Saturday, April 11, 2009

Joyce Phillips' Last Stand

As seen in this weeks Ad-Visor/Chronicle.


It has come to the attention of many school district supporters that a recommendation is being made by our Supt. at this coming Monday, April 13th school board meeting to terminate coach Rich Hulkow's contract with the district! Rather than serving as both Athletic Director and football coach, he has been asked by the Supt. to choose one or the other and the board is to act on this recommendation Monday night. Quite frankly, we find it hard to believe that such an action would even be considered by the board. Given that a new Supt. has been hired, such a recommendation should be deferred to the new Supt. in a similar and consistent manner as with the Asst Supt. and Curriculum Director's positions.

Rich Hulkow's effort as both A.D. and football coach over the past 25 years has been outstanding. It would be difficult to find a comparable record. In addition to growing the athletic program to provide equitable opportunities for boy and girls and managing it competently for 25 years, he has brought many dollars to the district via his initiatives. This would include starting the Redhawk Open (est. $500,000 over 25 years) and raising additional dollars through revitalization of the Athletic Boosters organization resulting in greater membership revenue and initiating booster activities such as the former bingo game and present tailgate sales, etc. Further, the present contract arrangement entered into by the board by way of a 3rd party on coach Hulkow's behalf two years ago, has resulted in savings to the district of over $25,000 annually. Board President Vic Potter at the time was heard to have said the cost savings agreement was a good business decision. In liht of the district's present finances, the decision to undo this arrangement looks foolish and suggests an ulterior motive on the part of the Supt. considering that Rich has continued to do an excellent job. As to Rich's coaching success, there are very few coaches who have won 80% of their games over this long a career, particularly considering that many of these games were played against larger Class A Schools. Additionally, his hiring and maintaining an excellent coaching staff in football and in other sports has allowed the continuation of a fine athletic program. Why change now? What's the rationale/motive? If the Board supports this change, it is a certainty that the district would lose booster support, Redhawk Open support and would most likely further undermine the prospect for passing a bond issue. We have even heard some booster suggest a Board recall if this change were to be supported by the Board.

If school district residents wish to support Coach Hulkow and maintain his outstanding leadership as both A.D. and football coach, please attend the school board meeting on Monday, April 13th at 7PM at Gordon Elementary School and tell the board how you feel!

Yours Truly,
Lou Giannunzio, Former Supt. 1983 - 2001
Paul Herman, Local Businessman and football coach
Steve Hageman, Former Booster President
Doug Jackson, Booster Treasurer
Jeff Albaugh, Former school board president (served 12 years)
Bob Lyng, School board 12 years, Boosters President 13 years
Lynn Kalinoski, Redhawk Open Chairman


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! It is about time for some community members to speak out and take a stand against this supt and board who for way too long have been hell bent on destroying a once great district. We should have joined together three years ago in support of Ron Behrenwald when the "Doctor" wrongly convinced the board that he was incompetent. All he did was support his staff, students and high school when it was obvious that the "Doctor" had no clue about the operation of a high school. She was the one who should have been forced out. Look at MHS now. Talk to some seniors and juniors and any staff member and ask if we are better off now. The shiny new media center and offices only cover up the miserable morale and frustration. Just ask around. Now that people are being encouraged to come to the board meeting and speak out about Coach Hulkow maybe others will come and speak out about all the other miserable things this group has done to a once proud MHS. Even though the "Doctor" only has a few months left to continue her destruction that is time enough for ALL of us let her and the board know how we feel. With community support perhaps the staff will feel more free to express their feelings publicly. Never too late.

Second opinion... said...

WOW!!!!! Looks like the "Incredible Bulk" is rallying the troops. As King Hussein Obama has said recently, "Change is good, change, not more of the same".....or as they say in the real world,"What have you done for me lately"???

Time for change! said...

I would say the vast majority of the staff and community will back Coach Hulkow against Joyce Phillips and her board friends-Stulberg, Beardslee, Potter, and Webb.

I hope this fight is the last one that will bring down this corrupt regime. Two above is correct, it is at least three years too late! Too late to save Ron. B or Kathy P.

Hopefully the truth will come out and JP will lose her 2nd Michigan retirement. The battle is just getting started! I hope there is a recall! That is what is most needed to turn this mess around! Do it for the kids!

The smoking lamp is lit... said...

"If the Board supports this change, it is a certainty that the district would lose booster support, Redhawk Open support and would most likely further undermine the prospect for passing a bond issue. We have even heard some booster suggest a Board recall if this change were to be supported by the Board".

Lou Giannunzio, Former Supt. 1983 - 2001
Paul Herman, Local Businessman and football coach
Steve Hageman, Former Booster President
Doug Jackson, Booster Treasurer
Jeff Albaugh, Former school board president (served 12 years)
Bob Lyng, School board 12 years, Boosters President 13 years
Lynn Kalinoski, Redhawk Open Chairman

Were any from the above list, supporters of the request to exempt Bingo Night from the smoking ban imposed on school property a few years back? It was touted then that it would be the 'End All', forget about health issues, if smoking was not allowed at this event!
If the current and new Superintendent are supported by this Board, does it mean that the 'king' has left the building???

Anonymous said...

No surprise that the anti-Lou board (yes, that was the main reason this group was organized in the first place) are still exacting revenge in any way they want, now against Mr. Hulkow. Just ask any staff member, or if you have read this blog the last 2 years, it is not a surprise. Mr. Hulkow is way too competent and successful for them to support. They prefer idiots and fools who are loyal to them. Mr. Hulkow cares about the Marshall schools too much and the community to openly support their foolish blunders, injustice, lies and scandals of the last four years. Now it is time for "payback" for his lack of loyalty to the corrupt regime.

Recall the board members who are on another reckless powertrip. Support Mr. Hulkow!

Anonymous said...

Fire Joyce Phillips, not Rich Hulkow!!!

Time for a recall? said...

They protect Mrs. Phillips, the worst superintendent in MPS history, give the do nothing Tech Director a $30,000 raise, protect Klochack, Holbrook and Turner no matter how poorly they manage their buildings. Then they force out Ron Behrenwald and now Rich Hulkow? Two of the best the MPS has had in leadership! Rich Hulkow is a legend and a great role model for the kids! Add this to the long list of other mean, arrogant and just plain stupid things our board has "fixed" in the last few years. No wonder the bond did not pass!

We all tried working with Beardslee, Darling, Potter, Webb, Stulberg and the rest. Our pleas fell on deaf ears or worse. It is now time I think for a recall. There are no other options left.

Don't think so... said...

"Rich Hulkow is a legend"

He is a legend in his own mind...and maybe yours?

Ditto said...

The loser teachers and the loser Hulkow all need to be put into their places. Dr. Phillips is the best!!! You are right above, it is time for a change and that change is pushing Hulkow out. The loser teachers will do nothing and the blowhards on this blog will do nothing so we have nothing to worry about. Our excellent board and superintendent have done a superb job leading our schools and are making outstanding decisions. Hey teachers, tell us who you whiners are! It will make it easier as we make layoff lists- ha, ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hulkow has been a dedicated leader who not only is a great football coach but worked very hard for about 25 years building up the entire Marshall schools sports program. He does not deserve this nonsense Joyce Phillips and her idiot supports are threatening him with. Is this all about the old basketball feud Dan? Blame Lou G. and the Degraws, it wasn't Hulkow. Is this because Hulkow does not put up worth Phillips's crap? Only an coward, an idiot or both would!

I support Rich Hulkow as he motivated students said...

I believe Rich Hulkow has been a wonderful role model to many students. No one person can be everything to every student - but Rich has touched many lives. I have worked at MHS and personally witnessed Rich discipline as well as encourage students - not just athletes. This is undoubtedly Joyce trying to get in her last knife in the back. The harm that has been done, the harm that has been allowed to be done has resulted in nothing good for Marshall Schools. The Behrenwalds survived....and are happy at Cedar Springs. Kathy I look at her picture on my desk and type this --- did not survive the attacks by Joyce. Many have been attacked.....

Hello Board - maybe the Change that is needed is you. A recall should have happened when you ignored the concerns for this district by your staff in December 2006. I would wholeheartedly support a recall as none of you have done what I voted speak for me the tax payer.

If there were to be any removal it should be and should have been JOYCE PHILLIPS. Grab yourself by the kahonna's and do what is right. Ship Joyce out now....she has committed many attacks that were totally unwarranted....bad performers should not be rewarded with a second retirement!!!!

Anonymous said...

Attacking Rich Hulkow proves that this board and their incompetent superintendent Joyce are very mean, arrogant and on a big powertrip. No surprise as they have been doing this for years. The current unjust attack on Rich Hulkow was predicted on this web site along with every other bad thing they have done.

Anonymous said...

I did not see anything on the board agenda for tonight 4-13 about Rich Hulkow. Is Phillips planning to sneak this in somehow?

Anonymous said...

I never could figure out why the board (minus John and Annette) hates Mr. Hulkow so much. It is certainly personal. They have said such awful things about him for years. I have never heard anything like that from anyone else! Mr. Hulkow is highly respected by the staff and other coaches. Yes, when you are AD there is not enough money to please everyone all the time. Yes, some parents get mad when their kids get cut or don't get the play time they want. But that is all a part of the job. It sounds like a few squeaky wheels and vindictive board members are out for revenge. I would hope Dan Stulberg is not leading this effort because of a coaching dispute that was not even Mr. Hulkows fault.

Anonymous said...

Little the board or Mrs. Phillps does makes sense. It makes you wonder who they are working for?

More revenge and infighting? said...

You have to remember in 25 years or whatever it is, Coach Hulkow accumulated some angry parents and coaches. Now they are out to get him. Especially when at least one of them is on the school board and others are friends with board members. What is the official spin on the reason for this action? Having said that, unless there is a smoking gun this is ridicules! Why wasn't JP held accountable for all the bad and stupid things she did the last five years?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hulkow does NOT deserve such unprofessional and rude treatment after all he has done for the Marshall schools. Do you know how many times he is at MHS all day and then all evening? Or on the weekend too. He has put in a ton of hours year round. Look at how outstanding the Marshall football and other sports programs have become under his leadership!

Hulkow did not cost us the bond, Phillips did! Fire her! She is the embarrassment that everyone wants out.

Compensated well... said...

Yes, I would imagine we would all stay at MHS all day, all night and weekends too, if we were being paid in the six figure income range...give me a break!!!

Anonymous said...

Unless it has changed he has three big jobs- athletic director, Varsity football coach and part-time assistant Principal. Since Mr. Klochack and Mrs. Nessel are often out of the building, my husband who teaches at MHS, says he is often the only Principal around. If he made as much as the superintendent I would say he is well worth it. He will be nearly impossible to replace.

Anonymous said...

The custodians, Behrenwald, Petrich, Hulkow whose next on the hit list?

Anonymous said...

"What have you done for me lately"??? How about taking the football team deep into the state playoffs last year. With many returning starters and a strong JV team moving up one has to have think he should make another run at a state title next season. If we allow him to be pushed out now, how long will it take to hire a replacement? Without a strong head coach in place this spring how may students may opt for school of choice next year? It seems with Joyce on her way out she should allow her replacement to have input into these types of decisions.

Support Hulk said...

This is about personal vendettas, hate and revenge- pure and simple. Dirty politics at its worst!

The board leaders are doing this in as humiliating of a way they can think of, with JP leading the charge as usual!

Coach Hulkow is about the last person in the MPS do deserve such treatment after an outstanding career and dealing with many very difficult issues over the last 27 years.

Where can I sign for a board recall? Any board member who votes or works against Hulkow deserves to be recalled. This is the last straw!

Anonymous said...

It figures the Phillips and her board would pick an obscure board meeting, held at Gordon school, the Monday after spring break while we are supposedly in a transition to a new superintendent, to go after Rich Hulkow.

What sleazebags would do this? Oh yeah, Joyce would- of course!

Hey Vic, just when you get a mountain of goodwill as we supported you in your recovery you would turn around and screwover and backstab Rich Hulkow? Dan, if you vote anything against Rich I will lose all respect for you. Paul, forget it- I lost respect for you a few years ago, Janice- are you still out to get revenge for your buddies Georgia M. and Marsha H-F? RH never did anything to them, quit attacking everyone you dislike because of Lou. Ali, do you know anything about what a legend Rich has been to the Marshall schools for 27 years? John and Annette, I am expecting you both to be staunchly opposed to such nonsense.

Anonymous said...

If the board is trying to ruin the Marshall schools they are doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Rich Hulkow agree to "retire" early so the school district could save a ton of money on insurance and retirement costs? Then after doing this big favor to save money for the schools, he is now being stabbed in the back by Joyce Phillips and the MPS board

Lose Rich - watch the students leave!!!!! said...

Joyce will not be happy until she fully attacks Rich. Rich has a very impressive history of helping Marshall students by role modeling and encouraging them to do their best. Once again - those who are blindly led by Joyce will help to ruin Marshall Schools. Rich has generated thousands of dollars to match what the district puts into the athletic program. He spearheads the booster drive to maintain sports in Marshall.

Joyce hates Rich! Rich was a very supportive administrator to Ron B. and to Ray D. Rich stood by Ron when he was wrongly pushed out of MHS. Rich has spoke up to Joyce at each and every turn when he knew Joyce was attacking staffers. During the attack of Kathy P. by Joyce and Metcalf - Rich also spoke his piece -

I am sick to death of what this Board is allowing and supporting. I would be 100% in favor of recalling the elected board members that continue to harm MPS and thus losing students to school of choice.

Has Dan Stulberg not gotten over his losing his basketball coaching job 10 years ago. We all knew that is why Dan ran for the Board. Once again - 'self serving' not 'serving the community that elected them'. Recall should happen - not just talk of a recall....

Remember - Georgia M. could end up on the Board again....she was recalled for not 'serving the community that elected her'. Self serving seems to be the hidden agendas - - - Yes she hates Rich also.

It appears the 'good versus evil' will continue in Marshall. Say goodbye to more student aid - THANKS BOARD - you - not the bond defeat - ARE THE ONLY REASON WE ARE LOSING STUDENTS TO SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. One mistake can be understood....repeatedly making decisions that cost our district has become your way of operation.

appalled said...

As someone who used to live a mere ten miles from Dr. Phillips former school district, and still have friends in that area, I have the opportunity to talk to them on a semi-regular basis. They ALL tell me that they were all happy to see her go and that thier district has vastly improved since her departure.

Now, as she prepares to depart our district, she has one last axe to grind.Why would this board let her accomplish such a dirty deed?

Rich Hulkow has already fallen on the sword when he SAVED the district big money by going to a private contract. He is dedicated to our kids and cares for them deeply.

For board members to sit up there Monday and flat out deny that any meeting has never transpired that the ultimatum was never mentioned to Rich that he would have to choose between AD and head coach but can't be both, is incredulous! Maybe not in an "official" meeting, but it certainly has happened in "back door" meetings. Don't sit there and act like it has never happened. It was like watching Bill Clinton testify all over again.

With the savings Rich has given the district,they still claim a loss in the athgletic department. Half of the pay to play money is being shuffled into the general fund instead of staying in the department is was supposed to be supporting. They don't want us to know that. Put those funds back where they are supposed to be and let's see how your spread sheet looks now....

You won't find a more dedicated multi-tasker than Rich. It will take at least two new people to do what he does. How does that save the the district money? I'm sure with all thier smoke and mirrors they will try to convince us it will....

Anonymous said...

Boy am I glad my kids go to Lakeview. Marshall sure has turned into a joke over the years. What happened to that Redskin Pride?

Anonymous said...

Anyone second-guessing Coach Hulkow's abilities now? State Champs and the Coach of the Year!
People are idiots...

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

3.) Every card poses the same chance or game odds of winning at a game of online bingo. Hence, if you play with more cards, you are increasing your game odds and winning chances. [url=]online games bingo[/url] There are 75 balls in all with numbering from one to 75. Hence, the probability of any random number to come in the first draw is 1/75. There are three accepted tests for assuring randomness of the balls. These are:
o Numbers ending in 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, etc. are in equal proportions.
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o Odd and even numbers occur in equal balances. [url=]free bingo cash[/url] The easiest way to avoid falling victim to a scam is to know the site on which you choose to play. One of the ways this can be accomplished is to talk to other people who play online Bingo to get a feel for the sites they use and what kind of experiences they have had with the site. In most cases, word of mouth is going to be your most accurate means of determining the legitimacy of a Bingo or any other gaming site. Of course, if you are using a free site, knowing about the experiences that others have had with the site is not quite as important, although you do not want to waste your time with something that is unlikely to produce any beneficial results. Of course, a free site is not going to give you much in the way of monetary compensation, and the prizes may be minimal, but for those who are addicted to the game, the challenge is there.
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In bingo, each player will get a sheet, which has six cards with a total of 90 numbers. On each one of these bingo cards, you will find 27 spaces grouped in 9 columns x 3 rows format. Each number is unduplicated; hence, it will not be repeated anywhere else in the sheet.

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Nitrates cause blue-baby syndrome. VOCs are those toxic chemicals you read so much about. Many are potential carcinogens. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies..On Alabama's eastern border, nestled amid gentle hills that overlook the mighty Chattahoochee River is a cluster of four small textile mill towns-Shawmut, Langdale, Fairfax, and Riverview- all on the National Registry of Historic Places. In 1980 these villages incorporated as the city of Valley, a community of nearly 10,000 residents. The Chattahoochee Valley Railroad served the region for nearly 100 years, carrying passengers, cotton, cloth, and supplies. Pain in your tendons---the fibrous matter that connects muscle to bone---is usually caused by a condition called tendinitis, or inflammation of the tendon. Injury or overuse leads to tendinitis, and the condition is most common in the shoulder, wrist, heel and elbow. Depending on the location of the pain, the condition can also be called tennis elbow, swimmer's shoulder or jumper's knee. [url=]Cycle Jersey[/url] Herbal Test for Genital WartsGenital warts usually occur on the penis, or inside or around the vagina or rectum. They can be painless, or they can itch and burn, causing discomfort during sexual intercourse. According to Home Remedies for You, they can also cause bleeding as well as vaginal discharge. There are a number of buyer's guides that compare specific models (see links below). In general, you will want to compare based on your needs and potential purchase's magnification. If you are looking to buy the binoculars for sporting events, then consider something with a wide view and low magnification, perhaps 6x35, as compared with the 8x30 useful for stargazing.. [url=]Cycle Jersey[/url] Panic will only exasperate the symptoms. The teacher or school nurse should administer any medication approved for the child. Have another student or teacher get a glass or bottle of water. The goal of water fluoridation is to prevent a chronic disease whose burdens particularly fall on children and on the poor. Its use presents a conflict between the common good and individual rights. It is controversial, and opposition to it has been based on ethical, legal, safety, and efficacy grounds.Paper recycling does mean fewer trees are used to make paper, but all-new paper is almost always made from trees specifically grown for papermaking. A tree harvested for papermaking is soon replaced by another, so the cycle continues. "We are not talking about the rain forest or old growth in the Pacific Northwest," says Champion Paper's Martin Blick. ConsiderationsAccording to Eric "BigHorn" Anderson's article for Chicago Bike Winter, the most important areas to consider for cold weather bicycling are the feet, hands and head. Both Anderson and Bicycling Life state that most cleated bicycling shoes are not warm enough for cold weather riding. Many riders switch to toe clips during the winter so they can wear warmer shoes.It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies..