Thursday, November 16, 2006

*Let it be known*

It is important to point out that Vic Potter also joined John Coulter and Chris Varvatos in commenting about the surveys during the November Board Meeting. Some bloggers have just mentioned John and Chris about commenting about the surveys (I even screwed up by not mentioning Vic in my last post) - But it is important to note for the record that Vic did make a comment. Thanks again for your continuing involvement in this blog!


Anonymous said...

Yes Vic made a comment, but he didn't tell the whole truth in his comment. He contacted the union about giving the survey to them before the meeting, the union didn't contact him. You can read the quote from Vic in the Marshall Chronicle dated October 16, 2006. To my knowledge he has not spoke with the staff since the last meeting and there are no other meetings scheduled at this time. Yes he commented but how truthful were his comments?

Anonymous said...

Vic did comment but he did not show the concern adn interest that John Coulter and Chris Varvatos did that may indicate a sincere interest and understanding of the major problems that exist. If Vic is taking this seriously and desire to show support for staff, parents and the kids, he needs to come out strong and forceful that he recognizes that there are serious problems and that he at least is taking this seriously and working towards a positive solution. Vic, if you are reading this, we NEED your support! Don't be afraid to take on Joyce! She is hurting YOU too.

Anonymous said...

I recognize Vic - he knows me...he has passed me twice without one measley comment regarding my place of employment. Be careful of those who only show minimal support in front of the camera at the board meeting. Sam and Bob would stop and have casual chats - even while their lunches got cold. So - Vic why aren't you showing interest outside the board meeting? We would sure like to see your position change. I do believe you plan to continue living in Marshall after JP heads back south. You are one of us - in a community we love - we are not just a visitor here. Let's work together - NOW

Anonymous said...

The hope of the Marshall schools lies in Paul, Dan, John, Chris and Ali. There is little hope that either Vic or Janice will come around and take the necessary bold actions needed at this time.

Anonymous said...

John and Ali are too new to do much. So the real hope lies with just Paul, Dan and Chris. Do they have the wisdom and courage to do what needs to be done? Will they lead us out of this mess? Or will they be weak and keep supporting Joyce and trying to cover up the multitude of problems? The people of Marshall are watching and waiting, the kids future is at stake, patience is wearing thin, please act soon before other measures are needed to move forward!

Anonymous said...

This blog will be the history of any recall that Marshall may need to participate in. MPS employees are not pushing for a recall. They found the most professional way to get this community to understand the problems at the top level of our district school. It was thought out for months - then delivered. After no response...what do we have...Joyce retaliating on employees she thinks took part in the survey. These are people's lives here....people that tried very hard to get this community to understand the issues. No one will be able to say 'we didn't know...there were no names attached...who would we speak to'. Those excuses have already been over used Vic...there will be no excuses. Time is of essense.

Anonymous said...

Something seems to be up involving at least one school board member. If what I hear is true, Joyce's days may be numbered. Is the board waking up and taking action? We have at least a few good school board members I think.

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing good things about Dan. If it is true - keep up the good job Dan. It is what we elected you for. I had hoped Paul, with his legal knowledge would have stepped up to the plate by now. It seems his ongoing career is in jeopardy so he has decided to step back instead of forward. That is not what we elected you for Paul. You are making 2009 seem even farther away than it should. Get out there and back Dan...let's make something good happen here in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

Paul and Ali are very intelligent but clearly out-of-touch as they keep supporting Phillips. Hopefully that will change soon.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope they speak up tonight, December 11, 2006, at the school board meeting and do something strong and positive.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the school board is still failing us despite some efforts by one or two board members to do otherwise.

Anonymous said...

There are not enough good school board members at the moment to accomplish much. We need new and better school board members.

Anonymous said...

where is degree symbol in word