Saturday, October 28, 2006

Under Pressure - Talk Amongst Yourselves

Published October 28, 2006
The Marshall Chronicle
by John Jacobs, J-Ad President/CEO

Despite the disappointment by certain groups that the Chronicle puts too much emphasis on negative news, we're going to continue to tell the truth, fairly, accurately, without pressure from any group requesting us to "join the team!" We strive to do it responsibly, carefully, with much thought and concern for how it will affect those involved. We receive numerous news tips which we welcome. We take them all seriously, investigate and make judgments about their news value on a regular basis. Some become stories, some don't. Please don't presume that we will be reckless with the information. I think we've proven that we won't. We're not joiners - we're informers of facts. We're not going to tell you how to think, how to vote, but we will offer KNOWLEDGE so you can make your own choices and become more aware of the actions of the public entities in your hometown, the community we ALL love and want to prosper and grow. In regard to the Marshall Teachers Association and other unionized staff survey presented to the Board of Education two weeks ago, we believe before the community can be asked to approve the investment of $51.6 million on physical properties, the school board, as a group, needs to address the reported low morale of the teachers. The teachers and support staff represents our most important educational resource! Their combined talent and experience must be available to the students without impairment. When they report to be uncomfortable with the attitude and environment in which they perform their services, it could affect the education of our young people. We can't allow that to occur. Reaction is required by those in charge, namely, the Board of Education, to fix the problem and go forward! Despite the pressure, the Chronicle will continue to be unbiased, fact finding, fact reporting and dedicated to sharing every and anything positive (or otherwise). Marshall is a truly great community with a strong future.


Anonymous said...

Thank you John Jacobs for your fair, thoughtful and absolutely correct editorial in todays paper. The apparent attempts to stifle not only the opinions and thoughts of the school employees but the media as well are abhorrent to all citizens who still believe in freedom of thought and expression. It is so very true that any future bond issue will struggle as long as the morale is so low and the staff is so unhappy with the top leadership. For those of us who have been longstanding Marshallites who care deeply about our schools and young people it is sad to see our board so blindly following the wishes of people who recently came to our district and seem determined to "change" what has for years been an excellent system. Behind the scenes the top leaders dont seem to respect or value the people who have brought that excellence to the district yet publicly in columns and quotes they use all the right words and jargon to paint a picture of wonderful quality and teamwork. It just isnt true! The quality is still there in the classrooms and programs because the staff continues to bring what they have always offered to our students. But for the top leaders to pretend that they are the reason for the outstanding system we have is a farce. Ask any employee if they have confidence in the two doctors. It is time for the board to quit blindly accepting what the doctors spin and begin to really listen to the staff that truly knows what is going on in the Marshall Public Schools. Thanks again to John Jacobs.

Anonymous said...

What an excellent editorial! The winds have shifted and the school board needs to do what is best for the district and replace our top leader(s). They have duped the school board long enough. They have been arrogant, self-centered, foolish and less-than-competent from all reports. It's time for a change!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Great comments. Board Members it is time to wake up.

Anonymous said...

If Phillips had an ounce of honor or dignity she would resign. Is there a conspiracy here? Some think the only reason the board keeps supporting her is because a now very wealthy former interim Superintendent is the real power behind Joyce. Some think the board is carrying out the agenda (revenge?) of this person or have their own agendas against staff and administrators. Something strange is going on here. If the board does not take action against Phillips soon, a recall may be necessary.

Anonymous said...

What a powerful editorial in support of the teachers, support staff, students and parents. We need more people to speak out publicly. Enough is enough! The Marshall School Board has failed us by allowing Dr. Phillips to wreak havoc on our staff and tell them what to do. If all Vic and Janice and Paul are going to do is be an apologist for Dr. Phillips, then they need to step down. We need some real leadership on the board that takes the control back from Dr. Phillips and deal promptly with her failures, scandals and lack of honesty.

Anonymous said...

It is reassuring to hear the local media expressing that we will continue to have freedom to publish - "No matter what the bullies with attorneys" may try to do. This is America folks - let's maintain and exercise our rights - no one wants to lose them.

Anonymous said...

Support the Chronicle! They are proud to speak out over Joyce's bullying. What is Joyce afraid of, the truth!

Anonymous said...

Great job Chronicle. Glad to see our rights are in tact here in Marshall. Keep up the good "total" coverage.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know Tom and Marsha Franke well? If so, please explain the entire MPS/Phillips situation to them and see if you can enlist their support. I know they care a lot about the Marshall schools and do not like controversy and problems. If they called each school board member to complain about Joyce, she would be "adios" tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

What a shame that two people in this community would have more effect than 2/3 of the MPS staff. Well, whatever it takes. I don't know them but someone should give this a try.

Anonymous said...

With the current school board, this unfortunately may be the reality of the situation.

Anonymous said...

Keep contacting the board members. I am still too scared of the retaliation to do so. But I appreciate the contacts others can make. Maybe-this board will turn on a light switch and take some positive action to 'move marshall forward'.

Anonymous said...

The board is currently on the "Titanic Joyce." The ship has hit the iceberg!

Now they must decide what to do, save the Marshall schools or go down with the ship.

Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago I was saying...not the time for a recall...if I am not contacted by weeks end...or if I do not see ANY board member out asking questions I am with you on the recall. It appears it will be the only way to save our system while we still can. It is really very simiple. I don't see what the board can't understand here.

Anonymous said...

The grapevine says that there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Chris, Dan and John are certainly turning on Phillips. Paul may be too. No word on Ali and Vic and Janice will be gone by May, if not sooner (recall?). Phillips will most likely want a lot of money to leave soon. We really need her gone by January. Any ideas, commnets or opinions about how to accomplish this?

Anonymous said...

She may possibly be doing herself in. There are even prayer groups praying for Marshall Schools. I bet people didn't know that. Area churches - (groups up north) - prayer lines - I know one thing - JP may think she is above the rest of us....BUT SHE IS STILL GOING TO ANSWER TO THE SAME GOD WE ALL HAVE TO! Pray for this Board to be guided by the Lord's hand - he will help them do what is best for this community. The more prayers - the sooner it will happen. I pray for God to give them the wisdom and guidance that is needed here.

Anonymous said...

My church is praying for the Marshall schools too! Come on board members, we need you to take the lead to solve our problems.

Anonymous said...

The whole town is hoping and praying that the school board will step up and do their jobs. If not then we will have to replace them with people who will. The December 11th school board meeting will be crucial. I hope they do not fail us again!