Monday, November 06, 2006


Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow, Tuesday November 7th! It is a very big part of our democratic process. If you don't vote, then don't complain on how things are run!


Anonymous said...

Get out and vote. It will make you feel involved in what is going on around your community and state.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Propsoal 5 to protect a minmal level of state education funding. The state adn federal government keep mandating things without paying for them. This will NOT cut police and fire or raise taxes, though some politicians may choose to do that for other reasons.

Anonymous said...

Proposal 5 is a big fat money grab by the MEA. Selfish pigs. Vote no on this stupid proposal.

Anonymous said...

How dare they want money for reading programs, bussing, special ed, gifted/talented program, athletics, science labs, advanced math, foreign languages, music, kidergarten, swimming, field trips, testing-testing and more testing, etc etc. Many new college grads START at $50,000-$60,000 a year or more. That is around where most veteran teachers with an MA top out at. Those greedy teachers!

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled by 5 or this ridiculous blogsite

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above: Do you know something about this blogsite that no one but the blog moderator knows? Or are you just dumb?

Anonymous said...

How ridiculous it is to hear the views of many Marshall citizens, parents, staff and students, you included. Maybe we would be better off in a dictatorship where we would not have to think or hear various opinions.

Anonymous said...

Now that the Marshall city and other elections are over, now as a community we need to focus on the issues facing the Marshall Public Schools. Let's all work together to move the MPS forward. The school board has to join us to help make the changes necessary to briing the staff, parents, community and students togetehr so we can all move forward together.

Anonymous said...

However, the school board won't help! They are behind Joyce 110%. We need to recall the school board. It's not hard to do and I don't see why not. Let's get them out and then get rid of phillips

Anonymous said...

They have been aware of the problems involving Supt. Phillips since at least last March. If they do not take action this coming week then a recall may be ncessary as the best thing for the students and the future of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Marshall School Board meeting on Monday November 13th at 7 pm, please be there if you care about the Marshall schools. We need parents, staff, students and teachers to speak up about the problems and issues if they are going to get the recognition they deserve. Silence and complacency will mean no solutions to MPS problems.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I will be there.

Anonymous said...

The Marshall community will be watching!

Anonymous said...

Joyce's PR campaign is not working. The e-mails, the columns, the support by board members, are all falling on deaf ears. Actions speak louder than words and her actions are the real cause of the multitude of problems faciing the Marshall Public Schools. Also the actions, or inactions, of the school board are speaking very loudly too. I hope we get a "new direction" in their actions very soon.

Anonymous said...

How is Joyce's foot? Any new e-mail updates?

Anonymous said...

Who gives a hoot about her danged foot? I was hoping for a lobotomy(it would be a quick surgery). Notice that in her emails to staff, there is not one thing about, "how are you doing?"'s all about how she's doing, her vision...blah, blah, blah. Makes my stomach hurt.

Anonymous said...

Joyce has made a mockery out of the people of Marshall for over two years now. We cannot take much more of these scandals and embarrassments. There is only one thing that needs urgent attention, and that is removing Joyce Phillips from the Superintendents position. Just about anyone in the district would be far better in that job. This needs to be done soon, very soon! There will be no millage, even for a $1, if Joyce is still reigning as the Superintendent. Get your friends, neighbors and coworkers involved to help with this solution. Cards, letters, phone calls, posting on this web site, yard signs, whatever it takes. Our kids and community are much too important to allow this mess to go on much longer.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Whoever started the "Save our schools" concept was right! It just took a while longer for the rest of us to become aware of the situation. I hope we can save the Marshall schools before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get a yard sign?

MPS - Change Is Good said...

To Anonymous above:

This blog has no connection with "Save The Marshall Schools". So if you want a yard sign, you will have to contact that group. You can do that through - not sure if that webpage is still up and running - but that is where you would need to go.

Anonymous said...

I think Phillips threatened legal action against the "Save our Schools" group. Whoever runs this blog is doing a great service to the community! We really needed this forum to discuss these issues. At first I was surprised that there was so little "pro-Joyce postings here. But as I talk to my fellow citizens around town, I realize that everyone else seems to feel the same as the vast majority of the postings on this web site.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are checking on Joyce's supporter website action at work!

Anonymous said...

Joyce's supporters are meeting at McDonalds on Friday after school. They have a 2-seat booth saved for the occasion.

Anonymous said...

Well that is 2 seats in addition to the one for joyce. I hope it doesn't ruin McDonals' reputation.

Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding. We are footing the bills for the 'non doctor' to wine and dine our elected board members at Schuler's. Can you afford Schuler's? Past Superintendents actually spent some funds on meat/cheese platters to spread around the buildings for their employees at the holidays...kind of a thank you to those who keep things working! NOT THIS SUPT>

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Joyce will show thanks and appreciation for the efforts of... the school board on her behalf. If she was in any other school district she would have been long gone by now.