Sunday, October 29, 2006

Family Feud?

Below are the numerical results to the Unionized Staff Survey Results that were presented to the Marshall Board of Education during the October Board Meeting. The results are arranged in alphabetical order.
1 = POOR


Anonymous said...

The problem with the surveys is there was no name attached to them. How can they even be interpreted as reality. Could it be the dillusions of Pietrich and her cronies? For all intents and purposes, these surveys would never hold up in a court of law. Why on earth would they hold any water with the board? Dr. are doing a fine job.

This board is no more valuable for sharing information than the former elections in Iraq for Sadam Hussein. For God's sake...teach our kids. If you don't like your job, move and get another.

Anonymous said...

Court of law??? Why would these surveys even be in the "court of law"? Did the unions say they were going to use these in some court case?? I don't think they did. I would hope these would hold A LOT OF WEIGHT with the board. If the board members ignore these surveys, they are giving a big ole' slap in the face to the teachers and support staff. Pretty much saying - WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK. Were you trying to make a point with the Iraq - Sadam Hussein comment - I'm confused. Lastly, the teachers, no matter what the environment, WILL ALWAY DO THEIR JOBS! They are the BEST at what they do! Don't fool yourself buddy - our teachers are the best and they will NEVER put anyting above the teaching of our students!

Anonymous said...

Seems like the time put into this could be better spent with making lesson plans for my child.

And my point with Sadam was this:

You have set this board to be a sharing of ideas and information. This is so one-sided and no more balanced than Sadam's 99% election win prior to the war.

It's fine that you guys are doing this and wasting time to push your union agenda on my taxpayer dime, but at least have the balls to call a spade a spade.

What I find particularly disturbing is the picture of the rock painting. No high school kid is going to come up with that agenda on their own. If it was indeed a student group, then there is some agitation by teachers with the kids. That is unacceptable and wrong.

Keep your petty fight to yourselves and stop poisoning the kids.

MPS - Change Is Good said...

If you look at this Blog I hope you will notice that my entries are "Fair and Balanced". It is my intent to keep it that way. Believe me, I could make this blog slanted in favor of the Teachers and Support Staff. But I choose NOT to do that. Now if you want to say the Comments to my Blog entries are one-sided, feel free, it is not MY fault that the majority of the comments are anti-administration. It is my hope that people from "both sides" will want to comment on their views. Now regarding your assumption that I am a teacher, and I should be doing lesson plans for your child. For the record, I am not a Teacher or part of any connected Union, I am a citizen of Marshall who realizes that we have a problem within our district. Too many times here in Marshall we base our opinions on hearsay, and we watch the rumor mill work overtime. It was my intent to use this Blog as a tool for the community to either voice their displeasure or voice their support of the administration in question. Thank you for visiting my Blog, and I hope you continue to visit in the future.

Anonymous said...

i have had to do many surveys for my employers on rating how i felt the company was communicating with its employees and how i felt my direct manager was performing. in all of these surveys i was always told that entering my name was optional. i have never HAD to put my name on one of these surveys in order for it to be valid. the same should go for the surveys that the unions sent out. i do not work for the school systems, but if i did i would not have put name on the survey either in fear that there would have been retribution against an unfavorable rating. i think the school board needs to take these surveys seriously and also listen to what the parents of the students are saying. if so many are unhappy with current job performances of our adminstration, than i feel it is time for a change.

Anonymous said...

To fear retribution when EVERYONE knows who is responsible for all of it. TO present this as some mass community forum is laughable. Do the teachers REALLY think re-hashing what they feel over and over again on here is going to change anything. I do not believe for one second that the moderator of this is someone at-random in the community.

Dr. Phillips - you have my vote. I wish I were on the board so it counted. If I were you, I'd drill, and drill harder. Find out who is responsible for this (one walk down the hallways at MHS will do it) and shut the trouble makers up. For the love of God, you are Superintendent (and doing a great job, if you ask me). Stop the troublemakers.

In my line of work, if I don't like what is going on, I quit. I think there are about a half dozen teachers that hate what they are doing and fanning the flames on a fire that need not exist.

Anonymous said...

Vic? Janice? Paul? Amy?

What a great sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

I have never HAD to put my name on a survey. In fact, just this week at work this was true. I have a hard time with the statements regarding names on surveys - when in fact the person calling Petrich dillusional with cronies....did not put their name on their 'name calling posting'. Kinda like calling the kettle black - no name on survey....but NO SIGNATURE!! Be brave - if you can call names surely you can put your name on it!

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny that most of the people who are doing the complaining are the ones who need to look in the mirror and fix themselves instead of worrying about others. Most of the comments made in the survey are by those who have nothing to do but cause problems,and not to help our schools, but to fuel their own personal ajendas. From the people I talk to at MPS, they say morale is at an all time low.

Anonymous said...

Here's a clue, I have worked for MPS for quite a while. I have seen people come and go. I used to be very proud of my association with MPS. I can say in my opinion that there are hills and valleys in anything, but this valley just keeps getting deeper. We need to find the bottom and start coming out of this. We are here for the students. The survey tells all that you need to know. What was the exact reason why that Mr.Vaught was not made Asst. Principal when it is so very clear that he is a respected person. Why was Mr. Behrenwald not given a say in the matter. Please do not say that he did. We all know who was pulling the votes. How much longer will the school board take to make things right. I don't think that MPS can afford to pay off another supt. But we could use another custodian or lunch room supervisor.
Thanks for putting this blog up.

Anonymous said...

The heat is on Phillips. She hired a lawyer, from what I've heard, to go after the Chronicle and anyone else she can. She is desperate and afraid. The writing is on the wall. The board can only circle their wagons to protect her for so long. Vic and Janice will be off the board in the spring, if not sooner. Rumor has it that Paul, Dan, Chris and John are not happy with Phillips. Thanks for making this blog! Now the board can find out more about how Marshall citizens truly feel.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marshall School Board:

Using the results from an extensive staff survey, please replace any administrator with less than a 2.5 rating. The staff survey is far more accurate and reliable than your board job review last spring. This is reality! Please do something about it other than keep defending incompetence. Its all about ACCOUNTABILITY.

Anonymous said...

To the writer of the comment regarding "walk the halls of MHS" - do that and you will find an incredible group of students doing what they are there to incredible group of educators - doing that they are there to incredible group of support people - doing what they are there to do. I don't know where you found these "1/2 dozen teachers that hate what they are doing" but obviously you were in the wrong school district. As for you passing judgment on "who the moderator" of this blog must be part of Phillips vision - and that scares me alot.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous: I wish that if you were going to say something that you would practice what you preach. You say that the employees should have put their names on their surveys! Where is your name at the bottom of your comment? If you were an employee of the district you would understand why there are no names. They enjoy their jobs. They do not want to loose their jobs and that is what will happen if they put a name to it. It is not a joke but a reality!!!! Things are not what you see on the exterior. Dr. Phillips has gotten rid of some very valuable people since being in this position. she has made some terrible decisions and if you are going to support her you should really investigate what you are supporting. Talk to staff, LISTEN to what they have to say!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the teachers and support staff would feel if their employee evaluations were made public? I'd like to know, so I could make a decision on which teachers to avoid sending my children to. I bet the public would like to know as well.

It is also obvious that many of the support staff don't put forth much effort at the schools. Their condition is a disgrace.

I have kids in public school and there are a load of uncaring, unprepared and just plain bad teachers at MPS--especailly the HS. I support Phillips for trying to clean them up and get them out. While we are at it, it sure would be nice to do away with tenure. The has been the road to mediocrity.

Hey MPS, if you want fair and balanced let's get those teacher, support staff and admin. evaluations up for everyone to see. The union publishing this info or sharing it on a site like this is disgusting. This is not fair and balanced, don't even try to claim it so. Do you have no pride?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous: You say "It is also obvious that many of the support staff don't put forth much effort at the schools. Their condition is a disgrace." Can you please get back on your high horse and talk more in-depth about this quote. Condition is a disgrace? Please indulge us!

Anonymous said...

Easy to throw daggers, hard to take them huh?

Anonymous said...

No, it's not hard to take the daggers being thrown. I just think it would be helpful to the support staff to know how they are being so disgraceful. Throw daggers all you want, just put a little more detail behind your accusations, thats all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks "Changeisgood" for publishing the survey results. The MPS board performance review of Joyce in the spring was a joke. I think they are completely out of touch with what is happening in, and to, the Marshall schools. Those who know best what is happening have spoken! The vast majority of the Marshall teachers are truly "excellent" professionals. This is not a few rabble rousers. Unfortunately this is the ugly truth of the situation.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous The schools are a disgrace, how many custodians are employed by MPS? How many were CUT in 2000 to help ease the budget woes of the district? How many square feet was added to the district in 2004? How many events are at each building every day and night? To judge a man without walking a mile (better yet make it 5) in there shoes, is to be Dr. Phillips.

Anonymous said...

All the MPS staff, including the support staff, teachers, custodians, bus drivers, aides, and food service at each of the MPS schools enjoy their job very much and do their job to the very highest standards I have ever known. They enjoy working with the students, they enjoy working with the parents of those same students and they enjoy working with their co-workers - they however, DO NOT enjoy working for Phillips. And it's not as Vic Potter says "they are just mad because she's making them do their job". They will continue to do the outstanding job they are doing in spite of Joyce.

Anonymous said...

All the MPS staff, including the support staff, teachers, custodians, bus drivers, aides, and food service at each of the MPS schools enjoy their job very much and do their job to the very highest standards I have ever known. They enjoy working with the students, they enjoy working with the parents of those same students and they enjoy working with their co-workers - they however, DO NOT enjoy working for Phillips. And it's not as Vic Potter says "they are just mad because she's making them do their job". They will continue to do the outstanding job they are doing in spite of Joyce.

Anonymous said...

To the Anonymous person that seems to have concerns about the support staff not doing their jobs and the schools being a disgrace. How often are you in the buildings. What exactly do you know about a custodian/mantenience employee's job? Le me ask you a few things. There are how many students in the High School..approx 870, how many custodians during the day..1, how many middle school students..approx 750, how many custodians during the day..1, how big are these buildings? How many teachers, administrators, students, staff members are there that need assistance during the day? Maybe you knew the answers to those questions but chose to ignore them like our administrators. I don't know what you occupation is, but let me shed a little light on a custodians job. They work more than the eight hours that they are required a day. The day time staff don't get breaks or lunch times because when they sit to eat there is always someone who needs something, locker stuck, need paper towels, need toilet paper, need to have coverage in the office to answer phones. These staff members work for a very low income. The don't get anywhere near the amount of income of a teacher and definately not near the income of an administrator, yet who handles the bodily fluids when a child is sick, or cleans up the blood when a child is injured,(which are very dangerous to the employees health) or helps your child when they can't get into their locker. Do you think that our administrators do this? Do you think that Dr. Phillips/Metcalf or Jones do any of these things yet what type of salary do they receive.(Even the School Board members would not do these things) I don't believe they are the ones risking their future or even possibly their life with some of the situations that these men and women have to deal with. I think that the things that you have written are very disrespectful, concerning you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. I think that maybe you should do a little more investigating and thinking about the things that you are saying and posting. Maybe we should be thinking how you would feel if someone accused you of not doing your job without knowing the facts! How would you want to be treated!
Signed a Very Concerned MPS Parent!

Anonymous said...

You made my point. Thank you. This whole site is nothing but hate and anger and it won't do anything to solve the issues, but rather it will inflame. How ruthless was it to post anoymous ratings from people about how others are doing their jobs? Do they really know? Maybe there should be a little more investigating before people posts thing baseless staff surveys. That's why I said let's post everyones evaluation. Haven't heard boo about that. I think the site adminstrator should take this post down. But, although he/she says they are fair and balanced, we all know its not true so I seriously doubt that will happen.

Anonymous said...

I think that the site administrator has been very fair and balanced! Many people have a good reason to be angry and upset. Maybe by sharing views we can all think about our own opinions and the opinions of others.

People may support or oppose the teachers surveys being made public, but this site admin just shared the ifnromation without comment. All of the editorializing on this site have come from the participants, you included. You make some valid points to be considered, and so do many other people. We do not need to stick our heads in the sand and pretend there are no issues, problems or concerns. Supt. Phillips and the MPS school board refusal to recognize problems and concerns, when many have shared information privately during the last year or so, is one of the major reasons we are at this current crises. Hopefully those in power will reach out, display some humility and take action toward some real solutions to the problems of the Marshall schools.

In the meantime this site is a great place for all concerned citizens to learn and share together, even if many are angry and not always as civil as we may prefer.

Anonymous said...

To anoymous above: Just alittle help for you so you don't continue to look uneducated. Support persons: custodians work 8 hr days, 52 weeks/year. Salary= $24,477 per year. With 2 child in family they are $2000 above the national poverty level. These families qualify for the free/reduced lunch program at MPS. Now about support persons evaluations. That is a laugh. I know some custodians who have only been evaluated once or twice in 15 years. Most secretaries receive an evaulation once per year. The support union has pressed hard to begin getting this done annually so it will indicate the awesome jobs they are doing in the ever changing daily life of school support work. The only support persons who receive health care insurance are secretaries and custodians. Media Pros and Food Service (approx. 33) do not have these benefits. Just an FYI = no one in the support union makes over $29,000 per year (working 52 weeks). Obviously - these hard working individuals are not the overpaid people you would like to indicate. FOIA this information before you mis-post it!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Grinch above: Perhaps you should know who belongs to the support staff before making that statement. Who answers your phone calls, takes notes from your child, cleans up their messes, helps/assists in their day in the building, assists with those book checkouts, smiles and hellos them each and every day, ladles out their lunches/breakfasts, makes them smile between classes, puts bandaids/ice on their injuries, sends those reports cards, administers their meds for you, listens to their concerns about family and school, encourages their self worth, boosts their self confidence, adds to their worth, helps them find lost items, locates that lost book, prys that locker open, cleans up that vomit/blood, picks up their dropped lunch wrappers, soothes their hurt feelings, tells them Happy Birthday = well you see this list has no end. It is not only teachers that influence your child every day. It is that bus driver that greets them each morning when they are hurried off to school - and brings them happily back home to you. The scope of people that are helping you the parent to round out your child's life is a 'huge circle of caring people that sometimes go unnoticed'. These people are not highly paid, highly benefited, or quite honestly highly thanked by parents. But do know and believe, your child does appreciate these people. It shows in their smiles each day. This is not Joyce adding to their is teachers, administrators, secretaries, media pros, bus drivers, custodians, food service persons and of course THE SCHOOL NURSE! I personally THANK ALL THESE PEOPLE THAT HELPED ME RAISE MY CHILDREN IN THE MPS SYSTEM. It does take a village to raise a child - not just a superintendent! Kudos to all the unsung heros who do their incredible jobs with a daily dose of love!

Anonymous said...

The site administrator should be thanked for helping the people of Marshall truly understand what is going on at MPS. Not all employees (only the superintendent) can have her own column as well as bombard school employees school email boxes with her 'damage control'. I hope the superintendent recognizes the "site administrator" by giving her/him the "Golden Apple Award" next fall....for their support of the students, staff and community with better opportunity. The majority of employees are offended that she has to update us on her recent foot surgery. Several months ago a very serious, life threatening surgery of "one of ours" was unfolding and Joyce said the school email policy would not allow an update of this 'loved ones' condition to be posted to all email users. Kinda makes her foot surgery look like a ingrown toe nail in comparison. I am guessing she has changed that email policy now that it is to her benefit. This is a classical example of her behavior. NOW ASK YOURSELF....HOW FAIR IS HER EVER CHANGING POLICY!?!?!

Anonymous said...

That's Joyce, par for the course!

Anonymous said...

Please take another look at those survey results. Commend those awesome principals who continue to do their jobs, even under a less than democratic superintendent. They are the backbone of each building. My hat is off to each building administrator. GREAT JOB FOLKS - in this ever changing society - you as well as all the teachers and supporting staff - deserve this communities biggest thanks. You are in fact helping every family to steer thier child to success. GOLDEN APPLES TO ALL OF YOU! (I am sure Joyce meant to give each of you the award instead of all the community foundations in this town)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a former student. I don't work for the school district. So I have nothing to lose by saying this. I also have nothing to gain by it; but i have to say this. Whoever thinks that work related surveys should have an individual's name on it is an idiot. To say a survey is not acceptable or accurate because it doesn't have each individual's name just indicates that you don't like the results. I mean, I can think of one such survey that asks every american every four years what they think of an individual and it's completely anonymous. The one who is considered the most favorable ends up with the highest paying job in America. Afterall, isn't that what an election is? A survey of what people think? How is the MPS Unionized survey any different? It just shows that Dr. Philips wouldn't be elected superintendent for another term, if that was how it was handled.

Anonymous said...

Good point! I would not vote for her if she were the only one running!

Anonymous said...

I hope Vic read this and not just his wife. Great point! Joyce would not be superintendent if she had to get re-elected. Nor would she have gotton a $9,000+ raise for 12 months. All the other groups are getting 1% + 1% sem/sem. For some groups that is 9 cents an hour. $9,000 (Joyces' raise - figured without all the extras) divided by 2,080 hours of work per year = $4.32 per hour raise (+ or -). Now that is alot per hour for a raise - especially when you are quite possibly the worst superintendent in the history of Marshall Schools

Anonymous said...

That reminds me, I have heard several outrageous stories about a certain school board member's wife. She has been known for going into a tirade against teachers and other staff and threatening that her husband is on the school board, etc etc. One was a crossing guard who told me that when this spouse parked in a no parking zone she politley told her that it was a no parking zone. Then this spouse went into one of her famous tirades yelling at the crossing guard stuff like "Do you know who I am?" and "My husband is on the school board" etc etc. Why is this allowed? I think that board member should resign for tolerating such abuse of staff.

Anonymous said...

I know who you are talking about. She is one of Phillips' most outspoken supporters. Birds of a feather... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Rules are the same for everyone. I don't care who you are. Childish fits - that figures.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone reading this ever gotton a $4.32 per hour raise? That is more than I have gotton over my 17 years at MPS - total!

Anonymous said...

So much money is wasted on Joyce. It makes no sense. I was so angry at Vic and Janice for giving more and more last spring. Something weird is up!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about those "wage adjustments" that a couple at the very top received. These adjustment were the direct product of a SURVEY done (with your tax dollars) of area school administrators salaries. Yes - is your blood pressure shooting up now. With those SURVEYS (no signatures attached) and the changing insurance (approx. 23 people had to change to HSA)about 7 top administrators received "wage adjustments" in the ball park of $2000- +- and up to put them in line with area administrators. Funny part here....all the underlings....that had to change insurance got NOTTA! Just like the bus drivers when they had to change insurance....NOTTA...for wage adjustments. Does this not STINK of borderline corruption?

Anonymous said...

I agree - it is not fair. Especially with all the mistakes (cover ups) - companies usually do not give wage increases when your performance sucks. Guess what - Joyce, Brian and Amy - your performance sucks! Do these three people have a clue why this staff does not support them?

Anonymous said...

What's even worse than the being "out of touch" and problems at theh top is the arrogance that so many have received from these same individuals. So many have tried to work with them and have come up against nothing but hostility, rudeness and arrogance. Now they wonder, what's all the fuss?

Anonymous said...

I was the target of the above hosility, rudeness and arrogance just yesterday. After nearly 20 years (18 of which I loved my work) I too am trying to find other employment. A person cannot be the asset they want to be with the type of management MPS now has. This used to be a 'family' of school employees. Now employees don't even stop into the central office because they don't want to get anyone into trouble by speaking to them. What has this district come to? This is not Indiana....let's put the human touch back into the nurturing of this communities children. Change Starts At The Top! (and I don't mean by giving them more wage adjustments for their inadequacies)

Anonymous said...

I would like each person to know. When Joyce arrived here....these unions met seperately with her. Informal meetings. To help Joyce understand how each group feels and what they would like to see for MPS while she is superintendent. She listened, took notes - and has now proceeded to try to take everything these groups expressed as important to MPS away from this district. So - WE GAVE HER THE HELP IN THE BEGINNING TO PROSPER INTO A WONDERFUL LEADER. It was her choice to try to take everything the MTA and ESP unions felt was lacking in this district before her hiring and try to take it and more away. She heard "MPS family", excellence of education, pride in our community, and has single handedly destroyed it. This was the vision before Joyce...that was for the better education of this communities children. I know many people who still have those notes. Maybe we should forward them on to the Board so they know this is no surprise to Joyce Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Joyce's true "vision" is not what she wrote in the chronicle. It is a dark and nightmarish vision that focuses on herself and maybe a small clique of extremist board members and their backers.

Anonymous said...

Joyce has more mumbo jumbo in the Chronical this weekend about how well the students do on tests. They could put a monkey in charge of the Marshall schools and still easily have the best test scores in the county. Look at our demographics, they add up to good test scores, not to mention the many excellent staff and parents that work so hard to make the school run well despite Joyce's interference.

Anonymous said...

I quit buying the Chronicle once her 3rd corner made the paper. It is bad enough we get bombarded in our school email with all her propaganda. I feel like she is ruling North Korea here or something.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that Joyce has gone to ICHAT to do background checks on some individuals & groups in the school.......going back as far as 30+ years! The new federal laws only state that schools can only look for certain felonies in background checks; but not Joyce! She singled out an employee that was cited for WALKING down a street while intoxicated that happened over 30 years ago, she's also singled out employees that had DUI's before even working for MPS.

Anonymous said...

According to Joyce, supervisors should be held to a higher standard than the regular I guess that's why salaried employees only gets a couple days off for tobacco use in a school building but hourly employees will get 3 to 10 days off unpaid. See, there's one more reason why she's not trusted or respected............different rules for the same team members.

Anonymous said...

How about doing background checks on all the board members? Wouldn't it be interesting to see what shows up?

Anonymous said...

At least one board member would be gone! ;-)

Anonymous said...

How about Phillips recognizing that tobacco use is an addiction. Most companies put forth effort to help their employees 'kick the habit'. Phillips gives time off without pay - (you don't even need actual proof) for tobacco use - and writes the employee up and this gets placed in their personnel this Marshall Superintendent does not believe there is a statue of limitations...even for smoking. Does this help even one person understand who "Phillips" really is? Behind that 'fake southern charm' is a very different person...someone you would NEVER pick as a friend.

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't get to have anyone come to my house and fix my air conditioner for free. I had to hire Able Heating and Cooling. They do a great job - and you don't have to tell them they can't talk about it to anyone. UUUUMMM! But I guess that is their job...not a school grounds/maintenance person. Too bad some of our top administrators don't make enough money to just pick up the phone and hire air conditioning work to be done. Actually, any of the rest of us - would get prosecuted to the highest and probably be doing hard time in the state pen for that abuse of school funds! those double standards just keep getting in the way

Anonymous said...

How would this community feel if they really read the survey results. The unions have been very kind in only publishing the numerical results. The comments will tear your heart out...unless you are JP and obviously do not have one!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they need to be published, at least the highlights. Maybe the Chronicle will publish them. If not, maybe this web site (hint hint). Those of us here at Oaklawn Hospital are quite interested. This site has become quite the talk of our department. We are proud of John speaking up! Go John!

Anonymous said...

If you ever do get a chance to read the full survey results I think you will not only be shocked but saddened to hear how completely demoralized and broken the employees of this district really feel.

Anonymous said...

I honestly cannot find a supporter anymore of Dr. Phillips who is not on the school board or working in the central office. The one or two on this web site have gone silent. No one has publicly supported her in the Chronicle! This situation is sooooo weird! I have many friends in neighboring school districts and they find this whole scenario both absurd and hilarious at the same time! Is there some plot against the Marshall Public Schools that I am unaware of?

Anonymous said...

You do remember this unionized staff has 'remained on the upper road' from the start. Actually the results were ready to be delivered way before that happened. The Board had a couple months of notice and could have made some effort in July, August or September. They choose to wait and hope it never really happened. They tried to say - it was contract related... - when in fact every union, as well as lots of at will employees, knew 100% sure it was not contract related. Goodness sakes - all the unions have now received 1/2 % for 1 semester and 1% beginning in Jan. We are not dancing in the streets here but he are doing our part of help stabalize our community's schools. Is Joyce, Amy and Brian doing the same? (does Brian know the 6th graders are in his building)? These people enjoyed some very nice benefits as well as 'salary adjustments'...while the rest did what is best for our schools. Surveys on area salaries have been done in the past 2-3 years for the other groups and this board has said (we are broke, hang in here with us, when we have a sound equity fund, we will all be reciprocated.) I guess our mistake was thinking the good times were going to trickle down beyond Joyce, Amy and Brian. Glad to see some of our employees on the average with area districts. It's a start...right? YEAH RIGHT! They took the cake and left 275+ employees to share the crumbs!

Anonymous said...

Of course Joyce, Brian and Amy know the 6th graders are in our building! That's how they knew to scare them away and order that they not use the stairs or the hallway near their offices. Can we at least move their offices to Sherman school, it would be better for the kids!

Anonymous said...

You are right - I would think students should pass by in the foyer and see the wonderful history tree...etc. Each day...
You see Joyce thinks this is a public building and the foyer should be kept free of students. How many years did we have the entire length set up as a wonderful pilgrim and indian thanksgiving celebration. The student, staff, public...all welcome to come and show how thankful they were. Right there in the foyer JOYCE WILL NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO WALK IN! (then of course there is the stairway beside the auditorium...can't let those little critters use that either...too much noise for queen phillips. I can say there is not a better sound to my ears than that of a student - in the place where they learn to very many skills in life...not just from the books!

Anonymous said...

Oh please. I cant believe a superintendant of schools would not want to see or hear students in the building her office is in. Is this a fact or just another rumor to tarnish Dr. Phillips? I am an impartial parent taxpayer alumnus trying to make sense of all this drama but if this is in fact true I guess I will have to give more credence to the anti-administration group. What are the facts? Are there any defenders of Dr. Phillips who can shed some light on this from their point of view? The middle school lobby is filled with tradition and history and ALL of our citizens young and old should be encouraged to use that area as thousands of us have for years. Please help me find out the truth of this matter.

Anonymous said...

Trust us staffers, it is one of the many sad facts related to the reign of Dr. Phillips. This web site features many sharing even more facts and stories. Even if only half were true, it is a very bad situation. From what I know, all the criticisms and stories on this web site are either true or likely accurate. The big picture is not pretty.

Anonymous said...

This is positively a true fact. Ask her...I am sure she has a really credible reason why she doesn't like them in the foyer. Mr. Meyers students (7 or 8) are allowed to cross the foyer as their rooms are in the 1st floor (most western) wing. The stairway has been a 'no no' due to the added noise outside her office.

Anonymous said...

Since no has come to her defense or debunked the story as untrue I guess it must be true. What a shame that students are not to be seen or heard near her office. I can understand not having parties or meetings outside her office on a regular basis but to ban students permanently seems a tad draconion. Especially from someone who has adopted the slogan of "Our kids first". In fact, the more I read her columns and the more I read and hear about her actual behavior I am beginning to believe her actions do not correlate to the wonderful words she uses to describe her "vision". It is too bad since until recently I supported her. I assume those who do still support her read this blog and I encourage those supporters to come forward in her defense as I need to know what they have to say on her behalf.

Anonymous said...

The image she tries to portray outside the schools is quite the opposite of the reality of her leadership style.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that someone is actually listening and really hearing what is happening at the schools. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

MPS employees are telling the truths. Whether this townspeople will accept this needs to be seen. MPS employees are so repulsed at her 'columns' and she sees the needs to create her paper trail by emailing them to staff in advance. This is taking away from MPS employees abilities to do their jobs as these people know her actions are 360 degree from the pretty words she gets printed. I am all for everyone having freedom of speech but her columns are gagging me. ONLY WORDS...WAY TO LATE...KINDA MAKES YOU WONDER...IS THIS MERELY TO IMPRESS THE BOARD INTO NOT TAKING ACTION TOWARDS HER? Of course that is my opinion. Unless you are at work at MPS you are still allowed to have an opinion. Not at work though!

Anonymous said...

The Marshall School Board are big fools if they do not take actions to remove Dr. Phillips soon! The reasons are overwhelming. WE all know what needs to be done. Please do it or resign your positions so someone else can. We need good leadership for our kids sake!

Anonymous said...

Each week they do nothing they look more foolish!

Anonymous said...

Board: call Bellevue Schools. They got it together. Demotion Now!

Anonymous said...

Too late for a demotion, go straight to firing ASAP!

Anonymous said...

And that seems to be the problem the board appears to have. They are afraid of the wrath of joyce if they fire her. Remember - she can only hire one attorney! That's right...already has one - sueing the MEA over the comments on the survey. Not one swear word, many frustrated opinions, lots of facts, problem - if the board does not investigate they cannot be proved as fact. If you didn't believe it before believe it now....our board members are the hold up in this mass movement. They are tying the hands of the good people of marshall in helping us to preserve our district. I will personnaly hold each and every one of them accountable when the values in this area drop to an all time low. We have already gone from top outlying district in area to near the bottom. Better make some changes soon. Remember....Joyce said Change is Good. Let's show her how good change can be!

Anonymous said...

FACT: There were NO copies of surveys...all were originals. That is why they were printed on the Brite color paper. The brites each signifying that group survey. No copies. (you know how those brites show if they are copied). No written 'joyce phillips' names. It seems Joyce has convinced the board that she believes an employee could have possibly filled out more than one. Believe me was emotional enough to fill out the one I was mailed. I had no interest in trying to duplicate my concerns. This is a employee filled out more than the one they were mailed on joyce. Believe it! It can be backed up.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like a good idea to have the board mail out the same questionaire so they can believe their own eyes. Pretty sad...looks like the good doctor is grasping...but more sad...the board believes her.

Anonymous said...

But what if they do not care what the staff has to say? They are not stupid, they read this blog, they know what is going on. If they are serious and do another survey to confirm the truth that would be great. I doubt they will have the courage to do it.

Anonymous said...

Courage was not what I elected them for. Integrity was though. Recall in January. I have zero tolerance left. This blog site is great but so was the survey. What is left. Do the board members want the employees to do their jobs for them? If so then let's schedule a "No Confidence Vote Meeting" now for xmas break or the first Saturday after break. It is appearing they are afraid of making the decision. Maybe it will have to be forced. How will they retain their 'goddess' JP when the overwhelming results of a district employee no confidence vote hits the paper. What then? How will the good doctors attorney help her with that one?

Anonymous said...

Fresh Opinion!

After receiving this blog on my email, and reading the comments I feel obliged to comment. I am a parent of two MHS alumni. I moved here after the recomendation of a relative who said MHS is the best preparation your children can get for their college entrance. They were right. My children were well prepared for their further education. I was proud to say my children went to MHS. Thank you MHS teachers for preparing my children. What has happened? Where has the pride gone? How can we fix this? What happened to calling our friends Lou and Ray. It doesn't look like the fact that every one is calling Dr. Phillips
"Joyce" or JP is respectful. The respect is gone. She needs to step down and save MPS. If the step down doesn't happen soon, I guess we all know that our kids and not the first things on the list, money is.

Anonymous said...

Good grief!!!!!

I have looked at the survey results and who is at the bottom. Everyone is concintrating on, as they call her JP, when M. Walbeck got the lowest rating. After asking about I understand he is the Transportation Supervisor. Is anyone checking him out? My child rides a bus. Do I have anything to worry about? Where did he come from, and what was his record there? Bit of a responsibililty for someone with such a low popularity rating.

Anonymous said...

Staff, unless the school board does something immensely positive at the December school board meeting, we should hold a "No confidence" vote as soon as possible.

What does everyone (non staff too) think about this?

Anonymous said...

In case the person above is not totally informed. Joyce and Amy do not allowed the persons they hired to do the job they are suppposedly qualified for to do. IT IS CALLED MICROMANAGEMENT. Amy has NO TRANSPORATION EXPERIENCE but she does not allow our new transportation director to do the job he was hired to do. New hires are under a terribly strained condition that they are not even aware of when they accept the jobs they have been hired to do. Mircomanagement works like this with JP and AJ. They call all the shots...absorb all the glory...until a mistake happens...then they push the person that was hired to do the job in front of the 'firing squad'. This is perhaps why JP and AJ can't seem to do their own jobs without the huge mistakes like $6,000 insurance mess up (bus drivers insurance) and the $20,000 mistake (currently being covered up by JP and AJ). These were the direct responsibilities of Ms. Jones....what was she doing in July of 2005? I think we all know! Good thing she is bought and paid for by the good doctor. Birds of a Feather Stick Together~

Anonymous said...

Incompetent, foolish and mean are a bad combination of traits for our top three administrators.