Sunday, March 22, 2009

Come one Come all.

Monday March 23rd - Marshall High School - 7pm
Public Forum regarding the upcoming budget

Please go and share your ideas!


Anonymous said...

The MPS Board welcomes all to comes out on Monday March 23rd at 7 pm to share your views at a public forum at Marshall High School.

The main focus is to get community input as to what areas can be cut that would have the least negative impact on our overall programs.

We are pleased to have Dr. Davis already hard at work planning the transition as he takes over as the new superintendent. The board takes full responsibility for all decisions and all decisions are carefully considered and each member votes their opinion. There are no favorites when it comes to listening to Marshall citizens. There are many misconceptions and false allegations concerning the school board and reasons for voting.

I hope there is a good turnout Monday 3-27! The Marshall School board is working hard to improve cooperation at all levels.

Anonymous said...

There is not much left to cut. I hope they do not privatize any more support staff or bus drivers, as I keep hearing about. I also hope the arts do not get cut further. What about grants? Are our administrators pursuing all of the grants that are out there? The only ones I hear about are the "give me" grants from the local foundations. That's good but we need a lot more.

Anonymous said...

The district has no sense of itself because it has not done strategic planning. We should have identified strong areas that could either survive some cuts or should not be cut at all.

We should have found weak areas that either need cutting or additional budget support in order to be stronger.

Are there preemptive measures we need to take to spend money now intsead of later?

Also, only focusing on expenditures is wrong. We cannot cut ourselves to success. The administration has cut simply to produce surpluses. Which of those cuts will now cause us to spend more in the future?

Why are we losing students. We should know why each student left and be looking to spend to stop that flow. We can't just blame the economy. for every lost student there is a student file. Why don't we know the reasons for the student's departure?

Is there a survey going on to attempt to identify students likely to leave in June? Can we prevent that? Revenue is the key to our success.

Asking the community for help cutting implies there is no coherent strategic plan for the system. The district should have asked for help with strategy prior to asking for help implementing any cuts that result fromt he plan.

I think tonight's meeting is backwards.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

I fear the Marshall Schools have joined Bellevue, Albion and Athens in a "death spiral" of cuts, lose students, lose more revenue, make more cuts, lose more students and on and on. Maybe that is why Dr. Davis was hired. He has "succeeded" with the "death spiral" at Athens. Is it true that the Marshall schools could be Class C in a few short years if the current trend continues?

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of grants out there. Has the Marshall school leaders applied for any of them? They should be getting at least $1 million per year in grant money if the superintendent has been doing her job. And that does not count the generous Chronin and other local grants.

Anonymous said...

MIddle School travel sports, orchestra, bussing and a few administrators should go first before academics and other programs.

Anonymous said...

Busing has one s

Anonymous said...

Not able to attend the meeting tonight, but hoping staff will bring this concept, backed by President Obama, up for discussion...thanking you in advance.

An education solution:

"The concept behind merit pay for educators is a simple one: good teachers should be paid more, mediocre teachers should be given a chance to improve, and underperforming teachers should find a new line of work."

Follow this link to the complete story in the Detroit Free Press:

Anonymous said...

The big Achilles heal of such a program is if the leaders and school board can be trusted to carry it out competently and fairly. Supt. Phillips proved that if you are competent but not personally loyal to her, you can be punished or lose your job. If you perform poorly in your job, as some MPS staffers do, all you need do is be loyal to her and the school board, then you will be protected and get big raises.

When everyone is held accountable in a professional and fair manner, then such options can be considered.

Anonymous said...

If Dr Davis attends the meeting, it would be very interesting and informative, for staff to bring up and have discussion regarding...

"The concept behind merit pay for educators is a simple one: good teachers should be paid more, mediocre teachers should be given a chance to improve, and underperforming teachers should find a new line of work. When everyone is held accountable in a professional and fair manner, then such options can be considered."

Anonymous said...

This is my point. Merit pay is an issue the administration should have brought up years ago as a way to not only improve quality and retain students, but to cut hiring and firing costs. It's a strategic issue that takes years to play out, but ultimately sets us apart.

If successful, Marshall becomes a place people vie to become a part of.

The board and superintendent have failed to provide long term solutions to systematic problems.

Hence, we are in crisis mode. Tonight is an attempt to get the community to buy into the crisis and to support the crude cuts necessary to balance the budget.

They will then promise not to put us in this situation again. Crap.

John Bedient

Anonymous said...

Most of the staff and other insiders view the public forum as a PR charade. This board will listen to the few they already listen to. They will do as they please. When support grew for Mr. Watson they promptly shot him down for consideration. When the staff survey came out they not only blew off the teachers but they targeted teachers for unjust retribution. When Mr. Behrenwald spoke up about the incompetent and unprofessional conduct of Mrs. Joyce Phillips, they forced out Mr. B, not the person who was, and still is, the biggest problem for the Marshall schools. Only a recall will get any positive changes- maybe.

You can bet there will be big cuts and more revenge is in the making. Who is on the hit list now?

Anonymous said...

Then maybe the staff and other insiders, as mentioned above, should show up at the forum and make their concerns and wishes known to the public...nobody else is going to do the dirty work for you. If you don't do it, then learn to live with it...and refrain from complaining again later! A recall or write-in campaign is not going to happen!!!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools are really in a big mess and it seems there is a political stalemate in the "school wars" of the last decade or more.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to the meeting tonight, can anyone post on how it went??

Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought of it but it has been school wars for too many years. Beardslee, Potter, Darling, Stulberg and maybe soon Georgia Marsh are all veterans of the vicious battles fought in the Marshall schools, much like our "council wars." We do need new faces and people without such baggage. Too much damage has been done already. Using the superintendent as a bully to carry out petty personal agendas is simply wrong!

Anonymous said...

To poster at 10:03 pm:

"I didn't get to the meeting tonight, can anyone post on how it went??"

It is obviously apparent by the underwhelming response to your question, that those posting all of the negative comments on this blog, lacked enough interest or moxie, to attend the forum and voice their opinions or concerns. All that raised a question at the forum, please raise your hand .....................anybody?

Anonymous said...

Staff have to be very careful about what they say, do or appear to believe. Any criticism whatsoever will certainly lead to retribution of one form or another. With $2 million in budget cuts coming, nobody wants to be on the hit list. Yes, it is that bad! Real cooperation and trust was ended four years ago. Those that spoke up, went to board meetings and tried to work with the board suffered very bad consequences. Some lost their jobs. One passed away.

Anonymous said...

BC Enquirer article about the budget cuts meeting:

Anonymous said...

Imagine if the MPS had good, wise and trusted leaders.

Imagine there was broad staff, parent and community support and cooperation with our noble leaders.

Imagine if the MPS custodians had not been fired.

Imagine if there had been good relations and teamwork between the staff, community and the MPS leadership.

Imagine, because of the above, the $35 million bond had passed and we were all excited about the soon-to-be major renovation at MHS and other school improvements. We could now catch up to other area schools that are moving forward faster.

Imagine because of the above good things, far less students had left and perhaps more students wanted to come to the Marshall schools.

Imagine school programs expanding and employers looking to come to Marshall because of the great and improving schools.

All of the above could have been true!

Instead we have cuts, lost students, lost revenue, conflict, mistrust, anger and more problems.

What can we as a community do? All other efforts by staff and parents have been ignored and suppressed. Many have suffered unjust dire consequences for their attempts to speak up.

What effect does this, will this, have on our kids? Who is responsible? How did this come to be? What can be done now? Is it too late? Does Joyce Phillips deserve a "golden parachute" 2nd Michigan retirement? What about accountability for those responsible?

Anonymous said...

Why is this so depressing? It is embarrassing too!

Anonymous said...

From what the paper said it sounds like the board already has a plan. I can't imagine there will be any painless cuts.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Joyce will enjoy a few more months of revenge before she leaves. Imagine the fun of $1.8 mil in cuts! Then a second Michigan retirement to cap off a stellar five years of ruining the Marshall schools!!! Thanks board!

Anonymous said...

A board member assured me that the board will be very happy to see Mrs. Phillips go. They said if they could have gotten rid of her last year they would have. Supposedly their only option was an expensive buy out. I asked if the 5 year contract was a mistake. This board member said "Yes."

Maybe the board in their only clumsy way is trying to improve? I doubt it but who knows! I told the same board member that we need to see actions that show us real change. They got defensive and said there were many actions proving they have changed. I guess they think hiring a new superintendent solves everything. I hope they read this blog for a reality check. It reminds me of the children's book where everyone pretended the emperor was wearing clothes. Then a child was the only one with the courage to speak up and say the king had no clothes on. They need to know the truth about how everyone feels.

Anonymous said...

The board cannot fix the problems because the board, most at least, is the root cause of the problems. Dr. Phillips is nothing without their support and protection. They are as guilty as she is as far as all of the terrible things that have happened. I bet they told JP what to do and let her take the fall.

Anonymous said...

Since 85% of the costs are teachers and support staff and the board "has a plan" to cut almost 10% of the budget, you can bet there will be many layoffs. I have heard as many as 25 teachers and support staff may be laid off this year. There is no guarantee there will not be more big cuts next year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be appropriate if staff volunteered for a 10% reduction in pay and benefits. That way you would help save any cuts and your MEA cohorts would all still have a job. Great way to show your dedication to each other and help your fellow staff member, balance the budget at the same time, show the taxpayers that "you get it" and do what is best "For The Kids".

Anonymous said...

Well, "That Was Easy"!!!

Makes so much sense...come on, lets do it.

Anonymous said...

Having the teachers and support staff once again take a pay cut (yes this has already been done voluntarily by the MPS staff) it would only put a band aid on a huge issue and we would once again be facing this issue next year. Because of all the problems that have gone unaddressed at MPS we have and will continue to face student loss. This is like a dog chasing it's own tail. Until the Board takes positive action - and I would strongly suggest we fire Phillips NOW - then the community will start to feel like their voices are being heard by these elected board members. Once something positive and accountable takes place people will start to work together. The staff at MPS has volunteered to take cuts, take 1/2% pay increases - all the while Joyce gets +9% increases. Where is the equity we ask? Now we have hired Dr. Davis at an even higher salary than the Unidoctor was making - and we are facing staff cuts? Unless a superintendent is teaching our children I do not see a way to justify the 'hands on staff' taking another cut while the top administration gets benefitted. This is one of the huge problems that began the "Phillips mess". You do not reward the top while cutting those who work directly with the students. I hope R. Davis stands up and refuses future pay increases if his staff has to have pay freezes. THIS IS HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO WORK ALL ALONG.....YOU KNOW....A TEAM OF EDUCATORS WORKING TOGETHER...WITH THE SAME GOALS AND REWARDS TOGETHER FOR THE STUDENTS.

Anonymous said...

Why did the Tech Director go from making about $60,000 a year to about $85,000 per year while other programs were being cut? A 40% increase! Does he bring in big money in grants? No. Does he do an outstanding job? Not even close. Can you even find him most of the time- apparently not. Then they lavish money on a 3rd rate Class C superintendent with an unimpressive-at best- background. Not to mentioned what was lavished on Phillips, Metcalf and Jones. What about the money wasted in the insurance scandal? Why was Phillips not held accountable? What about using employees to install air conditioning at a friend's house on school time and pay? Why wasn't Phillips fired for that? Why big pay increases for Phillips while she proved herself the worst superintendent in the history of the Marshall schools? Board waste and bad decisions, not to mention a failure to do their job and hold Phillips accountable, are the root of all the problems!

Anonymous said...

Why don't the veteran teachers all retire to help the board out with cuts? The 10% pay cut across the board (except for JP loyalists) sounds like another good board idea? Is this "the plan"? When did you all decide "the plan"?

This will help the board "fix" the schools. Also they need the money to give big raises to their few loyalists, oops, I mean employees with "special qualities." What will JP's 2nd retirement cost Michigan taxpayers? Maybe $25,000 per year for the next few decades? Does she deserve this? Why was her contract extended? Hey board, level with us, what are you really up to?

Anonymous said...

Question for the preceding posters:

So, does that mean you and MPS staff would never agree or offer to make a compensation adjustment (like everyone else in America) and do the right thing, "For The Kids"???

A pay freeze or 1/2% raises, in these economic conditions, is still an increase...especially when compared to all of the unemployed in this city, county,state and across the country.

Anonymous said...

Why is Mr. Davis "PAID" every time he shows up to to meetings, this is in addition to the wage he get's from Athens and will be getting from MPS. An increase in pay for him and then want/expect the staff to take a cut?

Anonymous said...

To two above, when they readjust administrative wages back to a normal level, especially considering the poor performance of many top leaders, and when the board holds Dr. Phillips accountable and fires her, then we can start talking about wage concessions as part of true teamwork to help the schools.

We are not even close to a situation where all other waste has been cut first.

Anonymous said...

Detroit Free Press - 3/25/2009

The Flint Journal reports the closings proposed Tuesday night would include the shuttering Central High School in June after 86 years. The district also would close five elementary schools at the end of this school year and two the following year.

The recommendations would mean about one-third of the district's 35 buildings will be shuttered by 2011, including four schools that were closed in May.
The budget plan also included recommendations to lay off 212 employees, most of them teachers. The school board has until June 30 to approve a budget and will discuss the cost-cutting suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Half of the elementary kids in Marshall go to Walters. As numbers decline we can shut one of the other two elementary schools. Also as numbers decline and we head towards a "class C" district, we can move the 4th grade to MMS like we used to do many years ago. All of this consolidation will allow further cuts of Principals and staff. Cut, cut, cut!

Yes, we are not alone as someone stated above. But the unnecessary and avoidable problems that have festered have made things far worse than they should have been. The outlook is grim.

Anonymous said...

It could be a misconception, but it appears that the majority of posts made here are not being added by active staff and therefore the posters have no direct knowledge of what is actually happening with regard to MPS. Those making the posts, however, could be misguided and only willing to take a negative stand on issues?

Anonymous said...

I think retired staff and spouses who are closely connected to the schools do most of the posting. Regular staff fear for their jobs to speak up, even on this forum in most cases. Look what happened to Kathy Petrich and Ron Behrenwald!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot more victims than that. Look at what happened to other staff, including the custodians? Then look at how they lavished money on Phillips, Jones, Metcalf, MacDonald and now Davis! There is always money for what they want or who they want to reward for whatever reason. Scandals? Just cover'em up!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board is working hard on dealing with many difficult issues. Nobody wants to make any cuts to school programs or staff. We hope to turn the tide as the economy improves. The future pool of local students is declining across Michigan. Unfortunately many tough decisions will need to be made. If you have questions or concerns please contact any school board member directly. This will allow for an open and honest discussion of the problems and possible solutions. Posting anonymously does not help the process. Come forward if you want to be part of the solution. The board seeks your input and welcomes all questions.

Anonymous said...

I don't recommend any teacher go to the school board with questions or concerns unless you want to get on to the layoff list.

Remember "Everything is just peachy and we are all excited about Dr. Davis arriving soon. We wish Joyce, oops, Dr. PHillips well as she leaves us to serve mankind around the world (most likely in Hoosierland)"

Repeat and say often if you want to keep your job.

Anonymous said...

To MPS Board seeks input:

Sorry to be cynical, but you've had community input. A survey was done. the results did not fit your preconceived notions so you ignored it. Individuals have spoken to you about Joyce. Parents have complained about reduced classes. MEAP scores are average. We said no to the bond.

Why do you ask us now? Why all the pitiful news releases about "good news?"

A large number of us will support you if you come clean.

Silly excuses are offered. The economy, fooey. People will spend money to stay in a good district.

Enrollment may be declining statewide, but enrollment decline is due to demographics is not Marshal's problem. I don't think you know why students are leaving. But I suspect it's becuse their parents have no faith in your ability to manage the district.

Recent evidence for that is that you seem to be seeking answers from the community instead of offering solutions.

Vic said Monday there was a plan. Why in God's name would he say such a thing and then not display the plan.

The board needs to speak plainly about how we got to where were are and then to propose a pathway out.

You may not be able to get rid of her, but you can sure lay the just blame at her feet - or your own.

I don't know how you people sleep at night.

BTW-The Marshall Mirror folks wrongly blame unions for problems, but they've got a lot right otherwise.

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of K.P. we should show love towards the board, pray for them, forgive them for what they have done bad and hold them accountable!!!

Do it for the kids- lets find some good write-in candidates. Do some board members deserve to be recalled? Many think "YES"!!! Should "the good doctor" be held accountable for her actions- "YES"!!!

Check out the "Imagine" post above. I think that is what could have been had we taken action sooner.

KIds first! :-)

Anonymous said...

Check oout the 3-26-09 BC Enquirer...

I had no idea Athens has done so bad and is sinking so fast! Why did Marshall rush to hire their Superintendent? Why did they offer him such a huge raise? His leadership seems uninspiring at best and at least partially responsible for making the problems worse. Apparently we were "lucky" to snag him one step ahead of him being let go by Athens. Had we waited we could have gotten him much cheaper- if we still wanted him.

Not a good outlook for the troubled Marshall schools. Board- please explain your actions?

Anonymous said...

Marshall, the problems of Athens is your future if you do not change soon.

Anonymous said...

I think it is too late. Too much damage has been done the last few years.

Anonymous said...

JP must be laughing all the way to the bank as she cruises to her 2nd Michigan retirement with no chance whatsoever she will ever be held accountable for all of the damage and problems she caused to the Marshall Public Schools. On top of that, she will greatly enjoy making about $2 million worth of cuts on her way out the door. I never saw any evidence she ever once cared about anyone or anything in the MPS. I tried to work with her when I was at the MPS. Everyone I know did the same. Something was up from the get go. The board cut some deal with JP and they went about to "fix" the schools. Like a bull in a China shop they made a disaster of almost everything they did and then tried to lie and PR their way out of their messes. When that did not work they tried to delegate their foolish ideas to others so they would take the fall. When our community wakes up one day to a 3rd rate Class C school system, they cannot say they had not been warned by current and former dedicated employees. The board members responsible will have to live with their legacy the rest of their lives. Our kids and community will pay the price for many many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Well said. That about sums the situation in the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Joyce Phillips will get about $20,000 per year (in addition to Indiana retirement) for the rest of her life for her 5 years of terrible leadership and poor performance in Michigan? How ridicules and what a waste of precious Michigan taxpayer money! The worst part is she should have been fired long ago. Is there any way this injustice can be stopped?

Anonymous said...

i do not think her pension will be that much. Based upon an average salary of $110,000 for five years she will get a little over $8,000 a year. Now if she did take advantage of the opportunity to purchase 5 years of service credit; then her pension would be twice that amount.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't deserve a dime! Our school board members that serve Phillips should pay out of their own pockets. The teachers know all the things she is guilty of. If we had a competent and honest school board she would be long gone.

A middle view said...

I have been reading this blog on and off for some time. Until now I kind of ignored it as I often did not agree with many posts.

I know Paul, Vic, Janice, Dan, John along with Chris Varvatos, who used to be on the board. These are all nice people that I think are very well meaning. At the same time I am friends with many teachers and other staff. I have heard all of their views too. It is fair to say there are big problems. Here is what I think has happened in the last five years.

The board members I mentioned above are not leaders, they are all followers. I think all are easy marks to be used and manipulated by others. I think Dr. Phillips came in and did just that. Amy Jones, Brian Metcalf and perhaps a few others did too. Throw in a few vocal parents and perhaps Marsha Haring and Georgia Marsh, and as many have said, they were off to fix the schools.

Some of their actions were good and they did go after real problems, especially at the Middle School. Ron Behrenwald was a nice guy but he was no politician. That is why he fell out of favor. Compare him to former MHS Principal Ray Davis who was a master politician. Ray maintained strong support many years past his prime, if he ever had a prime. The real leaders were not the board members, but those they followed like JP, BM and AJ, and that is where I think they made many mistakes.

Well as all of you can read, there are many problems and views about what mistakes have been made. As far as I know the current board members have no love for Philips and several lost faith in her a while back. I think all except maybe Janice will be very happy to see her go. Metcalf and Jones also lost their confidence and have moved on. The fighting with the teachers was a mistake. They should have listened to their best and brightest staff who tried to warn them. That I will agree with as I know a lot about this from all sides.

The board truly thinks Dr. Davis is a good man who will be a big improvement. That has yet to be seen but he does deserve a chance. The cuts will be hard and painful, there is no other option. As my board friends keep reminding me, nobody else has run for the board seats in the last five years. Everyone who has been willing to serve has gotten onto the board because there are no other opponents. They view this as support for what they do. They think the critics are few and far between. Until others run for the board, they do have a good point!

Responding to above... said...

Finally, a somewhat positve,
knowledgeable, educated and intelligent post. BRAVO!!! Your last sentence says it all...

Anonymous said...

Double bravo!!!! The nail on the head. As an veteran employeee all I would add is that the big problems are even bigger than you might want to believe. Especially at the high school where a once respected, unified and proud staff and student body have become demoralized and broken in spite of honest attempts to deal with change. Ron Behrenwald is missed more than can be imagined and had grown to become a very good principal. Too bad that Mrs. Phillips was so determined to chase him away. Ask any staff member or upperclass students if they think we are better off than two years ago. Please ask and you will find the big problems are very big. We can only hope that Dr. Davis listen to his new staff and students and we can begin to rebuild a sad and totally unneccesarily broken system.

Anonymous said...

When will the budget cuts be announced? Are they renewing Klochack's contract?

Anonymous said...

They have until July 1 to come up with next year's budget. It would not surprise me if they wait until summer when there is less attention for the big cuts. But layoff notices probably have to come out before that. We will see.

In response to "middle view" above. At first I felt the same as you in the first year or two of the Phillips administration. I felt the board was being lead astray. But now they should know better and I would expect much different actions the last year or two if they had learned from their mistakes. They need to take actions to undo as much damage as possible, if they are truly good people who care! So far we have not seen much and I know they have been told by many the truth of the situation. They have no excuse.

Move the carpetbagger out now! said...

December 2006: The Staff Survey said it then....and it holds 100% true today. Get a copy. Read it. If you have ever had any doubt...this survey and it's numbers will tell the true story. Why did the Board totally ignore that survey. NOW: You will probably have to FOIA the EPIC survey which cost $16, get what "the same results as the staff survey". Now I ask: IF THIS OR ANY BOARD CARED ABOUT FIXING THE ACTUAL PROBLEM THEY WOULD HAVE FIRED JOYCE PHILLIPS 1 1/2 YEARS AGO. IT IS NOT TOO LATE! Pack her up and get her out of here before she walks away a winner. I can assure you - If Joyce Phillips tries to sue this school district we will have attorneys from all over Marshall donating their time for free to make sure she never sees a dime!

Come on Board - fix this - fire Joyce - and watch the onslaught of citizens come out to support you! It will be like a Memorial Day Parade....we can call it "Out With the Carpetbagger Parade". Instead of 2 Men and a Truck we could have an entire town assisting with that move!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board works in secrecy, makes no serious attempt to work with the staff, has yet to explain many of their actions and now seems adrift as to what to do next.

MHS a mess said...

Here is one example of where the board screwed up big time. Back a few years ago several board members were getting much of their information from several very unreliable sources. These sources convinced the board that MHS was "broken" and that Mr. Behrenwald was "bad" and they needed a new Principal and big changes. When Behrenwald tried going to the board they would not listen. Others like Tom Duffy and Saundra Hainline tried to explain that things were not broken and at most a few minor problems existed (as always does in any school). Instead of listening to highly respected educational professionals to learn the truth, they listened to their bad and dishonest sources (Jones, a few whiny parents, Phillips) and the rest is history. Well we know what has happened and what a mess they made at MHS. Klochack is a massive leap backwards. We know what happened to Behrenwald and Petrich (yes board, YOU are responsible for these events). Talk to MHS that trust you if you do not believe me. Things are far worse than I briefly noted above.

People can make excuses but the board majority knew exactly what they were doing. They were well-informed and made terrible decisions on purpose! No excuses!!! They are fully responsible for the consequences. Maybe if they get rid of Klochack and change their ways they can try to undo some of the damage and rebuild their relationship with the excellent staff they ignore. If you are a parent or community leader do your own investigation. Then do what you can to get the board to change, or get a new board.

Stop rewarding bad performers! ie: JKPhillips said...

There's a fresh thought....getting the Board to do something or even listen 100% and then take action. So far the last real action I have seen was by Sam Ramon and Bob Lyng. Got to miss those days when Board members did not follow Joyce Phillips blindly without investigating on their own.

When will this Board do what they were elected to do? Phillips should be fired - now - before she walks away with her AIG type bonus...a Michigan retirement. BAD PERFORMANCE SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED!

Anonymous said...

I am from the business community and I had known Ron Behrenwald quite well. When I ask board members why they forced Ron out I cannot get a straight answer. When I ask them why have not forced Joyce Phillips out, they claim they can't. They certainly forced the wrong one out.

Anonymous said...

So, it's been a week since Vic said they had a plan, but wanted input before they let us in on the plan.

When might we be let in on this plan?

As amusing as he his, John LaPietra had it right on The Marshall Mirror; why have a meeting if the plan isn't available before the meeeting?

How many of you would attend a business meeting without the chance to review the meeting material before the meeting day?

Just give up said...

You can guess pretty good what "the plan" may be like. Klochack and other loyalists will be protected. Joyce is very well protected and all dirt is carefully covered up. Big cuts will hit the teachers and support staff. This will cause more students to leave. Then our new leader, an expert at driving a school district into the ground, will make more cuts. Expect no vision or other wise and positive leadership. Look who we are dealing with, look at their near perfect record of bad decisions. What else would you expect out of this group? The possibly good minority of board members have not done anything to change this and go along with the rest, so they are responsible too. I gave up on them this past year!

Anonymous said...

I agree, this board has made it very difficult to work with them. A worst you feel they will do the opposite just for spite, and at best you feel they ignore you after telling you what you want to hear. They are clique that pretty much does not care what everyone else thinks. I have had a creepy feeling about them since they pressured Sam and Bob off the board. Nobody I know trusts them any longer.

Anonymous said...

Bill DeSmet:

If you read this blog....We recognize your financial experience, but the district's problems are not from overspending. They stem from a lack of vision and leadership.

In fact, I would argue we need to spend as much money as we possibly can - just in the right areas.

School yourself about what has been cut from the curriculum in the name of building fund equity.

Also, look at the track record of the new super., in terms of cutting at Athens.

We can't cut ourselves to excellence.

Anonymous said...

I never feel the board is being open and honest with the rest of us. I either get a pat PR answer, an "I understand and we are working on it" or a hissy fit. What's up board? We know the real discussions and decisions do not take place in pubic or at board meetings. Your former colleagues told us this much.

Anonymous said...

interesting. I told one of them the super candidate pool was weak and got a hissy fit.

Upfront, open 'plans' prior to discussion by community said...

I agree with post above. Why was there no information regarding 'the plan' per Vic Potter, prior to the community meeting 3/23? This School Board gets an agenda prior to each board meeting....and you better not try to sway from that agenda - IT WON'T HAPPEN. So why does the Board deserve 'an agenda' prior to meeting but yet the community does not deserve 'a plan by the Board' prior to them giving their input on budget cuts? Could it be possible that the Board is just putting on an act to make the community feel like they are having input? Especially prior to the next board election. How about being upfront and honest....forthcoming with a plan....then have a public forum to discuss that said 'plan' prior to implementation. Looks like the same old practice by our elected Board members. Put on the PR blitz...hoping everyone is too stupid to realize it is just an act. Vic - where is this 'plan'? How about a fresh new approach....honesty, openness, no smoke screens, on the table, .....? God help us if Joyce has a hand in the upcoming budget. Watch out all the valued and respected employees that are still working at MPS. She will get you....

Hear-ye, Hear-ye... said...

Flint public schools to lay off 257teachers.

Officials said Wednesday that 257 teachers, about half in elementary schools, are to be let go. That’s 116 more than previously announced.

Volunteering for a 10% adjustment in pay and benefits is still available... "For the Kids".

Board needs to start fixing problems said...

When Joyce and Amy pay back the $40,000+ the Marshall schools paid because they forgot to cancel an insurance policy, and Joyce is fired for many other reasons too, then we can start talking about working together to cut costs and work together to truly fix problems.

Newsflash... said...

Where have you been, Amy is gone, and Joyce leaves in that is water under the bridge. You should move-on and concern yourself with the present and future...

This is the present situation said...

I would disagree. Joyce is still the leader of the Marshall schools until this summer. She is still fully responsible and needs to be held accountable. The board gave her the unprecedented three year extension at a time she was in the midst of this and other scandals. So they cannot get off the hook. They have to deal with the consequences of their decisions until Joyce is gone and then the follow up damage that results form their actions- which will go on for years. Notice the bond that did not pass? Joyce Phillips and her decisions are to blame!!! Joyce is nothing without the board. She has no support or respect that is earned from the staff or most anyone else. Dealing with this major problem is part of the present and certainly part of improving the future. Ignoring it or letting the guilty off the hook simply causes injustice, anger, damages the reputation of the schools and lowers staff morale. Amy can still be held accountable too if she lied to tried to cover the insurance scandal up along with Joyce. According to a former board member, this is exactly what has happened.

Just do it... said...

If you are so incensed over these issues, then you need to quit wasting your time posting here and storm into the Middle School to air your displeasure. Make it a public awareness campaign, just do it! You'll be glad you did...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea! The board and Phillips rule by fear. The Chronicle quit doing investigative news stories and asking tough questions after they were threatened with a lawsuit. The teachers quieted down and went underground after they were threatened and many targeted with retribution. Should we allow this to continue? No wonder there is so much anger, conflict and animosity. Phillips and the board created this mess, should we sit back and let it get worse?

Anonymous said...

Has the board seen "A Rich Tradition of Excellence" on handouts and the school web site? Apparently not.

Marshall kids pay the price said...

If they think they can cover up the problems and hope everyone will forget they are wrong. Instead it is creating a volcano that can erupt at any time. It erupted once already when a very very important bond was voted down because of these problems and mistrust. Had things been normal, imagine how awesome we could have remodeled MHS in these economic times. We could have gotten a huge bang for our buck and caught up with other area schools! By covering up the problems and supporting J. Phillips, the board will cost us millions of dollars and set us back for years to come. Now starts the cycle of lost students, budget cuts, more lost students, and so on. This could have been prevented too.

Anonymous said...

A board member assured me that they have changed and things are different now. If anyone on the board is reading this, you have a long way to go to rebuild trust. We are looking for real action, not hollow words.

Anonymous said...

The board is gambling that people will forget or give up and everything will blow over once they have a new superintendent. They seemed to have found their man, Randy Davis, a little friendlier version of JP. Someone not very experienced and willing to do whatever they want for the right price. Someone whose previous district is glad to see them go. Someone they can control and trust to not dig up any past dirt. Better yet, someone who will help cover up the past.

Walk the walk... said...

Really disappointing that nobody posting here, had the chutzpah to show up at the Middle School and voice your displeasure with what you perceive has happened with the Marshall Public Schools. All talk and no action, makes for very depressed individuals...Once again, with that being need to JUST MOVE ON!!!

Anonymous said...

That's because they are mostly teachers, support staff and their spouses who could realistically lose their jobs if they speak up. So we have gone underground, which I agree does not help much. Some have lost their jobs already. One even lost her life. Yes, it is that bad.

In over your heads... said...

Very sad indeed, when you have to bury your heads in the sand, unable to stand-up for what you think is right (may or may not be?). What stance has your union taken on your behalf, what have they done to make corrections? Sounds like the perfect way to communicate with the Board and garner any support from the taxpayers in the community...hard to expect any assistance when you won't help yourselves...GREAT SHOW!

Keep up the good job board!!!!!!! said...

Dr. Joyce Phillips and her board have completely defeated the entire teaching staff and support staff! They have a double defeat of the custodians who were ALL FIRED!! Ha ha ha!!! I support ya Joyce! Mr. Klochack has done a great job cleaning up MHS!!! Those spoiled brat kids need to be put in their places. Those whiny teachers get what they deserve. I say cut their pay as much as needed to balance the budget, build a big fund equity and reward our fearless leaders. Dr. Phillips, Enjoy your second retirement, you deserve it! Yes this is how I feel! I support the school board who all feel the same way! Yes, this is how it is and I couldn't be happier! Thanks teachers for being cowards. Ha ha ha! Enjoy your spring break! Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They have done a great job "fixing" the schools! They have made sure they took care of "teachers who do not want to do their jobs." They "fixed" the "broken" middle school and high school. They have "put the kids back in line." They have "fixed" the problems of "underpaid" top administrators.

By the way, the words in quotes are quoted from school board leaders. This si how they see it. By any means or methods necessary, they view their actions as a "success." They think they are doing a great job! It is everyone else who is to blame- teachers, parents and the kids.

Does anyone else feel the same as our longtime board leaders?

"Oh my gosh"... said...

Can anyone say "Hissy Fit"???

Anonymous said...

There will be no real changes when "doctor" Davis replaces "doctor" Phillips this summer. Just another poorly qualified superintendent with no significant educational experience taking orders from a school board that at best is clueless, and at worst is on a reckless powertrip.

Anonymous said...

The budget will be telling. Since he is here once a week it would seem the budget would be his baby, too.

Anonymous said...

The fact is the board and Mrs. Phillips made a big mess of things. Staff morale and community trust is at the lowest levels I can think of since the early 1970s. The major bond that should have been passed did not because of these problems and terrible leadership. What price will this be in the future? What if we never recover and get into an Athens-style "death spiral" of losing students and cutting programs? That appears to be the direction we are headed. I quit trusting this board when their bad decisions and lies became too predictable. If you read back on this blog a few years it predicted almost everything bad or stupid the board did with amazing accuracy. John and Annette if you truly care start speaking out against the others. You know we can and should be doing much better!

Anonymous said...

What can be done now? If if an entirely new board took over and all wanted to truly turn things around, is it too late? It would take years of hard work and cooperation to undo the damage of the last five years.

Anonymous said...

Are the rumors of 20-30 layoffs true? When will the board share their "plan" of what will be cut. Is Joyce Phillips and Randy Davis "the good doctors" part of this process?

I grieve for the loss of MPS and what it always was said...

The individuals that post things like: 'just move on', 'water under the bridge', etc. truly prove their ignorance of what has happened since Joyce Phillips arrived in Marshall.

When you go through the treatment handed out by Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf and yes Amy Jones (not innocent just because they have found other jobs) then you watch your friend go through Nazi type interrogation (thanks Bryan Klochak) and has to seek medical treatment for extreme stress and ultimately dies of a massive stroke.... you too will not just move on....

Until this community realizes the extent of the damage allowed, knowingly by the Board, to loved will not be able to move on. Much damage has been done at the hand of Joyce Phillips. I know she will have to stand accountable in the end - but for now - we still grieve for the lose of our friend, Kathy P., and also for the lose of a wonderful school family that was thriving and abounding with love prior to the Good Doctor being allowed to attack and hurt members of this MPS family. I will not move on until she is gone. I will not move on until my grief is over. Some of us can not just lift the rug and shove this damage under it.

We all lose much $$$ and reputation said...

Don't forget to spread the word that the bad leadership of the Marshall schools has not only damaged the schools severely but has damaged the property values in Marshall. So when someone says they have no kids in the schools and do not care, remind them their house is likely worth 10-20% less because of the problems in the schools. Marshall houses, which once sold quickly, now are selling very slowly and at big losses. It hurts the business community too and is making it more difficult to attract new businesses. Now that the bond failed due to terrible leadership, the Marshall schools will fall much further behind. We have to compete but we are in decline. Maybe that is how our "leaders" want it? If their goal is a class "C" or "D" school district someday, they are doing a great job! We even lost out on the $1.5 million recording studio because of them!!! Imagine how it is affecting our kids. Ask students at MHS if things are better under Klochack? Ask any teacher you know who trusts you to share the truth. You will be shocked!

Can the anonymous donor in California help bail us out of this mess? Can the Frankes use their power and influence to solve the problems of the schools?

Keep pressure n the board said...

Two board members told me that they agree it is good to get a new superintendent, no love lost there. They said they worked hard to pass the bond and blamed the economy for it not passing. I disagree, I think supporting Phillips and firing the janitors played the biggest role in the bond not passing. The board is clearly hoping everyone will just forgive and forget. They are clearly stressed and frustrated. The heat and criticism is getting to them in a big way. They like how Randy Davis is a "Dr." and how the CISD supposedly likes him. Being that Bob "take the money and run" Currie's wife runs the CISD (yes, she has the real power) that is not a good thing. Hey Bob, pay back the $70,000 you got in an illicit manner from our schools! It cost you your reputation and integrity!

Phillips proved that being a "Dr." had nothing to do with being able to be an effective and competent leader. The board members claim they accomplished a lot and that firing the janitors was a good thing. I think the failure of the bond and the poor performance and increased costs of the "private" custodial service have proven them wrong. But keep talking to the board members any chance you get. They are on the defensive and feeling the anger of their decisions, or lack there of. If they do not fire Phillips they will prolong the problems for years to come. Everyone knows that justice and accountability needs to be applied to Joyce too! The mountain of dirt under the rug is getting too high to ignore.

Anonymous said...

If Davis is so good, how is it that no one in the CISD tipped us off? Why did we spend the search money?

Anonymous said...

Marshall is a laughingstock again for hiring Randy Davis away from Athens. We look like idiots hiring a third rate (at best) superintendent at what should be a first rate school district. But the same thing happened when they hired Joyce Phillips. Her district was also thrilled to get rid of her too. Is anyone else tired of Marshall being the laughingstock of the county? Argh!

Anonymous said...

Apparently not our school board!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board is in the process of seeking input about how best we can deal with the challenges we face. Student enrollment decline is a trend caused by a smaller pool of younger students moving up and the loss of jobs which has lead to many families moving away. We are excited about Dr. Davis as our new superintendent and he is already hard at work building a new leadership team. Yes, its a new start in the Marshall schools! I would like to thank all of those who have been contributing ideas about how we can minimize the impact of budget cuts on our school programs. We appreciate the cooperation of our excellent teachers and parents who have been involved in this process. If you have questions or ideas please contact any of your school board members. We would be happy to clarify any questions or concerns.

Anonymous said...

I give the board member who posted this credit for coming on this blog, if it is a board member. Now I hope to see them do something about Joyce Phillips like fire her. That would help restore trust.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of worry about the cuts, layoffs and Joyce Phillips role in these decisions.

Anonymous said...

Hey teachers- you losers! I hope your resumays are up to date!!! Ha Ha Ha!

Long live Joyce Phillips, the best superintendent Marshall has ever seen! Thanks board for your courage taking on lazy people who did not want to do their jobs.

Welcome Dr. Davis! You have a much better school system to manage than what existed four years ago.

Anonymous said...

Nice spelling, Athens grad.

Anonymous said...

Board member: The population trend, loss of local jobs and the general economy have been known for years. Where was your leadership? You let Joyce cut classes and make other short term changes in order to brag about surpluses. Now, that has come home to roost. You want our advice now?

You had no plan. You have no plan. Joyce has left you in a mess.

What is your strategy? Cutting the budget must be done so as to eliminate the weak and support the needed. You have not share with us what those might be.

You ask for a meeting and then say you just want input before you tell us what you really want to do. Bullshit.


CAUTION!!!, TT on deck... said...

"Quick, somebody get the soap...we have a toilet tongue in the area"!!! Could it be an educator???

Anonymous said...

The board never lets the facts get in the way of a good PR campaign.

Anonymous said...

Is it true Klochack is not being renewed and will be leaving this summer? I know several board members were not happy with him and leaving him around will be a reminder of Joyce Phillips and the fiasco to remove Ron B. I hope the rest of the board are not protecting him for some shady reasons.

Anonymous said...

So are there for sure any write in candidates?? Has anyone agreed to this??

Anonymous said...

None I am aware of. Imagine if you and another person ran and won. Then you want to do the right thing to clean up the mess. But there is one problem! An organized majority of 5 run the board and do as they please. Ask Sam and Bob about how this works. This group will meet in private (against the law?) and make all decisions. They will vote as a block and run everything. Then if you do not go along with their agenda, they will treat you like crap and try to pressure you to join them or leave the board. You will spend countless hours frustrated that nothing is being accomplished and you are being steamrolled week after week. What about John and Annette? Not sure if they are full fledged members of this group but they are too weak to speak up and do anything else. They are being used by this group and it is damaging their reputation severely. What about Ali? She is a full member of this group, she has proved this over and over and has put in extraordinary efforts to protect Joyce Phillips, pressure out Ron Behrenwald, attack Kathy Petrich and the teachers, was enthusiastic about firing the custodians, was close to Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf, protects Klochack, covers up scandals, and much more too.

Now why would anyone want to run for the board under these circumstances? I think the only solution is a recall. Then we can maybe start fresh and start fixing the problems and disaster created during the last 4-5 years. But non staff will need to start this recall.

Support Hulkow, recall board radicals said...

It is no secret that the board majority (Vic, Janice, Paul, Ali) and their buddy Joyce Phillips have been gunning for Hulkow for sometime. We all know Dan's motives, going back to when he was demoted from the girls Varsity basketball position. Now they are pressuring Hulkow to quit at least one of his jobs as a step towards forcing him out completely.

Expect the worst with Joyce Phillips and her board supporters. Phillips deserves to be fired and only keeps her job because the board covers up her lies and scandals. For this and other terrible actions this group deserves to be recalled!

Keep Hulkow, recall the board JP supporters! Or sit back and let them ruin our school further and give Joyce an undeserved "golden parachute" of a 2nd Michigan retirement.

A Recall Is The Only Choice...MOVE NOW said...


Totally disgusted with the Board. They are ruining our district. If a recall does not happen immediately (April 2009) it was be too late to save our district.

New superintendent - all new Board members NOW! Without a total Board turnover there is no chance to move forward!

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