Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Discussion Of Topics

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Anonymous said...

It is true that Joyce does not let the facts get in the way of a good story (can't say "lying" or she may sue you!). At the June 12th school board meeting she was questioned by Bob Lyng as to why she had a different hiring process at the high school to hire an assistant Principal than at the other two buildings. She insisted it was the same and she had no idea why others thought it was not. Then later Bob questioned her in detail clearly laying out how she "did not tell the truth" which was very clear as the process was completely different. She then got mad and was rude toward Bob as she refused to admit the truth. Then in the same meeting she rudely ignored Sam Ramon as he addressed the school board and engaged Mr. Beardslee in an extended conversation, even after Sam had stopped for about a minute and everyone embarrassingly looked on as she ignored Sam and everyone else. Why is this awful behavior tolerated? Watch the Board meeting on video at the library. Her rude behavior is the norm, not the exception! Marshall deserves better!

Anonymous said...

I agree! She is only nice to people who kiss up to her. She has been highly disrespectful toward the staff and Principals, especially those she did not hire. Her competency is in question and her leadership is very poor at best. Marshall does deserve better, much better.

Anonymous said...

We need Bob and Sam back! And Lou too! I never knew how good they were by comparison!


Anonymous said...

I have to disagree, We need the whole board to realize THEIR job and do it properly! Bob and Sam have choosen to move on! Just remember that if the current Board does not do what needs to be done then there is a tool We as a community can use, can anyone say RECALL!!!

To angry anonymous, YES I do Think it is a tool not a threat!!

Anonymous said...

Regrding the recall...........I say go for it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lou for School Board...that would be awesome...I believe the support is there now that he has been in retirement for a couple years. Before there had not been enough time...and look what MPS received - VIC! There is no comparison in the knowledge of these two men.

Anonymous said...

It is too bad these board members do not respect and appreciate the 300 MPS concerns. We are I believe the second largest business in this community. We have tried very hard to help them to do their elected jobs. I am now open to the recall - but I hate what it will do to this community. We are too small to be divided. PLEASE ALL BOARD MEMBERS, NEIGHBORS OR BOARD MEMBERS, FAMLIES OF BOARD MEMBERS....WE ARE BEGGING YOU TO LISTEN AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION.

Anonymous said...

Can a recall be done in stages? Maybe remove 2-3 school board members as a wake up call as to the seriousness of this matter. I can think of 2-3 that should be gone very soon unless they change their ways. Those of us in the local business community see this situation as being very harmfull to all of Marshall.

Anonymous said...

Every business owner in this town should be proactive. We cannot afford to have 300 employees boycott any of our businesses. I know 2 businesses that are being boycotted currently. This is sad - all these board members need to do is what these citizens elected them to do.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that the downtown businesses have asked the Chronicle not to publish any more negative news items regarding the schools..........if this is true, I will NOT be shopping at all in Marshall. If the downtown merchants don't want to support the schools, why should I support them?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps our local business should use their time more wisely for this town and be talking to school board members - I can't see this going away - until JP goes away. This is a grave issue - it's not addressing it if you ask the papers to remain positive...that's pretty absurb! 300 familes require alot of items to live...hate to see any of them shopping in BC or Jackson, Coldwater...when they could shop here. You know there are alot of Wrecker Services and you don't have to wait as long as you do for Bud's. He does have the school district business....!

Anonymous said...

Let's be careful about who is supportive of the MPS staff and community. I know many business owners who would love to see Phillips' gone! If anyone claiming to represent Marshall businesses said anything like that to the Chronicle they certainly did not speak on behalf of all or even most businesses downtown. Does anyone know of any business owner in Marshall, other than those on the school board, that supports Phillips?

Anonymous said...

I shop at D & D and I view myself and supporting the wonderful people who work there. I like Janice personally but I am also upset with her support for a Superintendent who has caused so much trouble. I say go to D & D and talk openly about your views while there. Some of the staff are quite sympathetic. Let's not hurt them too. But I do think it is time for a new leader at the top of the Marshall Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

Support Marshall schools and businesses, replace Joyce now!!!

Anonymous said...

support Marshall Schools/businesses and MPS employees. These people went way out on a limb to try to get this town to understand the obstacle at hand. Indiana just laughed. They understood what we are trying to deal with. Let's follow the lead of the little town north of us (Bellevue)....demote and not have to pay off that extended contract...let's just pay it off. This is not a match...Joyce and Marshall. Not anyone at fault...just isn't a match!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone one been the party of Joyce's coercion? I know some that have!

Anonymous said...

That is how bad managers operate, threaten and coerce. A good respected and competenent manager does not have to do that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, our group witnessed her coercion when she had only been here 4 months. Hind sight - we should have brought it to the attention of the board then. Before the Board poured gifts of monetary value into her pockets!