Monday, August 13, 2007

What will come . . . .

The Marshall Board of Education, as expected, voted 7-0 to privatize our custodial staff. There really isn't much to say - it was very emotional.


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Anonymous said...

According to the Chronicle out today (jan 19), the board has decided they cannot pass a much needed school bond this year. We all know the main reason is the many problems at the top involving the "Two Drs" and their allies. Until Phillips and Metcalf are gone, little progress will happen. Hopefully they will resolve these problems soon so the Marshall schools can move forward and compete better with other area schools.

Anonymous said...

The Sunday Enquirer has a story on reading. A Lakeview administrator actually said they had a problem and were fixing it.

Marshall would never admit to having a problem. It might show we are not excellent.

My respect would increase a lot if the administration would really talk about what was right and wrong and then show that they had a plan to improve.

BTW - My casual talk with a former board member indicated that the present board would buy her out if they had the monty. Perhaps a fund raising session is in order.

Anonymous said...

The Sunday Enquirer has a story on reading. A Lakeview administrator actually said they had a problem and were fixing it.

Marshall would never admit to having a problem. It might show we are not excellent.

My respect would increase a lot if the administration would really talk about what was right and wrong and then show that they had a plan to improve.

BTW - My casual talk with a former board member indicated that the present board would buy her out if they had the monty. Perhaps a fund raising session is in order.

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know wants new leadership, which means Dr. Phillips gone!

"Before its too late, lets have change in '08"

Can we get this on T-shirts and yard signs? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Many of us are keeping a low profile and talking to board members privately. The teachers union or individual staff may be doing the same. The board knows that changes need to be made and if our efforts succeed the Marshall Public Schools can expect some big improvements announced in the next few months. There is a lot that cannot be made public but keep working with your school board for positive changes and school improvement at all levels. Moderator? Are you part of these efforts? Maybe this blog should come down, at least until we see what happens in March.

Anonymous said...

Inflammatory comments are par for the course here, but don't take the blog down. It's not sanctioned, and it's an important safety valve.

Few will write the paper. This appears to be a safe place to vent.

BTW - Great piece on writing skills in the Sunday Enquirer. Can anyone guess where Marshall third and fourth grades would stack up?

The scores are not really that important. It's the fact that we don't talk publicly about such things. I wish the Pennfield super had a twin.

Anonymous said...

Some say the board will let us down again in March and wimp out. Others are hopeful they will take a courageous stand for theMarshall schools ("For the Kids!") and get rid of Joyce "the spin doctor" Phillips and Brian "Mr. Turtleneck" Metcalf once and for all. Everyone I know is hoping for the latter.

Anonymous said...

I liked the Chronicle editorial about the superintendent who resigned for the good of his school district. Any chance that can happen in Marshall?

Anonymous said...

When I read about the superintendent who resigned "for the good of the district", my immediate reaction was doubtful. He may say he resigned for those reasons, but isn't it possible he did not feel capable of tackling the issues of his district - so he resigned instead? Took the easier way out? We should not automatically assume his intentions were as he stated.

Anonymous said...

I agree. But here in Marshall we definitely have a Superintendent whose resignation would be a big improvement for our district. Joyce Phillips is very divisive, arrogant, rude, an awful leader and the worst Superintendent I have seen in my 30+ years of following the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

Why was the bond postponed? That will now set us back at least another year. We cannot afford to fall so far behind with all of the competition in this area!

Anonymous said...

Why was the bond postponed? That will now set us back at least another year. We cannot afford to fall so far behind with all of the competition in this area!

Anonymous said...

Well i dont know that you were going to get the bond passed any ways that would be my guess in why it was postponed because they knew that it would not get passed with the people of marshall because of the survay results.

Anonymous said...

The board specifically said they'd have to wait because of the community sentiment against the board (read superintendent).

Anonymous said...

If there is so much opposition to Dr. Phillips then why has the community been so quiet? There have been hardly any letters in the paper, people speaking up at board meetings or much of anything else. I agree there are problems, but if they were so bad I would expect more public outrage. The teachers especially have been quiet and humble. Are they afraid? weak? or do they support Dr. Phil?

Anonymous said...

Fear, laziness and apathy keeps Joyce Phillips in power. Why else has she survived so many scandals and controversy?

Anonymous said...

The board would dump her tomorrow if they could afford it. Joyce likes to threaten lawsuits and has made it clear that if she is let go before her contract is over, thus losing her second lucrative Michigan retirement, that she would sue their pants off. Now Metcalf, he may get the boot this year.

Anonymous said...

Well to all of you talking about us not talking why arnt you? We had tryed that rout a couple times we were going to board meetings it did nothing all it did was get us in a worse mess. she goes after people and finds a reason to fire them then she makes sure with her other power in this town hat they dont get another job so ya i guess you could say there scared! or did you not know that out of the 20 some ganitors fired only 3 or 4 actually have a job! yes part of it is the economy but part is that caniving witch so watch what you say we have tried it hurt us more and be for you call us weak maybe you should speak up first and see what happens to you like we did, we learned the hard way so watch what you say!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont' think people react until they are affected by something. But, anyone who's come into contact with the administration can say they didn't like how they were treated.

The worst thing is we have no direction. So we float along, not improving. Nothing obvious is wrong, but things are bad underneath.

That bad feeling surfaced with the community survey. Now, children have to wait because we can't have a bond vote.

The administration won't talk about anything negative. Trust, me the new communication plan will all be about happy news.

In Lakeview the Admin told the community the third grade writing scores were not good. They also told them the schools had a plan for improvement. Turned a negative into a positive.

Here's Marshall, Lakeview, HC and the state average. Percentage of students meeting or exceeding state standard, third grade:

Lakeview 54.6
State 52.0
Walters 50.7
Pennfield 49.2
Harper Creek 48.2
Hughes 46.9
Gordon 34.8

It's not that we're not doing well, it's that you didn't know this, thus you can't help.

The school has no plan to address this that we know of. This is the type of problem that lurks. If the parents knew this they'd be more angry and active.

Hiding things keeps her safe.

Anonymous said...

That is small time problems. Joyce Phillips has done far worse to the MPS staff, parents and community. Oh yes, she is bad and mean towards the students too. Its all about power, revenge and that BIG second retirement. She has been protected no matter how many scandals she has caused.

Anonymous said...

Why are the MHS offices being moved to the first floor? I attended MHS and it does not make any sense to me why this is such a top priority with all of the other needs in the district. I looked around the first floor and it looks like they will have to tear out the bookstore, career area and expand into the already-too-small cafeteria. What's wrong with the 2nd floor offices that are already designed for that role? What will move into the space vacated on the 2nd floor?

Anonymous said...

The alleged reason to to keep an eye on the entrance and watch students sneaking out, etc.

Since they will be in their offices I doubt it will matter much if the offices are on the 1st or 2nd floor. In the grand scheme of things this should have been a low priority. I agree, there are many other things that need improvement that are much more needed that this.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Behrenwald and us high school teachers offered many ideas about much higher priority needs and they were ignored by JP and the board. Moving the offices are NOT that important! Look around MHS, anyone can list 50 greater needs that would actually improve safety and teaching.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marshall teachers, be quiet! If Joyce Phillips and her cronies want your opinion, she will ask for it.

She appreciates how the teachers have caved and the community has cowered so she could get away with her lies and mismanagement. Any truly great school district would have fired her a long time ago. For your silence, the Marshall community gets what it deserves! Hey Marshall, you can and should do much much better!

Schools of choice anyone?

Anonymous said...

Well to the student above the offices upstairs will be more of the library. It shows this on the blue prints up at the high school. There are some in the library and there are some at down stairs four corners in the glass cases.

Anonymous said...

Why do they need a bigger library? Hardly any students check out books any more. Is the bookstore "history"?

Anonymous said...

Yes, and it looks like the $40 mil bond is dead, at least until we get some good leaders. Marshall is in decline. What's up with the police chief now?

Anonymous said...

yes the great "dr." said that she did not see it as something the kids wanted or needed well once agian that shows you how much she nows the students doesnt it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If Joyce was merely out of touch that would be tolerable. What makes her so evil is she is likely very smart and knows exactly what harm she is causing and is enjoying every moment of torment she inflicts on the staff and the students. It is long overdue for her to be removed for her extreme arrogance, meanness and hostility towards our teachers, support staff and community at large!

Anonymous said...

Why does the school board still back Dr. Phillips? I can't think of one person I know who thinks she does a good job.

Anonymous said...

Rich friends? Scared of a lawsuit? Low expectations at the board level?

Anonymous said...

well i mean it really isnt like we should expect much from them either what have they done for us?????

Anonymous said...

The "accomplishments" of this board has been to drop the redskin name, pressure sam and Bob off the board and fire the custodians. I cant forget they gave big raises to administrators that could care less about the Marshall schools like Phillips, Jones and Metcalf. They also let these people get away with lies and bad performance for no apparent reason. The teachers are treated like crap and the support staff even worse. Kids last? Yep. Its a scandal and a shame.

Anonymous said...

I think that if they had the money they'd buy her out. When they agreed to review her last December she knew she had them.

At that time, what they said to her set the stage. If they'd had enough to fire her they would have done it. Since they didn't fire her, she knew that as long as she kept reasonably clean they couldn't suddenly resurrect some gripe as a reason to fire her.

If she hasn't threatened suit already, the board knows she will sue if they fire her. A buyout is the only way to avoid waiting 15 months.

Anonymous said...

Any word on who might be running for the 2 school board seats?

Anonymous said...

if they do not have the money to buy her out then why dont they ask some of the key people agianst her the ones that have been from the begining? Why dont they ask there opinion, or ask what they can do to help? Well until they do something like that i am comvinced they dont care!!! Did you ever consider that they are saying that know becuse two of them will be gone this year !!!! maybe there are hoping that if they try to save them selfs now then they will get reelected? Or did that just not cross your mind???

Anonymous said...

At least I have a mind.....get a grip and learn to spell.

Anonymous said...

Joyce and Brian have purposedly hired and surrounded themselves with incompetents that know they are. This little circle of "Walbecks, Metcalfs and Turners" are nothing short of lying puppets. Of course - unless you work for the school system you could not understand. These people lie, deceive and misdirect at each turn. But Doc Joyce had them from the start by holding their contracts 'hostage for months' until they understood how they were to play the game. Remember when Joyce had all her administrators reading the book (not sure of the exact title) "Who Stole the Cheese". Now there is her manage plan. Divide and Concur. HOW WEAK IS THAT? Strong managers make decisions and direct their staff - WITHOUT PLAYING NONESENCE GAMES. Now the HS principal is the latest candidate. His mind was filled with direct lies to get him moving in the wrong direction from the start. Joyce has a plan alright. It is to treat the wealthy in this town like she cares while not even acknowledging the people that actually care about our schools and not just getting their face in the paper or their name on an acclomade list.

To above - if you have nothing better to say than 'learn to spell' you are part of the problem.

Here is a good example: Why does Mike Walbeck, bus garage, spend so much time downtown in the offices. He has actually been unavailable during bus emergencies - won't even answer his cell phone - leaving busses sitting along the road waiting until he can be reached. His predescesors spent their time cleaning out bus lots, checking to see if emergency evacuation drills were being run, seeing if drivers were inspecting their busses or possibly seeing if his employees were smoking in the building which is against policy. But instead - he spends his time downtown playing games - why you ask - to save his own job while helping to take jobs from others. He actually tells his employees how he tells Vic "every time you open your mouth you prove what an idiot you are" - like anyone believes he would say that (May 8, 2007 MS Bldg.) How can he - while he is so busy kissing butt. This is just an example - watch him and track him for a day. He goes from one site to another speading garbage - in fact - better yet - listen to him call his previous boss names (Mr. Huepenbecker). Ask him why he ran for Tekonska School Board and quit after 3 months. Just because he could not sabotage Mr. Huepenbecker's contract!

Long gone are the good conscientious employees - you know the ones that actually pay school taxes to this district - the ones that care about MPS and not just keeping a paycheck. The good employees are being replaced by the scum buckets that are not qualified nor care about this community and this school system. Used to be at MPS you had to be a Marshall resident to be an administrator. Perhaps this is where the problem began.

When Joyce is gone - and hopefully Metcalf is not renewed and has to join the custodians in the food line - then this school district can move forward. Until then - it is nothing short of devastating for all those that really care and cannot get positive change.

Talk to one of the current board members about issues and it is like watching an ostrich burying it's head in the sand. Why did they completely ignore the signatures of over 2,000 Marshall citizens who signed petitions to "Not get rid of our local custodians" but did it anyways. WE NEED CHANGE AND WE NEED TO HAVE NEW BOARD MEMBERS. POSSIBLY THEY WILL HAVE BOTH EYES OPEN UNLIKE THE CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS. Let's hope the new board members can move us forward. All this spinning of tires is doing is burying us further.

Anonymous said...

Since the previous blogger brought this up (the book), the title is Who Moved My Cheese, and it really isn't a book about a divide and conquer management style. It is more about recognizing and dealing with change. Not uncommon for a new leader to ask people to read the book - it's been done for years. Here is a wikipedia link if you are really that interested:

Anonymous said...

That’s not the point the point is that Joyce is a lying deceiving little witch.
To 5:27 above ok maybe I can’t spell but at least I am on here caring about me education unlike half of the rest of the students at mps! I probably did more than you did to save the janitors jobs!!!! And I bet I have done more for the whole situation then you have so until you have something positive to say shut up. Joyce ruined my family by firing my father so I don’t want to hear it! Thank you!!! Who by the way is unemployed because he can’t find a job any were so I don’t want to hear your negative attitude!!!!

Anonymous said...

Until the "powers that be" in Marshall unite to truly support the Marshall schools and force change at the top, the schools-like the rest of Marshall- will fall backwards and decline. Our civic leaders and parents need to get involved and help fix the broken leadership at the top! Tell the board we want change this March, when they decide who to keep and who to get rid of. At minimum Phillips and Metcalf need to go- NOW!

Anonymous said...

It looks now like the Marshall schools may go for a bond vote in August. I doubt it will pass unless Phillips is gone first.

Anonymous said...

To the earlier post on "who's running for school board", I believe Dan Stulberg is running again - not sure about Chris Varvatos. Have not heard any other names.

Anonymous said...

Prediction: nobody will run against the board incumbents unless one or both of them decide not to run. The board will keep Joyce Phillips and let her enjoy her undeserved raise and get another year and a big second Michigan retirement which she covets so much, and the bond will be offered up and voted down by voters in August.

I hope I am wrong, but this tragic situation has just been too darn predictable for the last few years.

Anonymous said...

Well I for one do not need to read the book - Who Moved the Cheese to know that we desperately need change in our top two administrators NOW. Without change we will once again be wasting our resources in moving Marshall forward. This is how simple it is: Joyce and Brian must go before we can move forward. This school district does not need an Asst. Supt. What we do need is a caring, understanding Curriculum Director. Doesn't require a doctorate degree - Alot of community members would like to support a bond issue but will not do so until this board finds a way to replace Joyce and Brian. So - instead of a training session on how to communicate - let's just get moving with new top management.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if no one is willing to run for the school board and work for positive changes then we all have no reason to complain. Those who run and volunteer to serve on the school board can do whatever they want, good or bad! Yes, they are organized and have their own agendas. So can YOU! The parents and teachers who complain on this blog can do much much more. So since very little has been done to make things better by anyone, everyone shares the blame to some extent for the huge number or problems afflicting the Marshall schools. Let's not wait another year until a new Superintendent arrives, lets start now! Maybe some top leaders can be replaced this year? Contact your board, write letters, protest, etc. - work for positive changes!!!

Anonymous said...

I would not be surprised if Mr. Varvatos backs out. He is genuinely a nice guy and his reputation has gone in the toilette through his association with Phillips and her supporters. For his own sake, he should probably take a break from the board. Not sure if anyone else is willing to run. As Sam and Bob learned, if you do not join "the clique" then you will be shunned, ignored, rudely treated and pressured out. Who wants that?

Anonymous said...

If Varvatos is so nice, why does he keep ignoring the teachers and backing Joyce time and time again?

Anonymous said...

If Varvatos is a good guy then I will see him join any other good school board members and boot out Phillips and Metcalf in March. Anyone who truly cares about the Marshall schools would back these actions. My guess about 99% will celebrate the departure of these two worse-than-useless "doctors."

Anonymous said...

You are assuming that Dr. Phillips takers her orders from the school board and not the other way around? If the MPS board removes Drs.Phillips and Metcalf in March then we will know that they are in charge and truly care about the Marshall schools and the kids first! If they keep one or both then we know they are taking orders from "the spin doctor" Phillips, as there is no valid reason NOT to remove her this year. They have many reasons to fire her, starting with bold lies tot eh board and the community at school board meetings. Does anyone need air conditioning installed?

Anonymous said...

I think the MPS School Board would dump Joyce tomorrow if they could afford it. One board member said they cannot afford to buy her out right now. He hinted she can be quite difficult to work with and her soon departure would be welcome news.

Anonymous said...

Are you an administrator of some kind? you seem to worry about the mole hill instead of the mountain slide that is before you. I am not affiliated with the schools anymore and at least when you read the context of the letter you understand that the problem is not the grammer or the spelling but the entire enviroment in which these children are learning in.
Think of situations at work when under stress or conflict how distracted is your work then? that is the issue. not the 4 r's!

Anonymous said...

Your justification above is outrageous. The 24 custodians who had their jobs taken under the pretense of saving money for this district is in NO WAY A COMPARISON to 1 student's spelling abilities. This just shows how closed minded some people's opinions are. To answer the question regarding the lives of the families of the custodians who had given years of their lives cleaning and influencing the lives of not just my children but yours: It appears Metcalf and Phillips have a grudge towards the custodians. The grudge is due to the fact that they did not just lay down and say 'take my job'. They stood up and tried to inform the community of what may be ahead for our school district. One of those concerns has happened already: Flirting by the 'private company' employees. Ask one of our Marshall Police Officers if there are people working for the private company that have felony records, ask them if the background checks are being overseen by Marshall Schools? You will get the answer our custodians did not want to hear: There are currently people in the buildings that should not be there. So, when the good doctors publicize 'how wonderful the buildings are looking' - remember there is alot of 'miscommunication' being shoved down the throats of this community to help with the deception that is going to be required in order to pass a bond while keeping Phillips and Metcalf. These two have NO VESTED INTEREST in Marshall Schools. They are not here to help. They are here to get doctorate degrees and huges amounts of money for themselves. IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN THIS SCHOOL DISTRICT YOU SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE AN ADMINISTRATOR. This is quite elementary: If you don't pay taxes to the district you administer in - why would you is just a high paying job!

Anonymous said...

Good points. Can someone tell me why Marshall needs an Assistant Superintendent? Shouldn't we be more interested in paying for a Curriculum Director?

Anonymous said...

Metcalf was too incompetent to do Curriculum (which he was hired for) so they "promoted" him with more pay and perks to a new (unneeded) position of "Assistant Superintendent." This is all corruption and bad management at its worst! The Marshall kids and community deserve much better and more effective leadership. This regime has failed miserably and are a drag on our precious resources. March will be the test to see if the MPS board are doing their job and putting the kids first. This is their annual chance to remove Phillips and Metcalf. Lets hope, for the sake of our kids, that they do their job!

Anonymous said...

I am upset that anyone on this site would actually say that spelling is more important than the 24 custodians that are without jobs. That proves the inhumanitarian mindset of some. I care about all those that lost their jobs to short sited board members that have been misled by Metcalf and Phillips. There have been several workers in our local school buildings working for the new company that have felony records. The school was to oversee and quarantee that this would not happen. 6 months later it has and is happening.

FYI: One student's inability to spell everything correctly does not mean they do not have the ability to reason and form opinions. One student does not represent the entire MHS student body either. No more than one person's inability to care about the lost local school personnel jobs as a representation of the entire community and it's feelings. Most of the custodians have not been able to find jobs - their unemployment is about to end (2-4 weeks) during a time in Michigan when jobs of any kind are few and far between - and while they are competing with persons in their twenties with degrees for jobs that require no skills. I am one of the 2,000+ signatures on the petitions that said it was wrong to take our local jobs and give them to out of town people. My signature also represented the fact that I felt the school would not stand by their word and make sure the persons working around our children had back ground checks. See I care about people and that would make the ability to spell or not to spell quite insignificant!

Anonymous said...

Hey they had to save money to pay for insurance scandals, putting in air conditioning for Phillips friends, Metcalfs many screwups/college tuition/absentisim to study his phd, Phillips big raises and perks, and much much more. So for this corrupt selfish group they see nothing wrong with firing good people to pay for their blunders and waste. They feel they have the board in their pockets and treat them like fools. If the board does not wake up and fire them soon, I say start a recall and get a new board!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Varvatos is not running for reelection. That means he has nothing to lose if he leads the charge to get rid of JP and BM. If he is truly a good and honest man, as many believe he is, who truly cares about the Marshall schools- then he will do this in March. If he does not, then he will be seen as having been a very bad member of the school board. We will know his true colors soon.

Anonymous said...

Since Sama nd Bob left this board works in "groupthink." They engage in very little public debate and almost always vote 7-0 on everything. If they dump Joyce, as everyone hopes they will in March, it will likely have to be a 7-0 vote. I expect the same lame excuses that they know she needs to be gone but are afraid she will sue and cannot afford a buyout. We have been hearing that since they gave her the long 3 year contract extention and generous pay increase. They have done this despite mass opposition from the staff and veteran leaders. Now the PCOs would like to see new leadership so they can pass the bond. I guess we will see what happens in March!

Anonymous said...

Here is a challenge to the school board. Can you pass a much needed $40 mil school bond AND keep bad leaders "the spin doctors" at the same time? Why should the Marshall voters to trust these lowlifes with $40 mil when their past behavior is wracked with dishonesty, favoritism and incompetence?

Anonymous said...

That's what they are trying to do unless they surprise us and kick out the two drs.

Anonymous said...

The PCO parents are hoping that Phillips leaves this year. We need change to pass the bond.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed Amy Jones trying to distance herself from Metcalf and Phillips. Me thinks she is trying to cover her butt in case her mentors get the boot.

Anonymous said...

No shocker there, the central admin is in disarray. Now JP is planning to can BM to take the fall for the mess.

Anonymous said...

Why does Joyce Phillips stay when she is widely hated and despised by all? It gotta be the money $$$!!!

Anonymous said...

That's it. She is lusting after her 2nd mi retirement, that we will pay for unless she is canned soon. She also enjoys harming her opponents, which now is everyone. She is a very mean, dishonest and arrogant person. The worst superintendent the MPS has ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I would say she is in the running for worst superintendent in the history of anywhere. Can anyone come up with anything positive about her? How can this board really believe she is doing a good job? How blind can they be? A true travesty.

Anonymous said...

just responding to the post about Mr. Walbeck....true he is NEVER around when you actually need him...the transportation department is practically ran by the morning secretary and bus mechanic..true he talks out both sides of his mouth..false the employees are no longer allowed to smoke in the building and are not doing so..but it is true they did for sometime after they were told not to only because Mr. Walbeck did nothing about are some new things that I have heard about...a sub bus driver was driving a school van for a MONTH because the personal vehicle was broken down and they have no subs to drive...that was made a rule that NOONE was to drive school vans for personal reasons 2 years ago..but I guess now it is ok....a specific route is getting paid actually more time that it is 1 to 1 1/2 hours more than what it should be and it has been brought to his attention but still nothing has been done about it..unfortunately bussing will be made private just like the custodians and I can't blame it if that type of "stealing" is going on..

Anonymous said...

You can be sure that JP and her rich cronies are lusting after firing more good employees. While Joyce dines at Schulers and is NOT held accountable by her rich buddies on the school board for her lies and awful job performance, good people and their families are suffering every day in Marshall because of her evil actions.

Anonymous said...

Now you know how Marshall operates!

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle (2-23-08) has a story about how the Marshall School Board met in a big workshop to learn about engaging the community. They wonder why the community feels disconnected to the Marshall schools.

Duh, maybe four years of ignoring the teachers, support staff, students and parents had something to do with that. Maybe covering for a dishonest and incompetent superintendent and her associates, while treating everyone else in a rude and arrogant manner, didn't help either.

Instead of wasting money on workshop, the school board should listen to the wise teachers and parents who have been telling them what needs to be done for years. If they can't lead, then get out of the way. A good first step toward positive engagement is to get a new superintendent. The policy of "spinning good news" while ignoring the obvious problems has failed us for years now. The people of Marshall are not stupid!

Anonymous said...

No but we are certainly apathetic on the one hand and/or fearful on the other. How sad that it will take years to rebuild all the good will, wonderful morale and excellence in our schools that have been squandered by this absolutely horrible administation and the board who so blindly followed their wishes rather than the hundreds of long-time hardworking and loyal staff members. A true travesty and those in charge should be hanging their heads rather than just continuing to "spin" the idea that they just need to better communicate. If this Webb woman is such an expert why didnt she see the disaster of this district when she got on the board. From what many of us know, John Coulter saw the truth and light shortly after he got on the board but as we know a single board member can easily be shoved to the background. In JKPs world there is NO room for questioning or disagreeing with her majesty. She goes to great lengths to get rid of those who dare to disagree even when it is obvious she has no clue and then hires only new people who committ to falling on the sword for her. How sad. Ask any staff member their thoughts on her admin hires. But since all of us are either apathetic or fearful this is what we deserve. So I guess we all should hang our heads not just the board.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the big talkers from this board? I don't see any "anti-administration" candidate running for office. Sad that you come on here and complain, but can't even get a good candidate to run for school board. Maybe Jody Foreman should run. LOL

Anonymous said...

The current school board needs to step up to the plate and make the needed changes. They are good and intelligent people who are well aware of the problems. If there are no hidden agendas, as some have accused them of having, then I see no reason why they will not look to replace both superintendents in March. Now is the time for change. Come-on board, prove your critics wrong! You fired the custodians when you thought it was "best" for the schools. Now get us some new leaders that are needed to turn things around and fix the current mess we are in.

Anonymous said...

You have more hope than I do in the MPS board. We will know soon were their true loyalties are. Is it with Joyce or with the "best interest" of the Marshall schools. If Joyce is not on her way out soon, then their loyalties are with her. Kids First! Not Joyce First!

Anonymous said...

March should be an interesting month from what I am hearing, for the better or the worse.

Anonymous said...

A board member told me recently that we are stuck with Dr. Phillips for another year. They can't afford to buy her out and they think she will sue if they fire her. I asked about the Michigan retirement and they said she will get one because if she stays one more year she will have five years in and get another five years bought for her. That's nuts! This woman is undeserving of even keeping her job. I hope the board finds a solution to replace her now. Is lying and bad leadership grounds enough to fire a superintendent?

Anonymous said...

An MMS teacher told me that they have been hearing more or less the same thing.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board clearly has a lot of problems to deal with right now. Please contact them if you have any ideas for improvement. If you do not, they will likely keep the same people and policies in place that got us into this jam in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Amy and Brian want Joyce gone, Joyce wants Brian gone and everyone else wants Joyce gone. The MPS have become a soap opera.

Anonymous said...

Kind of like Marshall city politics! ;-)

Was it an affair? Financial improprieties?

Anonymous said...

The police chief? The Marshall schools central office? Probably both! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Both are secretive too.

Anonymous said...

I hope the board removes the two "embarrassments" JP and BM soon. How much more can we stand?

Anonymous said...

If the school board does not care what the entire MPS staff thinks or feels, then why would they care what a bunch of people write on this blog? Nothing will change until Joyce Phillips and her friends decide to change things. As far as I can see, the board takes orders from them.

Anonymous said...

I thought Joyce was leaving this year. Are we stuck with her another year?

Anonymous said...

She has been promised another year so she can get a Michigan retirement, unless the board decides it is not in the best interest of our schools to keep her on.

Anonymous said...

As far back as I can remember the Marshall Schools central office leaders have been shady, dishonest and at least somewhat corrupt.

Look at the Lou G. Years. Then look how Bob C. walked away with $100,000 under very sleazy circumstances. Now the Joyce P. years are even worse! When will this end! How about finding good and honest leaders for a change? Ask the staff, they know what a mess everything has been for far too long!!!

Anonymous said...

It is not only the staff that knows but what about the students they all know and think there is nothing they can do about it! Well i disagree they just need to find a way to help just like everyone else! togeather we can get them gone we just have to work for what we want but know one is willing to take on the mess or if they are they are to afraid for what might happen to them. this is for the kids lets care togeather, say it with me for the kids!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would take Lou G. and Brad H. back in a second, nothing they did is even close to what the current admin. is doing to us. This is the worst that I have seen in my 20 years in education.

Anonymous said...

I would agree! When you have a board that serves the interest of a corrupt leadership that has no ties with or cares nothing about Marshall, then you have a very bad situation. We paid Metcalf a lot, plus his tuition, to get his PhD. Phillips even let him take as much time off as he needed or work in his office. We know he did not do much for our schools the last few years. Now he is trying to get into Saline, shall we tell Saline the truth? Or do like Indiana did with JP and lie to get rid of him?

Bring back Lou! I never thought I would feel this way. Those of us with experience in the MPS know very well what has been going on and it is getting worse, not better.

Anonymous said...

I as a parent have been quite about most of this but it is time to speak out. I want to know how much we are saving on having this cleaning crew in the schools ? I have been to the schools and so far things don't look better and alot of things look worse. I also want to know what happend to the snow removal this year at least at the high school and middle school did they replace the peolpe that were doing it before ? I didn't see that in the custodial removal ? Now on to the facts that I here everyday when my kids get out of school.. The H.S. Princ. has got know clue as to what the kids and faculty of the H.S. need, he seems to be a pawn in some kind of plan. He need's to be replaced along with the people pulling his chain's. The middle school is in deep trouble if you think the two clown's down there know whats going on. I had already herd that turner was a joke but after seeing the two of them in action we need help. Find a older teacher that has the desire for the job and that will be perfect.
Now to the central admin. and board.. Why don't you fix the problems that you have.... and please don't tell me you don't know about them. talk to your staff and ask them and don't fire them if they don't see it the way you do. It takes a team to raise kids these day's and so far you have dropped the ball too many times. It is time for a offinsive plan and lets get to it before its to late. Also get the custodian's back and for god sake's try to get the snow and ice taken care of before some one get's hurt.

Anonymous said...

I wrote the post above and wanted to leave my name with it

Anonymous said...

I too have not spoken up but now seems to be the time. When asking the HS Prin anything he seems to want to answer but always needs to get back to you. Does this mean he has to get guidance from the Supt? If so - I too am frightened about what could happen in the event a decision really does need to be made.

Now - I have recently noticed that there seems to be alot of 'media' regarding the schools. I also see that our famous now superintendent seems to be putting her underlings in front of the public eye. Is this to keep the eye off her until she is home free on the second retirement. First you have the inept Bus Supervisor - Walbeck - that can't even keep his own employees doing what they are supposed to be doing making a statement like "Dr. Phillips has never gone against my word on the school closing" interpretation is "Dr. Phillips wants everyone to know who to blame when you complain about having to make up school time due to weather closings. Then you have the Food Service Director telling the news "there was no bad beef at MPS". I read the school website and it sounded to me like Dr. Phillips was stating something quite different like: after a closer look - yeah - by her - we had to toss out some questionable products. Then you have the weekly column by the HS Principal - news flash we can read the school newsletter -

I feel like this is a planned systematic approach for Joyce Phillips to get everyone thinking she is doing nothing blame someone else until she takes her bag of money and leaves Marshall crying.

Lastly....I would like to know the ONE PERSON that could have possibly asked Metcalf No Neck to stay on at Marshall. I have NEVER heard anyone say anything kind about him in regards to his employment at Marshall Schools. I'd like to call Saline and warn them but that would HINDER Marshall Schools from moving forward. I say - let's keep our fingers crossed that Saline doesn't learn any better before they give METCALF THE DO NOTHING a contract and ship his lying butt out of Marshall.

Never in my 25 years in Marshall have I seen such a state of affairs and we have no one to blame but ourselves if he don't start a recall, petition to demote or fire, and replace the idiots and liars that be!!!!!

Just my opinion you know - but after reading all this I'd like to know is there a school board member that will do anything....I haven't spoken up here on this site but I sure have made them aware and have yet to see anything good happen. I agree - let's go backwards - to the day before Joyce Phillips arrived and start that search again.

Anonymous said...

Hey to the persons commenting about the bus garage and the inability of Walbeck to do anything. I walk my dogs down at the landing and see employees standing by the door smoking all the time now. I thought the law was 25 feet from a public door or something like that. I am a taxpayer and feel this should be enforced. Can the City Manager go look into this in his spare time?

Anonymous said...

I am being asked a lot lately about which is a bigger mess, the Marshall school leaders or the Marshall city leaders. I tell my friends in other nearby towns, the city leaders get caught and quit and the school leaders are protected by the school board and get rewarded for even worse behavior. Is anyone ready for a recall if things do not drastically improve soon?

As our police chief said so eloquently about one of our leaders, (see BC Enquirer e-mails article) "a moron." Too many morons in charge, I agree!

Anonymous said...

Chief Olsen resigned for bad and stupid behavior that does not even come close to what JP, BM and AJ have done. They have committed far worse and stupid acts and have gotten away with it. It is not fair!

Anonymous said...

It all depends on who your friends are. Goodwin would be a good fit on our board. ;-)

Anonymous said...

to the person commenting about the smoking by the you know for a fact that it is Marshall Public School employees smoking right by the door??? or are you just ASSuming?

Anonymous said...

I am far less worried about a bus employee smoking by the bus garage than I am about the disaster at central office. The latter is causing great harm to my kids, their teachers, our schools and our community reputation.

Anonymous said...

Will a $35 mil bond pass with all of the unresolved MPS problems, especially the lack of trust in the "two doctors" who run things?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fix the MPS problems first! Get new leaders this year, not next year. Then we can all happily pass the bond and move forward. That is the wisest and best course "for the kids."

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Brian "no neck" Metcalf and Joyce "Kids last" Phillips, also known as the "spin doctors" are both on their way out this year? If true, that would be great news.

Anonymous said...

Well Harper Creek wised up and is getting rid of its very ineffective Assistant Superintendent--using the need to cut the budget as an excuse; cannot afford an Assistant Superintendent anymore. If Marshall did the same they could at least get rid of one of the problems.

Anonymous said...

Why the heck would either of them leave??? They both make over $100,000 per year, are protected by the weakest and possibly the dumbest school board this district has ever seen. Both of them are able to run rough-shod over anyone they choose, select their own "evaluation team", have others do all of their work, etc. BM & JP have got gravey jobs, heck they'd be crazy to leave now.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the Marshall School Board would be stupid enough to go for a $35 mil bond without first getting new leaders that are trusted and respected by the community and the staff?

March is decision month, we will know soon if they are wise and dump JP and Bm or if they are fools and keep them.

Our kids deserve better!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your point and agree wholeheartedly, but look what this current board has allowed to occur thus far. There is no way on this green earth that they are going to get either one of them. Our board doesn't have the guts to make a decision like that. I'm not voting for it, even though it is at the detriment of my own children. "No bond until the two are gone"

Anonymous said...

I am a Marshall teacher who was very hesitant to post on this blog.

I can tell you firsthand that Dr. Phillips and Dr. Metcalf are worse than useless as administrators. They are dishonest, rude and uncooperative. They care nothing about the staff, the curriculum or the students.

Look at their priorities- fire the custodians, drop drivers ed, make many other cuts, while the teachers get almost nothing and NO SUPPORT! They lavish themselves with money and perks. They also are quick to put down other people but help cover up all of the huge problems they cause. Scandals? That's the norm. Coverups? There are so many! Why, for the sake of our schools, are these two still employed by the MPS?

The school board is a huge letdown and have made things worse. One on one I thought we had a pretty good group when each first ran. What happened? I don't know but they seem to have collectively gone to the "dark side." They have added fuel to the fire by backing Phillips and her gang and ignoring the teachers, the PTOs and in my opinion, the kids!

Will they let us down again this year? We will all know very soon.

Anonymous said...

Quit yer winin'! I have ordered the board to keep me around as long as I please. I WILL get my Michigan retirement and I could give a hoot what happens to the MPS. Keep yer trap shut so the other doctor gets the Saline gig. He annoys me too.

I'm not goin' anywhere. What is yer name so I can fire you?

Just call me "Doctor"

Anonymous said...

I see "Dr." Medcalf is a finalist for another superintendent job (Gull Lake). His chances---slim to none. He is competing with the highly respected Assistant Superintendent from Portage, Ric Perry, among others. But he sure seems to be looking hard for another job.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only parent torn between supporting a bond that I know is needed and sending a message to the school board that four years of ignoring teachers and parents is bad for everyone?

It is sooooooo hard for me to vote for a bond and get excited until some big changes are made. We need new leaders now and then a bond. Bad leaders plus a bond equals more bad years ahead. The board needs to "get it" that enough is enough! I just don't like or trust this group we have in charge. If the vote were today I would vote "NO" and it is the board's fault. Are you listening school board?

Anonymous said...

no, there are many of us with mixed feelings about the marshall schools. I don't agree with everything on this web site but alot of it hits the nail on the head. I hope the board is reading and listening to find out what needs fixing. They do not need a study or a consultant, just ears and common sense.

Anonymous said...

This bond is DOA. Recall those who betrayed our schools first.

Anonymous said...

The MPS board will let us down again this year, the two doctors will reign supreme, the kids will lose, anger will rise, the bond will be in jeopardy, the teachers will shiver in fear and do nothing, the board will put on a show at their meetings and vote 7-0 in unison on everything, central office scandals will be covered up, JP will lie and lie again without consequences, morale will sink, failed leaders will get undeserved raises, good people will get cuts and bad treatment, public trust is in the toilette, and Marshall will continue to be far far less than we should be! Its sad and tragic but true!

Can anything prevent another bad year? For lack of caring, do we all get what we deserve as punishment? Heck, four board members were booted over the relatively unimportant redskin issue. Things are far worse now and nobody does anything but sit back and take it or leave.

Anonymous said...

What a shocking analysis of the Marshall schools, but unfortunately quite true.

Anonymous said...

Every single word is very true. Throwing out four board members a few yrs ago in hind sight looks very foolish when compared to the totally catastrophic mismanagement of the past four years which we all just seem to apathetically accept. Would there be any interest now in pursuing another recall?
For the sake of the kids and the future? It is amazing that so many are outraged at what is going on yet so unwilling to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Apathy and fear are allies of tyranny and incompetence.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know anything about when they would dicide if the are going to keep the "great" and i do mean GREAT "Dr.". i do know that it is suppose to be some time this month but i didnt know if the did it at a school board meeting or how it worked i would really like to know so i know what i need to do to help get her out of here.

Anonymous said...

This month the Marshall school board has the power to remove any bad administrator they want to. If they decide to keep "Dr. J" or "Dr. M" or any other bad administrator they will likely make excuses like their contract had another year or something like that. Inaction equals action to keep them. It will be interesting to see if they go to bat for the kids, do their jobs, and dump the failed "doctors" which would be great! If the board fails us and keeps one or both of the current superintendents then a recall may be in order to "clean house" and get the Marshall schools back on track. What about JP's loyalists- Klochack, Walbeck, Jones, and MacDonald? They have all let us down too with poor performance and are way overpaid for their worth. They should all go too!

Do even 1 percent of the MPS staff or active parents support this regime?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How is the new MHS principle working out?

Anonymous said...

As you would expect, not good. He is definitely far less effective leader than Mr. Behrenwald. He is in over his head.

Anonymous said...

All the "Phillips Phlunkies" as we call them are either incompetent, clueless or both.

Anonymous said...

I like the list of needs in the bond proposal but I cannot stand the current supt and the her bad policies and treatment targeting our teachers and support staff. She needs to go before I can vote for the bond, that is my protest to the board.

Anonymous said...

I have talked to board members and they are very aware of the problems. Why they choose not to solve them I have no idea. Their reputations are at stake too. We know Chris is leaving and that John and Ali considered quitting their first year when they learned what a disaster the MPS central office admin is. Firing or somehow removing "the two doctors" is the best thing they can do to win back credibility and trust.

Anonymous said...

A friend who knows a school board member said that she doubted Metcalf would be back next year. She also said the board would like Phillips out but so far Phillips does not have the honor and the dignity to do the right thing and resign. Also Phillips is known for threatening lawsuits and that is probably the only reason she still has a job. I guess she really wants that second Michigan retirement no matter what the cost is to Marshall.

Anonymous said...

When has this school board served the best interests of the Marshall schools? If they did we would have new leadership by now.

Anonymous said...

They are a disgrace to all of us who really care about the kids and the future of our schools. We should all be ashamed for being so apathetic.

Anonymous said...

I think this school board is made up of a clique that has hidden agendas that mostly involve targeting staff or groups they did not like. Supposedly Joyce is their "pitbull" they hired to carry out their dirty work to "fix" the Marshall schools. Joyce was on the verge of being let go from her last school in Indiana and was at the end of her career anyway, so she had nothing to lose. For a "guaranteed five year" (Thanks Janice, Paul, etc) so she could get a Michigan retirement to add to her Indiana retirement, she would do anything they wanted. She never tried to work with the staff and has been hostile since the day she arrived. We knew something was up when she started overruling hiring committees (ignoring their choices). It became evident there was a plan that was anti-teacher, anti-current Principals and anti-Hulkow. The high school and middle school Principals were promptly forced out. Hulkow was targeted, leading to suspicions about the motives of board members with an axe to grind. The custodians were coldly fired to "save money." What next? Phillips, Metcalf and Jones can do no wrong in the eyes of the board, though by any normal standards should be fired. while the rest of us can do no right. We have tried very hard to work with Phillips and the board, but are shot down time and time again. I do not blame John and Ali, as I think they were dragged into this mess and are not to blame. What did the Marshall schools and staff do to deserve this wrath? Or are we victims of a secretive clique bent on revenge?

Anonymous said...

If the two doctors are not replaced this year, then the conspiracy theories all make sense.

Anonymous said...

I hope the embattled Marshall School Board does the right thing and gets a new superintendent before the bond vote this summer. I know many people that will refuse to vote for any school bond until someone honest and trusted is in charge of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Ann Adams' comment in the Chronicle's man on the street feature had it right. The survey's advice was to wait for the bond, so the board should take the advice the paid for and wait.

BTW - Where is Allie's communication plan? In any case, don't you think the individual board members might try to speak out and fix relations on their own?

Anonymous said...

The "Communication Plan" is a charade to mask what is really happening. Only a complete idiot would be on our current board and not understand what the problems and their causes are. The boards actions lead to this mess and the board has the power to clean it up. If they want to make excuses and kill another year with committees, surveys and polls, then all it will do is waste more time and money. If the board does not get their act together, then a fully justified recall may be the last resort after years of efforts to work with them has failed. This board knows very well what needs to be done. Now they just need the courage and resolve to do it. Do they serve Joyce Phillips or the kids and people of Marshall? We will know soon if we do not have a new Superintendent by fall.

Anonymous said...

Hey, get off this blog and write to the Chronicle, speak up at a board meeting, or do something more constructive! The board will keep doing the same old dumb things unless people get angry and speak up. Silence or writing on a blog no one reads will accomplish nothing. Where are the teachers? Where are the PCOs? Where are our city leaders? Doesn't anyone care about the Marshall schools any more?

Anonymous said...

Two different board members assured me they were working on getting replacements for Dr. J and Dr. B. So I would say that something behind the scenes is going on so give the board a chance. I was told to expect two new superintendents by fall, so lay off the board.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see it. Board members have told me that kind of stuff for a couple of years. I'm not going to hold my breath...nor should you!

Anonymous said...

I too have been told by board members they are aware and working on solving the problem named Joyce. Sorry to say they told me 15 months ago.

Anonymous said...

Joyce will either be gone this year or they are lying. We will all know soon.

Anonymous said...

I was just curious as to what is going on with all of the file cabinets, desks, and chairs that are being piled up near the loading dock at the high school. I don't remember getting an email from anyone in the central office indicating that the high school was getting rid of stuff. I've needed a file cabinet in my classroom for the past tow years. I wonder what is going on with this stuff. Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Are they getting ready to move the offices to the first floor? That has to be about the lowest priority need at MHS! I can easily think of fifty things they should have done first. Do the doctors dislike walking up the stairs on their rare visits to MHS?

Anonymous said...

I think too many parents and teachers have given up trying to work with Dr. Phillips and the current board. It goes way beyond mere bad communication. The failures are deep, the trust is lost, the respect is gone and the leaders have failed us all repeatedly. Something needs to change soon.

Anonymous said...

I do not blame Chris for quitting the school board this year. He is a nice guy and his good name has been dragged through the mud thanks to his support for Phillips and her bad leadership.

We need some people who are strong leaders and who are willing to take a stand for the kids and what is in the best interest of the Marshall schools and community. If any current or future school board members are brave enough to do this and work for change now, that would be welcome news for our beleaguered schools.

Anonymous said...

Any news if either "doctor" is on their way out this year? We need change or the bond is in trouble.

Anonymous said...

At least BM should be gone by fall. I am sure the board would love it if JP left too.

Anonymous said...

This may not be the ideal place to share my views, but thanks to "Dr." Joyce Phillips it is not safe for Marshall teachers to speak out publicly about MPS problems after all other options have failed to address them, so here it goes...

Joyce Phillips and the board are known for telling the teachers and parents one thing while apparently doing another. The other doctor Metcalf is worse than useless in helping move our curriculum forward. Both superintendents are the worse Marshall has ever seen. What is the board doing about this problem they have known about for years? Are they just buying time to keep Phillips around another year? Are they afraid of forcing her out because she has threatened legal action in the past? Or is the board divided over what to do with some board members opposed to Phillips privately but unwilling to confront Phillips supporters (Janice? Paul? Vic? Ali?) publicly? Because the board is so isolated and secretive it is difficult to gage what is really happening. The Marshall board needs to be open, honest and transparent with their thinking and decision making. We all need to truly know where they stand and why they do the things they do? Their image has been tattered, trust has evaporated and respect for their leadership ability is largely gone, at least from the MPS teachers and parents I know. We cannot afford another year of business as usual.

Are you listening MPS board? I would tell you myself, again, but it did not help the first dozen or so times during the last five years. Now I fear it could cost me my job if I spoke out publicly. That is not how a good school system should operate in a climate of mistrust, fear, hostility and lacking real teamwork. I hope behind the facade you agree with me and start doing something to turn this very bad situation around. Replacing failed leaders would be the best first step you can take toward real school improvement.

Anonymous said...

Well said! That sums up the feelings of just about everyone I know!

Anonymous said...

Well, part of the communication plan obviously involves a new publication called the Mentor. Got mine in the mail. What do you all think?

Anonymous said...

What a joke. If that is the best they can do we are in worse shape than we thought. This is coming from the "expert" communicator Ali Webb??? I also got quite a kick out of the little box in the Mentor that said "we listened to the survey blah bla blah". If they really listened to the survey they would NOT be going for the big bond until they got rid of the top idiots who have destroyed all the good this district has had for years. If somehow we could get just a fraction of us who are disgusted to stand up and go public maybe that would start the groundswell needed to get real change. How sad we are all so fearful.

Anonymous said...

Let's see Mr. Behrenwald spoke up, and so did a former MTA president, and... oh yeah, people who speak up get fired or forced out. Are we living in a dictatorship? No wonder trust and respect have been lost. The new publication? It does absolutely nothing to solve the real problems. So in my opinion, the Marshall school board is not doing anything so far to solve the problems. If anything they have made them worse.

Anonymous said...

The anger, lack of trust and hostile feelings will not go away until there is a new superintendent. Joyce Phillips has caused too much harm to have it simply be forgotten and forgiven. These were not honest mistakes but purposeful acts and policies targeting the Marshall teachers, support staff and many parents, community members and students. Her lack of cooperation and honesty have made her actions even worse. Whether she was acting at the behest of the school board or not she needs to take responsibility and be held accountable. If she had any dignity or cared about "the kids" she would resign soon. If she stays another year it will be very bad for our beloved Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

If the board cares about the schools they will take action and fire JP and BM!!!

Anonymous said...

Can "excellence" be removed from the Marshall Schools web site and all newsletters and signs until we get new school leaders that live up to this noble goal?

Anonymous said...

Excellent point, no pun intended! ;-)

Joyce, Bob, Amy and Brian are the opposite of excellent, terrible! Shame on your MPS board for protecting and rewarding their bad behavior and poor performance. You know what is going on and you do nothing to stop it. How can you live with yourselves having sworn to do what is best for our schools? Our kids and community deserve far better.

Anonymous said...

I wonder exactly what "Dr." Metcalf has been doing for Marshall Schools recently; since he seems to be so busy applying and interviewing for other jobs. (Gull Lake and Coldwater just this week).

Anonymous said...

He can't be causing trouble if he's not here.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or are the board meetings no longer taped?

Anonymous said...

I think they took them off the air. It is part of their new "Communication Plan."

Anonymous said...

5 posts up, who is Bob? I know who Joyce, Amy, and Brian are, but who are you talking about? Did they hire someone new?

Anonymous said...

Hey anyone hear about our school board president punching another tow truck driver/owner????

Anonymous said...

Bob is in charge of the busses, Bob Walbeck.

Anonymous said...

Oppps!!! That should be "Mike" Walbeck.

Anonymous said...

Joyce, Mike, Amy, Brian and Charlie are all a drain on our schools. We have been dragged down and these overpaid under performing failed leaders need to be replaced. ALL teachers and support staff I know say the same thing, they need to go! There is no debate, the evidence is overwhelming. If the school board cares they will do their job and get new and much better leaders.

Anonymous said...

To several posts above: regarding ASSuming...regarding school employees smoking outside the door....I know for a fact as I have pictures of Mr. Walbeck sitting inside under the 'no smoking signs and policies' posted above his dumb big head...sitting beside two bus garage employees smoking. you...yes - I know who works at the bus garage and I know what a hand picked, inept, never makes his own decisions, Mr. Walbeck is. I hope that clears up any suspicion you have about my statements of his inability to enforce Health Department county wide no smoking policy. It is also a City Property and School Property NO SMOKING POLICY. Guess your Mr. Walbeck is incapable of enforcing any policy at all.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I should have said pictures Mr. Walbeck is not aware of on my camera case someone would like to see how he doesn't bother to enforce policy.

Anonymous said...

Here is a bit of information that someone may want:

Regarding Mr. Brian Metcalf and his pursuit of the superintendent position at Coldwater Schools.

If you want to make up a bunch of lies to try to get rid of him and dump our garbage on Coldwater or in case you would like to share the truths about his army-style, deception, lies, and pure mean heartedness....;you can call the following contact persons:

Board Contact for Coldwater superintendent search: Sandra 517-279-8543 or School Contact Jackie 517-279-5910 Ext. 225.

Make your call and do what Metcalf has been doing to loyal out of job workers from the support staff. He does not even return phone calls regarding job reference information....guess he is afraid of getting sued for blackballing people on Dr. Joyces' list.

Anonymous said...

Oh please don't anyone black-ball him, we really need to get rid of him! Our hope is that he takes Joyce under his arm as he heads out the door.

Anonymous said...

Joyce and Brian are all about hurting people. The nicer, kinder, smarter and more caring and good you are the more likely they hate you and want to harm you. If you are stupid, lazy and loyal to them you can expect rewards. Brian does not deserve silence so he can go cause harm to another school district. Who would be stupid enough to hire Joyce and Brian? I guess just our school board. These two deserve to be outright fired and they should have to pay back their undeserved raises, perks and tuition to the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

According to today's Enquirer (4/5) poor Metcalf did not get the job in his home town of Coldwater.... Sounds to me like he is running out of places to apply to - possibly I'd like to suggest Indiana. I hear they will employ anyone. I really hope it is true and the board is listening and they do not plan to give Metcalf a contract past 6/30/08. I'd like to see him on the food line with all the custodians he has put out of work. He and the sly 'she-dog' Philly. Now she is the cunning one. She sends her little pawns out to fight her battles now so she doesn't bloody her hands. But the poor pawns just keep doing her bid and call.

Well Metcalf - I hear the new custodial company that you hired would love to have you apply with them. Isn't that what you told the custodians as you were kicking them out the door.

Anonymous said...

Metcalf can always apply at Marshall Academy when that nutty Dr. Heidereich (does anyone go to him as a dentist anymore?) does his annual firing of the "Headmaster." What a shady family business. This is NOT how Charter Schools were supposed to be. Marshall Academy should be shut down.

Anonymous said...

response to pictures on your camera phone: why don't you go and show those to the good Dr? because I know now they all smoke outside and away from the building...just like the city employees. So yes maybe your pictures would have made a difference back when it should have been enforced..but now it isn't going to make a difference.
I am definetly not defending Mr. Walbeck by any means..I just can't say anything to anyone higher up because I need my job and the last person that ran their mouth got canned...not me

Anonymous said...

The admin care nothing about what Mike Walbeck does. Joyce, Amy and Brian do far worse and get away with it month after month.

Anonymous said...

I think we need an independent investigation into Dr. Phillips, Dr. Metcalf and the current school board.

Anonymous said...

Most people think there have been many coverups and lies. Trust is gone.

Anonymous said...

The board talks a big talk and then do the opposite or nothing. I miss JP's Leadership articles, they were so absurd compared to the reality of how she leads that they were always good for a laugh.

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