, respected and did a great job, this bitter pill (firing the custodians) would not be as hard to swallow. But when the school board members one by one say they are just "doing what's best for the kids" while supporting the worst Superintendent in the history of the Marshall schools with contract extentions, raises and protection, it makes me very upset! I do not think the board members are fools, I think they know exactly what they are doing- and it is not good for the kids! There are double-standards, dirty politics and hypocracy involved for sure! If they truly cared about the kids and the schools, we would have a new Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and Business Manager.

Anonymous said...

I hope no one was surprised by the vote. Dan Stulberg's columns in the Chronicle and Enquirer over the weekend made it pretty clear that this would be done -- if it saved money. Of course it will save money; anytime you can hire workers with a lower level of benefits you are going to save money. But I certainly hope someone monitors this over the next three years to make sure the district sees this million dollars worth of savings. I find that number to be exaggerated.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back on.

Anonymous said...

Another cold and heartless 7-0 vote. Lots of PR, but lots of lies and hypocracy in action as usual. The decision was made long ago, most likely by Joyce, Brian, Amy and their clique, to fire the custodians. Then they say it came from the building Principals? That makes no sense! Then they put John Coulter at the forefront because he is the nicest and most trusted board member! Why didn't Joyce and Amy just stand up and take the responsibility they deserve! We all know they are behind it and their board supporters. The poor custodians never had a chance! Another group of victims on the revenge hit list!

Anonymous said...

Two post above; I am not Mike Rio, although he is co-worker of mine. If you think he is the only person on this blog with an opinion opposite yours, you are very mislead.

Anonymous said...

To the above
Mike R. is running this blog a person told me.Harper creek is having their problems and i think we should start a sight to discuss their issues. How bout it mike.

Anonymous said...

Harper Creek, like every district, has some problems, but they are miniscule compared to Marshall's. Go ahead and start a blog about Harper, see what you get.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Illask severson where to start. I am sure mike will help us, oh probably not. HE likes to sneak around behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Face the facts. Marshall schools will save at least one million dollars by doing something that other schools have done and have been successful at. If it wasn't for Lou G., this might not have had to happen. Besides, the janitors can all apply for jobs with the new company and if they are qualified they will be hired. And if they are not qualified, do you really want them in your schools? I would think not. Anyway, it will be nice to have janitors that acutally work 8 hours a night, rather than just get paid for it. If the people on here truly cared about the kids, rather than the union jobs lost, then the decision made by the board was a no-brainer and was in the best interest of the students and their education.

And to "area teacher", I am not concerned about Mike Rio's opnion, I'm concerned by the fact that he runs the blog, when he truly has no reason to be involved. Besides, didn't his boss make it clear to him to stay away from the blog? Why yes he did.

Anonymous said...

The world has changed. It is still changing. A high school education and low or no skills is a recipe for disaster. It's tragic for the custodians and their families, but that's the way it is.

More change is coming. Hate the upper management all you want, but a different team would make the same decisions.

The unions and the democrats can stay with the old tired rhetoric, but they are dinosaurs.

Yes, Lou and his lap-dog boards helped us get here by sticking their heads in the ground. If you think this board is secretive, you should have seen the boards led by the presidents in the 80's and 90's.

Voters, take back your schools. But, be ready for much more change.

Speak up. Act up.

Here's my name. Say what you will. I'm flame proof.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

I know the person who runs this blog and it is not Mike Rio. I do not know who Mike Rio is, but I can assure you he has nothing to do with this blog.

Anonymous said...

I also know Mike Rio, and he has told me he has nothing to do with this blog except to make a comment occasionally. I trust him and believe that he is telling the truth. I do not know why every time there is well-written response here, someone accuses him of writing it. And he is a Marshall resident and taxpayer and therefore has as much right to express his opinion here as anyone else.

Anonymous said...

The new company will not hire the majority of the custodians because if they did they would inherit the union contract. Most, if not all, of the custodians are simply out on the street! No matter how long they worked for the Marshall schools or how close to retirement they are, no accommodation whatsoever was made even for the ones who only needed a few more years to retire! How cold! How heartless!

Lakeview is phasing in privatization to minimze the harm to dedicated longtime empoyees. Joyce Phillips would not even consider such an option! Apparently neither did her rubber stamp board.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall teachers have attempted to work with this administration and the school board in a cooperative manner to make the improvements we need to make together, as a team, the way it should be. When Vic Potter brought Joyce Phillips flowers the day we delivered our surveys, I knew things were off to a bad start. Since then all attempts to cooperate and solve the many problems in the district together have failed. I feel like we were misled and used to get positive PR and pass the bond. Now that Supt. Phillips has her big pay raise and contract extention, all we get is disrespect, hostility and telling-us-one-thing while they do the opposite in return. Why are we being treated so badly by our school board?

Anonymous said...

Did the Marshall school board carefully consider the pros and cons of privatization before making their decision, to some extent yes! Are most of the school board members basically good people, yes. Do they serve the best interests of the Marshall Schools? Basically no, or we would have a new Superintendent this summer. Do they support the MPS staff the way they should? No way, not even close! Did they try to soften the blow and phase in privatization, the least they could have done, no! Does the state deserve blame for not properly financing education, yes- most of the blame! Should the school board be recalled? Only if there are seven Marshall citizens that can do a better job and are willing to serve. So far, sadly, none have come forward.

Anonymous said...

What a sad night for the longsuffering MPS custodians! My thoughts and prayers are with all of you!

Anonymous said...

Mike R. IS a no good trouble maker. Word has it he helped alter testimony so foreman would get of scott free.Mike, worry about harper creek. Maybe loose a few pounds.

Anonymous said...

Is this Mrs. Potter? I asked MR who keeps crudely attacking him and others online and he said he thought it was you. He said you graduated together or something.

Anonymous said...

That would be my guess too. As an active parent I have heard about and witnessed her tirades and antics. When a crossing guard, another parent, politely told her that she had parked in a no parking zone, she went off on the crossing guard proclaiming loudly that her husband was on the school board and that she can park wherever she wants to. I have heard her rudely put down other school board members, administrators and teachers at various school functions. What a class act!

Anonymous said...

I think that if the board doesnt even listen to the students that have talked to them and told them that this is not what is best for the students than they are fools and should not be on the board at all i think they all need to go and is far as vic not knowing about the raises then maybe if he was actually paying attention during the meetings and not just voteing yes because he was told to do so than he might have a clue maybe that is true with all of them cuz meeny of them didnt listen?

Anonymous said...

I am proud of the way the custodians ran their campaign to save their jobs! They demonstrated what fine people they are and I am deeply saddened for the loss of their jobs this past Monday night. The worst part is that since I first heard about the plans to replace them, I had an awful feeling that they never had a chance to save their jobs. Its like when I heard that Ron Behrenwald was being targeted by Joyce Phillips. He never had a chance and he was our best building Principal. Why do I feel that the only ones smiling this week are Amy Jones and Joyce Phillips?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Amy Jones and Joyce Phillips are now planning to privatize bus drivers, secretaries and other support staff?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha... you think I'm Vic's wife? Do you actually think she's smart enough to articulate any thoughts on a blog? If you do, then you have never met Mrs. Potter. Good guess but try again. Yep, just keep concentrating on the "who done it", as opposed to dealing with the facts of my posts. It's apparent that nobody on here is qualified to debate me, but I guess when there is only one truth it's hard to debate it. That's cool though, just keep thinking I'm Joyce, or Vic, or Vic's wife (my personal favorite so far), because that seems to be the only thing people can respond with. It's almost criminal how stupid some of you people are on here.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 9:01... the fact that Mike makes any comments on here at all is wrong. He is not supposed to be on here PERIOD!!! Ask his boss. The only thing he should be concerned with is Harper Creek, his buddy Jody, and whether or not to supersize his big mac combo. End of story.

Anonymous said...

The person who made the last two posts certainly is not very articulate or a good debater. They seem to only desire to move the focus away from embarrassing school issues and the anger directed at Phillips and the school board over their actions.

Anonymous said...

Expect more privatization in the coming year. Joyce and Amy are on a roll.

Anonymous said...

and on a roll they are!!!! i got my layoff notice at 3:00 today as i was leaving work,so did 6 the end of sept. we will all be gone!

Anonymous said...

I do not know if Mike's boss told him to stay away from this blog or not. (I do not even know which boss you would be referring to; the principal, the technology director, the superintendent, the assistant superintendent?) But if he was told that, I am very disappointed in whomever would say that. You don't lose your freedom of speech just because you become a teacher.
And anonymous 2:26 p.m; people who have valid arguments to make do not need to resort to namecalling (or in this case making references to someone weight) to get their point across.
And finally, why are you so threatened by what Mike Rio would say anyway?

Anonymous said...

Would a Marshall school official call the employer of a Marshall citizen to threaten them for criticizing bad school decisions? That sounds like a new scandal right there! If that happened to me I would sue the Marshall schools for violating my rights as a citizen and a taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

A while back I heard that Phillips and her chronies were threatening legal action against the Marshall teacher for the survey and against the chronicle for covering bad school news. This sounds like thuggery in action.

Anonymous said...

I do not mind the Phillips/Jones/Board supporters sharing their views. I just do not like it when they stoop to name calling, personal insults, threats and swearing. Calling the custodians "retards" and telling an overweight citizen you may disagree with to lose some weight is not cool. "Articulate" people do not do this!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very concerned where privatization is going next. I have also heard rumors that Amy and JP are looking at replacing the bus drivers and secretaries.

Anonymous said...

Check out the article in 8-16 Enquirer about the three finalist for Charlotte superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Probably won't get picked because of all of the negative comments on this look what you've done!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dr. Metcalf has done an outstanding job and is the finest Assistant Superintendent ever! Oh how awful it would be if we lost him to Charlotte, and what a gain for them!

Anonymous said...

A lawyer source confirms the threatening letter to the Chronicle. Fact is that as a "public person" Phillips almost cannot be libeled. She would have to prove actual malice on the part of the publication - almost impossible to do.

Anonymous said...

Maybe mike r. can give brian a recommodation. He lies about everything else.

Anonymous said...

brian m. did not get the job , he is out of the running.but thats ok, fair is fair. we get no severance package and he gets to stay in marshall!!!!! and who is mike r., ? and if you dont like him , why dont you tell him to his face and leave us out of it?

Anonymous said...

Mike Rio is one of the nicest, most honest and trustworthy guys I know. He did speak out last year about the superintendent and now he is a target of one of her psycho supporters. I agree it is most likely vics wife.

Anonymous said...

So Metcalf did not make it at Charlotte. We know "the good doctor" is not going anywhere, I think we are the last district she will be pawned off on. What schemes is she cooking up now for our joyous back to school? We should have another year of depressing news.

Anonymous said...

I miss Joyce's leadership columns! "Leadership is Firing the Custodians!"

Anonymous said...

Notice that her "Superintendant's Corner" articles stopped showing up once her evaluation was done(March/April?). Guess she can stop communicating once she gets a less than favorable evaluation. I doubt if our board noticed. I actually don't miss the columns, they were never actually hers anyway. Other people would do all of the work and she'd take credit for them. Great lady we have running our schools:(

Anonymous said...

Is the high school remodelling done yet? How does it look?

Anonymous said...

No, just some cosmetic changes and the offices moved to the first floor. The tennis courts look great, paid for with private funding and grants.

Anonymous said...

The high school is a mess from the construction...gosh why don't the custodians clean it up and then hit the road. Not!!!! My prediction is that, in the future, when the public wants to know exactly how much was spent on the new custodial company, we will not be able to get a straight answer. The facts will be buried just like they were hidden from the board members in this last travesty of leadership. If we had outsourced Amy Jones to an accounting firm we would have been able to save enough to keep the jobs in Marshall. The savings we would appreciate would be significant just because the mistakes and money laundering that Amy does would be handled by people who know how to do the job. Ohh...but then Joyce would not be able to hide funds for her pet people to get raises.

Anonymous said...

So now what?? Is there a recall of the board planned? I heard that over 3,000 Marshall citizens signed a survey in favor of keeping the school custodians. I thought the board was elected to represent what the citizens of Marshall want for their schools? How does a 7-0 vote represent the citizens of MPS???

Anonymous said...

on monday, aug.27th thenew company takes over the hi school. our custodians will be sent to other schools until time for there layoff. good thing to, 7 of us are gone on the 24th, and our schools are not done yet!i wonder if emailing granhom would stop this mess?NOT!!!!i'll close for noe so i con go throwup again. HAY, maby the new company can come clean it up!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting and did not hear about survey. Maybe that should have been presented to board so they could actually see names,signatures.

Anonymous said...

survey was presented, they didnt want to hear it.

Anonymous said...

That's how they do their business, secretive and dishonest. I have lost trust in all of them!

Anonymous said...

This board mostly was put together by anti-Redskin "reformers." Once elected they set up their own "old boy" network with a few "old girls" included and have proven worse than the previous administrations and boards. The morale even worse this summer and if there was a new survey the top admins support would likely be in the low single digits.

Anonymous said...

The chronicle out this weekend covered the custodians firing. There were 3,000 signatures in a small town like this to keep the custodians? WOW! If that is true I would expect a recall in the near future. Its time for a change.

Anonymous said...

I just read the Chronicle article about the board meeting--so sad, those poor abused board members! As Shakespeare said, "Me think thou doest protest too much!!!" If they really believe it was the only decision, then just say that and vote. As I understand it, from a person who was at the meeting, public comments was limited to three minutes, strictly enforced by the board president; but then the board members themselves went on and on, some for nearly half an hour, emotionally justifying their decisions.
One, if it really was the only thing they thought they could do, given the financial situation of the district, then they should not have needed to justify their actions.
Two, if serving on the board is such a stressful job (people even pestering you at church) then resign now and save the community the expense of a recall.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board should do the honorable thing and resign. Things are much worse now than a few years ago in the Marshall schools due in large part to their support for bad leaders and hostility towards most everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the 3,000 signature reference. How can that be when 3,000 didn't come out to vote?

Anonymous said...

I think it was more like 800+ signatures. Still a large number, but not 3,000.

Anonymous said...

Amy Jones and Joyce Phillips are now looking into more privatization. If they could they would outsource the entire staff. If you want to know why our country is in decline, it is because of greedy self-serving extremists like them. Also wealthy special interests and the apathy of most people to do much about it. Sound familiar? Whatever happened to good, honest and caring leadership?

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous above, yes it was close to 3000 signatures I do believe the total was 2800. When she was talking about them you couldn't hear the total very well. But the board didn't even look at them. They just did what Joyce and Amy wanted.

Anonymous said...

as of the meeting today,all we got with our layoff is our vacation pay!nice severence package ha!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all of those who donated their time and money for the terrific new tennis courts at MHS!

Anonymous said...

Thanks For A Positive Comment.

Anonymous said...

The sad truth is that I have been searching for a positive comment and the only one I can up with about this district is that the staff is wonderful and should be proud of the way they touch the lives of their students every day.

Anonymous said...

We do have a very good staff! :-)

Anonymous said...

Couldn't say this was unexpected.

Anonymous said...

Why does Marshall have such bad luck with superintendents?

Anonymous said...

Who was the last decent Superintendent? Maybe Nick Timmer in the 1970s? Certainly not Lou G. or anyone who came after him. :-(

Anonymous said...

It may have been a simpler time, but Nick made it look easy.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is the "times". There were issues in the 1970's too, (economy was not great in the late '70's and early '80's.) And currently some other area districts have some pretty decent superintendents.

Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me why the aug. schoolbord meeting has not been on t.v. yet ? the july one has played all month!is this another one of joyces tricks to keep the public in the dark?

Anonymous said...

If you are upset because the state has not properly funded public education, then call or write your state reps and senators. Radical changes to reward political special interests that started under the Engler administration have harmed the finanances of all public schools. Billions have been poured into for-profit charter schools that offer a fraction of the services while pocketing big profits at the expense of public schools. The custodians would not have lost their jobs had these changes not been made. Special interest groups are profiting hansomely at the expense of the students and taxpayers of the state of Michigan. We do have good local reps (Nofs, Wenke and Schauer) and a state senator, both republicans and democrrats, but others are selling us out for their own political gain.

Anonymous said...

It is a travesty what education in Mi has come to. Politicians of all parties at all levels have sold the poeple out for their own benefit and self-interest and it seems to be true for all "leaders" at the top of every structure in our society. Even sadder is that we, the people, have become so complacent and accepting of such poor leadership that we just dont seem to care. Education should be the one issue that comes before all others but seems to have been thrown out of a back seat and into the trunk over the past 20 years. I am not a leftist by any means but we, the people, should be massing together and demanding change at all levels in our society. The JKPs and Metcalfes of our local scene fit right in with the top "leaders" everywhere else you look. The common people be damned while the top brass get fatter, richer and more powerful. How stupid we, the people, seem to be.

Anonymous said...

We all know who, besides an eccentric local dentist, contributed greatly to the emergence of our local "Lou Gianunzio Charter School." Is LG in the papers again for another scandal?

Anonymous said...

I did read about it in the paper and like before Jeff Albaugh is in the middle of it too.

Anonymous said...

yeah jeff albaugh is a real piece of shit. p.s. im glad all of the janitors lost their jobs. Its what they deserved

Anonymous said...

Posts like that confirm what Forrest Gump's Mom said.

Anonymous said...

Wow, someone has a potty mouth. Sounds like someone that is really impressed with our BOE and Dr. Phillips.

Anonymous said...

mr. potty mouth must work for the new cleaning company!!! he sounds like someone i would hire, NOT!

Anonymous said...

i wish the blog master would do an update...its been a while

Anonymous said...

A new year, more problems. I do not remember morale being this low at the start of the school year.

Anonymous said...

I hear things are off to a crappy start with the new principal at the high school. No senior toga day during homecoming week. No hats allowed during HAT DAY homecoming week. Kids have to stay in the cafeteria with doors shut for the whole lunch period - is there enough room for all those kids to sit and eat? He must be in Joyce's back pocket.

Anonymous said...

its about time someone cut down on the "do anything" attitude at the high school. Finally, putting some serious professionalism back into the schools. As a member of the public, it has looked like the HS was run by the students for too many years now. Glad to see some good adminstration back.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if togas make the school less serious, or less stressful for a day. But, I do know that the average MHS junior scores only 2 pts higher than the state average. That includes such stellar places as Flint and Pontiac.

Why aren't parents outraged?

High school reading on the MEAP isn't any better.

Anonymous said...

Almost all high school classes that had less than 20 students has been canceled...that includes AP classes, advanced language classes and even beginning Spanish classes. JP didn't want to pay the teachers "overages" to accommodate needed classes and won't hire another teacher so some students have been turned away from many classes that they need for credits. In this climate of "school of choice" a school district is a great way to draw people into a community like Marshall , which has lost so many jobs. If I were looking at communities to move to, I would not choose a school district that has larger class sizes and less variety of classes as a viable choice. This district is heading in the exact opposite way it needs to be heading in order to draw new people into the community.
And by the way, there is almost NO ONE around at any of the schools to help anyone since the Custodians were thrown away. All I see is a few gals with mops and when you ask them to help they say it's "not in the contract". Only the very few maintenance people who have been allowed to stay will do anything.
Dismal leadership, foundering schools, struggling community...great legacy for Phillips and company. I still want to see a line item budget released to taxpayers so we can actually see where our "savings" are going. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about an off-shore account in the Cayman Islands that Joyce hid all the schools sure hasn't come to the students.

Anonymous said...

Profanity is a simple mind to express itself. Pity that blogger don't chastise him or her.

Anonymous said...

Whoops I shouldn't be doing this so late at night. The above should have read, Profanity is a simple mind trying to express itself...

Anonymous said...

The tentative contract has been voted down! Don't accept anything less than the same 3 percent that JP receives each year. The MPS teachers deserve a decent raise far more than she does! We are overdue for a civil revolt to save the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

How about informational picketing at the next school board meeting? I would take a pay cut "for the kids" if we could get some good and honest leadership in the Marshall Public Schools!

Anonymous said...

Aug. 13th bord meeting still has not been on t.v. jp must not want the public to see what took place.People have a right to see to see it.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with the bloated teachers sucking up all the school district revenue. Not only do you get a decrease in monthly Health Insurance Premiums, you also get STEP increases (3-5% per year) in addition to a 1% raise. And you vote it down. Now I see why Marshall's test scores are were complianed about above. How can we ask our kids to learn from people who don't appear to be very smart to begin with....? There are alot of us in the community that are getting NO RAISES this year, or last year. Some of us, LOST PAY this year or last year. You teachers have it so cozy and continue to complain about everything and everyone. Suck it up.

Anonymous said...

Well over half the staff is at the top of the salary schedule (you get there in 12 years) and do not get step increases. For someone at the top, raises over the past few years have not kept up with inflation.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle quoted a student as saying that the reason for the lunch lockdown was that some students were doing things they shouldn't. This type of procedure is becoming common.

My problem with it is that, like all zero tolerance policies, it avoids punishing the truly guilty and restricts the behavior of innocents.

Mostly is just lazy management.

How can we expect children to respect authority when they see it applied this way? If miscreants are punished and polite students are left alone authority is legitimate.

Anonymous said...

Who stated anyone was being punished? It is a change and that, of course, is hard for anyone. This is especially true for the privileged MHS students who are too used to getting their way in this new selfish generation we are raising. I often wonder if the parents of some of these students have ever said "no."

You're comments reflect little thought to the challenge of maintaing order in a place where there is little respect for adults and societal rules. School at Marshall has become a place that kids can get away from common sense family rules and have a free-for-all.

Using your logic, because only a few people crash and kill people while driving drunk, driving while intoxicated shouldn't be outlawed for everyone because that punishes those who haven't wrecked or killed someone.

I agree with the Principal, get the kids out of the hallway and focused on learning instead of groping each other, making, smoking and doing drugs. It is not just a few doing this by the way, it is a majority.

As a member of the public I can't tell you how many times I have been to MHS (under Beherenwalds leadership)and watched kids french kissing, straddling each other, groping breasts and privates, and almost dry humping. It is a disgusting display to the public.

Lunch time and after school, when there is alot of extra time is when this happens. Bravo to the adminstration for trying to do something to stop it. We have to have pride in ourselves and our schools. This is a step in restoring that pride.

Anonymous said...

3 posts above. I haven't gotten a raise at my job in 4 years. What makes you think that teacher's deserve a raise because of "inflation." That is stupid. How about you get a raise when our kids don't come out of school unable to do simple math and proper writing, or when our kids start to improve test scores?

Anonymous said...

Well, that makes me sad, if true.

It's too bad parents are sending micreants for the administration to deal with. Why aren't these conditions made public? We could mobilize the community to help.

It takes a village......

Anonymous said...

Nice jab at administration, however problem is I let Mr. B know when I first witnessed it. So are you saying he is a miscreant for the adminstration? This was long before he was headed away. Maybe, just maybe that is partly why Phillips lost faith in him.

It takes some parents....

Anonymous said...

So let's take a deep breath.

If bad behavior is going on let's punish it. I'm as apalled as anyone. The point is that teens are like puppies. They only respond to punishment that is specific and immediate.

If the previous principal didn't punish then by all means let's let them new there's a new sheriff in town.

It's just that students will stop the specific behavior that is being punished. Herding them into the cafeteria simply says "we can hurt you anytime we want, so submit."

I doubt any adult would react positively. Why do we always assume teens are somehow subhuman and don't react like we do?

Punish the wrongdoer and the rest will understand.

Anonymous said...

I talked to several MHS teachers and recent grads and they all agree that the problems at MHS have been greatly exagerated but those few that wanted Mr. Behrenwald fired. Apparently they succeeded at smearing his excellent reputation and created a bad rep for the MHS students and teachers in the process. If things are so bad, why do most of our students do very well? Test scores are very good and the majority move on to higher learning or work with few if any problems.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to disagree on the test scores. They are not bad, but they are not as good as the community deserves. No knock against teachers. the problems are at the top.

Marshall is average to slightly above. Not good enough.

Ask your recent graduates if their reading, writing and math preparation was sufficient for college. I think they'll say one or more wasn't up to freshman requirements.

No special knock on Marshall. Hardly any students are ready in those areas. But, whey aren't we better than most?

Reason? Lack of strategic direction from the top. They're happy with getting by because they get paid either way.

Check out Search for Marshall, then ask for "better performers."

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

Marshall kids are not all smart and rich. Not that money is needed for good academics, but it sure makes it much easier. Many of our students come from broken homes and average to below average economic backgrounds. Yes, Marshall is very affluent, but most of our kids are not. We do need big improvements in the school leadership and to some extent with the teaching, but the social and economic problems in our community are another major cause of average test scores.

Anonymous said...

In Marshall big money rules! The rich get richer and the poor get fired.

Anonymous said...

I agree that a misperception about our student's backgrounds might exist. However, in 2005 the percentage of "economically disadvantaged" students was 14% with the county and state at 40 and 35 percent, respectively.

Students with "disabilities" were Marshall 10% and about 14% for both state and county.

I don't think either is a reason for average performance by our students.

I am mystified about why we hear little from the board or the administration about how Marshall is doing academically. In some areas we are doing well. Our Reading and Math Proficiency in 2005 was 79% versus the state average of 68%.

But, by 2014 (that's the freshmen of only two years from now), all districts have to be at 100% for reading and math.

That means from 2005 to 2014 we have to increase our scores by about 3% each year.

What is our plan to do that? How can the community help? Would you move to a community that can't say how this will be done?

My response if I'm surveyed will be that the district is talking the talk, but not walking the walk.



Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about Foreman? Is he teaching? I thought he was getting off (no pun intended)from the chargers.

Anonymous said...

No word on Foreman except that he has been on paid leave this whole time and many people have been used to fill a long term sub position, to make up for the Foreman vacancy. Double the cost for your money... Great job Joyce and Co.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Foreman was cleared of all the stuff that was in the papers again. Remember the charges that were dropped last year? All the board got now is some assistant tennis coach named Megan who said he bought her a beer when she was 20 some years back. That is what the board is using now to keep appealing until they can fire Foreman. Money is no object when they want someone gone. I also think it is a cover up for all the things JP did to get the phony charges into the papers and the smear job they did on Foreman. They have no proof of wrongdoing but they will not back down because of all the stuff that was exposed about them. Its obviously personal now. I think it was Beardslee who said in the papers that they do not care if there is a lot of reasonable doubt, they will proceed anyway.

Anonymous said...

When the court dropped the charges the school board should have done the same. Now his family may lose their home for something he almost surely did not do. Phillips knew the tenure board cards are stacked heavily in her favor. Foreman never had a chance for a fair hearing, and the board knew it!

Anonymous said...

What does everyone think about the $16,000 for a survey to "see what the community thinks"? I agree with Varvatos, the board can actually talk to community members and ask for input in a town this small. Why pay $16,000 that could be spent on "the kids" on a survey where most of us know the outcome?

Anonymous said...

"Now his family may lose their home for something he almost surely did not do."

So is he gone? That's what it sounds like you are saying.

Don't the kids live with his ex who has the "family" house?

Anonymous said...

What kind of a bond is the school board planning? How much? What is next on their Master plan? Didn't we just pass a bond?

Anonymous said...

Come on, where are all the masses of Foreman supporters on here telling me I'm wrong? Could it be possible that you were wrong?

Remember, the whole community was behind him. Where are they now?

Anonymous said...

What does it matter what the community thinks about any topic. That didn't stop Phillips and her gang from firing the custodians!

Anonymous said...

I agree, most people have simply given up. If the survey people call me that is what I will tell them.

Anonymous said...

Having been lied to for three years by Phillips and her cohorts, I have no faith whatsoever left in trying to have a working relationship with people that have nothing but hostility towards me and my fellow teachers. They have hatched their various schemes and are intent on carrying them out. We cannot change their minds away from their preconceived notions of what needs to be "fixed" in the Marshall schools. Honestly I do not think they have a clue as to how much damage they have done in their zealous crusade to "fix" the MPS under the leadership of their "good doctor."

Anonymous said...

what is thought about the new principal at the high school? My two kids don't seem to be too fond of him? Anyone know anything??

Anonymous said...

I have a student at MHS and have had some interactions with the new principal. I've come to the conclusion that Dr. J and Dr. B must have fed him a line about what turmoil the high school was in prior to his arrival. He seems to be overzealous in some ways, but will probably come around once he figures out that they've been lying to him. He seems to care about the kids and to me that is what is really important.

Anonymous said...

He is between a rock and a hard place. If he does a great job and enjoys the support and respect of the staff and students, he will be targeted for dismissal. If he acts rude and arrogant towards everyone (sound like anyone else we know?), then he will be supported from the lessers above him.

Anonymous said...

Morale at MHS has been damaged. We know we have been targeted for quite some time. I will look forward to the day, if it comes, when justice will prevail and the central office leaders are replaced for their poor performance. Its way overdue for change at the top.

Anonymous said...

Have the new private custodians started yet in the schools? Are all of the other custodians gone now? What is the attitude of the staff towards Ms. Phillips and Amy Jones after all that has happened?

Anonymous said...

The private custodians will be in all the buildings by October 1st. The next round of layoffs is September 21st with the final round to be September 28. The staff is not very pleased with Dr. J or Amy. Joyce and Amy just don't understand why these people are so upset with them. Gee I wonder why, if you just lost your job would you be really happy with the person that took your job? I don't think that I would be. From what I have seen the new staff ISN"T doing a very good job at all. The fisrt day of school the teachers came into a dirty building with trash cans still full from the previous week and from what I have been told they made a call to central office and Joyce said to give them time to get use to the routine. That wasn't a problem with the former staff. Way to go Joyce and Amy.

Anonymous said...

I see in today's Enquirer that a school has involved older students to help retain the younger ones.

Improving the graduation rate. What a novel concept.

Anonymous said...

The foreman case is still going on. I hear he is appealing the one charge he lost on involving an asst. tennis coach making new charges five years later. This could go on some time and is costing the mps a lot fo $$$$$$$$. He has a good shot at winning and coming back. He has 3 or 4 of his kids in the MPS too.

Anonymous said...

What is being planned for the next bond? A new auditorium? A bigger gym? More classroom space? Technology improvements? Pool improvements? Moving the bus garage?

Anonymous said...

I asked a MPS board member recently what was being planned and they said a bond could be as large as $50 mil if the survey shows the community might support it.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding I will not vote for any bond as long as this B.S. keeps happening to our people. To have the Custodial/Maintenance Dir. to resign after 29 1/2 year and to loose some of the best employees to justify gaining only a small to no true savings. Things must change for me to ever vote yes again.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the custodians were outsourced, but it had to happen. If a better administration were in power it would still have to happen.

There will be other such changes coming, no matter who's in charge.

I'm all for getting rid of her, but that one issue isn't a reason.

Anonymous said...

The real problem for school financing is at the state level. Proposal A has failed and big changes are needed for stable financing.

Anonymous said...

Does the new MHS Principal know what bad leaders he is working for? If he becomes JPs lackey he is doomed, and if he does a great job and shows his competence and independence he is doomed by JP. Someone should tell him about the tightrope he is on.

Anonymous said...

So far he is playing it safe and making sure he does as he is told. We will see how he does after he realizes the situation he is in.

Anonymous said...

To it had to Happen,

did it have to happen that joyce since her hire date has recieved a 20000 wage adjustment a 6 % raise a 9% raise and a current contract of 3% per year for 3 years. Did it have to happen that a wage adjustment for the upper admin. just after their insurance switch some as large as 15%. did it have to happen that while all groups at mps have taken small raises in comparison to the hefty cash in lieu ofs.
Talk about squandering money, now if they get the bond which the buildings are in need of updates and tech. advancement are these the people you want in charge of your money.
So, did it have to happen, what have you seen this admin. do to help lesson the impact? have they taken a pay cut or a pay freeze or just pay increases? The embellishment of these people should not be acceptable for any one including the board of ed. which represents whom?

Anonymous said...

It has happened that we employ douchebags who couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag. I'm on your side.

However, when we hire a new superintendent it will be at about the same wage and benefit level, unless we hire a newbie.

Leaving aside the emotion, public education has changed and is changing. Wishing for the good old days would solve our problems.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Marshall is pickming up a lot of students from Albion? I heard some parents complaining about this.

Anonymous said...

Albion is losing students in all directions. Homer, Mar Lee and even Marshall Academy are picking up many students from Albion. Also the new MHS Principal, as someone asked above, seems to be a nice guy but definately is very subserviant to Joyce. Maybe he has to be to keep his job. If he is any good he will learn soon that he will need to put the best iinterests of MHS ahead of serving Joyce if he is to earn the respect of the vast majority of staff, students and parents. There is still a lot of anger and hostility from central office targeting the MHS staff. I do not see this situation improving until we get some good new leaders at the top.

Anonymous said...

Check recent Enquirer, maybe Sunday. They did a table on schools of choice as to who is losing and gaining. I think Albion lost 200+ students. It didn't say where they went.

Anonymous said...

Why would parents complain about Choice students? They bring $7,000 with them?

Anonymous said...

What if they are invovled with crime and drugs. MHS already has had one shooting incident in the last few years, not to mention many fights and cop busts.

Anonymous said...

You mean, what if they're Black or poor white, don't you.

Marshall already has drugs and violence.

Anonymous said...

Read the Superintendent's Corner today. The last part would be tragic and sad if the future of the district didn't hang in the balance.

If the contention that "it's not about me" isn't enough for the board to finally have had enough, I don't know what will be enough.

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons Mr. Behrenwald was forced out was that he wanted to tackle MHS problems, like drugs, head on. JP and her friends wanted these problems swept under the rug. I went to MHS in the 70s and it was the same back then. My kids go there now and tell me what goes on. Too many people prefer to have their heads in the sand and pretend that Marshall does not have these problems. We do and they may be getting worse. Let's put the kids first and not good press and lies!

Anonymous said...

Ron Behrenwald was forced out in large part because he refused to give special favors and treatment to certain students whose parents complained to the board. Phillips did not like this fairness and tried to get him to grant special favors to certain families, or let some kids off the hook who got into trouble, because of who they were. The board uses the complaints of these parents to justify turning on Ron and that is as bad or worse than anything that Lou ever did. Ron was not perfect but he was far a superior, professional and fairer leader than those who made the decision to remove him. I hope the new guy does the right thing and treats ALL students in a fair and honest manner. From what I hear so far he is doing what he is told without question, not a good start.

Anonymous said...

The new Principal just goes around saying no to everything. He is not too nice, like Doc Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Its what you slackers need. Your generation is all about YOU and you have sucked your parents into never saying no. Finally, some discipline and order up at the hs. Mr. B didn't get the job done in that department. The comment earlier that he was going to work on some of the problems is not consistent with what he did.

Anonymous said...

The fact is the board was quick to replace Mr. Behrenwald for alleged less than perfect performance, while they coddle and are aplogists for Dr. Phillips whose reign has been a huge disaster for the Marshall schools. Why the double standards? Why have they not taken the same actions against Phillips widely known and continuing poor performance?

Anonymous said...

To the person 2 up who called MHS students including myself slackers, you do not even know us? My friends and I are good kids, we work hard, play sports and do not do drugs. Mr. Behrenwald treated us with respect and we appreciated that very much. Yes, we do hear "no" when there is a good reason. You obviously got some major issues and you and doc Phillips are taking out your bad attitudes on the kids.

Anonymous said...

I am greatly bothered by the negative attitudes and actions by the very few Phillips supporters that still exist towards our excellent staff and students. They deserve support and respect, not ridicule and contempt.

Anonymous said...

Amen. She and her few cronies who have basically ruined our once great district have done enough damage without disparaging those of us who really do put "Kids First". What a tragic shame these past few years have been.

Anonymous said...

There have been comments about Dr J and her minions having been given a mandate to clean some houses. they can't do it, primarily because they prefer strong-arm tactics instead of enforcing rules and changing cultures.

In any case, who or what needed changing has never been spelled out by either she or the board. It's more wagon-circling and a lack of communication with the community. If we knew what was being done and why, we might help.

This is hopeless. The board should buy her out. I'll vote for money for that.

Anonymous said...

I would be happy to match my United Way contribution to a fund to buy her out. It would actually do more good for more people than all the United Way efforts. How sad.

Anonymous said...

The board and Dr. J, the blind leading the clueless! Or is it the other way around?

Anonymous said...

Is the board going for another bond in November or next year?

Anonymous said...

The bond is being planned for next year, probably in the spring. The MPS board has not decided on an amount, but expect it to be far larger than the last bond. Can they pass a bond with all of the controversies and economic problems of Marshall? It will not be easy! What changes would everyone like to see before they can comfortably support a bond?

Anonymous said...

To have the board an administration come clean on academics. Where are the problems? What are the successes? How can the community help?

Anonymous said...

The current board and school leaders are highly secretive about their real agendas. The PR fluff you read in the paper is not likely what they are really about. Could revenge and personal power be top priorities and goals on their true agenda. Is a small secretive wealthy clique running our schools?

Anonymous said...

That's what the rumor mill says. A former board member confirmed some of this to me too.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the case the poor and incompetent leadership of the past four years will have terrible repercussions for many years to come. The biggest travesty is they cloak everything in the kids first slogan which for all of us in the know is the most arrogant form of hypocrisy ever seen. None of us, especially the kids, deserve what they have done to our once fine district.

Anonymous said...

Is there a teacher contract yet? Last I knew it fell apart. Will they give the teachers anywhere near the gnerous perks and raises they lavish on Joyce, Amy, Brian and Charlie?

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theories give one an easy out. No one has any responsibility because everything is out of their hands. Pretty convenient.

Anyone with cojones would name names and call the perpertrators out.

Oh wait, can't do that your're scared. See, pretty easy to cop out.

Get some guts Marshall, take back your schools

Anonymous said...

Most of the MPS board members are well known to have planned their running for the board together and work closely with Marsha Franke and a few others with big bucks and an interest in the Marshall schools (for better or worse). Is this a conspiracy? Is there a secret agenda? Many think so, but they could also just be citizens like any other that are very involved and willing to get organized to implement the changes they desire. I say if anyone has a better plan for the Marshall schools, do what they did. Organize your friends and like-minded citizens to run for the shool board. You are free to meet and plan any agenda you like. If you do not like the current leaders then start running candidates yourself and get a new group organized. Right now this is the only organized group in town, they run the board, and it is NOT a secret that they all work closely together and meet often outside of school board meetings to discuss school matters. it would not surprise me if the real decisions are not made at school board meetings. The challenge, if you do not like their agenda, then put your own together and do what they did to take over the school board!

Anonymous said...

Well, hear hear, to the "get involved" sentiment.

I'm dying to hear more about this cabal and meets to pull the strings of the board. Let's call them out.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Foreman has been appropriately fired according to the paper today. First a judge said he should be fired, then an union run tenure commission didn't overturn the appeal. Good riddance. Oh, and if he files a lawsuit against the schools are all you Foreman supporters going to come out and tell us how he shouldn't because it would cost "our" schools too much money? The schools need scruples and having a sexually perverted teacher on staff is not good for our students at the HS. Great job school board and MHS.

Anonymous said...

I often realize I can't tell true from false. So, I'm in awe of someone, a giant among men, who can do so by what he reads in the paper and hears at the dinette.

Tells us who you are so we can bow down when you pass us.

Anonymous said...

Should a teacher be fired because one person, who was an adult at the time, comes out five years later and claims something happened that is unproveable?

Anonymous said...

What has happend to Mr. Foreman can happen to just about any school employee at any time. School employees must at all times make sure they are not in the position to let anyone make anytype of accusation against them. The climate of broken homes, both parents working, etc. has put into our classrooms students without proper guidance and far to much time on their hands. Maybe something happened with Foreman. I am not a judge. I am appalled though that Phillips has made the statement "Foreman is grooming students for future relationships after graduation". It is beyond my belief that Phillips can make assumptions like this that can affect so many lives. I have a few assumptions about Phillips but have never gone to the media and spread my garbage across the papers. How dare her - she does not have an untainted reputation. Does she remember lying to the prosecutor's office regarding her own misappropriation of school funding. She knew about the 2 school employees going to fix the air conditioner - she was leaning in her office doorway - joking and laughing it up. She put her secretary in an awful position when she lied - excuse me - I believe she said "she didn't recall, couldn't remember, didn't have knowledge of" all of which were flat out lies!!!!! Buck up Joyce. If you can lie to the Prosecutor's Office why wouldn't we believe you are lying to the public of marshall!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the super just committed the tort of defamation.

Anonymous said...

No one has posted for 2 weeks?

Anonymous said...

What else can be said, the writing is on the wall MPS is going to fail unless major change happens. The school system no-longer has the family feel to it. They are a buisness that needs to make money and push there product through as quick and cheap as possible. The teachers still care but are being brought down by the majority of the administration. How long before the rest of the people in this district relize what is going on?

Anonymous said...

This will be unpopular, but I think female administrators become bullies because they fear losing control, if they adopt a more collaborative style.

To wit:

Anonymous said...

I guess people have figured out that complaining on this Blog does not get much accomplished. The parents, teachers, business leaders, etc need to get together and get organized if they want an alternative option to the current regime. New people will be needed to run for the school board and a new vision will need to be presented if there is any hope for change. Unless people are willing to get organized and go public, nothing much will change in the Marshall schools for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Right, and what this blog activity also tells you is that there are only a bunch of complainers and whiners that post here--mostly school people and their supporters-- that total, probably less than 250 at this point. That's why no one will organize, there is not enough people to do anything. Now with Forman fired, his groupies have lost their steam too. For Forman, its down to Steve whatever-his-name and some recent graduates. I am completely underwhelemed.

Anonymous said...

The Foreman case is filled with tragedy and missed opportunties. It has come out that Mr. Foreman suffers from a mental illness- bipolar disorder. Had this been diagnosed and treated some years ago I am sure he would still be an excellent MHS teacher today. An overzealous and mistrusted superintendent made matters much worse and divided the community on this and many other issues.

Anonymous said...

The day Joyce Phillips is gone will be a good day indeed for the Marshall Public Schools. Jones and Metcalf too!

Anonymous said...

amen brother

Anonymous said...

Staff morale and trust in the leadership is even much worse this year than last. And I thought last year was as bad as it could get. If the public knew the damage being done to the MPS there would be a recall.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the public either does not care or they are blindly believing the commonly thrown around slogans of "Excellence in Education" and "Kids First" that the top leadership spews as if there was any truth to it anymore. Ask any MHS student if they believe "Kids First" is anything more than a hypocritical bunch of propaganda. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

most people in this town have never heard of this blog site, why not put it in the paper so that every one can respond? this way we would haveimput from the community.

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm a hearin' ... The MTA have been discouraging teachers from using this Blog. They're in contract negotiations and do not want anything messing it up. Also the Foreman fans I know say they have been asked not to participate on this Blog by his friends. I guess they don't want any problems with the appeals. I think most everyone else has just given up or gotten bored.

Anonymous said...

Basically the people of Marshall either have to give up and let those in power have their way with our schools or get organized and change it. Complaining on this blog will not get anything accomplished. The whole town already knows there are big problems. There is little new news on here that is not already well-known in this community.

Anonymous said...

I know of at least 4 law suits (not by custodians) that are pending right now. How about an examination by board?

Anonymous said...

Suits filed? By whom? Tell the Chronicle?

Anonymous said...

Check with Mike Rio. Maybe he is involved.

Anonymous said...

I am a Marshall teacher and I have not heard about any lawsuits. I think this is another rumor. The credibility of this Blog has been damaged by spreading untrue information. Not all of it, but too much has been proven untrue or is often inaccurate. Yes, Joyce must go. I am no fan of hers. Yes, there are problems. Basically it is mostly just gossip which often does not tell the whole story or gets facts and people involved wrong.

Anonymous said...

Any word on the bond proposal that may be offered next year? I heard it will likely be much larger than the last bond. Mostly MHS improvements.

Anonymous said...

The Band Boosters and others are pushing for a large auditorium, maybe 900 or more seats. I think the pool needs some upgrades and maybe another gym too.

Anonymous said...

Lots of stuff is being looked at. You can go to the board meetings and share your views on what should be done.

Anonymous said...

The Middle School auditorium needs a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

What about the track?

Anonymous said...

It will not be easy to pass a big school bond next year. There are many needs. We also need strong confidence in the school leadership. They have a lot of work to do to restore this confidence and build support.

Anonymous said...

I got a survey call (from EPIC) about the bond proposal. They are looking at 2.2 mils for $40 mil, or about $127 per year per $100,000 value in your house. I forgot how many years.

They asked about:
= new high school auditorium
- pool improvements
- athletic and locker room improvements
- enlarging and improving MHS classrooms (they said make them 30% larger somehow)
- MMS auditorium and LRC improvements
- technology improvements
- MHS cafeteria and kitchen improvements, and new lockers
- other misc improvements

My guess is they will use this survey to find how much support is out there and what may pass in a bond.

Anonymous said...

I also recieved the phone call and they asked what grade would you give to Supt., Teachers, support staff, Princples, etc..Needless to say there were only 2 groups that would pass in my book and I also informed them that I would vote 100% NO, when asked why I told them I will not vote for another bond until Marshall schools were run by Marshall peolple not some one that says kids first and lines her pockets.

Anonymous said...

Amen! I feel the same way. We need change at the top before I can trust them with a major bond.

Anonymous said...

Could the blog meister start a new thread about what we would say to EPIC-MRA if we were called?

Anonymous said...

How are the new cleaning crews working out?

Anonymous said...

As for those of you that care to know and that still vist the site every now and agian as a student the cleaning survise is not bad but we have already had problems with the workers flirting with the students and as to be expected some things arent really getting done on time ya that is about it not much i know. On other news the principles offices are being moved down staires and they are taking part of the "dinning room" away that they have already locked us in. there are about 400-450 students in there at a time and we can hardly fit know i dont know how they expect us to fit in there later but once agian they are for the students but there goes hundereds of thousands of dollers toward you administrators! what a suprise!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If they're flirting, I guess they are not "strangers" any more. ;-)

Anonymous said...

To 11:56 i did not say that the students were flirting i said that the workers were and he is no longer in the same school after he got a phone number.

Anonymous said...

I think 11:56 was making a joke about the behavior of the temp custodians.

Anonymous said...

Are the temps doing a good job? Are they better than the regular custodians? How are the laid off custodians doing? I hope they all find better jobs!

Anonymous said...

they are doing an alright job and no i dont think that they are any better than the regular custodians the place might be a little cleaner but that is due to more people and better equipment that is all but it is harder for the teachers and students to get what they need during the school day.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine that both the admin and the cleaning company want an impressive first year. They know they will be scrutinzed and watched more carefully this year. Can we now get a temp superintendent and business manager? We can save a lot of money and greatly improve our schools.

Anonymous said...

to 11:21 i dont think that it can get any worse then what we have know if that is what you are asking lol!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should be less concerned about the custodians and more concerned about the spelling used by the Marshall student in the post above. I know....I'm just a cranky old person who really doesn't understand how students learn. When my children were younger, I had Marshall teachers tell me "we don't correct spelling errors" when the assignment was for something other than spelling. Great. That meant I had to do that as the parent. I am sure the teachers would be willing to do some of my work in their evenings, too. Seems like a fair trade.

Are there any English teachers, or other teachers, who are concerned about this? Should you be? I know this is only one example (the post above), but this student is a reflection of the Marshall school system. I would be cringing right now if I were a Marshall English teacher.

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