Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Superintendent's Corner

by Dr. Joyce Phillips, Superintendent, MPS
Published October 23, 2006
The Marshall Chronicle

Vision is a powerful tool. It sets the course to the future, gives us direction, and allows us to focus on purpose and strategic direction. Without vision, we are always looking in the rear view mirror. Looking in the rear view mirror of your car will get you out of the driveway. Once you get out of the driveway though, you are stuck until you look ahead. It is only by looking forward through the windshield at the road that you can get anywhere. That's not to say that checking the backward view from time to time isn't important. It is. However, by constantly looking backward, you cannot move ahead. A leader is the keeper of the vision. A leader keeps the main thing, the main thing. Here is my vision for Marshall Public Schools:
My vision includes high student achievement. In my vision, the achievement of Marshall's students is highly regarded throughout the county, region, and state. Elementary, middle and high school students have opportunities for enrichment, advanced study or remediation. After high school graduation, students are successful in their next choices, whether that is a 4 year or 2 year college or university; the workforce; the military; or other technical training. Failure is not acceptable. My vision includes highly qualified staff. Each position in the district, from support staff, to teaching staff, to administrative staff is filled by the highest qualified, most competent person for that position. My vision includes a school board that sets strategic direction for the district and develops policy. The board sets goals and then holds all of us accountable for those goals. My vision includes a school environment which supports quality teaching and learning. School space that is well maintained and up-to-date meets students' needs and learning styles. The buildings are clean and in good repair. The well-kept grounds make a statement that we care from the outside to the inside, and that everything we do is important. My vision includes a transportation system that holds students' safety in the highest regard and a food service system that provides healthy choices and quality foods. My vision includes opportunities for quality professional development and training. All staffs eagerly engage in these opportunities to continue learning new techniques and strategies that will increase their effectiveness in their position. Continuous improvement is valued and expected. My vision includes a community partnership that is dedicated to the success of out students and programs. My vision also includes awareness for fiscal responsibility. The success of my vision depends on the financial health of the district. We cannot overspend our limits or none of the vision becomes reality. After reading this, you have a pretty good idea about my ideas for Marshall Public Schools. Over the course of these last three years, you have seen this vision spark into life and begin to take shpae. As the vision continues to unfold and drive our work, I make you a promise: I will continue to keep Our Kids First.


Anonymous said...

Does Joyce have the "vision" to see the major problems she has caused? Does she have the "vision" to see how she has failed as a leader?

One of those on the interview team has said that the person they interviewed (Joyce) and the person she became as Supt. are two very different people. She interviewed well, and apparently can still fool the board, but has turned into a disaster for the Marshall schools as the Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone out there gullible enough to believe her columns? Imagine if she wrote her true "vision" for the Marshall Schools (I plan to fire..., I will investigate..., I will sue..., I will not tolerate any dissent..., I do not like anyone I did not hire... I do not actually like those I have hired... Can I fire janitors and bus drivers?...Give me more money before I can retire back in Hoosierland.). C'ya Marshall!

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression a superintendent of schools is to follow the vision of the community and board in regards to 'visions for the local school district'. She is not the boss of the school board....she works for them. Everyone in Marshall should take offense to Joyce even voicing her vision. She has only lived here less than 3 years. What does her vision mean to us? She hasn't even figured out thast Chet Travis has never been the Mayor! lol Guess she now does understand who Judge Frank Line is. Hey - look what happened to Judith Bailey!!!

Anonymous said...

WMU sure knew how to deal with an incompetent school leader. And they are now much better off because of it.

When will our school board wake up and do the same here? Hopefully soon, before it is too later!

Anonymous said...

So there is one thing that i do actually agree with Joyce Phillips about - that you can't always be looking backwards. However, when you are having the continuous problems that MPS is having you need to look back and evaluate each problem so you can find the root of it and do what needs to be done. Joyce Phillips doesn't want anyone looking back at any of the issues because she knows that she is the root of all those issues. What the board needs to do now is take their balls back and do something to rectify these issues. The board is there to keep the community's, Staff's and students best interest in mind and all they are doing at the moment is just trying to please Joyce Phillips... which is not their job! Joyce is not their boss - they are her's!
I graduated from MPS 5.5 years ago and as long as Joyce Phillips is superintendent i am ashamed to call myself a Marshall Alumni.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joyce:
My heater is broke. Can you send the guys over to fix it? Tell them I will get them some gift certificates to Applebees!

Thanks for being a Team Player!

Anonymous said...

Well, I believe that most of the interview team has recended the recommendation of Joyce Phillips. Dan DeGood stood at the board meeting and apologized to the Board for this recommendation. Why? Has Joyce Phillips lived up to the Tasks of which she was hired for? There was a survey done by the organization that had done the foot work for the Board, has anyone gone back using the guidelines laid out for their search to see if we recieved what we were looking for, or do we just get by with what we got?
One of the factors,was to get someone in which to heal the internal morale of the district, as well as, the financial crisis of the district(which has been a work in progress, even though her own salary and retirement seem to grow at a larger and faster rate).
So as a whole are we glorified or just getting by and should we really settle for good enough even though Dr. Joyce Phillips expects EXCELLENCE???!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Phillips, and don't ever start a conversation with her calling her Mrs. Phillips she will not allow that. She is a Dr. and that is what you will address her with. You want and the board want people to come forward and talk about what their concerns are with no reprecussions from that. What are they stupid!!!!! You have suspended many people and are attacking people on a daily basis for less than that. You already got rid of one of the best administrators when you chased out Jeff Cable, why, because he didn't have YOUR mind and had his own. He wanted to do what was best for the students. Do YOU!!!!!! I don't think so. You routinely ignore the little person. You routinely reprimand staff for not doing what you think they should do.
We need to move to the future and do what is best for Marshall!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

Does Mrs. Phillips have experience as a Principal? No, she was a bureaucrat in the Hoosier Dept of Ed.

So what if she took some classes and wrote a paper for her EDd! She is probably the worst educator in the district. Any one of the other Princpals are far more qualified than her to be Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Exactly why did Marshall hire an Indiana person. I can not believe there WAS NO ONE that needed and wanted a job here in Michigan. I know alot of good canidates are not available in December (most have contracts through June)...but we could have employed someone in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what JPs vision is for this week. It's kinda hard to keep track the way it weaves around however she needs it. I'd really like to get back to the "Marshall Excellence in Education" vision. It seemed to be working fine....until Joyce decided we needed her vision.

Anonymous said...

Here are some good topics for her:

"The Peter Principle up a few more levels" (she has been promoted way beyond her level of competence!)

"Rewarding loyalty, punishing all others"

"Not letting the facts get in the way of a good story, or speech or column"

"How to con seven people to get what you want"

"A sociopathic guide to leadership" (show no true feelings or emotions toward anyone, no matter how much you harm them)

"Coverups and spin- my unique approach"

This should get her through until Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Now she is stuck on trying to get even with anyone SHE THINKS has had anything to do with the exposure of her behavior. I am a living witness of that this past two weeks. Who could be my day. But apparently - this community does not care about the harm striking innocent employees and their ability to maintain their lives here in Marshall. Each employee she harms is that much less for this community to have in their base. These harmed employees can't shop here if they can't work here. HOW MUCH MORE MARSHALL? Not all of us have independent wealth. We count on the jobs we have done for decades before that Hoosier swooped down and began systematically breaking up this district.

Anonymous said...

As a Marshall businesswoman I am angry with the way Dr. Phillips has been treating our school empoyees and many parents I have talked to. Wake up school board-- if I know what is going on you should know even better. Please stop this from further harming our district.

Anonymous said...

I have been a member of the MPS family for 20 years. I have NEVER seen what I am seeing now. Keep in mind JP does not brag to the board about her constant unethical behavior. She is the farthest thing from nice - but she sure will put on her fake charm to keep her influential circle fooled. The joke is really going to be on them - innocent sheet following the goat to the slaughter. It has gotten much worse since the turn over of the surveys. Now all I know to do is Pray for help from above.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be almost no evidence of the board doing anything positive since the surveys were turned over, except for Chris and John's brief comments and the fact that at least these two will listen and show respect to the staff and parents who have talked to them. A recall may be needed for at least a few board members soon. The situation is very bad and Joyce has handled it through more arrogance and hostility.

Anonymous said...

I know the admins are feeling the heat. Even Linda Bennink is distancing herself from Joyce now. I think she sees the writing is on the wal.

Anonymous said...

Now that is something. I wish Brian and Amy would smarten up and do the same...but they have been bought and paid for haven't they?

Anonymous said...

If Amy and Brian had a good reputation with the staff and the community they could be forgiven for not openly opposing Joyce. But since their reputations are not very good, they deserve to be replaced based on their own poor performance. Their loyalty to Joyce is just an added reason to clean house at the top.

Anonymous said...

If a new survey went out I would request Amy Jones be included. She was not on the survey results because it was a unionized effort. Amy does not have union employees. Hers, unfortunately for them, are at-will employees. Just an FYI for those who have not figured out why she can make horrendous mistakes, help cover them up, and not be on the survey. I have heard many times now that ALL EMPLOYEES WANTED TO FILL OUT A SURVEY - BUT IT WAS AN MEA EFFORT! Let's include them next time. All employees even building principals. Let's evaluate Joyce, Brian and Amy this time around. Before it was evidenced how awesome all the building principals are - by their ratings. Let's just evaluate the problem children here...Amy, Joyce and Brian.

Anonymous said...

How about the time out booth for the three of them?

Anonymous said...

Preferably one in Indiana.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have anything positive to say about Joyce Phillips?

Anonymous said...

AFter reading the last sentence of your superintendent's corner I wonder to myself how can she "continue to keep our children first" if so many indicate she has not yet PUT OUR CHILDREN FIRST! Concerned in Harper Creek for our fellow employees in education in Calhoun County!

Anonymous said...

I remember Jeff Cable. The most visible MS principal ever. JP couldn't control him so he had to go. Sure wish he was back here. Sure wish JP was gone. All I can do is wish. Afraid to do anything else. Can't believe anyone would take their troubles to the Vickster. Ha!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that MPS staff may not be comfortable to sit down to coffee with Vic, Paul and Janice and share their true feelings about JPs leadership?

How could this be?

Anonymous said...

Jeff was the scapegoat for the new building problems at MMS, though he was not allowed to play a role in the faulty planning that he was blamed for. To this day nobody seems to know how to turn the lights out at night on the MMS new edition. Just drive by, it is lit up around the clock 24-7. Bob C. got his $100,000 or whatever screwup money and bailed. Marsha started the blame game about Jeff and had Joyce finish her dirty work. Can anyone figure out how to turn off the lights at night?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the same person can turn the lights off that made the executive decision that the newly DONATED grand piano at the high school be locked at all times. Not only is it locked but the only person in charge of getting it unlocked is Amy Jones...who can't seem to make it to work before 10 or 11 am each day. Now, I am not the most intelligent person in Calhoun County but I would think we would encourage our students to at least be able to SEE this awesome handcrafted grand piano. Now, some would think perhaps a choir, orchestra or band director would be able to access it. Well, not really. This GIFT (although it must be insured for $100,000) is in a box that the district music instructors can not even unlock. I guess Amy Jones is just alot more trustworthy than our music educators. I hope no one lets the donors know what a fiasco their wonderful awesome donation has become under the direction of the good doctor! What a disgrace!

Anonymous said...

Heard last week that if Amy Jones had waited to see the specs on the new grand piano we would not even have had to build the locked box. All the grand piano needed was to be plugged into a humidity control unit...then you don't have to move the wonderful instrument. They make beautiful dust covers to put over the piano. Each time it is moved it needs to be tuned again. Perhaps instead of micromanaging the music dept. we could have consulted with them. They are the experts in music. They all knew you aren't supposed to move the grand piano around all the time. Let alone have only one person have a key to access the locked box that was not needed. MICROMANAGEMENT AT IT'S BEST Are we going backwards here?

Anonymous said...

More incompetence in action!

Anonymous said...

Joyce, Brian and Amy keep proving their incompetence over and over.

Anonymous said...

Amy lives near me and a mutual friend told me that she has no great love for Dr. Phillips. So maybe everyone should back off and not blame her for the actions of the Superintendant.

Anonymous said...

I have also heard Amy complaining about how Phillips has not backed her as much as she thought. I do not think there is any love lost between them.