Thursday, November 02, 2006

School Time

Well it seems "Anonymous" is very concerned about MPS Employees using
school computers to post entries into this blog during school time.
Looking through the comments for every blog entry, it seems that most
of the entries take place from 2:50p.m. on. Yes, there are some others
that are posted before that time, but WE all should realize that it's
not just MPS staff participating in this blog. Why should we assume it is not just MPS
employees? Well as I pulled the sites statistics, there have been over
425 visitors to the blog with over 1500 page views. Is it fair to say
that the administration may look into who has visited this site during
school time? It may be. But, whats to say they haven't visited during
their lunch periods? If the administration doesn't want this page being
viewed on school computers, it probably only takes a simple phone call
to the Technology Department to put a block on it.

But speaking of school time, it is important to point out what "Concerned MPS Parent" stated yesterday. "So...What is your input on Dr. Phillips sending two MPS employees over to Principal Bennick's home to put in an air conditioner during school,ie,
work time and using school equipment? This is something that is public
knowledge that was done which if we use your input from a previous
listing you think that Dr. Phillips should be fired for not doing her
job and using school equipment for personal benefit."

Two valid points. MPS employees shouldn't use school computers to POST COMMENTS on the blog AND Joyce Phillips should not be sending MPS employees to other employees houses to install a window unit air conditioner.


Anonymous said...

would the outrage be so adamant if the employees were sent to Ron's house? Your house?

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous....excellent point. This all seems very hypocritical and has be questioning my previous unquestioned support of the MSP teachers union.

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe....."they can audit the web use?!?!?!?"

Anonymous said...

OMG.....2 Westerners were kidnapped in Nigeria.....MPS union spin can we blame this on Dr. Phillips?

Anonymous said...

OMG, look at those post times. Are they MPS staff? Sham on you! lololol

Anonymous said...

Concerned MPS Parent said...
I think that to many people are worried about who is commenting on this site and not worrying about what the real issues are. I know unless you are close to the situation you may not have as much information as others do but do not ASSUME (What does that word mean?)that this is only a few people posting and don't think that it is only teachers posting because I can tell you that I have been posting and I am not a teacher of MPS nor an employee but I have seen many injustices in the past as well as many in the future. The things that I have posted are the truth. I have asked questions and not gotten any answers, I have sent emails, made phone calls and not gotten any reply. I wish that the situation was not true but sadly it is. Now maybe instead of spending our time calling names, making childish jokes and making accusations we can get down to the real problems and make some more of those positives happen! Marshall is a great place, with a great school, we just need to remember that and do what is best for all!

Anonymous said...

To Concerned mps parent:
Great job. I feel the same way as you do. There are issues that need to be addressed. Enough with the name calling and get down to the real issues. Joyce needs to be held accountable for her actions, any other employee would be so why hasn't she been. By the way I don't work for MPS either.

Anonymous said...

Why does Dr. Phillips need to be held accountable for anything? She ONLY needs to keep the Marshall School Board happy. Who do the teachers think they are expecting support, cooperation and "fairness" from the MPS Superintendent?

So what if she sent school employees on school time to install Linda Benninks airconditioning. So what if she let Brian Metcalf go to grad school full-time during school hours last year. The problems in the Marshall schools are the fault of the teachers, and Ron, and Susan and Hulkow and the janitors and all of those as our wise Board President said "Do not want to do their jobs."

If the teachers do not like it let them quit, as Dr. Phillips would be happy to personally hire an entirely new staff! Maybe that is what Marshall needs. So what if she is from Indiana, or never has been a Principal or is not always honest, or lets Amy off for screwing up on a regular basis. Sam and Bob, yeah, they were the problem too. How dare they question Dr. Phillips! Do they think she works for the board? What fools they were for such radical thoughts!

Maybe I should run for the school board, I would fit in very well with Vic and Janice. My other heroes!

Hopefully we can keep Dr. Phillips past 2009, maybe a ten-year contract extension with large raises would keep her in Marshall! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am very curious if any of the other postings on this blog site are from other places of employement. Why do school employees have a different expectation than other area business. I still believe all employees are entitled to (2) 15 minutes breaks per day in addition to a 30 minute lunch hour (per 8 hour day. So - to the persons above with their childish tehee, etc. GROW UP! I am sure every employer would perfer you - their employee - not to be visiting ANY web site. Yes, that would include on-line shopping etc. In addition - make your childish anonymous attacks on the top notch prinicpals who are leading the teaching and support staffs at Marshall. Joyce Phillips does not manage in any type of democratic style. She bullies and hushes people up - this says to me - she thinks she is the only 'intelligent person' in the school district and ALWAYS overrides the administrators. You 'my way or the highway attitude' is in line with your goddess (Phillips). Hyerarchy (sp?) management. Ask yourself - what was wrong with the wheel at MPS - my children went through this system - went on to 4 year degrees - did wonderful....yes....all before the great white leader Phillips arrived. How could that be? Answer: We had wonderful teachers, support staff, administrators and superintendent's.... Phillips is not adding to your child's education - even though if you listen to her - she single handedly achieved higher MEAP scores for your and my children. It is about should start at the top (which it isn't) and trickle down. Thank God for all the children in MPS thatthat principals, teachers, support staff are there living and teaching ethics to the community children. They are our future....not Joyce Phillips.

Anonymous said...

To those persons commenting that do not have enough knowledge to do so.....try to remember....not all employees at MPS have a 7:30-2:30 schedule. Therefore, when you are making statement regarding site visits...please try to remember - MPS has employees on the clock almost 24 hours....3 am is approx. the time the 3rd shifter gets out of work! Do you think the use of the school computer to do personal I-Chat background checks was acceptable? Possibly Joyce could have waited until the acceptable State Police report on backgrounds arrived. Also, I have not found one person that was at all interested in Joyce's use of school email addresses to let the staff know her foot is doing well. Gosh - we were told that was not acceptable use of the email at school. Actually - Joyce said unless a member dies - the policy for email use would be prohibited. Foot surgery? Death? Seems to me we bent that policy use already!

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely amazed that there are people in Marshall that would rather resort to finger pointing than address the issues that are prevailant at MPS - the top administrator - Joyce Phillips - has ruined her chances of being the leader she was hired to be. You are very wrong that all she has to do is please the Board. That is Absurd. The Board is the overseer of the Superintendent. The Principals should be reporting weekly on the progress or their building and bringing any issues to the superintendent's attention. The Superintendent should be open to this communication. Instead, she has decided she will manage each building, each employee as well as each situation. This is not the job of the superintendent. Actually - there is business in the superintendent's office that should take 40-50 hours a week - without doing everyone else's jobs. Micro management does not work - especially in a 'people business'. Let's get to the issue. Fix the problem. Stop the name calling. Stop the accusations. Move Forward. This will require some sucking it up and admitting - NOT ALL SUPERINTENDENTS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS ARE A MATCH! I am sure Joyce would do fine somewhere else. She does not know Marshall. Instead she has decided to come here and try to change something that had 'excellence in education' long before she tread on Michigan soil!

Anonymous said...

How toxic the postings become when they do not go in the direction of the teachers. You guys are pitiful! have it good. Why surround yourself with all of the useless shennanigans? Teach your kids.

Honestly, if you are still bringing up an air conditioning installation from last summer, that is REALLY grasping at straws.

Weak....weak....weak......I hope the musical is better than these pathetic attempts at mustering sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Joyce, how is your foot healing? Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous from two posts up:
Why is it grasping at straws when bringing up the air conditioning installation of last summer? Isn't breaking rules, still breaking rules no matter when it is done? She did not follow MPS employee guidlines and was caught. Period! And that is not where it started or when it ended! How about routinely ignoring community members when they ask questions at board meetings, or running around a question rather than answer it. How about telling people that there is not enough money in the district to pay for things such as educational field trips, school supplies that the teachers/employees need, cleaning supplies but amazing enough she found money from somewhere when she wanted new carpeting in her office. That was necessary wasn't it! Can't put that money toward the things that are needed. You are so concerned about what teacher is posting on this site and you are so worried about about things that you have no idea about. You assume that these posts are just from one teacher, KP. You can stop that now it is getting old. You have no clue who is posting and it shouldn't matter. Many many of the things that I am reading on here are truth! If you do not believe me then go to a school building, hang out, watch what happens, talk to employees.
Then post something on here that makes some sense.

Anonymous said...

To angry mps community member,
Great job. If she broke the rules she should have to pay the price just like any other employee of MPS. She is not above having to obey the rules. An anonymous posted about the condition of the schools and how the maintenance and janitors aren't doing their jobs, well you need to have the supplies to be able to do your job.
One more question if Joyce is such a great adminstrator then why was Indiana not going to re-new her contract? If she hadn't gotten her job at Marshall she wouldn't have had a job. What happened in Indiana that would cause them to let her go???

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board has two choices:

Turn on their good friend and, believe it or not, employee Dr. Joyce Phillips and take action to remove her (very difficult when you have such a close and cozy relationship and feel as if you work for her).

Or keep suporting her as the Marshall schools continue to be a "laughingstock" along with the city government and the mileage fails and we fall further behind everyone else.

The evidence is overwhelming, Joyce is a failed leader. How much more damage to the Marshall schools can we allow?

Anonymous said...

As a longtime Marshall resident I am now considering moving to the Harper Creek or Lakeview school districts for the sake of my kids. The Marshall School Board is clearly out of touch and I am upset that they seem to care or do nothing about an obviously troubled Superintendent. The Marshall schools seem to be in a stalemate with no clear end in sight. Please!!! Please!!! MPS school board act soon! I am embarrassed over this situation and the temptation to go elsewhere is growing daily.

Anonymous said...

There is another option.....the employees of MPS can conduct a "vote of no confidence" regarding the superintendent (like they did at WMU) and the community can conduct a recall of the school board. Maybe that would wake up the board!

Anonymous said...

Trust ---- If someone were to lose your trust - how long would it take for that person to re-earn it? Some people never will trust again, while other people could take a very long time for someone to re-earn trust. Considering the present situation, does the MPS have that time?

Anonymous said...

Phillips has not even been the superintendent for 35 months yet. She has continued to do things to cause more and more people to distrust her. I believe it can never happen and Marshall should encourage their school board to do what Bellevue and WMU have done. Take the school district back from a superintendent that continues to cause harm before the damage is too much to salvage - Marshall has already dropped from 1 to 5 in favorable outlying school districts to buy in.

Anonymous said...

Now there are reports of "Save Our Schools" signs being stolen from many yards. A rumor going around MHS is that someone, likely a Phillips supporter, is paying two teens to steal them. Is this the best they can think of to defend Phillips and make it look like the opposition is getting weaker? The signs are just the tip-of-the-iceburg of the opposition that has been growing by leaps and bounds again Phillips.

Anonymous said...

I have heard about this too. More dirty tricks, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Really - having teens do dirty work for money. Isn't there some strong lack of ethics going on here

Anonymous said...

Phillips-ethics problems? Dishonesty? Doublestandards? are you surprised?

Anonymous said...

Well, did you hear? She got her lawyer to shut down the other website, what ever happened to freedom of speech?

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding her attorney Mayhall contacted Yahoo - the site was temporarily shut down....It is back up and running this week. Is this intimidation or does she think she has rights that no one else in marshall has?

Anonymous said...

I have heard from several people I know who are close to various board members that Phillips is losing support on the board. Please be careful about attacking the board too soon. Instead keep contacting them with your concerns and hopefully they will take action soon. Some think they are hesitant to start a battle with Phillips, as they know that she is not likely to do the honorable thing and resign if they asked her to. Knowing her perosnality she would put up a big legal fight and demand a lot of money. She seems to care nothing about the Marshall schools and no one expects her to do anything positive. She has taken the board for granted and assumed they were her "rubber stamp." I hope those days are over soon.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I have heard the board may be turning on Joyce. Even Vic and Janice have concerns. The next board meeting is next Monday. Maybe something positive will happen soon.

Anonymous said...

I am not in favor of a recall yet. First I would love to see the Board step up to the plate and ask Joyce to resign. I feel this Board has the potential to do what they were voted to do...Joyce is a very devious threatening person. Please Board us why we voted you into office. Let's not look like the city council here. Let's look like the professionals we are. Remember WMU - Judith Bailey...they didn't appear to have the concerns Marshall does - let's move forward. This district is being hurt each and every day.

Anonymous said...

Some people think that something big may happen at the board meeting on Monday. Either way we need a big turnout of parents, staff, students and other community members. We especially need people willing to share their concerns publicly, for the sake of our kids!

I think the board need a public push to motivate them to take the actions they know they need to take to resolve this crisis.

Anonymous said...

I got to talk to many other parents at conferecnes this week and the feelings seem to be unanimous, Phillips has to go. I am quite confident that the school board knows this. I hope they do something about this problem soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope the citizens of this school distict understand - it is parents of students that are needing to step forward. The staff took a huge step forward with the survey (which by the way was talked about for 3-4 months before doing). This staff is beat down as far as morale. Many of them are very frightened of the attack they will suffer if they step up to the microphone at the board meeting. Parents have absolutely nothing to lose - but they must remember 75% of this staff is right behind them. We need the parents and students to lend a hand in preserving the 'excellence in education' that Marshall has taken great pride in for decades.

Anonymous said...

Yes, parents please step up, and other citizens too! The staff are way more than 75% behnd them, I think close to 100% now. Marshall cannot be defeated by Joyce. we have suffered enough already and our kids futures depend on this effort succeeding. The MPS are already damaged by Joyce's leadership and any bond will not pass if she is not replaced soon. How much farther can we fall behind other area school districts?

Anonymous said...

I can pretty much guarantee you, the Board will not put any value to what any school employee has to say - any action that the board will (and should) take will only come after you, the community, pushesa them to it. That's a sad thing to have to say - the board of the school system does not respect or value their employees.

Anonymous said...

That is sad if it is true. I guess we will find out on Monday night.

Anonymous said...

So far two school board members are showing interest in the staff. Thanks John and Chris.

Anonymous said...

OK - how many more board meetings should we wait for something to be done. How much more can our students afford to lose? School of Choice does not just mean students will come to Marshall - it means they will leave for Pennfield and Harper. Hey folks - this is a real problem. This is not just an employee issue.

Anonymous said...

The word on the street is that signatures are quietly being collected, or have been collected, in case they are needed. I think they are waiting until December or January. I have mixed feelings if this is a good idea at this time. I think there are still some segments of the community that have not been fully educated on the issues. Information is spreading very fast and opposition to JP is growing at an alarming rate. If the board continues to fail us, I think a recall may occur early in the new year.

Anonymous said...

We need a recall much sooner than that! Can we recall the entire school board? I think we need a new team to deal with this crisis. The current team has failed us big time!

Anonymous said...

I still feel there are a couple who can and should immediately step up to the plate here and take some control. If they don't (I feel they have the common sense and intelligence to do so) then they will have to stand with those that have already proven they should be recalled. Better question here: We need someone to run for two seats this spring. Or else, Janice and Vic will be unopposed. Change may have to start small. I have 2 persons in my mind that can do the job.

Anonymous said...

We need at least four new board members who are courageous, smart, honest and willing to make the changes that are needed so the Marshall school can pass a much-needed bond and move forward. I say replace all five who did not just come on the board this past summer. NONE of them have taken any serious action or showed enough concern to give us any hope. Even Chris has been way too pro-Joyce! He should know better, Dan and Paul too!

Anonymous said...

I say give them until Jan 1st. This could be the 30 days improvement plan for board members. Then forge ahead! The community has been given notice of the problems. Now it is time to fix them so we can all heal!

Anonymous said...

The clock is ticking.

Anonymous said...

And ticking, and ticking. So far no one has stepped up to lead the efforts for any positive changes, at least not publicly. I hope SOMETHING good happens soon, we have had two years of problems and scandals related to Phillips leadership. Enough is enough!!!!

Steve Christensen said...

We need at least four new board members who are courageous, smart, honest and willing to make the changes that are needed so the Marshall school can pass a much-needed bond and move forward. I say replace all five who did not just come on the board this past summer. NONE of them have taken any serious action or showed enough concern to give us any hope. Even Chris has been way too pro-Joyce! He should know better, Dan and Paul too!