Thursday, November 16, 2006

2nd Poll Results

Results for the 2nd Poll Question:

If the $51.6 Million Bond Proposal is on the ballot in May how will you vote?

No - 56 Votes - 77%
Yes - 14 Votes - 19%
Undecided - 3 Votes - 4%

Total Votes - 73


Anonymous said...

The bond itself would be great. All the things that have been mentioned in the papers and online that are needed in the schools are true. They need updating but we just voted not to long ago for a bond and they got a new middle school building. Was this building done correctly? Is everything in this building correct and up to code? I am not so sure about that. If I knew that my money was going truely for the kids and things would be done right then it would be a different story. I am not sure about it yet.

Anonymous said...

The building at the Middle School was filled with flaws. Bob Currie the follow-up interim Supt Marsha Haring made the decisions and then tried to cover the problems up. Jeff Cable was left out of almost all of the decision-making process, according to Jeff, but was made the scapegoat when the staff moved in and started complaining. Some speculate that when Joyce was hired she continued Marsha's pursuit of Jeff for whatever reasons. That is the version of events I heard from Jeff and some MMS staff.

Anonymous said...

We need a reasonable bond to update the high school and meet some other district needs. We also need a school board and Superintendent that we have strong trust and confidence in before we can support a big millage/bond issue. At this time we do NOT have the trust and confidence in our leadership to support a needed bond. We FIRST need a new superintendent before we can even think of gathering the support needed to pass the bond the Marshall schools may need to meet present and future educational needs and move into the future.

Anonymous said...

Dear MPS Board...

Keep Joyce, no bond. Remove Joyce, good chance for a bond. The choice is simple. You decide!

Anonymous said...

The current bond has too many attachments. This district has a high school in dire need of repair....let's ask Amy Jones what she has been doing with the sinking fund...this fund is supposed to be used for new roofs,etc. The bond is currently too complicated for our community. We need many things done - but attached to each of those needs are danglers that we do not use. And it was asked to cut off the danglers and only ask for money for the absolute - but it was refused. Games have been played even in the bond issue.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Phillips has fumbled this process by largely leaving the staff out of the decision-making. Her actions have been largely political and damaging. It is not the fault of Mr. Cook and Mrs. Hathaway who have done noble work. Their efforts unfortunately have been undermined by Joyce to the detriment of the Marshall schools.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Considering the tremendous building needs and upgrades needed at the high school is it possible to consider supporting a bond proposal DESPITE so many negative comments about the Supt.? It seems like we, as adults, are essentially holding the kids "hostage" and not moving ahead with much needed improvements (ESPECIALLY at the high school) - - -because we may or may not support the Supt.
As a parent and as a community it seems like we should be able to work together on supporting bond monies for the high school. It is way past time to give some attention to these facilities. Am I way off base?

Anonymous said...

Many of us can sympathise but at the same time think that we need top leadership that we can trust and support to take on such a massive project and financial commitment. At this time unfortunately we do not have anywhere near this level of quality at the top. In the view of many residents it would not be us, but the school board, holding us hostage to the bond issue over Joyce. THEY are responsible to make the changes needed to rebuild the huge amount of community trust and support that has been lost. As much as I would like to support the Marshall school (and feel that I do!), I cannot vote for any bond or millage as long as Joyce is the Superintendent (many many valid reasons for this). I am guessing that at least a few hundred others feel more or less the same way. That is all the more reason why the Marshall school board needs to act soon to resolve this crisis. If they do not, and a bond fails as it likely would, then it would be Joyce and the School Board that would deserve all of the blame.

Anonymous said...

The bond has been put together just about a sneakily as how JP operates. We have definite needs - but you shouldn't have to accept things you feel you don't need just to get the things that are really needed. Too many attachments to the proposals for the bond. Yes - we need funds to fix our high school - but if we over do it - will you believe there is a need for a new building in 10 years...because there will be a definite need in 10 years. We should be keeping our facilities updated instead of giving JP so much money...and Amy and Brian...and that doctorate degree. Too much crooked stuff to ask this tax payer for more! Get JP out and I will gladly vote for any bond...but she should take Amy and Brian...they are 3 of a kind!

Anonymous said...

All of the efforts on the future bond efforts are a waste of time unless there is change at the top.

Anonymous said...

YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! Pass the bond for our kids. Stop the hateful attacks. Have you seen these posts? The posts against Janice are out of line. I don't care if you don't like her, this is rude. The post made against steve sachs is rude and unnecessary. Whether you agree with someones viewpoint or not, this is not the method to take. You are all rude and inconsiderate. If you have real issues with Janice, address them professionally. The same goes with any other personal attacks made on this website. I will continue my attitude that this and all other sites should be shutdown immediately. Support the bond for our children, not because you are immature and irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

And by all means, if you are making these comments and you are a MPS staffer, you can be replaced - take your suitcase and dont let the door hit you on the way out. thanks.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that I would pass this bond. It has to many "danglers" if you will, to it. Can't it just be simply put instead of trying to add somethings on to it. I do know that some fixings need to be done at the High School and I think that maybe some of the other elementary schools need some fixing up done, but I am not going to pass a bond that has small print added on. If you read it closely we may have already passed this a time ago. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks there was a "new" middle school, check it out again. Nice lobby, office, cafeteria, music, science rooms---nothing special in the classrooms where kids spend most of their time in either of the old wings. Have you visited your child's room? Have you seen the leaky roof, no screens, few electrical outlets, poor lighting, heating/cooling issues, not as much technology as when they were in the elementary rooms, etc. The older students, and those in middle school now, deserve a new high school, but this taxpayer is not going to validate the current superintendent's power trip by supporting a millage with a person of her lack of character in charge. The board should start realizing that it also reflects on THEM that they kowtow to her and don't represent us voters who put them there. We want everything good for our kids, and expect the board to take charge and set a good example, including listening and acting on the threats and actions that have come from the district leaders.We could do so much better, and we don't want to lose the good principals and teachers who are suffering with them right now.

Anonymous said...

amen to that, couldn't have said it better myself

Anonymous said...

To anon above: "take you suitcase and don't let the door..." That is exactly the approach of the MPS top 3 managers. I am hoping it is not the approach of our elected school board citizens. Most of the MPS employees will not be packing a suitcase as they are members of this community.

Anonymous said...

I like the post 5 above that seemed outraged over the very few rude posts and then accuses EVERYONE of being rude and saying this site should come down. How's your foot Joyce? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Possibly people should know how badly the last bond issue was handled. Why didn't we fix the ancient plumbing instead of cover up those aging pipes. Maybe we could have built a personal entrance to the superintendent office so our younger citizens could experience the history in the foyer of the MS lobby. It leaves an impression on growing citizens of Marshall.

Anonymous said...

We need more honesty and transparency in the Marshall schools at the top levels. Covering up building problems and other issues, mistakes and scandals has to come to an end!

The lack of honesty and lack of accountablity have severely harmed the Marshall Public schools. Staff morale is down, money has been wasted, the community is angry, a needed millage will be DOA under the current administration, the schools overall reputation have been damaged, and on and on.

Anonymous said...

We need more honesty and transparency in the Marshall schools at the top levels. Covering up building problems and other issues, mistakes and scandals has to come to an end!

The lack of honesty and lack of accountablity have severely harmed the Marshall Public schools. Staff morale is down, money has been wasted, the community is angry, a needed millage will be DOA under the current administration, the schools overall reputation have been damaged, and on and on.

Anonymous said...

That's a new one "honesty and transparency." Now what else are you demanding of our beloved Dr. J, integrity, cooperation, kindness, treating others with respect, good communication, empathy, fairness, spending time in the buildings and classes? Don't be ridiculous! Dr. J has many more important things than that nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - keeping the students out of our beloved Marshall Middle School 'historic' foyer! This is Michigan Joyce, students belong in the school buildings. These buildings belong to the taxpayers. I wonder if they were in favor of your new carpet?

Anonymous said...

Hey, quit picking on Joyce! She needs it quiet on the first floor while she is busy investigating staff. All those hours on web sites, calling the police, writing her weekly column, sending directives to the buildings, hanging with Vic and Janice, nursing her foot, sending out e-mails about her foot, and a little more keep her quite busy. She needs her peace and quiet. Also if she, Brian and Amy decide to engage in some staff-bashing you don't want kids around for that.

Anonymous said...

She certainly is a crooked one. In the majority of companies she would have been railed out long before now. Amy may even be worse...that one is devious. Brian...there could be hope for. He seems to be the only one who has corrected his bad behavior since the survey results went public. Or....maybe he is the best actor of the three!

Anonymous said...

Dont be so kind to "Dr" Metcalf. Ask anyone who has been to one of his meetings how prepared and informed he is and you will find out that he is a very highly paid beaurecrat who just goes through the motions and tries to talk a good game. He was handpicked by "Dr" Jkp to be her lackey and has done her bidding no matter how it hurts some of our best employees. He needs to go right along with her and lets not forget that neither of them have ANY allegience to Marshall and wont look back on their destruction whether they are driven out or move on in a year or two of their own accord. "Dr" BM will be laughing at the school board that paid for him to get that PHD on school time. He needs to go.

Anonymous said...

His reputation is very bad even if Dr. J was not here. He should be removed too, especially for taking advantage of the Marshall schools while doing a poor job at a very high pay rate.

Anonymous said...

Brian and Amy both need to be fired for their own actions, not because they are fiercely loyal to Joyce.

Anonymous said...

But he was allowed by Joyce to do it. That is the problem. Don't we all do what we are allowed to do. Kinda stupid if you don't take advantage of those perks. Amy is another issue. Talk of Josh and her 11 pm private party. Insurance mistake...not one...two. Let's not forget about the 'forgot to tell the bus drivers about their insurance increase (July-Dec. 2005) This has cost each driver approx. $300 to pay back...because it became a 'dangler' in thier recently negiotiated contract (last month). They agreed to pay 1/2 of her mistake back. They should have just filed with the wage/hour division as it was clear Amy was beyond the criteria of 6 months to clear up such mistakes. Talk to drivers...see what you can find out about that fiasco. Just another bunch of lies. Amy slid in on that one because they are a great bunch of employees - but they paid for her mistake. That is wrong!

Anonymous said...

This board has sat around long enough to waste the time of the bond committee. Don't call me next time you need me time. You knew going into this last August that you had problems at the top - fix your problems Board! Then ask these hard working taxpayers in Marshall for their vote. You must give to receive. You are not doing what you were elected to do....make a better system of education for your area children. Too many totties at Schuler's with the wonderful doctor joyce will cloud your vision.