Saturday, November 04, 2006

End of the Week Stats

MPS Change Is Good
-- Site Summary ---

Total .......................... 575
Average per Day ................. 79
Average Visit Length ......... 10:56

Page Views
Total ........................ 1,831
Average per Day ................ 245
Average per Visit .............. 3.1


Anonymous said...

It looks like the people are starting to take notice. Please keep the site going

Anonymous said...

I have found from talking to many people aroound town that those with an interest in the Marshall schools are at least 80 percent opposed to Dr. Phillips. She has lost the trust and support of most Marshall residents who follow school issues. Though your poll was unscientific I think the results are close to the reality.

Anonymous said...

Oops, wrong place. I tried a post earlier below under "anonymous" and it did not take it right away but now is posted. Either way whoever started this web site "thank you." These issues needed to be discussed in an open forum where views can be exchanged and information can be shared. I hope we are all learning from this site, especially the Marshall School Board.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your efforts with this web site. It is truly needed at this time. There is hope as long as people keep speaking out about the problems of the Marshall Public Schools. MPS Board, are you listening? I hope so!

Anonymous said...

I also hope that Dr. Phillips and the MPS school board are reading this site. Also all concerned staff, parents and citizens, please do not be afraid to contact school board members. I think it can be effective, as I am sure that most if not all of them are NOT reading this web site or talking to enough people who will fill them in. I know there is talk of a recall but I would much prefer that the school board do their job and take action against Phillips. They have been tough and harsh toward other employees. Now they need to deal with the employee that is causing the Marshall schools the most embarrassment and harm.

Anonymous said...

At this point I don't know if any action taken against Phillips that doesn't include her removal will be enough to erase the stain on MPS.

Anonymous said...

Hey I talked to several longtime board members and they said that if we all knew what they knew we would all understand what a terrific job Joyce is doing. By firing employees, threatening others and scaring all they are building a better school district. They admit that Joyce often uses "questionable" tactics, but they feel that is needed to get rid of those she considers disloyal or not a team player. Now I ask myself, should I trust the secretive judgement of these two board members? I have talked to others who have looked into these cases and said there is no "secret" information and it is all a ruse to cover Joyce's failings. What is the truth? To me the evidence is that I do not trust Joyce or her most loyal board members. The whole situation is quite creepy I think. Can anyone add to this scenario? Any guesses about their motives or opinions?

Anonymous said...

There does seem to be some shenanigans going on. Maybe not anything illegal, but certainly something weird is going on. My friends in area school districts cannot figure out why Dr. Phillips is still employed in Marshall.

Anonymous said...

I think what the top folks are doing in this town is unheard of anywhere else. I know other area heads who laugh at us. C'mon, there are websites about this mess? I see that save the schools website being forced down. We don't have rights in this district. I want to just get things back to where they weeree. is anyone interested in recalling board members? if they aren't willing to listen to all of these concerns, then let's get rid of them, and find someone who will - so that we can get some change happening. Do I hear a second? And although anonymous now, I don't even care about my employment anymore, I will lead this campaign.

Anonymous said...

It has been three weeks since the 3 unions spent 2 solid hours communicating the MPS staff concerns to Vic and Paul. Has anyone had either of them (or other board members) ask a single question? Once again, let's just ignore the issue. If we don't care about our schools how can we even pretend to care about anything else in Marshall. Are our children not our greatest gift?

Anonymous said...

It's quite obvious that the MPS board does NOT care for the students or it's employees.........I'm for the recall!

Anonymous said...

Here is what I have to say. Anon for now, if some type of action isn't taken at the board meeting by the board members, at least questioning her performance, etc, then i will draft up all of the recall papers, petition, etc. There was already a petition signed back in August for it, I will try to make contact. I hate to have to recall the board, but there is no other choice. Hope for something at the meeting, or it's only going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

If there is not something big against Phillips on Monday or very soon, then I can see the need to start a recall campaign soon. Should all of them be recalled or just the die-hard Phillips supporters? I think her strongest supporters are Beardslee, Darling, Potter and Webb.

Anonymous said...

Where are Bob and Sam when you need them?

Anonymous said...

By the board meeting it will have been four weeks since the surveys were turned over. I have not heard of one board member seeking out one employee to try to get some additional facts. If they have not understood that these MPS employees are frightened of retaliation for seeking them out they are living in some other world. Which would mean they are out of touch with Marshall and their responsibilities as elected board members. I will support a recall of Vic, Janice and Paul. The rest I feel have somewhat of open minds. John and Eli are still new - but there is no excuse for them not seeking answers.

Anonymous said...

Vic, Janice and Paul should be easy to recall. There support for Phillips has been unwavering and extreme. They have put the interests of Phillips above the kids. So it is time for them to go! The sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

You have my support for a recall!

Anonymous said...

Imagine of there was a vote of confidence in Joyce? I would guess that Joyce would get a "no confidence" from almost 100% of the staff and most of the community. Too bad we cannot have a vote like that!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it is time for the staff to have a Saturday meeting and do the "Vote of No Confidence". She is not part of our community. I would much rather help her pack up her things and cross the border...instead of recalling our local elected people. But - I am not adversed to a recall. Let me know where to find the recall petitions.

Anonymous said...

She is a failed leader for sure. How long can the board keep propping up her regime? Yes, fellow teachers, it is safe for you to post on this web site from home. Joyce cannot do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing unless you are living it at MPS - how terribly intimidating Joyce with 'her board' are to honest, hard working - used to be happy - employees. Thank God every day that each student I pass in the hallways is a reminder of why I chose to work at a 'not so great paying' job. The answer comes each year with the xmas cards from students who are now alumni....reminding me that I did have a positive impact on their school lives. Makes my heart happy!

Anonymous said...

As a community member I proudly support the staff of the Marshall Public Schools! Great job to all but the three at the top!

Anonymous said...

If someone doesn't do something there will be fewer proud staffers at MPS. How many of these blogs are begging their elected board members to do what they were elected to do. No one wants to fire Joyce...we do need to replace a custodian in this district who retired. Do you think her foot is well enough yet?

Anonymous said...

Heck - I heard we have a laundry position coming open. I wonder if she could handle doing the uniforms for our teams?

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Vic and Janice would gladly help her!

Anonymous said...

If she gets demoted to washing uniforms...will she have to answer to Hulk? Now that is justice!

Anonymous said...

Make her help with the varsity basketball team. Coddens can't stand her either! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be easier to just name the person on the staff that does like her?

Anonymous said...

The person on the staff who does like her is...huh...let's see...I am still checking the surveys...and... it is... uh...Oh, that survey must have gotten lost.

Do Brian and Amy count?

Anonymous said...

I have heard from good sources that for sure Amy does not like Phillips and that Brian supposedly has told out of town friends that he regrets his move to Marshall and does not like working under Phillips and all the problems that goes with it.

Cody Hess said...

I am sure that Vic and Janice would gladly help her!