Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Excellence In Marshall

We are SO lucky to live in a community where people truly and deeply care about our school district. This blog is proof of that. We, like every school district in America, has problems. Everyone who has posted on this blog cares about this district. WE ALL want to see the Marshall Public School be the best WE can be. Sometimes the GOOD of the district gets lost in the bad of the district. Lets take some time and realize what some of the good has been recently --
  • Sue Boley our District Wide Nurse was awarded Michigan's 2007 School Nurse of the Year.
  • We just had a successful all-elementary school carnival. Thanks to all the parent volunteers for all your hard work!
  • Sue Townsend - Principal of Walters Elementary was awarded a Principal of the Year Award.
  • The MHS Boys Golf Team recently placed 3rd in the State.
  • The MHS Marching Band recently received a "ONE" rating during the District 11 Marching Band Festival.
  • A group of Marshall Citizens spent many weeks investigating our Districts Facility Needs - and reported their findings to the Board. Thanks to them for spending some of their free time (which seems to be so hard to find) to figure out how to improve our facilities to keep us competitive with other districts.
These are some of the things that make us a District with Excellence! Please feel free to add other good thing that has happened recently in OUR District.


Anonymous said...

There are many wonderful things about the Marshall Public Schools! The MPS overall is awesome. We need to support the MPS staff, parents and students who work so hard toward these achievements. The leaders at the top need to work WITH the staff, not against them. That is why we have some major problems right now.

Another Concerned Parent

Anonymous said...

another concerned parent....that just happens to teach at MPS....with a student that doesn't go here......a faculty member that doesn't live here....someone who pays no taxes here. It is so nice to see my taxpayer money being well-spent on this. Hey, I am getting kind of pissed at Dr. Phillips too....why hasn't she audited the school's computer system to see who is in charge of this drivel. Of course, then she would only be doing her job, and I am sure many a people hiding behind a union would have a problem with that.

Anonymous said...

I am "Another Concerned Parent" and I do NOT teach at MHS or in the Marshall schools. I am a Marshall parent and I know many other Marshall parents that share the same concerns. I also know at least a half-dozen other non-staff Marshall parents and citizens active in this forum, as they told me about it. I am not sure who runs this Blog, but I am quite confident it is not an MHS teacher as you suspect it is.

You can believe in any wacky conspiracy theory you want to. It is obvious that you are very hostile toward the teachers and those who criticize Dr. Phillips. Can you give some other reasons for your hostility besides you think the staff do not live in Marshall or pay taxes here? Most MPS staff I know live in or around Marshall. Do you know many MPS staff? Did you have a bad experience with one or more teachers? Are you related to anyone on the school board? Please elaborate.

Anonymous said...

I am just saying that I think once computer systems are audited that you will see a drastic difference in the times of postings on here.

I think the majority of MPS teachers are great. I think there is a VERY vocal minority that are missing something in their lives and have latched onto this BLOG. Get a life. Teach my kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think that this topic was a great one to have posted! What are some of the positive things that our district has had happen this year so far.
*Marshall Equestrian Team once again became district 15 champs. This is the 11th year in a row. Congrats for all of the hard work.
*Marshall Varsity Boys Soccer team had many very talented boys make all district, all area, and had a great season and the team once again this year made acedemic honors. That is a great positive for our district.
Another positive:
I would like to personally thank all of the hard working MPS employees for all the work that they do!

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above: I believe MPS employees are far too busy to be blogging as they have jobs to do during the day. Besides - anyone with any intelligence would know you do not use the internet at work for such things. So - just in case you are not aware - all MPS employees sign internet agreements each and every fall - so they are aware of any new policy changes to the internet use at their company. I am very happy to see positive MPS items appear. The issue at MPS needs to be addressed - instead of sweeping under the rug - especially with persons like yourselves that obviously have time during the day - unlike school employees - to comment on this site. It is only the persons who perfer to stay uninformed and not address the current issue at MPS - Joyce Phillips manages in a fashion that is not in the best interest of this small community. Maybe in Indiana - where the upper staff is disconnected with the students and classroom - she may possibly do better. But - if you travel to Hoosierland - they will tell you that was not so there either. Let's give this blog moderator lots of credit for posting a small samble of the great things that are going on at our schools.

Anonymous said...

Great things are happening at the schools. Teachers taking time to run down their boss is not one of them. Just because there is a different management style that is for efficiency, doesn't make that person a bad person. A GOOD manager makes the tough decisions. Joyce Phillips is a good manager. My two MPS students agree.

Now, please teach my kids.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone look at the Ad-visor Wed.. All the Honor Roll Students?
If they got on the Honor Roll, WHO taught them?

Anonymous said...

I think that to many people are worried about who is commenting on this site and not worrying about what the real issues are. I know unless you are close to the situation you may not have as much information as others do but do not ASSUME (What does that word mean?)that this is only a few people posting and don't think that it is only teachers posting because I can tell you that I have been posting and I am not a teacher of MPS nor an employee but I have seen many injustices in the past as well as many in the future. The things that I have posted are the truth. I have asked questions and not gotten any answers, I have sent emails, made phone calls and not gotten any reply. I wish that the situation was not true but sadly it is. Now maybe instead of spending our time calling names, making childish jokes and making accusations we can get down to the real problems and make some more of those positives happen! Marshall is a great place, with a great school, we just need to remember that and do what is best for all!

Anonymous said...

I especially like it how Joyce is always trying to somehow take the credit for the hard work of MPS staff members. For example if a grant is obtained, through no effort of hers, she tries to take credit. She will get angry if a teacher applies for a grant through much hard work and gets it without going through her. It should be the opposite, she shoudl be giving praise to those who work hard on grants. She should be helping them to obtain grants.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your 2 students have been drawn into this adult issue. Do you think that was wise? I don't put much credence in what a child has to say about Joyce's management style. Unless of course, they have worked in companies and learned how different management styles work at different types of corporations. So since you have brought your children into this....how would they feel if they were bullied at school? That's right - they are protected from bullying in the student handbook. Well, that is how 70% of the staff at MPS feels. We do not appreciate trying to do what we were hired to do and have bullying be the type of management style 'you agree with' for those who are the backbone of structuring your childs growth into adulthood. Children live what they learn....strong words...

Anonymous said...

I disagree, I think the MPS staff opposed to Joyce is nearly 100%. She is a total failure! We are justing biding our time until she is gone. How tragic for MPS!

Anonymous said...

How about a complete make over. Brian doesn't remember to do his job...Amy doesn't remember to do her job..and when she does do it...it costs this district $$$ in settlements and many unhappy employees with her constant micro management. I believe she was hired to do a job...not everyone elses jobs. That is how mistakes are made - that and following a leader that lacks the 'vision' of the rest of the school district.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous towards the top. Obviously you are not aware you can post blogs and change the time and date of the post. Some of this immature content takes aware from the very credible reason for persons to be able to post. The accuracy of the majority of these post is extremely high. Joyce did know about the air conditioner...hence she could have simply said..."so sorry"...I will make it right. possibly when the Prosecutor's office said "there is not enough evidence to charge Jody Foreman" - Joyce could have possibly decided she is not above our Justice System in Calhoun County. Possibly when Amy Jones cost this district a $20,000 settlement (could have been $87,000) for her lack of attention to her own job...Joyce could have said - "I am unable to renew your contract - this was substantial"...possibly when her buddsie Brian Metcalf wanted to get his doctorate degree - Joyce could have said "that is great Brian - I hope your evening classes go well for you as I can not approve you being out of the office to do MSU classes on school time) possibly since he has only been here 2 years....But - you see - Joyce pads the pockets of her top two administrators - this is called "buying allegiance". If you don't see it that way possibly it is time for us to start asking other companie if they would have allowed this behavior. Joyce is not the Queen of England here...she also has a contract. Has anyone FOIA'd that survey so you can actually see the 37 pages of comments by her staff. I may be wrong but I think there are approx. 3 positive comments in those pages. Get to the superintendent's office and exercise your freedom of information. It is a simple form. You will also be able to see the awesome pages of comments on our building principals who do deal directly with your children, your teachers, your secretaries, your food service personnel, playgroud aids, special needs aids, bus supervisors, media pros and most importantly those wonderful people who clean up all the messes including snow, rain and ice....The problem is only Joyce, Brian and Amy! How hard it is to figure out how to pick out the bad apples here?

Anonymous said...

This has become clear to even citizens like myself who are neither staff nor parents. But I care about the Marshall schools and I want this problem resolved. The community patience with teh Marshall School Board has about run out by now. We are watching to see what they do this coming week. This will be a turning point. They will either side with the staff and the community or they will side with Dr. Phillips and stall. Their actions, or lack thereof, will affect what happens next. They have to choose between their support for Dr. Phillips or their duty to the community, staff and kids. If they fail at least 3-4 may need to be recalled. Let's hope they do not fail us this week.

Anonymous said...

A recall may be a little premature at this time. I say give them a little more time. I have the most confidence in Dan, John and Chris. They all seem very concerned and intelligent an are willing to listen. I have heard Ali Webb is very pro-Phillips, if anyone actually knows her please post your opinion. She is largely unknown in Marshall.

The alternative if nothing is done is two more years of problems, controversy and stagnation.
A concerned citizen

Anonymous said...

What a sad situation that the MPS are in now.

Anonymous said...

I have one question - what is it going to take before this community takes their school district and moves it in the direction Marshall has always had a "Vision" of moving towards. We did not ask Phillips to move here from Indiana and shove her own vision down our throats. She was hired...and can be fired! Let's start a collection now...outside stores...money to buy off her contract! I'll donate my Christmas Club money! Why - because I would be helping to give Marshall a better gift than my club money can buy for my friends/relatives.

Anonymous said...

She has engaged in so much "unprofessonal conduct" that I am sure the MPS school board could terminate her contract any time they can get their act together to do so.

Do they think all of this stuff on this web site and around town is made up? It never ends, why is this person still employed by us? Anywhere else they would not have tolerated her nonsense and she would have been gone a long time ago. What's taking so long?

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about Vic bringing her a bouquet of flowers to the October board meeting - knowing the administrative survey was being delivered. Has Vic remembered why the survey was done? Sounds like bad behavior is being rewarded at the top. I have never gotten flowers when I was being taken to task for something! Hey Vic - where are my flowers?

Anonymous said...

The behavior of at least a few school board members is inexcusable! Their bizarre loyalty to Joyce has become a scandal in itself. In my view they have failed the students, staff and parents of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree - they have failed us all!

Anonymous said...

In the Board of Education Code of Ethics I believe you will find many principals that some of our Board does not adhere to. It has 5 principals...when you read it it will help you decide if a recall is befitting to that individual board member. Can't just be cause a board member plays 'spin the cell phone' during the school nurse's presentation. (and counts the spins on his fingers). Although that does take away from his position as Board President!

Anonymous said...

I liked the way he cut Bob Lyng off at the Monday school board meeting. Unlike when Paul was President, he did not even say "30 seconds." He just yelled "your time is up" in a very rude manner.

Anonymous said...

That Vic could really have done this community a service instead he has decided to follow JP...like she is some godess or something. He has the potential to use his vocal strength and do some good. Guess in May we can say his time will be up. This town needs to get involved and get a 'good' educated voice on the board.

Anonymous said...

We may be voting on Vic much sooner than May!

Anonymous said...

I for one had thought Vic would work for the common people. Seems he has been caught up in what he believes is the 'lime light'. Really Vic - you could have personnally slapped the face of 300 employees instead of buying those flowers. Or maybe you got in on a 2 for 1 here. These people cast votes for you. Do what those votes elected you to do. How about flowers for the 300 employees you just fried with that bouquet? If the heat is too hot...get out of the community room. OR DO YOUR JOB

Anonymous said...

Vic, Janice, Paul, Dan and even Chris have so far let the staff, students and the community down with the unabashed support for the awful Joyce Phillips. They have known for at least six months about these major problems. They now have about one month to fix them or there will be a community revolt against them at the recall ballot box.

Anonymous said...

Won't this cost Vic alot of money...I can see alot of flowers getting delivered here! Perhaps Vic is the Board President of the Joyce Phillips Board instead of the Marshall Public School Board of Education. That flower delivery...to sooth her feelings the night of the survey delivery was MOST INAPPROPRIATE. Well that and the statement Vic made fall of 2005..."I will vote how the superintendent wants me to vote". That is my reason to recall Vic. Do you agree?

Anonymous said...

Why is it Joyce can do all this PR work for her own personal gain on school time? Are our taxes not appropriated for her to do school work. Who is paying the bill on her "superintendent's corner"....which I am happy to see not in the paper the past couple weeks. How about her using the school internet system to PR? We can't even use it to inform the staff of tragedies in our school family. (unless of course the person dies). I am tired of the standards set for all but the top three. I say again....CHANGE IS GOOD JOYCE...LET'S START WITH YOU!

Anonymous said...

What else does she have to do? The school board does not tell her what to do, she tells them! She does not go out and wrok with staff, visit classrooms, do good and positive things for the schools, or write grants.

Anonymous said...

She does write her weekly column and ??????

Anonymous said...

The column is a joke. If she wrote the truth it would all be the opposite and worse.

Choe said...

I completely agree - they have failed us all!