Monday, April 13, 2009

What a meeting

Reports coming in from the Board Meeting tonight:

Meeting lasted 3 hours. Approx. 150 people in attendance. Vic did a horrible job in the final moments of the meeting representing the Marshall Public School Board. Yelling and raising his voice. John Coulter wanted the Hulkow issue on the agenda tonight - but was rejected. Dan Stulberg stayed silent during the whole Hulkow discussion - hmmmmm. Coulter & Paul Beardslee admitted this issue has gone on way too long.

What did we miss - comment about what you thought about tonight.


Anonymous said...

As long as Vic is the Board President, the school board will always be looked on negatively.

Anonymous said...

How about when Dave Turner got up to talk, only after he went and got approval from Joyce Phillips - too funny. Then he went on to give a synopsis of the situation. HUH??!!?? When did he become Superintendent - Strange one that Dave Turner.

Anonymous said...

What a band of fools we have running our schools!

Anonymous said...

Vic should put a stop to all the crap that has been going on at the JP and board level. I had hoped while recovering, and while finding out how we care about him despite the bad and foolish things he has done on the board, that like Scrooge he would have a change of heart and change sides.

Can a zebra change it's stripes? said...

Really - you must not have been burned enough to believe Vic would have a change of heart. Ask the staffers (present and past) and you will find out Vic is in too deep to actually remember those who cared about him during his time of need. Vic has repeatedly stabbed staff members who have come to him to confide in. He tried hard to woo them into trusting him....then runs to Joyce with his information. Trust is earned - not given just because we as caring human beings have supported him.

Recall All Board Members - Start Fresh - NOW said...

We must move forward with a total recall of this School Board. In the history of Marshall Schools - They are the most damaging.

Let's get moving on a recall. No one is going to run for a seat and be the next Sam and Bob....

Anonymous said...

If someone starts a recall it will pass easily. Everyone I know wants a new school board. They also want to see Joyce Phillips fired before she gets her 2nd retirement.

Anonymous said...

Did they take any action against Mr. Hulkow on Monday night? Or did the board back down for now?

Lose Rich watch the students leave said...

Joyce will not be happy until she fully attacks Rich. Rich has a very impressive history of helping Marshall students by role modeling and encouraging them to do their best. Once again - those who are blindly led by Joyce will help to ruin Marshall Schools. Rich has generated thousands of dollars to match what the district puts into the athletic program. He spearheads the booster drive to maintain sports in Marshall.

Joyce hates Rich! Rich was a very supportive administrator to Ron B. and to Ray D. Rich stood by Ron when he was wrongly pushed out of MHS. Rich has spoke up to Joyce at each and every turn when he knew Joyce was attacking staffers. During the attack of Kathy P. by Joyce and Metcalf - Rich also spoke his piece -

I am sick to death of what this Board is allowing and supporting. I would be 100% in favor of recalling the elected board members that continue to harm MPS and thus losing students to school of choice.

Has Dan Stulberg not gotten over his losing his basketball coaching job 10 years ago. We all knew that is why Dan ran for the Board. Once again - 'self serving' not 'serving the community that elected them'. Recall should happen - not just talk of a recall....

Remember - Georgia M. could end up on the Board again....she was recalled for not 'serving the community that elected her'. Self serving seems to be the hidden agendas - - - Yes she hates Rich also.

It appears the 'good versus evil' will continue in Marshall. Say goodbye to more student aid - THANKS BOARD - you - not the bond defeat - ARE THE ONLY REASON WE ARE LOSING STUDENTS TO SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. One mistake can be understood....repeatedly making decisions that cost our district has become your way of operation.

Anonymous said...

BC Enquirer article 4-14-09:

Anonymous said...

No matter what they say publicly about "restructuring the position to meet kids needs" nobody believes them anymore! The truth is they are trying to force Rich Hulkow out for sleazy personal political reasons like they have done with other competent and respected leaders. Now if Rich had been an incompetent loyalist he probably would be getting praise and a big raise!

Anonymous said...

So if I get the board, if they add the MIddle School sports under Mr. Hulkow, then they can fire Holbrook or Turner to save money? Not a bad idea!

Anonymous said...

This what Joyce and the board have brought us to. Even if this were a good move, no one will take them at face value.

They should have perceived this after the survey and fixed it.

Anonymous said...

In that regard, be sceptical of MEAP increases. Joyce's quote in the Enquirer parroted her so-called strategic plan.

I wonder if the truth is we are more successfully teaching to the test.

Anonymous said...

Everyone suspects that Phillips and the board are up to something sleazy. Because that has been the case time and time again the last few years.

Anonymous said...

You could put a monkey, or even worse, in charge of the Marshall schools and still get excellent MEAP scores! We have many great kids, teachers, support staff and parents working hard. We have some good building Principals too. All of these people soldier on despite a lack of support and animosity at the superintendent and board level. Imagine how much better we could do with we had "excellent" people at the top too? Rich Hulkow is the one exception at this level.

Support Coach Hulkow said...

I can't imagine why the Marshall board would go after Coach Hulkow after all he has done for the Marshall schools! What gives? Are the insane?

Greed, greed and more greed... said...

Truth be known, it appears that the "Bulk" volunteered to retire early, "To help the schools", then changed his mind...maybe his stock portfolio has taken too much of a hit...or maybe he wanted an excessive amount to become a consultant to the district??? Whatever the reasons, his band of supporters advertisement in the Chronicle/Advisor has delivered, yet again, another "Black Eye" to Marshall!!!

Anonymous said...

Greed, get a clue. Know what you're talking about when you decide to post something. Hulk didn't "change his mind" as you imply. He just wants to continue to that a bad thing? I'm glad that those who believe in him and have trust in him stood up and said something about it. Unlike you, who hides on a blog and defends a bunch of idiot board members and a super who has a personal vendetta. If you had any guts, you would have shown up last night and spoken out against Hulk, but alas, you are a coward.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Anonymous...

Anonymous said...

Stulberg must have some down time from the hospital and is on here posting again. He sure didn't have much to say last night. Wasn't that a nice stall by Dr. Phil? 45 minutes to get through the Supt's report, nice try, the Hulkow supporters outlasted her. Way to go folks!

greech said...

I was a freshman at Marshall in 1984 and had the great pleasure of having coach not only as a great leader on the football field, but off the field as well for 4 years.
Coach has never had any hidden agenda. He only wanted his kids to be successful on and off the field. He has taught many of us valuable lessons in life that we still carry with us today! He instilled hard work, dedication, and commitment to all his students and players. Can we say that about the current superintendent and school board?
I was not a superstar football player, yet coach still treated me with the same respect as any other player. When I run into him today he offers a hand shack and still remembers my name.
The article in the paper says they want to do what is best for the children. Well letting coach keep both roles is what is best for the children of Marshall.
Coach has stayed in Marshall for over 25 years. I'm sure coach had offers to leave and go to a bigger school or to the college level. Yet he stayed committed to the community and the students. Isn't this what is best for the children?
I'm not even going to go into his record or money he has brought into the school because that is well recorded.
Coach is a man I would go into battle with any day of the week. If anyone deserves to leave on his terms it is coach, not driven out by some lame duck superintendent or a school board that does not have the guts to stand up to her.

Jim (Jamie) Stadtfeld

The real issue- JP is an embarrassment said...

I bet the weasel board backs off for a while, lets things calm down and then in the dead of summer when things are quiet they will unleash all kinds of revenge on Mr. Hulkow and other dedicated staff. You can be sure they are drooling over the budget cuts, as they will use them for more revenge. Anyone who is not a flunky incompetent loyalist (almost everyone!) is a possible target. The best thing for the kids and the schools is to keep Mr. Hulkow right where he has been for years. The other best thing would be to fire Joyce Phillips NOW!

Look how Joyce Phillips treated school board member Sam Ramon:

Why is this embarrassment still employed by the Marshall schools several years later? How much have our property values and school reputation been damaged having such a bad leader?

Anonymous said...

That would be a hilarious video if it were not true. What a beehaatch!

Anonymous said...

The school board radicals who want to humiliate and punish Mr. Hulkow after 27 years of excellent service to our school want it to be done by Mrs. Phillips. They know this is like rubbing salt into wounds. I cannot think of anything meaner they could do to him. It certainly has nothing to do with "what's best for the kids." They have done the opposite of that for years, that is why everyone is so upset with them!

Anonymous said...

Rich is a great guy and what is happening to him is petty, unfair and bad for the schools.

Anonymous said...

My guess is the board will back down to avoid a recall.

Rick Albaugh said...

As I stated last night, we (Marshall) cannot afford to continue to mistreat the people who had a hand in creating the once proud MHS tradition that I was lucky enough to experience. I moved back to Marshall to raise my family, because of the values that people like Rich Hulkow instilled in me and because I truly believed in what the Marshall Schools had to offer. This Superintendent has, however, broken down this tradition to the point where I am no longer sure that this is the right district for my little girl.

I still believe that Redskin/Redhawk pride and tradition can rise again and make people like me want to bring their families here. However, I think the Board needs to listen to the people they serve and help to protect the honor and tradition that makes us proud to be in Marshall.

To claim that they are only doing what is best for the students is an outrageous claim in this particular situation. The students deserve a leader like Hulk in the same capacity he has always been. He (and others) are the bedrock of this district and we need to support them as they have always done for us. As you can see, a Superintendent will come and go, but our "true" leaders stay. Let Rich continue to do the work he has done all his life.

HULK --- You deserve better than you are getting from these people.

BOARD --- Do the right thing for your community (including me)

SUPERINTENDENT --- Go away peacefully and let Marshall try to bring back its proud tradition.


Joyce Phillips has been the 'undoing' of a once proud and excellent educational community. This BOARD has been a complete embarrassment as they have allowed the Unidoctor to damage our schools as well as our property values. Board members are elected to take a stand - not lamely follow a 'carpetbagger' 'supposed to be superintendent'.

Hulk is just one more of the victim of this regime.

My question is: Are we going to finally stand up and run the carpetbagger out of town....recall her board supporters....and take back our school district and save what remains of our property values? Or are we going to just voice blogs...and grumble. We need organization. We need a recall IMMEDIATELY. In doing this we need community members who will work together and steer our district back into EXCELLENCE....where it was prior to the Unidoctor.

Get organized. Get people ready to take seats of the recalled members. I personally believe a recall would go through. Remember the 2400 signatures on the petitions to 'keep our local custodians working in our schools'. That only took 5 days to get those signatures. It can be done. We just need people willing to take those seats.

I will step up when I see this effort get organized.

I will totally support Joyce Phillips getting fired now. I will donate money to buy her out if that is needed.


Thanks to our alumni Albaugh and Stadfeld....nice words. Rich was a role model to my kids as well. Your words struck home. I had one athlete and one non-athlete....both were influenced by the Hulk! Of course....both were influenced by Ron Behrenwald and Kathy Petrich also. And yes....they both have finished their secondary education and currently have jobs that any person would hope for for their adult children. Huge thanks to all the individuals at MHS...what an awesome group of educators and support staff. Oh - last note: they were truly influenced by people like Glen Barlow, the kitchen staff, and all the secretaries that mothered them when I was at my job! MHS staff has always been TOP NOTCH! How about leave them alone and let them do the jobs they love.

Anonymous said...

Hulk has been a role model for students. He has respect of parents and community members. Some young man stood up and talked about the controversy in the papers...he's right and some people just perpetuate this. Obviously there are issues far bigger than us. I'm guessing this is a personnel issue. Rich does not deserve to have this played out in the papers. Note to the paper and at the meeting you showed us again why our community refuses your leadership.Failing to give correct information and misrepresenting Rich is a disservice. That ad was an attempt at bullying. Rich, he brings you down. People believe in you. But it's time for some good sense. Repairing our community starts with you and all of us. That means working together for a solution and not threatening to tear apart our community by a recall and lack of support. Joyce is almost gone and no one has given our board a chance to recover from her. The support for you and athletics is crystal clear. In a million dollar cut of our school budget, I think Rich is the guy to stand up and help. You have the talent to help with reorganizing the athletic program if it takes cuts to keep us going. Every teacher and building will continue to have to make cuts. As an icon and strong leader, Rich should be part of the team and when we have to cut money, staff, programs in athletics, there is no one better who will understand how much it hurts but I know he can do it and still save our teams. Rich cares for all kids and he clearly needs to be a part of our schools. Athletics are important, but sometimes athletic supporters come across as the people who are tearing our school a part. We have to stop this and agree to disagree. Now more than ever we need to move forward...Joyce is almost gone. And maybe if we're lucky Kloachak will be too.

Time for big changes- for the kids and community! said...

I would fully agree with you if I thought the problems were simply an honest disagreement over what is best for the schools.

But the problems go well beyond that. Joyce Phillips and the clique that runs the school board (yes, it is a known fact they are organized and make real decisions in secret) have done great harm and have abused their power in regards to our schools. The bad decisions and problems are too numerous to list here. I appreciate your support for Rich but the main problem has nothing to do with Lou or the current controversy. Many of us were also highly critical of Lou and the pro-Redskin pro-Lou groups. We welcomed the people who are currently on the board and were excited about Dr. Phillips when she first arrived. Then through a series of ugly events and terrible decisions we lost trust and faith in this group. Dr. Phillips turned out to be far worse than Lou. The board members have been on some sort of reckless powertrip and have used Dr. Phillips as their bulldog. If it were merely honest differences of opinion that would be one thing. It is far worse than that. Even with Dr. Phillips gone, I think most of the problems will continue.

The current unjust attack on Rich Hulkow was no surprise. This same clique has been gunning for Mr. Hulkow for some time. In private some of these board members have said unjustified awful things and lies about Mr. Hulkow, the teachers, and many other excellent people. There is a lot that cannot be shared publicly because they would fire the sources, but their agenda and actions are well known. The main reason this blog exists is because of the extreme problems and abuses that this board and Dr. Phillips are responsible for. As a former supporter of Dr. Phillips and each of our current board members, I now would like to see Dr. Phillips fired and at least five board members recalled. Yes, they have been that bad for our schools!

From a parent and local business owner

Enquirer article 4-15-09 said...

Updated news story:

Anonymous said...

If there is anyone in Marshall who thinks Joyce Phillips is doing a great job and the school board are doing the right thing because "there is stuff they know that you don't," please do your homework if you care about the Marshall schools. You need to get the whole story!

Yes, it could be true they know things you don't and I am not saying they are wrong all of the time. But often they use this to cover up what is really going on, which is often not good. Ask as many MPS staff, active parents and students about what is happening. Yes, ask the board members too, they deserve to share their views also. Read this blog, much of this information is true and by people who care deeply about our schools. Many are former supporters of Joyce Phillips and the board. Then make up your own mind as to "what is best for our schools."

Appalled said...

As someone who used to live a mere ten miles from Dr. Phillips former school district, and still have friends in that area, I have the opportunity to talk to them on a semi-regular basis. They ALL tell me that they were all happy to see her go and that thier district has vastly improved since her departure.

Now, as she prepares to depart our district, she has one last axe to grind.Why would this board let her accomplish such a dirty deed?

Rich Hulkow has already fallen on the sword when he SAVED the district big money by going to a private contract. He is dedicated to our kids and cares for them deeply.

For board members to sit up there Monday and flat out deny that any meeting has never transpired that the ultimatum was never mentioned to Rich that he would have to choose between AD and head coach but can't be both, is incredulous! Maybe not in an "official" meeting, but it certainly has happened in "back door" meetings. Don't sit there and act like it has never happened. It was like watching Bill Clinton testify all over again.

With the savings Rich has given the district,they still claim a loss in the athgletic department. Half of the pay to play money is being shuffled into the general fund instead of staying in the department is was supposed to be supporting. They don't want us to know that. Put those funds back where they are supposed to be and let's see how your spread sheet looks now....

You won't find a more dedicated multi-tasker than Rich. It will take at least two new people to do what he does. How does that save the the district money? I'm sure with all thier smoke and mirrors they will try to convince us it will....

Former students 4 Hulkow said...

Mr. Hulkow, your former students respect and love you! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. I will always remember all that you, Mr. Behrenwald, and many wonderful teachers, coaches and staff did for all of us at MHS!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the tiny minority that supports JP and her board includes the few people at the Marshall Mirror. They are parroting Vic, Paul, Dave T., and Joyce by attacking Mr. Hulkow too:

How unfair and shameful! That does not make them look too good. They should do their homework. Mr. Hulkow does not get everything he wants, that's a myth! Also Mr. Hulkow is been a strong supporter of other sports, school programs and the community as a whole. How many Phillips, Klochacks, Metcalfs, McDonalds and Turners would it take to do all he does? A dozen at least?

Learn the facts first said...

Anyone who knows Mr. Hulkow and all he does for the Marshall schools knows if anything he deserves a big raise! The board just lavished a huge raise on an incoming Superintendent with a lackluster background at best. They also gave big raises to the tech director (I have heard at least $25,000/yr) and Joyce Phillips (9% plus MI 2nd retirement) despite poor performance.

As far as the Marshall Mirror ill-informed attacks that does not surprise me. They seem to be on a clueless ego-driven powertrip like many of our school board members. A vocal minority with some good ideas mixed with many bad ideas.

Now for the big budget cuts! look out!

Anonymous said...

Support Rich Hulkow! He has done an awesome job at MHS! Why mess with a good thing?

If the board is looking to cut waste, look at the superintendent and some of the other administrators. Lots of waste there.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Marshall High grad from several years back and have not lived in the community for over 20 years. It seems to me that much remains the same in Marshall.

From my perspective, there was, and remains much passion about the high school sports teams and those that surround it. Personally, I would like to see the same amount of passion around academic achievement. Looking back on high school, it seemed that getting new football jerseys were prioritized over getting new text books, or starting a calculus class. Perhaps my perception of things is not reality. Instead, the community spent much of its energy trying to save an outdated mascot name that improperly referenced the color of one's skin. What an embarrassment! Now, we have this situation with Mr. Hulkow.

I have absolutely nothing against the coach, AD, asst. principal, etc., it is great to see that he has touched many lives and helped build strong fundraising campaigns. And, everyone in the community loves to watch a winning football program. But, please, there is more to life than football/sports at Marshall High. Get over it!

I'm happy that I live in a district that has a mediocre football team, but has a high percentage of its graduates go onto elite colleges on academic merits. Just my opinion.

Back to Hulkow...

The board, superintendent, and Hulkow need to figure out what the priorities at Marshall High are. Someone, please list these (priorities), and make a case why Hulkow either fits in with those or does not so an informed decision can be reached.

Should Hulkow leave, I'm sure another district may reach out to him with open arms. Either way, let us not lose sight of what is important for your students, Marshall. Let the childish games end!

Anonymous said...

To anonymous at 6:29 p.m. You are so misinformed. #1-All sports jerseys, equipment, etc. are paid for by the athletic department, not from the general fund where textbook purchases are made. #2-the Athletic Dept. has to raise money to pay for those things, e.g., Redhawk Open, Spring Sports Festival, gate receipts,pay-to-play, donations, etc. #3-Mr. Hulkow RETIRED from the public school system to save about $30,000 per year for MARSHALL's school system, while continuing to work where he has made his home for 26 years. Why would he want to leave and coach an opponent's team? A better question to Anonymous is how disrespectful is it to treat someone who is loyal and recognized statewide for their skills, and who didn't have to retire, like a throwaway person? What a terrible example for the administration and board to set for our children and our community. The city of hospitality is now the city of ruthless backstabbers.