Thursday, November 09, 2006

Board Meeting on Monday

Just a reminder that the November School Board Meeting is this upcoming Monday. If you have never been to a meeting, you should go. You don't have to stand and speak, just sit and watch. It is VERY interesting to see the School Board work. More people need to start going to these meetings, it is just another way to get involved in your school community! So a reminder - November 13th - 7:00pm - Community Room - Marshall Middle School.


Anonymous said...

Go to the board meeting, show the board the support that the employees have - show them we want them to ask for the resignation of the superintendent - maybe by the sight of a packed house they will FINALLY open their eyes and listen to the majority instead of to the one!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there is little faith in this school board. I hope there is a big turnout but if there is not that is also a failure for the school board. Either way the ball is in the board's court. They can choose to act soon or let the problems linger on for months or years.

Anonymous said...

If tough questions aren't asked at the meeting and we don't feel change is on the way, meet across from the MS behind Dr. Heidenrichs office. It's a public parking lot. After the meeting. Vic, Janice, and Paul seem to be 100% on the recall. Ali is up in arms, and there has been some talk about getting rid of Dan. We will have petitions for all seven, so sign as you please. This is assuming we don't see something happen at the meeting. Coulter and Varvatos seem to have open minds, but thats just an opinion. We already have a lot of signatures that were handed over, enough to recall, but lets get as many signatures as possible.

Anonymous said...

Remember, the ultimate goal is for phillips to resign. Therefore, we must do whatever it takes. Either the board asks her to resign, or we simply get a new board.

Anonymous said...

How many board members does it take to force her out? She has doen enough bad things that it seems there would be adequate grounds to dismiss her without having to pay off her 2-year highly lucrative contract that Vic, Paul and Janice pushed last year against the wise advice of Bob and Sam. When would a recall take place? How long until new board members are elected? Does anyone know good people willing to run that would not side with Joyce?

Anonymous said...

The laws may be in favor of Ali Webb and John Coulter, With them being just elected. May want legal advice, also if the wording is not correct legally the documents will be void through the courts.

Anonymous said...

I would not target them anyway at this time. I hope the board "comes to their senses" so a recall is not needed. I know that is highly unlikely but nevertheless possible. I hope we get at least a few people to come and speak about the problems related to Joyce.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Vic will be buying Joyce a bouquet of flowers again tonight (he supposedly did before the October school board meeting)? What a slap in the face to the MPS staff! Why does the MPS school board only meet once a month? Most school districts have their board meet publicly twice a month. Will the board show that they recognize the problems and that they care about the MPS staff, kids and the community? Or will they simply pretend there is no problem and do what they can to protect Joyce? In other words will they act as a board should or fail us miserably again tonight?

Anonymous said...

This whole situation is a major embarrassment to the Marshall community and schools. How long can we take this?

Anonymous said...

I will be there tonight! Hopefully there will be more people at the meeting than usual.

Anonymous said...

Has any teacher or staff member reported that any school board member has asked them about their views about Phillips or any other school issue this fall?

I have teachers and other staff come into my place of business everyday and none have said that even one school board member has contacted them or even had an informal discussion about these issues. I hope they are doing something about it.

Anonymous said...

Look at how they organize their board meetings. General public comment is near the end, which they can drag out as long as they want with other sessions first. Phillips hides from the public behind the podium, while Amy and Brian are out in the open. The room is tiny and seating is limited with most obervers having to stand in the hall or another room. The bottom line is they are making no serious effort to welcome communication or cooperation from ANYONE else! If they decide that is not their intent, then they need to hold their school board meetings in a larger are and put Phillips and others out in the open for all to see and address.

Anonymous said...

Early reports from the Monday November 13th board meeting are that Bob Lyng courageously spoke publicly about the concerns of the staff during the public comments time near the end of the school board meeting. This is the first time I can remember that Bob has spoken out publicly. To their credit, John Coulter and Chris Varvatos also spoke out that they are taking the staff concerns and surveys seriously and that they have communicated their concerns to Phillips and the board President. Beardslee and Stulberg were absent. Vic, Janice and Ali did not comment on the staff concerns. Phillips tried to change the topic to some MSU communication study, as if that would solve all her major problems. Bob did get off to a great start but he was abuptly cut off by Vic when his 3 minutes were up. Maybe Bob should write a letter to the editor in the local papers where he can elaborate further.

Great job Bob! Thanks John and Chris for bravely showing concern publicly for the staff and the people of Marshall!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the board may be splitting. That is good news! Keep contacting them with problems, questions, issues and concerns.

Anonymous said...

Cheers for Bob for saying what all the board members are saying. Good job to Chris and John as well! It is wonderful to see people speak up to what the real issue is here. The distressing part is that Bob was cut off before he was done talking. Would this have happended if he was discussing something that Vic or Dr. Phillips wanted to talk about? That is the question. This is an important subject that needs to be discussed. That is great that Bob, Chris and John brought this up at a meeting but have any of them or any other board members talked to staff. Talk to them to get the the real truth. Don't just take word of mouth. Talk to them. This would be a great effort on the part of school board members. TALK to teachers, support staff. TALK to those involved and who are directly affected by Dr. Phillips efforts! I loved the blog on this site about the amount of income that all staff make a MPS. I wish one of them would talk with me! That was alot of untruth!
Congrats to Bob, John and Chris to finally getting down to the problem and trying to get something positive to happen. Lets all just hope and pray that the rest of the board and the superintendent LISTEN!

Anonymous said...

Bob and Sam have in the past walked through buildings and spoke to employees of all groups. Unfortunately, those are the only two board members that have ever given me a minute of their time. Now, I would love to see Chris, John and possibly Eli come around. Janice is history if my vote counts and I am sure you know how I feel about the flower buying Vic. He said "I'll vote how the superintendent wants me to vote...a year ago." He has to be history. School board elections - be there - each MPS employee with all their neighbors. This district knows this is a very low voter turn out....let's change that!

Anonymous said...

Bob gave us 12 years...HUGE THANKS FOR SPEAKING UP AT THE BOARD MEETING. Let's all take a lesson here. Maybe if the doctor prescribes a few more MPS employees with stress meds we'll have more employees with nerve to speak! lol

Anonymous said...

The almost nonexistant turnout of MPS staff at the board meeting was not good. There needs to be a big turnout at future board meetings or Phillips will think she is succeeding. MPS staff, take this as a challenge from Joyce, Vic and Janice, that if you do not show up they will be celebrating! Get your friends and neighbors involved. Send letters to the papers. This has just begun... take positive actions!

Anonymous said...

I think that the low turnout of MPS staff has to do with the lack of trust they have in Superintendent Phillips and the current school board. But if it is true that Bob Lyng spoke up to support the staff and John and Chris expressed support too, that is quite promising and makes me a little more hopeful.

Anonymous said...

The only way I would feel comfortable in showing up at the board meeting is in a big group. Going in there one on one or (even as a small group) is just asking for the Dr. to retaliate. I have a family and don't want to go through all the grief, stress, possible suspension or firing that she would hand down if she were to know who I am. On another note I have not seen any of the board members to talk to, not that I would talk to many of them for the same reasons that I have already stated above. It has become very clear that you only trust the ones that you know. As I write this I am very sorry for the way I feel we should be working together to make MPS the best it can be and of course the most important reason THE KIDS and not having to be looking over our shoulders to see who is the next person on the hit list. Yes I still do my job and will continue to do the best I can for MPS, I was here long before she came and will still be here after she is gone - God willing.

Anonymous said...

That is sad that there is so little trust (if any?) between the staff and the top leaders.

Anonymous said...

Currently there is an employee being targeted by Phillips. You are going to scream when you hear what the offense is (this would be the actual truth not one of Joyce's spins) - and then maybe, just maybe alot of people will get really, really mad.

Anonymous said...

Tell us what the offense is of the MPS employee that is being targeted?

Anonymous said...

Other than the two comments by Varvatos and Coulter, the MPS school board largely failed the community, staff and students again on Monday night. If they do not take serious action soon to solve the problems (they know what needs to be done), then the consequnces will be quite negative for our kids for months or years to come.

Anonymous said...

Just believe it - and be very surprised if there are not actually more than one person being's just one we know about. Every person at MPS should be very leary of Amy, Joyce & Brian...there is retaliation regarding the union surveys going on. This is an absolute outrage -I don't know how this community will plan to keep all the issues quiet when JP leaves a permanent scorch on this town. What more do people need to hear about before they finally admit they have no confidence in her as the leader of the community school system.

Anonymous said...

The retaliation - that's a very real thing that is happening.

Anonymous said...

I thnk Joyce knows that the tide is turning and her reign is in decline. Even Paul is turning against her and has backed way off from his previous public support. All she can really count on is Vic and Janice, maybe Ali. How long will they hang in there and keep defending her? Janice is already complaining that many people are boycotting her store. I think Vic is tired of being her lightning rod. Ali is too new and probably too smart to back a tyrant like Joyce for much longer. I perosnally think that the board will turn on Joyce, and it will be sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Well - I hope it is soon - cause I sure feel like she has me in her scope. Don't know why - but who ever knows why.

Anonymous said...

I think Joyce knows that she may be on her way out soon. It is obvious that she cares nothing about the Marshall schools and will likely try to do as much damage as possible on the way out. It is not a matter of "if" but "when" she is gone. If the Marshall school board is wise they will work to remove her as soon as possible. If they are foolish enough to ignore these problems or hope they will go away, then they are also to blame for the many problems that are being inflicted on the Marshall Public Schools. Kids first, Joyce last!!!

Anonymous said...

She will not go out calmly - she will most assuredly go out kicking and screaming and trying to take as many people with her as possible. Let's protect our great teachers, administration, aides and all support staff!

Anonymous said...

Brian and Amy should start distancing themselves from her, at least privately, if they hope to stay beyond her tenure. Her reputation is in the toilete. If she had an ounce of dignity she would retire.

Anonymous said...

You know - with enough prayers - do you really think God will not intervene. He takes care of good, God fearing, prayful people. Marshall is a good community. He is watching. Several churches in this community are prayering for the right things to happen for our children.

Anonymous said...

There is such massive opposition to keeping Joyce on as Superintendent that something has to happen soon! I do not even think that her wealthy and powerful backers, as few as they are, can save her now.

Anonymous said...

Where can I sign the petitions for a recall?

Anonymous said...

I read the Chronicle today and the MPS board seems to be wimping out and covering for Joyce again. A little lip service, a diversion to other issues, acting as if nothing is wrong, etc etc is all they do. If they are taking this entire tragic situation the least bit seriously, they will need to show it. It is THEY who have lost the respect and support of much of the community and MPS staff! Now THEY have to get THEIR act together to try to regain it.

Anonymous said...

Are we all now clear why Joyce asked the board to purchase a couple years of service for her. Thanks - that gave her just enough backing to FORGE FORWARD WITH HER DESTRUCTION.

Anonymous said...

The more I hear about Joyce's compensation the more it sickens me! While so many worthy programs go with little or nothing, and we fall further behind other area districts, I keep hearing about more perks and money she gets. Who approved such a bad contract? Why was it extended two years as so many were reporting about troubeld leadership? High pay $120,000 a year?, more for annuities, $600 a month for auto (to drive around Marshall?), buying years so she can take from Michigan taxpayers for years to come, and much more! And what to we get for all of this? Bad communication, no trust, no respect, declinging community support. harrassed employees, central office scandals, bad teamwork, bad community relations, dishonesty and record low staff morale!

What is the total waste of taxpayer money on Philips? Maybe $200,000 a year!

Anonymous said...

At least she and Brian/Amy were able to get on the average with area schools for their positions. How about those custodians, aides, drivers, etc.? They have been below the area average for the past 3 surveys of area benefits. No one at the top of this MPS management cared. They said it is 'apples to oranges' comparison!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Phillips, Brian and Amy are way above average in this area for top school administrators. You cannot compare to Lakeview or BC public, or Portage. You have to compare to Harper Creek, Pennfield, Olivet, Bellevue and Albion

Anonymous said...

Of course they are way above average in pay, and way below in performance.

Anonymous said...

How many people do you know that work 52 weeks/ 8 hour days/ with 2 kids and their families are $2,000 above the national poverty average. Pull the stats online. Before taxes they gross $24,477. The rich get richer and the poor just keep on working.

Anonymous said...

Its one thing if someone is compensated well for excellent performance. But when our top three administrators are paid soooooo well and allowed to do such a poor job at the same time, then something needs to be done about it. The consences from almost all who know first-hand how Joyce, Brian and Amy actually do their jobs is that they need to be replaced ASAP. Enough damage has been done already. The board has covered for them for too long!

Anonymous said...

I think we need an objective and comprehensive evaluation of the central office. The school board should also hire someone who is trusted to do an official survey of the staff and parents as to what they truly think. My guess is that their views will likely be similar to what has been expressed on this web site.

Change is needed very soon! Time is running out fast before too much harm has been done. Kids first!!!

Anonymous said...

WEstern Michigan University used to administer an evaluation of our school administration. I believe it stopped when funding became too tight. According to AJ we have had money for the past 2 to all of us who received the big 1.5% raise. (guess you know this isn't Amy, Joyce or Brian)writing. I say YES let the board secure WMU...let's do that survey all over again. I will bet my pay check Joyce Phillips will receive far worse than the 1.72 (?) that she received before she began her PR campaign. I am frightened for our children's future if this is the example our board is willing to set. Back 1 person instead of believing in the 152 respondents to the survey. I will also bet there will be closer to 100% participation if an outside party were to administer the same survey to all employees. Not just the unionized employees. Why does the board even hesitate to do this? I think they are very afraid of what the new survey will show...and then they will finally feel forced to take the action that should have already begun.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine a new survey of the staff? I would love to see the reviews of Joyce, Brian and Amy! They are even worse than everyone thought last spring. As more people share the truth publicly, the more we are all finding out the magnitude of this disasterous administration!

Anonymous said...

If they do one they may need to allow negative numbers for accuracy.

Anonymous said...

This board should mail out the same survey (so the results can be compared). Yes - allow for negative numbers because their ratings have dropped off the scale. PLEASE BOARD FOR UNDER $250 YOU CAN DO A NEW SURVEY...AND MAYBE TRUST THE RESULTS. Remember though-Joyce will have her attorney file a law suit against you. If it can happen to the MPS employees (MEA memberships) it could happen to our beloved school board.

Anonymous said...

They do not care!

Anonymous said...

You are painfully right. This board does not care...with the exception of alittle movement by a couple...which we know how that goes. Bob and Sam tried really hard to get their counterparts on the board to understand her deception. Watch some video clips. Get your own answers. Very disgusting situation.

Anonymous said...

Is Joyce on their payroll too?

Anonymous said...

Those of us at Marshall Academy greatly appreciate the work and efforts of Dr. Phillips.