Monday, February 23, 2009

Interest in Write-In Candidates?

It appears by comments on the last blog entry that there seems to be some interest in having a write-in candidate in the upcoming School Board election in May. Discuss.....


Anonymous said...

I have no idea who DeSmut is and nobody I know wants Georgia Marsh back on the board. Not because of what happened years ago as much as she is certainly part of the clique that runs the board now. Replacing Paul with her is the same thing. I agree we need better choices.

Anonymous said...

I would gladly vote for John Bedient. I hope he decides to run- for the kids!

Anonymous said...

How about Ian Schnaitman? He would be great!

Anonymous said...

I know some active parents that may be interested. Seeing how the disaster years of JP have hurt the schools for their kids may motivate them.

Anonymous said...

How about any of the retired teachers like Tom Reynolds, Ken Machata, Ben Armstrong or Brian Burns?

Anonymous said...

If we have to look back and see Georgia Marsh I would rather look back and see Darlene Neidlinger. She is definitely for "the kids" as well as the staff and isnt as full of herself as the other.

Anonymous said...

How about LaPietra or Goodwin. That could make it interesting.

Anonymous said...

I know many younger parents in their 20s and 30s who are pretty sharp. Maybe some of them could get involved and run for the board. We definitely need new blood, not old participants of the wars of the last decade.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone talked to the parents who have given up on the Marshall schools and send their kids to the charter school, Olivet or BC schools? We need to bring them into the fold if we can. Maybe we can start returning students to the Marshall schools again. Maybe one or more of these parents would run for the school board- like Dr. Mark Walker. What about Janice Darling's brother Mike, is he still involved with Marshall Academy?

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, not only have our current leaders done nothing to woo them back, but their actions (or inactions) have pushed many away. It makes you wonder whose district(s) they are truly serving?

Anonymous said...


Davis a tough one to replace...
Athens school officials hire firm to find new superintendent

ATHENS -- School and village leaders here said Marshall's gain is Athens' loss.
Marshall Public Schools last week tapped Randy Davis to head the district. While an employment contract still is being worked out, the Athens Area Schools superintendent said he hopes to start in Marshall after this school year ends. He said he and his wife, Pamela, will be moving to the city "as soon as possible."

That means Davis would by July leave a community where he worn many hats. He has been superintendent since 2003 and an Athens village councilman since 2005. Rarely was an Athens event thrown that Davis didn't attend, few faces he didn't recognize in the village of about 1,100 people.

The Athens Board of Education on Tuesday unanimously approved board President Dennis Stanton's recommendation to hire a search firm to find Davis' replacement. The board will begin negotiations Thursday with David Steel of Education Associates of Michigan, which helped hire Davis. Stanton said current cost estimates are about $5,000 for the search.

Village Council President Michael Alverson said he'll appoint a replacement for Davis on the council after Davis leaves. That person will serve the remainder of Davis' term, which expires in November of 2010, said Teri Loew, Calhoun County elections clerk.

Getting the Athens area to work together -- from the schools and village to Athens Township and East Leroy to the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi -- is something Davis excels at, colleagues said this week.

"He was so involved in the community," said Eric Tobin, Athens school board trustee. "He had that ability to be the person that could talk to all those parties and bring them together."

"He brought integrity," Stanton said. "I think when anybody talks with Dr. Davis, you can believe what he says. That'll be tough to replace, but it'll happen."

That team-building talent, Tobin said, was important to the economic developments Athens has worked on for nearly two years. Davis was often the most vocal proponent of the project on the village council.

"He's going to be a tough one to replace," Alverson said. "He brought a lot of experience and knowledge to the council."

But Tobin, the village- and township-hired development consultant, said the project is now "bigger than any one person. I think that stuff is going to be moving forward irregardless of him here or not."

Davis, meanwhile, said he will be committed to Athens until his departure, but said he'll bring the same commitment to Marshall once he's there.

"That's just the way I am," Davis said. "I think you have to be part of the fabric of the community to be effective as a superintendent. Plus, Pamela and I, that's just the way we live our lifestyle."

Justin A. Hinkley can be reached at 966-0698 or

Anonymous said...

Here is the actual BC Enquirer link. Read the comments people are making under the article. They pretty much say the opposite is true...

He is looking more and more like a big dud. A Joyce Phillips clone at worst, and a small improvement at best. The MPS should have done much better! Does our board want to keep bleeding students, ignoring real problems, rewarding poor performing employees, cover up scandals, engage in dishonesty, throw "excellence" out the window, and preside over the continued decline of the Marshall schools? Apparently- YES!

It looks like Athens is engaging in a PR campaign to mask their delight in Mr. Davis' departure. One Athens leader told me "Your board must be a bunch of idiots." No comment.

Anonymous said...

No matter how they try to whitewash it or engage in PR stunts, the fact is most people in Athens are very happy to see Mr. Davis go. It looks like the Marshall School Board found someone to continue "more of the same" mismanagement they are used to.

Someone posted in the Enquirer asking if Marshall had a big rug for Mr. Davis to sweep the problems under (apparently his specialty!). Marshall can do even better... it is more like a volcano he will have to keep plugged. The problems and coverups go far beyond mere sweeping under a rug. In that area, the Marshall Superintendent and board has excelled.

It looks like Mr. Davis was picked by a school board who was more concerned with covering things up and "more of the same" rather than good leadership and a return to "excellence."

How sad.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Marshall schools have a mess on their hands. Don't count on our Mr. Davis from Athens to bail you out. If anything he will likely make it worse with a smile on his face. You know the type?

Anonymous said...

I am here to defend the Marshall School Board.

First, they get paid nothing, its all volunteer work. Second, they have lives and jobs too. You cannot expect them to know what is going on in the schools. So they listen to Joyce Phillips, Charlie MacDonald, Mike Walbeck, Bryan Klochack and in the past Brian Metcalf and Amy Jones to find out what is going on. From there they make a list of "problems" and set about to "fix" them. These fixes can get ugly and sometimes require tough choices. They don't have time to bother with teachers and parents. They usually contradict what our wise and fearless leaders tell them anyway.

I think Mr. Davis will be a fine addition to this team! From the wonderful things our board has said, and the enthusiasm the Athens staff showed in helping us hire him, I am teary eyed with excitement!

Enjoy your second retirement Joyce! The world awaits your future contributions!

Anonymous said...

I found the article in the Enquirer very interesting, indeed. The people who commented, (school board president, village president and Mr. Tobin--not sure what his current job is, since the council did not renew his "economic development" job) are all buddies of Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis was very involved in the community; in fact that was a main criticism---he was so busy with all those activities that he was never in his office. Believe me, the teachers and other school employees are thrilled to be rid of him.

Anonymous said...

I found the article in the Enquirer very interesting, indeed. The people who commented, (school board president, village president and Mr. Tobin--not sure what his current job is, since the council did not renew his "economic development" job) are all buddies of Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis was very involved in the community; in fact that was a main criticism---he was so busy with all those activities that he was never in his office. Believe me, the teachers and other school employees are thrilled to be rid of him.

Anonymous said...

Marshall needs a complete overhaul!! From the board to the principals!! And a new superintendent!! Like I was told from an employee of Athens Schools he didn't do the job well!!

Anonymous said...

I see that there is a lot of enthusiasm for Bill (Who is he?) and Georgia (Janice and Joyce are my BFFs) to join the board- NOT. That means its time to get organized and get some better candidates to run. How about my old high school bud Steve Sachs? He is doing well with his political career now.

Anonymous said...

Fresh and trusted faces are needed badly on the board.

Anonymous said...

It seems the Marshall board is more impressed by someone with an EdD ("Dr.") than years of actual classroom or building Principal experience. That just means they spent more time in the classroom and wrote one big research paper.

Hiring two superintendents back to back that lack this crucial experience is very bad. Neither have been an actual building Principal. Ask any teacher or Principal, this is vital experience to know how to actually run a school district properly. Would you want a Chief of Police who only studied theory at a college and had never been a police officer, a Detective or other similar positions?

Maybe that's why both have been very ineffective at gaining the trust and the support of their staff. Both have a reputation as being very weak educational leaders who get by on their "politician" skills and schmoozing of the "power brokers." Not at all what is actually needed.

Anonymous said...

You think they would learn when "the good doctor" Joyce Phillips was clueless about how to run a school district properly. She had no principal experience and apparently not much teaching experience.

For example thats why she budded heads with Mr. Behrenwald, a highly competent and experienced principal. She kept sending nonsensical directives. When he tried to explain to her why these were bad ideas in many cases, she ran to the board to get him fired. That was after she treated him in a very rude, arrogant and unprofessional manner from the day she arrived. That's how she treated the entire staff.

I am glad I am gone from MHS. The board is made of fools who have ignored much wise advice.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School board could care less what the teachers think. If you are an outstanding Marshall teacher, winner of recognitions at the state or national level, that sill does not mean anything to them. Now if Joyce Phillips hands over an application someone else wrote for a grant from the Marshall Foundation, it is treated like the greatest event of the year in Marshall Education.

Stop phony PR stunts now! We need real leaders doing a real good job!

Anonymous said...

I know there has been some talk about the Franke's being the main money and power behind Dr. Phillips and the MPS board.

I do not think this is true any longer. I know Tom Franke is a big supporter of the schools and would not want any harm. Kevin Belew is largely out of the picture now, good riddance. Patty is also a big supporter and has a good heart. I think Marsha is much less involved than when Dr. Phillips first arrived. My guess if they were heavily involved they meant well but could have been duped or lead astray. I hope they know what is truly going on now and use their influence for good. The bad leadership of their friends has not helped their reputation either.

I like most others have very low expectations for the current school board and the incoming Dr. Davis. I hope the Franke's can help break the impasse. A wall seems to have gone up with the board and superintendent (plus a few cronies) on one side and the rest of us on the other.

This stalemate and ongoing conflict for five years has cost our schools dearly.

Anonymous said...

They are a high profile family and it is no secret their close ties to the board and Joyce Phillips. By now they should know very well what is going on. If they still support this board and Mrs. Phillips then they are not looking out for the best interests of the schools.

Anonymous said...

Recall the Marshall School Board

Anonymous said...

Marshall circa the 1970s-1990s would have done that several years ago. I think we lost most of our best leaders who would have intervened to prevent the huge amount of mismanagement, dishonesty and scandals.

Marshall needs much better accountability. I feel we are much weaker and our standards have dropped to very low levels. We all pay the price for this, especially our kids. The "rich tradition of excellence" is long gone!

Anonymous said...

The board has become very predictable in their bad decision-making. If there is a bad or foolish option, that seems to be their choice more often than not. I am not sure who they are listening too, but they are getting bad advice and/or ignoring good advice.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Ian Schnaitman and any of the retired teachers another person that cares about the schools is Rob Wright just trying to give some ideas of people with school related concerns.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, we need all the good suggestions and ideas we can get. This board and top leaders are bankrupt in their ideas. They have failed and are focused more on covering up the past than looking towards the future. How stupid could it be to fire 24 custodians, in a town where they have hundreds of friends and relatives, to save a few hundred thousand $$ at best, and then have it cost them a $35 Mil bond! Imagine in this economy how much we could have purchased to upgrade MHS with that money? How many programs saved and students kept will this cost? How many jobs and families will choose BC over Marshall because of this? If we wait a few years to MAYBE pass another one, it will cost millions more to do the same work.

The board was told this was a stupid idea and that it would hurt the chances to pass the bond. Add in the bad superintendent and other duds at the top and you have just lost the staff and community support.

We need new board members and new leaders. We need big changes. We may even need a recall of at least a few board members to save our schools for our kids!

Anonymous said...

Here is a great idea...because of the terrible economic times we find ourselves facing, employers and employees of corporations and businesses are finding it necessary to take 10% to 30% reductions in pay and benefits in order to stay in business until we can recover as a nation. Maybe the education community should offer to shoulder some of the shortages that the public school districts find themselves in, after all they do work for and are employed by the Marshall Schools. How about a 5% to 10% reduction in pay/benefits? Maybe with that kind of help, we taxpayers wouldn't need to pass another millage. After all, it is the folks in education and the kids who would benefit the most with all of the improvements, and it would be a way to show that it really is all "About the Kids." Just a thought, anyone interested in helping out?

Anonymous said...

Here are some savings ideas...

Walbeck's job- $70,000+
Metcalf proved we do not need an asst. Supt- $100,000+
Superintendent pay: pay Mr. Davis what he made at Athens, even that may be too much.
Tech Director: $25,000 in raises over the last few years to a guy no one can ever find and who delegates his work to others- cut the entire position- $90,000+

There's about $350,000+ in cuts right there! With no harm to students or programs.

Anonymous said...

Not bad for a start, but thats just chump change, how about some REAL MONEY...any more ideas from the peanut gallery?

Anonymous said...

The board attitude along with JP has been that if it is a good idea and the teachers support it, then they must oppose it. They seem too paranoid or clueless or both. Nobody can understand the long list of bad decisions. Some say conspiracy, some say stupidity, I think it is a conspiracy of stupidity!

Anonymous said...

You have it all wrong. It should be obvious to everyone by now what the board has been focusing on as they have "fixed" the Marshall Public Schools the last five years. Just look at who they picked to replace Dr. Phillips! They picked Mr. Randy Davis who has experience as a "class C" school district superintendent. Now it makes sense! The MPS Board wants Marshall to move down to a class C school district. Using that as the main goal, they are doing a superb job! Don't you agree?

Anonymous said...

They are certainly making a lot of progress towards that goal!

Anonymous said...

"Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?" Recession, depression. Not very much difference between the two...
sooooooooo...lets try this again.
Here is a great idea...because of the terrible economic times we find ourselves facing, employers and employees of corporations and businesses are finding it necessary to take 10% to 30% reductions in pay and benefits in order to stay in business until we can recover as a nation. Maybe the education community should offer to shoulder some of the shortages that the public school districts find themselves in, after all they do work for and are employed by the Marshall Schools Corporation. How about a 5% to 10% reduction in pay/benefits? Maybe with that kind of help, we taxpayers wouldn't need to pass another millage. After all, it is the folks in education and the kids who would benefit the most with all of the improvements, and it would be a way to show that it really is all "About the Kids." Just a thought, anyone interested in helping us out? Do I hear a yes???

Anonymous said...

Even Oaklawn is feeling the pinch...and EVERYONE has stepped up to the plate.
Concessions, reductions in pay and benefits are a way of life today. "Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?"

Anonymous said...

Maybe Marshall should be like Mar Lee, close MHS and let everyone go to "schools of choice" elsewhere. Then we can move the Middle School to the MHS building. After that we can sell the current Middle School to the hospital. As our numbers decline further, we can close one of the elementariness. Or move our booming alternative school to one of the other buildings. Mr. Davis is an expert on helping students find other school districts. WOW this makes so much sense I bet our board will go for it. As far as the multiple poster above hinting at teacher cuts, why not? Maybe 10, 20 or 30 percent! Let them go find jobs elsewhere! Then we can speed up our move to a class C or maybe even class D school district. Imagine all the money we can save! What genius!

Anonymous said...

I can understand the joking because unfortunately the situation is so bad the MPS leadership in some ways have become a joke.

But all joking aside, we have many serious problems and challenges to overcome. We still have Joyce Phillips in power until summer, so not much hope until then for change. Randy Davis is coming in as a very unimpressive new superintendent, but he can still prove us wrong if he works hard and is sincere and honest. He will need to reach out way beyond the school board and lead the school board in the same direction. Being hostile to caring educational professionals while following fools and charlatans must end. We have an enormous amount of talent on the MHS and among our parents. Their skills and knowledge can play a key role in leading us out of this mess.

Anonymous said...

"talent on the MHS"

Should be: "talent on the MPS staff"

My typo, I just care so much and get passionate I think faster than I type.

Lets unite for the kids! The board needs to work with us or they should resign.

Anonymous said...

To one of the above posters, Athens is not a Class C school, it is a class D school.

Anonymous said...

Hey "OnMainStreet"--poster at 9:21 AM, there is no need to post your little, "blame the teachers and the MEA" so many times. Once on the Enquirer blog was enough.

Anonymous said...

"More discussion at:"

This invitation was posted on the Enquirer, multiple times, along with the ill-conceived bashing of Dr. Davis...he is hired, he will be here, so give the man a chance!

Anonymous said...

How about Joe Caron? Yes he may be young, but he is mature and intelligent beyond his years. He has the motivation and drive that would be a perfect addition to the board and would truly put the kids first.

Anonymous said...

Let's move beyond this blog and get active. If the board refuses to work with us then lets find new people to run as write in candidates. If we do nothing but vent our frustrations on here then we will allow a small group to run everything. If you care do something positive! Do what you can do. Get others involved.

The alternative is to give up and watch the Marshall schools decline further.

I am happy to see so many people suggested as possible candidates for the school board. I hope at least 1 or 2 run this year. I heard a rumor that Vic may resign while he recovers. If true, that may open up two slots this year. Then next year two more, and so on until we get new people on the board.

Mr. Davis if you are reading this blog, there is a community ready for big changes and a staff ready for a good and honest leader they can work with. You need to choose how you will lead. If you take advice from countless posts here, you will make a clean break from the past and earn the trust and respect of the staff. Prove your critics wrong.

If you choose to be a "politician" who governs much like in the past, though maybe a little nicer, then we will all lose out in the future. I am hoping you and the board have learned from mistakes in the past. Good luck and our hopes are with you! You can win over your critics if you make bold and wise decisions and take positive actions that are genuine. If your staff trusts you they will work very well with you. If the board tries to lead you in the wrong direction, set them straight. You are coming into a very difficult situation. We are hoping that you AND the MPS succeed! We are all in this together.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Mr. Davis was not starting March 1!

Anonymous said...

Just give up!

There is no hope. You can't beat big money. You can't beat the monopoly that controls the entire school board.

They will do as they please and there will be no serious opposition.

Give up! It seems most people already have!

Anonymous said...

What exactly happened with the water problems at MHS this past week? Some say someone screwed up, others say there is a cover up and still others think it is a stunt to pressure the public for a new bond.

What really happened?

Anonymous said...

Most likely another screwup.

Anonymous said...

When will the board announce the massive budget cuts coming for next year? Which programs will be axed? The Arts? Athletics? Bussing? Teachers?

Is Dr. Phillips making the cuts?

Anonymous said...

The last I heard the water problem was likely caused by some errors that occurred by the maintenance director. I am not sure if all the problems have been fixed yet. I do think we need an MHS bond badly to update and repair the facility. Despite my displeasure with the board and Phillips, I still hope this can be accomplished soon. For those who say we need trusted and honest leaders first, I agree.

Anonymous said...

I know the board is very excited about hiring Dr. Davis. Many may disagree, but I think they are anxious to move on and put JP in the past.

I think Mr. Davis deserves a chance. I know he was not considered all that great at Athens, but Athens may have been a sinking ship when he arrived. Marshall is not doing well but has far greater potential He might surprise us and work out ok. He can't be any worse.

MPS Board, if you are reading this now is your golden opportunity to start turning things around. Build bridges where they have been knocked down by JP with the staff and the community. We need to break the cycle of conflict that plagues all Marshall government. We are all in this together. End the secrecy and be open and honest with us at all times!

We need a better Principal at MHS. We need some other fixes that are well documented on this blog by others. Let's get to work.

Anonymous said...

The board has blown every other chance we have given them, why do they deserve another chance? They ignore the staff and the community and treat us with disdain. If anything I think they purposely do the opposite just to enjoy a powertrip. No other explanation makes any sense.

Why was Joyce Phillips given a 3 year contract extension when there were already big problems and scandals going on?

Why was Paul Holbrook hired when a far better candidate was passed over?

Why was the far better MHS Principal Ron Behrenwald treated so badly from the day Phillips arrived and pressured out, and then replaced with the far inferior Bryan Klochack? I bet the extend his contract this month despite very poor performance at MHS.

Why was our do-nothing tech director Charlie MacDonald given massive pay increases bringing his pay from about $60,000 to about $85,000 per year, while other budget areas were cut? While he got about a 30% pay increase, the rest of the staff got about 4%.

Why was Mr. David Watson dropped when he clearly was the best qualified of the final three Superintendent candidates? Why was the least experienced hired?

Why were the custodians fired the same year they went for a very important $35 million MHS bond? Didn't they realize this would lead to hundreds of extra "no" votes?

These are just a few of the long list of questions and major concerns about the competence of the current Marshall School Board. I am surprised they have not been recalled yet for gross mismanagement.

Anonymous said...

Why the Marshall School board did the following...

Why was Joyce Phillips given a 3 year contract extension when there were already big problems and scandals going on?

As Janice said at the time "we would hate to lose her" or something along those lines. They groveled over her. Sam and Bob suggested a 1 year contract extension due to problems. They were outvoted 5-2 by the board majority (now board monopoly). They had an (hidden?) agenda for Joyce to carry out and she wanted a guaranteed 5 years in return. Something about a 2nd Michigan retirement perhaps?

Why was Paul Holbrook hired when a far better candidate was passed over?

Despite a poor record from an internship in Marshall he was hired anyway. Could Mike Kinter being his father in law have played a role?

Why was the far better MHS Principal Ron Behrenwald treated so badly from the day Phillips arrived and pressured out, and then replaced with the far inferior Bryan Klochack? I bet the extend his contract this month despite very poor performance at MHS.

Several reasons. He had been close to Mr. Hulkow, whom the board majority despised. When he was mistreated by Joyce Phillips he had the guts to speak up and not tolerate her unprofessional behavior. And last Mr. Behrenwald turned down some special treatment requests for parents who were friends of board members. He believed in fair treatment for all. He was also opposed to harassment of MHS staff for petty political reasons.

Why was our do-nothing tech director Charlie MacDonald given massive pay increases bringing his pay from about $60,000 to about $85,000 per year, while other budget areas were cut? While he got about a 30% pay increase, the rest of the staff got about 4%.

You got me! He must be about the least deserving on staff I can think of for any raise. He must have sold the board on how other tech directors, like those who actually do a lot of work and know a lot, get paid more than he does. If he quit tomorrow it would be an improvement. I doubt anyone would notice.

Why was Mr. David Watson dropped when he clearly was the best qualified of the final three Superintendent candidates? Why was the least experienced hired?

Probably because he had strong experience as a building Principal and teacher. He was well-respected and support was strong in the community. In other words too competent and therefore a threat.

Why were the custodians fired the same year they went for a very important $35 million MHS bond? Didn't they realize this would lead to hundreds of extra "no" votes?

Excuse my french, but this has to be the biggest dumbass move I have ever heard of! They guaranteed the bond would not pass by this move. What were they thinking? They will tell you it was to save money. It was Joyce and Amy's idea. In the long run it will cost us many millions more. Also the contractors they hired do about half of the work now for about 3/4's the cost (or they charge extra). Is that a good deal! A very dumb move all around.

Well folks, that's our Marshall School Board at your service! Relax, don't worry just let them run the show. Does anyone really care, outside of the staff insiders, what is really going on anyway? Nothing a cute little PR campaign can't solve. ;)

I for one think the kids deserve much better. Something about a "rich tradition of excellence." That sure went by the wayside these last four years.

Anonymous said...

WOW! That really hit home. I challenge any board member to defend these actions publicly. Maybe someone should ask these questions at the next board meeting.

Anonymous said...

Possible board write-in candidates from above recommendations:

- John Bedient
- Ian Schnaitman
- How about any of the retired teachers like Tom Reynolds, Ken Machata, Ben Armstrong or Brian Burns?
- Darlene Neidlinger
- How about LaPietra or Goodwin
- Dr. Walker
- MPS parents not affiliated with current board leaders
- Other suggestions?

I hope we get some good write-in candidates to choose from in May. I think they would have an excellent chance to win.

Anonymous said...

It would take volumes to write down all the problems that have been brought onto the MPS staff and students as well as this entire community. When the staff survey was totally ignored by this school board is when the recall should have taken place. These board members were elected by taxpayers to 'serve the community, school and those who elected them'. They are serving themselves....and of course bad PR will shed the wrong light on Marshall as a whole! When the staff survey took place it was stated that "we really should start listing all the damage by Joyce - because it if continues (the targeting and attacking by Brian, Joyce, Amy & Wally at the bus garage) we will soon lose track of all the harrassment and hurt. I do not feel it would be possible to now creat that list as it would be far too long. Unfortunately - this board has been made aware of these problems....NOTHING HAS BEEN ADDRESSED AND NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. That is your vote that has been ignored! I for one will meet with new supt. and try to address some of these issues. Let's hope for support from the new superintendent instead of lies, deception, cover up, targeting, harrassment, favors, and my favorite....will the MS children be allowed to use the MS building? I hope the new supt. doesn't feel like their noise is a disruption to their work day! What a piece of work Joyce Phillips is. I wonder each day...'how does she look at her own reflection in the mirror'?

Anonymous said...

I and others have brought major serious problems to board members and have been immediately shot down. They don't care and they have no plans to hold Phillips accountable. That is why I believe there is some kind of "deal" with Joyce. They have her carry out bad deeds in return they protect her. The normal board accountability for school leaders does not exist. As far as volumes of proof, just read posts on this blog for the last several years. Talk to school staff. It is far worse than most people know. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of the problems that have occurred. Good luck to those investigating and running the teacher's private web site. I know they have tried to work quietly behind the scenes the last two years but have been lied to repeatedly. Now it may be time to go public and let the pieces fall where they may. Phillips may still be held accountable after all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of the retired staff can run for the school board? Other area school boards have retired staff on them.

Anonymous said...

I think it will be revealing when the candidates discuss issues to see who lists what is wrong as opposed to what is "excellent."

That will tell us whether they really will bring independent thinking to the table, or not.

Anonymous said...

My votes would go to John Bedient and Ian Schnaitman! Two excellent choices!

Anonymous said...

I want the board to address the questions in the post 8 above. These need to be answered. They are the tip of the iceberg of the problems that have caused the mess in the Marshall schools. Our leaders need to be accountable for their actions and decisions. They need to be held to the highest levels of honesty, transparency, integrity and truly looking out for "what is best" for the Marshall schools.

During the last 4-5 years they have failed terribly in all of these areas. We deserve at least answers to the major questions and concerns. I hope someone asks these at a board meeting or in a letter to the Chronicle.

Anonymous said...

There definitely is a pattern of bad decisions.

When you ask a board member they will say they do what they think is best for the Marshall schools. How can they say that AND make such decisions? These are clearly bad or questionable decisions. And the many problems are actually much deeper. Are they that out of touch or is shady politics at work here? Maybe both.

Anonymous said...

I know I have talked to board members. They have no excuses. They don't care or don't listen.

Anonymous said...

I want to defend the board! This is the best group out of everyone who actually ran for the board the last five years. Having said that, nobody else ran for the board-there has been no competition.

So if you want change find some good write-in candidates. Otherwise start a recall. I doubt trying to work with them will succeed. But you can give that a try too!

Anonymous said...

About 15-20 layoffs coming.

Anonymous said...

If Mrs. Phillips isn't fired for a long list of very good reasons, then the board should be recalled.

If you are not up on what has happened in the Marshall schools, start asking teachers and support staff. You will be shocked.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips is no different than the ole Richard Nixon....lies, coverups, targeting and more lies. Why would elected officials prop her up and act like 'there are a few disgruntled employees causing problems'. Everyone I know (about 250 employees) say and feel the same as this blog site has expressed for 2+ years now. There is blood on Joyce Phillips gloves and with Board members doing nothing, asking no questions, giving concerned employees pat answers...there is blood on their gloves also. Joyce - you know the glove fits....why don't you just pack it up and leave in the middle of the night! You won't be missed. Maybe Dr. Davis can begin mending, repairing and helping this school district to be what it was before Joyce and her board supporters took over....Excellence in Education....instead of the Best PR Campaign MPS has ever had to live through. Mirrors in homes...Board Members - Joyce - take a look! Perhaps re-read that staff survey - then once again - try to truthfully address these immense issues of damge to our school system.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine a staff survey today? It would be far worse than a few years ago. The board had a moral duty to investigate and take action to fix the problems then. They chose to do the opposite, which allowed things to get much worse. The downward spiral of bad decisions and arrogance has lead to very bad staff morale, loss of community support, loss of trust and respect, the loss of great staff, students and jobs leaving, property values declining further, the reputation of the Marshall schools dropped, and a crucial MHS bond failed. Now another big rounds of cuts are coming due to this mess! That will surely lead to more students leaving, less companies attracted to Marshall, more cuts being made, and the cycle continues. Class "C" here we come... we all are losing due to mismanagement!

How do I know so much? I was an insider and am very close to many other insiders, including some board members. The worst part is our board was given a ton of information by staff, parents and community leaders about why each bad decision would result in dire consequences. The board ignored such people over and over and even targeted some for retribution for being critical. Then they voted 7-0 on one bad decision after another. They chose to cover for bad leaders and reward them handsomely. Many lies have been told, which cost them all trust and respect. They are 100% responsible for all of the awful things that have and will happen resulting from their decisions. They have hurt us all badly. They know exactly what they are doing. Their motives appear both malicious and misguided. Now they are in "cover up" and "phony PR scheme" mode. The only "winner" in this mess are Joyce Phillips and those fine area schools and get more and more of our students each year.

This is my last posting! If the community does not stand up and stop this madness, then I give up too!

Anonymous said...

Unless Marshall gets its leadership ducks in order, our schools will follow in the downward direction of Athens, Bellevue and Albion. Oh yeah, they already are- 107 students down in 1 year!!!

More cuts and more losses soon. The community trust and support is in decline. No matter how the board tries to act in denial or sugar-coat the problems, the problems are still massive and largely ignored.

We need teamwork and solutions, not lies and coverups. We need good change now!!!

Anonymous said...

"We need teamwork and solutions, not lies and coverups."?

These are the responses that I and my friends (we compare notes, its like a script they use!) get when we attempt to engage our board members in open and honest discussions of school issues and problems:

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Mr. Behrenwald and Ms. Petrich voluntarily moved on and we wish them well."

"We looked at the teacher survey and relations are much better now."

"We picked a new superintendent, you can cross that off your list."

"Brian and Amy are gone, so you can cross that off your list too."

"If you can do better, why don't you run for the school board?"

"You are the only one that has complained about _________ (fill in the blank)"

"How dare you accuse me of not serving the best interests of the Marshall schools"

"We are looking into that and I will get back to you." (then you never hear form them again).

"I hear what you are saying, but there is more to that story (fill in the blank of which problems)."

"We share your concerns and are working on a solution."

"Have you seen the broken toilettes at the high school."

"The staff and parents really like Turner, Holbrook and Klochack, I don't know what you have heard?"

"Joyce works 12 hours per day."

"There are things we know we cannot share about _________ (fill in the person, story, issue, problem)."

"If you knew what we knew you would feel the same way."

And blah blah blah...

I can go on, but these have been the types of responses we have gotten for 4 years now. Nothing actually gets fixed or accomplished as far as the board actions go. It feels like it is all defensive and a big PR ploy. No real communication. No real consideration. No real interest in fixing real problems.

Just pass the buck, nonsense, CYA and PR day in and day out.

Anonymous said...

I swear to it I have received many of these same responses. Is it a coincidence?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I made my last phone call ever to this Board after the bond did not pass. He (Board member) got so irrate...because I questioned why a 900 seat auditorium was part of the needs that the students actually needed passed (ie new science labs, toilet repair...) He blew up, and said "we poured our hearts and souls into this bond - the voters said no - so new they get NOTHING!

I also phoned with grave concerns regarding the attacks of employees by this administraton. I was told: we'll get back to you. Yes I got calls back and was told....we will look into it further! THE END

Anonymous said...

Elsewhere in education...

Detoit Free Press:
Laying off everyone in the Pontiac School District and then calling back only those needed for next school year may be a technicality in the district’s restructuring.
But that doesn’t make the downsizing proposal any easier for the district’s educators and personnel to deal with what one calls “a sign of the times.”

Anonymous said...

I could see this board and Phillips trying something like that. Hey, don't give them any ideas. ;)

Anonymous said...

The board is in a tizzy and trying to put a positive spin on another disastrous year. Expect them to renew Klochack's contract, which will upset many people. I would not be surprised if Linda Bennink were to get Metcalf's old job, if she wants it.

Marshall's main growth is at the alternative school. All other buildings are expected to lose students this year. The state is cutting back funding. Our contracted custodians charge extra to do many of the things our own custodians did for no extra pay. With the economy in the dumps there is no chance for another attempt at a $35 mil MHS desperately-needed update for at least a few years. We had one shot to pass the bond before the economy tanked and the board blew it by (1) backing Phillips and (2) firing the custodians. We will all pay dearly for these two mistakes for years to come.

The Marshall Schools may never return to what they once were. I propose removing "A Rich Tradition of Excellence" from the web site and all school publications. It is history, it is no longer at the top. The rot has seeped downwards. I remember well the 70's, 80's and 90's when things were not perfect but much better. Remember when we had a model Middle School that districts from around the midwest came to visit?

Big changes are needed to fix the problems. Unless Phillips is held accountable and fired (so she does not get her 2nd MI retirement) I know many who will not vote for anything as long as this board is in power. They will carry a "Phillips curse" with them for years, as they are responsible for her actions. Many think that if the board does not care about the best interests of the schools, why should anyone else! The board members will be remembered for their actions, not their words. The PR campaigns do not fool us any longer.

MPS staff- over 30 years

Anonymous said...

From the BC Enquirer March 6, 2009:

Superintendent's Contract Approved

The Marshall Public Schools Board of Education approved a contract Thursday for Randy Davis as the district's next superintendent.

Once he starts July 1, Davis' annual salary will be $114,000, plus benefits, according to school board vice president Paul Beardslee.

Superintendent Joyce Phillips currently earns a base salary of $111,483, he said, adding that search firm consultants from Michigan Leadership Institute recommended increasing the salary to correspond with that of superintendents of similarly sized districts in Michigan. Marshall has 2,431 students, according to a recent student count.

"The MLI people had been telling us that the position has been underpaid for a while," Beardslee said. "... Our teachers are among the highest-paid, and our superintendent is among the lowest-paid."

Davis, 51, plans to finish the school year as Athens Area Schools' superintendent.

He will work with Marshall this spring in the budget process and in selecting his administrative staff.

Is this insane or what? He has no Principal experience, little to no teaching experience and he was the Superintendent of a Class D school district that is happy to see him leave! Why offer so much money? He is a third rate candidate at best!

What about all the needs of "the kids"? Check the BC Enquirer today 3-6-09, Harper Creek is getting a new track and football field. How about MHS getting a new track? "The kids" need it badly!

Enough is enough! Maybe it is time for a recall!

Anonymous said...

It will be nice to see Paul Beardslee leaving the school board. He has made enough foolish and untrue comments already.

Anonymous said...

Beardslee has been a huge disappointment. How he could have backed Phillips this long is mind boggling. Whe she chased Behrenwald out of Marshall it was Paul who Ron turned to with proof of JKP lies and rather than move forward with that knowledge he gave in to JKP and left Behrenwald out to dry. The MHS staff felt he was the best hope to expose JKPs lies and manipulations but he let us down and the rest is history. Most of us like Paul but lost all respect for him as a board member when he helped drive our first rate principal away from a school he loved and the students and staff who loved him. Look at us now.

Anonymous said...

Paul, just tell us why you did the things you did? We do not understand! Be honest and truthful. I will tell you what many think. Many think the puppet strings are pulled by the Frankes, or at least people married into that family. Many think you aspire to higher political office. Many think you were told what to do to get money for a future political campaign. Many who know you are stumped as to why you turned against your friends and neighbors, and our schools, to back Phillips and her nasty supporters. Many think this is the main reason why you sold us out. Come clean and tell us the truth! If this is not the truth then explain what is? Nothing else makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Enough already. I am so tired of hearing the ones with their personal axe to grind wishing to get Dr. Phillips fired. God only knows she certainly deserves it. We are beating a dead horse. I do not know what she has on these board members but if something could have been done about getting her the heck out of here, it certainly would have been done by now. How can one woman drive a whole town to the brink of disaster and not one person be able to do something about it. It is like thousands of Jews during the Holocost being killed by a few and not taking up arms to defend themselves. We are truly wimps and running scared. Is there no one out there with the guts (and not fearful of losing their jobs) to run for the school board and take back our town and schools.
There surely are a few people out there who do not work for the schools and do not fear for their jobs. They are standing by watching our town go down the tubes and saying "Someone better do something". The board just does not listen to us average Joes (who pays the taxes too) There must be someone out there who they would listen to. Who will pay this controlling group of people's bills when the hospital closes down from lack of people left in Marshall or when they close their shops because there is no one left to support them? IT COULD HAPPEN.
COME ON! This is not the Marshall I remember when I moved here 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

How absolutely pathetic...please call someone, get help, I'm truly worried about you...

Anonymous said...

To the 12:46 blogger
You absolutely proved my point. You again put this on a personal level and forgot about the problems of Marshall. Some of us here in Marshall will be looking at people like you (with that blank, questioning "gee what happened" look on your faces) while all the while things might even get worse here in Marshall.

"Good night Gracie"

Anonymous said...

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" No, to above poster, thank you for proving MY point, as you are one of the most "POSITIVE, NEGATIVE" persons posting on this blog. You appear to be severely ingrained in believing that "all things that appear good, must be bad..." You really could benefit from an attitude adjustment.

Anonymous said...

I see in the paper they made a huge deal about the web design and found Charlie MacDonald to come out and get some good PR for himself. His track record is to delegate and disappear. Most likely someone else did most or all of the actual work on the web site. He works very slowly and is very slow, if ever to get back to people. Updating a web site is a routine part of that job and now they are acting like this is the greatest thing for the Marshall schools. The fact is our school web site has been way behind for some time and we should have had a better web design and expanded use a few years ago, like other area schools have been doing. I still do not think he is worth his 30-40% pay increase he received in the last few years. Just about anyone else in the Marshall schools is more worthy of a big raise. He is a nice guy, but it was shady how he got such a big pay increase for such mediocre to poor job performance.

Anonymous said...

They inflate minor things and cover up major problems. What's new? They don't have a clue how to run the schools.

Anonymous said...

The $25,000 pay increase for Charlie MacDonald during a time of austerity, budget cuts and claims of "no money" is very suspicious. He is a nice guy but considered below average as far as effort and job performance goes. Now they are offering a big pay increase for a 3rd rate incoming Superintendent. Also very suspicious.

If we all perform poorly and lack crucial experience, will that endear us to the board and get us big pay raises?

Anonymous said...

There are so many things that Joyce Phillips and the MPS board have done that do not add up, that is why there is so much mistrust and anger. Who are they listening too? Are they so insecure they feel the need to do the opposite of what the staff recommends? Are they way out of touch with the reality of what needs to be done? Do they have some bizarre belief they have actually "improved" the schools? Why stab Behrenwald in the back when Joyce Phillips was clearly at fault? Do they even realize the damage they have inflicted on the schools and their own reputations in the process? We are all losers in this mess.

Why? Why? Why? Should we all just give up?

Anonymous said...

Expect bad news all spring. Nothing good on the horizon. Cuts and more cuts will lead to more students leaving and less programs. MHS will fall further into disrepair. The board seems unconcerned about these problems. They are too focused on coddling Joyce Phillips and the JP clone they just hired.

Anonymous said...

I'm still stuck on the price tag of the contract with Davis!!!!!! In a time when MPS is looking to cut jobs and programs again the give more money to the person at the top!!! I just don't get it!! And what will happen when it is time to negociate a contract with the teachers?? They will want to cut, cut, and cut some more!! What a mess!! I see alot of people saying recall; but who is going to start it?? As far as Bennick taking Metcalf's job, she doesn't want it!! She's got a sweet deal!! Her retirement and her contract!! And she is saving the district money. I bet Townsend wants that spot!!!

Anonymous said...

Our "kids last" school board is throwing excessive amounts of money at Mr. Davis when he is getting out of Athens a step ahead of them not renewing him. Athens is glad to see him go. He would have come to Marshall for $20,000 less easily. It must be a payoff for all the "covering up" and "nasty things" they expect him to do once in office. The board's actions are leading to more questions and more anger in the community. No matter how they whitewash it they have a lot of explaining to do. Maybe their rich friends will bail out the Marshall schools. They're worth of $100 mil, so they sure can if they want to!

Anonymous said...

Seeing how the MPS is rolling in money now, I will expect maintenance to be restored to MHS, the track to be replaced and the cuts from the last few years promptly restored. If they can lavish money on poor-performing top leaders and a 3rd rate new hire, they can also pay for things that are best for the MPS students.

How about all of the excellent staff that have received tiny raises (or no raises), aren't they of any value too? Can the custodians be hired back now that the district has money to throw around?

Anonymous said...

There must be a lot of money hidden away! Don't accept any cuts until they come clean as to where they always seem to find a lot of money for the people they want to lavish raises on.

Notice how they had no money to buy any decent equipment that was requested for years by our custodians. Then as soon as they hired the new company and fired the custodians there was all kinds of money to buy every piece of equipment they had said they could not afford. The new company has a far easier job with the new stuff and still do 1/2 the work. Then they want all kinds of extra pay to do the other half of their job and any extra requests. Savings? Probably none. Plus it played a big role in the MHS bond not passing. Who lost? Our kids as always!!!

Anonymous said...

Big pay increases for Randy Davis $111,000 to $114,00 and Charlie MacDonald $60,000 to a whopping $85,000!

How do I get onto that gravy train? Maybe if I brown nose and lower my job performance significantly that would do it?

Anonymous said...

Randy Davis will be making about $20,000 more than Lou did his last year. Have the teachers received a 20% pay increase compared to 8 years ago? That doesn't count all of the other perks and benefits the Superintendent receive. Now will Davis get the same sweetheart contract deal next year that guarantees him 5 years overall no matter what his performance is? That's what they gave Joyce Phillips. That is their excuse for not canning her for her awful job performance.

How about fixing the track? There's a new idea!

Anonymous said...

It looks like there will be a $1.8 million budget shortfall for next year. The board will hold a public meeting on March 23, probably in the MHS cafeteria to discuss where to cut.

BC Enquirer March 10, 2009:

Anonymous said...

That's going to be some major cuts. The student count may take another big drop which will lead to more cuts. "Class C" here we come!

Anonymous said...

Elsewhere in education...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 9:35 AM EDT
Of The Oakland Press

Pontiac schools' union members all face layoffs.

PONTIAC — Members of all Pontiac school district unions will be given layoff notices beginning today.
Layoffs will be effective June 30, but the district will notify by April 30 employees who will be returning to work in the fall.
The Pontiac Board of Education approved the layoff of all members of every district union at a meeting Monday night despite threats of legal action by Pam Farris, president of the Pontiac Association of School Administrators and Irma Collins, president of the Pontiac Education Association.
The drastic action was taken to provide an efficient way to call back employees, especially administrators and teachers, according to their certification and qualifications as well as seniority to a district that will be half its size in the fall under a restructuring plan. The district’s two high schools will be merged into one; the three middle schools combined at Madison Middle School; and several elementary schools will close, leaving seven in operation.
The 4-2 vote for the layoffs took place in a board room filled with mostly union employees and followed a report by Deputy Superintendent of Finance Felix Chow on the district’s dire financial condition. Vice President Gill Garrett and Trustee Robert Bass voted against the move, preferring a different process.
Chow said the district has lost 3,400 students in five years and enrollment is projected to drop by several hundred more in the 2009-2010 school year.
The district loses about $8,000 with each child. The board approved an amendment to the 2008-2009 budget to show a deficit of nearly $12 million by the end of June. Chow said spending is currently $16 million in deficit and he is in the difficult process of trying to get more than $20 million to provide cash flow to cover payroll and bills.

Anonymous said...

Elsewhere in education...

Wyoming Public Schools votes unanimously to close Huntington Woods and Rogers Lane schools

by Matt Vande Bunte | The Grand Rapids Press
Monday March 09, 2009, 8:54 PM

WYOMING -- The Wyoming Public schools board tonight voted unanimously to close its Huntington Woods and Rogers Lane campuses as part of a $1.5 million shakeup.
"Tonight we all are grieving," said Mary VandeWater, school board president. "Tomorrow, we've got to get together and take Lansing by storm."
Parents reacted with tears, while school leaders urged a mightier push for equal state funding.
With enrollment declining and its seven elementary schools below capacity, Wyoming aims to become more efficient by operating fewer buildings. The reorganization will cover 60 percent of an estimated $2.5 million deficit, with federal stimulus money making up $700,000 and the district's reserve fund pitching in up to $500,000.
In addition to the closings, Wyoming will take fifth-graders out of four existing K-5 schools and add sixth-graders to its other elementary campus. One of two existing middle schools will become a 5-6 building, and the other a 7-8 building.
The changes will cut 32 jobs including 12 teachers, 12 support staff, six food service workers and two building administrators.
Some parents said they felt deceived by a public brainstorming process that, in the end, settled on one of the administration's original ideas. But the root of the problem "comes back to funding per student," said Kris Moore, parent of a Huntington Woods second-grader.
"It needs to be a straight number across the state," she said, referring to state aid paid to school districts. "A student in Wyoming is no less important than a student in Forest Hills."
Huntington Woods students have written dozens of letters asking state Rep. Kevin Green, R-Wyoming, and state Sen. Mark Jansen, R-Gaines Township, to support equal funding for all public schools.
Wyoming and many other area districts receive thousands of dollars per student less than some Michigan schools.
Wyoming staff wages and benefits are slated to increase $1.3 million next year, the final year of a union contract that expires in June 2010.
"That (pay) isn't the issue. The issue is students," said Julie Baumchen, union president. "With the economic times, people are moving out. Someone needs to take a look at state funding and make it better."
Staff will be shuffled to different buildings based on the existing union contract. Parents by May 1 must decide if they want their children to attend an elementary school outside their neighborhood.
The choices will not include Huntington Woods, which was launched in 1993 as the area's first year-round school and later became the world's first Glasser Quality School. With team-teaching and multi-grade classrooms, the school earned praise from the National Education Association as one of the best in the country.
Its open enrollment and different calendar was designed to make the school competitive, said Richard Carlson, Wyoming's superintendent at that time.
"It was a school that we were very proud of," he said. "The era and the age that they're in today is a little different than when I was there.
"There comes a point when elementary schools have to be closed, when they're simply not large enough to be cost-effective. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is today."
Huntington Woods last fall had Wyoming's highest MEAP scores, and educators from Australia are scheduled to tour the school this week. But the school has had unfair advantages over other Wyoming buildings, Superintendent Jon Felske said.
"We have an elementary that received more funding than the others," Felske said. "All children should matter in our district. It has not been apples to apples."

Anonymous said...

If I get why you posted the two articles above, I am guessing you are implying that Marshall needs drastic cuts too. Maybe you are right! Maybe our standards and expectations have been way to high. Maybe we should follow Athens and make major cuts, layoff many staff and not focus on the glory days of the past.

Or are you just sharing that Marshall is not the only school district that is a big mess right now?

Anonymous said...

I agree the state and school funding is in disarray. The fact that Lakeview gets $300 per students more per year than Marshall is not fair. Many Detroit area schools get thousands more per student. On top of that the for-profit Charter Schools drain far more than they spend. For example it costs far more per students to run a high school. So if it costs $10,000 per year for an MHS students vs $4,000-$5,000 per year for a Hughes students, it sort of evens out at the state $7,400 per student.

Now at Marshall Academy they spend about $3,000-$4,000 a year per student at best, and Erich Heidenreich's "management company" gets the full $7,400 per student. So they get a nice profit, that's how most Charter Schools work. For-profit Charter Schools like Marshall Academy can easily be cut to about $4,000 per student per year and still cover their actual expenses.

So to sum up, we need big changes at the state level too, we need high standards for parents, students and teachers. We especially need strong leadership that has respect and support from the staff, parents and the community. We need a school board that works with everyone, is honest and transparent in how they function, and holds ALL employees to high standards of accountability. No nasty politics!!! In Marshall the board and top leaders have been the weakest link at a time we need them to be our strongest link.

Anonymous said...

Elsewhere in education...

Detroit Free Press:

Obama takes on unions, backs teacher merit pay.

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher in a union and I would support merit pay where there are competent leaders who would know how to implement merit pay properly. If it had gone to J. Phillips you can be sure it would have went to low performers who are loyal to her, all 5-10 of them!

In response to the Marshall Academy posting. I had noticed that Dr. Heidenreich kind of let his dental business go down (is it even still open?) after he started Marshall Academy. I heard he runs it like a dictator and that he and his sister are in business via a "management company" out of Hillsdale. The teachers work for him, NOT the school.

Now if your estimate is correct, he would make about $3,400 per student profit. If Marshall Academy has 225 students, that is a whopping $76,500 per year! That doesn't count the profit he makes "leasing" the facility and other hidden expenses. I bet he make way over $100,000 a year from Marshall Academy. What a sham! Who allowed such things! The state needs to rewrite the Charter School laws so real Charter Schools set up as non profits that serve students are the only kind.

I agree, these can be the first on the cutting block.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! 1.8 million projected short fall for next year. Last I heard the numbers were 1.1 million. So when they are looking at making huge cuts they give Davis a starting salary of 3,000 more a year then where JP topped out. The board is just STUPID!!! PLAIN STUPID!! How did we get from 1.1 million to 1.8 million, big difference there!! Also weren't we in the red when JP got here and she "turned it around" for a few years?? Something sounds fishy!! She comes here we are in the hole and she leaves and we are in the hole, but the years in between we were fine?? HMMMM!!!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools are in a huge hole. The superintendent and board mismanagement of the schools are leading to a drain of students, causing further financial losses and bigger cuts. The community has lost trust and confidence in the current leaders. A recall and clean sweep is needed before the mess can be cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

I am very concerned as to what big cuts Joyce Phillips and her board make before her departure. Why do I have the feeling it will be used for revenge against the teachers, parents and the community? Why does it seem natural to expect the worst possible motives and outcomes? Maybe because that is how it has been for the last five years!

Anonymous said...

Here's a new idea, what about doing what is best for the kids?

I have heard about the sorry state of the band area at MHS, the science labs, the track needs to be replaced, etc etc. But what was prioritized in the last bond? Moving the MHS offices from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor! Also expanding a Media Center that is used less and less by the students in this age of the Internet. I can see these improvements being somewhere far lower down the list, but it seems the most important needs are purposely neglected and held hostage to pass a bond. Not a smart strategy to build community trust and support.

There is never any money for such needs and then all of a sudden we find out that certain administrators are receiving huge pay increases and contract extensions. They bend over backwards to lavish more money on an incoming superintendent that meets the lowest of requirements for the job. Ask any teacher, building principal and teaching experience is far more important that writing a research paper and taking some graduate classes for an EdD. As we learned from the current superintendent a "Dr." means nothing.

We also found out about scandals covered and how Dr. Phillips has lied repeatedly to the board and the community. What does our board do in response? Protect these people and attack those who criticize such actions and poor priorities. No wonder everyone is so mad at Phillips and the board! Now the board thinks anyone they hire will suddenly make everyone happy and forget the past five years? Anyone who thinks that must be delusional. They messed up on the superintendent search and it is highly unlikely things will get much better. Now they will be making nearly $2 million dollars in cuts thanks in large part to their mistakes the past five years. Who will lose out the most- our kids!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, we need some good write-in candidates for the school board election in May. Preferably two.

Anonymous said...

Not everything the Marshall school board set out to accomplish has been bad the last 5 years. They have had some successes, most notably at the MIddle School.

In their defense they did inherit many problems from Bob Currie. I think they got off to a good start with Dr. Phillips addressing some of the Middle School problems. The high school was doing much better but things were not perfect there either. I think they meant well and I was one of the PCO parents who was excited about the changes at MMS. But I agree with a prominent teacher at MHS who told me that MHS was not broken, but just need a few minor fixes.

I do admit since then they have made many wrong decisions. Dr. Phillips never really clicked with the teachers or most anyone else. She has abused her power and in the process lost the respect of almost everyone. I know for sure at least some of the board members will be happy to see her go. All are excited about Dr. Davis starting soon. The board is listening more than many may think. Yes, they realize now that replacing the custodians before the MHS bond vote was not the best move. They think they have patched things up with the teachers, but I would add there is not enough trust for most teachers to share their honest views with them. The atmosphere is not one of mutual respect and open communication. That is a big problem. If I were a teacher I probably would not trust most of the board members with criticism of Dr, Phillips, Mr. Klochack or any other school leader. I am appalled at how they have lashed out at teachers trying to get involved. Their critics have many good questions and concerns.

I do read and listen to all sides. I know the board reads this blog too. While I do not agree with everything on here, there are many problems I feel that are not being properly addressed. I think we need a bond for MHS and some other needs very badly. The board needs to change and they need to rebuild trust and cooperation. They must address many of the questions and concerns shared on this blog. I find the board to be less confident and more defensive than they were a few years ago. I am hoping they have changed and start rebuilding broken relationships. They should be serving the best interests of the Marshall schools. What next? We will see.

Anonymous said...

That may be giving the board too much credit. I think they relied on a few bad characters to give them most of their information about what (or who) the "problems" were in the Marshall schools. If they were well intended I would not have expected so much bad and strange behavior from the board members. Ask the teachers, none of them trust Paul, Vic, Janice, Ali or Dan any more. They tried and were burned, backstabbed or shot down over and over. John and Annette are nice enough but cannot or will not challenge the others. This board is up to no good. They deserve to be recalled.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools need cooperation, unity and a shared vision for the future! All of the conflict and hostility have weakened the schools. It will take efforts on all sides to accomplish. As it stands now there is a cold war between the administration and the school staff. The community is not happy with either side, especially the administration. Until these problems are resolved, passing an MHS bond is impossible.

Mr. Davis and the board, you need to hit the ground running and get the staff and community on board. It will take honesty, humility and real cooperation. YOU the leaders need to make concessions and rebuild trust.

Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath. Is it true that Orchestra may be on the chopping block? Marshall has one of the few high school orchestras around.

Anonymous said...

March 23rd at MHS is when the MPS board is planning to hold a public forum about what cuts to make. If you are concerned plan to attend. The board would like to hear your suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard any news regarding the Bus Garage? I heard the State came in and found out that Mike Walbeck does not enforce his drivers doing pre-inspections on the buses before they roll out of the lot to pick up students. I also heard he has not conducted/documented bus evacuations since he took on the job of bus garage supervisor. Does anyone care or understand the importance of these two practices. Don Beattie would show up and watch to see if drivers would be doing their pre-inspections. If not they would be written up. These are to be done before the bus leaves the bus lot EVERY TIME. It seems from my friends at MPS that Mike is just too busy making sure Joyce PHillips protects his employment. He does this by attacking, lying about employees, and basically targeting whomever Joyce wants eliminated. I hope Dr. Davis gets notification from someone who cares in Marshall that Mike Walbeck is either incapable of doing his job correctly or is just too lazy and lies instead. Mike was pretty busy helping to get the custodians 'privatized'...and out of jobs.

Bus inspection is most important to the safety of students. Bus evacuations are just as important. If you do not practice safety....something terrible will happen. It is just a matter of time.

How many buses did you see this winter that the driver did not sweep the snow off and had insufficient window visibility?

How about Dr. Davis eliminating those who do not do their jobs. How long will it take for Dr. Davis to find out all the 'issue' employees are in fact quite opposite from those Joyce Dr. Do-Nothing has been targeting.

Anonymous said...

The MPS Board wants your input!

Nearly $2 million in cuts need to be made for next year's budget. Is there any more waste and fat that can be cut? What can be cut in each building? What programs can we live without? Other ideas?

Come to Marshall High School on Monday March 23rd at 7 pm to share your views. Feel free to contact board members in advance:

The board is reaching out to YOU! Now is your chance to be heard and get involved.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has proof or eyewitness accounts of Mrs. Phillips or others wrongdoing involving any of the cases or scandals of the past five years please go to the Marshall school board first. If you do not trust them or if they fail to take proper action, then go to the proper authorities.

The suspicions involve lying to the school board and the community, passing on false information to the Chronicle to ruin people in the press, covering up mistakes and wrongdoing, threatening lawsuits against the Chronicle and the teachers/MTA, unprofessional and unethical treatment of Mr. Behrenwald, Ms. Petrich, the custodians and many other staff. Also if anyone has information that can be used in court concerning the insurance scandal/coverup, the air-conditioning scandal, the way the Mr. Foreman case was mishandled, holding illegal board meetings outside the normal public board times, violating board rules for adding agenda items, using false information to fire the custodians, and any other unprofessional or illegal behaviors that should result in termination or charges.

These problems and issues all contributed to a very bad five years of mismanagement and the loss of community support. Staff morale is at rock bottom. A crucial bond did not pass for these reasons. Now should Mrs. Phillips be allowed to walk away scott-free and enjoy a 2nd Michigan retirement for the rest of her life? Should she be held accountable for her actions? Should the school board be held accountable for their actions, or lack of actions, in these cases and scandals?

What do you think? What should be done by the board?

Anonymous said...

While the board shares many of the concerns of the community regarding Dr. Phillips, there is no evidence of wrongdoing that would warrant termination. Dr. Phillips had many successes, including helping get the fund balance and school budget under better control. Had it not been for the surplus that was built up through effective budgeting, this would have been a much more painful year. As far as other charges goes, there have been many difficult issues to deal with. Mistakes may have been made but the board believes all actions were carried out professionally and in a legal manner.

I hope we can all focus on the future and the newly hired Dr. Davis. The board is looking forward to a new era in school relations at all levels.

Anonymous said...

Is the board finally reaching out to the community and staff? If it is real and sincere there can be progress.

Anonymous said...

The so-called effective budgeting was, in part, a plan to move out higher paid teachers for lower paid teachers, to cut expensive classes and, when possible, to move expenses forward.

The projected deficit is partially due to pushing expenses forward. The past looked good, now we see the truth.

Revenue is down because the quality of the product has pushed people out of the district.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how the school board can rebuild trust with the staff. After 4 years of reporting to Joyce Phillips what each staff member told them and then having that staff member become a victim of retribution, trust has been absolutely destroyed. Many employees have been punished and some even forced out for unjust reasons because they complained about bad leadership or other major problems with JP and her cronies. In many other cases the board either treated staff badly who trusted in them or told them one thing while doing another behind their backs. Now how can the same board members (Janice, Vic, Paul, Dan and Ali) rebuild trust and confidence? The only thing I can think of is to hold Joyce Phillips accountable for her actions and to fire her. They have refused to do this over and over, though they claim to have forced Metcalf and Jones out. But it was JP who was the main source of the problems. If they think simply bringing in a new superintendent will solve the problems, they are wrong. They need to look in a mirror and see the source of the problems. JP would have had no power without them. If they want to rebuild trust and confidence they have two choices, fire JP or resign and let someone else who is trusted take over. Until then the MPS are in a stalemate that has caused a long list of major problems and much stress for the schools and the community. The loss of students and soon-to-be major cuts are a symptom of these problems. The board made this mess and the board needs to truly fix it or get out of the way. PR charades will not solve the real problems, the people are not so stupid as to fall for them. Do they really think any staff member would come to them after what has happened with information about why Joyce Phillips should be fired? We all know that would be career suicide. Anything "good" the staff tells them is based on a fear similar to people living in a dictatorship telling the dictator what they want to hear. The only place where the board can hear how the staff truly feels is on this web site. The board has a lot of work to do if they want things to ever return to normal again. Well MPS board, if you truly want to "fix" things you know where to begin. You have just a few short months to redeem yourselves and rebuild trust. Nobody expects you to do the right thing. Surprise us and return to "A Rich Tradition of Excellence." Do it for the kids!

Anonymous said...

To two above, pressuring out veteran staff does seem to be the main "fix" of the last five years.

To the above, JP has rich friends that will make sure she is treated well and gets her Michigan retirement. She will never be held accountable for anything. If you have money in this town you can get anything you want. Look at the poor custodians, they were screwed over to please there same people. This board was bought and paid for. Money talks!

Anonymous said...

The MPS Board is focused on improving the schools and its relations with the staff and the community. There are many misperceptions as to how the board works or how they feel about various issues. If you are an MPS staff member find a trusted community member or parent to share your concerns with the board if you feel uncomfortable to do it yourself.

The board understands it will take time to rebuild relationships that need improvement. Don't give up on the board. The board is working hard to rebuild trust and cooperation at all levels. We are all in this together!

Anonymous said...

To the Marshall School Board:

You knew everything that was going on for five years yet you did nothing to stop it! Only Ramon and Lyng spoke up at the beginning and you treated them in a very disrespectful manner.

Now you want our trust and cooperation? The damage has been done. Many went to you and warned you over and over. Some of these brave souls you persecuted. In one case it may have lead to an early death- yes that is true!!! You replaced a very good (not perfect) MHS Principal with a fool. MMS had an excellent interim Principal 4 years ago and now we have two goofs running things. You fired the janitors and blew the bond. Now what? We are supposed to believe you changed your ways? How? When? Why? We need actions and not words to prove your intentions. When we see accountability for Dr. Phillips, then we will start to believe you are sincere. Are you trying to sugarcoat the cuts that are coming? Good luck! We know your past decisions caused many of the problems, that lost us students by the dozen, that have lead to the need to make big cuts. Think of the kids being harmed by your actions and indifference to those who tried to warn you. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Anonymous said...


A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, 'Everyone who thinks they're stupid, stand up!' After a few seconds, Little Johnny stood up. The teacher said, 'Do you think you're stupid, Little Johnny?' 'No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!'

MME and MEAP improved??? Even the staff is not above being accountable.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Hold the staff accountable for doing a good job teaching the curriculum. Hold the parents and student accountable for excellent attendance and coming to school prepared to study and learn (sleep, good food, etc). Everyone must give their best! Last I knew Marshall Schools MEAP scores were the best in the county, despite the bad leaders on top. Of course you could put a monkey in charge of the Marshall schools and still get the best MEAP scores. We still have very good demographics, for now.

I agree there is been lowered standards at the top. The school board have been poor leadership examples. The low morale and problems have lead to some staff giving less effort. Many of the best teachers were pressured to retire to save money and have been mostly replaced by teachers that may need years, if ever, to catch up to those they replaced.

I am not sure the Marshall schools will ever recover and be what they once were. The dumb actions that cost us the bond was a huge blow! That will be to the benefit of Olivet, Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. Joyce Phillips will be long gone enjoying her golden parachute Michigan 2nd retirement. Thanks board!

Anonymous said...

TO THE MPS SCHOOL BOARD: Do this district one favor before you try to convince us verbally that you want trust and confidence. Get that staff survey out - you know the one delivered in Dec. 2006. The same one JP threatened the Chronicle with a law suit if they published the results....these were the opinions of 152 MPS staff members. Not all were union - many non-union employees requested to be included in this staff survey. The reason for the survey was to bring to the attention of the Board that Joyce Phillips was not healthy for this community school family. Because the coordinators did not want to just focus on Joyce it was suggested that they include all administrators. This survey accomplished two things: The great administrators in this district were reflected with scores of mostly 3.7 out of 5 points and up. As many will remember - Joyce Phillips received a measly 1.7 out of 5. This survey was a staff tool to have the Board take action to lead the district in a more positive direciton. It was designed to keep the district from bickering, losing bond votes, while moving in the direction of continued excellence in education. What resulted in the survey was horrendous. The Board let Joyce lead them willy nilly through the worst history of MPS. Joyce has been allowed to press false accusations, allegations without any proof, lies, deception and her favorite....have her loyalists (those who are weak supervisors) administer her hit list. Joyce designed her hit list with each and every name of each and every union leadership name on it. She did not always start at the top position. Usually she systematically removed the lower corner stones while no one was watching. Soon - talk everyone elses back because Joyce was out to quietly, in the dark of night...attack, persecute and sometimes hinder good health. Bear Creek Campus has been getting rich off the insurance of MPS staff members. The rise in employees seeking professional help peaked during 2007 and has held fast.

Hello Board: you must hold Joyce accountable for all the damage that you have allowed her to bring upon our school community. Until she stands accountable - you will not have the support and trust of your public system staff and community.

The lack of giving credible attention to the staff survey has cost this community dearly. Besides emotional and physical decline we have had unexpected death. Please do not pretend that you do not know what Joyce has done to this community and our school system. Each and every Board member that has been approached by staff members should have great difficulty looking in the mirror becuase I for one can see NOTHING THAT YOU HAVE DONE TO HOLD JOYCE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THESE ACITONS.

The survey was ignored. Guess what? There are still many copies of that survey around this town. Many, many people have read it. Many, many people are wondering how you could have just ignored these issues. How do you answer your constituents?

If a survey was run now...would the results show improvement? I think not. This would mean that the accuracy of this 2006 survey, in addition I might add, to the $16,000 EPIC Group survey, that you had issues with Joyce Phillips and you ignored them. How shall we hold you accountable for you NON action when begged to address this?

The more you have ignored the issues the worse they have gotten.

Anonymous said...

This is not a knock on teachers, but be careful with MEAP scores. We do not compare favorably with other similar cities, expecially those with which we would compete for businesses.

The administration (and bond committee) made much of our status in the county (big fish, small pond), and also compared us to the state average. The state average is not enough of a hurdle to claim excellence.

Anonymous said...

There are only a few people in this town whose opinion matters to the school board. That is very obvious. The rest of us get ignored or put down for expecting far better for the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

I think the board is much less supportive of Joyce Phillips than they were a few years ago. I think they focus too much on making things "appear" more normal than they really are. Everyone in the schools understands the depth of the problems. They cannot fool staff or those close to the staff. The focus of their public relations efforts are those who are naive or do not have much inside information. Those who do not know how bad things truly are. With this group they can sway to the view that all is going just great! Everyone else knows the truth.

Anonymous said...

If the board truly want to improve the schools and do what's best for the kids, they have a lot of work to do! Some big concrete changes would help to rebuild trust and cooperation. So far this has not really happened.

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking! This board is a lost case. Wait five years, but we can start some good changes then.

Anonymous said...

Our kids and community cannot wait another five years to turn things around!

Let's start with two good write-in candidates for the school board. That's a good start, unless someone wants to lead a recall to hold most of this board accountable for their actions. I would leave John and Annette off of a recall.

Anonymous said...

For above...

You seem to think two write-in candidates would be a viable solution for the upcoming election and if not, then someone else should lead a recall...why not do it yourself, why do you always think you can dump off the dirty work on someone else so you can enjoy the benefits??? Never ceases to amaze us, that the biggest complainers are the ones that usually do the least to improve their position!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that TWO will make anything happen?? they will just get beat up like Lyng & Ramon did!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is a recall and a mostly new board the best option to save our schools and support what is best for the kids?

Anonymous said...

We seem to be getting off the subject on this blog. We need real positive action for a write-in campaign or you know what we will end up with. Georgia Marsh would be the same old same old - she spearheaded harmful decisions when she was on the Board the last time and I do believe was recalled. Unless there is an assertive effort to get two write in candidates we will be right where we seem to be each school board election. Oaklawn strategically places their own candidates on the Board. Not saying this is bad but they have been organized in doing this. Has anyone approached John Bedient or Ian Schnaitman regarding a write in campaign? We have no time to waste in getting this started and carrying it through to election time. Comments please:

Anonymous said...

The clique running the schools now is not centered at the hospital. While there are some connections there, it is mostly the anti-Redskin and anti-Lou people from the fights of 5-8 years ago. Supposedly they are financed and organized by Marsha Franke and a few others. Not sure if the "old guard" is still the same but that is how it was four years ago.

Anonymous said...

You gotta give the current school board credit!

They wanted Behrenwald gone and Hulkow sidelined, they wanted the teachers running scared and silent, they want the support staff in fear of their jobs, they want their friends to be protected and very well paid, they wanted Sam and Bob pressured off the board, and the MTA neutralized, , and a list of teachers forced out, and the custodians fired, and on and on.

This board has been very successful with their goals. They got organized, ran stealth campaigns for the school board, meet and plan in secret and control the entire Marshall schools. They run public relations campaigns to cover up what they are really up to. They always recruit candidates to run for the board that are either part of this group or people they can control. They work hard to push their agenda and have done an outstanding job reaching THEIR goals. It does not matter if everyone else thinks they are a disaster who have severely damaged the schools. As long as nobody else runs for the board or gets organized against them, and few speak out publicly any longer, they have all the power to do as they please without mercy.

Anonymous said...

Shut down this blog. I think the time has come to shut down this blog. There is nothing new that everyone does not already know. Until there is an organized effort to get a new school board, or at least two new members that serve the best interests of the district, nothing will get accomplished. Also this blog may lead some to shy away as they may not want to look like part of any "group" or "side" on school issues.

This blog has served us well to get people educated. The truth of the current regime has been at least partly exposed. Now it has run its course and it is time to close shop and put our efforts elsewhere.

Now we do need an independent investigation of Joyce Phillips. We can all unite on that one.

Anonymous said...

An investigation would only work if all parties came together to share and organize their stories. If Kathy's family were to come forward with all that Kathy shared with them and how Joyce pushed her over the edge. But in the will not change anything for those who have suffered emotionally and physically nor will it bring back those precious souls that have moved on to better places. What a terrible terrible place we are in and all because this Board has allowed it to happen. This Board was elected to insure none of this type of problems happened. They should all be recalled!

The only saving grace that I can see is: The day of reconcilation will come. Each person having a hand in these attacks on wonderful staff members at MPS still have to look in the mirror each morning and they will all stand accountable in front of the same God. I no longer look for them to get what they I know someday they will reap what they have sown!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope for their sake they repent first. As Kathy herself would want, it is never too late to find salvation, forgiveness and redemption (yes, this refers to the hear and now and spiritual things). Ask Paul B. he should know what I am talking about. He professes the same views, I think. Paul needs some cleansing too, we all do.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope for their sake they repent first. As Kathy herself would want, it is never too late to find salvation, forgiveness and redemption (yes, this refers to the hear and now and spiritual things). Ask Paul B. he should know what I am talking about. He professes the same views, I think. Paul needs some cleansing too, we all do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not so quick! This board is still up to no good. The same old way of managing the schools continue. The same shady way the board operates, largely in secret and hostile to everyone else, is still going on. If the board had regained trust and respect I would agree to shut down this blog. But as long as JP is NOT held accountable for her actions and no real change has occurred, I say KEEP ER GOING!!!

Anonymous said...

At best this blog has assured me I am not the only one whom has been targeted and attacked in the most evil way. I propose everyone who has been attacked ask to meet with Dr. Davis in July and try to get their files cleansed. What this Board has knowingly allowed Joyce to do to employees has been about 1 hair away from being outright illegal but they have allowed it with no accountability for Joyce. Why has she been allowed to go unscathed? Should a town meeting be held now to let people approach the podium and state what Joyce has done to them? Perhaps that would be a way to bring this community together for a final understanding. Will this community then force the board to remove her? Will this stop her unfair rewarding of a Michigan retirement - which everyone else has to work for but she is being given - kinda like an AIG bonus....BAD PERFORMANCE WILL BE REWARDED WITH A SECOND RETIREMENT!!!! If this is the case bring back each and every employee that has been terminated due to bad performance and ensure they have a retirement from Michigan - if not - then there is a discrimation class action suit pending. I am for a town meeting. I will speak my piece. Will others participate?

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board will be holding a public forum at 7 pm on Monday March 23, 2009 at MHS.

Come on out and share your concerns and ideas. The current Marshall Chronicle (3-21) has an editorial by the editor about this and how he thinks the Marshall Board is truly listening now. We will see. Hopefully they will engage in some positive actions to start making things better. If they fail to hold Joyce Phillips accountable it will cost them dearly in trust and support for years to come. Their personal reputations are on the line. We need actions, not just words.

Anonymous said...

If you are angry about the unjust AIG bonuses and the Wall Street mess destroying our economy, you should also be angry about Joyce Phillips getting an unjust "golden parachute" 2nd Michigan retirement.

If Joyce Phillips had served the Marshall schools well nobody would care. But her reign as superintendent was filled with unethical and possibly illegal behavior, bad leadership, scandals, lies, coverups, retribution, threats, waste, incompetence and a long list of related problems.

The loss in staff and community support and respect cost the MPS a crucial $35 mil bond. She had major problems already when Paul Vic, Janice, Chris V. and Dan voted to give her an unprecedented three year contract extension to guarantee her the five years she needed for her Michigan retirement. This was a very shady move at the time. Sam and Bob voted against this, they though a 1 year extension was plenty with many problems about her leadership already emerging back then.

If you are angry speak out and pressure the board to hold Joyce Phillips accountable! She does not deserve a huge pile of money every year for decades to come at the expense of our taxpayers and the kids of Michigan! This is "blood money" pure and simple. This cannot be tolerated!!! Unless Joyce Phillis is held accountable and loses her Michigan 2nd retirement, real progress cannot be made as far as board and community relations goes. Trust, support and respect are gone without honesty, integrity and accountability! Everyone in the schools knows Joyce Phillips deservs to be fired- NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

If you are angry about the unjust AIG bonuses and the Wall Street mess destroying our economy, you should also be angry about Joyce Phillips getting an unjust "golden parachute" 2nd Michigan retirement.

If Joyce Phillips had served the Marshall schools well nobody would care. But her reign as superintendent was filled with unethical and possibly illegal behavior, bad leadership, scandals, lies, coverups, retribution, threats, waste, incompetence and a long list of related problems.

The loss in staff and community support and respect cost the MPS a crucial $35 mil bond. She had major problems already when Paul Vic, Janice, Chris V. and Dan voted to give her an unprecedented three year contract extension to guarantee her the five years she needed for her Michigan retirement. This was a very shady move at the time. Sam and Bob voted against this, they though a 1 year extension was plenty with many problems about her leadership already emerging back then.

If you are angry speak out and pressure the board to hold Joyce Phillips accountable! She does not deserve a huge pile of money every year for decades to come at the expense of our taxpayers and the kids of Michigan! This is "blood money" pure and simple. This cannot be tolerated!!! Unless Joyce Phillis is held accountable and loses her Michigan 2nd retirement, real progress cannot be made as far as board and community relations goes. Trust, support and respect are gone without honesty, integrity and accountability! Everyone in the schools knows Joyce Phillips deservs to be fired- NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Marshall School Board:

Take the advice above. You may think because few bother to talk to you any longer about school issues (due to a lack of trust) that all is well. Well here is a reality check, the vast majority of the teachers, support staff and even some administrators are very angry with you over your unconditional support of Dr. Phillips. She may have fooled you by being a"Dr." and acting as if she knew it all, but she did not fool everyone else. If she walks away with her 2nd retirement she will win, she will make fools of the entire school board, and the rest of us will still be seething over the lack of justice. Please do your job and hold her accountable. There are many reasons to fire her. You know this, and we all know it too!

Do what is best for the Marshall schools and the kids. Holding Phillips accountable is what is best!!!

Anonymous said...

To above and others:

Whatever you are smoking, I want some of it. You are hallucinating, it ain't gonna happen, get over it, move on, next case please!

Anonymous said...

To the blogger above-
I won't smoke it, but I certainly agree. Everybody Move On! Nobody is going to get her. "What goes around comes around". She will get hers. God only knows we will all want to hear about it when it happens...and it will. Just get her out of town so she doesn't dirty it up anymore. Someone who won't have repercussions taken against them, please start a recall or get a couple people to say they would accept a write in
vote. To those who have a personal axe to grind,get over it! Marshall needs help.

Anonymous said...

Unless you have a bigger checkbook than Mrs. Phillips' few supporters have, you cannot not hold her accountable for anything. The board will listen to those who pull the puppet strings. I do not know anyone in this town who has a bigger checkbook to get the board to change their minds. That's life, those with big money can get away with just about anything. If they want someone or a group of people gone, it is bought and paid for. That's why they planned and purchased this school board. Nothing else makes any sense. Hey board, do the right thing or enjoy your 30 pieces of silver.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing this is a reference to the Franke family and perhaps a few others. It is a fact they were big supporters of Phillips and very close to the board, not sure if that support is still the same. I always liked the Frankes but if they are behind this mess, they will have to live with the anger over their support and alleged power to keep protect JP from being held accountable for her mismanagement.

If they are not and all of this is not true, then if I were Tom I would be on the phone using my influence to make sure JP is held accountable and the board gets their act together. Many think that one phone call would do the job and solve the main problem of the Marshall schools. Then the board can get a new start in a much better direction.

If the Frankes truly care about the Marshall schools, I hope they use their influence to do good. That would silence their critics and benefit the community. If JP is held accountable, then we will know they are doing good! If not, then we know the critics are telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

The MPS Board welcomes all to comes out on Monday March 23rd at 7 pm to share your views at a public forum at Marshall High School.

The main focus is to get community input as to what areas can be cut that would have the least negative impact on our overall programs.

We are pleased to have Dr. Davis already hard at work planning the transition as he takes over as the new superintendent. The board takes full responsibility for all decisions and all decisions are carefully considered and each member votes their opinion. There are no favorites when it comes to listening to Marshall citizens. There are many misconceptions and false allegations concerning the school board and reasons for voting.

I hope there is a good turnout Monday 3-27! The Marshall School board is working hard to improve cooperation at all levels.

Anonymous said...

This way they can blame on the community because they were there or should have been!!!