Saturday, November 18, 2006

3rd Superintendents Corner

Sorry for the delay in getting the 3rd "Superintendent's Corner" posted. I believe this was published in last weeks Marshall Chronicle (November 13, 2006 - or - November 6, 2006)

Leadership is about Student Achievement
Dr. Joyce Phillips
October 25, 2006

Last week, I shared my vision for Marshall Public Schools. Now, I will begin to share details of that vision and let you know what’s happening in our schools.

First and foremost, my vision includes high student achievement … for all.

We talk about the MEAP a lot because it is the single common statewide assessment which measures student achievement. When students take the MEAP, the goal is to meet or exceed the expectations set by the state for that grade level and content area.

Let’s take a look now at MEAP achievement in reading, writing, and math - the 3 R’s we consider so important.

The following information is from October 2005 in grades 3-8, the grades required to be tested by No Child Left Behind.

As you read, keep in mind that a score of 80% or higher in any area is a commendable.

Reading: In Marshall, in every grade level tested, 80% or more of our students met or exceeded expectations: grade 3, 95%; grade 4, 87%; grade 5, 90%; grade 6, 89%; grade 7, 85%; and grade 8, 81%. In Michigan, achievement ranged from 87% in grade 3 to 73% grade 8. When compared to schools in Calhoun County and to other high performing schools in the state such as Novi and Farmington, our students excelled.

Are we proud? Yes we are! Will we continue to improve? Yes we will.

Writing: In Marshall, there is a different picture of achievement: grade 3, 53%; grade 4, 48%; grade 5, 66%; grade 6, 79%; grade 7, 80%; grade 8, 68%. In Michigan, achievement ranged from 51% in grade 3 to 65% in grade 8. Most interestingly, our achievement matched that of other schools in Calhoun County and high performing schools.

What does that say about the area of writing? Without a doubt, the whole state needs to improve. And in Marshall, we take this message seriously. In 2005-06, our major area of focus for professional development was writing. We also realigned our writing curriculum to the state’s grade level content expectations. We are learning new methods for teaching writing and we are working at this consistently, from classroom to classroom, and school to school.

Math: In Marshall, the following percentage of students met or exceeded expectations: grade 3, 95%; grade 4, 87%; grade 5, 78%; grade 6, 69%; grade 7, 58%; grade 8, 68%. In Michigan, the range was 87% in grade 3 to 63% in grade 8. Interestingly, our achievement in grades 3-8 compared favorably to other schools in Calhoun County but only in grades 3- 4 in those other high performing schools.

What are we doing as a district about math? In 2005-06, we realigned our math curriculum to the state’s grade level content expectations. In 2006-07, we are immersed in professional development through several initiatives including but not limited to PROM/SE (Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Math and Science Education), Lenses on Learning, and IMMAP (Improving Middle Math Achievement Project). We are piloting Everyday Mathematics in K-grade 5 classrooms where teachers have volunteered. We are learning new methods for teaching mathematics and we will work at this consistently, from classroom to classroom, and school to school.

In Marshall, we are proud of our tradition of high achievement. We will continue to connect our curriculum, revise our instruction, and keep our focus on high achievement for all.

We will keep the main thing, the main thing.

Our Kids First


Anonymous said...

In case you haven't had a chance to pick up this weeks edition of the Marshall Chronicle there is very pointed letter in the paper. Kudos to the author of this letter. get her out of here guys. I hate politics but this reminds me of hitler. go blue!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Phillips is clearly saying one "vision" to the general public but practicing a very different "vision" in her role in the Marshall Public Schools. As more citizens learn the truth about the situation, the less her attempts to put on a "phony face" on the problems will work. She may fool some of the people (I know of about seven) some of the time, but not most of the people all of the time.

Anonymous said...

You could put a monkey in charge of the Marshall Schools and still have the best test scores in the county, just look at our demographics.

Anonymous said...

Also our excellent teachers and support staff! :-)

Anonymous said...

Steve Sachs did write another courageous letter in the Marshall Chronicle warning about our immensely unpopular Superintendent Dr. Phillips. I hope more Marshallites get the courage to write a letter to support us staff members. We would write but it would be the end of our careers. We need your support, and so do our embattled building administrators. The current situation is quite grim. The large amount of support we are receiving in the community and on this web site is greatly appreciated! We took a bad contract and a sub-inflation pay increase (1.5 %) because we put the Marshall schools first! Also we had to get the contract behind us so we could share our views about these major problems at the top, which threaten the district's future.

Anonymous said...

At least someone will speak up

Anonymous said...

To "anonymous" four posts up:

Please do not compare Mrs. Phillips' leadership to that of monkeys. I like monkeys!

Anonymous said...

who the heck does this steve sachs kid think he is. All he is doing is making a fool out of himself. Every time i read something in the paper that has one of his quotes, i feel embarrassed for him

Anonymous said...

After reviewing a number of postings on this board, as an objective observer I’d like to point out the following observations. First, a caveat: I do not work for the MPS, I do not have a personal relationship with any member of the board, superintendent or staff.
Though this blog may be a good place to post an exchange of ideas, the minute someone applies the attributes of Hitler to anyone in the MPS, it reduces the credibility of the entire page. Is there any staff member in the district who has considered the possibility that in some cases, the board and superintendent, while making decisions about personnel matters, cannot by law divulge to the general public all information gathered in the process? And, if you’re going to have an “official boycott” of something, should it be anonymously posted on a blog or should you maybe attach your name to it? It’s certainly acceptable to disagree with and question authority. However, one must keep in mind that the questioning should take a tone that is not personal or attacking. One’s concerns and questions can then come across as thoughtful and worth serious consideration. Additionally, I would point out that it is clear by the mere existence of this blog that there is indeed a morale issue within the MPS. It would seem to this impartial observer that it would behoove the board and management staff to have an open forum to discuss the comments and issues raised on this blog as well as from the survey. It would be helpful if from that forum, a constructive PLAN OF ACTION to address the concerns of ALL parties could be developed. It seems clear that the board has no intention nor desire to dismiss Dr. Phillipsn or to fire all teachers and staff from the district. One would think there must be something in between. If the members of the staff feel that by speaking out there would be retribution from management, I would think that would be the point of your paying union dues. Bring in a impartial mediator from the union to discuss your concerns at the above mentioned forum.

Anonymous said...

I think this site should be shutdown. Please let the school board work things out with the staff. This is only creating problems. Lets move Marshall forward. Shut it down today. Also, "who the heck does this steve sachs kid think he is. All he is doing is making a fool out of himself. Every time i read something in the paper that has one of his quotes, i feel embarrassed for him". - It is unfortunate for him that he is involved in this process, but your attack on him was rude. You should be ashamed of yourself. Shut the site down, stop the personal attacks and move on.

Anonymous said...

Had there not been two years of problems and failures caused by Supt. Phillips, with Board support, then there would be no need for this forum. While there may be a few uncivil postings on both sides, most are very thoughtful and need to be considered by all. Because of a complete loss of trust, many staff and community members prefer to remain anonymous until there is a viable alternative.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well then maybe the personal attacks by Joyce towards administrators and lower staff members should be a consideration. Janice Darling was elected by members of this community that care enough to get out and vote at a school election and she has appeared not to do what she was elected for. For one - go to a meeting as important as the October meeting. No one said she did anything wrong to this community. Would you spend your money in her store if you had voted for her and personally felt she was not doing what your vote elected her to do. Your opinion, unless of course you have spoken in depth to a school employee or maybe even two does not hold much water. Where would you like this problem taken to? I am all for this particular problem being taken back to Indiana! This blog is perfect if you give it the credibility it has coming - just like the surveys. By the way - Chet Travis just signed a survey of needs for Marshall. I can't find anywhere to sign my name. Will that now mean the decision that comes from that survey has no crebility. (that question was for Vic) Thanks for your input.

Anonymous said...

So this is getting pretty ugly... Anyway, there is obviously a problem with the Marshall Public Schools. For those who don't seem to think there is a problem... my brief involvement has shed a lot of light on what is going on in this district. The board and superintendent are in positions that will receive a great deal of criticism, especially the way things have been handled thus far. This is America, and it's great that we can all share our opinions on a blog like this. Sadly, the staff cannot openly speak out as they are afraid for their jobs. If you don’t think there is a problem, wake up. And for the anon. poster, I have nothing to be embarrassed about... I don't see you standing up for your beliefs publicly. I will stand up for what I believe in, and if you have criticism on anything I’ve said – let it be known.

Anonymous said...

Go Steve! Great job!

This is NOT a hate site. There are some harsh critiques and some satire, but only a tiny percent could be considered even remotely hateful. I do not hate Janice or Vic or Paul or even Joyce herself. But I am angry at their behaviors, disapointed, and frustrated by the problems at hand. I guess I simply expect far better from these individuals!

Many of the actions of Joyce towards many staff and some Principals can surely be labeled as "hateful." This is not about they know something we don't know. If anything the staff and Principals are far better informed of the truth than is the untrusted and isolated Joyce and the out-of-touch board members (not all of course). This forum has allowed the general community and staff to share their views and let everyone hear what everyone else has to say about all of this. If you want to defend Joyce and the board, then give some good reasons why you support them. The rest of us will share reasons why we have lost faith and trust in them.

Anonymous said...

The teachers and support staff have done what they can do to recognize and solve the problems of the Marshall schools. Now the parents and community members need to step forward and take the lead to hold the Superintendent accountable for her failures, scandals and overall bad management of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Steve Sachs is not to be even remotely attacked. He is an alumni of MHS and is currently getting his college education. He is educated on the topics at hand and has the 'what with' to speak out. We need alot more Steve's in Marshall. I wish he were not working on his education...I believe he would be a better board member than some of these 'seasoned' members are. Steve has his heart in the right place. That's a perfect start to solve this grave problem at hand.

Anonymous said...

Steve is a great guy and in high school he was a student leader who worked closely with Phillips and the school board. He knows Joyce well and has seen first hand how sleazy and dishonest she can be. He was embarrassed when she would rip on the high school Principal and other administrastors to the high school students who met with her. She pressured them to "solve" the Redskin issue her way but act as if it were a "student solution." And he was involved in the Foreman case where a grave injustice was committed by Phillips and a very unprofessional, dishonest and sleazy investigation took place. Steve personally brought in hard evidence that played a key role in exonerating Mr. Foreman and Phillips withheld it from the school board. She blocked all evidence that was favorable to Mr. Foreman, while she was personally the one who pushed and got the charges and bad publicity. The courts looked at ALL of the evidence and the charges were dropped before pretrial. Now the board is trying to help cover this mess up by pursuing unjust tenure charges which will cost the district over $200,000. How much bad management, dishonesty, injustice and harm to the Marshall schools can one tolerate? Keep up the fight Steve!

Anonymous said...

Keep the Foreman family in your prayers and thoughts this holiday season. They have suffered immensely due to Phillips. They are an example of how her evil tactics have caused great personal harm to a Marshall family.

Anonymous said...

The truth is Joyce's worst enemy! Those of us in the community support our teachers and support staff! Keep up the good work MPS staff!

Anonymous said...

What is the Superintendent and the Marshall School Board doing about the staff concerns and other problems?

Anonymous said...

Nothing, thats the best part. The situation with Jody Foreman is completely unrelated to this cause. Joyce used many unfair tactics in her pursuit, but this site is unrelated to the Jody Foreman cause. Keep Jody in your prayers, he will need them with the way Joyce handles things. In the meantime, please contact the school board and newspaper and let them know what a great injustice is being done to this community by our current leader!

Anonymous said...

Vic tried to falsely portray the opposition to Joyce as being part of the "Restoreforeman" group. That is only a tiny portion of the staff and citizens that feel she has failed and needs to be replaced. Also that groups has since disbanded.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the group disbanded when there was nothing left to be done. The former members of that group are also very dissatisfied with Joyce's performance. However, that is only a very small portion of those unhappy

Anonymous said...

MPS Update: I heard that "Indiana Joyce" is on the rampage again. Apparently she is trying to fire or suspend a teacher for an e-mail they wrote that she interpreted as no being positive towards here, even though she was not named in the e-mail. She is also busy delegating negative things for the school administrators to do this holiday season. My favorite is that she has done abolutely NOTHING to try to even attempt to admit wrongdoing or take the responsibility for the results of her actions.

Anonymous said...

She has been working hard, reading a book, telling us about it and informing the staff about her foot. What next? A bathroom use study and committee? A 3 year, $40,000 study about staff motivation? Send Dr. Metcalf to a conference in Orlando to learn about, well who cares?, at much time and expense. How many useless and diversionary things can she come up with rather than face the real issues and problems?

Anonymous said...

Joyce is very busy getting herself out of the bad light and into the good light....her vision. She has been attacking any employee she feels has any kind of responsibility to the 'survey tool'. Why do other district give credence to the opinions of the staff - but Marshall refuses to. We are starting to look like the laughing stock of Calhoun County....thanks to our board letting Joyce have free reign instead of making her answer for her actions to them. Have they done an investigation yet? Or have they decided there is not enough 'truth' to the facts they have been hearing for over 3 months. FOIA the survey...actually read the comments. Why would this community let their educator feel this demoralized? Take the blinders off people!

Anonymous said...

The blinders are off for everyone who wants them off. The school board is keeping them on, and not listening too, because they are afraid of the truth. Is Vic telling them, to paraphrase a movie line, "You can't handle the truth"?

Anonymous said...

How dare Joyce use the phrase "our kids first". It is our children here not hers. Mine and yours attend MPS. Her's did not. She doesn't even let 'our' kids walk through the foyer of the Middle School. How dare her incinuate any ownership to 'my children'.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any more details?

Anonymous said...

When? Who? Where can I sign the petition!

Anonymous said...

Vic, Joyce, Janice, Amy and Brian have all been very arrogant toward the staff and the community. They think that they hold all the power and that no one else can do anything about it. They obviously do not care about the staff, the students or even if a bond will pass. As long as they have the power and Joyce is happy, that is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

They do have all the power and Joyce is happy with it that way. Joyce does have an extended lucrative contract through 2009. They do not really care what anyone else thinks. They obviously do not care about staff morale, the students, the parents, the bond, scandals, problems, corruption and dishonesty at the top. If they did care they would be doing something about it. So far they have done absolutely nothing toward improving this situation.

Anonymous said...

I hope things are not that bad.

Anonymous said...

Talk about taking credit, here's a big one--first of all let me Congratulate Sue Boley, OUR school nurse who is now MICHIGAN'S School Nurse of the YEAR (no thanks to our top adminsitration)!!!! HOW AWESOME!!! But, talk with her and find out how Metcalf & Phillips have tried more than once to push her into leaving the district and in general making her job "difficult". And then read the article in the BC Enquirer - it's a wonderful article for Sue, but the part about Metcalf taking all the credit for her award and outstanding service to our children makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

I also give great praise to Sue, one of the hardest working persons in our school system. I also couldnt believe "Dr" Metcalfe even allowed himself to be interviewed after all the grief and misery he and the other "Dr" have caused poor Sue. We are lucky she stood strong awhile back when the "Drs" tried so hard to get her to leave. What a hypocrite Metcalfe is. I wonder if the board even knew the behind the scenes crap the "Drs" gave one of our most valuable employees. If not, they should ask around and quit believing the "Drs" spin.

Anonymous said...

Of course the board does not know about all the crap. One week it is Sue Boley, then on to someone new...on and on and on...that is how the new MPS operation is run. Attacking employee after employee...joyce has bought and paid for Metcalf & Jones loyalty. They will answer exactly how she says to answer. CAN WE ALL WAKE UP HERE AND SEE WHAT JP IS DOING!

Anonymous said...

I had heard jones and metcalf always look to joyce before answering direct questions at board meetings. That theory does make sense. Don't want to tell the truth and not have their job mistakes covered up. I sure hope Metcalf doesn't go on an African safari next year and forget to order classroom textbooks. AJ - let's not start any hanky panky with the personnel of the upcoming construction company. Let them do their jobs and keep your halter top/swim suit office attire at home. That type of dress is not for a business office at a school matter who you are. It makes the others in the office very uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

I am sure they are instructed to divert attention from all real issues and problems. They also do what they can to take credit for the efforts of the MPS staff, parents, students and the community.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying Amy Jones is allowed to dress for a day at the beach instead of a school business office to divert attention? She didn't just dress that way one day...repeated days. The school policy states you are to dress appropriately for the school setting. I'd like to think my job isn't a day at the beach....cause I sure am missing out on any sunshine here!

Anonymous said...

I do not think anyone wants to see AJ on a bikini or halter top. Or Joyce or Brian either! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well unfortunately...they have. And it was a 'vision' we had not been looking for! Must have been a planned diversion of Joyce's...makes you wonder what was going on when Amy had to get into costume!

Anonymous said...

Hanky and panky perhaps? ;-)

Anonymous said...

It appears from what I have read in this blog site...that the 'main thing" here is Joyce getting a second retirement at the expense of MPS. Maybe she would be better off if she didn't have Amy Jones costing this district money....$20,000 is more than the current 1.5% raise of one of the union groups....

Anonymous said...

If Joyce is removed soon then she would not get her second retirement. This could save tens of thousands of dollars to the Marshall schools over the length of when she could be retired. That could be decades. She does not deserve it! She needs to be fired.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of employees and retirees that have given decades to the educational system in Marshall. How dare that board even consider 'BUYING HER YEARS' It is called "Years of Service Credit". (and at her age quite expensive) Wake up you are making me mad! At 3 years in Marshall you think she has done something making her value so high? You are making idiots of yourselves with moves like that. Years of service is just what it says. How dare you!

Anonymous said...

Phillips days may be numbered. Contact school board members!

Anonymous said...

So far Vic and her supporters are making sure she is well protected. Until they change or are replaced JP has nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
