Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's official

Dr. Randy Davis is the new MPS superintendent.


Anonymous said...

Well this is a blessing for all my friends in Athens.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Marshall for taking him off our hands. We got ya.

Anonymous said...

I thought we as an Athens staff did a horrible job selling him. But I guess the Marshall team bought it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Athens for sending Mr. Davis our way, maybe he can straighten out this mess in Marshall and put everyone in their place. Time for the crying to stop...

Anonymous said...

Read the predictions in the previous section. It is no surprise the board picked the worst candidate they could find. A "Joyce Phillips clone" to keep everything moving backwards. A captain who can help keep the ship sinking. What a shocker! We obviously need a new school board.

Anonymous said...

I would like to sincerely welcome Mr. Davis!

First, you have a mostly very excellent staff, get out there and get to know them. They want to work with you to improve the Marshall schools. If you earn their respect, you will have a great team to lead!

Second, there are major "principal problems" with the MHS building Principal and the Middle School "co-Principals." These are problems you will want to "fix" (replace) ASAP, as you assemble your new team.

Third, always be honest and open with everyone about everything! The staff and people of Marshall are sick and tired of lies and coverups! Phony PR campaigns backfire. We know what is going on. You will do far better with honesty, even if you have to admit an occasional honest mistake or two.

Fourth, you say you are good with technology. Then if you can find our tech director you may want to replace him. Actually go ahead and replace him anyway. We haven't seen him or got a reply email in ages.

Fifth, find out what exactly happened the last few years. If you can get justice and take away Joyce Phillips' second retirement for wrongdoing, you will be a hero.

Lastly, just be nice, a competent leader and cooperative. That alone will be a huge improvement from the past five years.

Good luck! You are coming into a very tough situation! It will not be easy. Don't let anyone lead you astray or entice you to do dishonest or unethical things (hint: beware some of the MPS board members).

Do it for the kids!

Anonymous said...

This is the guy who thought he could cut his way to success.

Anonymous said...

He did cut his way to success. Other area schools have benefitted greatly by his cuts as students leave Athens in droves. Apparently the Marshall board is hoping for the same results in Marshall. How much effort did he put into seeking alternative funding such as grants? Did he work to build up a stronger program that may attract new students? I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

I would interested to know the real story behind how and why Mr. Davis was selected. Nobody believes the PR charade of board meetings and quotes any longer. The real motives and plans are not made public. The main decision makers may not even be on the school board. Why did I have a bad feeling after Mr. Burger emerged as the clear favorite of the parents and teachers I know that he would NOT be selected? Why did I feel after it became known that Mr. Davis shares many bad qualities with Joyce Phillips, that it would make him a board favorite?

Let's see, he has never been a regular classroom teacher or a building Principal. He comes from a district that seems happy to get rid of him. Deja vu!

Anonymous said...

So the board has a choice between someone who was a classroom teachers for over 20 years; a building principal for five; superintendent for 4, albeit in a smaller district; and someone whose only work in public education has only been as superintendent---no classroom teaching---no building principalship experience.
I think that speaks volumes about how this board values the teachers and administrators of this district.

Anonymous said...

I am so embarrassed about our school board and what they have done to our once "excellent" schools!

They dropped the ball again. As usual I am sure this was done on purpose. They could care less about the kids or the community.

My guess is they wanted a lackey to take orders, harass staff and cover up past scandals. Someone not too experienced or competent.

What the MPS actually needs is an excellent educational leader that is respected and supported by the community! Someone honest, experienced and respected.

Maybe next time!

Anonymous said...

Again Marshall is a laughingstock in the county. My friends in Athens can hardly believe that Marshall could not do any better than Randy Davis. They considered him unqualified for their district.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that you and your friends in Athens are in the minority, otherwise you could easily produce a body or two to run for the Board...give Randy Davis a chance before you, as in typical fashion, automatically condemn him.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Davis does deserve a chance. Actually there is no other choice. Maybe he will surprise everyone and do a great job. This may not have happened in Athens but who knows, he could have changed!

My biggest concern after talking to two friends who know first-hand how he lead at Athens, is that they view him more as a self-serving politician than as an effective education leader. If true, that is the last type of superintendent the Marshall schools need right now. That's the type of superintendent Joyce Phillips is. She also lacked classroom and principal experience.

Maybe that is why there are so many concerns about Mr. Davis. The Marshall schools board is not viewed very highly either.

Anonymous said...

The board should have selected Mr. Watson. Mr. Burger was the next best choice. Mr. Davis comes in with minimal experience and much baggage. But I give him credit. Most school administrators avoid Marshall altogether. The word has gotten out and the reputation of the leadership is not good. We still have many great kids, parents and staff. I hope we reverse the outflow of staff and students that has been draining many of our best and brightest.

Anonymous said...

I'm not happy with either potential new school board candidate this upcoming election. It's between Bill the Oaklawn employee (that would make 3 on the board) and Georgia the recalled board member. Can we find a good quality write-in candidate??

Anonymous said...

Personally I do not care if someone works for the hospital or not. I like Georgia Marsh very much personally. But she is very close to many others (most of current board, Marsha Franke) that I do not trust. So I agree, not much enthusiasm about those running.

Maybe they both will get on if Vic were to resign. It seems he could use less stress as he recovers over the coming year. I was happy to hear Paul is not running for re-election. Not sure what happened to him. I supported his run for the board four years ago and then he seemed to lose it and did far more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

It seems that the political climate in Marshall has discouraged many qualified candidates from running for an office or applying for employment. I know that I would think twice about relocating my family into a community where I would be facing a hostile public before the ink was even dry on my contract. It would be beneficial for the entire community if the political ranting and hate-blogging would cease, maybe then we wouldn't be the laughing stock of West Michigan. You never know, we may even be able to draw employment interest from a large pool of quality candidates.

Anonymous said...

The root causes of the problems in the Marshall schools is the bad leadership of Supt. Phillips, her cronies and her school MPS board backers.

Criticism only moved to a blog after staff were targeted and Phillips threatened lawsuits against the MTA (Marshall teacher for the staff survey) and the Chronicle for exposing lies, scandals, mismanagement and coverups.

If even half of what is written on this blog is true, it has been a disastrous 5 years of awful leadership and bad decisions. I know for a fact , most of these posts are quite accurate and lots more has not even come out yet.

Its that bad, unfortunately!

But I agree, it would be far more effective if people organized, ran good candidates, and held current board members accountable (recall?).

But this is Marshall, people are burned out of all of the fighting and keep trying to work with the same people in power. And time and time again they let us down.

I hope Mr. Davis surprises us and does a good job.

Anonymous said...

To those who think this blog represents a disgruntled minority, that is not the case.

I would say nearly every teacher, parent and business leader who is aware of what has happened in the Marshall schools the last five years more or less feels the same as most of those on this blog. But it is fair criticism to say "why has there been no new organized group poised to take power?" The group in power now is highly organized and allegedly has a big checkbook backing them. An alternative group is need to organize the majority to retake the board and fix the schools.

I urge everyone who cares to get involved. It will not be easy and it will take time, but let's do it for the kids. We should also give Mr. Davis a chance like we did with Mrs. Phillips. She blew it and burned bridges all over town. Mr. Davis has a golden opportunity to build bridges and prove he can do the job competently. If he can build cooperation, trust and confidence he can succeed!

I sincerely wish him the best!!!

Anonymous said...

The worst news is yet to come. Wait until the budget cuts are fully made. Also many expenses are being pushed to next year to make JP look good. How many more students will we lose again this year?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the stimulus money can be used to remodel the high school. Saving us passing a bond.

Anonymous said...

I talked to a board member recently and asked about the big picture. He/She said (off the record) that they pressured out Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf and have done their best to wrap up the reign of Dr. Phillips. They said a buyout or force out would have been too expensive with Phillips. They are not real excited about the MHS or MMS Principals and know there are problems, except with Nessel.

I asked about the prospects for another bond vote. They admitted it is not likely for at least a year. The budget is a huge problem and painful cuts have to come. I also asked about staff relations, they said they thought they were much better, I disagreed. I asked about the decision to fire the custodians. Then I get a reply about how it had to be done, it saves money and most of the custodians were either able to get another job or retire anyway.

To summarize I think the board views themselves as dealing with problems and in their own clumsy way as making progress. I think they are very sensitive as to how they are perceived and they seem bothered by ongoing criticism. I feel like they are struggling and unsure about how to make real progress. I think they see a new superintendent as the best way to move forward and put the ugly past behind them. I am not sure if they fully understand the depth of the anger and disappointment in their leadership the last few years. I also asked about this blog. The board member I talked to said they looked at it occasionally and that not all of it was true. I would agree that most likely not all of it is true, but when I pressed if many of the problems are basically true they admitted there have been many challenges and mistakes. I felt better that there is at least some realization that things have not gone well.

I am cautiously optimistic there will be at least a few improvements after Phillips is gone. It can't get any worse, or can it?

Anonymous said...

"I am cautiously optimistic there will be at least a few improvements after Phillips is gone. It can't get any worse, or can it?"

I think there are some people in Athens who might disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

"I think there are some people in Athens who might disagree with you."

It would be very pro "Kids First" if you would "PUT A LID ON IT"...and look at the positive side of something for once.

Anonymous said...

What about HIS STATEMENT "that I am qualified to be a superintendent because I have been married to a teacher for 20+ years", OR why did he tell the AD at Athens to fire the basketball coach because he would not play his child ?????? Just maybe there are more problems than anybody really knows do ya think!!!

Anonymous said...

Athens must be the role model for the direction the board sees the Marshall schools going in the future. Maybe a mix of some Starr Commonwealth too. Maybe if all goes well the alternative high school will boom so much they can trade places with MHS. We could become the alternative/Starr school district of mid Michigan. We are already on our way!

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone needs to send the link for this site to Davis that way he can read what he is up against and know what really needs to be done in Marshall and maybe learn what mistakes to avoid!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe a rabied wild racoon would be an improvement over Joyce K Phillips. I will celebrate when she is out of this district and this county. Just the mention of her reminds me of the depth of hurt she alone has caused upon people who were dedicated teachers, support staff and administrators. I am sure God will make the sun shine on Marshall for the dues we have paid while clouded with the Phillips reign. The rotten thing is she is so very undeserving of a Michigan retirement it is disgusting. I hope she never bothers to visit our area again. Can't wait of July 1, 2009.

Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Anonymous said...

With the boards blatant refusal to choose the candidate heavily supported by staff and parents it will be even harder to pass a much needed bond. Let us hope that Dr. Davis will come to us with a willingness to not only listen but to actually hear what our excellent staff has to say about the state of our schools. For too many years now we have been led by an incompetent and self-serving top leadership. Much has been destroyed in terms of morale and cohesiveness and we are only a shadow of what we once were as a district. What remains top notch is the dedication of our staff and it is time for the top to begin to pay heed to the people who actually keep our kids learning and productive. Please Dr. Davis, for the sake of all of us, pay more attention to what your new staff says than you do to Dr. Phillips, the board and the JKP lackeys who have created this miserable mess.

Anonymous said...

I was at a wedding yesterday in East Leroy and had the chance to speak to a couple of current Athens Public School employees. I spoke to them separately and asked them their opinions about Dr. Davis and the type of leader he has been for them. Almost verbatim, they said the same thing, "good luck and thank you" for taking him out of our district. It put a pain in the pit of my stomach because I had expressed my own thoughts to some of the board members that Mr. Burger would be a better choice. I and everyone else probably should have told them that Burger was the worst choice then they would have hired him. The only consolation is that at least JKP will be gone. I will give him a chance, much like I did Klochak, Turner and Hollbrook, but I've been correct about those three.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like more drivel? Guessing that you can't get anyone to run for the board because they would have to serve and donate untold hours...for FREE! Be subjected to personal attacks if they fail to side with one faction over another...and all for NO PAY, NADA!
So as they say in the vernacular, "If you can't take the heat, then better stay out of the kitchen"...

Anonymous said...

For those new to this blog, here is the back story of the current school board and why they have lost the trust and respect of virtually the entire staff and most parents and community members too ...

The Marshall school board members, and yes that include Paul Beardslee even though he is not running again, need to think long and hard about their reputation and legacy in Marshall.

Long after Joyce Phillips is gone we will not forget what happened. I am not referring to honest differences of opinion, that can be easily forgotten and forgiven. But the hidden agendas, personal vendettas, scandals, lies and coverups that occurred!

Yes, the board knew what was going on, they had JP carry out their personal vendettas which date back to their disputes with Lou, Hulkow, the recall, the "Redskin" fight, Marsha Haring passed over as supt., girls BB coaching controversy, or whatever else was motivating them to take power and target people. To be a target you only need be viewed as a friend of those they dislike, or maybe an acquaintance.

You only need to talk to many insiders, including former board members, to piece the puzzle together and see how they all work together and planned well in advance to seize power. At least a few very wealthy people (or those who married into such a family) played a role in this fiasco. Kevin Belew told me in a downtown bar how he "owned the board" and how "they" were going to "fix" the schools. Marsha Haring is part of this group as is a few others with big axes to grind. The anger comes from the known fact that they used unethical and dishonest, maybe illegal in some cases, methods to ruin many good people. They lashed out at anyone who questioned them. They 'circled their wagons" and go into hissy fits if you question them.

No real debate exists in board meetings any more, we know all decisions are made elsewhere. Ask Sam and Bob how it was for them. They were treated very badly and pressured to leave the board. The others made no attempt to work with them and did everything they could to pressure them to leave. They also bad mouthed them around town, using terms like "Ding and Ling" when referring to them (I heard this myself from a board member). They targeted Mr. Behrenwald and the MTA from day 1 Phillips arrived. Why? It seems they mainly wanted to settle scores, real or imagined. Is this exaggerated? If you don't believe me, ask around. Most of this is well known among people connected to the schools. How and why this board came together is not even a secret. Many of them worked together on the anti-Redskin campaign, which I personally supported. But once in power they overreached, made many mistakes, appeared to get paranoid, and turned mostly on the wrong targets- which greatly damaged our school and their trust and respect.

Are they trying to change? They have sent out mixed signals and made some changes if you ask them. My guess is they cannot hold Phillips accountable because she has too much dirt on them too. Bringing her down will bring them down too. Have they learned their lessons? Looking at how they carried out the new superintendent search, my answer would be an emphatic "no!"

What about the teachers, parents and the community? The people dedicated most to the kids tried everything in my opinion to work with the board and help set them on a better path. I have known most of the board members for years and cannot understand their behavior for the life of me! I supported most of them as they ran for office and now I feel greatly betrayed. I feel as though I have been deceived, ignored and lied to- repeatedly. Yes, they can do as they please as no one else has run against them or launched a recall. In that sense I guess we are all to blame for allowing this to go on.

If there is any incentive for the board to turn around and fix the wrongs and regain trust and respect, it would be because it is the best thing for schools, the community, the parents and most importantly the kids! Also I am sure none of them want to be remembered in such bad way with many upset and angry with them for decades to come.

Each board member is fully responsible for each and every vote and action they take. We are watching and keeping track of what you do more than what you say. We need transparency, honesty and real cooperation. We need big changes! We need to trust, respect and support good school leaders- if we get them! These decisions impact many excellent people and their kids. I hope they do not forget that!

No matter how you feel about the Marshall schools, get invovled and do everything you can to help make big changes for the better happen!

The kids need you!!!

Anonymous said...

The above is a very watered-down and "civil"overview, the true stories and many more details are much much worse. Many have been covered in other blog postings over the last four years if you go back and read.

If anyone has another version of events or motives of the school board please share. This was put together from many sources, including most of the current board members themselves, during the last 5-7 years.

If any board members want to share their views please do! Open and honest discussion is needed to solve the problems. Since this has been stifled at board meetings, in the schools, and in the chronicle- it has moved to this blog.

Thank you to whoever put this blog together. Unfortunately it is needed!

Anonymous said...

I think the main core were originally Darling, Potter, Beardslee and Stulberg. I am not sure if they recruited Varvatos or if he just went along with them. Webb and Coulter were brought on board as people they could use and would take direction. I do not think they all have the same motives or agenda, but they do all vote together 7-0 on everything. A coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the reasons the board sure made a mess of things the last five years. Lou Giannunzio. and Bob "take the money and run" Currie benefitted by looking much better by comparison. Joyce will do very well as she leaves and gets her guaranteed Michigan 2nd retirement at our expense. It looks like they found another Joyce in Randy Davis.

Anonymous said...

What a MESS!!! I say all administrators must go and the school board must go!! We need fresh faces in all aministration positions!!!! Including principals!!

Anonymous said...

Is Bob Currie related to Mary Ellen Currie of the CISD??

Anonymous said...

Yes, his wife.

Anonymous said...

To three above, it would not surprise me if the board has already decided who will be the rest of "Mr. Davis' team" and let him announce who THEY chose.

Anonymous said...

As a PCO parent I am concerned about the hiring pattern where the 2nd or 3rd choice candidate often gets the job. I know of this happening with past hiring committees. A candidate is clearly the best and then the superintendent picks a lesser candidate. I am also concerned about all of the cuts while the tech director got about a $25,000 raise compared to a few years ago. From what I hear he is among the least deserving in the district for such a massive raise. I propose that be the first cut when cuts are announced. I fear the arts will be hit hard in the next round of cuts.

Anonymous said...

When are the cuts going to be announced? Have they already made some cuts??

Anonymous said...

The big cuts are yet to come. My guess in March or April. Will they renew Klochack's contract?

Anonymous said...

It looks like it has been a busy weeknd of MPS discussion!

To three above, it makes you wonder why they lavish money and perks on some people whose performance has been sub par while cutting key programs for the kids.

Also what about the track? What they have wasted alone, including huge undeserved pay increases, could have easily paid for a new track.

Anonymous said...

Do write in candidates have to file any paperwork before the next board election? Or can anyone be a write in?

Anonymous said...

If my research is correct, all that is needed is a one page form that needs to be filled out and turned in to the secretary of state. It needs to be done 7 days prior to the election.

Anonymous said...

I think the board needs to issue a State of the Schools document so we have a baseline to judge the new regime. Where are we now and where are we going?

It would be amusing to look back at MPS five years ago, too. We should list classes dropped, maintenance deferred and selected MEAP scores.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed more people asking questions and trying to find out what is really going on since the bond failed last year. Nobody I know is buying the board claims that everything is just fine any more. I hope more get involved in a positive way and maybe some will run for the board.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed more people asking questions and trying to find out what is really going on since the bond failed last year. Nobody I know is buying the board claims that everything is just fine any more. I hope more get involved in a positive way and maybe some will run for the board.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if the MHS bond had passed.
Imagine the great deals we could have gotten on the work and materials this coming year.
Imagine how nice it could have been after the remodeling and other projects were completed. Imagine the pride we all could have shared in as MHS narrowed the gap with the BC schools.

I am quite sure this would have been possible if we imagine we had a good superintendent who was honest and trusted and..
if the custodians had not been fired first.

We can only imagine.

The kids will lose for years to come.

Imagine of the board had listened.

Anonymous said...

We cannot look back, there is nothing we can do about the past. Many mistakes were made and we missed a great opportunity with the bond.

We need to look forward for the kids. If a small self-serving clique is running our schools, then we all need to get more involved so we all run the schools.

What the future should be like- great staff, more parental involvement, honest and open leadership, cooperation at all levels, and a school board that truly looks out for the BEST interests of the Marshall schools. We need a board that understands educational issues and is trusted enough by the staff that any staff member can discuss anything with them. This is not true at this time. Community support is at an all time low too. This must change.

It's time for real change!

If you do not like the two candidates running, then find good write in candidates.

If you feel some board members are a disservice to the board, then start a recall.

If you or your spouse do not work for the schools, then speak up at board meetings.

I know the staff needed this blog because all other avenues of communication had broken down. Trust and cooperation broke down. The suspicious actions of the board have hurt them and our schools. The board has been out of touch and out of sync for far too long. This must end.

Anonymous said...

It seems quite clear already that the two candidates for the open board seat are NOT what this district needs let's get serious about write-in candidates. Who are some people that you would be willing to help get elected as a write-in? We need to brainstorm and try to find a willing person who will have the support of all of us "disgruntled" staff members. While write-in campaigns are difficult it seems that with all the discontent in our community over the mess of our schools that a good candidate could bring us together. What a great way to actually DO something to take our schools back from the incompetents instead of just complaining on this blog. Who would you be willing to help if they are interested? Does anyone think we need Georgia back? Why? Names?

Anonymous said...

How about Ian Schnaitman? He seems like a good fresh face for the board.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for him. The trick would be spelling his last name right on the ballot :)

Anonymous said...

He would be an excellent choice. I actually miss Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng. They were open and honest, people trusted them. How about Lou? I was not really a fan when he was the superintendent but he could shake things up. Wouldn't you love to see him on the board with Janice, Dan and maybe Georgia?

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a write-in candidate. I think Lou, unfair or not, has too much baggage. We need a clean break from the past. I've heard nothing but good things about Mr. Schnaitman. He is very visable in the community, which is a huge plus in my mind.

Anonymous said...

Some of the PCO parents may be good candidates too.

Anonymous said...

I think a major write-in campaign is NEEDED. These two candidates that will be on the ballot are blah.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Ian.

Anonymous said...

Lets also look at the maintance director Frank S. that wants to blame the frozen heating units (11 of them) on one small window in the weight room that he blamed the kids for leaving open (what about the fine janitor staff that they have don't they check all the rooms every night?) How about maybe he screwed up and turned the boilers off maybe someone should check his computer to see if infact that is what was done. What was the total cost for that blunder that also fell on the schools budget/tax payers?

Anonymous said...

They keep hiring lesser and lesser qualified staff who have no plans to stay around very long and nobody cares what happens. Scandals and screwups happen all the time. Joyce and others lie to cover them up, massive amounts of money is wasted and the board covers it all up. If the public only knew half of it, there would be a recall tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Huge NO for Georgia Marsh. Isn't she busy enough serving on the CISD board?

New blood is needed NOW. Ian Schnaitman would be wonderful. John Bedient would serve us well also. Has anyone spoke to them regarding this writein campaign? Let's not sleep through this school election. This will take coordination as well as organization.

Wouldn't that surprise the small clique of money in Marshall that run's this Board now? Let's get moving on this!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The CISD is a bastion of waste and corruption. Not all, but some of them for sure.

Anonymous said...

Why does Georgia hate Lou G. so much? I remember when she ran vicious attack ads against him when he ran for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Georgia Marsh is one of those self-serving self-appointed "big shot mover-shakers" who has helped shape the miserable mess our school are suffering from. In fact, it was her "holier-than-thou" sense of entitlement that led her to push for the nickname change and, even worse, counsel JKP on who and what to target to "fix our schools". Georgia back on the board? Please people, we MUST find a good consensus write-in candidate. Enough of the self-appointed "big shots".

Anonymous said...

If this group had actually fixed the schools I would support them. In fact they did the opposite! They turned out much worse than Bob, Lou or anyone else who came before them. Inept, incompetent, mean, arrogant and dishonest. Complete fools when it comes to improving the Marshall schools.

Not what we need to continue with for another four years.

Anonymous said...

At best they sit isolated and listen to Joyce Phillips or other clueless bureaucrat lead them astray. At worst they know what they are doing.

If they had any idea what other area schools were doing they would be ashamed at how far we are falling behind. If they knew how poorly even their best award-winning teachers are treated and neglected, they would change their ways. At least I hope they would be upset! Other think they could give a hoot. Maybe they are right! Look who they hired to be the next superintendent. Not a good sign.

Anonymous said...

I think the board wanted a weak superintendent with lots of baggage and no place else to go to take over from Mrs. Phillips. Whoever comes in will be required to keep the past scandals and "who knows what?" covered up for years to come. They definitely made no attempt to find an excellent candidate with lots of experience (an actual teacher and principal) and glowing reviews. That type of competence would be viewed as a threat to the corrupt establishment.

Randy Davis is their man. They don't come much less experienced or with more baggage. And there is celebrating going on- in Athens!

Anonymous said...

I think the board wanted a weak superintendent with lots of baggage and no place else to go to take over from Mrs. Phillips. Whoever comes in will be required to keep the past scandals and "who knows what?" covered up for years to come. They definitely made no attempt to find an excellent candidate with lots of experience (an actual teacher and principal) and glowing reviews. That type of competence would be viewed as a threat to the corrupt establishment.

Randy Davis is their man. They don't come much less experienced or with more baggage. And there is celebrating going on- in Athens!

Anonymous said...


Davis a tough one to replace...
Athens school officials hire firm to find new superintendent

ATHENS -- School and village leaders here said Marshall's gain is Athens' loss.
Marshall Public Schools last week tapped Randy Davis to head the district. While an employment contract still is being worked out, the Athens Area Schools superintendent said he hopes to start in Marshall after this school year ends. He said he and his wife, Pamela, will be moving to the city "as soon as possible."

That means Davis would by July leave a community where he worn many hats. He has been superintendent since 2003 and an Athens village councilman since 2005. Rarely was an Athens event thrown that Davis didn't attend, few faces he didn't recognize in the village of about 1,100 people.

The Athens Board of Education on Tuesday unanimously approved board President Dennis Stanton's recommendation to hire a search firm to find Davis' replacement. The board will begin negotiations Thursday with David Steel of Education Associates of Michigan, which helped hire Davis. Stanton said current cost estimates are about $5,000 for the search.

Village Council President Michael Alverson said he'll appoint a replacement for Davis on the council after Davis leaves. That person will serve the remainder of Davis' term, which expires in November of 2010, said Teri Loew, Calhoun County elections clerk.

Getting the Athens area to work together -- from the schools and village to Athens Township and East Leroy to the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi -- is something Davis excels at, colleagues said this week.

"He was so involved in the community," said Eric Tobin, Athens school board trustee. "He had that ability to be the person that could talk to all those parties and bring them together."

"He brought integrity," Stanton said. "I think when anybody talks with Dr. Davis, you can believe what he says. That'll be tough to replace, but it'll happen."

That team-building talent, Tobin said, was important to the economic developments Athens has worked on for nearly two years. Davis was often the most vocal proponent of the project on the village council.

"He's going to be a tough one to replace," Alverson said. "He brought a lot of experience and knowledge to the council."

But Tobin, the village- and township-hired development consultant, said the project is now "bigger than any one person. I think that stuff is going to be moving forward irregardless of him here or not."

Davis, meanwhile, said he will be committed to Athens until his departure, but said he'll bring the same commitment to Marshall once he's there.

"That's just the way I am," Davis said. "I think you have to be part of the fabric of the community to be effective as a superintendent. Plus, Pamela and I, that's just the way we live our lifestyle."

Justin A. Hinkley can be reached at 966-0698 or

Anonymous said...

Here is the actual BC Enquirer link. Read the comments people are making under the article. They pretty much say the opposite is true...

He is looking more and more like a big dud. A Joyce Phillips clone at worst, and a small improvement at best. The MPS should have done much better! Does our board want to keep bleeding students, ignoring real problems, rewarding poor performing employees, cover up scandals, engage in dishonesty, throw "excellence" out the window, and preside over the continued decline of the Marshall schools? Apparently- YES!

It looks like Athens is engaging in a PR campaign to mask their delight in Mr. Davis' departure. One Athens leader told me "Your board must be a bunch of idiots." No comment.

Anonymous said...

Without meaning to start a conspiracy theory, I wonder how the board did not know of such a gem right in our backyard. They've known of the need for a new super for two years. Why not ask around the CISD to see who might fit?

I usually assume stupidity rather than conspiracy, but if he's so good why didn't we save the search money and just ask him?

Anonymous said...

I think they started the search with the intention that top-notch candidates would apply. David Watson was probably the best that applied (from a mix of 2nd and 3rd rate applicants) but he had staff and community support- a negative in the board's view. Then when they looked at the rest they picked Randy Davis, who knows why? He is definitely a 3rd rate candidate at best!

You are right, probably more stupid than conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

This is in regards to the HS not having water. What really happened? Is this just another 'staged event' (you remember all those pictures in the PR brochure - which cost this district how much to print?). Did Frank S go around all the buildings and turn off refrigerators etc during the xmas holiday? Did he tell anyone what he was doing? Were student medications in some of those refridgerators? Did he go around and turn them back on at the end of xmas break....were any student medications affected? How about the diebetic students? Were their meds affected?

Or is this just another duffus doing a brainless careless undertaking? Or was JKP trying to mircomanage Frank so 'things would happen' thus making the community think 'Oh My God - the water at the HS caused no school....we must pass a bond'. If I find out that is the case....I will head a recall of this Board on my own. Putting students at risk is going to be the last straw for me. Did Frank act on his own? Or - did our "unidoctor" strike again?

Anonymous said...

The head idiot has worked overtime to try to find bigger idiots than herself. How A.N. slipped through the cracks at MHS I will never know. But Klochack, Turner and most others she picked have worked out ok for her, in the sense that if a boss can hire people as incompetent or worse than they are, then they don't look so bad.

Anonymous said...

"Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?" Recession, depression. Not very much difference between the two...
Here is a great idea...because of the terrible economic times we find ourselves facing, employers and employees of corporations and businesses are finding it necessary to take 10% to 30% reductions in pay and benefits in order to stay in business until we can recover as a nation. Maybe the education community should offer to shoulder some of the shortages that the public school districts find themselves in, after all they do work for and are employed by the Marshall Schools Corporation. How about a 5% to 10% reduction in pay/benefits? Maybe with that kind of help, we taxpayers wouldn't need to pass another millage. After all, it is the folks in education and the kids who would benefit the most with all of the improvements, and it would be a way to show that it really is all "About the Kids." Just a thought, anyone interested in helping us out?

Anonymous said...

Let's see what our school leaders have done. Joyce Phillips got a huge pay raise, 9% one year, despite very poor performance. Metcalf did little but his PhD and got over $100,000 a year and we paid for his $10,000+ tuition. Charlie MacDonald doesn't do much of anything and got his pay to skyrocketed from about $60,000 to about $85,000, for what? Another poor performer that conned the board. Amy Jones got big pay despite poor performance. So as soon as these pay rates are scaled back to normal, why should the teachers take a big pay cut? Their raises average about 1% per year. With about 4% inflation, they would have taken at least a 15% pay cut in the last five years.

Anonymous said...

The board is very generous with a few while slashing the budgets of everyone else. Their priorities make no sense.

Anonymous said...

To 7:46 PM Anon:
I am NOT a Marshall teacher or resident, just someone interested in education matters. If my memory serves me correctly, Marshall teachers have taken pay cuts and freezes in the past, more so than any other area school districts. Concessions were made years ago and never caught up. What did they get in return? They get to keep their jobs (wish the support staff could say the same), that's it. They've had to endure a toxic atmosphere under horrible leadership. It brings to mind the old saying "add insult to injury."

Anonymous said...

To 7:46 PM Anon:
I am NOT a Marshall teacher or resident, just someone interested in education matters. If my memory serves me correctly, Marshall teachers have taken pay cuts and freezes in the past, more so than any other area school districts. Concessions were made years ago and never caught up. What did they get in return? They get to keep their jobs (wish the support staff could say the same), that's it. They've had to endure a toxic atmosphere under horrible leadership. It brings to mind the old saying "add insult to injury."

Anonymous said...

The board would like to cut teacher pay. They are planning more "privatization" too- secretaries, bus drivers, anyone they can cut to save money.

Anonymous said...

Why the Marshall School board did the following...

Why was Joyce Phillips given a 3 year contract extension when there were already big problems and scandals going on?

As Janice said at the time "we would hate to lose her" or something along those lines. They groveled over her. Sam and Bob suggested a 1 year contract extension due to problems. They were outvoted 5-2 by the board majority (now board monopoly). They had an (hidden?) agenda for Joyce to carry out and she wanted a guaranteed 5 years in return. Something about a 2nd Michigan retirement perhaps?

Why was Paul Holbrook hired when a far better candidate was passed over?

Despite a poor record from an internship in Marshall he was hired anyway. Could Mike Kinter being his father in law have played a role?

Why was the far better MHS Principal Ron Behrenwald treated so badly from the day Phillips arrived and pressured out, and then replaced with the far inferior Bryan Klochack? I bet the extend his contract this month despite very poor performance at MHS.

Several reasons. He had been close to Mr. Hulkow, whom the board majority despised. When he was mistreated by Joyce Phillips he had the guts to speak up and not tolerate her unprofessional behavior. And last Mr. Behrenwald turned down some special treatment requests for parents who were friends of board members. He believed in fair treatment for all. He was also opposed to harassment of MHS staff for petty political reasons.

Why was our do-nothing tech director Charlie MacDonald given massive pay increases bringing his pay from about $60,000 to about $85,000 per year, while other budget areas were cut? While he got about a 30% pay increase, the rest of the staff got about 4%.

You got me! He must be about the least deserving on staff I can think of for any raise. He must have sold the board on how other tech directors, like those who actually do a lot of work and know a lot, get paid more than he does. If he quit tomorrow it would be an improvement. I doubt anyone would notice.

Why was Mr. David Watson dropped when he clearly was the best qualified of the final three Superintendent candidates? Why was the least experienced hired?

Probably because he had strong experience as a building Principal and teacher. He was well-respected and support was strong in the community. In other words too competent and therefore a threat.

Why were the custodians fired the same year they went for a very important $35 million MHS bond? Didn't they realize this would lead to hundreds of extra "no" votes?

Excuse my french, but this has to be the biggest dumbass move I have ever heard of! They guaranteed the bond would not pass by this move. What were they thinking? They will tell you it was to save money. It was Joyce and Amy's idea. In the long run it will cost us many millions more. Also the contractors they hired do about half of the work now for about 3/4's the cost (or they charge extra). Is that a good deal! A very dumb move all around.

Well folks, that's our Marshall School Board at your service! Relax, don't worry just let them run the show. Does anyone really care, outside of the staff insiders, what is really going on anyway? Nothing a cute little PR campaign can't solve. ;)

I for one think the kids deserve much better. Something about a "rich tradition of excellence." That sure went by the wayside these last four years.

Anonymous said...

Are we finally seeing Ali's "communication plan?" The silly "good news" press releases in the paper are so desperate.

What these fools don't see is that we need news. Good, bad, whatever. Bad news is necessary if we are to help fix things, too.

I give up.

Anonymous said...

I hope Vic gets well soon. I'd go crazy if I were where he is right now.

But, doesn't the board need him? Are there no provisions to replace him if he can't serve?

This seems too quiet.

BTW: I wonder if Joyce brought flowers?

Anonymous said...

The board is running two more buddies in case they need to replace Paul and Vic. Those that call the shots are well organized and are making sure they have their bases covered either way.

I am not saying everyone they run is bad or is in on the big plan. I think people like John Coulter are sincerely nice people that they recruit to make them look better. These board members are followers they can get to go along with whatever they want. How many votes are 7-0? How often do they disagree publicly about major issues? When was the last real debate at an actual board meeting? I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Remember what I will refer to as "The Good Ole Days"....Board Meetings actually had debate - and not always constructive debate but it was public. Issues were discussed thoroughly - the public always knew they would see in it's entirity the Board Meetings. There were not 7-0 votes (ie...per know she is the BOSS of the School Board as opposed to the way it is supposed to be....Supt. working for Board)...everything is pre-determined so they can go into the Board Meetings showing unity. Unity against what? The Staff? The Community? I must say prior to the current board members I really thought people should get out and vote for their school elected officials so THEIR VOICES WOULD BE HEARD. This is not happening since Joyce was hired. The damage of this one superintendent goes far deeper than anyone really know.

What about a public forum where ANYONE may speak freely about their concern regarding what Joyce K. Phillips has done or had directed done by Metcalf, Walbeck, Klochak, and Jones to do for her. I would welcome this opportunity. Dr. Davis should attend. It should be a public open meeting...fully advertised for all to have the opportunity to speak. The only problem is: Time constraints for the speaker. Let's face off with Joyce Phillips while there is still a chance to hold her and her Board accountable. Plenty of media coverage - large auditorium space for everyone to have seating. Then a recall would be very easy to pass. Joyce could be fired with all this evidence. She should have to face each person she has hurt. Mike Walbeck, Brian Metcalf, Amy Jones, Brian Klochak (sorry I think he was misguided early on)....they should all be held accountable. This is our town - notice all names above do not pay taxes in this district! Let's take our community back and get our schools back on track. Out with the with caring, taxpayers to re-build the mess these people have made! It is my hope Dr. Davis has been given this blog site. Unfortunately he will never have enough time to read through this 2.25 years of emotional damage.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Davis's contract has been approved:

And he will make more in his first year than Mrs. Phillips did in her last year. Mr. Beardslee's comment about the salary for superintendent being lower than average, while the teachers pay is "above average" is quite an interesting comment, to say the least. It reveals a great deal about how this board feels about its teachers, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Its no secret this board dislikes the Marshall teachers, and the parents, and the community and the kids...

Anonymous said...

It looks like Paul is making another unfair jab at the teachers. It makes him look like a fool. It is not true either. I am happy he is leaving the school board this summer. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know feels that Paul has let us down big time! He probably sold out to big money so he can run for a state office or a judgeship. It will cost him hundreds of votes in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

I used to have great respect and trust in Paul Beardslee.

I was happy to see him get onto the school board. What happened since I do not know. he betrayed all of us who had trust in him. He backstabbed Ron Behrenwald in one of the sleaziest and worst actions of the last four years. He sold his soul to the Phillips regime and became one of its biggest protectors and apogists. In the process he lost the trust and respect of just about everyone I know in this town. If he plans to run for higher office, he will have few supporters in Marshall.

I will never trust or support Paul again! Too many have been backstabbed and betrayed. How could you do that Paul to so many good people? You knew what you were doing. You should be ashamed of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Remember how Paul ran as "neutral" on the Redkskin name debate right after the recall. Soon after he was elected it came out he was part of the anti-Redskin group all along. I don't mind that he was against the Redskin name. But he should have been honest about this up front.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marshall,
Hudsonville's Superintendent is retiring this year. Brian Metcalf is planning on applying for the job. Some very concerned HPS staff would appreciate you expressing your opinions. A lot of you were suggesting that Brian was following Joyce Phillips' direction. Let's just say that is not the case. If you feel compelled to send any information on Metcalf, it can be sent to:

Superintendent Search Services
Michigan Association of School Boards
1001 Centennial Way
Suite 400
Lansing MI 48917

Any formal letters are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard any news regarding the Bus Garage? I heard the State came in and found out that Mike Walbeck does not enforce his drivers doing pre-inspections on the buses before they roll out of the lot to pick up students. I also heard he has not conducted/documented bus evacuations since he took on the job of bus garage supervisor. Does anyone care or understand the importance of these two practices. Don Beattie would show up and watch to see if drivers would be doing their pre-inspections. If not they would be written up. These are to be done before the bus leaves the bus lot EVERY TIME. It seems from my friends at MPS that Mike is just too busy making sure Joyce PHillips protects his employment. He does this by attacking, lying about employees, and basically targeting whomever Joyce wants eliminated. I hope Dr. Davis gets notification from someone who cares in Marshall that Mike Walbeck is either incapable of doing his job correctly or is just too lazy and lies instead. Mike was pretty busy helping to get the custodians 'privatized'...and out of jobs.

Bus inspection is most important to the safety of students. Bus evacuations are just as important. If you do not practice safety....something terrible will happen. It is just a matter of time.

How many buses did you see this winter that the driver did not sweep the snow off and had insufficient window visibility?

How about Dr. Davis eliminating those who do not do their jobs. How long will it take for Dr. Davis to find out all the 'issue' employees are in fact quite opposite from those Joyce Dr. Do-Nothing has been targeting.

Ride Safely? said...

Hey did anything ever happen to the bus driver who left 'unsafe aerosol product' unsecured on the bus and a special needs student got it (yes without the aide seeing) and ingested some of the product. This special needs student had to be treated by poison control upon arrival at doris klaussen. Guess the bus supervisor likes to keep these things quiet....he is probably way to busy to handle this type of situation. The student was OK....thankfully. But the driver had been warned many times about unsecured cleaning products rolling around. Where is the practice of safety at Marshall School Transportation. Try to call this Mike Wallbeck - he will never call you back!