Saturday, January 06, 2007

Good Post from "I have a secret"

Let's not forget about the special education position that became open last summer at the high school. JP as a personal vendetta against everyone at the high school blocked the hiring of a very qualified person. A highly qualified individual was interviewed in August. This person had (i may have this wrong - about 13 years experience). JP would not hire them in at step 3. (fund equity...more $$$ for the board to give to her). What teacher with incredible experience, especially in this field, would want a teaching job at starting teacher wages. MPS did not get this fact...MPS got no one. The building principal tried extremely hard to work this problem out - the good doctor didn't "make the main thing the main thing". In fact, she didn't "put kids first". A temporary long term sub is in that position, without credentials in special education. This person is absolutely wonderful but not qualified in that particular field. JP does anything she can to cause obstacles for the high school. The three administrators at the high school are wonderful. JP - should take her agenda and stay out of the buildings...there is no need for her to be managing these buildings. (maybe the middle school but the rest were and are doing fine without her). Administrators are in place (before JP) because they are qualified to do the job they have been hired to do. In fact, they have been doing extraordinary jobs before she rode into Marshall. Her job running her own PR campaign should keep her busy enough to be leaving others to the jobs they were hired for. News flash for the board: There were not problems with these building administrations to be fixed quite contrary to what the good doctor has tried to convinced you of. Let her mess up the Foreman issue and cost the district tens of thousands of dollars...isn't that going to be enough damage. Especially when she will not be here to stand up and admit she made a mistake. That is what Hulk did when the elgibility error happened. What an incredible example that wonderful man set for our kids. Kids are constantly asked "why the current supt. does what she does". Can we really afford to have her create any more messes. Now she is wanting employee input for her PR Chronicle articles...we are quite appalled at this request. Why would we want to help an inadequate superintendent to deceive the community and board on her FAILED LEADERSHIP. Employees know her articles are pretty words she wants the community to believe. Who cares what the employees actually see and know. Stay tuned to her upcoming lawsuit against the Chronicle and perhaps the MEA. Many people want to see the survey results go to press. Perhaps she can spend more of the districts funds to invalidate 152 employee opinions. MPS NEEDS HONEST CITIZENS TO RUN FOR SCHOOL BOARD...DEADLINE 2/13/07. Wait to turn in petitions on 2/12/07 - JP likes surprises...she thrives on them.


Anonymous said...

As someone new to this web site I am astonished as to the multitude and depth of problems in the Marshall schools. I do not ever remember this serious of a situation before. I hope the school board members are reading this web site and taking these problems and concerns seriously. It seems some big changes are needed very soon. Marshall cannot afford to keep falling behind at this critical time in our community. Why did the school board allow things to get so out of hand?

Anonymous said...

I used to think that the Marshall School Board were simply ill-informed, out-of-touch or somewhat duped as they kept supporting Phillips after major problems became well-known a year or so agao in the Marshall School connected to her leadership failures. Now there is no excuse! They ALL know what is going on. John, Chris and Dan have at least expressed concerns publicly. The rest have done absolutely nothing in piublic or private to my knowledge but support Phillips actions against the schools. That is outrageous and in my view they deserve to be recalled ASAP, which would be "best for the kids." The next step of course will be to fire or at least demote Phillips. If this is not done soon, then 2007 will be a very bad year for the Marshall Schools.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone talked to any school board members lately and find out what is going on? Have any of them talked about Joyce's evaluation or anything else they plan to do about all the problems Joyce has caused?

Anonymous said...

The school board members must choose between JP and doing "what is best" for the Marshall Schools. So far at least three school board members have clearly chosen to support Joyce at a huge expense of the Marshall Schools and their personal reputations. We seem to have a board majority that does NOT do what is "best for the kids." The popularity poll on this blog is quite accurate as to how the community feels about the board members.

Anonymous said...

If it is true that a highly qualified and difficult-to-find Special Ed teacher was NOT hired by Dr. Phillips at Step 3 so she could save money by filling the job with an unqualified longterm sub, then Dr. Phillips should be fired!.

This would be further evidence of a "Dr. Phillips first, kids last" policy that so many believe is occuring in the Marshall schools. I urge the school board members who actually care about the Marshall Schools to launch an investigation into this matter. If it is true, then Dr. Phillips needs to be held accountable. This may also violate the "No Child Left Behind" laws and the right sof the special ed students and their parents.

Anonymous said...

(December 20, 2006)


The next scheduled school election will be May 8, 2007. The filing deadline for all interested candidates will be

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2007 at 4:00 P.M. at

315 W. Green Street, Marshall
for candidates filing for school board openings in Albion Public Schools, Athens Area Schools,
the School District of the City of Battle Creek, Harper Creek Community Schools,
Homer Community School District, MarLee School District, Marshall Public Schools,
Pennfield Schools, Tekonsha Community Schools and Kellogg Community College.

City Hall, 10 N. Division, Room 111, Battle Creek
for candidates filing for school board openings in the Lakeview School District.

Packets of information for candidates including affidavits, petition forms and signature requirements are now available at the appropriate location. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Additional information is available on the County Clerk’s Website:, or by contacting the County Clerk-Elections office at 269-781-0988.

Anonymous said...

The newest 'witch hunt' will start when the school-wide finger printing is finished. It is well known that JP makes her own rules regarding employees. If she doesn't like someone she will throw out past practice and make her own set of guidelines....even if other schools in the district follow other guidelines. Let's see how many "enimies" she will harass in the weeks to come.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Phillips new article in the Chronicle out this weekend (Jan 7th) is a joke. She tries to act nice and to give advice to parents and staff. Who needs the advice? Yes, she does! The MPS staff could write pages of advice for her, but I doubt she would read it or care. Also she tries to act like it is significant that parents can check their kids attendance and grades online. Harper Creek and Lakeview have a better system for checking grades and attendance online called "Powerschool." Also they have been offering this technology longer, as Marshall has fallen quite far behind. Why did our tech director get such a big raise? For not answering e-mails?. It must be another payoff for loyalty.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the tech director got a big raise, in fact the tech department is sadly underfunded. Most other schools are way ahead of MPS. The money JP made sure she received for her raise could have helped our classrooms, labs and support staff in a big way. oblivious school board is the problem for jp running amok.

Anonymous said...

The Chronicle reported that Charlie MacDonald, tech director, got a $3,500 raise. That would be about 5%. The building Principals by comparison got 0%.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Joyce was rewarding her tech director for any assistance in spying on staff?

Anonymous said...

Back to school! Its a new year and so far a new set of problems. I guess we will see soon what the Marshall School Board will be doing about the problems related to Dr. Phillips. Has anyone heard any new news? I agree that if the Special Ed hiring scandal mentioned above is true that it should be investigated and action taken. Talk about NOT "putting the kids first!"

Anonymous said...

Here is the problem: Everyone should be getting the same percentage raise at a business. If the CEO or Supt. gets 9% then everyone should. If the majority of employees received 1.5% (which they have) then that is what everyone else should be getting. The percentage is the fairest way to give raises. Why has this practice changed at Marshall Schools? Is this a new good doctor practice - bonus those who show loyalty? This is the way it has been at MPS for years: Everyone knew what the marjority of employees (MTA members) received is what they would receive - including administrators, drivers, and support personnel. So if Charlie MacDonald got 5% what did the other two technology dept. employees receive? Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Phillips did her own "research" into Superintendent pay and included school districts far larger than Marshall for comparison. Then she submitted this to the school board and one way or another pushed for a large raise for herself. Vic, Janice and Paul were all quoted in the newspaper, practically falling over themselves, to give her everything she wanted so they would not "lose her." Sam and Bob questioned such lavish spending and the two-year contract extension on a problem-plagued Superintendent. Also the future raises were questioned because there was no contingency for actual good performance. Sam and Bob recognized that major problems were looming and that this was a bad idea (they have since been proven correct!). Also despite what they may claim now, the school board was well aware last spring about the major problems invovling Dr. Phillips and that they were likely to get much worse. That makes these actions that much more sleazy and controversial. Is some corruption going on? It sure looks bad!

Anonymous said...

Well said, PCO member.....another thing to remember is that JP has a strategy of "devide and create chaos" among employees. We can only accomplish things if we stick together! Why was the MTA meeting cancelled? What happened with the "no confidence" vote? Parents and citizens need to bombard the school board with letters of discontent and send copies of these to the paper and perhaps to the teachers as well in order to let the teachers and building level admin know we are behind them! Let's pull together and get the ball rolling.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard who will run for school board? I have heard such names as Mr. Schnaitman, Mr. Rio, Mr. Degraw, Mr. Sachs, and Mrs. Lazlow? Any truth to this?

Anonymous said...

I have heard Ian Schnaitman as well. He would make a great board member. I have also heard Steve Hageman. Get those two to run together and they would be in no doubt!

Anonymous said...

Ian Schnaitman will likely not run because he would have to quit his school position, as no school employees are eligible to run for school board without resigning. We need other options. Mike Rio is absolutely not running, and I'm not sure about the others.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Degraw and Mr. Sachs?

Anonymous said...

Those are two good choices!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked into a recall? This web site has plenty of good reasons why one would be justified for at least the hardcore Joyce loyalists. Can we really afford to leave them on the school board much longer?

Anonymous said...

Vic must not get re-elected because he goes unopposed. He does not keep things you tell him confidential. He runs directly to JP...which is against one of the five principals of school board ethics. If you ask to have something kept confidential a board member should have a commitment to do what you ask. If we end up with Vic because we cannot get someone else (need two) to run this will be a very sad 4 year term. He does not exercise his position as check and balance...he rubber stamps everything the good spin doctor wants. Has he forgotten when she leaves Marshall he and his family will still be here...and this community will remember what he could have done and what he chose to do instead. Let's post this again: THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS AND ADMINISTRATORS: #1 Commitment to be Trustworthy #2 Commitment to Educational Mission #3 Commitment to be Responsible #4 Commitment to a Profession #5 Commitment to Serve Others Above Self NOTE: First Principal "Trustworthy"

Anonymous said...

Vic has shown is hostility toward the MPS staff over and over and his unquestioning support for Joyce over and over too! He has done a disservice to the Marshall schools and the community. I would prefer to see him recalled for his actions. The sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need a "Kids First" campaign that would include a recall of board members who are "Joyce First" instead of "kids first"? If someone wants to do this feel free to use this name or a variation thereof.

Anonymous said...

When I have talked to Vic about the school problems, most related to Dr. Phillips poor performance, he always says that I am one of the few he ever hears from about it. So my challenge to everyone else is to contact Vic and other school board members one way or another. If you are an MPS staffer then get your friends and neightbors to do it if you feel you may get retribution if you do it. The board needs to keep hearing from as many people as possible their concerns and complaints against Dr. Phillips or other issues.

Anonymous said...

While I realize that the top concern of this group is for the MPS to have change, I am concerned that the coming election is being overlooked. More emphasis needs to be placed on getting community members to run, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I assure you, Vic will not go unopposed this school board election. I assure you.

Anonymous said...

That's good news! I would like to see Vic, Janice and at least Paul recalled ASAP for their extreme and damaging support for Joyce. These three have done nothing but cover for Joyce, defend Joyce, and protect Joyce at great expense to the Marshall schools. They also pushed hard for her huge undeserved raise and contract extension. If this is not corruption it is darn close! All three also know exactly what has been going on and how bad Joyce is for the Marshall schools. Something weird is up! I agree with those who say "Kids first! Not Joyce First!"

Anonymous said...

Then let's get someone new on that board and find out what is going on!

Anonymous said...

That is a joke. Are you telling me that Vic will not win?

Anonymous said...

First, no - Vic will not win! Second, to correct posts all over this site - the deadline to turn petitions to run is not the 12th. It is the 13th at 400 PM. I would love to see JP's expression with some of the names that have been dropped. I hope there is truth to this.

Anonymous said...

The question is, should Vic and Janice be removed soon through a recall or wait until a May vote and an eventual July replacement? Can we afford to leave them on the school board six more months? If there is a recall should Paul be included as an equally strong supporter of the good doctor? What about Ali or Chris, do either of them support Phillips? It seems that Dan and John are at least listening and considering the problems from what I have heard around town. Chris may be on the fence and the other four are allegedly ga ga over Joyce.

Anonymous said...

I have heard it takes around 4-6 months for a recall to take place. I agree with above post the first problem is to get good solid 'kids first' citizens to consider then get petitions signed to run for the 2 seats (Janice and Vic). Vic has caused great damage to MPS through his elected position on the board. We must fix this problem and make sure he becomes 'just another community member'. Has anyone considered speaking to Anita Clark, retired Math teacher, if she would be interested? Very intelligent lady. Also, I do not believe Ali or Chris have actually done anything that would be a 'recall' condition. Just riding the fence would not be enough. Phone calls getting them to show some movement - consider some issues - would be the fairest way. I would really like to see Bob and Sam run again. They were dug in but the odds 5-2 (votes) were always against them. I still believe the table can be turned to favor our kids instead of JP. Has Paul Herman ever considered running?

Anonymous said...

Too bad Sam and Bob did not run for re-election. Had they waited one more year I think two more "Kids first" board members would be elected and by July there would be a 4-3 "KIds First" majority. The "Joyce First" clique has the majority now unless Ali and/or Paul change sides and decide to put the kids first. I highly doubt that Vic or Janice will ever do anything bu put "Joyce first."

Anonymous said...

With the huge divisions that Dr. Phillips has created between herself vs "just about everyone else", there is no way someone could be pro-Joyce and Pro-kids. Each school board member has to choose sides. If they do not show evidence of being Pro-Kids, then they are likely Pro-Joyce. I agree with those who think that the majority of the current board are Pro-Phillips. That is a huge part of the current problems.

Anonymous said...

If Phillips is still in power in March with the current school board expect her to swing her axe at as many building Principals (that she did not hire or are not personally loyal to her first!) to either fire them or punish them in other ways. Last year they got NO pay increase, not even a small one. What an outrage! They are ALL far better than she is for the Marshall schools. She will likely target others, using surrogates and "directives" when possible. Look out, her vengence is coming unless the school board is able and willing to stop her. She has had another bad year and the truth is getting out, thanks in part to this web site. The longer JP is in power, the worse it is for the Marshall Schools and our kids!

Anonymous said...

SO, lets compile a list of potential candidates. THEN, we should make a quiz on the front page of who would be excellent candidates. We have just over a month. Just over a month.

Anonymous said...

Our best hope would be two strong candidates that can work well with Dan, John and maybe Chris. I hope they form a "Pro-kids" alliance against Phillips. Maybe Ali or even Paul would join. Then they can take actions to demote or remove Phillips (there are many valid reasons!). If this worked out, then there is hope for the Marshall Schools.

Anonymous said...

So what about that $20,000 settlement? Did anyone find out anything? How about the 3 unions - did they ever get a straight answer from our board? Are they still waiting to hear a follow up from Vic? Is this going to be yet another air conditioner ordeal? I am tired of being told pat answers. JP - let's try to put anyone but yourself first....employees, students, ????

Anonymous said...

From what I can gather...

- the $20,000 settlement scandal is covered up. No efforts so far to hold Joyce and Amy accountable.
- some lip service and token things have been done involving the staff. If anything more substantial is going on it is a secret.
- Vic still says he is not convinced Joyce is all bad, but hopefully he is coming around.

The school board is still working hard to cover for Joyce and her cronies. In the meantime over $250,000 is being spent to see if a college student MAY have had ONE alcoholic beverage at a card game at Mr. Foreman's house, despite the fact that 4 of the 5 people there said it never happened. The other one, Erica Hisler, is a pathalogical liar that I knew in high school. She was interviewed weeks (and many parties!) after the card game occurred. Only an idiot would believe her many wild stories. The evidence that strongly favors Mr. Foreman was blocked from board consideration. The false charges that Joyce pushed for were thrown out of court. Why was this not dropped once the truth came out? Did you know that it was Joyce who called the police, many times, on Mr. Foreman? What more did they find? NOTHING! This case had nothing to do with MHS! So if you are Joyce or her close associate, you can get away with almost any crime. If you are a teacher and Joyce wants you gone for any false reason, there is no amount of school money she will mind wasting to make an example out of you to the rest of the staff.

Anonymous said...

We have read many different posts on this site. I have read the posts that say that noone should target anyone when you don't know the truth. I have read the ones that say contact your board. Well, I did that, I emailed them and I got responses from 3 of the board members. Only one of those gave me any time of day and then after a while that got boring apparently and he gave up. I got the okay we hear you but.....
The problem is that they don't listen! They need to listen be fore a great district is gone!
PLEASE listen board members!

Anonymous said...

Its all about power. Joyce and her board-majority have it and they could care less about anyone else. They are wreaking havoc on our school district. There is not much hope for any good changes anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

I have one question that has been in the front of my mind regarding the Foreman case. Who gave his picture and the rotten, inaccurate details to the Chronicle? Who in this town would want to see the entire Foreman family have to live through that? Did they have some sort of evidence before they took those details to the paper? I was absolutely appalled when I read it. Then the Prosecutor's Office said - not enough evidence to press charges. That is when the front page details really enraged me. Anyone have any details one this?