Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vote for DeSmet for Marshall board

As seen in the Battle Creek Enquirer April 28, 2009

I wish to encourage people to vote for Bill DeSmet for the Marshall school board. Bill is a bright, energetic young man with children in the Marshall school system. He is concerned about the best education possible for them and for all of the students in the Marshall Public Schools. His knowledge of business, particularly in purchasing, should make him an important member of our school board.

It is time that we give more of the younger members of our community the opportunity to step forward to help for the betterment of Marshall. I encourage you to give Bill your vote on May 5.

Tom Franke


Anonymous said...

That's wonderful that Tom Franke is supporting Bill DeSmet!

HIs wife and former son-in-law had been closely linked to Joyce Phillips and the board clique that ran the schools the last five years- which were a disaster! It looks like Tom is using his clout to push for change and help the schools.

Now if he could only get Joyce Phillips fired that would be really be helpful!

???? said...

Marsha Haring-Franke is very close to Janice Darling, Georgia Marsh, Dan Stulberg, Paul Beardslee and Vic Potter. I am surprised that Tom Franke endorsed Bill DeSmet who is not known to be part of this group. Has Marsha H-F changed sides too? At one time she was perhaps Joyce Phillips best friend in town. They even put JP up in a condo when she first came to town, supposedly for free. What gives?

Old guard falling apart? said...

The group that dominates the MPS school board who were allies going back to their anti-Lou and anti-Redskin days may be fracturing. They accomplished their goals of forcing out Ron Behrenwald, Kathy Petrich and a number of other fine staff they disliked. They fired the custodians, another groups they were at odds with, especially since some of them blew the whistle on administration wrongdoing such as the "air conditioning scandal" and possible "late night trysts" by the former business manager with a contractor. It has been five years of fighting and conflict with little to no attempt at cooperation or teamwork with the staff.

Five years of backing Joyce Phillips, or being duped by her, depending on whose view you believe, maybe both, have been enough. Paul Beardslee is finally giving up the fight, as his future political career in Marshall is over. Potter, Stulberg and Darling have all had business setbacks and their reputations tarnished over their actions the last few years. The failure of a crucial bond vote before the economy tanked was a massive blow to the Marshall schools. Nearly everyone and the entire staff is very upset with how the way things have been mismanaged so badly by Joyce Phillips and the board. The Marshall schools have definitely suffered more than they prospered the last five years.

Now it is time for big changes. Maybe something good will start to happen as change takes place. It can't get any worse.

Anonymous said...

possible "late night trysts" by the former business manager with a contractorYou mean Amy Jones with Josh at her Middle School office? That is widely known in the schools and "the good doctor" Phillips did nothing, except maybe give her a raise. The board did nothing either. Brian Metcalf was even worse! That happened several years ago. If you are loyal you can get away with anything.

Ruling clique splintering? said...

Organized groups usually stay together as long as they have a common cause or opponent. Eventually most splinter as conditions change. I think many people who supported this group (JP, JD, PB, DS and VC) when they claimed to be reformers have learned they turned out to be worse than their predecessors.

Its time for change and big changes we need. (1) Staff morale is at rock bottom, (2) true teamwork and cooperation is almost nonexistent, (3) community trust and support has been lost, (4) the bond failed, (5) the MPS has lost some of its reputation, (6) scandals have been covered up while others were forced out for unjust reasons and (7) students are leaving. All caused by bad policies, incompetent leaders, dishonesty, double standards, arrogance and stupidity.

No excuses for this! I am surprised there has not been a recall yet.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Bill Desmet! I think almost everyone I know is. I can't think of anyone excited to have Georgia back on the board, especially since she is such a big supporter of Joyce Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know is voting for DeSmet including some of Georgias "friends" who have her signs in the yard. Like we need two self-serving "divas" on the board. Both her and that Darling woman have been Jkps biggest supporters from the beginning. Time for the fat ladies to sing for the last time.

Anonymous said...

Vic Potter needs to recover and spend more time with his family. Many think he will step down so Georgia gets on the board either way. We will see.

Anonymous said...

JP should give Janice Darling her 2nd retirement from Michigan to make up for all of the business Janice lost for supporting her. She should give some to Vic and Dan too.

Share the responsibility said...

Those three are not that innocent. They were tipped off from staff about bad policies and actions they should not support. Actually some of the worst things that were done likely originated from them. You reap what you sow. Which ones are pushing to fire Mr. Hulkow now? Hmmm, I wonder!

Sleazy attack on Mr. Hulkow by JP and her board supporters said...

BC Enquirer April 30, 2009 afternoon:

Yes, as we all suspected they found a sleazy way to move forward with their efforts to fire Mr. Hulkow and force him out of at least one of his positions. We all know the reasons are personal, sleazy and very political! Kudos to John Coulter for this quote:

"I think we should talk about this at the public meeting" next month, said Trustee John Coulter. "...this was under the radar, sneaky and wrong."

They are also using Annette Campau to announce a "contract issue" which we all know is a load of crap because other schools have the same kinds of arrangement. Rich took the early "retirement" to save the district $50,000+ while Phillips has cost the district millions. Is it time for a recall now of JP supporters? Send in your letters to the editor or post on the BC Enquirer web site. The anti-Hulkow board members are:

Janice Darling
Dan Stulberg
Vic Potter
Paul Beardslee
and most likely Ali Webb

Not sure about Annette Campau

Give John Coulter your support, he needs it! You can be sure Georgia Marsh is pushing for Mr. Hulkow to be fired! JP wants this as a final knife in the back of the Marshall schools.

Contact the MPS board said...

If you have concerns or questions about (1) upcoming budget cuts, (2) programs you care about, (3) administrative raises (Tech Director got about 40% in 3 years, Phillips 9% plus 2nd MI retirement, new supt. huge 11% raise despite weak background), (4) whether or not Mr. Hulkow should be removed from football coaching and/or his AD job, (5) whether or not Joyce Phillips should be held accountable for fireable offenses, or (6) other concerns, then please contact the MPS board members below,,,

Vic Potter:
Paul Beardslee:
Dan Stulberg
Janice Darling:
John Coulter:
Ali Webb:
Annette Campau:

Let them know what you think and how you feel! Most are in the phone book if you prefer to call.

Anonymous said...

I did not believe Vic at all when he gave his little speech and threw a little tantrum over the big turnout to support Coach Hulkow on April 13.

He made it sound like the board wouldn't do a thing without Rich's involvement and support. That everything had been made up or blown all out of proportion.

Well as we now know for sure, this was all a big lie. He tried to schmooze things over and now it all backfires on him.

All goodwill from his accident is gone. He could have emerged a better, nicer, more cooperative board leader. Instead he returned to his past sleazy methods and tactics. So much for his Word!

BC Enquirer Hulkow story April 30, 2009 said...

If you try to click the BC Enquirer article today 4-30-09 about the board trying to fire Mr. Hulkow from the front page of the BC Enquirer web site, you will get a box pop up that wants you to log in. Just hit cancel if this happens.

Either way go to the "News" link on the left side and when the main news page comes up then click on the Hulkow article. It should open just fine with no log in pop up.

Or copy and paste this link:

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised by this or how they went about it?

Anonymous said...

What the heck is wrong with this town. The school board is a HUGE waste of time and money. They are useless, they are greedy snobs who really do not care about our kids. I can say that there is one exception and that would be Mr. Coulter.

Coach Hulk has given so much to our school district and our board of directors have to bash him like they do. NO RESPECT!

Hulk cares for the kids, he really truly does. He helps them on and off the field. It doesn't matter what sport it is, he is there to support the kids.

Our school board is a laugh stock to our community. You should hear what other schools say about Marshall. It isn't good. How can the board say they care, when they hide the fact that there is so much drugs being done at the schools, that right, not just the high school, but the middle school as well. I think the school board should be made up of real parents of kids attending our schools. Not some washed up business owners, snobs, lowlife better than tho people.

Anonymous said...

Here is my question: Why is everyone pointing fingers at Hulkow, when Linda Bennink has done the exact same thing. She retired and is now under a contract!!!! But I see no one screaming about this!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that it's because Hulk will not cow-tow to joyce. He will not follow her like a lost sheep.

Anonymous said...

as a student at marshall high school i am sadden by what the board of education has and is doing for all of students. we students can not do much but stand behind the best person in the marshall school district, even tho there are many good teachers Hulk has been known to many of us longer then just our high school years. we need the community to stand together and help us. SOMEONE PLEASE ANYONE PLEASE HELP US at a time when we need it start a recall get these people out for current students as well as future students of marshall public school system.

Anonymous said...

Hey board members are you getting the hint. Your not welcome in Marshall anymore. I doubt you ever were, but I think you can see that even the students have their own voice and opinions. We need a total recall on the board members. I wonder how they feel knowing that everyone wants to give them the boot?

End the nonsense bull crap about getting rid of one of the most honored members of our school system. You will never have as many backers as Coach does.

Recall all Board except John C. NOW said...

Isn't the past three weeks of double talk by vic enough for a recall? How can you vic make statements at a public meeting of +100 that 'nothing is going to happen without Hulkow helping with that decision' to a meeting taking place without public notice where Hulkow is basically being tarred and feathered without support....for nothing he did. This is all vendetta related. I would think a recall would be in the making by now.

Also, how can someone who was removed from her Board position via the recall tool (Georgia Marsh) even be allowed to run for that same board again? This is pretty insane.

Stop the underhanded attacks of good employees - does this board not realize all those employees who lie, cheat the district and go about their daily business...well of course they are joyce 'yes' people.

Once again - Thank you John have proven to be the only board member who shows a desire to 'serve this community' as you were elected to do.

Anonymous said...

I agree! It looks like Annette Campau is on the "dark side" now too. It has been another terrible year in the Marshall schools. If this board majority had been recalled a year ago we could have fired Joyce by now and the $35 mil MHS bond would have passed.

I hope their dishonest and sleazy actions against Coach Hulkow is the straw that breaks the camels back and leads to a recall ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Annette C. may have been lied to and honestly thinks its a "contract issue." I hope she reads this blog or someone tells her what is really up. She is most likely being used. If she knows what she is doing and still supports the board majority then she deserves to be recalled along with all but John C.

Why Now Board? said...

Mr. Hulkow has done a tremendous job for over two decades as both AD and football coach. He has also served very well as an assistant Principal, especially since about 50% of the time he is the only Principal actually at MHS, especially after school and on weekends. The superintendent and the board should be bending over backwards to keep him around a few more years, not taking action to remove him from one or more of these important roles he does so well.

I am also concerned about reports that this is mostly a "personal" and not a "personnel" issue. We all know about Dan's dispute with the MPS when he was the girls basketball coach. I would hope he did not run for the board to make revenge on Mr. Hulkow because the parents of the girls wanted a female coach! Also Vic has been known to use very vulgar references (I will not repeat here) when referring to Mr. Hulkow. This makes Vic, not Mr. Hulkow, look bad. We all know how awful Supt. Phillips is to just about everyone. The board should be focusing on removing her from office ASAP if they truly care about the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

Where can I sign a recall petition?

Anonymous said...

Georgia apparently had Plan B. According to the county clerk's web site, she filed petitions Thursday for the CISD board, but was declared ineligible for some reason.

Anonymous said...

What was Paul Beardslee thinking when he wrote a letter endorsing Matt Davis for the KCC board? Is he really for his opponents? He should realize that such a public endorsement could cost Matt a lot of votes as people think Matt is a supporter of the board majority and Joyce Phillips. Like a kiss of death. I have already heard from people who decided NOT to vote for Matt because of Paul's endorsement.

Anonymous said...

Matt also had my vote until I saw that Beardslee endorsed him. No longer voting for Matt. Also will NEVER give that "Darling" woman any of my families business. She has been Joyces biggest supporter even as most of her "friends" knew years ago she was ruining our once fine district.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Bill DeSmet!

Support Coach Hulkow, write letters to the Chronicle, Enquirer, call board members, start a recall if you will of board members who support Joyce Phillips against Coach Hulkow.

Thank John Coulter for his brave stands against the Joyce Phillips/Board majority clique (which include Georgia Marsh) who have several damaged our schools for far too long!

Share your views:

These people support Joyce Phillips and want to see Coach Hulkow fired from at least one of his two jobs...

Vic Potter:
Paul Beardslee:
Dan Stulberg
Janice Darling:
Ali Webb:
Annette Campau:

This brave soul does not: Thank him...

John Coulter:

Thanks John!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to vote on Tuesday! The best candidate by far for the Marshall schools board is Bill DeSmet. Georgia Marsh is one of the biggest backers and friends of Joyce Phillips, Janice Darling, Vic Potter, Paul Beardslee and Dan Stulberg. This group has caused great harm to our school distrct. They are in the process of causing more harm by trying to force out Mr. Hulkow! Don't forget to support Mr. Hulkow too. If you want to start a recall you will have no problem getting a few thousand signatures.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Phillips endorses Georgia Marsh for school board! Both push to force out Mr. Hulkow. Janice, Dan, Vic, Paul and Ali all think this is a great idea too!

Do you support the group above that have run the Marshall schools the last 4-5 years?

What does everyone else think?

Who supports whom and why? said...

I always thought that Georgia Marsh was a wonderful person! I doubt she had anything to do with the leadership mistakes of the last few years. But I do find it unusual that Tom Franke is supporting Bill DeSmet because I always thought Marsha Franke was close friends with Georgia Marsh and Janice Darling. Is Marsha F. not supporting her friend? Was there a falling out? Or is Tom doing his own thing? Marshall politics is often murky and often hard to know the true motivations of those in leadership and opposition.

Don't be fooled- Vote for Bill DeSmet! said...

Those who do not know what has really been happening in the Marshall schools may support Georgia M. because she appears to be a great candidate. But the sad truth is she has been closely associated with Dr. Phillips and the board clique that has made many very bad decisions that has damaged the Marshall schools severely.

There is no evidence other than she is anything but 100% behind this group and these policies- forced out Ron B, Kathy P and other good employees, backed Dr. Phil despite scandals and incompetent leadership, unfairly trying to force out Mr. Hulkow, made the quick and foolish decision to fire all custodians which was a huge mistake on several levels, cover up for and reward incompetent loyalists, threaten the teachers and the Chronicle with lawsuits over the staff survey, and you can read this blog for dozens of other examples.

Also remember that bizarre ad that Georgia ran against Lou G, when he ran for mayor? Even if you do not like Lou, it was a low blow just before the election. That could have been handled differently. Yes, Georgia appears to have a dark side. All evidence points to her being one of Joyce Phillips closest and strongest allies which makes her anti-MPS, anti-kids and anti-Marshall! There is no evidence she has learned or changed the error of her ways.

Vote for Bill DeSmet!

Anonymous said...

Don't get your hopes up too much. Even if Bill DeSmet joins John Coulter as an independent pro-Kids voice, they are still outnumbered by the other group. Also by all accounts Randy Davis is expected to be weak and do as they tell him. JP had no strength except that she got from the board. JP was promised five years and a 2nd retirement in return for a list of dirty deeds. She is now working on the "force out Hulkow" dirty deed. RD will be more of the same. The outlook is still bleak. If Georgia Marsh is elected it will be even more bleak.

Anonymous said...

Vote for the millage renewal too, even if you are mad at the board and Phillips. If it fails it will not hurt them, they will just make more cuts. Pass it for the kids!

Anonymous said...

Georgia Marsh has been the most negative force behind Joyce Phillips from the beginning. Dont let that phony smile fool you as she will do nothing but continue the self-serving and destructive path we have been on for the past five years. She also condemned this blog and all of us who post here as a few malcontents who should go public or be quiet. Again, lets remember all who dared speak up against the folly of the last five years. What happens to those who dare disagree with Joyce, Janice, Georgia, Dan etc. Diva Georgia is the last person the Marshall Public Schools need on the board.

Georgia's revenge? said...

Many of us Marshall teachers are trying to figure out why Georgia Marsh has stabbed us in the back by backing and and advising Joyce Phillips and her board buddies. They have taken a radical anti-teacher stand since they took power. They have abused their power and have NOT looked out for the best interests of the schools.

They attack some of the best and brightest teachers who they seem to see as a threat. They handsomely reward mediocrity and incompetence. Why the betrayal Georgia? It is a betrayal of our schools and our kids too? And our town! You should know better! you should be speaking out in favor of honesty, transparency, "excellence" and competent leadership. You supported the opposite for the last five years! Is it revenge against everyone because of you were recalled?

Anonymous said...

Ms. marsh has no real vested interest in our schools other than to hang out with her pals who've made such poor decisions over the past 5 years. She has allied herself with the dark-side on many occasions and now wants to sit next to Janice, Dan and Vic on a board that she was recalled a few short years ago. To me this is more of the same. I don't know much about the other guy, Bill, except that he does have 2 children who currently attend MPS and have a vested interest in the future of MPS(more than I can say about certain administrators in our district). My vote and those in my household are with the new blood on the school board.

Anonymous said...

Georgia Marsh did get a nice list of names, which includes some on staff, for her endorsement election ad. One problem, many of these people felt pressured and agreed to it despite the fact they DO NOT plan to vote for her! I bet at least 50% on this list either don't vote or vote for Mr. DeSmet.

Anonymous said...

Try more like 90% don't vote for her.

Vote for Change...Change is about new board leadership! said...

My parents always warned me against people like Georgia....she is just another version of Joyce. Smiling while stabbing great people in the back. Isn't this how Georgia has always been. She was not that much different while employed at MPS.

We need new vote is for Bill DeSmet. Fresh new outlook on school business....can't hurt us but more of the same (with Georgia) will hurt us!

What a legacy for our kids said...

We still have 2 more months of Mrs. Phillips, Beardslee along with Potter, Darling and the gang to wreak as much havoc as they can. You can be sure they will force Rich Hulkow out of all they can get away with. Remember when Beardslee ran as "neutral on the Redskin issue" which we all learned later was a lie. And how Ron Behrenwald went to him and trusted him to discuss problems with Phillips- then how he stabbed Mr. Behrenwald in the back! I hope Beardslee does not run for higher office as his reputation is in the toilet. We all know that Georgia Marsh was a part of this gang of fools and played a big role in supporting Joyce and pushing for bad and stupid actions. JP will go down in Marshall history as the meanest, most incompetent and dishonest superintendent we have ever had, maybe in the state too!

What another awful year! If the board had listened and followed wise advice to replace JP 2-3 years ago we would all be celebrating the bond that passed and watching MHS get updated for the 21st century. Our kids are the biggest losers from this mess. The community have lost a lot too as our property values decline over this mess.

Good luck Bill DeSmet! We need good and honest people on the board.

Anonymous said...

We need more new blood on the board. It would be great to see Darling, Stulberg, Potter and Webb recalled. They have done nothing but back Phillips, make bad decisions, reward JP lackies and treat everyone else like dirt. A reckless arrogant powertrip! That is why the bond failed, its their fault! Anyone who cares about "excellence" would have fired Phillips a long time ago.

Election 2009 update said...

As of 5:45 pm I have conducted an unofficial and non scientific survey of over 30 Marshall residents, most teachers. The results...

At least 25 for Bill DeSmet, two of which are in Georgia's ad as an endorser.

4 who do not fully trust either candidate and plan not to vote. Includes those who are suspicious of the Franke endorsement of Bill DeSmet, knowing how close they are (were?) to Joyce Phillips.

1 who plans a write in candidate, though no official ones registered I am aware of.

Paul Beardslee's endorsement of Matt Davis has cost him many vote among this unscientific group.

The millage should pass with no problem, though there is some concern that some of those upset with the board (almost everyone) and Phillips may vote against it as a protest. If it passes with less than 80% of the vote, that is why.

Get out and vote!

Anonymous said...

I'm probably just being hypercritical, but no one from the board (or Joyce) said anything public about passing the millage. They missed a great chance to promote the district.

Anonymous said...

I am astonished at the depth of the venemous ideology in this blog. Have you any idea how much time a school board member DONATES to the district? What are you doing to help Marshall Public Schools? Voicing your vicious attacks will get us nowhere. This blog is a public embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

You must have no idea what Supt. Joyce Phillips and the board majority have done the last five years. Talk to ten MPS staff members that you may know and trust you enough to speak the truth. You would be appalled and understand why those who care are so upset and critical. It is worse than that, some of what has occurred may be criminal. Much of it is incompetent and misguided at best. All other efforts to work with this clique have been shot down, failed, threatened or worse. Trust me, all of the criticism is well-deserved!

Anonymous said...

Dan must be playing on the computer again. This is his mantra, "We are volunteers and put so much blood, sweat, and tears into making our school at better place for children" is his type of response. Ask him sometime about his support of JKP, he'll lash out at you like a kid who's had his toy taken from him. It's pathetic. He'll also question "how many schools have you worked with in your past". If the heat is too hot, get out of the kitchen. Our board is a public embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

Dan and Vic have been throwing a lot of hissy fits this past year. Maybe they should both step down and relax.

Get a clue before posting!!!! said...

"I am astonished at the depth of the venemous ideology in this blog."

YOU SHOULD BE ASTONISHED AT THE DEPTH OF VENEMOUS IDEOLOGY IN THE SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE! Are you an ostrich or something? Or do you just wish to live in your own little world with your rose colored glasses on?

This blog speaks volumes of truths that people can not voice at a board meeting.

1) it would take hundreds of hours for people to voice the unbelievable harmful attacks they have endured
2) this Board would still continue to pretend 'all is well at MPS' - when it has been terrible....READ THAT SURVEY FROM THE STAFF DEC. 2006

Anonymous said...

The Marshall schools have been mismanaged by at least the last three administrations. Each one gets progressively worse. Is Marshall jinxed?

Anonymous said...

Are children still banned from walking past Dr. Phillips office at MHS? Was it because some walked by when she stepped in the hall to fart and they laughed at her?

Anonymous said...

Joyce has stunk up the schools in more ways than one!

Anonymous said...

I hope they take away her second retirement She lied so much she should have been fired long ago. She made fools of Vic, Dan, Janice, Ali and Paul.

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