Saturday, November 04, 2006

1st Poll Results

At the end of our first poll here are the results.

How do you rate the job our Superintendent is doing?

Unfavorable - 70 Votes - 80%
Favorable - 13 Votes - 15%
Not Enough Info To Answer - 4 Votes - 5%

Total Votes - 87

Make sure to check out the new poll!


Anonymous said...

When I talk to people around town who have an interest in the Marshall Public Schools, I would say the non-scientific poll results about Dr. Phillips support is about the same. I think about 80 percent have lost trust and faith in her leadership.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at the response after only and week or 10 days. Not sure when this blog first appeared. I hope the board does what they were elected to do. Listen to the people. They are only 7 bodies - they need to listen to the community and forget their personal feelings. Perhaps they can take a step to also ensure they have can get elected to a seat on the Board again. Doing nothing will not get them re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Some friends of school board members I know tell me that at least 3-4 are reconsidering their support for Dr. Phillips. If this is true that is great news! I hope after the elections on Nov. 7th that the people of Marshall can unite for positive improvements in the Marshall schools. In my opinion this mean that Phillips will resign or be removed one way or another and a reasonable, maybe $10-$25 million bond can be passed so we can at least get MHS updated and remodeled. If Phillips is still the Superintendent, then I doubt I would vote for any bond or millage.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The large majority of MPS employees are incredible. I can tell you this district is beginning to lose (or employees are looking) some of it's employees who do n ot appreciate having to have such stress in the work place. Employees are seeing doctors in this town for work related stress. You won't hear much about this - but it is true. Before this community has members take jobs outside of Marshall - this Board had better be making the appropriate changes. Most people think - what the heck - let people move on - but it is the children of Marshall that will be losing - for what? For our Board to continue to back a very unethical Phillips. Let's get going here Marshall. Those surveys were turned over nearly a month ago and I have not yet had one board member ask me one question.

Anonymous said...

Neither have I - just goes to show that the Board has no interest in it's employees (other than Joyce). I wonder if they have any interest in the students of this district?

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any movement indicating this school board has the slightest intention of making the changes needed. Let's remember not to be afraid of change. WMU was not afraid.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps around March you will see at least one of the two board members who are about to have expired terms start to show they care. How much will it mean to you at that late, and slightly political, date in time?

Anonymous said...

It won't mean a thing then just as it doens't mean a thing now. This board is not for the students, staff or community - it's only for Joyce. Do you really prefer having the school board of the school district that YOUR children attend be governed by such a group of people??? People that do NOT care for the students.

Anonymous said...

I have heard various rumors that the school board has recognized there are major problems with Joyce. Now I have heard they are not sure how to proceed or what to do. They have gotten so used to "taking orders" from Joyce, it may be hard for them to "give orders" to Joyce. Can they turn on their "friend" and do what is "best for the kids"?

Anonymous said...

Let me help them here. "Joyce due to the fact your vision is not that shared with the community of Marshall - we are asking for your resignation". See now - that didn't seem so hard to come up with a solution!

Anonymous said...

Then Joyce responds: "Vic, Janice and Paul made sure I got a sweet 2 year extended contract last spring with a big raise, so I do not have to do anything for two years. You should have listened to Sam and Bob and given me a one year contract, you fools. Now I want to stay, give me my money, I could care less about MPS and the effect I will have. The last laugh is on me."

Anonymous said...

Remember the bad contract where Bob Currie got $100,000 when he left, because the board members screwed up when they wrote it and approved it? It seems an even worse deal was offered and approved for Phillips last spring.

Anonymous said...

Not totally. I was informed she got negative marks on 2 issues. If an administrator gets negative 2 years in a row...don't have to re-new. Not sure how credible this is...but who cares. I'll start taking up a collection to get her paid off. I'm sure it would be 100% contribution.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the new evaluation method will allow for a more accurate review of the Superintendent? After everything that has happened how could she possibly get a godo review this coming year.

Anonymous said...

Unless the portion of the superintendent's evaluation by the administrator's is totally anoymous...then the accuracy will not be there. These administrators are just as intimidated by her as their building support. This 'person from Indiana' has been allowed to hinder the learning process of this communities children far too much already. These board members MUST do what they were elected to do....get to the answers.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone really aware of the direct negative effects her micromanagement has done to our students? Or are people still thinking this is just an employee issue. If you think it is just employee - you must - absolutely must - get asking the questions. Her 'lack of leadership' is affecting the students directly as well as indirectly. I ask this because I feel the community must not know this or they would be demanding her to resign. She is handing down decisions that are taking away from our children's learning process. VIC, JANICE, DAN...DO YOU KNOW THIS? This is not disgruntled employees. We are disgruntled because our board is allowing our students to lose - ask around.

Anonymous said...

I have talked to many of the best adn most experienced teachers in the Marshall schools these last few months. Their views are about unanimous, Joyce has to go! She has done too much harm to try to mend relations.

Anonymous said...

Joyce is unfixable! As the saying goes, "You can't teach an old hoosier new tricks! "

Anonymous said...

I can not name one school employee who will say they trust Joyce, Brian or Amy. There is some loyalty...because that is what some employees still feel they owe the bosses. Trust is not is that there is NO TRUST in these three...what will our board do? Let them lie and cover up for each other...until the board is nothing but a joke...because that is what has been going on so far.

Anonymous said...

I have been hoping to see Jones seperate from Phillips instead she has become glued to her side. Mrs. you really expect people to believe the insurance error was MESSA. We have the phone number if anyone wishes to check out that $20,000 error. I bet MESSA would be offended to hear Phillips is blaming them for that big one. That must be why the window is closed for any Marshall administrator's to have MESSA was MPS error (Jones/Phillips) not MESSA. When you cover up mistakes at least show some dignity and DO NOT TELL LIES!

Anonymous said...

Joyce lies soooooo much that she can hardly recognize the truth!

Anonymous said...

Between the visions, spinning tales and lies....pretty soon she is going to get them all mixed together. Time for more flowers vic!