Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thank you!

Wow. What a week it has been here at MPS Change is Good. Since Monday the 13th we have averaged 200 page visits and 300 page views per day. Keep spreading the word about


Anonymous said...

It is obvious that there has been a huge and well-deserved outpouring of support for Mr. Hulkow. So far the only supporters of such moves against him are either those who have a personal vendetta or various fringe elements.

Anonymous said...

Vic Potter blew a golden opportunity to muster the goodwill of community and staff support for his recovery into something positive- like working together for good changes. Instead he threw it away on petty board politics like trying to harm Mr. Hulkow before JP leaves town. It should be the other way around, Vic should be holding Joyce accountable and figuring out how to remove her sooner rather than later.

BC Enquirer updated article said...

Support Mr. Hulkow! Here is the 4-15-09 BC Enquirer article:

Get ready boys and girls... said...

Southfield schools to lay off 150; more cuts likely next year.

Contact the MPS board said...

If you have concerns or questions about (1) upcoming budget cuts, (2) programs you care about, (3) administrative raises (Tech Director got about 40% in 3 years, Phillips 9% plus 2nd MI retirement, new supt. huge 11% raise despite weak background), (4) whether or not Mr. Hulkow should be removed from football coaching and/or his AD job, (5) whether or not Joyce Phillips should be held accountable for fireable offenses, or (6) other concerns, then please contact the MPS board members below,,,

Vic Potter:
Paul Beardslee:
Dan Stulberg
Janice Darling:
John Coulter:
Ali Webb:
Annette Campau:

The board welcomes your input as they make up to $2 million in budget cuts.

Let them know what you think and how you feel! Most are in the phone book if you prefer to call.

Anonymous said...

Are they trying to force Mr. Hulkow out so they can give Dave Turner the AD job? Or are they just trying to humiliate Mr. Hulkow by letting Joyce Phillips jerk him around? Or both?

Go Hulk! Your former students are behind you all the way!

Go RedHawks!

Anonymous said...

Does this have something to do with "silent Dan S."? I would hope not.

Time for Bulk to retire for good said...

You loser teachers need to quiet down if you want to keep your jobs. Let's face it, the Bulk needs to go. You should be happy you have a job, at least until the budget cuts are made- ha ha! Dr. Phillips did the right thing dealing with Ron B. and the custodians too. She should be commended for her courage. She inherited many problems from Lou, Bob and the boys.

Also a big thanks to the for your support of our brave superintendent on the Bulk issue. Theres still is work to do to clean up our schools before Dr. Davis arrives this summer. Also thank you school board members for all of the long hours of volunteer work you do for our schools!

Job well done!

Anonymous said...

Dr. P has cleaned up a lot of messes and is leaving our district in a lot better shape. Tough decisions were made to improve the bottom line. Our schools are a business and some people act like the money is endless. Thank goodness she's begun to stop the bleeding out started by our former Supt. Unpopular decisions never make someone a favorite. Good Luck to her and may both of our futures be brighter. Marshall will still be here when she's gone. Marshall is still a great place and we are not defined by our superintendent!

Unknown said...

Comment to "Time for Bulk to Retire", I am not sure who you think that you are, or where you get your information, however it definately is not completely correct. I would have to say that what is in the best interest of the School and the district is not what has always been on the Supers mind. If decisions that have been made were good ones, then why can the board and the administration not tell us what good has been done. I have been trying to find out since the decision was made, where and how much money was been saved by eliminating the custodians. To this date, I have not got an answer. Glad that I am not holding my breath. That decision was made not made with anyones best interest in mind. That was handled with lots of sneaky business. Hiding the truth from the individuals that it would affect.
In the future, make sure that you know what you are talking about. Talk to the people that have lived it.
Comment to the last poster: If you think that our Super has the district and our financal status in her heart and has done the best that she could, explain why when starting here, not that long ago, why did she have to spend district money to remodel her office???Was that a better idea than spending the money on learning tools for our children?
Again, I say, if you are going to talk or post, make sure that you know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

LOL, you posted twice in the same evening! You must be really bored. It's very apparent that you too are a Koolaid drinker along with the majority of the board. I find it amazing that some of you are still delusional enough to continue to buy JKP's story. Please crawl back from under the rock from which you came. You are correct in the fact that Marshall will still be here once she is gone, but you can bank on it that it will be a much worse place than before she arrived. Ask the parents of the 150+ students who've sent their kids to Mar-Lee and Olivet and surrounding schools. It's not just the economy stupid.

Unknown said...

Why have so many financial cuts been made, however the raises of upper administration continue to rise....Sounds like Kids First to me! (Sarcasm)
Hostile working environments is not what is best for our students.
What are we teaching our students, to be sneaky, tricky?
At the Board meeting, many attend in support of Mr. Hulkow. However, alot like the custodial issue, it wasn't on the agenda. Isn't it funny how that happended. It seems like history repeating itself. Lets just hope that Mr. Hulkow get a little more respect than the previous employees received.
Especially when Joyce is leaving in two months, how is it that she has this much control? I wish that everyone on the board would stand up and work for the community and our students.

Support Mr. Hulkow! said...

If Mr. Hulkow is forced out of any aspect of his current job or coaching my kids will start going to another area school!

Reality check- Joyce Phillips has been a big disaster for the Marshall schools. JP and her bad leadership caused the vital MHS bond to fail-period! Almost everyone I asked who voted against the bond said we needed a new superintendent first. That missed opportunity may cost us millions in the long run, and in some ways we may never fully recover. The board shares the responsibility for either backing or encouraging such bad leadership. Petty and sleazy politics is suspected. Our kids and community are paying the price.

Anonymous said...

77 days and we should be much better off!

Anonymous said...

Don't count on it! JP is nothing, I mean nothing whatsoever, without the school board backing her. She proved herself incompetent, mean and dishonest time and time again. No other school district I know of would have tolerated or rewarded such bad leadership. The board, most at least, are as much responsible if not more so for all that has happened. Now they found another superintendent with a weak background from a district happy to see him leave- sound familiar? Then I am sure they will make him carry out their plans to keep "fixing" the schools, or lose his job. Loyalty is rewarded while competence and dedication is punished. I hope I am wrong, but that has been the track record of the last four years. I see no evidence anything is getting better. Georgia will replace Paul- same thing. Mr. DeSmet, like John C. a nice guy who will be pressured to go along with the majority. Even if he does not, one person cannot change anything.

It will be interesting to see how they target the budget cuts. Things will get worse.

MHS Students support Coach Hulkow said...

The students of MHS support Mr. Hulkow. We see how hard he works all the time, even in the summer. What would MHS be without him. He is such a positive role model and leader in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

I hope the board comes to their senses and drops all of this nonsense about claiming they are not targeting Mr. Hulkow but simply making job changes. We all know this is not true.

Anonymous said...

Joyce and Silent Dan Strike Back! ;)

When it fits....we must prosecute! said...

I keep wondering this: Why is it that Joyce Phillips could lie to the Prosecutor's office and still be employed at MPS? I firmly believe the air conditioner 'incident' should have been her 'firing'. We all know...she lied! We all know...her secretary (Kimberly) heard her tell the two employees to do the work on school time. How is it she could lie and get away with 'misappropriation of school funding'. She should be held accountable NOW!

Anonymous said...

J. Phillips board supporters have gone overboard to protect her no matter what she has done. She has engaged in many acts that range from unethical to dishonest and most likely criminal in at least this case above.

The truth about the board/Phillips relationship is shady and creepy at best, and most likely even worse. There are many questions and suspicions as to who is behind this and how they all work together. It has been well known that they wanted Mr. Behrenwald, Mr. Hulkow and many others gone the day Joyce arrived. These are old vendettas dating back to the fights they had with Lou G. Since most of those they were most mad at were gone they lashed out at anyone that would not go along with their plan or they felt were close with the previous leaders.

What if you were the MHS Principal and were ordered to unjustly punish good teachers because some board member did not like them? What if you were told to lie to cover something bad up? Would you engage in this unethical and illegal behavior? Or would you take a stand against this and other bad leadership decisions?

Ron B. Kathy P. and Rich H. are just a few who took a brave stand for what is right and what is best for the MPS? That is why they are/were targets.

That's just one small example of the problems with the board and Joyce Phillips. All other options to work with this group have been shot down or failed. Nothing short of a recall can fix these problems.

Anonymous said...

Talk about finances, what does Hulk make? He retires and then gets to come back to a full salary? Sounds like he's got a pretty sweet deal to me. No wonder he's fighting to make sure he gets the contract. In the real world none of us poor working folk get to take double the pay. No wonder he's mad at Joyce and the board for being slow!!! Is he the top paid Administrator...can anyone check this out? The poor teachers are going to have to make a cut, I don't expect him to offer to cut his salary. Hulk's too smart to make a change without a big benefit to himself. I can't blame him for wanting the big $... but it sounds like a win-win for him.

Anonymous said...

Finally, we may see the real reasons for the "Hulks" actions, as addressed above.
Maybe the Chronicle/Advisor should consider publishing the compensation packages for all of those with MPS???
Could make for some very interesting reading...I believe they are funded with our tax dollars...and would also help us understand why we could have a budget crisis.

Anonymous said...

You are right! If we cut Hulk's salary by say $25,000 and take away some of his responsibilities (asst. Principal and Coaching perhaps for this amount) we can save money. Then add them to Mr. Klochack, Mr. Holbrook or Mr. Turner, or why not incoming Superintendent Dr. Davis, for no extra pay! Now that would be a smart idea and could save money! What genius!

If you take away his asst. Principal role, then make sure Klochack or Nessel are always at MHS during the day and often at nights and on weekends, which currently is not often the case.

I see Dr. Davis is proposing at Athens that his replacement also be a Principal too. What another great idea! He can be Superintendent and a Principal in Marshall also! Why not? It would save a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to figure out why they would want a legendary football coach, with an outstanding record, who is a great role model to ALL students, and still is doing a great job, to step down from football coaching?

If there are performance issues then the board needs to say so. If it is because someone's kid did not make the team or the old Dan Stulberg basketball controversy, then the board has no business going after Hulkow for such petty personal issues.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Petrich and Ron Behrenwald were targeted over minor issues too. The custodians were all fired mostly because some board members disliked some custodians personally. Joyce Phillips has been rewarded for very poor leadership and job performance. What gives board? If you like someone they can do no wrong and if you dislike them for any reason they can do no right?

Bad leadership root cause of MPS problems said...

The budget cuts will be massive and lead to deep cuts in some programs and personnel.

It seems the board is dragging their feet on announcing budget cuts. They can't wait too long as they will need to start sending out the pink slips soon.

The Mr. Hulkow issue seems to be a diversion to take attention away from the real problems. Or its political payback for personal reasons.

Even if Mr. Hulkow decided to retire entirely, by the time they hire a new AD, a new head football coach and a part-time MHS asst. Principal (yes, they need this position or leave the building without an administrator much of the time!), they are not likely to do it any cheaper.

What else can they do? Cut the old Metcalf position- $100,000, "privatize" bus drivers and secretaries- maybe some small saving but at great other costs, cut a few teachers where enrollment is down, cut staff training, conference, maintenance, buying new supplies, technology and some sports programs. Well that would not likely cover even 1/4 of the $1.5 million or so they need to cut.

Well board you ignored your staff and many parents for five years that made all of our problems far worse. At least 150 lost students are connected to bad leadership issues. The bond failed because of bad leadership. Staff morale is down because of bad leadership. The school and community reputation is down because of bad leadership. Community trust and support is down because of bad leadership.

Now you have to deal with the mess you created.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Marshall property values are down because of bad leadership too!

Local businesses and the hospital should be very concerned. Hey Oaklawn, use your influence to get JP replaced now and pressure the board to get its act together or resign. Maybe the latter is best so we can get a fresh start.

Its an embarrassment we can no longer tolerate.

Predictions for 2009! said...

2009 Predictions:

Massive budget cuts hit the Marshall schools, more students leave- perhaps another 100 or more, which means another round of budget cuts...

Georgia Marsha rotates with Paul Beardslee to keep the same group running the school board. Mr. DeSmet joins too, but cannot do much even if he wanted to change things.

One way or another, perhaps in the summer, Mr. Hulkow is pressured or forced out of part or all of his responsibilities in the Marshall schools. A big loss for the kids.

Joyce Phillips leaves with a big party by her board friends. She enjoys her second Michigan retirement and is held accountable for absolutely nothing.

Dr. Davis comes on board and continues much of the same old same old with the same people running the board and the schools through him.

All current problems continue, nothing really improves.

These predictions are just too darn easy!

Only a recall of at least five board members as the last option may prevent all of this from happening.

How sad... :(

Anonymous said...

8:21am-Hulk did not retire and come back at FULL salary. You may find out everyone's salaries by filing a FOIA request at JKP's office, that is if you really care. It's easy to come on here and spout off about that which you don't know, make assumptions and voice opinions, but the reality of it is that Hulk likes working with kids and I applaud him for that. JKP doesn't even like kids and she makes a ton more than Hulk. Please name one thing that she's(personally) done that equates to "What's best for kids". How about checking into how much the Tech Director makes(when he's not downtown drinking coffee)?

Anonymous said...

Why did the board and Joyce Phillips give the Tech Director a raise from $60,000/year (more than fair for the little he does himself and does not delegate) to $85,000/year while cutting other areas and dealing with a deficit? Please explain.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hulkow is not the only administrator in the area to "retire" and come back as a contract employee. Both Lakeview and Harper Creek have administrators doing this. There is a significant savings to the district, because they no longer have to pay benefits (primarily retirement and insurance) for the employee who retires. (I would guess that the savings is close to $30,000 a year per employee). So districts convince some of their employees who are close to retirement to "retire" and come back as contract employees. It is win for the district because they get the same experienced administrator for a much lower cost, and it is a win for the employee because they get their retirement, and also the salary agreed to as a contract employee.
Mr. Hulkow should not be chastised for doing this, since I am sure the district was in favor of it because of the money they could save if he retired.
The real loser in this system is the Michigan Public School Employee Retirement System, because this is really taking advantage of a loophole in the retirement law.

Time for accountability and change! said...

Spread the word that we need at least one write-in candidate for the school board to run against Georgia Marsh. Does anyone know where Mr. DeSmet stands on the issues?

There is a lot of interest in a recall of Potter, Darling, Stulberg and Webb for the extreme support of Joyce Phillips and for working against the best interests of the school district. It would have been nice to recall Beardslee too but he would likely be off the board by the time it went through. Supposedly he aspires to higher office with his rich pro-Phillips patrons offering to foot his campaign bill. My guess he would get almost no votes from this town.

The last thing in the world this is about is money. The teachers and other staff have averaged less than 2% raises for years and now pay more toward lesser insurance. The staff would maybe even take a pay freeze if we had good, honest and trusted leaders that worked with us. This is 100% about doing what is best for the Marshall schools, the kids and the community!

Support Mr. Hulkow! said...

If you want to show your support of Mr. Hulkow or share any other questions or concerns call this number and leave a message for the Superintendent.

(269) 789-0579

Anonymous said...

"This is 100% about doing what is best for the Marshall schools, the kids and the community!"

No, volunteering to accept a reduction in total compensation would be the right thing to do for the district, the taxpayers and the kids...everybody in the country has been affected by these economic conditions and had to do with less, and yet the teachers always want more. A pay freeze in these times is the same as an increase. "Come on, help us out here"...

Fix main problems first said...

In reply to above...

First we need pay rollbacks for the superintendent, the Tech Director, the Business Manager and other positions which have received huge pay increases despite poor performance the last four years.

Reasonable pay for the quality level of the current or likely future job holders:

Superintendent: $90,000 is plenty for Dr. Davis
Business Manager: $80,000 should be plenty
Assistant Supt: Metcalf proved we do not need this position
Tech Director: for someone who doesn't do much and delegate most of his job, $60,000 is plenty.

Since teacher pay in the MPS has averaged 2% or less per year for a decade while inflation ran at 4-5% each year, the teachers have taken a pay cut of at least 20% after inflation.

Bad leadership has cost us perhaps 200 students, the MHS bond, community support and has lowered the property values in our community. What shall we fix first?

Keep will discover JKP's wrongdoings!!!! said...

I vote to get rid of Asst. Supt. position as Metcalf proved, with Joycy's support, that he could spend all day either out of the office or behind closed doors studying for his doctorate....yes while we the district taypayers paid the bill. OUT WITH ASST. SUPT. This district is too small for this position. In the Central Office....remember when Community Education was cut...well Joyce kept the secretary to that position to help the Asst. Supt. office who also employed a new position of HR Generalist - which was previously held by Judy Rogers, secretary. Hum...? So, in times of budget problems Joyce let one secretary retiree, cut one program hired a higher paying position of HR Generalist and kept secretary. Not sound budget decisions to me. Sounds like she needed someone with a title to take the heat when she further attacked employees....yes....she made sure Metcalf and the new HR Generalist did her dirty work. check out those white gloves of the supt....still clean as she has manipulated employees to do her attacks for her....Talk about shroud! Kind of like her bus garage lackey...Wally Walbeck...who doesn't seem to even understand when he is being used! What a shame this Board has been made aware of these issues repeatedly and have done nothing to fix these big problems. How much money has it cost this district for Joyce to do anything that it took to ensure she was not held accountable for her personnel attacks????? Sure you can FOIA these figures but you will never get the information you are requesting....remember...this supt. keeps separate records from those in the Business Office. Isn't there a law against keeping more than one record on employees or school business??????

Anonymous said...

MPS Budget Cuts article in the BC Enquirer 4-17-09:

If you have questions or concerns, or just want to share your opinion about any school issue, leave a message for the Superintendent at (269) 789-0579.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see how and where the many budget cuts will be targeted. JP and the board are already off to a very bad start. I would expect much worse is yet to come. Now if the leadership had been good the last five years, most of these cuts would not be necessary. Apathy and fear are JP and the board's best allies.

Anonymous said...

Why is the school board really trying to force Mr. Hulkow out? Why did they force Mr. Behrenwald out who was much better than his successor?

Anonymous said...

I hope the board has dropped this dumb idea about forcing Mr. Hulkow out of at least one of his jobs.

Even if Mr. Hulkow made more than the superintendent he would be worth it. If they are getting a first class Athletic Director, an outstanding head football coach and an added assistant Principal/building administrator to cover time and needs at MHS for anything under $150,000/year, they are getting a bargain!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you nuts? You must be family...

Anonymous said...

Is this Joyce, Dan or one of our board members? ;)

Anonymous said...

Sports, busing, the Arts and the elementary and MMS programs will be hit hard by the massive budget cuts.

Here is a phone number to share your concerns with the superintendent:


Leave a message if you get an answering machine, include your name and return phone number if you want a callback.

Chronicle Web site said...

Here is the Chronicle/Advisor web site with a poll and article about the Coach Hulkow controversy:

I am just disappointed they do not allow comments for quite sometime. Does this go back to when Joyce Phillips threatened the Chronicle and the MTA with lawsuits because of the staff survey and investigative reporting into the many JP scandals? Yes, it is true that JP and her board have used extreme and unethical actions to silence all critics.

All is well said...

The teachers should take pay cuts for the kids. Otherwise the board will have to make bigger cuts. We need higher pay to attract the best talent for the superintendent and other leadership positions. Hulkow has been here too long and we need some new people in charge. Mr. Klochack has done a great job cleaning up MHS. Dr. Phillips, we wish you well you have done much for our schools. Thank you school board for taking on a tough job and volunteering so many hours. Marshall Middle Schools is doing much better now than it was five years ago. Much has been accomplished. There is still much to do. I look forward to Georgia Marsh joining our other fine board members too. Lest I forget, welcome Dr. Davis!

Anonymous said...

You are either part of the clique that runs the school board or you have no idea what has been happening the last four years. If you honestly don't know start talking to teachers, parents and support staff who do. Also some of the building Principals can fill you in (avoid Klochack, Holbrook and Turner). Things are very bad and progressively getting worse. Not much hope after Phillips leaves either!

Despite all the problems- the staff, students and parents make the best of it and many good things are happening despite board and Phillips opposition. Don't get me wrong, Coulter and Campau are nice enough. The other five are another story. Read a few hundred posts on this blog for some incite into the problems.

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't pay attention to that fool, they're just trying to stir the rest of the sane world up. They don't really believe what they've written, otherwise they'd know that the MS and HS leadership has chased a lot of our students to Mar-Lee and Olivet.

Anonymous said...

I fear for the big cuts and the many pink slips coming out soon. We are likely to lose some outstanding teachers. Some of the losses in students could not be avoided. But no doubt most losses are due to bad leadership at the top levels (Phillips/Board) and in some buildings (MMS, MHS). Also as the reputation is tarnished by JP and her board, more businesses and families move elsewhere. Well Marshall, this will continue unless there is a recall and some big changes. Others "Class C" or "Class D" here we come. They hired Randy Davis who is very good at helping us head in that direction. He is jumping form one sinking ship to another distressed ship. He is known for making things worse, not better. He should be thrilled we hired him before he lost his job. Yippy on our part- not!

Thank you John Coulter! said...

Thank you John for speaking up in support of Coach Hulkow and opposing the nonsense Vic was saying at the board meeting.

Nobody trusts the gang of Potter, Phillips, Klochack, Turner and Holbrook to do anything wise, good or honest! We know the real issue is political and they are trying to scheme to force Hulkow out one way or another.

As usual, Potter made a fool of himself trying to defend this gang and the alleged "process" they were going through. Nobody is buying this story! That entire "gang of fools" working with Potter mentioned above should be fired and Potter should be recalled. Then we can start making some progress and turn things around.

The changes we need are at the board level. Keep Coulter and maybe Campau, recall the rest! Support Mr. Hulkow!

Anonymous said...

I know John tries but it is not easy. It is no secret that Phillips, Potter, Stulberg and Beardslee can't stand Mr. Hulkow and disliked Behrenwald and much of the teaching staff too. I do not know why? I have no idea why they have so much anger and hostility.

Anonymous said...

Add Janice Darling to the same group that wants Mr. Hulkow out and is responsible for the long list of problems caused by the MPS school board majority.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Linda B. retired as well and then contracted with MPS. So what happen in 3 years when her contract expires?? And we have tohire a new principal??More money from the budget for benefits etc...

Anonymous said...

Will Marshall ever get back to the level of prestige it once had??

Anonymous said...

Not with this group in charge.

Quit trashing our community... said...

Well, according to the latest C/A, Bulk agreed to a contract which one would assume allows for an extension as long as both parties agreed to do it. If that is true and he signed it, as the intelligent and informed individual he claims to be, then guess what? If it is in the best interest of MPS, the taxpayers and the kids, then quite simply, quit complaining and start packing!!!

JP and board intentions said...

Two big facts about this issue...

1. It is not in the best interests of the kids to have Mr. Hulkow leave. From my unofficial survey of dozens of students, parents and community leaders well over 90% would agree with this.

2. The real issue is a personal grudge by many of the board members, Joyce Phillips and perhaps a few others who want revenge before Joyce leaves. They think the ultimate humiliation would be to have Joyce force out Mr. Hulkow one way or another. All of the stuff about contracts and state law are smoke and mirrors. Everyone knows what is really going on. Joyce and the board majority that want Mr. Hulkow out may as well come clean and tell the truth about their intentions.

Yes, it is well known the kinds of things several board members have said about Mr. Hulkow over the years, often using foul language and crude references to him. This is disgusting and unprofessional! It has backfired and made the board members behind this look bad. Mr. Hulkow has done a tremendous job despite unjustified and unprofessional behavior by Joyce and some board members. It is Joyce and these board members who should quit complaining and resign.

Bottom line... said...

Wrong again, it is Hulkow and his flock, crying foul and whining that has brought this out into the public arena, while hoping to line his pockets along the way. The continued threat to the community that we call home, by way of all of this negative publicity, is what is affecting our hometown values and quality of life. All of that is perceived in a bad light by others outside Marshall. Most of us taxpayers are appalled that an AD, coach, sometimes assistant principal, or whatever, is hauling down the kind of compensation that he is, legend or not...this is not the BIGS, this is small town America. Those that oppose the current Board and Administration apparently are not able to find anyone agreeing enough with their views to run for, put in the excessive nights, days and hours, all without compensation. Put up with accusations, printed, verbal and otherwise, all the while attempting to fulfill the thankless obligation for which they were elected...
The taxpayers, homeowners, parents, business owners and "KIDS" are tired of it...So the bottom line is, either put up or "SHUT UP"!!! We're tired of it...

Anonymous said...

Dr. Phil must be posting on here! I would like for you to post Hulk's salary and benefits package being that I should be appalled. I'm more appalled at what the Tech Director makes as well as the sneak job that Turner and Holbrook pulled last year. At least I saw Hulk working all day today up at the high school, unlike the 3 aforementioned Joyce stooges. I too own a house, pay taxes here, have kids in the school and I want them to leave Hulk in his current capacity.

What genius... said...

What genius, great idea, lets have the salary and benefits for all of the MPS staff posted here... bet it won't the way, you sound like a "GREAT" candidate for the Board, so why not volunteer???
Bet that won't happen either!!!

Please help... said...

Come to think of it, could I get your name please? Anonymous most likely wouldn't be accepted by elction officials, I would be sure to write you in for the school election, I promise...

Anonymous said...

The issue at hand isn't the point. The superintendent is and has been incompetent. From the start she lashed out at any criticism; a sign of her own doubts. She should have been fired at the point she threatened suit against the MTA and the Chronicle. She is a public person and libel takes actual malice.

Second, she has had no plan. She has made cuts to programs in order to appear to have created a fund balance. Those cuts have hurt us in terms of losing students to better programs. Also, one could argue that by creating surpluses she has failed to properly spend money on programs, thereby short changing the current students.

The board has been led by the nose. In cases where they might have a disagreement they've been bowled over by the group who wants Joyce to do their personal dirty work.

I asked a board member if he was OK with the way Kathy P was forced out when her job was emasculated and he shrugged.

How do these people sleep?

Let's get everything out in the open! said...

Lets get it all of this out in the open...

Teachers start at about $30,000 per year and after about 15 years and a Masters degree they may make in the 60s, about what many college grads in other fields START at.

Let's look at the Superintendent pay. Lou used to make in the low 90s, now after years of 1-2% pay increases for most staff, it would make sense that the Supt. would make about $100,000. Mr. Davis will start at about $112,000 with great perks. Now I would not mind if he had a great track record and years of school experience as a teacher and Principal, but he does not even come close to being a first class candidate. He worked almost his entire career at juvenile care facilities.

Metcalf did very little, worked on his PhD day after day with Phillips knowledge and approval AND charged the district over $10,000 for his tuition. So if you want to talk about waste, he made about $100,000/yr times 5= $500,000+ in waste. All done with Phillips and board approval!

The Tech director is known for doing little and delegating as much of his work as possible. Lets find out what he made 5 years ago compared to now. It has been reported he makes about 40% more, up to about $85,000+ per year. With his known poor performance, why?

Klochack does much less and is not nearly as good as his predecessor Ron Behrenwald, He probably makes about $90,000 per year. Lets find out, this can be cut. He commutes 3 hrs a day, what would you expect.

OK Coach Hulkow, for this three significant jobs and great track record I would say he deserves about $130,000 per year minimum. To hire one or more top notch first class replacements, if they can be found, would cost you much more. Lets find out what he is really getting.

What about savings from the contracted custodians that do about half of the work and charge huge surcharges to do the rest of the job the former custodians did, plus all of the equipment that was purchased for them to make their jobs much easier and faster than the previous custodians ever had? What does this cost?

When Joyce and Amy forgot to cancel the insurance policy that cost about $40,000 to resolve, and could have cost much more, why wasn't this reported in an honest and open manner? Why were board members asked to lie to cover it up, according to Bob Lyng at a board meeting? Why wasn't Joyce fired for that? Oh yeah, the board majority quickly extended her contract three years when this and other scandals started breaking. Why?

What did Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich and others do to deserve the terrible treatment they received from Joyce Phillips and the board? It can't be poor performance because much worse performers got big raises and are treated very well?

Lets get all of this out in the open. The Chronicle can FOIA this info. Oh yeah, when Shelley did this Joyce threatened a lawsuit.

As far as embarrassing the community, Joyce Phillips and her board supporters deserve the blame for this. They cannot blame others who merely expose what they are doing.

BY the way, what exactly happened at MMS? A normal leadership system would have one head Principal and an assistant principal with clear duties and responsibilities for both. The co-Principal thing makes no sense and most view this as a demotion for Dave Turner. Is it? If not, then why was it done? Who is ultimately in charge at MMS, nobody? Another bad idea not good district would consider. Was it Joyce's idea? She was never a Principal, she is clueless about how to run a school building or district!

There are lots of questions that need answers. Maybe the Chronicle or the BC ENquirer can look into these questions and provide as many answers as they can. So far only this blog reports much of this information. To my surprise it has been very accurate for several years. That is also bad because the news is mostly very bad- but true!

Anonymous said...

Well said! Ok board, let's hear your reply to each question and point?

Also don't forget that JP cost us the bond too, that will cost us millions or more in the long run.

Anonymous said...

We need an outside independent investigation into Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf, Amy Jones and most of the school board. We need to know exactly what happened the last five years? When and where were board meeting held when actual agendas, strategy and plans were made? Was there a "hit list" and if so who was on it and why? Who is really behind the board and financing school board campaigns to keep their board majority? Is the "Success Fund" financed by many of the same people as a PR cover for their actual activities and intentions? What are the motives of this secretive group that seems to run the school board? Why were scandals quickly covered up if they involved Joyce Phillips, Brian Metcalf, Amy Jones or others close to them? Why were lawsuits threatened against the teachers (MTA) and the Marshall Chronicle? Was this an attempt silence criticism? Was Joyce Phillips contract quickly extended three years to guarantee her a 2nd Michigan retirement in return for carrying out secretive board demands and agendas?

Lots of questions and concerns. We need answers! Kevin Belew blew the whistle on many of these schemes a few years back. Others have too, so there is a lot of information about all of this controversy.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about Georgia Marsh and Marsha Franke? Yes, they are certainly part of the group that runs the school board. If you run for the school board as part of this group there is plenty of money for your mailings, advertising and other expenses. But you will have to work with them and prove your loyalty. I think John Coulter was lured in an innocent way, asking if he would "serve" and if so they would help. Annette and Ali maybe too. The others I think knew from the get go what was up, as they helped plan it all. Right or wrong, this is what I know to be the case. Two board members explained it to me personally.

Anonymous said...

With Ron B. and Kathy P. the backstabbing was done quietly and then they were given a "we will miss you" phony sendoff. Now Phillips and the board tried to pull the same thing with Rich Hulkow but he beat them to the punch. If they are going to backstab Rich they will have to do it in the bright lights of the public eye!

Name game... said...

Excuse me, but after the six most recent posts above, we still didn't get your name, Anonymous will just not do. Honestly, we will be glad to make you a write-in will just take a minute, so hurry, because time is running out. You are the "ONE"...We promise to get you elected, because you have all of the answers that we are looking for...You really need to be on the Board. Come on, what do you say, do it "For The Kids"???

Anonymous said...

And I too think that you should post your name as well. Maybe we could sit down for a cup of coffee and discuss some of these things that you've been misinformed about. Maybe we've already spoken, but I sure wish that you'd post your name too.

Anonymous said...

This blog would never have been necessary if there was honest and open communication at all levels from the start five years ago. Once they started retribution against anyone they disliked and took extreme actions to silence criticism and questions, and cover up scandals too, the staff went underground. All other efforts to work with Joyce Phillips and the board were shot down. Many who spoke out or asked questions suffered bad consequences, including in some cases losing their jobs. Yes two above, that is how bad things are and why the staff have to remain anonymous.

Name game... said...

For two above, I fully agree with your reason for posting names, so you go first...

Anonymous said...

To add to two above, one teacher lost her life after suffering from extreme unjust harassment for several years. This was most likely played a role in what happened. We will not forget!

To one above, if you support the board and Joyce Phillips then please explain your reasons. I do not care if I know your name. If the board and Joyce Phillips feel none of this is accurate and all they did was great and wonderful, then they should defend each criticism or question and back it up with evidence to prove their points. If they have dirt on Mr. Hulkow other than the obvious- a few parents or coaches may be upset with him on occasion (part of that job for all ADs), then let's hear it? But lets balance it with all of the evidence in favor of Mr. Hulkow- which is overwhelming!

But at the same time we also want an explanation for ALL of the other questions and concerns that are listed in the above posts. I am quite sure they will never explain the truth of all that has happened. What is known is very very bad.

Anonymous said...

Getting names of staff who post is a trick. JP and the board are working on massive budget cuts that will include many staff. If they can find out who is posting they will certainly add those staff members to the layoffs. That's how they operate.

Anonymous said...

Name Game knows that we can not put our real names on here, he can look through all of the posts from the previous couple of years and deduce why no one from the district would by wise to attach their names to this blog. He is just another JKP Kool-Aid drinker who believes what is spewed by her and her ilk. That individual is just on here playing a game trying to get others to expose themselves because he knows that there will be retribution for those who put their names on here.

Anonymous said...

"What genius, great idea, lets have the salary and benefits for all of the MPS staff posted here"...

Well then, let us revisit this arena...We surmise by the lack of interest in this being freely provided, staff at MPS must fear if knowledge of the amounts of compensation received by staff, especially retirement packages, were known by the public, aka "Taxpayer", that they would lose much of the support/sympathy that they are looking for...
We have readily available other taxpayer funded payrolls, i.e., federal, state and local governments for instance, so why all of the secrecy regarding fully taxpayer funded educators compensation??? Must be hiding something...

Anonymous said...

Not at all, you can post mine, it will make you laugh. However, I don't think that you'll laugh at the upper admin's salaries if all of the benefits were included(cash in lieu of insurance, travel, B Metcalf being paid some of his salary out of Title I funding, etc.) That being said, I bet that the vast majority of school employees would not be opposed to posting their salaries but JKP and the rest of her cronies might be.

Anonymous said...

Teachers contracts are public knowledge. Anyone who wants to know can get the information I think from the schools or the state. The administrative pay and benefits should also be public. Teachers pay into retirement just like everyone else. A retired teachers might get about $35,000 or so a year after 30+ years. Not anything extravagant. Now JP will get a 2nd Michigan retirement for only 5 years of bad service in MI. How can this be? The board made sure she would get at least 5 years no matter how bad her performance and then she can buy 5 years. Yes, it is stupid this is allowed no matter what, but especially awful that someone as bad as Phillips gets it. That is why they did not force her out, or at least one reason. She likely has dirt on the board and would sue in a heartbeat if she didn't get her money. Phillips cares only for herself, no evidence she ever cared about anything or anyone in Marshall!

My guess is the person posting about teacher pay is either a board member or close friend of one. They likely know this is public knowledge plus someone posted the pay ranges above, I will repost that here...

Admin and teacher pay and questions said...

Lets get it all of this out in the open...

Teachers start at about $30,000 per year and after about 15 years and a Masters degree they may make in the 60s, about what many college grads in other fields START at.

Let's look at the Superintendent pay. Lou used to make in the low 90s, now after years of 1-2% pay increases for most staff, it would make sense that the Supt. would make about $100,000. Mr. Davis will start at about $112,000 with great perks. Now I would not mind if he had a great track record and years of school experience as a teacher and Principal, but he does not even come close to being a first class candidate. He worked almost his entire career at juvenile care facilities.

Metcalf did very little, worked on his PhD day after day with Phillips knowledge and approval AND charged the district over $10,000 for his tuition. So if you want to talk about waste, he made about $100,000/yr times 5= $500,000+ in waste. All done with Phillips and board approval!

The Tech director is known for doing little and delegating as much of his work as possible. Lets find out what he made 5 years ago compared to now. It has been reported he makes about 40% more, up to about $85,000+ per year. With his known poor performance, why?

Klochack does much less and is not nearly as good as his predecessor Ron Behrenwald, He probably makes about $90,000 per year. Lets find out, this can be cut. He commutes 3 hrs a day, what would you expect.

OK Coach Hulkow, for this three significant jobs and great track record I would say he deserves about $130,000 per year minimum. To hire one or more top notch first class replacements, if they can be found, would cost you much more. Lets find out what he is really getting.

What about savings from the contracted custodians that do about half of the work and charge huge surcharges to do the rest of the job the former custodians did, plus all of the equipment that was purchased for them to make their jobs much easier and faster than the previous custodians ever had? What does this cost?

When Joyce and Amy forgot to cancel the insurance policy that cost about $40,000 to resolve, and could have cost much more, why wasn't this reported in an honest and open manner? Why were board members asked to lie to cover it up, according to Bob Lyng at a board meeting? Why wasn't Joyce fired for that? Oh yeah, the board majority quickly extended her contract three years when this and other scandals started breaking. Why?

What did Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich and others do to deserve the terrible treatment they received from Joyce Phillips and the board? It can't be poor performance because much worse performers got big raises and are treated very well?

Lets get all of this out in the open. The Chronicle can FOIA this info. Oh yeah, when Shelley did this Joyce threatened a lawsuit.

As far as embarrassing the community, Joyce Phillips and her board supporters deserve the blame for this. They cannot blame others who merely expose what they are doing.

BY the way, what exactly happened at MMS? A normal leadership system would have one head Principal and an assistant principal with clear duties and responsibilities for both. The co-Principal thing makes no sense and most view this as a demotion for Dave Turner. Is it? If not, then why was it done? Who is ultimately in charge at MMS, nobody? Another bad idea not good district would consider. Was it Joyce's idea? She was never a Principal, she is clueless about how to run a school building or district!

There are lots of questions that need answers. Maybe the Chronicle or the BC ENquirer can look into these questions and provide as many answers as they can. So far only this blog reports much of this information. To my surprise it has been very accurate for several years. That is also bad because the news is mostly very bad- but true!

Anonymous said...

My 22 year-old accounting students will start at about $55,000 plus a signing bonus.

That's about top end for a BA plus 30 hours at some smaller districts.

I don't understand the jealousy over teacher compensation.


Anonymous said...

It is an attempt by Joyce Phillips and the board to focus attention away from the long list of real issues and problems they don't want to discuss. It is also used to cover up scandals. Also they are playing people against each other as many in this area have suffered the effects of the Wall Street-Washington anti-US manufacturing policies that have devastated American jobs and wages.

If we had good leadership that was trusted and respected, then all options to deal with problems can be discussed and compromises reached. But we are a long way from honest, respected and trusted leadership.

Phony PR campaign already started said...

The phony PR campaign has already begun.

They will say they do not want to renew Mr. Hulkow's contract as a "budget issue." Now remember the deal was he would "retire" early so he could be hired back and much less pay and benefits to save the MPS a lot of money. The true story, Phillips and several board members hate Mr. Hulkow and want him gone. By having Phillips do it will make it more humiliating in their view.

All of the above concerns about Phillips, big pay raises for poor performing loyalists, scandals and on and on are NOT up for discussion. The focus of the phony PR campaign will be teacher pay, the economy, lost students (not mentioning bad leadership as a major cause), and how they "seek input" which means there will be a meeting where most of the board and certainly JP will not listen unless someone says something that is already in "their plan."

My guess is they will let the Mr. Hulkow issue quiet down for a while and then find a sneaky time to let him have it, maybe in the summer before JP leaves.

Expect no accountability for JP, no matter how many demand it. Klochack, Turner and Holbrook are the main ones to help make "the plan" with the board, along with Joyce Phillips. Can you imagine a worse group to do the main decision making for the Marshall schools?

No wonder we are in such a mess! But if nobody else runs for the board and there is no recall, then I guess we are all to blame for not doing anything about it. The board needs to be held accountable too.

Big big cuts and many layoffs/pink slips soon! Look out as "The Plan" is revealed!

Open post to Bill and Georgia! said...

An open posting to Mr. DeSmet and Georgia Marsh

As it stands at least one of you will be on the school board soon. Some think Vic may resign for health reasons, which would be good for Vic, so both of you may get on soon.

As you probably both know there are major problems in the Marshall schools. You are probably friends with one or more of the current board members and you may even like Joyce Phillips. Don't think that those who post on this board or are critical are just old pro-Lou people or a few whiny teachers. Most of those concerned and upset are the hundreds of dedicated professionals, active parents and local business people who have come to the conlcusion that much of what happened under the leaders of the last five years has been very bad for the Marshall schools. Many of us supported people like Paul, Janice, Dan, Vic and Ali when they first ran but now feel betrayed by them. For the most part we like John and Annette. Many of us were excited about Dr. Phillips when she first arrived and looked forward to working with her! Well she turned out to be the worst superintendent we had ever known!

If you truly care about the school, what's best for the kids and the community, you must be willing to take a brave stand against the past and work with everyone for a better future. You will earn respect and trust by your actions, not your words. You should take no campaign money from those who back Phillips or your reputation will be tarnished from the start. You can be a great asset to our school or a big liability depending on the path you choose. Hundreds of us are hoping you work for the good, and earn the respect and trust of the staff, parents and community! I wish I could post this with my name, but we are all targeted if we criticize or speak up about the mismanagement and abuses of power of the past five years.

I think I speak for a wide range of staff and concerned citizens! We are also your friends and neighbors!

Anonymous said...

Well put. I am one of those people.

If I spend money in town I will write Change Now on my bills or receipt.

Anonymous said...

I agree. However, it needs to be said that Georgia Marsh has had the ear of Joyce Phillips and been her biggest backer from the beginning. Where do you people think JKP got all her "info" on what "changes" needed to be made in the Marshall Public Schools? To reelect Georgia back on the board will do nothing to help heal from the past five years of misery. She was a creator of much of the miseryy and pain. Look closely at Mr. DeSmet. He appears to be very decent and cares about restoring our district. Certainly a better board member than Georgia who will continue what we have had under Joyce.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a strong consensus to vote for Bill DeSmut. Vic's health issues and recovery could lead to his resignation. Rumors are they wanted Vic to hang in there until it would be too late for anyone else to run if he resigns, which would get Georgia on too!

Anonymous said...

Sorry type Bill DeSmet!

Anonymous said...

As of now we have 2 running for 1 seat. Unless a write in candidate comes forward.

Anonymous said...

I fear the current board leaders will get to Bill and schmooze him into their corner. The MPS staff will be fearful about sharing much criticism or concerns with him for fear he will share it with other board members which will make those staff targets. That has probably already happened. Seeing his mailings and signs makes me wonder who is footing the bill. Many think he and Georgia were both recruited because Vic plans to step down. He is known to be a good guy like John Coulter. He is probably viewed by the board leaders as someone they can control. We will see.

BC Enquirer 4-20-09 said...

BC Enquirer article about the MPS school board election:

Anonymous said...

Knowing Georgia's close association with Joyce Phillips, Janice Darling, Paul Beardslee and Dan Stulberg, it is hard to imagine she does not have an agenda or what it may be. Now if she leads a push to hold JP accountable, then she can be seen as looking out for the best interests of the Marshall schools. But its very doubtful.

Don't assume you know what has gone on! said...

To answer several posts above: What did Ron B. and Kathy P. do to deserve the treatment they received?

When people stand up for what is right for the staff and students - they have been attacked repeatedly by Joyce - meanwhile - Joyce is telling her own version of the story which is full of fabrication and untruth!

Thanks to Mike Walback at the Bus Garage - who ran to Joyce with what he thought was 'good information'....he saw Kathy P. leaving the bus garage with an armful of envelopes....a couple weeks later the staff survey came - because he is so intelligent.......he ran to Joyce stating 'Kathy P. was the leader of the staff survey'. Don't suppose Mike Walbeck could have been wrong - perhaps - knowing that Kathy P. was giving 100% to not only MPS but also the state level music association...MSVMA....just maybe she could have been doing a MSVMA mailing. But - because Mike is so intelligent....he knew! Let's also remember....the Stulbergs had never appreciated Kathy P. and her desire to teach religous well as sing praise/worship music at performances. Morris S. made a big deal out of this 3 years ago...he actual visited Kathy P. at MHS, unannounced, and ask her to stop singing songs like "go ye now in peace"...guess they all got their way!

Kathy P. and Ron B. stood up for what was right for MPS, students, parents and staff. That was their crime. They were both very respected for their hard work, caring and compassionate understanding, desire to make MPS a better place for students and staff, but mostly....WHAT WAS RIGHT!

Stop and think about what wrongs have happened to innocent people. This must stop. The harm has been allowed to go beyond people having to find other jobs. The harm has gone much deeper.

Anonymous said...

Georgia Marsh?????? Do we really need two DIVAS????????? DeSmet has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Georgia has not only been very close to Joyce Phillips but most likely played a key role in the formation of the "hit list" and other "hidden agenda" plans by the clique that runs the board. All evidence points toward her being a key leader of this clique. Since this clique has caused so much harm to the Marshall schools, community and the kids- she would have to share the blame if she played a major 'behind the scenes' role. According to Janice, she does.

Phillips massive budget cuts soon said...

Budgets cuts by Thursday? It seems I remember Phillip and the school board were to unveil their massive budget cuts on or before April 23rd.

I am quite sure they will force Mr. Hulkow out. Once they have a target they follow through no matter what. So I am guessing they will be looking to replace him too. It does not seem like there is too much outrage. We will see if we start seeing letters to the editor in the Chronicle or the Enquirer in the coming weeks. The board and Phillips could care less what is written on this blog. Its the newspapers they are worried about.

So far everyone I know is planning to vote for Mr. DeSmet. Any truth to the rumor that Vic will step down so Georgia can get on too? Any word about any write-in candidates for the school board?

Anonymous said...

We will see how much they wipe out the $1 million fund equity.

Now if we had a good superintendent we would be in the middle of a $35 million remodel of MHS and attracting students. Also we would be getting a $1.5 million recording studio from the "anonymous" donor in CA. But Joyce Phillips awful leadership and the board's loss of trust and respect for not replacing her, cost us the bond and recording studio!

The price to keep and prop up JP is enormous and will be paid by our kids for years to come!

Anonymous said...

What's the scoop on the recording studio??

Anonymous said...

Start a campaign to get voters out and vote for this election. If Georgia were to end up on the School Board it would be awful for this entire district. She did not serve the community well, was recalled - - - why would we let her get seated again>>>>!!!!???? Can you spell disaster? VOTE FOR NEW BLOOD....DESMET

Anonymous said...

I wish the Marshall citizens would get excited about saving the schools from bad management as they did about the "Redskin" issue. The current problems are at least 10 times more serious! The damage to our once "excellent" schools has been severe. Many great teachers, parents, coaches and students do their best under very difficult circumstances. Morale is very low, community trust in the top leaders is gone.

The $1.5 million recording studio was offered by an anonymous donor if the MHS $35 million bond had passed. Phillips bad leadership and the loss of trust in the MPS board sunk both. So we are out almost $37 million. Was it worth it to support Joyce phillips, fire the custodians and force out good employees and harass others? Was it worth it to cover up the many scandals and attack those who questioned the bad management and incompetent leadership? Was it worth it to guarantee Joyce Phillips got a long unprecedented contract extension so she could get a 2nd Michigan retirement no matter how bad her performance was?

If you are new to this blog and do not believe this, ask around. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems.

Get ready boys and girls... said...

April 21, 2009

The Southfield Board of Education tonight voted to lay off 104 teachers in an effort to cut costs because of budget deficits, according to an official with Southfield Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

So if Marshall lays off only 20-30 staff then we are doing pretty good?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the board PR campaign is trying to find the worst case scenarios of far larger school districts so whatever damage there is will not sound as bad. Also they may think we are stupid and think this is all beyond their control. Yes, some may be. But many of the losses were caused directly or indirectly by bad and failed leadership. Things are very bad and will get worse. Joyce Phillips and the school board supporters of her are to blame.

Anonymous said...

The latest I heard is about 20 jobs are being cut in the Marshall schools? Any update? Which areas and programs?

Bond videos said...

Here is the link to the bond videos on the still existing web site to promote the MPS bond last August:

These needs and problems still exist. It would have been great if we could all be in the middle of getting these much needed upgrades off the ground. Many of us who care warned Joyce Phillips about mistakes she was making- we were rudely shot down.

Then we warned the board about Joyce and the problems she was creating. We were shot down again.

Then we warned that going after Mr. Behrenwald, the custodians and Ms. Petrich were not justified and would cause more problems than it would solve. We were shot down again.

All of this added up and it became impossible to pass the bond.

The community need leaders they can work with, trust and respect.

Joyce Phillips and the board made big mistakes.

Our kids and schools will pay the price.

Now they are going after Mr. Hulkow, another unjustified foolish mistake.

What can we do now as we fall further behind other schools? Keep making big cuts and losing more students?

Anonymous said...

We need a fresh start by undoing all the wrong that has been done in the past 5 years. I wont hold my breath for that.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure who to believe on the school board. Several keep telling me there is no love for JP and they are happy to see her go. But it is also no secret that JP could not have done all of those terrible things and gotten away with so much crap and lies without board support. So what gives? Are the board members trying to blame Joyce to cover their own hineys? Would some of our board members do such a thing?

Anonymous said...

look if you need a name for you to assume all school employees are free to use wayne smith ex-custodian. Joyces last victory!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard 9 teachers are going to be laid off!! And if some retire it maybe less!!

Anonymous said...

They need to make at least $1.5 million in cuts. Besides 9 teachers, what else are they cutting? At best that would only covers about 1/3 if they are on the lower end of the pay scale, which those laid off usually are. They certainly do NOT need the asst. superintendent job. Metcalf proved it was unnecessary. Which programs are getting cut? Is orchestra, choir art of band? Usually the arts suffer the worst in these cuts.

Anonymous said...

No cuts to programs, that I heard of. Not replacing Metcalf

Anonymous said...

Adding minutes to the school day and cutting # of days. Pay freezes. Cut backs on aide time such as the kitchen staff taking lunch money, no mid day bus runs. No weekend transportation to sports, parents ill have to transport. Cuts to PD and no out of county travel to PD.

Anonymous said...

1 Media Specialist per building, I think transportation 1 way to sporting events. Office supply cuts, cuts in costs for PD.

Anonymous said...

Text book cuts,

Joyce's Last Revenge! said...

I bet Joyce is glowing under the guise of budget problems she can finally carry out her dirty deeds without worry. Specifically - who is being given pink slips - and is it in line with seniority or just random 'fun' for Joyce? Are veteran employees being targeted? Is anyone being targeted with job loss that were on 'her list'? Also, why replace Amy Jones position or the Assistant Supt?

Also, is R. Davis being included in these personnel cuts? He is in fact the person that is going to have to pick up the pieces that are left behind when we celebrate the departure of Joyce there a party planned for June 30th? (of course no one wants Joyce there)...we are going to celebrate the opportunity to repair our once'excellent in education' school system - - - if it is not too late after her reign.

I have heard some disturbing issues regarding the random pick slip process. Any news here?


Why is a recall not happening? I am not someone that listens to talk without action. Will someone get this moving please.

Anonymous said...

No names, yet, but those witout tenure. So the last ones hired.

Anonymous said...

The MPS are paying a huge price for the disastrous reign of the regime of the last five years- Phillips, Metcalf, Jones, Beardslee, Darling, Stulberg and Potter. I like Webb, Campau and Coulter but they cannot or have not done much to prevent this mess from happening.

Well people of Marshall, you were warned! The staff did the best they could do get the word out and tried every civil avenue available. Ramon and Lyng tried too! We were rudely ignored, insulted and in many cases abused and persecuted for trying to save our schools from further harm.

No improvement on the horizon either. Marsh for Beardslee, same thing? DeSmet? Nice guy but can't do much even if he wanted to. Only a recall of those responsible will allow for new leaders to hopefully turn things around.

Joyce Phillips 100% deserves to be held accountable and fired! The group responsible for covering and protecting her should foot the bill for all of the losses to the Marshall schools- by my estimate about $40 mil so far (lost bond, lost students, lost reputation, lost recording studio, money to coverup scandals, legal fees, lost new businesses and jobs, etc).

Anonymous said...

The board is also pushing for a staff pay freeze.

Now should they role back the huge pay increases of some administrators before everyone is asked for a pay freeze? Or if you got say a $25,000/yr pay increase in recent years, should a simple current freeze be enough "suffering"?

Why repeat same mistakes? Freeze them teacher!!! said...

The board sees no reason why someone who may have gotten a 10 or 20 or 50 percent pay increase should have their pay rolled back, just because everyone else got 1 or 2 percent. The board thinks freezing everyone is fair, just give them time to dole out pay raises to their loyalists first. Notice how Randy Davis got a big pay increase despite the fact he is from a Class D school, a district in decline that is glad to see him go, and he has almost zero experience as a teacher and none as a principal.

Didn't we make this mistake last time?

Anonymous said...

The board plans to play staff against one another. They will claim if some people do not take pay cuts or leave it will cost others their jobs.

Some of these cuts may have happened no matter what, but we all know the mismanagement of the MPS has made things much worse than they should be. There should be no 2nd retirement for Mrs. Phillips. The board needs to stop this to save Michigan taxpayers, and our kids, money!

Anonymous said...

Joyce, we will never forget you. By the way, we're sorry we dropped that house on your sister.

Anonymous said...

If there are options that are particularly mean, stupid and cruel, and do harm to our schools, Joyce Phillips will push them and our foolish board will support them. Unless some of our "board leaders" think of them first.

Anonymous said...

Pay freezes, does this mean teachers won't get their steps raises?? That is the word going around!!

Anonymous said...

JP is pushing to do as much damage as she can before she leaves. It is obvious how she feels about the teachers. If she could take step raises away I am sure she will and the board will back her.

What about the Tech Director getting a $25,000/yr raise? No problem according to JP and the board.

Anonymous said...

Klochack and Turner splitting the AD job? A new football coach? Dropping the 8 block? Big K-8 cuts?

Let the board know what you think about these and other ideas floating around.

Class C here we come!

Anonymous said...

Except no inspirational leadership from Dr. Davis. He will smile, shake hands and do as the board tells him. There will be bold initiative to find more students, funding or both. Just sit back and make cuts. Also come up with bright ideas like having an administrator take on an entire other job at little to no extra pay. Its all about the $$$, and keeping the board happy, not the kids. He has little teaching knowledge or how to properly manage a building. JP part 2!

Anonymous said...

Is the board planning to go for a new MHS bond vote this summer or fall? MHS is looking like a dump. So many things need to be fixed and replaced. It appears little was accomplished except the media center, offices moved and the entrances. All of the high priority needs were skipped.

What about the Steve Wasalewski MHS student scholarships from the now defunct MHS bookstore sales? Has that been canceled or is there other funding?

Now Mr. Hulkow is a target? It seems everything good about MHS is being ruined or ignored. Its no wonder everyone is so upset.

Is MHS getting a new principle? What was wrong with Mr. Behrenwald? He was much better than the guy they got now.

Anonymous said...

I heard if the student declines continue that either Gordon or Hughes may be closed. Is that being considered for this year?

Anonymous said...

That's not likely this year, but if mismanagement continues it could happen in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Pink slips were handed out to teachers yesterday!!

Vote DeSmet!!! Not JP's best friend Georgia Marsh said...

How many?

If there is not going to be a recall anytime soon, at minimum vote for Bill DeSmet for the school board. Actually even if there is a recall of say Darling, Stulberg and at least Potter (Beardslee is leaving soon anyway- good riddance!), we can still use DeSmet on the board. Georgia Marsh is one of the main leaders of the staunchly pro-Joyce Phillips clique that has caused great damage to our once fine schools. This Pro-Joyce clique needs to be removed so we can unite and star solving problems. Ali Webb may also be part of the pro-Joyce clique. Let's hope she has learned from being duped by the others and starts working in the best interests of the schools instead. Maybe a Coulter, Webb and DeSmet group can start putting the kids first for a change. The others have seen their reputations in freefall after 5 years of disastrous and stupid decisions. If they switch sides maybe they can earn back some of the reputation and respect they have lost. All of them have lost much business and are widely disliked for not holding Joyce Phillips accountable and hurting many excellent school employees.

Anonymous said...

Marshall Public Schools 2009-10 draft budget:
Proposed Reduction Savings
Reorganize central office $98,148
Eliminate elementary mid-day bus runs $65,620
Realign teaching staff assignments $650,000
Reduce office and teaching supplies $6,925
Close Shearman School building $85,861
Reorganize pool as community partnership $41,000
Reorganize media center staffing $45,500
Reduce technology budget by 5 percent $19,727
Reduce high school athletic budget $19,477
Reduce middle school athletic budget $2,556
Delay textbook purchases $50,000
Continue support staff reorganization $15,000
Total $1,099,814
Reductions that require negotiation
Initiate a pay freeze for all staff $246,000
Suspend tuition reimbursement for one year $43,468
Modify school day/year $97,000
Total $1,486,282

Anonymous said...

So if the items that require negotiation don't happen then it is back to the drawing board!! Meaning most likely cuts to programs. Also where is the Alternative High School and Head Start programs going to go???

Like I said before a pay freeze!! Would mean no step increases for the teachers!! Not only would they not get a % increase this year, but no step raise!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see them roll back the Superintendant's salery!!!! To show good faith to the community and commimment to the school, Dr. Davis should have been the first to step up and say he would accept the position at a reduced rate, he should go back at least to what JP currently makes, if not taken less. To ask the teachers to take a freeze or a cut (as is proposed if more cuts are needed) without him taking a cut to is just wrong!!! No other way to say i, just plain wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

It will tell you something about Davis' character if he gets out in front of the budget as a plan for the future, or if he distances himself from its more painful cuts.


Board changes needed first said...

There should be NO pay freeze or other concessions considered unless the following minimum requirements are met:

- Joyce Phillips is fired immediately and gets NO 2nd Michigan retirement
- The Tech Director goes back to his pay of five years ago, plus the staff 1% raise per year, not the undeserved $25,000/40% pay increase he received. Was this for staff surveillance? Or to buy silence over something he knows?
- Klochack is not renewed, he was a giant step backward.
- Mr. Hukow is left alone
- An apology is issued about the way the staff, Mr. B and Ms. P were mistreated the last five years.
- a committee is formed to evaluate the pros and cons of firing the custodians and whether or not changes need to be made and perhaps some custodians hired back.
- another committee is formed as a check/balance against board and superintendent abuse of power and covering up of scandals.

This would be a small step in the right direction and the basis of real cooperation to deal with the current problems caused largely by bad decisions and actions of the last five years.

Without these changes, then forget it! JP and the board need to take ALL of the responsibility for their actions!

Anonymous said...

What do you think the teachers will say to a freeze?? You know the board will say no freeze then these are other cuts we have to make, and will then cut more staff and programs and then they will put the blame on the staff!! Cause then they will have to find 246,000 to cut else where!! Not a good position for the teachers to be in!!!!

Anonymous said...

The board can start with the list two above. If they are serious they will do those things first, as they should be done anyway. If they do not then we know they are not serious and it is just another nasty sneaky move against the staff! For five years they made no serious attempt to work with the staff and have in many cases done the opposite of what was best for the schools. Why should the staff make major concessions under such conditions? If a teacher who say make $35,000 per year gives up a $2,000 step (when they move up towards a livable wage) it will multiply over many years of lower pay. So the "$2,000" cut ends up costing them maybe $20,000 or more over the next ten years. And that is if this is the only year of cuts.

Now why was JP given a 3 year extension and big pay raise to guarantee her 5 years for her 2nd retirement at a time she was embroiled in the air conditioning scandal, the insurance scandal and had many poor performance issues? As Sam and Bob about it. There was obviously something corrupt and shady in the works. Why was Charlie MacDonald given a $25,000 pay increase despite crappy performance? More shady shenanigans? And the does not even get into all the shady doings of Amy Jones and Brian Metcalf.

Other big changes are needed first before the teachers would consider major concessions and givebacks. Maybe a new school board made up of honest and trusted citizens? John C and Annette can stay on it. Bill DeSmet can be on it. Then find some new ones to replace the other failed board members.

Anonymous said...

So do you know the teachers won't go for this for a fact or are you guessing??

No givebacks without firing JP first! said...

This is a ploy by Joyce Phillips and the board to divert attention from the real problems (Joyce and the board) and to punish the teachers further. They would view this as a win-win, either (1) they get massive concessions from the teachers (while punishing them at the same time) or (2) they will use it to blame the teachers for more cuts and try to embarrass the teachers.

Would they do any of the cuts mentioned in posts above to their loyalists or fire JP first? No, why would they do that? They are far more concerned about JP and her few loyalists than they give a hoot about the teachers or the schools.

Prediction: teachers will reject such a big cut, the board will make big cuts elsewhere and blame the teachers, this will take attention away from them NOT holding JP accountable and letting her cruise off to her 2nd Michigan retirement. All the while the Marshall schools lose.

What did we expect? Something good after five years of all bad news!

Anonymous said...

The teachers would never pass such massive givebacks. Step freezes are huge cuts that can cost many times more when multiplied over the years. Before the tiny 1.5% raises are given up they need to cut more at the top.

Anonymous said...

They need to fire Joyce and roll back all who got more than a 3% raise in the last five years. Then we can talk about other options.

Anonymous said...

You want the teachers to take a pay cut? Are you kidding me? I could get a job in the business sector, not bring home tons of papers to correct, not work weekends and probably make more money. Taking one for the kids? I do an awful lot for the kids and I deserve a fair wage. You start cutting teacher's pay and you will see good people leaving.

I don't think we make a fair wage now. We all deserve a RAISE not a pay cut.

Anonymous said...

There are two sides of Georgia Marsh. One side I love- the sweet, funny, artsy former counselor. The other side is very close to Joyce Phillips and her board supporters (part of them actually) and was a leader of the group that ran the school board and did all of the terrible things of the last four years.

Yes, she played a big role in firing the custodians, forcing out Mr. Behrenwald and Ms. Petrich, and backed Joyce Phillips 100% no matter how badly she mismanaged the Marshall schools. Yes, this Georgia Marsh is the one running for the Marshall school board. Georgia, why did you do such things and back such people and polices?

For these reasons in no way should any who cares about our schools and kids vote for her! A vote for Georgia is like a vote for Joyce!

Vote Bill DeSmet! Was that "DeSmet" signs on the Franke property on old 27 just North of the fountain? Did they switch sides? Os is there more to this story?

Bill DeSmet said...

Hello. My name is Bill DeSmet and I learned of this website via a posting on the Battle Creek Enquirer’s website. I noticed a few comments here that people don’t know much about me, so I thought I would post a few pieces of information.

My family moved to the Marshall community three years ago after my wife, Michele, accepted a job at Oaklawn Hospital. We have two daughters, Maegan, who attends 2nd grade at Gordon Elementary and Sara, who attends the Kindergarten Plus program at MPS’s Shamrock Center. My family and I have embraced the Marshall community and are thrilled to be here.

I am currently the Purchasing Director at Oaklawn Hospital with thirteen years of prior financial experience at Comerica Bank. As Oaklawn’s Purchasing Director, I have a clear understanding of the steps necessary to contain costs and reduce expenditures – valuable experience that will assist me in making informed financial decisions for MPS’s future.

Since our arrival, I have been an active participant in school functions. I have volunteered in my children’s classrooms, been an active member of Gordon’s Parent Council Organization and have attended numerous MPS Board of Education meetings - including all of the meetings and site visits associated with the search for our new superintendent. In addition, I have coached T-Ball and Coach’s Pitch Baseball teams for two seasons through the Marshall Recreation Department. Last year I served as an assistant coach for my daughters’ American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) soccer teams.

My participation in our community school district has strengthened my commitment to Marshall Public Schools. A few individuals have commented on this blog that one person can’t make a difference. I think that collaboration is key… in my role at Oaklawn, I am successful because I work in collaboration with other departments to identify opportunities to save money and streamline processes. I work to understand the needs of the department and then identify alternatives that will fulfill those needs at a lower cost or in a more efficient manner. In this same way, I look forward to working with the school district to identify opportunities that will improve the future of the district and our children. Because my children attend school in the MPS district, I am completely committed to making our schools and our community successful.

Please email me at if you have questions or concerns. I will respond to emails in the evening after work.

Best Regards, Bill DeSmet

Anonymous said...

Mr. DeSmet, it is wonderful that you let the community know who you are. My hope would be that you are a strong committed person for our school board. That is very much needed. There are many things on this site, noone knows what really happens until you have been on the inside and see the things that happen. There is much dishonesty going on. Many staff being replaced or pushed aside when the upper admistration still flourish. The people that really keep the school clean or who work with the students on a daily basis. The people who make our children who they are. I hope that you can help Marshall Schools get back to where they were once upon a time. It certainly is not there anymore. We have dishonesty happening on a daily basis, the schools are a mess, there are not clean like they once were and when community comes into the buildings, they are meet with unpleasant people who ask you what you are doing there. They tell you that there is no loitering in the buildings. Well, they don't seem to understand what the schools mean to family's and the community. I hope that you can help clean things up. My prayers are with you. Good luck! You will be taking on a great task!

wayne smith said...

what is the current enrollment of mps? what I should ask is the amount of compensation for the current level of students worthy of the price the board is putting upon the super. salary? how about a prefromance wage similar to a waitresses/waiters tip base pay with an at level student step wage?
Say the frist 1000 students cover the $60000 base pay with $5000 per 100 students over that and a $10000 penalty for every 50 students lost. Incentives of prefromance like this was brought to the table for the support staff, good for the goose, good for the gander I say!!!!
how many principles and assistant principles do we need. once apon a time I recall a principle serving multiple buildings, 5 elementary/middle school principles, why not 3. For years I was told to do more with less while my superiors got to do less with more. lets turn the tables. make the big dollar earners start earning their money! They have "brains" so put their education to the test and lets see them get it done!

Wayne Smith
former custodian
(stranger in the schools) right Mr. Beardslee

Do NOT for for Georgia Marsh! said...

Many people may not know that the smiley, sweet, funny lady Georgia Marsh, is also part of a secretive clique that runs the schools. Going back to old fights with Lou G., she organized along with her friends Darling, Beardslee, Stulberg, Potter and a few others a plan to take over the school board in quiet secret manner. Once in power they would find a weak candidate for superintendent who did not have very good experience, was mean spirited, not too bright on education issues, from a district glad to see her go, and willing to do anything, honest or not, in return for big money and a 2nd Michigan retirement.

You can read this blog to learn about the long list of blunders, stupid decisions and damage that followed. A very dishonest and scandal-plagued five years! A vote for Marsh is voting for more of the same! I wish it were not true because I liked Georgia for many years. But she chose a very bad group and supported very bad policies and people to lose my respect and support.

Anonymous said...

As long as she keeps the same types of policies and practices in place, the administrators for all OTHER area school endorse Georgia Marsh! The last four years have brought us many more students form Marshall. Please keep up the good work! ;)

Where is Joyce Phillips "retirement" party? Georgia's house? Janice's house? Marsha Franke's house? When is it? Is the staff invited?

Anonymous said...

So teachers, what'll it be? A pay freeze or more pink slips! Ha Ha Ha! Losers.......!

Enjoy your second retirement Dr. Phillips, you deserve it!

Investigate, then terminate! said...

If all goes well Dr. Phillips retirement will be interrupted by an investigation and a termination. If it can be proven she lied to the board, or asked the board to lie, even one time then she should be fired! Let's hope justice is done. This would be very easy to prove many times over, not too mention all of the other bad things she has done. Does anyone need air conditioning installed in their house? Call Joyce! How about a big insurance policy?

Listen board leaders said...

Everyone knows Joyce Phillips has lied to the board many times and lied to force out Mr. Behrenwald and do many other terrible things. JPs leadership has been a great failure.

These people must hold JP accountable or deal with the effect on their personal reputation for the rest of their lives...

Paul Beardslee
Janice Darling
Dan Stulberg
Victor Potter

And to a lesser extent:

Ali Webb

We know everything that has happened. We are your friends, staff, neighbors and colleagues. Phillips will be gone soon but you will still see us day after day. We will not forget what you have done or will do in the coming weeks and months. Everyone knows what a failure and waste the last four years have been at the top. We all know the costs are great that we blew the bond because of Joyce Phillips and YOUR actions supporting her and bad policies and actions. Marshall is suffering and falling behind. Our reputation has been greatly tarnished. This hurts ALL of us! Houses are harder to sell, property values decline and businesses leave. Remember this as we see what you do in the coming weeks. If Phillips is protected and allowed to leave without accountability- it is your fault! You purposely targeted and injured far greater people for far lesser reasons. Do the right thing or get out of the way and resign.

The only way Randy Davis can get a clean start is to hold JP accountable and responsible. This will show you care and have turned away from the dark and tragic past.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just dock Mrs. Phillips about $35 million dollars from her 2nd retirement? That's the least she owes the Marshall schools.


Everyone now knows that Joyce Phillips is mean spirited and remains without conscience.

1) Is this district saving any money on the outsourcing (robbing our local custodians of their jobs)? NO (but it did and will continue to cost this district in passing a school bond)

2) Did Joyce lie to the Prosecutor's office regarding the 'misappropriation of school funds' during the installation of the air conditioner as she directed the Grounds crew to do? (Is Joyce a liar or everyone else liars?) Yes - Joyce lied

3) Did Joyce target any school employees she felt were responsibible for exposing her bad behavior - via the staff survey - which she has proven to be 100% true and accurate repeatedly? YES

4) Did Joyce ask the School Board to lie about the 'mistake' regarding Amy Jones forgetting to cancel the MESSA insurance on the 19 administrative employees while they were under the new Health Savings Plan? YES

5) Did Joyce try to coverup and fluff over the $19,000 doctorate compensation for Metcalf - while she knowlingly let him do his studies in his office at MPS? YES

6) Has Joyce lied to local school districts regarding employees at MPS...and harmed their careers? YES

I encourage everyone to vote May 5 for Mr. DeSmet - he is not part of the 'sneaky, silent group' that continues to seat on our Board and DO NOTHING FOR THE PEOPLE THAT VOTED FOR THEM.

This community resounded loudly regarding the 'privatization of our local school custodians'. 2400 signatures in this small town...and the Board sat up on the MS stage and TOTALLY IGNORED THE PETITIONS THAT WERE HANDED TO THEM. As the stack of signatures represented their constiuents that voted for them to speak on the taxpayers behalf....THIS IS A RECALL.

Lastly, Why on God's Green Earth is someone that was recalled from the School Board even allowed to run again. Does Georgia Marsh think NO REMEMBERS. Georgia loudly stated: "If you don't like our decision....RECALL US" We did that Georgia....and when we did that we meant FOREVER! Not just that year! Get a clue - just because you want to hold a public office does not mean we should have to go through this again. It won't be long and we will have to recall Georgia again. Georgia is a great supporter of the way things have been for the past 4 years. WE NEED CHANGE....REMEMBER....CHANGE IS GOOD....CHANGE IS ABOUT....

Unsettling memory all those articles about change - the Joyce articles that everyone laughed about until they became nausious!

Change is about - telling the truth finally! said...

How can Marshall have a supt. that defines the opposite of what we are trying to teach our students?

Remember the character education monthly topics that are taught to our students? Trustworthy, Kindness, Honesty, etc?

Shouldn't the leader of the school be an example of what we are teaching our community students?

Support Rich Hulkow! said...

I finally saw the April 13 board meeting on TV last night where there was an amazing show of support for Rich Hulkow!

I thought the speakers were very civil and inspiring with their comments and stories in support of Mr. Hulkow. As always, Joyce Phillips looked down most of the time and either did other paperwork or crossword puzzles or somethings. She always does this, the body language says she could care less about what anyone else thinks. How rude and unprofessional! Vic tried to act upset that it was all just a big misunderstanding. Why doesn't this seem true? Maybe because ALL other sources knows the truth!

They cannot fool us any longer. We know they would love to force out Rich Hulkow. We know most of this group, and Georgia Marsh, want Rich gone. I hope this public outpouring of support prevents Phillips from her wish of firing Mr. Hulkow before she leaves. The board would be fools to force him out of one or both of his areas of responsibility.

Anonymous said...

In reply to above, Joyce Phillips is being rude and arrogant in front of the school board at a public meeting when she is on her BEST behavior!

She is much worse if you deal with her one on one or in school settings.

Anonymous said...

But she can charm them at Rotary luncheons and some of these people think she is doing a good job because they do not know what is really going on. A real con woman.

Anonymous said...

I still have yet to see a formal recall effort started!!

Anonymous said...

Vic Potter said there are no plans whatsoever to have Mr. Hulkow step down from either the AD job or coaching. He also said if there are any changes in AD duties that Mr. Hulkow will be a main part of this process and those decisions. So we will hold Vic to his word and there should be no changes to Mr. Hulkow's contract or duties unless Mr. Hulkow decides to change them.

I am sure the outpouring of support for Coach Hulkow did not hurt either!

Also it is clearly evident that Mr. Bill DeSmet would be by far the best choice in the upcoming school board election! Thanks for running Bill!

Anonymous said...

What the heck is wrong with this town. The school board is a HUGE waste of time and money. They are useless, they are greedy snobs who really do not care about our kids. I can say that there is one exception and that would be Mr. Coulter.

Coach Hulk has given so much to our school district and our board of directors have to bash him like they do. NO RESPECT!

Hulk cares for the kids, he really truly does. He helps them on and off the field. It doesn't matter what sport it is, he is there to support the kids.

Our school board is a laugh stock to our community. You should hear what other schools say about Marshall. It isn't good. How can the board say they care, when they hide the fact that there is so much drugs being done at the schools, that right, not just the high school, but the middle school as well. I think the school board should be made up of real parents of kids attending our schools. Not some washed up business owners, snobs, lowlife better than tho people.

Landscaping said...

You should add some AdSense and make some money off this blog.

Anonymous said...

So teachers, what'll it be? A pay freeze or more pink slips! Ha Ha Ha! Losers.......!

Enjoy your second retirement Dr. Phillips, you deserve it!

*****Who ARE you?*****************

Get educated before posting said...

I strongly hope the above poster is not one of our Board Members. Sounds like our famous board members' wife is posting again. Guess she has forgotten how much support this community has given to her family!

Anyone that truly cares our the community school district would NEVER want to see teachers get pink slips as this would not be putting KIDS FIRST!

Anonymous said...

What about the 40% pay raise that Charlie MacDonald received over the last 4 years? He delegates most of his job, everyone knows this. Why not cut there first?

Anonymous said...

Charlie has been a loyal servant of Joyce Phillips and since he does not do much, therefore does not spend much or ask for more money to improve tech for the schools, he is the perfect tech director. Who would want one that was always whining about improving technology and spending money? What's wrong with older computers, TVs and VCRs?

Abuse, Abuse, Abuse....then Big Fat Pay Raises said...

How about the Board meeting June 2007 where Charlie McDonald could not (or was told not to) fix the TV in the overflow room so all those taxpayers who had attended the meeting could even hear or see what was going on in the Community room. It was a disgrace how Charlie fumbled...and actually looked like he was trying to fix it. We all presumed that he was either incompetent or had been directed to 'act like it was an outdated media issue' so that the overflow crowd could not see what was going on. In either case....people packed the entry to the community room (which a Fire Marshall would have prohibited) instead of being forced out due to 'not hearing or seeing anything'. Nice move Joyce/Charlie....then she gave him the big fat raise. Well - then the Board ignored the 2400 signatures on the petitions to 'save our local custodians' their jobs....didn't have enough money to keep our MPS custodians....then Charlies got the big fat raise. Well - ain't that nice!

Anonymous said...

just dropping by to say hello