Friday, October 27, 2006

Both Sides Welcomed

This blog was created so there can be open dialogue between "both sides". No matter what "side" you are on - please use this tool to discuss your displeasures, ideas to make positive forward movement, etc. Remember - - - open dialogue about topics is useful, you may not agree with what people have to say, but as long as we are talking about it - that is a good thing!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for starting this discussion forum. I think we need to discuss these issues openly. I am very concerned for the Marshall schools and the problems and controversies seem to keep getting worse. I hope the school board is listening.

Anonymous said...

This is a great place to share information and opinions. I hope all those who care about the future of the Marshall schools also contact the board members and share their views with letters to the editor.

Unless there is change at the top, I think it is highly unlikely that any school bond will pass in the spring. Then we will fall further behind other area schools and our kids will pay the price.

Anonymous said...

I keep hear that the only ones who like Joyce in Marshall are the school board members. Why is that? Are they that disconnected from reality? Do they know that Phillips works for them? We need some board members that truly look out for the students, staff and citizens, not the superintendent.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with those to criticize our awesome Dr. J! She is very supportive of staff! She let me, oops, I meant a staff member, get a PhD and even gave me, I mean him, time off from work and paid for a whopping 24 credits. Then my friend, I mean another employee, made a big boo boo that cost the district around $20,000 to $40,000 and Dr. J was nothing but kind and compassionate about it.

I do not understand where the critics are coming from. The Marshall Schools are engaging in excellence every day and on weekends too. As long as we just all get along, admire Dr. J, and keep doing excellence and accountablity, we will have a great future!

Anonymous said...

Notdrbm: Thanks for the light humor - over issues that would have lost a person their job in other communities and companies.

Anonymous said...

Where are Phillips' supporters? Even the few who criticized the teachers on this site seemed more supportive of the board than Joyce. Are there any left in Marshall?

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me - from the previous blog pages - they are now busy attacking Steve Sachs because that young man knows right from wrong. He is exercising his rights as an American. His crime: "Ooooohhh a letter to the editor...ooooh" God Bless him - glad to see he paid attention in school and learned he too 'freedom of speech'.

Anonymous said...

Steve caught her in some lies and exposed this publicly. He also helped expose the scandal of her very dishonest and botched Foreman investigation. Most of her report, when investigated later, was proven false. Mr. Foreman is a victim of false accusations that only Phillips kept pushing to cover up her lies and mistakes and to try to unjustly ruin this excellent teacher and his family as an example to the rest of the staff!

Steve also is unhappy to see all the other problems that Phillips has caused that are harming the Marshall schools. He worked with Phillips and the school board in high school. He knows them well and has been brave enough to expose injustice and wrongdoing to the public. I am very proud of Steve's brave actions on behalf of the people who care about truth, justice and what is best for Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...

Steve is an example of what we are trying to have our students develope into. Freedom of Speech...that is being taught. Great job Steve. I know you must have better things to be doing but you have passion about the injustice that each and every person in Marshall should have passion about. Our Schools!