Sunday, October 29, 2006

Was This Necessary?

A few weeks back the rock at Marshall High School was painted. On one side it said "Fire Phillips - Metcalf - Jones" - On the other side it said "Students For A Better School". Has a student group formed? Will they start speaking out about their issues? I guess they only know. So go ahead - - - Talk Amongst Yourselves!

A few housekeeping notes. Maybe you have noticed the new poll on the sidebar of this blog. There will be a poll every week, on different issues. The results will be posted at the conclusion of the poll - of course it is a non-scientific poll. Also at the end of every week the stats from this blog will be released - how many visitors, how many page views, etc. So thank you - "MarshallMom", "Marshall Taxpayer", "Carol", "Dr.M", "MpsParent", "The Grinch", "T Dawg", and all other "Anonymous" bloggers! Thank you for not only visiting this blog, but POSTING with your thoughts. Lets ALL keep this dialogue going. It is so very important!


Anonymous said...

Great job running this Blog. It is needed to share information about the numerous problems related to Joyce Phillips and the Marshall schools. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

As much as i agree with most of what has been said on here I wonder if such things like painting the rock are the way to get positive change. Dont the school leaders deserve to be treated fairly? Would you like your name on the rock in a negative way? Thats why there are board members and meetings where people can express what they think. But thanks for having this place for people to say what they think.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the painting of the rock may not be the best way to share ones opinion. But Dr. Phillips has been sooooo bad and mean toward the staff and students that she may be deserving of such treatment. Though her actions are less publicized, they also have had a very mean-spirit behind them and that is one of the reasons why so many want to see her removed ASAP.

Anonymous said...

The school board needs to act soon before things get much worse. So far Vic's comments have seemed more arrogant than helpful. The board acts like they are surprised about issues and problems that the staff and community have known about for many months. I know that some have contacted board members at least as far back as last spring about various issues and concers about Dr. Phillips.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the school board members motives are for supporting Dr. Phillips? It certainly cannot be that she is a caring, compassionate and effective leader? It seems that they may have one or more agendas they are working on that Phillips is supporting. Some say they are targeting certain people they do not like. Others say they are just too cozy and friendly with Joyce. And others believe that they are disconnected from the staff, students and the community, or do not care what others think or say.

Either way it is a big mess! They need to act soon before they lose all confidence from the community.

Anonymous said...

Rumsfeld is arrogant, foolish and refuses to listen to good advice. Look at the mess we are in because of this. He should have been fired a long time ago.

Dr. Phillips is our "Rumsfeld." The fools still support her and believe in her. Everyone else knows she needs to be removed ASAP or things will keep getting worse and the proposed school millage will be DOA.

Anonymous said...

People who are not directly related to MPS need to know these problems with Phillips did not just begin this summer. The surveys were a culmination of her tenure here so far. The very first red flag was Phillips lying to the Prosecutor's office regarding the misuse of school funding (ie - sending the two MPS employees out to fix the air conditioner for Bennick while being paid at MPS) After the lying - Phillips told the two employees "to direct any inquiries regarding the air conditioner to her personally". This was her first "gag order" during her reign. She is not the Queen or Marshall - or the MPS - and her management style should not require her "silencing" employees. If she was not guilty why did the two men mysteriously receive gift cards on the seats of their trucks - and what about the payment to the school of approx. $100. Innocent people do not pay retribution. Her lack of ethics on this issue alone started the ball rolling. Citizens of Marshall expect the best - they don't just expect people to talk about doing the best!

Anonymous said...

I won't vote for a milleage.

Anonymous said...

Students at MHS have been painting the rock to express their feelings since about 1992 (?) Thanks to F.L. for placing it there for just that reason...students to express how they feel. This should tell someone in this community - kids are aware - for goodness sakes....we aren't raising them in caves here. These students are 4 a Better School System....are we not trying to teach the young adults that they have freedom of speech and publish! Maybe we should quit short changing the students -

Anonymous said...

Go MHS students. They are adversely being affected by Phillips decisions. I hope they bring Foreman back, he is an awesome teacher. As a former MHS student I am angry about the way he was treated. Phillips called the cops after hearing some gossip, no students were involved, then she most likely leaked a lot of false rumors to the press, and now the board is running around saying they "know something that we don't" to try to further ruin Foreman's reputation. The truth is that there is no other information, it all was released. The false charges were dropped. Now they're trying to cover up Phillip's sleazy investigation. I hope Foreman sues Phillips out of the district. How much money is being squandered on this Phillips scandal?

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted that Phillips feels she is above the law (here in Michigan). How often has an attorney/or judge had to bring her up to snuff on law? She has harmed alot more people than anyone is really aware of. Where did she get her training on 'investigative work'? She didn' the answer here is clear - she thinks, with her 7 board backers, she can do what she wants to do. Joyce does not care how much she takes Marshall down....this IS NOT HER HOMETOWN...she is nothing more than a carpetbagger!

Anonymous said...

She seems to enjoy trying to ruin other people's lives unjustly by digging for "dirt" and launching unfair and unjust "investigations," while covering up the major faults and dirt of herself and her most loyal cohorts. This needs to be stopped, Mr. Foreman needs to be reinstated, and Phillips needs to be removed.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones (or rocks or boulders)"

Anonymous said...

If we have to read one more update on 'her foot or her bronchonitis' I think I will become physically ill. No one else is allowed to use the school email to PLAY PR WOMAN - and quite honestly - I am sure her close circle doesn't need to read her conditions on email. The rest of us DON'T CARE AT ALL. 50% of the staff has had upper respirtory or bronchonitis this fall, as well as our students, we are not allowed (internet agreement) to use school supplied internet email - to 'damage control' for ourselves. In fact, Joyce, you are just making it worse. If someone cares about your condition....I am quite sure they can ask you about it! We are at our computers to take care of school related business...not read about your personal health updates. Thanks in advance for ending the updates! PS: my cold is doing much better. I should be returning to work in a day or two! In the mean time - I am being spoiled by my significant other...Oh yeah - and my foot is propped up on a pillow. Hope everyone wishes me well! And thanks for all those cards?

Anonymous said...

I hope to send Joyce a card soon, a retirement card!

Anonymous said...

I will only send her the retirement card if I can find one that costs 2 for $1. She's not worth more than .50 to me as my new raise is only 14 cents an hour and I understand her raise in May was about $4.32 per hour. Is there parody here? Sam and Bob were very correct in their statements regarding her huge raise..."how would this affect the other groups...and wouldn't they want similar raises....and are we prepared as a board to give similar increases". This salary increase alone has damaged alot of the employee morale. At least when Lou was here...administrators received what the MTA, ESP and OE received. This kept everyone feeling like there was fairness at Marshall Public Schools. PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING BOARD - ASK FOR HER RESIGNATION - before a recall starts or a "vote of no confidence forces you the board - to take the action you should be seen taking now! I would tell you this in person but no one has ever ask my opinion...with the exception of Bob and Sam...who would periodically walk through buildings, speak to employees - in short - do what a board member should be doing. They didn't have time to lunch with Joyce all the time at Schuler's....they were out on the site doing what they were elected to do.

Anonymous said...

If Joyce retires, I will gladly send her a bouquet of flowers, as I am sure Vic would too! ;-)

Anonymous said...

OK - you are right. JP is the first superintendent that has had to PR with email and guest corners. Doesn't take a college degree to understand this one. I will budget it into my pay to get her a 'sorry to see you go' card...but I won't mean the words at all.

Anonymous said...

When one sees her emails in their school inbox, you can't delete them fast enough.

Anonymous said...

You got that right. First employees were kinda aggrevated to see you PR emails...then came the foot updates, and that little cold, then guest columns...and you know what....we are not a bunch of idiots here. No other employee would ever be allowed to keep working if they were using the school email system to try to keep their jobs. PR for all I say! Oh - that's right - we have to sign internet agreements so if we step out of line (like joyce) we will be terminated!

Anonymous said...

It must be literally killing her to try to be even a little bit nice! ;-)

Anonymous said...

No - I believe from what I see each day - she is really into the Drama! Or, maybe she just has 2 very seperate personalities. There's a thought!

Anonymous said...

In my dealings with the good doctor I have seen "cold" the most, "rude" quite often, "uncaring" too much and "pissed off" whenever there is something or someone she does not like around. I have seen her look somewhat "faux nice" while talking to board members and some rotarians.

Anonymous said...

How can 300 people be wrong and 3 people be so right?

Anonymous said...

It's called the "MPS Bizzarro world"!

Anonymous said...

Next thing you know she will get prohibition back in place in Marshall. How about taking away our right to vote. Seems we have lost our freedom of speech. What will be next?