Monday, October 16, 2006

Lets Hear What You Have To Say

Unless you have been hiding under a rock here in Marshall, you know that there is some controversy brewing (or has already brewed and people are just finding out about it) with our top administration of the Marshall Public Schools, mainly Joyce Phillips. The common theme coming out now from Joyce Phillips and Board President Vic Potter is that communication is good. So, what better communication tool than a Blog. Feel free to post any comments that you have about this topic.


Anonymous said...

Keep contacting the Marshall School Board and the area newspapers with your questions, comments and concerns. If the Marshall schools are going to move forward, they may need a new leader at the top. I think it is too late for Joyce to mend her awful reputation in Marshall. Her die hard board supporters seem to be Vic, Janice and Paul. Hopefully they and the others will "see the light" and start to take the actions needed to truly do as they often say "what is best for the kids."

Anonymous said...

In what has been described as a "desperate move by a fool" by some, Dr. J has hired an attorney to threaten anyone who criticizes her in any way. Even if what they say is true and proveable, they may get threatened, as some already have been.

The Marshall School Board should not tolerate her bullying of Marshall citizens. She is viewed as being incompetent, mean, foolish and a huge liability to the Marshall Schools. If she swapped jobs with any of the Principals, could she run their building effectively? Of course not, she has never been a Principal.

Dear MPS School Board, please remove her ASAP before she does more harm!

Thanks, the people of Marshall

Anonymous said...

One can agree that Vic is certainly a diehard Joyce fan -- especially when he makes the following comment at a public board meeting...."I'll vote whatever way Dr. Phillips tells me to vote".

Anonymous said...

I would think Vic would know he is supposed to be Joyce's boss not her 'yes man'. "CODE OF ETHICS FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS AND EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTROATORS": "Board of Education Members and Professional Educational Administrators are a Leadersihp Team that is dedicated to the following principles of behavior in the performance of their responsibilities.
1. Commitment to be Trustworthy. 2. Commitment to Educaitonal Mission. 3. Commitment to be Responsible. 4. Commitment to a profession. 5. Commitment to Serve Others Above Self. This is a great piece to read. Web search: Michigan Association of School Boards.

Anonymous said...

It's been over one week since the 3 union leaders met with Vic and Paul. Has anyone had a Board member speak to them regarding the information they received from the three unions? Are Board members now out there talking and asking questions of the employees?

Anonymous said...

So far the board has engaged in a bare minimum amount of "damage control." Vic's comments have likely made things worse. We are all (Marshall citizens) waiting for them to take real actions toward solving these problems. There is not much community faith left in them. If they do not act soon they will be seen as a major part of the problem, as many already suspect. I hope they are reading this site and modifying their distorted views of Dr. Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Nope, no Board members have talked to me.

Anonymous said...

Not once has a board member asked me any question regarding the 'reason for the survey'. If they did - (which they appear not to care enough to do ) I would tell them this: The major management problem is micromanagement. When people who have been doing wonderful jobs have someone with absolutely no experience in that department - micro manage their departments from above- and they try to continue managing themselves - they become a problem to Joyce and Amy Jones. These two women have no clue regarding many of the issues their 'power hungry personalities' want to take over. Perhaps - if Amy and Joyce started 'just doing their own jobs' - quite possibly - they would not make the huge monetary mistakes that this district has had to cover. (Amy July 2005 - 2 of 3 groups she totally forgot to take care of the insurance premium increase....(this takes place EVERY JULY 1ST - AND WAS NOT ANYTHING NEW) Usually - micro management does spawn mistakes. Hence - the organizational chart and job descriptions....this is what guides companies to success.

Anonymous said...

Let me ask you one question. If you made a $20,000 mistake at work, while during the same month, another approx. $6,000 error both on insurance issues - would your boss fire you? OK - Joyce - why does Amy Jones have a job? Possibly she needs to keep her circle of friends (approx. a dozen at MPS)snuggly around her. Remember the saying: Change starts at the top. This saying is not made up - it has been around for decades. MPS does need change - and it SHOULD START AT THE TOP!

Anonymous said...

Hey tdawg - I am also still waiting for ANY board member to ask me anything. I guess my near 20 years wouldn't give me enough experience for them to tap into. (in comparison to her nearly 3 years) Really - what would my word mean...I raised a family in the system I have spent 20 years in. They did wonderful - and all received college degrees - all before JP even came to Marshall. I don't know how we did it without her PR vision.

Anonymous said...

I am hopeful that at least some MPS board members have turned on Joyce and I think more will follow soon. They all need to choose between Joyce on one hand and the entire staff and students on the other.

Anonymous said...

These board members live in this community. We have contracted joyce phillips - she is kind of like a paid visitor. She will return to 'south of the border' (really soon we hope) and never think again about how her leadership impacted your child, family, or business. BUT WE WILL...WE WILL STILL PASS EACH OTHER ON THE STREET! I say for the sake of a united Marshall that propers for decades to come - we must get her out of that office with lovely new carpet ASAP

Anonymous said...

We need Trump as our school board president! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am about to get our super and board stage passes to the Dr. Phil show. He would certainly get this situation straightened out.

Anonymous said...

Web moderator: I would like to see a poll of interest in Lou for school board. Hageman has my vote - How about Stan Wolk. He has incredible financial knowledge. He could teach Amy how to do the new math..."not cancelling double insurance = loss to district of $20,000 settlement". This mistake was significant enough in itself for Amy to be discharged. Not to mention all of her other errors that have cost this district. How did Amy Jones keep her job. Others would have been packed up and shipped out, probably before an investigation. It is things like this that have brought the morale of 300 employees to the all time low level it is currently at. FYI: It is much worse than it was in June when the survey was done. BOARD - PLEASE DO ANOTHER SURVEY TO ALL EMPLOYEES - ANONYMOUS - ASAP! Maybe you will believe your own results since those of the staff seem to mean nothing! Note to Dan: even board members are irreplaceable - not just staff members.

Anonymous said...

Correction to above. Stulberg has made the statement "no one on staff is irreplaceable..." this is correct...but this also applies to board members and school superintendents. The above posting stands corrected. meant replaceable...big difference. have a great thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

You can personally like Dan, Paul, Vic and Janice BUT still support a recall. The future of the Marshall schools are at stake. They have left us with no other options!

Anonymous said...

Their lack of actions are speaking very LOUD and CLEAR! The future of the Marshall school district is in clear jeopardy. Their respect and support are declining daily. Time is running out before a recall will be needed.

Anonymous said...

The word around MMS is that Joyce is being sneaky and sleazy as she seeks revenge on her critics. Since that now is the entire staff except for BM and AJ that is keeping her quite busy. Everyone please ignore Joyce "Scrooge" Phillips this holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Like last year. I tore up her generic holiday letter. Her words make my stomach heave! I hope my actions say what needs to be said about me. I don't have to do the big talk!

Anonymous said...

I think we should all write letters for Joyce this holiday season... to the editors of the local newspapers. The stuff on this blog needs to start getting out to a mass audience. Also if anyone writes mention this blog address. Keep telling your friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. There are still many that need to be educated on these issues. As people learn the facts and get angry, actions will eventually follow.

Anonymous said...

Send this blog address to everyone on your e-mail address list!

Whoever does this blog is doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Not a bad idea but you have to put your names on 'letters to the editor'. How about if we paid for a page and made comments without having to "sign our death warrants". Joyce is very busy right now harrassing anyone she thinks had anything to do with the survey. Problem is harrassment under her new 'harrassment policy'. I am suspicious of a supt. that has the need to change so many school policies. Kinda makes you wonder why huh!

Anonymous said...

She likes to change policies because it can be done in a room, or Schulers, with her favorite people Amy, Brian and school board members. She avoids the staff, students, parents and anything positive for education as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

When Marshall hired Joyce her old district held a big celebration! When we get rid of her we should too!

Anonymous said...

The way things are going we may be celebrating soon, I hope.

Anonymous said...

Personally I do not have much faith in the current school board, not even Dan, Chris or John. So far they have not said anything critical of Joyce despite massive evidence of failures and wrongdoings. If they were halfway good they would at least be asking hard questions at public meetings to show they care and are taking this seriously. Just saying "I am taking this seriously" at a board meeting is not nearly enough. We need tough questions followed by investigations and then followed by tough actions. That is the only way this board can regain the huge amount of trust and respect they have lost during the past year. Our patience is running out... take strong actions at the December board meeting if you want to start regaining our support!

Anonymous said...

My favorite policy change of late is one Joyce seems to be very guilty of...the new harrassment changes. One question. Does this not apply to Amy and Joyce also. Those two seem to harrass everyone who crosses their paths that do not agree with them. I SAY....STEP UP AND TAKE THOSE TWO ON BRIAN - YOU COULD BE OUR NEW HERO!

Anonymous said...

If he has a spine, and wants to save his job, he will!

Anonymous said...

The first probably not! The latter, he probably does until he finds another job.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe my eyes!

Is this the Marshall you read about in travel books? Is the town people come from out of state to visit each summer when the Old Home Tour comes around? Is this the place where plublic education origionated? Lets get back to basics and start acting like adults again. As everyone refers to you now, JP or Joyce, its time to do the respectable thing. Step down and let this historic and respectable town get back to basics. Kids are our future and I can't think Marshall, Michigan would turn out anything less than great successes.

Watching you!

Anonymous said...

Amen to above posting. Until Joyce came here this was one of the best in the area. Check out the status of this district now... There was NEVER any talk of any of this kind of controversy when Lou was superintendent. And yes, he was the absolute MOST VISIBLE SUPERINTENDENT WE HAVE HAD IN A REALLY LONG TIME. Better yet - Lou really enjoyed getting out to school functions. His boys graduated from MHS. The Giannunzio's are part of the marshall school family. This is not the case of the good doctor. TIME TO STEP DOWN JP!

Anonymous said...

I am so emabrrassed as an MHS grad and community member about this entire situation in the Marshall Schools. A failed Superintendent and an inept school board are clearly the main problems. When these problems are fixed, real improvements and unity in the community to move forward will begin.

Anonymous said...

As long as the Marshall School Board continue to do nothing to solve this problem, the Marshall schools will suffer and in some ways decline. A recall of as many board members as possible seems to be the only solution at this point.

Anonymous said...

I do not think a recall will be necessary. If all goes well the Marshall school board will take the lead to resolve this situation. They will be evaluating Supt. Phillips in the next few weeks. Some positive things are happening!

Anonymous said...

Some small progress may have been made but unless Joyce is removed or resigns very soon, major problems will continue in the new year. A recall may still be needed to accomplish this and "turn the ship around" and away from disaster.