Sunday, November 26, 2006

So, Dr. Metcalf, You like to double talk?

Congrats goes out once again to Sue Boley, our school nurse, receiving school nurse of the year. In this weeks Marshall Chronicle Brian Metcalf is PRAISING Sue Boley. Kind of hard to believe if you know what the two Doctors put poor Sue Boley through months ago. Anyone who has info about the events that took place, PLEASE POST.


Anonymous said...

Didn't the "Dr's" want her to resign? What really happened? I want to know. Fill us in!

Anonymous said...

Keep Sue Boley! Fire the doctors!

Anonymous said...

I know it was bad enough that the staff was ready to join forces to protest their treatment of her. The two big shots then saw the writing on the wall and backed off and at least slowed down their harrassment. What a joke for Metcalfe to be praising her so publicly after being so nasty behind the scenes. Maybe the board members should pay more attention to how their valued staff members are treated in reality and not just give praise to the big shots when they spout their hypocritical compliments.

Anonymous said...

Sue Boley handled her harrassment last year with professionalism and dignity. All that see her at work and know her supported her during her 'bad treatment' by Metcalf and Phillips. They should mind the business in the school business office and stop the targeting and harrassment of good people like Mrs. Boley. The overwhelming red shirts were in support of Sue. She is the most awesome person and has done so very much for Marshall Schools. I wonder how many $$$ she has generated for our schools with her and Frank's yearly active role in the 'exchange student program'. They have been parents to numerous foreign students. GREAT BIG SALUTE TO MRS. BOLEY!

Anonymous said...

This situation has me so mad I was going to write to the BC Enquirer. I was at their web site but could not find where to write a letter to the editor online. Any tips?

Anonymous said...

It is easy, just go to:

then to "Customer Service" on the lower left and then to "Letter to the Editor" and fill in your letter and personal information.

You can also do a rose or raspberry too in the same location. Maybe a "rose" for the MPS staff would be nice. Feel free to mention this "Change is Good" web address so the public can learn about the MPS issues. You may want to write your letter first in a word processor and then copy and paste it into the BC Enquirer web page. I doubt the Marshall School Board will "wake up" until there is more publicity about these issues. Also letters to the Marshall Chronicle are helpful, the the BC Enquirer will make a bigger statement. We need as many as possible if there is going to be positive changes in the Marshall schools!

Anonymous said...

For those who think we are too harsh on Mrs. Phillips or her two assistance Brian Metcalf and Amy Jones, if you only knew what the MPS staff and others know you would understand that we are amazingly nice and civil towards them. I know firsthand that Joyce is deserving of ALL of the harsh criticisim and she is very deserving of being fired! Yes, she is that bad for the Marshall schools. Maybe worse!

Anonymous said...

I work at MPS. The statements you are reading are horribly true. It is amazing that our board is presented with facts and now all they can say is "we can't base our opinion on this blog site" "our experience as board members she gives us nice treatment...." DUH! you are some of the few she has to perform for - well they can't base their opinions on surveys, message boards...what would they like...all of us to be quiet and watch a once awesome system get run into the ground in ruins....then you can believe this...our board will be saying..."Why didn't anyone tell us what was going on - so we could do something about it".

Anonymous said...

Great job Sue Boley! Dump the doctors!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE AN AXE TO GRIND. Who can I contact to be involved in this movement?

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous from three posts up. I am sure that the board members don't have a problem with Joyce Phillips! She is not the one who decides whether they get a paycheck or not, they are not the one's that have to worry/stress to the point of illness about whether they are going to be suspended at the drop of a hat,they are not the
one's that are ignored on a daily basis by Joyce Phillips. I am not sure that I have made my point or not but they have nothing to loose if they do not listen. Their life and the lives of their families are not hanging on Joyce's every decision. We need to have our Board members stand up for the little person. The ones who do not make the outrageous salaries that the top three administrators make. The staff that make and made this district what it is today! They need to put themselves in the shoes of the employee of MPS and then decide how they will handle things. Even with the letters in the papers, entries on this site it still does not seem to be getting to them. They need to get out there. Talk to staff, let them know that you are for them.Do what you were voted into this position for!!! Be there for MPS!!!

Anonymous said...

It is well known, I have examples, that anyone who does not do exactly as directed by Joyce, no matter how experienced that person is, no matter if it conflicts with what the person knows to be right, that they will receive an unsatisfactory evaluation or a reprimand.This then goes into their personnel file...end of story. This is why no one will speak out at board meetings or anywhere else but this kind of venue.

Anonymous said...

Marshall voice from above: Amen, you said it. This is what people need to understand about the staff and how Joyce works. This is also why the Board are not as concerned, their life is not determined by what Joyce does.
Hopefully someone starts listens.

Anonymous said...

Simple words: Management by Intimidation. If you have ever been managed by this type of boss...'boss bully' you will understand why this site is so important. Lots of employees are still too scared to even post messages here as they believe somehow - Joyce will get an attorney...and trace the comment back to them. Jobs are important to families. Joyce knows what she has and is doing to employees. Why do board members not believe what they are hearing? Or are they just choosing not to take action. This is almost unhumaine treatment. It isn't just the lowest on the toteem pole...she targets the well liked, leadership type, opinionated and well versed on topics to attack. Uses the strongest as her 'examples' so the weaker will take notice and not even step out to speak up. We are being "shushed". Actually our freedom of speech is in jeopardy and I know no one would want this to be the case here in Marshall. 300 employees are counting on citizens, who cannot be targeted, to ask questions, push for action. Dan Stulberg did alittle investigating regarding the $20,000 insurance 'mistake'. Guess what...JP blatantly lied about whose mistake it was. Yes people, it was Amy Jones, Marshall central administration, .... or was Joyce somehow a part of it too? Thank you Dan but what do you plan to do now that you got some answers that are not in line with what the good doctor has been telling everyone? Lies, deceiption, bullying, raises for the top 3, ... what is wrong with this picture? How long does this community expect it's employees to hang in there. We have been told that since Bob Currie took the money and ran. Wait until the district is sound financially. Then everyone will be reciprocated financially. Does 1.5% get anyone even with the cost of living increase. Of course we all want the 9% you board members gave so willingly to Joyce. She is the least deserving. She was not even here during the 'skinny times'. Remember the year employees took a 1/2% increase? Joyce steps in...butters Brian and Amy's wallets...loads her own...and fights tooth and nail for the remainder of the district to get anything above 1.5%. Can't people see this? Corruption? Waste of your district funds? Joyce needs new carpet - she gets it. The HS still has the original carpet throughout their offices, breakroom, YUK, and visitors do comment on it. I am sure visitors to the supt. office are not feeling comfortable enough to even care what carpet the good nondoctor has. Unless of are of money in this town or a school board member. This is wrong!

Anonymous said...

Be careful, don't vomit on Joyce's new carpeting!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious to all that Mrs. Phillips has no idea how to properly run a school district. Also she is not smart enough or have enough confidence to work well with exisiting staff and administrators. To cover for her incompetence she has fallen back on authoritarian power, threats and lies. Her failures have been monumental and unprecedented in the history of the Marshall Public Schools. Any competenent school board would remove her as soon as possible. There are many valid reasons based on her actions and numerous lies.

Anonymous said...

If I were Dan Stuhlberg and found out that Joyce lied directly to my face about the MESSA fiasco by saying it was MESSA's error, when it was her own team's error; that they didn't cancel the policy,I would be calling for her resignation yesterday. $20,000.00 later, it is obvious that JP has no qualms about letting others take the fall for her. Trust is out of the question!

Anonymous said...

There is soooooo much evidence of her lies that when the board finally sees the light and decides to fire her there will be many valid reasons. Some of the evidence is on the cable video of the board meetings. Just look at how she lied to Bob Lyng last June about the Principal hiring process. Bob called her on it and she could not defend herself. Or the $20,000 screwup that she has been lying about for months. Its not about one or two honest mistakes, it is about two years of bad leadership, loss of trust, loss of confidence, lies, harrassment of good employees, etc etc. Its time for the board to remove JP before things get much worse.

Anonymous said...

The word spreading around town is that the school board, maybe via Dan's investigation, now has solid proof of a major scandal involving Phillips/Jones covering up the huge mistake they made that cost the district at least $20,000. If this is true great job Dan, keep up the good work. Now Dan and the school board need to get to work and take the just and bold action needed to remove Phillips and unite with the staff, parents and community to truly move the district forward to great things. Also if the board removes Phillips soon, the recall will not happen and we can discuss a bigger bond for MHS. Win-win all around, except for Phillips.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Vic, Janice and Paul will intervene to help JP cover it all up. The truth is well-known by the staff. Dan and Chris and John may now realize some of the magnitude of all the unethical, dishonest and terrible things that have been going on by Phillips. Unfortunately the other four can block them from doing anything positive about it.

Anonymous said...

If Joyce files a lawsuit against the Marshall teachers/MEA, she should be fired immediately. Why aren't the school board members out talking to the staff? Do they care what the truth is? Is anyone planning to speak out at the next school board meeting about this entire big mess in the Marshall schools? Does the community care?

Anonymous said...

Good questions! I would expect the school board members to be calling and meeting with staff at various levels. They all should have trusted friends on staff and those they know and respect that they can trust to get input. If they only believe what Mrs. Phillips tells them, then they will not accurately know what is going on. I am schocked to hear that they have not done this. If they have, no one seems to know anything about it.

Anonymous said...

It seems jp and the board have gotten together and have a 'game plan'. They are once again painting a lovely vision of their proactivity. Well, it is a known fact that the coffee klatches have been in place since the teachers were in crisis a couple years ago. These get togethers have nothing to do with the good doctor - they were being done way before she moved north. (she has been heard taking credit for the idea of coffee get togethers on sat. am). Just one more shot at deception. Guess you all know what you are getting for xmas from joyce and the board...more of the same!

Anonymous said...

As a community member I hope there is real progress toward resolving the obvious big problems in the Marshall Public Schools. I urge the school board to work closely with our wonderful teaching and support staff to find a solution. I am quite disappointed in their lack of any real action so far. No smoke and mirrors please, we are not stupid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The sad thing is , the teachers, staff and building admin are wonderful educators, problem solvers and leaders. I do hope that some of the educational leaders are working on the no confidence vote.I realize that during the holiday season people have other fish to fry...I just hope that the odor of the rotten fish at the top will keep people from letting this slide.

Anonymous said...

Send the money to Harper

Anonymous said...

Tune in to the next installment of "The Marshall Schools"...

Will Joyce sue the teachers/union?
Will Dan, Chris and John become heroes and take on Joyce?
Will Ali do anything?
Will there be an investigation into top admin wrongdoing?
Will Vic buy Joyce flowers again?
Will Amy or Brian turn evidence on Joyce?
Will the school board take charge and pull a coup on Joyce?
Will community leaders step up and help save the Marshall schools?
Will the MPS staff hold a 'No confidence" vote on Joyce?
Will the outraged parents go public before it is too late?
Can a much larger school bond be passed?
Will there be a recall?

Tune in as this popular true but sad soap opera continues.

Will things turn for the better in the New Year? Let's hope!

Anonymous said...

Soap opera? Unfortunately this is a weird "reality show."

Anonymous said...

Soap opera? Unfortunately this is a weird "reality show."

Anonymous said...

Everyone who cares about the Marshall Public Schools, no matter what your views are, should come to the next school board meeting on Monday December 11th at 7 pm. The community needs to turn out to ask tough questions and find out what is being done, or not being done, to resolve the current crisis.

Anonymous said...

Most of us have given up on this current school board. Also they moved public comment to near the end of the board meeting which could be at 10 or 11 pm. They do everything they can think of to discourage public comment or input. Also with Joyce running around threatening to sue people that may be working in discouraging even more people to speak out publicly. Also as can be seen on the video on this blog, Mrs. Phillips will likely do a crossword puzzle or carry on another conversation while the public speaks, Vic will cut them off and Janice will change the topic to how wonderful Judy Rogers was (she is retiring).

Expect nothing to get accomplished! A recall may be the only thing that gets their attention.

Anonymous said...

Well, Joyce is back from her family was quiet while she was gone...but now the intimidation has started again. She has threatened an administrator, second guessed another award winning professional as to how best to do her job and, as always, has taken another person's hard work and sacrifice and minimized it with a story about herself. Me, me,, my's the same self centered story every week.

Anonymous said...

The new MPS motto should be "Excellence and accountability, except at the top."

Anonymous said...

Why don't you guys hold a no confidence vote

Anonymous said...

I think a "no confidence" vote could be a good idea, but the staff and the community already know what the outcome would be.

Very few people, if any, have any confidence, respect, support or trust in Supt. Phillips any more. Or Amy or Brian for that matter. Now they are feeling much the same way about the school board who have been propping them up and covering for their poor leadership and failures. This cannot be allowed to continue!

I personally have lost hope in the school board so I am of the mindset to skip a "no confidence vote" (I think the surveys and this blog are evidence enough) and go straight to a board recall. I can think of no other solution to these problems that has not been tried and failed already. The board has failed us all miserably!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There were many good school board members over the last 20 years that would be great to see returned to the school board. Maybe if 4 or 5 are recalled, some may run for the open seats.

Anonymous said...

but please NOT Queen Georgia

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jeff Albaugh, Beth McCarthy, Bob Lyng, Sam Ramon, Darlene Neidlinger and some others.

Anonymous said...

The five listed above all were great members and they gave us a varied viewpoint and had the kids truly first and meant it not just said it. We also need people who can agree to disagree yet still respect the others opinions and they all did that. Will any of them consider? Wouldnt blame them if not due to the present mess to clean up and the overall lack of appreciation our city of hospitality seems to give those who serve but we need some quality people who truly care. Enough of the board members and top leaders who spout all the right jargon and slogans about excellence in education and keep the main thing the main thing...our kids first when in reality they have created the worst problems in our school system history. Much like the current national leadership who fooled most of us for far too long with a smokescreen of jargon slogans and puffery to convince us that all was well. Mission Accomplished anyone? Lets wake up.

Anonymous said...

I think the Marshall school board has woken up. Some positive steps seem to be in the works. Let's see what happens soon.

Anonymous said...

Everyone tell your friends and neighbors to contact the Marshall school board ASAP with your thoughts and views. They now want ot hear from YOU! With input from staff, parents and community members, big positive changes could happen soon!

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a correlation between the school board members popularity vote on this web site, and how knowledgeable they are about the reality in the Marshall Schools. Those who are pro-active and trusted are doing quite well. Those who are the most out-of-touch or not trusted as much are doing poorly.

Anonymous said...

We need more school board members as trusted and respected as John, Dan and Chris.

Anonymous said...

We actually need even better than those three. Board members who have more courage, leadership and work much better with the staff. Those three are nice guys but so far have not done very much except talk a good talk.

Anonymous said...

I have talked to these three and they seem to be
moving in a positive direction. But three is not enough and all three may not be strong enough to get much accomplished. Some new strong leaders are needed on the school board sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

If Joyce got a positive evaluatation, as some have reported on this blog, then the school board has failed us all again!