Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why No E-Mail??

- Why does Janice Darling choose not to let the public that she represents know her e-mail address? ~~~ All it takes is a simple note to Kimberly VanWormer in the Superintendent's Office saying - Put my e-mail address on the School Web Page. ~~~ She is the only Board Member NOT to have an e-mail address listed on the web page.

- Don't you think with this big "Communication" push that is coming from the board - Janice Darling would have all of her Lines of Communication OPEN?

- Why didn't Janice Darling join John Coulter and Chris Varvatos in speaking about the Staff Surveys during the Board Comments of the November Board Meeting? - Isn't Janice Darling the head of the Personnel Committee? - Once again, Janice Darling was the ONLY Board Member NOT to comment about the Surveys.

So - - E-Mail Janice Darling and tell her your concerns.

Janice - You have always been a pillar in this community. We are lucky to have such a person like you here in Marshall. Please do what you were elected to do - Be your own person on the board - Ask Questions! - Talk to People within the District - You will see that Joyce Phillips may not be very good to be so closely connected to.


Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only person to wonder why Janice isn't asking ANY employees ANY questions - but she is Personnel Committee. In fact, was she not absent for the October board meeting even though it had already been publicized that the unions were turning the survey results of the administration over.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Janice Darling, being the head of the personnel committee should be a little more concerned than she has been but I don't see any board member talking to employees. I hope that I am wrong but I would think that if they were talking to the staff then they would have some of their answers. I feel for them. They have a tough job to do but they need to do what is right and not what Dr. Phillips may want. Look at the whole picture. Start taking some action. Talk! Talk! Talk! to those that are being affected and not listening to those who don't have a clue!

Anonymous said...

I do not think it is any accident that many board members choose not to engage the staff in any serious dialogue. Many people have shared information with them and I believe they are fully aware of Dr. Phillips failures, problems and scandals. For whatever reason they choose to keep supporting her no matter what. This has been evident by all current members. Yes it was ok that John and Chris expressed some interest and concern. It is a small but good start. The mystery is why do they keep supporting Phillips? They forced Jeff Cable out for far less. Is it political? Are they afraid to take on the small but possibly powerful Phillips supporters? They cannot plead ignorance any longer.

Anonymous said...

It's called, "hide your head in the sand" and hope that it all goes away. They are very well aware of what is going on. I myself have spoken to some of them to enlighten them. Of course nothing resulted from our conversations. I've gotten to the point where we will drive to BC to get stuff instead of putting money into darling and daughters. I'd sooner let my vehicle rust on the side of the road instead of calling bud's. I won't give either of them my business until they wake the heck up.

Anonymous said...

The board will not support any school employee (except Joyce) so I will NOT patronize any business that a school board member has an ownership or interest in.

Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same...but I would change my plan and pour my holiday money into Marshall business if they were doing what my vote elected them to do. Work for the are Joyce's boss.

Anonymous said...

Whether they realize it or not, the actions (and inactions) of the board in support of Joyce (and hostile towards the staff) are causing major problems for Marshall as a whole.

Anonymous said...

official boycot of 1, darling adn daughter; 2, buds towing; 3, marshall activiy center

they want to screw us well two can play at this game

Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain Janice's obsession with Dr. J? Or Vic's?

Anonymous said...

Boycotts have always been a very important tool used in these types of differences, especially in small towns. I can't believe intelligent people that are on the board are seemingly doing nothing. Do they understand while they do nothing Joyce is doing things in this school - that I am sure they are not privy to - that soon they will all stand accountable for. Of course 300 MPS employees now know for sure - they mean nothing to the board members - what are we waiting for here folks - Do you know we have lots of marshall school aged kids that are being driven to other districts for their education - AND IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THE SURVEY - IT IS BECAUSE OF THE ACTIONS BY JP THAT CAUSED THE SURVEY TO HAPPEN.

Anonymous said...

Is Janice the board member whose brother is active in the Charter School?

Anonymous said...

I think so, Joyce is a big asset to surrounding area school districts.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. These attacks against Janice are rude. She may not be a great board member, but she is a very nice lady and an active member of our community. All of these comments are unprofessional and if these are staff members NO WONDER why you are being fired. It's shameful that these personal attacks are continuing. I just read the "third superintendents corner" and saw an attack against steve sachs. What have these people done to you? This is becoming a website full of hate. Shut this site down immediately and avoid future problems.

Anonymous said...

School board members are fair game for criticism for their actions relating to their actions on the board. Supt. Phillips has done much damage to the MPS, has caused many scandals and controvervies, and has purposely set out to harm many staff members for no valid reasons. Some school board members have endorsed and strongly supported this very bad Superintendent. There are dozens of reasons to be angry toward Mrs. Phillips, and by extension her strongest board supporters. Unfortunately Janice has decided to strongly support Phillips in these negative actions despite having been told by many about Phillips poor performance. Now she is deserving of criticism for her negative actions as a school board member.

Anonymous said...

You get what you grandmother taught me that! Nice deed will get you nice deeds back! Janice ran for school board after her friend Georgia was recalled. She is MORE THAN AWARE of what bad board service can bring to a person. Don't cry too hard for some tears for those being harmed.

Anonymous said...

I have known Janice for alot of years. She is a nice lady. No one has ever indicated or attacked her otherwise. But - people in this town cast their votes to elect her for a job she does not seem to be doing. Are we not allowed our opinions even towards our elected officials. There are guidelines for board members. Are any of our board members out for personal gain...? They are elected to serve the society that elected them - not themselves nor their business. That is part of the whole package.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone who knows Janice have any idea why she would put her otherwise good reputation on the line in her loyalty to Mrs. Phillips? I am guessing she knows what is going on. If she truly cares about the Marshall schools, staff, students and the community, why doesn't she use her position and clout to recognize the main source of the problems and hold Phillips accountable? Please do not let us down Janice! The community, staff and kids needs your support!

Anonymous said...

Janice keeps telling everyone that the schools are "broke" and that Joyce is out to fix them. Joyce has her convinced that most of the administrators and many teachers are "bad" and need to be replaced. Also they may be taking revenge on some they perceive as being "Giannunzio" people. These may also be the reasons she gets similar support from Dan, Paul and Vic.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be some clique, that is quite clueless about the Marshall schools, that for some wacky reason think Phillips is the "savior" of the Marshall schools. Some board members seem to be a part of this. Joyce, or someone, has fooled them into this bizarre "vision." Only a fool would fall for this in the face of massive evidence to the contrary that Phillips is in fact the "main problem" of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Phillips is making fools out of the entire school board. I am sure she does not even care, she is using them too.

Anonymous said...

She is probably laughing all the way to the bank, the Hoosier First National! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good one...she probably doesn't even bank in our community. Whose brain storm was it to hire someone in the Indiana education system? Don't people know the big differences in the business of in Marshall compared to Indiana communities.

Anonymous said...

I think Janice was a member of the entourage that went to Indiana to interview individuals regarding the good doctor! Ummmm....

Anonymous said...

The Indiana educational system is not a model that the most advanced states try to copy. It is quite "Southern" and backward by comparison to Michigan and other Northern states.

Anonymous said...

Gosh thanks. I was beginning to think it was more the Sieberrian way!

Anonymous said...

This of what a campaign promise Janice and Vic could be making to this district's voters. Removal - too difficult? Demotion - very easy!

Anonymous said...

Could they demote Joyce to one of those teaching jobs at the juvenile home?

Anonymous said...

Those kids are already troubled. Why would anyone want to do that to them?