Friday, February 13, 2009

Reposting blog entry from "Somber Reflections"

I am re-posting an excellent blog entry from "somber reflections".  As the blogger mentions towards the bottom of their post - Get Involved!  If you care about the future of Marshall Public Schools, speak up, contact the board members and let them know who is best to be the next MPS Superintendent.

Good point! This is the real world. We have unrealistic expectations of the superintendent and the school board. Reading in the paper how excited they got over some cliche answers from the candidates reminds me how out of touch our board members are. I am not saying their responses were bad, but any teacher would expect such responses and they are no big deal.

I do not expect the board to be experts in all areas of education but I do expect them to make a good faith effort to work with the teaching staff and do their best to learn what goes on and why? They have not done this very well, if at all. Joyce Phillips turned out to be arrogant, self-serving and of limited competence in managing the school district. She made many mistakes and made no attempt to improve or work effectively with the staff. She failed, period! She was not always honest and did her best to cover her mistakes. Many think she had even worse intentions, I do not know. Nobody feels she truly carried about the Marshall schools in any way, probably not even the board thinks anything good about her any longer. 

What next? If we are lucky the next superintendent will be an improvement. Probably not great, but probably not worse. Expectations do need to be lowered. The Marshall schools do not have the reputation they once had. Enrollment and budgets are in decline. Many of the best teachers have retired or moved on. We have lost about 2,000 jobs in Marshall the last few years. It may be a long time until things get better. 

As best you can everyone who cares should get involved. I agree, drop trying to hold Joyce accountable- it is not going to happen. Those who support her and protect her dominate the board and have very wealthy supporters backing her. That is simply the reality of this tragic situation. 

Maybe, just maybe, things will get a little better next year. The victims will not be helped in this matter, they are out of luck. Life goes on. Life is not fair. Things are bleak and the sky is still very cloudy. At least try to find a superintendent who has been a building Principal and knows how to effectively work with the staff. That should at least be a bare minimum standard.


Anonymous said...

Bruce Burger NEEDS to be the next MPS Superintendent.
- 12 hour work days
- Open Door Policy
- WANTS to be invited into the classroom
- Won't take a pay raise unless others get one
- He knows it is necessary for the COMMUNITY to get involved with the schools
- He has taught K-12
- Building Principal
- Has done custodial and transportation
- He is VERY involved with the schools and community

Anonymous said...

A Google search turned up the fact Burger has been looking for at least 15 months. He (as of earlier this week) is a finalist in Cedar Springs.

His demeanor seemed to please people, but we are so damaged we may be clinging to any positive impressions.

At this point I still wonder why he hasn't found a new job in these past months......

Anonymous said...

It looks like we have only two choices, with the likely best choice dropped by the board majority this past week (David Watson).

Of these two choice Mr. Burger appears clearly the best. We could lose him if another offer comes in. I fear the board may view Mr. Davis as someone they may control better. Not too much enthusiasm either way. Lots of disappointment that Mr. Watson was dropped from consideration. Why Mr. Davis got this far makes you wonder. He was among the least impressive from the start.

Anonymous said...

I fear who the board views as the "best" candidate for them, and who the staff and parents view as the best candidate to lead the schools may be two different people.

The staff and parents value educational competence, teaching and building principal experience, honesty, cooperation and mutual respect. The board has shown over and over they have their own agendas and interest. They may also fear someone who has popular support.

We have a secretive and bizarre school board. One that is allegedly organized by a few individuals not actually on the board. Nobody feels real board discussion or decision takes place at actual public board meetings. There is strong mistrust that this "clique" is more concerned about their own "power trip" than about the best interests of the schools. I would agree with those who say this board (the majority at least) have proven this over and over.

Their bad decision making is quite predictable. They make many promises to quiet down criticism but never follow through on them. Yes, it would be fantastic if another group got organized and ran candidates that truly did look out for the best interests of the kids, the schools and the community. We need far bigger change than just a new superintendent. This clique has failed and lost trust and faith they once had, even from much of the staff. Why have they done these things and made such bad decisions? Ask them, it is a mystery to the rest of us.

They may have started well-intentioned but as they made mistakes they engaged in bad behaviors to cover them up. Phillips, Jones and Metcalf took advantage and most likely contributed greatly to the misguided board attempts at "fixing" the schools. Then when their attacks turned into a war with the staff and the community, they just got more defensive and behaved even worse. The threats on the staff and the chronicle backfired. The abuse of power and dishonesty ran rampant and out of control. Attempts to cover up scandals cost them trust. Targeting those who spoke out backfired.

That is why so many are so angry with them. That is why the bond failed. That is why this blog exists.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with 'somber reflections" when it comes to accountability. No matter who the school board picks, they still need to investigate and hold Joyce Phillips accountable for her actions. If done properly it will be easy to terminate her and get us back on the path of unity and healing.

Without justice, things may not improve much at all. Letting Joyce cruise to a 2nd retirement and leaching off of the Marshall taxpayers for decades to come will be rubbing more salt into the long list of wounds in this community. The reputation of the board members for years to come is at stake here. It will be viewed as if they stuck all the knives into the backs of dozens of excellent people and turned them slowly themselves. Whether they realize it or not, that is what they are doing. How they sleep at night I will never know.

Look at what they did to Kathy Petrich and Ron Behrenwald? Read about the dozens of others on this blog. Look at the fools and incompetents that have been rewarded for their loyalty! The damage to this school district has been purposeful and extensive. The MPS may never be again what they once were.

Anonymous said...

The board no longer likes Joyce Phillips at all. They know she has been a disaster for the Marshall schools and are looking forward to replacing her. At least one board member told me they considered forcing her out or buying her out but it would have been too costly. For those who say Joyce and the board have too much dirt on each other to split up, that is probably true too.

Anonymous said...

They did force out Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf which was very good. Unfortunately they did not do the same with Joyce Phillips- yet.

Anonymous said...

Who are the other Phillips loyalists I keep hearing about? Klotchack and MacDonald?

Anonymous said...

Burger didn't make the final two in Cedar Springs. One of the two is an internal candidate, one from near by Rockford.

Anonymous said...

Two other loyalists are Walbeck and Bennink, though both will talk trash behind Phillips back. In reality neither probably likes her.

I talked to people "in the know" at Athens. They say Davis is awful and only idiots would hire him. But expect the staff at Athens to praise him on a site visit as they want him gone badly. Much like JP's Indiana district did to get rid of her.

Burger may not be perfect but he is our best choice, unless we want to reconsider Watson.

Anonymous said...

Well Davis is an expert at "getting rid of teachers he does not like"; so he will probably be the board's choice.

Anonymous said...

"I talked to people "in the know" at Athens".
And who would THOSE people BE???

Davis must be the stronger candidate if you need to constantly post negative comments about him. What is not always best for the teachers and staff might just be what is best for the district...

Anonymous said...

Do you think anyone can name Athens staff publicly who still work for Davis? For obvious reasons we cannot. But when you hear many negative things from a wide range of people, including parents, then why would you want to hire such a person?

Where was Mr. Davis ever a building Principal? If so, for how many years. Did he ever teach on a normal classroom (not just Starr)?

Why was Mr. Watson dropped? Was he overqualified?

Anonymous said...

"Who are the other Phillips loyalists I keep hearing about? Klochack and MacDonald?"

Both of those are sure loyalists. Not sure if they will last under anyone who wants good performance. Both are very bad for the MPS.

Anonymous said...

"Davis must be the stronger candidate if you need to constantly post negative comments about him. What is not always best for the teachers and staff might just be what is best for the district..."

That's the mentality of the Phillips supporters, what few there are! If people complain about bad leadership, they must be doing their job. They must be "fixing" things or they would not be so despised.

Unfortunately that is not the reality of the situation. The staff and parents want to do a good job! They want bad teachers weeded out. They want high standards and a first-rate program.

Phillips and her supporters did not support these same goals. They backed fools and buffoons that made things worse. Many (not all) of those targeted were among the best, not the worst, in the district. I am glad they eventually backed off under pressure- as we know Hanson and Townsend (two of our best) were being targeted too. Too bad they did not back off on Kathy Petrich or Ron Behrenwald. Two more of our best we lost.

Anonymous said...

Based on what is known so far, the two candidates represent very different directions the MPS board can go.

Mr. Burger: a break from the past and hopefully some nice improvements in the Marshall schools. A step towards healing and cooperation-we hope!

Mr. Davis: looks like a Joyce Phillips clone, more of the same kinds of problems and conflicts.

Look at how Mr. Watson was so quickly and foolishly shot down as soon as it became apparent he had strong community and staff support. After that I have no hope they will choose the best candidate.

Anonymous said...

Do any teachers know why we are losing students?

Demographics are one answer. We probably have fewer students in the district. People moving away for jobs is also a partial explanation.

Joyce has blamed her favorite excuse "the economy." Others have blamed the buildings.

How much of the movement is due to the dropping of classes and the lack of math and science center participation? that is, how much of it is because we have become less desirable academically?

Anonymous said...

What Board cronies are on the site visit team?

Anonymous said...

To be competitive you need...

1. Excellent top leaders, first class, trusted, caring good staff and community relations, wise decision-making.

2. Very good facilities and technology.

3. Excellent classes, programs, teachers and support staff.

4. Strong community cooperation, support and confidence in the leaders.

MPS Report Card (ok, my opinion)

How do we do (coming from a former MPS teacher and community member/parent)?:

1. Very poor, "F": very bad leadership, almost complete lack of trust, awful staff and community relations, main cause of biggest problems.

2. Ok, "C-": once good facilities have not been maintained very well. Could not pass a much-needed MHS bond because of bad leadership.

3. Good "B": many excellent or at least good teachers. Some below average. Lots of top talent has left or retired. New hires have been hit and miss. Most are not nearly as dedicated as their predecessors were back in the 1960s-1970s when they were young teachers. Perhaps the bad role models at the top have not helped either. There's not much accountability as long as you do not rock the boat. The appearance of loyalty is what counts most! Real teamwork and cooperation is almost nonexistent! Staff morale is very low, the worst I have ever seen. No confidence in the MPS board or the top school leaders. About half of the building Principals are good.

4. The community trust and confidence in board and MPS leadership has declined dramatically, causing a huge loss of support as evidenced by the MHS bond defeat. Many have complained of bad treatment (numerous stories) by Phillips, Jones, Metcalf and board members.

These problems contribute to jobs leaving, not as many people buying houses in Marshall, and more students going to other area schools. These problems most likely cost the average Marshall homeowner $10,000-$20,000 in lost home value.

So why hasn't there been more outrage or a recall? Good question!

If you disagree, then let's hear your report card in these four areas! That's ok, its called "communication." That's how we learn and the first step towards real improvement. We share thoughts, questions and ideas freely. We work together, help each other, and hold those responsible accountable. Isn't this just common sense?

Anonymous said...

"What Board cronies are on the site visit team?"

Hopefully not the same ones that went to Indiana 5 years ago.

They should bring a polygraph. Then if they praise the candidate to get rid of them, and the polygraph goes nuts, that may tip off our site visit committee!

Or would it? ;)

Anonymous said...

There better be a nice cross-section of School Employees, Parents, Community Members, and Business People.

Anonymous said...

Site visit update:

I am also interested in who is going? Who will make the final decision? Will this be done in secret, as this board is known to do? Has the decision already been made? Why do I think "yes."

I also had to check the MHS page and it looks awful! Who is in charge there?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Mr. Stulberg, Mr. Coulter, and Mrs. Campau will be representing the Board.

Anonymous said...

Personally I like these three but I still do not trust the board as a whole. Maybe it has something to do with how they let us down time and time again with their 7-0 votes on bad policies. Also they have failed to hold Dr. J accountable for anything. Any good board would have canned her a long time ago.

Why do I have a bad feeling that Mr. Davis has been rubber stamped by the mysterious powers that actually run the board? Why does a 'dark side" conspiracy theory feel so true? Everything has been so dark and creepy the last few years. Things are strange, even morbid at times, and the outlook is grim. Is it bad karma?

Anonymous said...

Students are leaving for many reasons!! Check out the numbers that have been lost at the different grade levels and buildings and that may help to give you a clue!! From what I hear high school level students are leaving to go to schools that participate with the math and science center. Middle schools parents are looking due to administration there. And elemetary school students are leaving cause siblings are leaving. Local job lose is part of the story but not all of it. Some leave because their child does not fit the "cookie cutter" mold in Marshall. Marshall needs to have more tools in their bag to deal with students who present with some challenges. Help for students who have needs is not always what it should be, in some buildings. MEAP score, and the list goes on!!

Anonymous said...

In response to two above, I feel the same. Board members that I used to enjoy casual conversations with now go into a rage when I give even mild criticism of the board or Phillips. They get defensive as if they are forced to defend their positions. It is strange. It is abnormal. I agree, they do not make their decisions at actual board meetings, at least on major issues. It seems they are more focused on PR and less on the real issues. Something is up. You can tell it is weighing on them and tearing them apart. What could it all be?

Anonymous said...

I told one member that the candidate pool was weak and got a tantrum in return.

Anonymous said...

The board is on the defensive and for good reason. As more people share information and more problems emerge, it has become apparent they have failed us and our kids miserably these last 4-5 years. Can we afford 4-5 more years of the same?

Anonymous said...

About the MPS board: "Something is up. You can tell it is weighing on them and tearing them apart. What could it all be?"

Go back and read past posts on this blog. The problems and scandals are too many numerous to repost them all. They seem to fear more information coming out about all that has gone on the last few years. What are they covering up? What massive cuts are looming? What skeletons may fall out of the closet next? The stress is from worry and guilt.

Anonymous said...

If anyone knows any staff or parents in Morrice or Athens, please encourage them to post their honest views here. I would be curious to what they really have to say, which might be truly positive! We are all hoping for a good superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is hired will have a lot to do from the start. I hope they have a sense of urgency and start making big improvements from day 1. I wish "day 1" was March 1 instead of July 1. I hope the board is ready for big changes, honesty, real cooperation and transparency. The last thing we need is more of the same.

Anonymous said...

I fear the Marshall schools will be joining Athens, Bellevue and Albion as a district that will make big cuts, lose students, make more cuts, lose more students, etc. into a downward spiral. That would be very difficult to reverse. Mr. Davis has a lot of experience leading a school district in this direction.

Anonymous said...

Besides Dan, John and Annette, who else is on the site visits?

Are they prepared to evaluate the accuracy of what they are being told? Will we get fooled again like when Indiana praised Joyce to get rid of her?

Anonymous said...

I was at the High School this morning, and saw what I think may have been the site visit people. Annette Campau, Dan Stulberg, John Coulter, Paul Beardslee where the board members. Then I saw Susan Townsend, Ian Schnaitman, and Susan Townsend. There were a few others included but didn't recognize them. They were all walking towards two MPS vans.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I put Susan Townsend twice. The last person was supposed to be Saundra Hainline.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about Mr. Burger. But I do know that under Mr. Davis's leadership, Athens cut most of the elective classes at the high school (business, family living [previously known has home economics] etc. Two or three years ago there were several veteran teachers who lost their jobs because their departments were totally eliminated. One of these people had served as an acting high school principal when the district was in need. So much for appreciation of loyalty. (Fortunately for this person, who was an excellent teacher, she was able to get a job with the Lakeview district.)
One other result of these cuts was that for many students the curriculum is limited at Athens, that many of them have left for Harper Creek or Lakeview, where there are more options.
Mr. Davis has demonstrated some skill in forcing veteran school employees to retire, even if they were not really ready to do that. If anyone really wants to know about Mr. Davis, get the names of some recent retirees, and then talk to them.

Anonymous said...


1. Big cuts coming soon.
2. Mr. Davis will be the next Superintendent.
3. Things will not improve.
4. JP will cause trouble until she leaves.

Anonymous said...

I doubt the site visits will play much of a role in the selection of the next superintendent. They know staff are not likely to criticize anyone they may still work for. Also they may get praise for someone they would like to see leave their districts. After reading how they gushed over standard replies to questions as if these two were something special, it will probably be trivial reasons why one is selected and one is not. The bar is very low.

Anonymous said...

Part of the reason this year's budget is in decent shape is that expenses have been pushed to the future. It's been a Joyce trick all along.

She'll be gone and we're left to cut to make up.

Ali gushed over Joyce's skills, but the Piper is coming.

Anonymous said...

If instead of PR and secrecy (cover ups?) the board put their best time and efforts into (1) good leadership, (2) cooperation with staff, (3) honest communications and (4) real problem-solving, the Marshall schools would be much better off!

Anonymous said...

Superintendent selection is tonight (Thursday, 19th)

Anonymous said...

They do a site visit yesterday and another one today and pick tonight? You would think they would wait at least until next week. It seems kind of too fast to share information, especially from today's visit. Maybe the pick was made before the site visits as someone suggested above.

Best (of two weak candidates) choice- Mr. Burger

Likely board/JP choice- Mr. Davis

We will know soon.

Anonymous said...

See th Battle Creek Enquirer. Davis was hired.

Anonymous said...

"At least try to find a superintendent who has been a building Principal and knows how to effectively work with the staff. That should at least be a bare minimum standard."

They even failed at this bare minimum standard! Things will get worse before they get better. Forget about passing an MHS bond at least for many years to come. How does this "schools of choice" thing work? It may be time to look at Olivet, Pennfield, Harper Creek or Lakeview.

Anonymous said...

They could have saved a lot of money and promoted Metcalf. He was kind of a goof, but probably not any worse of a choice than the Athens superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Oh know! Only bad options. Why can't we hire anyone any good nowadays! Is the candidate pool that shallow?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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