Saturday, November 25, 2006

Poll Results

Vic Potter & Janice Darling are up for re-election in 2007. If they decide to run for re-election, Will you vote for them?

No - 82 votes - 93%
Yes - 4 votes - 5%
Too Early to say - 2 votes - 2%

Don't forget to check out the new poll!


Anonymous said...

There is a rumor that neither are planning to run for re-election. Probably because they would not win unless they ran unopposed.

Anonymous said...

Some say the MPS board is strongly in favor of Dr. Phillips, others say they know board members who are giving up on her. I guess we will wait and see what happens next.

Anonymous said...

Like many Marshall citizens, I like both Vic and Janice personally. But I have not been very happy with their work on the school board. It is not too late for them to pull a 180 and go back to do what is best for the kids, parents and the school district.

Anonymous said...

Our school board is supposed to be a body that maintains the basic democratic ideal of checks and balances....they have failed miserably!!Our kids and the great Marshall Staff deserve better!

Anonymous said...

They not only have failed, they are not even trying! Phillips tells them what to do, how and when to do it and they better do as she says. What wimps!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally someone has stated my feelings above. "Our school board is supposed to be a body that maintains the basic democratic ideals of checks and balances"... That was worth saying twice. Ask yourselves...are the board members you cast your vote for keeping Joyce in check/balance. I can say absolutely not on my behalf. They should have checked out the insurance mistake and questioned why Amy Jones was able to keep a job. Look what Phillips wanted done to Hulk just because he brought to light his own 'human error' in the inelgiblity situation last fall. He admitted his error. He showed us what he is made of. He stood up and said he had made a mistake. He NEVER TRIED TO LIE OR HIDE IT. He phoned the appropriate persons and took care of the 'mistake'. His mistake did not cost the district $$$$. But he showed our students at the HS what real men are made of. He showed more ethics in the one situation that Joyce, Amy and Brian have shown together. This relationship of three is distorted. Joyce has paid them for their loyalty. This enables her to harrass employees, lie to board members, (ie the MESSA insurance mistake was Amy Jones...not MESSA like Joyce has indicated in meetings this November.) Bonnie @ MESSA 1-800-292-4910. Joyce is out of control and the Amy and Brian cover her scandalous tracks with lies when appropriate. It is time for the board to take action. Set an example for our entire community. Rid our district. "Keep our kids first".

Anonymous said...

Lies...coverups...controversy...scandal...coruption...harrassment of staff...lack of community trust...embarrassment...bad leadership ...favoritism.... conflicts of check and balances... low morale... damage to schools reputation... double much more can we take? This is what we got from the Phillips administration. This has to change! Contact Marshall school board members, write letters to newspapers, tell your friends and neighbors, speak out at school board meetings if you want to change away from this toward a much better future.

Anonymous said...

Well I sure want change - in fact - change is good. The only person left in this community that is most likely afraid of change would be JP - because change would require a local realtor listing her home 4 sale. 2 men in a truck - heading to the border south of our wonderful Michigan. I sure hope she doesn't ask our grounds people to pack and move her. (I am sure we can get a mile long list of volunteers to help.)

Anonymous said...

As a parent I know that the entire Middle School PTO wants Phillips gone! We know that the future of our children's education is at stake. We hate the thought of losing staff and low morale. We do not like seeing our good Principals and other staff being harrassed and disrespected by Phillips and the school board. Amy and Brian are not any better. The views of the staff, and most everyone on this web site, is right on the money. We need a big bond passed and that will not happen with Phillips still here. I was disappointed to see in the paper that the school board is asking for a small amount toward the bond needs. I agree with those who view it as a "no confidence" vote in JP. I hope we are not stuck with Phillips much longer.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Janice and Vic, assuming I wanted my kids to get an education equal to that of the Detroit Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

To MMS Parent from two posts up:
You make comments concerning the middle school PTO. If you were involved with this organization you would know that it is the PCO, Parent Community Organization. I am a member and you state above that you know that "the entire middle school PTO" wants to see Phillips gone. This may be true but you should not be speaking for everyone. I myself have not been asked what my view on this is and I am at these meetings monthly. I have never been asked by anyone there how I feel about this, so please don't be like the school board and assume things. Talk to people and find out.

Anonymous said...

To MMS Parent from two posts up:
You make comments concerning the middle school PTO. If you were involved with this organization you would know that it is the PCO, Parent Community Organization. I am a member and you state above that you know that "the entire middle school PTO" wants to see Phillips gone. This may be true but you should not be speaking for everyone. I myself have not been asked what my view on this is and I am at these meetings monthly. I have never been asked by anyone there how I feel about this, so please don't be like the school board and assume things. Talk to people and find out.

Anonymous said...

To MMS Parent from two posts up:
You make comments concerning the middle school PTO. If you were involved with this organization you would know that it is the PCO, Parent Community Organization. I am a member and you state above that you know that "the entire middle school PTO" wants to see Phillips gone. This may be true but you should not be speaking for everyone. I myself have not been asked what my view on this is and I am at these meetings monthly. I have never been asked by anyone there how I feel about this, so please don't be like the school board and assume things. Talk to people and find out.

Anonymous said...

MMS parent replies:

I actually based this opinion on my conversations with some PCO members. I am not on it, obviously. My friends said their opinion so in the future I will say I have heard that most or all feel that way.

Anonymous said...

How about an option of "none of the above" on the new poll?

Anonymous said...

Phillips has to be removed by March at the latest! If she is still reigning as Superintendent, she will surely bring her axe down hard on everyone she can. She is on the prowl for revenge aleady!

We know she is targeting at least five administrators right now. Her fangs are out and she is drooling to get even with her critics (just about everyone). She has lied and committed evil against excellent Marshall staff. She will gladly do it again, and take great pleasure in the damage she wreaks on the Marshall schools. There are many valid reasons to void her contract and fire her. If the Marshall school board needs proof I know many people that can provide it. The truth is her main enemy. Thanks for this web site!

Anonymous said...

I agree with mms supporter above. This site is just what the staff needed to voice opinions without being reprimanded for it. We have already lost a GREAT administrator at the middle school do we want to see the others end with the same fate as he did? Someone from the board needs to stand up before we have nothing left. This is for our children and their future. We can't get rid of all of the administrators who do their job on a daily basis just to get an administrator in there that is just a yes man and does not do what is needed or right for the students. An administrator should be working for the good of the school. PLEASE SOMEONE FROM THE BOARD OPEN OUR EYES!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen to the comments above. Joyce wants to get new administrators who never speak up to her. She wants to manage everyone's buildings. If you buck the 'non doctor' (I liked that one) - you have just created a bulls eye on your forehead. The problem with this management by intimidation, micromanagement - she sets administrators up to get them to do harm to their employees. That way if it is unlawful and the employee wins...she will not have to take responsibility for it. How can this be so blatantly clear to 300 people but the community members, elected to keep the supt in check/balance, cannot see it. OPEN YOUR EYES...PUT YOUR OWN PERSONAL FEELINGS ASIDE...DO WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO. I agree...with the information most of us have already on Joyce I believe she would lose if she was fired and tried to sue for her compensation. I am appalled that we would even consider buying Michigan years of service...when in fact...she has done absolutely nothing productice to far to earn it. She has only trotted in and claimed the fame of those hard working employees who have contributed. Kinda like Brian trying to push Sue Boley out of the lime he wants people to think he respects her. Hey, Actions Speak Louder Than Words! Joyce - we don't even want you to try....we have NO CONFIDENCE IN YOU WHATSOEVER...NONE...TOO LATE FOR IT...PLEASE SHOW SOME DIGNITY AND RESIGN!

Anonymous said...

We are at the point where we all, or 99.9% of us, agree that JP needs to be fired or resign ASAP! There is no other option. I think all Marshall School Board members who can be recalled should be up for a recall vote in January if she is not gone by then. If they want to publicly turn on her then maybe they will not be recalled. Then the new board needs to fire her if she has not resigned by then. There is a ton of evidence to fire her! If they simply ask it will be provided. Then we can unite and move on with real school improvement for the Marshall Public Schools.
Don't be shy! Speak out publicly!

Anonymous said...

Let's push our unions to meet and have a No Confidence Vote. This should speak volumes to the community...and perhaps the board members will have to pay attention finally.

Anonymous said...

We all no that the unions would vote "no confidence." We all know that most MPS parents would vote "no confidence." We all know that most admins, beside JP, Brian and Amy would vote "no confidence." We know that most Marshall community residents would vote "no confidence." What are we waiting for? The proof is overwhelming. Phillips needs to use what dignity she has left and resign/retire by Christmas. If not she has to be gone soon in the new year. The district cannot keep suffering in this mess much longer.

Anonymous said...

I find this site very counterproductive.

Anonymous said...

Reply to above: We have had two year of very bad leadership by Dr. Phillips. There are many problems caused by her decisions, actions, style, dishonesty and lack of cooperation and respect towards other staff. She has failed miserably as the MPS Superintendent. If you have any other ideas about how to handle this please post them. Dozens or more have tried working with her, have offered helps, assistance, cooperation, etc. All reasonable efforts have failed, because fo Phillips. We are a coalition of parents, teachers, students and community members who want to see the Marshall schools move forward in a positive way and direction. That is not happening now. The vast majority of us are just trying to figure out how to remove Phillips, so we can get a good Superintedent that we all deserve. If you have constructive criticism about how to accomplish this please offer it. Almost everything else has been tried: being nice, being civil, talking to the school board, letters to the newspaper, speaking at school board meetings, the survey and more. I do not agree with every posting on this sight, but the vast majority express the truth about the bad situation now in the Marshall Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

Amen to Walters Mom...very well put. It is true that some of the postings are a little snide, but it's just a product of the frustration everyone in the district is feeling.If "counterproductive" does not inderstand why these feelings are there then good for haven't been one of Joyce's victims!

Anonymous said...

Below is a portion of the email the MPS staff received regarding the recent passing of JP's father. (personal email message to staff) Correct me if you know I am wrong but was Joyce's father not in a nursing home in Indiana for the past couple years? How does that make her the caregiver? Possibly overseer of his estate but caregiver? If this is true, and I am not slighting her pain the in the passing of her father, isn't this just another one of her misleading statements to the staff?

"Some of you have heard the message by now that my father died on Monday. For those who may not know, I was my father’s caregiver for the last 16 years."

I was not aware her father has ever been in Marshall. Sorry about the loss to JP and her family but I don't like being misled all the time.

Anonymous said...

Normally an e-mail like that is sent out by another staffer. Apparently there are none trusted enough to do so.

While I have sympathy for her in her loss, she does seem to be using this for added sympathy from the staff. Had she not done so many awful things to MPS staffers and is working to ruin the lives and careers of at least a dozen or so, she would receive a lot more sympathy and support form the staff. Part of me feels sorry for here cold lonely existence (ecept for the board and Brian and Amy) at the Marshall schools. Another part of me knows that this is all due to her actions and she launched her own problems with the staff despite many efforts to be cooperative and work together. She has missed a great opportunity to get to know many excellent educators and work with them in a positive way. What a sad situation overall! I will keep Phillips and her family in my prayers. Also the Behrenwalds, Townsends, Hansons, Foremans, etc etc who have suffered immensely from her actions.

Anonymous said...

Normally an e-mail like that is sent out by another staffer. Apparently there are none trusted enough to do so.

While I have sympathy for her in her loss, she does seem to be using this for added sympathy from the staff. Had she not done so many awful things to MPS staffers and is working to ruin the lives and careers of at least a dozen or so, she would receive a lot more sympathy and support form the staff. Part of me feels sorry for here cold lonely existence (ecept for the board and Brian and Amy) at the Marshall schools. Another part of me knows that this is all due to her actions and she launched her own problems with the staff despite many efforts to be cooperative and work together. She has missed a great opportunity to get to know many excellent educators and work with them in a positive way. What a sad situation overall! I will keep Phillips and her family in my prayers. Also the Behrenwalds, Townsends, Hansons, Foremans, etc etc who have suffered immensely from her actions.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Hulkows, Boleys and many many more who have suffered under Phillips! And ultimately the kids too!

Anonymous said...

You have mentioned but a handful of the emmployees whom have suffered under the poor leadership of JP. Unfortunately, the board, being so out of touch, must believe there were huge problems employeewise...or they would not allow any of the abused employee situations to have happend without the good doctor being disciplined. Even leaders who display bad leadership are supposed to be under discipline by thier overseeing board. Unless of course...the board is just looking the other way. Joyce cannot try to get the sympathy of MPS employees using lies once again. I believe the nursing home her father was in would be considered the caregiver. What is up with that Joyce? I guess I can say I am the superintendent of MPS....if you can say you were caregiver...a state away!

Anonymous said...

She is obviously trying to milk this unfortunate situation for political gain. Also it is part of the diversionary tactics used by her and her board supporters. Thye do everything they can to focus attention away from the real issues and problems. Maybe they will pay attention if there is a recall?

Anonymous said...

I have lost faith in the Marshall school board. They have done nothing positive in two months since they received the surveys, or during the previous year of known major problems.. They are letting JP get away with all kinds of arrogance, intimidation, threats and incompetence. By their actions, or lack thereof, they have proven as a whole that they do not truly care about the staff or the kids! If they did we would see them working with the staff, seek more information about the problems, questioning Phillips publicly about this mess at board meetings and showing real concern for the MPS staff, parents and the kids. Instead they cover everything up, allow Joyce to harass and threaten the staff through a lawsuit and other sleazy tactics, and buy her flowers as a public "slap in the face" of the Marshall teachers.

Is this "Happy Holidays" from the Marshall School Board?

Anonymous said...

Well - we will get our generic...PR...- letter from the good 'non doctor'. I hope everyone returns them in school mail to her this year. (addressee unknown) YUK!

Anonymous said...

I thought she was planning her holiday lawsuit against the teachers/union.

Anonymous said...

Well my friend that is happening. Ask Attorney Millard Mayhall. What will she do next? Who would have thought a superintendent in Marshall would sue/or threaten to sue their educators because she does not like the opinions on the survey. This is perhaps why the board appears to be doing nothing. They may rather have jp sue. People should definitely speak up about her lack of integrity.

Anonymous said...

Maybe JP is doing such an awful job on purpose so the board will buy out her lucrative (until 2009) contract so she can retire a few years early at full pay?

Anonymous said...

After reading through this web site that I was informed about by a friend, I have come to the opinion that there are major morale problems in the schools. For whatever reason the Superintendent seems immensley unpopular. I am surprised by the lack of support for her by anyone. I think the Marshall schools need some changes in their top management.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Marshall would be wonderful if citizens like yourself could talk to employees and get the community galvanized. I would be happy to help your education.

Anonymous said...

There is no hope for the Marshall schools until there is change at the top. The sooner Mrs. Phillips is removed the better for all! Come on MPS board, hold her accountable for her terribly failed leadership!

Anonymous said...

A recall is needed ASAP! Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

Failed leadership is one issue. Cover ups of huge monetary settlements is unacceptable. This district has endured the hardship dare Amy and Joyce cost us $20,000 in insurance mistake (settlement) and then try very hard to cover it up. Next issue....blatantly lie about the mistake. MESSA did not change the rules at the last minute (JP statement in November) Fact: The rules regarding MESSA insurance coverage have not changed in 10 years. I am very offended that the good doctor has once again chosen to lie and point accusing finger of blame to the MESSA people. Is this accountability? Kind of reminds me of the air conditioner cover up. How hard is it to admit "Sorry, I made a mistake". and move forward! Let's keep the main thing the main thing...Kids First. JP do you know what that means?

Anonymous said...

Keep contacting the Marshall School Board! They are coming around and could remove Joyce if they get enough support and evidence to do so. Do not wait, e-mail or call them today! MPS Staff too, tell them it is "confidential" and that you do not want them sharing your information with other board members or Phillips. They want to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Reports spreading around town is that the school board has failed yet again to hold Joyce accountable for all of her deception, poor leadership, numerous problems, embarrassments and scandals. A recall is being talked about around town pending further information. Which school board members should be recalled? Why?

Anonymous said...

Vic, Janice and Paul for sure! Unless they have turned against the "good doctor."

Anonymous said...

So far they seem to be supporting Joyce, but maybe not as strong as before.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you talk to anyone but Vic. Unless you want what you have to say to go directly to jp.